What is endocervicitis? Endocervicitis - symptoms and treatment. Inflammation of the cervix

Endocervicitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. Endocervicitis mainly affects women of reproductive age and those who are sexually active with frequent changes of partners.


Depending on the course of the disease, acute and chronic endocervicitis are distinguished, and it should be noted that the acute process very quickly passes into the chronic phase.

According to the extent of inflammation, endocervicitis can be focal (local) and diffuse (widespread).


Since endocervicitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the cervix, accordingly, infectious pathogens can be safely attributed to the causes of its development. Often, the disease develops against the background of activation of opportunistic microflora, which includes streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, fungi and other microorganisms.

Specific endocervicitis is caused by sexually transmitted microorganisms (gonococci, trichomonas, ureaplasma, chlamydia). But to start the inflammatory process in the cervix, certain conditions are necessary, that is, predisposing factors:

  • the presence of other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (colpitis, adnexitis, endometritis, cervical ectopia); age.
  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • uncontrolled use of certain methods of contraception (spermicides, acid douching);
  • weakened immune system;
  • mechanical manipulation of the cervix and uterus (abortion and curettage, insertion of an IUD, cervical rupture during childbirth);
  • premenopausal and menopausal age.

Symptoms of endocervicitis

The clinical picture of the disease directly depends on the stage of the process and the pathogen that served as the impetus for the development of endocervicitis.

Acute form

Acute endocervicitis has a clear course, patients complain of discharge (usually purulent, cloudy, mucous and thick), itching and burning in the vagina. Often women are bothered by so-called “causeless” pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling or aching nature.

If the infection in acute endocervicitis rises higher, then inflammation of the uterus and/or appendages develops, which is characterized by increased pain, increased temperature and the development of intoxication syndrome.

Chronic form

Chronic endocervicitis is either sluggish or completely asymptomatic. As a rule, there is no pain, itching or burning either. The only thing that patients can pay attention to is constant leucorrhoea of ​​a strange appearance (thick, cloudy, possibly mixed with blood or with an unpleasant odor).

When examined in the mirrors, a hypertrophied and thickened cervix is ​​visible, pseudo-erosion often develops (constant discharge irritates and injures the cervical mucosa). This picture of a gynecological examination is characteristic of chronic endocervicitis.


Differential diagnosis of endocervicitis is carried out

  • with ectopia (pseudo-erosion) of the cervix: when examining the cervix through a colposcope, a characteristic picture of ectopia is visible - a cylindrical epithelium is visualized on the vaginal part of the cervix;
  • with cervical cancer (the cervix is ​​significantly hypertrophied, looks like cauliflower, is “pockmarked” and bleeds with any touch).

Diagnosing the disease is quite simple: endocervicitis can be suspected already during the initial gynecological examination. In addition, additional instrumental and laboratory research methods are prescribed:

  • colposcopy (allows you to differentiate the disease from other pathologies of the cervix);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (transabdominal and transvaginal) to identify concomitant pathology of the genital organs;
  • microscopic examination of vaginal smears;
  • smear for oncocytology from the cervix and cervical canal (exclude cell atypia);
  • Wasserman reaction (exclude syphilis);
  • blood for hepatitis and HIV infection;
  • OAC and OAM (exclude general inflammatory process in the body);
  • blood for clotting;
  • PCR reaction for sexually transmitted infections (HPV, genital herpes, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection);
  • tank. sowing of vaginal discharge for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of endocervicitis

First of all, therapy for endocervicitis is aimed at combating and eliminating the infectious pathogen. Depending on the pathogenic microorganism isolated, antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Treatment of acute form

Acute endocervicitis is preferably treated with systemic drugs that have a complex effect, since local treatment promotes the rise of infection.

Treatment of the chronic form

For chronic endocervicitis, suppositories and tablets with multidirectional effects are used for local therapy: antimicrobial, antifungal and antiprotozoal. These may be Polygynax, Klion-D, Terzhinan.

For chlamydial and ureaplasma infections, tetracyclines are prescribed systemically (tetracycline, josamycin, doxycycline).

