What do you wear for a boy to school? How to dress stylishly for school: general recommendations. Jeans and trousers

The ceremonial celebrations for the Day of Knowledge in schools, secondary and higher educational institutions are approaching. How to choose the right outfit for a young girl to express her individuality, look stylish and feel confident among her classmates,and in the eyes of teachers?

Today, the women's online magazine Korolevnam.ru will tell you how a young girl can dress stylishly for September 1st and look her best! *victory*

Choosing clothes for school: both strict and fashionable!

Pupils of schools where it is customary to wear a uniform do not have much fun. But even here you can emphasize individuality with the help of discreet accessories: a belt, elegant jewelry, shoes.

High school girls who are free to choose their outfit have a hard time. The variety of shapes and styles, fabrics and shoes presented on store shelves confuses even the most advanced fashionistas.

Here's the main tip: "Less is better". Give preference office style, avoid too short skirts and floor-length skirts. These are still summer options, not quite suitable for this holiday.

To add femininity and softness to the look, replace the white blouse with cream, beige or tea rose, and the black bottom with blue, gray or maroon.

Blouses and skirts

For several years now, a sophisticated English look has not gone out of fashion - the favorite checkered skirt and knitted vest. Also a win-win option would be a pastel-colored blouse and a pencil skirt in a dark gray or chocolate shade.

It is better to choose a blouse with a smooth cut with a small neckline that reveals an elegant neck line.

The ideal length for a skirt is just below the knee.

What should a fat girl wear to school?

  • For girls with curvy hips, wrap skirts with vertical decorative elements in the form of zippers, buttons or folds of fabric are suitable.
  • A blouse with a V-neck will visually reduce the size of your breasts.

Choosing a dress for September 1

High-waisted dresses and sheath dresses do not lose their relevance. They will make your figure more graceful and hide imperfections. It is better to choose dark (brown, blue, dark green) or light (beige, cream) shades. Opt for natural fabrics, excluding transparent options, they will be out of place.

Be sure to try on one of the shirtdress options. The combination of rigor and femininity will appeal to girls of any figure. A vertical strip of buttons will elongate the silhouette, and a bright belt at the waist will emphasize the slimness of the figure.

An excellent version of the dress would be a fitted knee-length sundress made of wool blend fabric. Grey colour This option would be ideal.


No platforms or flashy colors!

Classic pumps in black or beige with a neat heel will be the perfect addition to any chosen outfit.

Hair, makeup, manicure for the first of September

In this matter, the main thing is a harmonious combination of the image as a whole. These can be braids, a bun gathered at the back of the head, or soft curls. The most beautiful hair- healthy and clean!

In makeup we stick to calm shades. Eyebrow correction will make your face more expressive, and voluminous black mascara will highlight your eyes. Save bright lipstick for parties; lip gloss will suffice for this occasion.

An impeccable manicure for September 1 - “French” or “lunar” in discreet shades. With them, your hands will look the most elegant and well-groomed.

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If you are studying at high school, it is very important to look attractive and dress well. However, sometimes it can be difficult to do this, especially when you have little time to get ready in the morning. With this guide, you can look great every day. Always try something new, create your own style, but do not forget about the rules adopted in your school.


    Shower regularly. Do this using a scented shower gel and a soft sponge. Wash thoroughly with warm water to get really clean. You must Always be neat and smell nice when heading to school; don't forget to use deodorant. While showering, shave your armpits and legs (if your parents allow you), and wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Use a washcloth with a little soap or shower gel and scrub your entire body thoroughly. Comb wet hair with a comb (not a massage brush) to help it dry more accurately. Try to shower every other day or every day, but don't wash your hair every day - wear a shower cap. After your shower, you can apply a detangler or leave-in conditioner if your hair tends to be frizzy.

    Cleanse and moisturize your face. Wash your face with cleansing gel, then apply a light moisturizer. A gel, mousse, or special cleanser helps remove dirt, oil, and makeup from your face, making your skin less acne-prone. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the products you use.

    Brush your teeth. Do this every morning and evening. Choose a good toothpaste and don't forget to use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh and your teeth snow-white. Try not to use whitening gels and strips - they damage the enamel of your teeth and are harmful to your gums. If you have previously used whitening toothpaste, start brushing your teeth with an enamel-protecting toothpaste. Apply lip balm to keep your smile flawless. If you wear braces, brush your teeth as thoroughly as possible. Your smile may not be perfect (yet!), but at least you won't have food particles stuck between your teeth.

