Bad animals. The smelliest animals in the world. The worst smelling animals

Animals don't really care about their own bad smell. And if they are still able to drive away hungry predators and curious people, then that’s great! The following representatives of the animal world smell so bad that you want to stay away from them.


This beautiful tropical bird, distributed from Colombia to Bolivia, has a special digestive system. Digested food is processed by bacteria in the bird's foregut, which is similar to the digestive system of ruminant animals such as cows.

Smelling the rotting smell of food emanating from the hoatzin, it is difficult to believe that this bird is a vegetarian and eats flowers, leaves and fruits. After all, the fetid manure smell of birds is more reminiscent of rotting snakes and frogs. But this feature of this bird protects it from the indigenous population of its habitat. It is because of the smell that rarely anyone encroaches on her life.

Southern Tamandua

The animal, also known as the four-toed anteater, is smaller in size than regular anteaters. But the main feature is its fetid odor.

Native to South America, the tamandua is nocturnal, feeding on ants and termites. The animal could be an excellent food for hungry jaguars if it did not have special defenses, which makes it similar to a skunk. In a moment of danger, the tamandua can release a terrible odor from the anal gland at the base of the tail, which discourages the appetite of any predator. After which, thanks to its long, tenacious claws, it can climb a tree. It is in the hollows of trees that they usually spend the daytime.


It didn’t get its name in vain. For protection, this beetle uses glands in the back of its abdomen, firing a chemical mixture from them with a characteristic loud sound. The temperature of this mixture is simply amazing - after all, water boils at such temperatures (+100 °C).

This beetle gets into our rating thanks to the paired glands at the end of the abdomen, which secrete toxic, foul-smelling substances. For humans, the bombardier is unpleasant only by smell, but for other insects it can be deadly.


This is the moment that, of course, was not mentioned in any part of the film of the same name with Hugh Jackman. This animal is also called a stinky or skunk bear, a nasty cat due to the ability to emit a terrible odor.

However, unlike most animals that use it for self-defense, wolverines mark their territory in this way and also attract partners during the mating season. Really like "nasty cats".

Keeled climbing snake

People commonly associate snakes with venomous bites or strangulation (pythons, anacondas). But not with bad scents.

But it’s not for nothing that this reptile is called a stinking snake. In addition to possessing glands capable of releasing a foul odor when threatened, this snake can reach a length of 2.5 meters. And it can quite stand up for itself even without the use of “incense”. After all, other snakes, including the Chinese cobra, often become its prey.


Typically found in Africa and Eurasia, hoopoes do not emit foul odors in everyday life. However, when the female incubates her eggs, her glands undergo special modification to produce a special fluid. The bird spreads the smell of rotting meat throughout all its feathers. It can also send a stinking “bomb” to unwanted visitors.

Maybe this is why these birds are not sold in pet stores.

Tasmanian devil

The animal, best known for the famous cartoon "Bugs Bunny", lives on the island of Tasmania. Predators are forced to think twice before deciding to eat this member of the animal kingdom. It can shower too much of a fetid stream on anyone who encroaches on his life.

This animal feeds on kangaroo rats, rabbits, snakes and amphibians. Previously, the Tasmanian devil could be found throughout Australia. However, he disappeared from these lands 600 years ago, remaining to live on only one island. The inclusion of this species in the Red Book is being considered.

Striped ferret

Zorilla is very similar to a skunk, but it lives in Africa, in the Sahara region. With the help of a bad-smelling liquid, he not only marks his territory, but also protects himself from potential enemies. As soon as the predator assumes a classic threatening pose, the striped ferret sprays a foul-smelling liquid into its eyes. This method of defense is capable of holding back even a lion, and more than one.

The weight of female striped ferrets is up to a kilogram, males - up to one and a half kilograms. They feed on rodents, hares, and snakes. They themselves become victims of wild dogs and birds of prey. Zorillas prefer the proximity of cattle. Indeed, on pastures, these animals scare away insects in the grass, which allows striped ferrets to catch and eat them.