When viruses are detected, antiviral drugs are prescribed (acyclovir, Zovirax), and for fungal infections, antimycotic drugs (flucostat, Diflucan, Orungal).

Anti-inflammatory therapy lasts 7-10 days, after which they begin the 2nd stage of treatment - restoration of normal vaginal microflora. For this purpose, acylact, bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, hilak-Forte and immunocorrectors are used topically to restore immunity.

The second stage of treatment lasts 7-14 days.

Consequences and complications

Untreated endocervicitis can become chronic and cause the development of cervical erosion or ascending infection (adnexitis, endometritis).

In extremely rare cases, untreated disease causes cervical cancer.

The prognosis is favorable.

Sozinova Anna Vladimirovna, obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in the specialty - more than 12 years.

Cervicitis is a group of diseases associated with inflammation of different parts of the mucous membrane of the cervix. This includes cervicitis itself, endocervicitis and exocervicitis. The disease is common: according to statistics, more than 50% of women have had or are suffering from cervicitis.The pathology requires mandatory treatment, since it easily becomes chronic and gives terrible complications.

Appointment with a gynecologist - 1000 rubles. Comprehensive pelvic ultrasound - 1000 rubles. Appointment based on ultrasound or test results - 500 rubles (optional)

What is the difference between cervicitis, endocervicitis and exocervicitis?

These diseases are very similar and differ only in location:

  • Cervicitis. Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervical mucosa.
  • Exocervicitis. This is an inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix.
  • Endocervicitis.With endocervicitis, inflammation affects the mucous membrane lining the cervix, which is called the endocervix. The cervical canal becomes inflamed.

Why does cervicitis begin?

The cervical mucosa is delicate and poorly protected, so inflammation in this area can easily be caused. The infection enters the organ through the genital tract, blood, and even through the rectum.

Causes of cervicitis:

  • . In 40% of women suffering from this disease, it is found, or . These pathogens cause purulent inflammation - purulent cervicitis.
  • . Cervicitis associated with the human papillomavirus is especially dangerous because it is difficult to cure.
  • Inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, which migrate to the cervical tissue.
  • . Often occurs against the background of uncontrolled use of antibiotics. The fungus develops quickly, destroying beneficial flora and making room for pathogens.
  • Cervical injuries at , childbirth, operations. They cause atrophic cervicitis - tissue death.
  • Vaginal suppositories, douching with strong solutions, use of sex toysetc. This type of cervicitis is less common, so it is classified as nonspecific.

An increased risk of developing endocervicitis is observed in women who have experienced previous surgical interventions in the cervical area, difficult childbirth, abortions and . Decreased immunity, hormonal imbalance ( ) and irrational with the use of chemical spermicides also increase the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

What happens if you don't get treatment?

If cervicitis is not treated, the result will be erosion and polyps, changes in the structure of the cervix - its skin becomes thinner or thicker, which complicates conception. Advanced infection can spread to other organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder). It is cervicitis that causes , and premature birth.

There is a risk of dangerous complications such as, perihepatitis and . Also, prolonged ignoring of symptoms can provoke the disease to become chronic.

Signs of cervicitis - endocervicitis and exocervicitis are similar

The process can be acute or chronic. The severity of the course depends on the degree of pathology, its type and concomitant diseases. The severity of symptoms depends on the state of immunity.

Based on the area of ​​distribution, cervicitis is divided into focal - affecting areas of the cervical canal and diffuse - spreading throughout the entire organ. The disease rarely occurs in isolation: more often cervicitis is combined with, urethritis or.

The main symptom of cervicitis is yellow, white or gray with an unpleasant odor. Moving along the mucous membrane, they irritate the vagina and vulva. Scratching causes painful cracks to appear on the surface of the genitals.

  • Sometimes there is pain and bleeding from the inflamed vessels of the cervix during sexual intercourse. It may also occur with other diseases.
  • If the bladder is involved in the process, it is added , accompanied by pain and stinging.
  • When infection spreads to the fallopian tubes, (inflammation of the uterine appendages) with increased temperature and heaviness andpain in the lower abdomen.

In most cases, symptoms worsen after menstruation.