    Try to smell good. Now that you're getting older, you sweat more, so wear deodorant. In addition, you can apply a little perfume with a delicate aroma.

    Choose suitable outfits. When choosing clothes, always try them on and look in the mirror. If an item looks good on the hanger but doesn't suit you, discard it. Choose clothes that suit your color and fit well. If an outfit looks good on you and you feel comfortable in it, don't look elsewhere. Keep in mind, you are going to school, so you need to choose something comfortable and modest, but cute. Be bold and try new styles. If you have never worn a skirt in primary school, try going to class in a skirt one day to see if you like it. You might be surprised! Shorts have always been and will be in fashion, so be sure to buy a few. Please note that many schools have uniform requirements - it must be secular in nature and comply with generally accepted standards of business style.

    • Don't wear see-through shirts. Sometimes when you wear a white or light-colored shirt, your bra may show through the fabric. Try wearing a tank top underneath to avoid this. Under white blouses or shirts, it is best to wear a nude bra rather than a white one.
    • Don't try to look sexy; You're still in high school, so wearing revealing clothes might give people the wrong idea about you. Dress modestly to avoid being seen in the principal's office. For example, if you're wearing a low-cut shirt, wear it with a matching top to avoid revealing too much skin.
  1. Add accessories. Accessories are always great, they will highlight your style and add variety even to such a boring outfit as a school uniform. Accessories can match the color of the clothing or, conversely, be contrasting to add a color accent. Try wearing bracelets, pendants, rings, earrings or necklaces; see which one you like best.

    Experiment with your hair. Just blow-dry them, curl them, straighten them, crimp them, braid them. Don't forget to use a special heat-protective spray that protects your hair when exposed to high temperatures. If you have thick or dry hair, use a leave-in conditioner to style it. Finish the hairstyle with hairspray without a strong scent. Add a subtle touch like a cute clip, headband, crab or flower.

    • Do different hairstyles. For example, instead of a regular ponytail, use a French braid. If you're ready for a radical change, get a completely new haircut or even side-swept bangs. You can start with side bangs: they will give you a completely different look, but if you don't like the result, you can always pin them up or tuck them under a headband.
  2. Try using cosmetics. Just because you're in high school doesn't mean you're must do makeup. However, if you want to wear makeup, remember that there should be very little makeup on your face. Make sure your makeup looks natural. A little mascara and balm or neutral lip gloss is enough for middle school. Paint your nails and pluck your eyebrows only if you think you can't do without it.

    Smile And be confident in yourself . A smile always decorates. No outfit will make you look charming if you are gloomy and unhappy with yourself. Try to be different, but do not forget that they will respect you only if you respect yourself. Self-esteem will help you become truly happy and attractive. Don't lose confidence in yourself and don't let others bully you. There are people who just like to say or do mean things, so ignore them.

    Apply body lotion. Apply it to your arms, legs, and if necessary, to your entire body. This will give your skin a clean, velvety and healthy look.

  3. Be yourself! You need to be self-confident! If you feel insecure without makeup, wear it, but try not to overdo it. Remember, you should always be yourself. The original is always more valuable than a copy. Be natural and you will notice that you get compliments more often.

    • Choose an outfit the night before school so you don't have to stand in front of your closet for an hour in the morning.
    • Don't let other people pressure you. You are you, and this is the best it can be!
    • If you're not a fan of accessories, you don't have to wear them. You can manage without them and still look absolutely great. Just wear attractive clothes that suit you, style your hair accordingly, and you'll be fine!
    • Experiment! Don't limit yourself to one style. And if you always shop at one specific store, try visiting several others.
    • Never worry about what others think, it's just your life. If people judge you by your clothes, don't let it bother you: the main thing is to remain confident in yourself.
    • Shower the evening before school.
    • Brand names aren't everything. Be yourself and smile.
    • If branded clothing doesn't suit your personal style, don't buy it. If other people don't like it, that's their problem; let someone else wear those clothes, don't let people around you make fun of you or anything like that for rejecting those brands.
    • If you need more time to get ready, get up earlier than usual.
    • Try on your chosen outfit and show it off to someone before wearing it to school.
    • Ask your friends for honest advice.
    • If you are required to wear a uniform, choose the most attractive option.