When moving, zorillas like to change direction often and sharply, which allows them to avoid attacks from predators from any direction, and also cover their tracks well.


Getting into a herd of these representatives of the animal world is like being in the locker room of an NHL team. Depending on your preferences, you may find it seductive or nauseating.

An unpleasant odor is produced by musk ox glands located near its eyes. The leaking liquid accumulates in the wool, imbuing it with odor. This is how males attract females. And while the “girls” are patiently waiting for their winner, the “men” are fighting among themselves for their lady of the heart.

Musk oxen live in North America. The natural enemies of this representative of the animal world are: wolf, polar bear, wolverine, brown bear and, of course, humans. In the cold season, herbivores have to eat dry grass, which they dig up under the snow.


He is the most famous smelly animal in the world. If you have become a victim of it, then know that getting rid of the stench is not so easy. Experts recommend using a mixture of baking soda, soap and hydrogen peroxide for this purpose, refuting the belief that you can wash off the smell by bathing in tomato juice.

The skunk is easily recognized by its white stripes on its black body. Such a bright color also serves as a kind of warning of danger. But if this does not stop a predator or a curious person, the animal will use the “heavy artillery” of its anal glands.

In addition to North and South America, this animal can also be found on the islands of Indonesia. They inhabit a variety of landscapes, avoiding only swampy areas and dense forests. They are nocturnal. During the day they hide in holes. If an animal is too lazy to dig a hole, it may well take someone else’s. They feed not only on plant foods; their diet includes insects, worms, snakes, birds and rodents.

sea ​​hare

Aplysia can completely suppress the appetite of sharks, crustaceans and other fish by releasing a toxic stream of purple gas that interrupts the sense of smell of predators. Although this marine representative is already quite unappetizing, because it is poisonous, and also covered with vile mucus. However, this does not stop some Chinese from preparing such a “delicacy” in sauce.

An amazing feature of these mollusks is that they mate in chains. Being hermaphrodites, those who fall into the middle of such a chain perform the functions of both female and male individuals alternately.

Aplysias are distributed throughout the warm seas of our planet. The shellfish are painted in the brightest colors, which makes them quite beautiful.

The “smelly” lifestyle does not interfere with animals at all, but even helps. We will tell you how and with what in this article. We will also tell you who exactly is the most smelly animal.

Why do animals have a strong smell?

The ability of animals to emit certain individual odors is their ability to take their place in the ecosystem. This way they can limit their territory, mark food and defend themselves from stronger animals. After all, few predators would want to eat a disgusting-smelling prey. Moreover, for representatives of one species such a smell will not be fetid, but other individuals will immediately identify the stranger and assess how dangerous he is. Also, animals choose mating partners by smell, which is extremely important for their reproduction and continuation of the species. Humans have a similar ability. They secrete pheromones, which serve as a way to attract the opposite sex. Sensing this or that smell on a subconscious level, a person experiences sympathy or antipathy for their owners, and identifies an object for creating a family.

But over the course of evolution, humans have lost the ability to recognize the nuances of odors as sensitively as our ancestors did before they mastered verbal communication. They understood each other using sign language and smell. Animals can still distinguish an innumerable variety of aromas and subtly feel all their shades.

stink bugs

The first place is occupied by the bombardier beetle. It sprays 2 substances: hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone. When they interact, they form a chemical reaction with a large release of heat, the temperature of which is about 100 degrees C. The release of specific substances is accompanied by a characteristic sound, reminiscent of a crackling sound. In this way, the insect provides itself with protection from all sides.

In second place is the odorous rove beetle or smelly swift-footed rove. In nature, he hunts for pest snails. And so that no one interferes with his important mission, he secretes a secretion with a disgusting odor from the ducts of the glands located in the abdomen. This substance, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause a burn, and if swallowed, it can cause convulsions and destruction of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

The smelliest bird

The South American hoatzin is famous for its unpleasant odor. It emits a foul odor constantly, no matter the danger. It is believed that this feature is associated with its lifestyle and anatomical structure. The bird feeds on green leaves, which are processed in the foregut. This digestive process is accompanied by a strong-smelling discharge. Locals call the hoatzin a stinking pheasant, and the smell emanating from it is compared to cow dung.