Doctor on sees a reddened, swollen cervix with a cervical canal from which cloudy, sometimes copious discharge flows.

Additional symptoms also help clarify the diagnosis:

  • Gonorrheal cervicitis is acute, with clear signs.
  • Chlamydial infection produces mild symptoms.
  • A symptom of herpetic cervicitis is a bright red, loose cervix with areas of ulceration - “continuous erosion”.
  • Trichomonas cervicitis is indicated by small hemorrhages in the mucosa - “strawberry cervix” - and the presence of atypical cells.
  • When affected by actinomycetes, the gynecologist sees a “yellow granular spot.”
  • HPV leads to condylomas and cervical ulcers.

Acute cervicitis gives a slight fever, a feeling of heat in the area of ​​the uterus. The chronic form is characterized by weak discharge that does not create discomfort.
Over time, the columnar epithelium is replaced by flat epithelium. Inflammation spreads, causing the formation of infiltrates, cysts, and hardening of the cervix.


After a diagnosis of cervicitis is made, the patient should undergo a series of tests, the results of which will prescribe treatment.To confirm the diagnosis of cervicitis, the gynecologist first conducts , then takes swabs. After this, research is carried out aimed at identifying and identifying viruses and infections.

The patient is prescribed:

  • extended ;
  • flora smear;
  • blood for HIV, syphilis, HPV, hepatitis;

Usually these tests are enough to make an accurate diagnosis of acute cervicitis. In case of chronic exocervicitis, a biopsy of the cervix is ​​additionally performed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

In acute cervicitis, smears reveal many leukocytes, lymphocytes, histiocytes, columnar epithelium with hypertrophied nuclei, and dystrophically altered squamous epithelium. In chronic cervicitis, there are columnar epithelial cells, some of the cells are destroyed.

Bacteriological examination reveals the type of microorganisms and their sensitivity to antibiotics. Cytomorphology of the smear - a mandatory examination for cervicitis - shows structural abnormalities in the cells and the effectiveness of treatment.

PCR diagnostics and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are necessary to detect gonorrhea, chlamydia, , papillomavirus and .

How is cervicitis treated?

Treatment of cervicitis is determined by the nature of the pathogen and the degree of damage to the cervical tissue.Depending on the pathogen, antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and antiprotozoal drugs are used. If the cause is one of the STDs, the sexual partner also needs to be treated.

The complex uses herbal medicine - douching with infusions of chamomile, calendula, etc. But it is important to know that not all forms of cervicitis allow douching, so this is done only as prescribed by a gynecologist.

Why don't antibiotics help with self-medication?

The choice of drug is possible only after the test results have been submitted and deciphered. Broad-spectrum antibiotics may not be helpful if cervicitis is caused by a virus or fungus. There is not a single medicine that simultaneously destroys all types of infection.

The individual sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics is also important. If a woman has already taken medication, being treated, for example, for a cold, and has not completed treatment for cervicitis (which she did not know about), the pathogen becomes resistant to the drugs of this group - they will no longer help. In the laboratory they make tests, selecting a medicine that will destroy the bacteria or virus.

Treatment of viral cervicitis

Cervicitis caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered the most difficult from a therapeutic point of view. The problem of treatment is that the genital virus itself cannot be eliminated - medicine does not yet know how to do this. But you can relieve the symptoms of the disease and induce remission. You will have to be treated with a complex of drugs, including antiherpetic substances, immunostimulants, cytostatics and vitamins.

How is atrophic cervicitis treated?

If the gynecologist has diagnosed atrophic cervicitis, accompanied by tissue death, medications containing estrogens are prescribed. The goal of this treatment is to restore the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix and normalize the microflora of the female genital organs.

Treatment of chronic cervicitis

Treatment of the chronic form of the disease differs from the treatment of the acute form, since xRhonic cervicitis is difficult to treat. You can get rid of them only with the help of complex therapy, treatment of concomitant diseases and infections.

In addition to the main cause, attention must also be paid to associated factors that contribute to the progression of the disease. Thus, immune disorders are corrected by taking immunostimulants. Hormonal drugs and metabolic activators that accelerate the restoration of cervical tissue may also be prescribed.