    • Don't pluck your eyebrows in the morning before school, they will turn red! If you need to, do it the night before.
    • If you are happy with yourself, don't turn your nose up. Keep it simple.
    • Don't be influenced by the crowd - be yourself!
    • Shave your legs the night before school or get up early to do it.
    • Don't overdo it when choosing an outfit for school. Any girl is always beautiful in herself.
    • If you wax your legs in the morning, they will be red at school.
    • If you don't have shaving cream, use soap lather or lotion such as cocoa butter. Shave carefully!
    • If you shaved in the evening, check in the daylight to make sure you didn't miss anything.
    • Be confident all day long because there is nothing worse than self-doubt!
    • If you don't know how to apply makeup, don't do it. Don't risk your self-esteem!
    • Don't pay attention to what others say. If you like your outfit, that's enough.
    • Never Don't shave without water or shaving cream. You may cut yourself and your skin will be irritated.

Adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adolescence, which is characterized by the leveling out of the opinions of adults, the emergence of one’s own judgments and assessments, and the desire to join the team. For teenage boys, it is necessary to be part of some company, have authority in it and look no worse than their peers. It was during this period that guys first became interested in their wardrobe.

If the company wears clothes, for example, hip-hop style, then the child will try to put on all the attributes inherent in this trend: a cap with a straight visor, wide pants three sizes too big, huge sneakers and a baggy T-shirt. Rings and chains will complement the look. An ordinary mother simply will not let her child go outside looking like this, but a smart mother will show how you can look not only stylish, but also attractive.

The principles of compiling a teenage boy’s wardrobe are no different from the principles of compiling an adult’s wardrobe. First of all, we determine your child’s color type and follow the rule “we determine the colors that suit him closer to the face.”

It is acceptable that a child loves bright orange, although he himself is a summer type, just offer him orange shorts instead of a T-shirt, orange suspenders or a sweatshirt with orange cuffs.


The wardrobe should consist of several groups: for school, for visiting/going to the cinema/cafe, for sports, for street company. This way, the child will always have current clothes at hand, and parents will always see what items in the capsules need to be replaced.

Sportswear. This includes not only school sports uniforms, but also any other that will be used for recreation outside the city, fishing, in the country and for playing football. First of all, these are high-quality comfortable sneakers. No matter how much you would like to save on them, you cannot do this.

Prolonged stress on the legs in the form of running or walking puts significant stress on the arch of the foot, which leads to its improper formation. There should be no street style sneakers or sneakers in this capsule. Next, add sweatpants and shorts, several khaki T-shirts, a zip-up sweatshirt, a light windbreaker and a cap.

Home clothes should be comfortable, so much so that the teenager simply does not feel them, and they should be easy to put on. And most importantly, it should be easy to wash, because teenagers sweat a lot. Therefore two sets home clothes You should have in stock: a pair of shorts, a pair of T-shirts and a pair of T-shirts.

Youth clothes. In this category we include those things that a teenager wears in the company of friends. For some it will be regular jeans, for others it will be rapper pants, for others it will be sports - it all depends on the subculture.

This capsule must contain:

  • two pairs of jeans (regular and more informal, corresponding to the fashion of the moment - torn knees, scuffs or an abundance of pockets);
  • several T-shirts;
  • a pair of zip-up and hooded sweatshirts;

  • two pairs of summer shorts (preferably with pockets);
  • T-shirts in bright colors;
  • sneakers, street style sneakers, sandals;
  • accessories (cap, bandana, small shoulder bag, backpack, belts and suspenders).

Dressy clothes are intended for going out to some event with adults, or for friends’ birthdays. The main thing is that the clothes are festive and stylish.

  • a pair of expensive jeans or casual trousers in khaki, gray, marsh (depending on the main color in the wardrobe);
  • plain casual shirt with pockets on the chest. Pockets and collar can be trimmed with checkered fabric;
  • Polo T-shirt;

  • cardigan or jacket with plaid lining;
  • for the cool season, a coat;
  • boots and sneakers.

