What is a charismatic man? Male charisma. Secrets of male charisma

A charismatic man is a real dream for women. However, what does it mean to be charismatic? And is it possible to learn this if nature has not endowed it with such a quality? In fact, everything is real. One of the most striking examples of men who have developed charisma is Steve Jobs.

What is a charismatic man?

What is a charismatic man?

It is impossible to explain in a nutshell what this character trait means. IN Ancient Greece This word was used to describe people who were able to lead a crowd. Charisma is a combination of a number of factors, both external and internal.

Firstly, a charismatic guy or man always looks great. He takes care of his appearance and health. Such a person cannot be seen in tracksuit, unless, of course, he is in training.

Secondly, charisma is the absence of brutality, it is politeness, gallantry and complete self-control. In addition, charisma is also empathy, that is, the ability to sympathize and understand the people around you.

How to become a charismatic man

It is believed that charisma is not an innate, but an acquired character trait. Only a few men are given it by nature. The rest need to develop it in themselves. Next useful tips will help you become a charismatic person:

Start with changes in appearance. Review your wardrobe and get rid of unsuitable items without regret. Monitor the condition of your hair and nails, try to be well-groomed in any situation.

Develop self-confidence.

Control your emotions. Contain anger, rage, despondency, fight laziness. Always look at everything positively.

Learn to feel people. Be considerate of others.

Monitor your reputation. Let your friends know that they can rely on you.

Develop eloquence. To do this, you can do the exercises yourself or enroll in a public speaking school.

Before you start making changes for yourself, choose a role model. It could be like a real man, and a fictional character. Let this image become your inspiration and the direction towards which you will move.

You shouldn’t think that you will begin to have charisma immediately after you develop a number of habits. In fact, this takes time. But after just a few months of hard training, you will probably begin to notice dramatic changes in yourself. And most importantly, you will notice that the people around you have begun to treat you completely differently.

We often hear: “This person has charisma” or “This person is a charismatic person.” But what is charisma? What do we mean by this term? Who can be called a charismatic person?

If we turn to various dictionaries, we learn: “Charisma is a gift of God; high talent, personal attractiveness, exceptional personality in intellectual, spiritual, or some other respect.” In general, this is a person who possesses such traits and qualities that ensure admiration for her, unconditional trust and belief in her exceptional capabilities, capable of effectively influencing people.

The quality of charisma is not so much acquired as it is bestowed by nature, or by some mystical forces.

The term itself comes from ancient Greek mythology, in which charismatics were called ancient greek goddesses beauty, grace and elegance.

Modern usage was introduced into sociology by Ernst Troeltsch. The German sociologist M. Weber gave the following definition: “Charisma is the quality of a personality that is recognized as extraordinary, thanks to which it is assessed as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, specifically special powers and properties that are not available to other people.”

Charisma most often arises in extreme situations historical conditions. The most famous and generally recognized charismatic personalities are Jesus Christ, Buddha and Muhammad.

On the other hand, the property of charisma does not depend on the type of activity and its moral content. A charismatic leader can be both a saint and a criminal. Thus, famous statesmen and military figures - Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Roosevelt, Churchill, Lenin, Stalin, Mahatma Gandhi, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Martin Luther King - are recognized charismatic personalities.

The everyday expression “He has charisma” means that a person makes a strong impression on others, they succumb to his influence and are ready to follow him. The phenomenon of charisma usually arises in some groups, in which people unite, identify a leader and follow him unconditionally.

But there is another point of view that charisma is not an innate or magical quality of personality, but the result of special behavior that can be learned. Men and women want to have charisma in order to be successful in their careers and personal lives. And, despite the fact that experts believe that charisma is a set of certain human qualities inherent in nature and upbringing, they offer a number of tips with which a person can develop charismatic qualities:

  • Listening skills.
    A person will feel comfortable communicating with you if he is allowed to finish his thought.
  • Ability to ask the right questions.
    Your interlocutor will feel comfortable if you ask questions about himself or about what you heard from him.
  • The ability to give compliments.
    By celebrating a person's real strengths, you will confirm what he already knows about himself.
  • Ability to make eye contact.
    By looking into a person's eyes when communicating with him, you show interest in the interlocutor and demonstrate a lack of fear.
  • The ability to be noticeable to others.
    When entering a room, make sure that people notice your presence.
  • The ability to smile sincerely.
    A smile signals that you are confident and value yourself highly.
  • The ability to live in harmony with oneself.
    People around them like confident people.
  • The ability to stand out.
    Don't strive to be like everyone else. People are attracted to those who know how to stand out from the “gray mass.”
  • The ability to express disagreement with someone else’s opinion.
    You need to object and enter into an argument with dignity, without getting personal.
  • The ability to be patient.
    Give people the impression that everything is going as it should, easily and naturally.
  • The ability to present yourself.
    Confident gestures, gait, and posture signal to others that you are ready to face any difficulties that come your way.
  • The ability to “disappear” for a while from people’s sight.
    If you are around too much, your presence will lose its original value in the eyes of other people.

And remember that:

“True charisma is the ability to generate great enthusiasm within oneself and demonstrate it outwardly; This ability makes a person an object of close attention and unconscious imitation on the part of others” / Leah Greenfield /.

“Charisma is what allows one successful salesman to sell five times more than his peers in the same industry. It is the difference between entrepreneurs who have investors constantly hovering at their door and their less fortunate colleagues who have to beg the banks provide them with credit... Charisma is useful for a stay-at-home mother who needs to raise her own children, influence their teachers or other members of her immediate circle" / Olivia Fox Cabane /.

“To stand out among hundreds and thousands of identical faces means to be the only one who has this face”

Greetings! Roman Vinilov is in touch again.

Perhaps the most pleasant compliment a man can hear addressed to himself is that he is charismatic. For example, girls apply this definition only to men who fall into their soul at first sight. Even men use this word to describe their admiration for another person's character and attractiveness. However, not everyone will describe in the same way what this word means to them. But definitely for most it means the ideal male type.

What is male charisma

Charisma sets a man apart from others and reveals a developed personality in him. This is always a person with firmly established views and own opinion. In any issue, in any area of ​​life, there is always a majority - these are people subject to general moods, in most situations behaving in a stereotyped way, thinking in stereotypes. They may try to stand out with some external attributes, but if you dig deeper, it becomes clear that such a person spends most of his life unconsciously and goes with the flow.

A charismatic person is the exact opposite. He is able to influence those around him and has some kind of mystical magnetism. Girls fall in love with such guys, and men respect them and seek their support. But charisma is only the tip that is visible to everyone. What is much more important is what stands behind it. This is a set of personal qualities. It is quite difficult to define them precisely, but I will try to describe my vision.

Is this an innate quality or can it be developed?

There is some element of “magic” - something that allows a certain set of qualities to turn into an effect, which we call charisma. There is no need to talk about innateness, since in any case it depends on the process of personality formation, which includes characteristics determined by genes, upbringing, environment, and experience. Later, at a conscious age, this is already work on oneself. Thus, charisma is your personality, which you develop throughout your life. And the less meaningful your life is, the more your personality depends on the habits that control it. And vice versa: the more you think, analyze, learn and grow on yourself, the more clearly the features appear that make you stand out from the crowd.

What does charisma give?

It’s quite possible that you think: if I had bright charisma, everyone would respect me, and girls would seek my affection. This is true, but this is not the main thing. As I already said, charisma is only what others see in you. It is worth thinking not about the development of charisma as such, but about the development of qualities that lead to its emergence. And they already have an effect on all areas of your life, and most importantly, they allow you to live in harmony with yourself, strive for and get what you really want.

How can a man increase his charisma?

So, to develop charisma:

  1. Coordinate system. A charismatic person knows what he wants. He has goals, beliefs, priorities. He easily and honestly expresses his opinion on any issue. This is because such a man clearly defines his place in the world, lives in harmony with himself and is in constant motion. A strong coordinate system can be instilled proper upbringing. If you didn’t receive it as a child, you will have to educate yourself. They help good books(classics of world literature), education and constant work on oneself.
  2. Development of thinking. You need to learn to think about every decision you make. In most cases, we even think in stereotypes, and even make decisions “in hindsight.” The ability to think more in general and think critically can be developed in yourself.
  3. Positive attitude spiritual development . You need to not only protect your state of mind, but also constantly keep it in a positive way. Fatigue, stress, some difficulties in life can gradually break even the most strong man. Everyone finds peace of mind in something different - it could be religion, or simply faith in some ideals, or positive thinking. It is important that the individual has support and sources of strength. What it will be is up to you to decide.
  4. External factors. It's hard to concentrate on work if your desk is a mess. It's impossible to respect yourself if you don't like your reflection. How you perceive yourself and how others see you is also very important. Therefore, work on appearance, playing sports, improving communication skills and developing a line of behavior are mandatory areas of work for the development of charisma. This is what makes you unique. This also includes communication skills with girls.
  5. Constant growth. A charismatic personality develops throughout life. Finding your weak points, striving to become better and setting goals to grow above yourself - this is what will certainly work for your charisma.