Antibiotics are prescribed in the form of oral tablets, as well as topical creams, gels and suppositories. After the acute phase of the pathology subsides, you can prescribe disinfectant solutions for douching the vagina and cervix. The doctor will select them.

Often chronic cervicitis requires surgical intervention. Modern medicine offers patients innovative methods of hardware treatment, the most effective and safe among which are .

Also, sometimes, as a method of treating chronic cervicitis, treatment of the affected area with special medications is used; this method is relevant if a woman plans to give birth to children in the future. After this procedure, the patient is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs.

Recovery period

To ensure that the treatment is successful and the disease does not recur, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment;
  • do not neglect intimate hygiene;
  • wear underwear exclusively from natural fabrics.

During the recovery period, you may experience discharge containing blood, but do not be alarmed.

Prevention of cervicitis

Prevention consists of using for safe sex, timely treatment of genital diseases, , the correct choice of medical tactics during childbirth and abortion.If abortion is a necessity, then you need to choose a non-traumatic or .

Where is cervicitis treated in St. Petersburg

Specialists of the highest level of qualifications who conduct appointments in the gynecological department of the Diana Clinic are ready to detect cervicitis, determine its form and cause, and also develop an optimal treatment complex for the patient at any time.

Modern hardware and laboratory facilities, highly qualified and experienced doctors, and an individual approach to each patient allow the Diana Medical Center to treat patients for inflammation of the genital organs, completely restoring women’s health.


Background diseases of the cervix are the leaders among gynecological pathologies. The cervical part of the uterus is susceptible to various inflammatory diseases, one of which is endocervicitis.

Cervical endocervicitis involves the development of inflammation in the cervical canal. The disease means damage to the mucous layer itself. Gynecologists note that endocervicitis is detected during general examinations in more than 70% of women, mainly in reproductive age.

The development of endocervicitis is caused by an infectious component of a different nature. The inflammatory process can progress due to opportunistic microflora or as a result of sexually transmitted infections. Often inflammation is accompanied by other diseases of the genital area in women.

It is noteworthy that in most cases the characteristic clinical picture is either absent or the disease has minor manifestations. This is fraught with many complications, since untimely treatment leads to the transition of endocervicitis to the chronic stage.

Experts distinguish several types of endocervicitis. According to the nature of its progression, endocervicitis is:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

In the acute phase, the symptoms of the pathology are pronounced, while in the chronic phase the clinical picture is hidden.

Doctors also distinguish two types of endocervicitis depending on the spread of inflammation:

  • focal;
  • diffuse.

In the focal form, the pathological process is localized in certain areas of the cervical canal. Diffuse disease is characterized by the overall extent of the lesion.

For subsequent treatment, it is important to differentiate endocervicitis:

  • specific;
  • nonspecific.

With a specific variety, the pathogen is a representative of a sexually transmitted infection. Among the causative agents of sexually transmitted infections are:

  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • gonococci.

Nonspecific endocervicitis is caused by opportunistic microorganisms that enter the cervix from the rectum or along with lymph and blood. Such flora may be contained in small quantities on the mucous membranes. When a nonspecific infection is activated, inflammation develops. Opportunistic microorganisms are represented by:

  • coli;
  • Candida mushrooms;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci.

The prescription of treatment for endocervicitis depends on the specific pathogen, the characteristics of the progression and prevalence of the pathological process.

Causes and symptoms

Experts believe that the main cause of inflammation in the cervical canal is infection. However, in order for pathology to develop, the presence of negative factors must be present:

  • concomitant pathologies in the reproductive sphere, both inflammatory and non-inflammatory;
  • injuries to the cervical epithelium during various surgical interventions;
  • sexual life with several partners;
  • hormonal changes associated with menopause;
  • abuse of local contraceptives;
  • inaccurate douching;
  • intimate life during menstrual periods.

Endocervicitis often develops when the immune system is weakened, which leads to the activation of pathogenic microflora.

The clinical picture directly depends on the nature of the progression of inflammation. The pathology at the initial stage is characterized by an acute course with pronounced symptoms:

  • rise in temperature;
  • intense pain in the lower abdomen;
  • copious pathological discharge with an unpleasant odor.