School clothing should be based on the rules of the educational institution where the teenager is studying. If your school does not have a special school uniform, then the young man’s arsenal should include a suit or skinny black non-denim trousers, several light-colored shirts, a pair of turtlenecks, a vest and a jacket. For shoes, classic shoes are preferable.

We take age into account

One of the important criteria in choosing a teenage wardrobe is the age of the young person. Since teenagers are considered children from 11 to 18 years of age, the range in things will be quite wide. For 11-12 year olds, T-shirt prints with their favorite cartoon and movie characters will still be relevant. At this age, their favorite characters are superhero protagonists.

13-year-old teenagers begin to get involved in music, dancing, sports, and the characters take on real features. At this age, an excellent choice would be T-shirts with photographs of human idols: actors, favorite musicians, athletes, as well as with logos of favorite groups.

If a boy is still interested in super heroes, then most likely he will pay attention not to prints depicting the heroes themselves, but to prints with logo icons, for example, the Avengers, star Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and others. This way they no longer feel like children, but at the same time feel a connection with their favorite hero.

For boys 14-16 years old, it is important to look like adults in order to please girls. At this age, they are already beginning to look closely at how their parents, the main characters in school-themed films, and the most popular guys in school dress. 15 years is the most fertile time to direct a child’s style in the right direction.

In the 2017 season, trousers with turn-ups that open the ankle are especially popular for teenagers. These can be either jeans or suit trousers. They go great with Snickers and moccasins. Fashion collections for boys often feature jackets, T-shirts and pullovers in pastel colors, including pink. However, most likely, this will be relevant for older guys of about 18 years old.

It's time for parents to understand that shorts are not only worn to the beach. Modern shorts are made from high-quality breathable fabric; their style differs significantly from underwear. For skinny guys, these can be either skinny models that sit strictly on the hips or wide shorts with hip-hop style pockets. For overweight people - straight, strict cut with a minimum of pockets.

They wear shorts with T-shirts, loose-fitting shirts and tucked in. As for footwear, thick-soled sandals, sneakers, and sneakers are preferable. Rubber flip-flops should be avoided. Crocs are acceptable in some cases.

We select according to the time of year

Teenagers are bright personalities and they simply have to emphasize their brightness with clothes. Designers understand this, so even winter clothes for children from 12 to 18 years old are made in colors that are far from winter. Winter of this year - bright shades of warm colors - crimson, ocher, yellow; and cool colors - blue, cornflower blue, emerald, purple.

Finnish clothing is a priority, because it perfectly combines youth design and excellent tailoring quality. These are down jackets and parkas, wide knitted sweaters, military pants.

This spring, the office theme is hot. Guys are offered a wide selection of plain shirts in soothing colors, shirts with small stripes and checkered patterns. Also, special attention is paid to cardigans made of fine knitwear. Their main feature is bright colors.

A good old denim jacket will help add some sass to your look. Denim jackets are again at the peak of popularity; it is recommended to wear them not only with T-shirts, but also with shirts and trousers. Since teenagers often “rebel” against the rules, a classic jacket with a “cheesy” T-shirt would be a great way to express themselves.

Clothing for the summer does not leave much choice in wardrobe items: T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, light linen trousers. However, a teenager has the opportunity to experiment with summer clothes at the style level. IN summer season All types of T-shirts are relevant: wide, fitted, with a V-neck, long, revealing the navel, wide and short with a boat neckline, dropped off the shoulder. Colors and prints of your choice, there are no clear instructions here.

Cargo shorts are at the peak of popularity; they are comfortable, the style suits any figure, and they have voluminous pockets that are so attractive to boys.

Be sure to take into account that in the summer guys lead an active lifestyle: rollerblades, bicycles, skateboards, parkour. Choose clothes that are not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

It is very important to instill a taste and sense of beauty from childhood - everyone knows this. However, not everyone knows and understands that it all starts with the wardrobe. Today Daria Sudyeva will tell you how to instill taste in children and where to start.

Out with the old, in with everything clean and new!

When a little lady starts wearing her older brother’s plaid shirts, when a boy goes out to play in the yard wearing anything, justifying it by saying that he’ll get dirty anyway. That's when you end up with women stuck in jeans for decades and men's cut shirts, and men who don't care at all the soup has dried up on their sleeve and whether the pants are the right size. And the worst thing is that this is where their problems begin in their personal lives, and in your career. They greet you, whatever one may say, based on their clothes.