You probably already realized that many of the listed qualities coincide with ideas about. We first of all teach those qualities that make a real charismatic man out of an ordinary guy - he is respected by other representatives of the stronger sex, and girls succumb to the magnetism of natural attractiveness. Of course, you can try to improve all these skills yourself, but this process will inevitably take many years. We can help you avoid mistakes and guide you on the right path.

And you will learn all the secrets of male charisma to seduce girls. You yourself can become like this!

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To achieve success in life, you need to be charming and charismatic. With an attractive, powerful charisma, you will attract success, money, girls and happiness. Strike a smile on the spot, glow from within and have an attractive magnetism.

“A man must be charismatic, serious, thorough, and able to take charge of the market. And in peaceful life you need to be a real warrior. That's the secret." Larisa Golubkina

Charm and charisma will give you many of the opportunities you've been waiting for. An excellent career, financial well-being, reliable friends, good acquaintances, adoration of girls and a bright, rich life.

You don't have to be handsome to be popular in society and especially with the opposite sex. Charm lies in the outgoing energy, look, voice, figure, words, gestures and mood. Charisma helps you achieve your goals in life.

What is the difference between charisma and charm?

Charm is the ability to please others and attract them. Charming people are cheerful, positive, friendly, easy-going and pleasant to talk to. It's good to be friends with them and spend time together. But charm can be turned on and off. As soon as a person stops turning on his charm, he becomes ordinary.

With charisma it's different. Charisma is a more powerful energy emanating from its owner. Charisma is always with a person, no matter what he does or does. Charismatic people not only attract attention, they make others admire, adore, do good, and even fear. There is a fire in them that attracts people like moths to fire. This is charm and seduction on a mass scale.

How to become truly charming and charismatic? How to achieve success in life with these useful qualities?

The secret of male charisma. How to become more charming?

“It’s hard to resist the charisma of such a creature. He still had charisma. And she didn’t at all disdain to fill up someone else’s charisma.” Alexey Chernenko

Love yourself

If you want to win the love of others, then love yourself completely. With all the flaws, quirks, qualities and dark sides. Even if you constantly work on your weak points, you should love yourself. Love yourself and accept yourself. Tell yourself in the mirror how good you are every morning. This is where the day of a successful charismatic begins.

Make the most of your appearance

Most of people are not trying to use their natural abilities to the fullest. This is especially true for men. But others always greeted me based on my clothes and appearance. All charismatic people look like a million dollars. They have everything in order with their wardrobe, appearance and grooming. They look sporty, stylish and attractive. Make the most of your appearance.

Become more confident

Stiffness, awkwardness, shyness are bad qualities. Behave more confidently, boldly, easily and naturally. Stop huddling around, afraid to say or do something. Maintain composure in any situation and atmosphere. Charismatic people are attractive precisely because they are clearly confident in themselves. Unshakable confidence is captivating.

Value yourself

Good professionals in their field, cool businessmen and experienced playboys. How are they all similar? They value themselves and know their worth. They are not the ones who run after jobs, money, contracts and girls, not them. Position yourself as the highest value. Don't underestimate yourself as an expert in your field. Don't run after women on your hind legs. Show your value.

Find your goals

Charismatic people are always passionate about something. They have many plans and goals that they strive for. They have no time to be bored, mope, whine or be lazy. They burn with fire inside. They are ignited by ideas, thoughts and dreams. They are involved in work, passionate about projects, poring over business, pursuing creativity and other dreams.

Look tough like Fort Knox

In any business, everyone prefers those who are reliable as a rock. Who is responsible for their words and actions. If anyone promised, he will fulfill it, even if he breaks himself into a piece of cake. Charismatic people are reliable and always get things done. This is a stone wall or block that inspires confidence.