If left untreated, endocervicitis becomes a chronic disease that progresses mildly with periodic periods of exacerbation. Among the symptoms of a chronic course are:

  • mucous and purulent discharge;
  • feeling of discomfort in the vagina;
  • burning during urination;
  • nagging pelvic pain.

Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the pathogen that caused the inflammatory process in the cervical canal of the cervix. Sometimes endocervicitis is prone to a latent course from the very beginning of the disease.


The disease is identified during a gynecological examination. In the mirrors, the doctor may notice hyperemia, mucous or purulent discharge, benign formations and growths of the cervix.

The following additional research methods are used:

  • PCR test for sexually transmitted infections;
  • general smear and bacterial culture;
  • cytological examination;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • blood test for HIV and syphilis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

A biopsy is prescribed when chronic process and oncological alertness.


Endocervicitis of the cervix, only at first glance, may seem like a minor pathology. The inflammatory process can worsen a woman’s quality of life and lead to unpleasant consequences. This is why inflammation of the cervical canal should be treated.

After identifying the causative agent of the disease, drug treatment is carried out, including:

  • antibiotics;
  • drugs with antiviral or antifungal effect;
  • immunostimulating agents.

Before prescribing antibacterial drugs, a microorganism sensitivity test must be performed. After the main treatment, agents are recommended to help restore the vaginal microflora. Drug treatment is complemented by physiotherapy.

In the chronic form of endocervicitis, surgical treatment may be required. The following surgical treatment methods are used in gynecological practice:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • cryotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • radio wave tactics.

Surgical treatment is most often performed in women who have given birth due to the risk of scar tissue formation. The most effective and gentle treatment is carried out using the radio wave method or laser therapy.

Ignoring and lack of adequate treatment can lead to the following complications:

  • transition of the disease to the chronic stage;
  • development of erosion or ectopia of the cervix;
  • progression of infection along an ascending path;
  • formation of speck in the pelvis;
  • the formation of a malignant tumor of the cervix.

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to: regularly visit a gynecologist for examination, plan pregnancy, avoid abortions and casual sex. Timely treatment of sexually transmitted infections and maintaining proper functioning of the immune system are essential.

Endocervicitis, according to standard medical calculations, can be defined as an inflammatory-degenerative and at the same time dystrophic lesion of the cervix. The disease is considered quite common, according to medical statistics, a similar condition is observed in 15% of the fairer sex. There are certain risk groups, that is, women who are at greater risk of getting sick. A more common disease of a similar nature is vaginitis: inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. These diseases are like twin brothers, one follows the other. What do you need to know about endocervicitis?

What is endocervicitis?

As already mentioned, endocervicitis is a disease in which the epithelium of the cervical canal (vestibule of the uterine structures, endocervix) becomes inflamed. The disease is one of the five “leaders” in terms of frequency of spread. The main category of those suffering from this pathology are girls of fertile age and representatives of the fairer sex over 40. Most often, the pathological process is diagnosed in the period from 18 to 45-50 years. It is noted that there are certain risk groups:

  • Women of puberty. At this time, the vaginal microflora is not stable enough; colpitis, vaginitis and other gynecological diseases that can lead to endocervicitis often occur.
  • Representatives of the fairer sex during other peak hormonal states: pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause.
  • Representatives of the fairer sex often suffer from infectious viral diseases, especially when it comes to the female genital area.
  • Girls and women who have undergone difficult childbirth, operations on the uterine structures and the female genital area in general.
  • Women infected with the herpes virus. Most often, endocervicitis is provoked by the following strains:
    • Herpes virus type 1 (more often provokes the banal appearance of “colds” on the lips).
    • Strain of the second type. Actually genital herpes. This is the most common source of the problem.
    • Strain of the third type. It causes shingles and also provokes the development of the notorious chickenpox.
    • Epstein-Barr virus (also known as herpes virus type 4).
    • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Elderly patients.

In general, risk groups determine certain reasons for the development of the disease.