So today I would like to say... no, shout, how important it is what we dress our children in. Psychologists say that the environment shapes a person. And just wardrobe occupies in this environment not the last place.

From September to May, that is most year, every morning the child gets dressed for school. Let's think about it, because school is that formal, serious environment. This is some many years of rehearsal for adulthood and the ability to dress appropriately for the occasion.

Now, of course, I would like to talk about women in tight, low-cut leopard print dresses, which they wear early in the morning to the office, or about programmers who consider it quite normal to come to work in rubber pantos and shorts... but I won’t.

I’d rather tell you about clothes for school so that 20 years later they will never say about your daughter or son “oh, that vulgarly dressed woman from the third floor” or “oh, this is our sloppy employee, his shorts are funny, sure!”

11 school wardrobe rules

So let me begin:

Rule 1. Whether your school has a strict dress code or simply requires neatness, it is important that the child was dressed well and stylishly. After all, then the attitude towards him will be appropriate, and he will make the right impression. Especially this relevant for first-graders, those who move from junior to senior school and, of course, for high school students.

Rule 2.Children's clothing (school uniform)should be comfortable and fit. Can't argue with that! The child should feel comfortable in it. There should be no embarrassment or shame about your suit or dress.

I understand that there are different situations in life, and different financial situations - but still, if possible,You shouldn’t buy blazers, cardigans, or suits for your child to grow into..

IN Soviet time Everyone was bought for this very growth. And what have we got now? Men, with rare exceptions, fundamentally incorrectly determine their size and buy trousers and jackets that they just hang out on them, "hanging". And women who always look in the mirror and doubt whether the new blouse is the right size for them. And I don’t want to write about the feeling of inconvenience and awkwardness that a teenager experiences when clothes don’t fit him...

Rule 3. Clothes should be predominantly from natural materials. When it comes to blouses and shirts, the best entirely made of cotton or viscose. The fabric for children's suits and school uniforms should contain natural materials at least 55%. It's better if it's of good quality fine wool.

Rule 4.Buy clothestaking into account the child's opinion. Respect his preferences, because small man already gravitates towards some style. Explain from childhood why in this or that case you advise wearing different clothes.

Rule 5.Clothing, hairstyle and accessoriesmust be age appropriate. A rare exception may be themed holidays. However, there can be no exceptions for going to school.

Rule 6. For school clothes it is best to choose muted dark colors . I would recommend do not use black color. Especially for young gentlemen.

It will be too solemn (especially in combination with a white shirt), elegant. And school everyday life is a daily work option. It's better to prefer various shades of gray or blue. If you want to add a "zest", pay attention on a business check or non-contrast stripe.

These designs on fabric are appropriate and look interesting. Save bright, rich colors for after-school and holiday wardrobes.

And one more small color detail: pink color Barbie or piggy pink by school should have already tired of your young charmer. And if not - try offering her ash pink. For shirts, in addition to classic white, you can use others bleached muted shades: creamy, icy blue, mint, etc.

Rule 7. Boys - trousers, girls - skirts and dresses! I would recommend this. Down with jeans- these are clothes more likely for relaxation, walking, but not for studying. Doesn't your school know about this? What difference does it make what others do? let your son and daughter look right.

Choose stylish, contemporary cut trousers, a shirt and a cardigan for your son, and for your daughter a perfectly fitting dress or skirt in combination with a youth-cut jacket. This will be the golden mean if it is not customary at your school to look appropriate. Maybe, this will serve as an example to others, and everything will fall into place.

Rule 8.Shouldn't be worn to schooltoo short skirts(even for very young students) and even more so complement them with fishnet tights. Can be selectedtights in color to match the skirt or dress.

Since childhood a lady should distinguish between vulgarity and elegance, know the difference between business and holiday settings. After all, for an anniversary with your beloved grandfather and for a math test, they wear completely different skirts and even more so different tights.

Pay attentionto choosing your first tieand bow ties for the boys, because this tie, and how mom and dad helped pick it out, will be remembered for a long time.

Rule 9. Give preference shoes and boots made of smooth leather, patent black shoes look out of place even on an eight-year-old girl.

Rule 10.Don't let me wearsneakers for school. Don’t make the excuse that physical education is on the schedule today. From childhood, a boy (and even more so a girl!) must understand thatsneakers belong only in the gym. Such shoes are intended only for sports.