Be as energetic as possible

Most people are like sleepy and lethargic sloths, while other people are a real bundle of energy. Be at the right time at the right moment. Concentrate and show efficiency where required. Be energetic, cheerful, fresh, productive, proactive, enterprising and active. Maximum energy. It's like you're a compressed spring.

How to work on charisma?

“Charismatics are extraordinary people. They exude the aroma of adventure and risk, very attractive to those for whom life is boring.” Robert Greene

Charisma and charm can be developed. This is a whole set positive qualities, which can be developed in parallel. To achieve success, work extra on the following.

  • Start exercising regularly 2-3 times a week.
  • Get out of your usual comfort zone towards something new and promising.
  • Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep and get plenty of rest to stay energized.
  • Change your appearance in better side, squeezing it to the maximum.
  • Expand your social circle and choose those you spend time with carefully.
  • Find your favorite hobbies and passions, what your soul is passionate about.
  • Eat healthy, stop drinking and get rid of bad habits.
  • Constantly acquire new knowledge and skills.
  • Use yours strengths and improve the weak ones.
  • Concentrate on what is producing, follow the plans and don’t let everything take its course.
  • Find your goals, dreams and desires, and then get to work.
  • Take risks, try and act, and don’t sluggishly chew snot.

Stop believing in miracles, luck and cronyism. Believe in yourself. Believe in your charisma and strength. What is charisma? This is the main factor that helps you achieve your goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Let your charisma act, and not gather dust on the shelf...

Reading time: 3 min

Charisma is a quality that everyone wants to have, but no one can fully explain this very charisma. Where to find her, what qualities does a charismatic person have? What is this property that has an almost mystical effect on people’s feelings? Charisma is a whole set of psychological, communicative and external parameters. Charisma is a certain corporate style, image, individual way of communication that attracts others. Such a set of communicative, psychological traits, as well as an attractive appearance, appears to others as fire, internal energy, forcing one to follow oneself. It is sometimes associated with high talent, but is also confused with posing, which is characteristic of demonstrative individuals.

To be charismatic is to be passionate. Indeed, if we remember those whom we can confidently call charismatic - they were all passionate about their chosen business, had excellent energy, with a sparkle in their eyes, as if they were floating in a special stream, different from the gray everyday life of the bulk of people. With equal efforts, seemingly identical actions, the results of the influence and work of a charismatic person and an unenthusiastic person differ impressively.

Charisma development

If you want to become stronger, you can join a gym. If you want to learn how to program, you can take special course. But how can one gain the confidence of charisma? Is it possible to purposefully develop charisma? Here are some tips that can help you in different social situations and at the same time help you discover the meaning of the word charisma.

The first advice for those who quickly get lost in a conversation and cannot find what to say is to speak publicly, for example, in a stand-up club. First of all, it's worth doing it because it's scary. Speaking in front of an audience and trying to make them laugh is intimidating. And also because with such a performance you simply have nowhere to go, you are on stage, the audience falls silent, and you have to act! This is not an isolated case; all conversations require activity and resourcefulness. For example, if someone approaches you with a threat, you need to respond and continue the conversation, even if your state is close to stupor. Try performing on stage if you have a similar problem. This advice is important because anything that pushes you out of your comfort zone helps in social situations later.

The next tip is a little different from the previous ones. It is appropriate for cases when a conflict situation is brewing. It doesn’t have to be an outright fight, but someone suddenly starts behaving aggressively, your heart starts beating faster, you can’t decide how to react. This advice is to study martial arts. There is no need to start a fight, we are talking about mastering the experience that you will get in sparring. This experience will teach you how to breathe smoothly and come up with a plan for what to do in stressful social situations, rather than following the natural fight-or-flight response, which is accompanied by an increased heart rate and breathing, making you unstable. This way of staying calm will help you in many ways. conflict situations, even in non-obvious ones - when you want to ask for a raise or promotion, speak in public or win over a group of friends.

The fourth tip is to use any social environment, be it a bar, club or event, to test the impression you make on others. After all, it’s no longer so important to be able to impress your friends, and if you tell a boring story, they’re unlikely to look for an excuse to leave. But in a bar or at an event, if you start telling a boring story, then people will try to run away from communication, pick up the phone or leave, even finding a good reason. And this way you will probably have feedback about which story is interesting and which is boring. If you do this kind of testing, you will learn which option makes a better impression, you will begin to notice that people, for example, are more engaged when you talk about music or about your work. And choose the right course of action to better connect with people. Be a researcher, and after the event, turn around different conversations in your mind and analyze, this will allow you to find those facts about you that are really fascinating. Over time, you will notice that you have become more interesting to people, it will become easier for you to communicate.