Causes of the disease in women

The direct factor leading to the development of a pathogenic condition lies in damage to the cervical canal by microbacteria and viral agents. The diseases most often caused by the following microorganisms:

  • Staphylococcus. Staphylococcus aureus is especially dangerous in this regard. It is resistant to most antibiotics, extremely adaptive, able to adapt to unfavorable conditions and creates entire conglomerates.
  • Streptococci (especially viridans).
  • Klebsiella.
  • Gardnerells.
  • Herpes viruses (as mentioned above).

However, viral and infectious lesions cannot manifest themselves. A number of accompanying factors are required:

  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system. The microflora of the vagina and mucous membranes of the internal genital organs, including the cervical canal, directly depends on cyclic changes in hormonal levels. If estrogen becomes scarce, the protective function of local immunity disappears and secondary inflammation begins. The consequences of the transition of inactive viruses and infections to the active phase are very dire.
  • Displacement of the genital organs for exogenous and endogenous reasons. As soon as the uterus or other organs of the female genital area descend, compression of the surrounding structures and disruption of their nutrition are noted. This is fraught with a decrease in the intensity of local immunity.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis. As a rule, the bacterial composition of the vaginal microflora is in dynamic equilibrium. As soon as the number of pathogenic and opportunistic organisms increases, and the number of lactobacilli decreases, pathological changes in the entire female reproductive system begin. This is extremely dangerous and is fraught with the development of exocervicitis or endocervicitis (developing for internal and external reasons, respectively).
  • Frequent sexual intercourse with different partners. They cause a shift in the microflora of the external and internal genital organs towards the opportunistic flora. In addition, damage and injury are possible due to overly active intimate relationships.
  • Traumatic lesions of the cervix and cervical canal. During surgical interventions on the female genital organs, including abortions and curettage. This type of endocervicitis occurs most aggressively. Severe purulent and atrophic changes in the uterus and cervical canal are possible.
  • Infectious and viral inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (vaginitis,). As already noted, they occur together and are rarely observed in isolation.

As a rule, doctors most often note a whole complex of pathogenic causes and factors. Therefore, endocervicitis can be called a polyetiological and multifactorial condition.

Main signs (diagnosis)

The symptoms of endocervicitis are not specific enough to make a diagnosis, as they say, “by eye.” Objective research is required. In general, the manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  • Pain syndrome in the projection of the cervical canal and uterus. The pain is intense, burning, aching. Localized in the pubic area, lower abdomen. May radiate to the lower back and external genitalia. The pain intensifies with mechanical impact on the affected area: during sexual intercourse, diagnostic examinations, etc.
  • Possible menstrual irregularities. It starts a little later than it should or, on the contrary, too early.
  • Redness of the cervix is ​​visually determined. Noted. Endocervicitis is dangerous, including the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors in the cervical canal area.
  • Vaginal discharge of a purulent or mucous nature. It is considered an unfavorable sign.

These manifestations are typical for vaginitis, colpitis. Therefore, objective research is needed.

First of all, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist for a thorough diagnosis. At the initial appointment, the specialist interviews the patient about complaints and their duration. Collects anamnesis (that is, identifies what diseases the woman has suffered or is suffering from).

  • General blood analysis. Gives a picture of a typical inflammatory process.
  • General urine analysis.
  • A smear from the vagina, cervical canal for subsequent inoculation on nutrient media.
  • . Examination of the vagina and mucous membrane of the cervical canal.
  • PCR and ELISA diagnostics to search for pathogenic genetic material.
  • . Echo signs on ultrasound appear sufficiently to make a correct diagnosis.

Echo signs of chronic endocervicitis on ultrasound

If there is a suspicion of malignant degeneration of the cervical canal, it makes sense to perform a biopsy followed by a cytogram, morphological and histological studies.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging may be performed to assess the condition of the uterus and surrounding structures.
  • Contrast radiography with the introduction of a dye into the uterine cavity is also practiced.

These studies are more than enough.

Classification of endocervicitis

There are three main types of endocervicitis, depending on the nature and intensity of the process.