Don't let wearing inappropriate shoes with dress pants, don’t think that now they are small, they don’t understand, but for the prom we will buy the “right” shoes. Alreadytaste is forming now, already now they absorb and understand everything.

Rule 11. Do not use for hairstyles hairpins studded with rhinestones and overly shiny. And, of course, this kind of decor is even more should not be on clothing. Save these accessories for the holidays, or at least don't wear them to school. Girls grow up - but, unfortunately, hairpins with rhinestones remain... A good option There may be hairpins to match the hair, ribbons and bows, colors that echo the clothes.

All in our hands. Every day of life is unique and inimitable, let's be proud of our children, their appearance and successes!

Uniform has long been no longer a mandatory attribute of an educational institution, but despite this, the school is still an official institution and requires a certain dress code. However, not everyone wants to comply with it. And if with children younger age much simpler - kids, as a rule, trust the taste of their parents, while teenagers often rebel against established rules and wear whatever they want to school. This article will look at how boys and girls should dress for school in order to look fashionable and stylish, without violating the regulations of the educational institution.

What you should never wear to school

At the age of 13, teenagers already begin to think about their attractiveness to the opposite sex and strive to emphasize their individuality with the help of clothing. However, there are outfits that have no place in school. These include:

  1. transparent and translucent blouses and shirts;
  2. T-shirts with images of your favorite movie characters, musicians or singers;
  3. short shorts and miniskirts;
  4. leggings and leggings;
  5. ripped jeans;
  6. low-waist trousers;
  7. tracksuits.

Perhaps these wardrobe items look fashionable and beautiful, but it is better to save them for walks or informal parties with friends. And at school you should study and business style contributes to this process in the best possible way.

How to dress for school if you have a uniform

A strict school uniform is not a reason for frustration. There are many ways to dress fashionably for school without violating the rules of the educational institution. For example, a shirt can be not only white, but also beige, blue, soft pink and other soft colors.

If the school charter requires a mandatory combination of white top and black bottom, you can experiment (in moderation) with the style of a blouse or shirt. In particular, contrasting color buttons, a turn-down collar, and colored cuffs will enliven a boring look.

Correctly selected accessories will also add zest. For girls, this can be various decorations in their hair; boys can choose a stylish belt or cufflinks.

How to dress for school as a guy

Despite teenagers’ persistent rejection of school uniforms, they have certain advantages: they smooth out social inequality and competition “for the quality” of clothing. In addition, you don’t have to think about what to wear every day. How should a teenager dress for school if certain rules no, but do you need to look presentable and formal?

  • If a guy prefers a strict style of clothing, then classic dark-colored trousers would be the ideal option. You can choose a shirt of any style and shade. In cool weather, a jacket or knitted sleeveless vest to match the trousers will complement the look. Such an ensemble can also be worn for an exam at school to demonstrate your composure and readiness for work;
  • Fans of a more informal style can safely wear jeans to school. Modern the lineup presented with denim trousers of various colors and styles. You can easily choose jeans that match school dress code. As a top, a simple plain or checkered shirt, as well as a knitted sweater, half-over or cardigan, are suitable here.

How to dress for school as a girl

There is an opinion that girls mature earlier than boys. It’s hard to say whether this is so, but at the age of 12 young ladies already pay attention to their appearance and show a desire to stand out from the crowd. This is probably why it is much more difficult for them to decide on the choice of clothes for school everyday life, especially if educational institution There is no strict form provided.

The following wardrobe items will help a girl be fashionable at school:

  • Dress

A win-win option for a school look would be a sheath dress that is knee-length or a palm higher. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it be dark in color; it is quite acceptable to wear an outfit in delicate pastel colors, as well as a dress with polka dots or stripes.

Another stylish solution for going to school is a sundress. It can be worn either as an independent outfit or combined with a blouse, sweater or turtleneck.

This is generally a universal thing with which you can create many stylish ensembles. Depending on the figure and taste preferences You can choose a classic pencil skirt or a sun-type model. High-waisted skirts are in fashion. You can wear anything with this wardrobe item: shirts, blouses, sweaters, turtlenecks.

  • Trousers

Particular attention should be paid to classic trouser models with arrows. This style looks elegant and strict at the same time.

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