Another tip is to replace “I” with “we” and “you”. Try to keep track of pronouns in speech, because they indicate your position. It will always be more pleasant for your interlocutor to hear about yourself, and he will be more active and more willing to accept those proposals in which you talk about the benefits for him personally. For example, not “I want to show”, but “you will be able to see, and it will definitely be interesting to you.” By talking more about others and not about yourself, you seem to break down the wall of separation between you, because everyone wants to be understood, interested in him and paid attention to him. This is how you become closer to people. But you should not abuse this advice, because avoiding the “I” may look like its weakness and an attempt to share responsibility, which in the behavior of especially men will be perceived as a minus.

The next tip is to learn to ask open questions, which allow the interlocutor to expand his answer, while closed ones imply only a few answer options, usually “yes” or “no.” Open questions will allow you to maintain the conversation, deepen it, learn more about the interlocutor, and allow him to express himself. Be interested in your subject, asking him open questions about his hobbies, events throughout the day, ask with liveliness and sincerity, and then you will be surprised how willingly they will make contact with you.

In connection with this advice, let’s say that it is extremely important to first find out in what area the interests of the interlocutor or audience lie, and prepare for communication. Ask leading questions, and then, based on the information you receive, build further communication, include in your speech what the interlocutor told you, emphasize points that correspond to his values, and he will listen to you with even more attention.

Another, perhaps most important, piece of advice is to make the person feel personally valued. And nothing helps to do this at the beginning of communication like calling by name. The more often you say a person’s name, the more often he responds and the better he perceives your message, addressed as specifically for him. All people are focused on themselves, and even if there is a war on the other side of the world, then, most likely, a person will be more worried about a pimple on his own face.

To develop charisma, you also need to pay attention to its non-verbal components, facial expressions, and voice. It is known that intonation depends on health, posture and general emotional state. There are special exercises for developing vocal power that you can resort to when developing charisma has become a goal. The main thing to know is that the voice should come as if from the chest, but not from the level of the throat. With a chesty voice, your timbre will become more pleasant, caressing the ear, which is especially important when communicating with the opposite sex.

There are also exercises for the development of facial movements - for example, facial gymnastics, aimed at feeling each muscle. You should resort to facial exercises, like exercises, in the morning to effectively express your feelings throughout the day. In addition to warming up and keeping fit, you should know how emotions are expressed in movements and intonations, which will provide you not only with more effective expression of yourself and a targeted influence on your interlocutors, but also with the correct reading of their emotions. This refers to the level that has now begun to receive special attention. A number of psychologists, based on studies of the components of intelligence and the impact on social success, argue that emotional literacy is no less important, and prevention or elimination of the inability to recognize emotions is simply necessary for a person who wants to become a charismatic interlocutor. Attention to non-verbal components is extremely important, because the first impression usually takes place even before the conversation, in the first few seconds, this happens unconsciously.

How to develop charisma for a man?

Women unanimously declare that they like charismatic men. But if you ask what male charisma means, you are unlikely to get a definite answer. As we said, charisma and its components are difficult to define unambiguously. Perhaps it is elusive precisely because it varies for each person, it is individual. But women feel it in men on an intuitive level, clearly identifying that representative of the stronger sex who is passionate about his work, has lively energy, and is something more than a simple man in the street. Relying on her feelings, a woman is drawn to such a man, almost unmistakably identifying an active, strong leader.

Can a man, realizing that he lacks charisma, specifically develop it? It is unlikely that the “Charisma in 7 Days” training and similar short courses with clear recommendations will help you here.

Charisma is a general consequence of what a person does, how passionate he is. Only by doing what he loves and being creatively involved in it, a man can gain the energy that is recognized as charisma.

Give compliments more often, take it as a practice or as an experiment to see how pleasant and, most importantly, sincere a compliment can endear your interlocutor. Try tomorrow to start complimenting your girlfriend more often - for example, you will see that she bought a new accessory, she has a new hairstyle, or maybe even a personal quality. Give a compliment and justify it. For example, don’t just notice out loud that the girl’s hairstyle suits her, but say that it harmoniously outlines the oval of her face. Make giving a compliment something natural, simple, and a daily practice, and you will notice that people will speak better about you, they will like you more, and you will be able to create a pleasant impression. Most men, even knowing about the almost magical power of compliments, neglect them. However, they should not be forgotten either at the time of acquaintance or when the relationship is already established.