Accordingly, the following types of disease are distinguished:


Develops when the immune system is overly weakened. As a rule, it does not exist in isolation and manifests itself with intense symptoms described above. Additionally, hyperthermia at the febrile level and even more is possible. This form is fraught with the development of dangerous complications.


Subacute endocervicitis occurs with severe symptoms, but they manifest themselves to a somewhat lesser extent. The temperature rises rarely and only to subfebrile levels. Typically, treatment is still effective in the subacute phase. The pain syndrome is moderately severe.


Appears in most cases. It is not accompanied by severe symptoms, which is why women rarely turn to a gynecologist. So much the worse for patients, because endocervicitis is a harbinger of cancer. Especially if it flows for a long time.

In all three cases, competent therapy is required. Vaginal suppositories (suppositories) are prescribed. Other drugs are also prescribed: anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. Before prescribing medications, the patient must be carefully diagnosed. How - has already been said above. Antibiotics are prescribed with great caution, only after receiving the results of bacteriological culture.

Endocervicitis and pregnancy

Endocervicitis does not exclude pregnancy, but fertility (reproductive function) is significantly weakened. Therefore, the likelihood of getting pregnant is several times lower.

Endocervicitis is a painful and dangerous condition. Urgent treatment is required. So the forecast will be favorable.


Some types of female diseases are accompanied by inflammatory processes of an infectious nature. Among them is endocervicitis, which affects the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. This disease is most often caused by various fungi and viruses, gonococci, streptococci and staphylococci, as well as chlamydia, trichomonas, E. coli and other pathological microorganisms.

What is cervical endocervicitis?

Endocervicitis is an acute or chronic inflammation affecting the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. In the female reproductive system, the cervix is ​​a kind of natural barrier that prevents infection from entering the uterus, where the development of the fetus will occur. This is facilitated by its cylindrical structure. One end of this cylinder is called the internal os, which opens into the uterus. The other end is the external os, the cervix is ​​connected to the vagina.

The inner surface of the canal is covered with a layer of columnar epithelium, in which a large number of glands are located. They are directly involved in the production of thick mucus, which has a bactericidal effect. It prevents infection from penetrating inside and helps maintain sterility in the middle and top of the cervix. However, for certain reasons, defense mechanisms fail. As a result, microorganisms enter the canal, leading to inflammatory reactions in the tissues. Harmful microorganisms penetrate the glandular cells and become established in them. Further destruction of bacteria becomes a serious problem. Active cell proliferation leads to blockage of the exit duct and the formation of endocervical cysts.

Outwardly, endocervicitis does not manifest itself in any way and women are not aware of their vulnerability to bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Endocervicitis can lead to inflammation of the endometrium - endometritis or uterine myometrium with the need for its subsequent removal. The cervical canal becomes susceptible to polyps and tumors. Persistent infertility, adnexitis and pelvioperitonitis may occur.

Causes of endocervicitis

Inflammatory processes in the cervical canal can often be triggered by various medical procedures. First of all, these are abortions, installation of intrauterine devices, diagnostic curettage, injuries during and after childbirth, and probing of the uterus.

Pathology can be caused by endometritis, colpitis, ectopia of the cervix and other anomalies of the reproductive system. They appear before endocevitis, or occur simultaneously with it. One of the reasons is prolapse of the vagina and cervix, as well as microscopic tears that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Endocervicitis can be caused by incorrectly selected contraceptives. Sometimes endocervicitis is provoked by ordinary menstruation.

In normal condition, the cervical canal is blocked by a mucous plug that protects against infection getting inside. The medical procedures carried out contribute to the destruction of the chemical composition in the vaginal environment. This leads to the destruction of the protective plug, as a result of which the infection that enters the canal first causes acute endocervicitis and then penetrates directly into the uterus. The composition of menstrual blood can also affect the vaginal environment and lead to the onset of infectious processes. The appearance and development of inflammation is significantly influenced by the state of the immune system. Women with weak immune systems are more often susceptible to endocervicitis.

Symptoms of the disease

Endocervicitis is an acute disease. This disease very quickly becomes chronic. In most cases, endocervicitis is asymptomatic, regardless of severity. The patient's main complaints are scanty or copious discharge, characterized by a mucous, purulent or purulent-mucosal structure.