Think about your charisma, which can manifest itself in appearance, speech and actions. Take care of yourself, be in good physical shape, be relaxed internally - this will be reflected in your movements, which, in turn, will be perceived by your audience. Maintain your posture, lower your voice, speak less, but more succinctly - let every word you say have weight. After all, male charisma is specific precisely in that it manifests itself not only in words, but also in deeds - hold the door for a woman, offer your hand in the right situation, then she will probably find you charming. With longer interactions, you will need to take care of more serious actions, each of which will add to your charisma much more significantly than good looks or promises.

How to develop charisma for a woman

So much has already been said about women's ability to intuitively influence other people. In this fact, for the most part, lies female charisma, the mastery of which for representatives of the fair sex is almost never a problem, because it happens unconsciously. Historically, if a man’s survival has always depended more on the ability to perform very specific actions, then a woman’s success has always gone side by side with her ability to exert psychological influence. Even a little girl already understands well how she can be liked and get what she wants through communication - verbal or non-verbal. While boys are mastering specific skills that will allow them to become serious men in the future, girls manage to perfectly master the art of building relationships, what is called female charisma.

However, we can attribute to the charisma of the fair sex not only purely feminine qualities– people often find charismatic those women in whose character leadership, and partly masculine, traits are also manifested to some extent. This combination of qualities allows a woman to become interesting, unconventional in her way of thinking and actions, and less predictable. Suffice it to name a few famous personalities who demonstrate this complex, charismatic bouquet of traits: Joan of Arc, Margaret Thatcher, Irina Khakamada, Yulia Timoshenko, Yulia Chicherina. All of these women have a strongly manifested masculinity, which, however, does not mean that they necessarily wear men's haircut or clothes, like Joan of Arc. On the contrary, their femininity is not controversial. However, the leadership principle shows itself in the look, action, some elusive things. It is interesting that such charismatic, active women often choose men with manifested feminine qualities as their husbands beginning, which also, due to the ambiguity of their image, thinking and lifestyle, can be examples of male charisma. In other words, charisma coexists with originality, flexibility of thinking and breadth of views, and also often with psychological.

The Art of Charisma

A person without charisma is often called a bore; in his speeches, and in himself, there is little energy. Whereas a charismatic person can even read out a telephone directory so that everyone listens to him!

Charisma - what is it? The meaning of the word charisma is best revealed through its ancient Greek root and means a gift from God, anointing. Isn't that something that's hard to get?

A charismatic leader is often considered by his followers to be an exceptional, unusual person, almost possessing supernatural qualities.

What is charisma in a person? The concept of charisma was often used even in church texts, where it was considered grace, a special spiritual gift that descended on a person. Today, in the theological tradition, the word charisma refers to the 9 gifts of the Spirit that the apostles received at Pentecost. These gifts are divided into 3 groups: the gifts of revelation, which include knowledge, wisdom and vision of spirits, the gifts of power, which include faith, the ability to heal and perform miracles, and the gifts of speech - prophecy, knowledge of tongues and their interpretation.

How to master charisma and start attracting success? After all, you will agree that there is a close connection between success and charisma. Much of our success and well-being depends on our relationships with others. The better our environment reacts to us, the easier it is for us to get what we want. Essentially, when discussing charisma, we come to the law of attraction. Over the centuries it has been interpreted in different ways. However, in general, this law leads to the fact that you inevitably attract into your life those people and those situations that are in harmony with your state and thoughts. You are like a living magnet, and your state is constantly sending out certain waves that are like sound waves from a radio station. They are the ones that are captured by people who perceive you.

Thoughts, amplified by your emotions, like radio waves amplified by electrical impulses, come out of you and are captured by those who are initially tuned to a common wave with you. And people, ideas, necessary opportunities, funds, interesting situations, money, and other things that correspond to your personal way of thinking and state are attracted to your life. This pattern explains exactly how you can increase your charisma in order to positively influence the people whose cooperation, whose support and love you crave. The most important thing to remember is that charisma is largely based on perception. What matters is not exactly who you are, but how people imagine you to be. It's not so much the reality of things as it is how others perceive you.

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