Another symptom manifests itself in the form of aching, dull and nagging pain of varying degrees of intensity. In some cases, itching is felt in the genital area. During an exacerbation, during an objective examination, you can notice a bright, cherry-red color of the cervix. In addition, swelling is observed, the external cervical os is covered with multiple small erosions, with an even brighter color. In some cases, these erosions are covered with purulent plaque.

When endocervicitis becomes chronic, the amount of mucus produced decreases, the pain becomes much weaker and then completely stops. A false sense of recovery sets in. Chronic inflammation often leads to hypertrophy of the cervical gland and its muscular layer. On palpation, compactions and thickenings are felt. Inflammation can only be identified by a small red halo covering the external os of the cervix.

Diagnosis of endocervicitis

At the initial stage of diagnosis, a thorough collection of the patient’s medical history and complaints is carried out. An objective examination reveals characteristic signs of the disease in the form of redness and swelling in the area of ​​the external pharynx of the canal, as well as various purulent discharges.

Bacteriological examination of smears taken from the cervical canal quite accurately identifies gonococci, streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted pathogens that cause inflammatory processes.

Visual determination of the presence of inflammation is determined by colposcopy. Using a colposcope device, the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​examined using optical magnification and additional lighting. It becomes possible to detect even minor changes in the structure of the epithelium and vascular changes in the mucous membrane. Colposcopy ends with a cytological examination of the epithelium located in the affected areas.

The final course of treatment is prescribed after the pathogen that caused the inflammatory processes in the cervical canal has been identified.

Treatment of endocervicitis

Treatment is carried out using complex therapy, consisting of various methods. It is prescribed on an individual basis, depending on the general condition of the patient, the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the pathogenic microflora.

First of all, a course of antibiotic treatment is prescribed after the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular drug has been determined. Antibiotics are used with a wide spectrum of action. They help destroy the main microorganisms that cause the disease by disrupting their respiratory processes. The average duration of therapy is 7 - 12 days. In case of longer use, careful monitoring of laboratory and clinical parameters is required. When identifying fungi, antimycotic drugs are used.

Additional impact on pathogens is provided with the help of antiviral agents. They prevent the penetration of viruses into the mucous membrane of the cervix, making the body more resistant to viral infection. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to use herbal preparations. The use of immunostimulants helps to enhance the body's protective properties. Most often they are used in the presence of chronic inflammatory processes. Many drugs in this group are taken as a preventive measure against infection.

After treatment with antibiotics, normal intestinal microflora is restored with the help of probiotics. They contain strains of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, yeast fungi and various types of bacilli. They can be used in their natural state or dried. They inhibit pathological microflora, stimulate the growth of normal microorganisms, increase local immunity and resistance of the mucous membrane to infectious agents.

Chronic endocervicitis is practically not amenable to drug therapy. Therefore, in such cases, the use of physiosurgical methods is practiced. Laser destruction has become the most widespread. With its help, the affected part of the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​removed. The positive qualities of this method are the absence of complications. In addition, the patient is not exposed to ionizing radiation.

For medicinal purposes, liquid nitrogen is used, on the basis of which cryodestruction is carried out. The procedure has minimal traumatic effect on normal healthy tissue. It is performed in a short time and does not cause complications; it preserves the elasticity of the cervix. The most modern method is considered to be radio wave surgery, which can effectively eliminate existing pathologies. The affected areas are removed completely painlessly, without any complications.


If endocervicitis is not detected and treated in a timely manner, various complications may occur. The most common is the transition from acute to chronic. Often, under the influence of pathology, erosion of the cervix occurs. The most dangerous condition may be the transition of inflammatory processes to the appendages or directly to the uterus. The most terrible and dangerous complication is cervical cancer.

Prevention of endocervicitis

The risk of endocervicitis requires regular examination by a doctor. Typically, these activities are carried out during medical examination and when planning pregnancy. Endocervicitis can be prevented with the help of additional cytological examination. In this case, a smear is taken and examined. Based on the results of the analysis, timely detection of uterine cancer is possible.

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