Other smelly fauna

The Tasmanian devil got its name due to its ability to secrete substances containing a disgusting odor. Despite the fact that the animal is quite cute and attractive in appearance, it will not be possible to approach it even with good intentions. He will smell a stranger from afar and turn on his instinct of self-preservation.

No less attractive, but no less smelly animal is the well-known skunk. By secreting a secretion containing sulfur, methyl and butyl, this animal is capable of defeating the largest predators even from a great distance.

Another smelly inhabitant of our planet is the musk ox. Representatives of this species are very interesting in their behavior. To court a female, males have 10 to 15 ways. The ultimate goal, naturally, is mating. Strangely enough, one of the methods of attracting females is to secrete a horribly smelly liquid. The most interesting thing is that the same feature is observed in the representatives of the species themselves. When she accepts the “courtship” of a partner, a secret is secreted from her infraorbital glands, no less pleasant in smell than that of males. This sign lets the male know that his partner is ready to mate.

To prevent others from coveting her, the male sprays her with his “attractive” liquid. This is something like an official marriage. After such a ritual, the female mates only with this male. However, not everything is as romantic as it seems at first glance. A female may not accept her partner's advances. In this case, she begins to avoid him or even show aggression.

In addition to courting the female, the foul-smelling secretion of musk oxen serves to protect its territory from its other inhabitants.

The smelliest animal on Earth

Many people believe that the most smelly fauna inhabitant is the skunk. Surely this is confirmed by those who were lucky enough not to encounter the striped ferret (zorilla). Although these animals are representatives of the same species, the ferret is clearly superior to the skunk in its ability to stink. The “aroma” released from his anal glands can be heard almost a kilometer away. This smell frightens even the kings of animals, who would not refuse to feast on zorilla. By emitting such a stench, the ferret protects itself from approaching danger.

Fortunately, animals surprise not only with their smell; there are other amazing creatures on Earth. For example, dogs with fur more than a meter long. .
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“Buy a dog!” - the child begs. He promises to always, always obey, not bite his nails, clean up his toys, and study well at the same time. You are a reasonable person, so you don’t believe a single word. But month after month passes, and the pressure does not weaken. “Well, let’s buy someone already!” – one of the adult family members finally gives in. Although we are still not talking about a dog - there is too much fuss. Then the main dog substitutes come to the rescue - pets, size XS. Choose together with your child!

Chinese, Djungarian, Syrian - there are all sorts of hamsters. But they need almost the same conditions and food.

These cheekies are very independent. They like a separate living space, so that there are no neighbors. An uninvited guest placed by the owner “so that the little one wouldn’t be bored” can be chewed to death by the toothy little one. Well, or vice versa, the newcomer will finish off his new friend. Do you need it? But the feeling of loneliness is also not good for the hamster. That is, the cage must be spacious, but in moderation, otherwise the poor thing will get lost in it.

How long do they live: about two to three years, some centenarians up to five.

What they eat: mainly grains (special mixtures are sold in pet stores), lettuce, vegetables and fruits. They eat carrots, beets, pears, apples, but cabbage and potatoes are harmful to them. Hamsters also need protein - meat, cottage cheese, but not more than twice a week. Offer your hamster a twig of linden or birch, and he will understand you correctly - he needs to grind his teeth.

Attention! Do not bathe your baby in water, he may catch a cold. Place a plastic box with sand in the cage where your pet will clean its fur.

Guinea pigs

The ancient Incas were pragmatic people and tamed these rodents not for the sake of a pretty face, but to eat them. Well, and also sacrifice to the gods. You can still find guinea pig dishes in restaurants in Peru and Ecuador. True, the animal received this name only in our country. They nicknamed him Pig because he can squeal as well as a pig. And since it was brought to Europe, and then to Russia from South America, the Russians began to call it overseas, or sea. Pigs come in different breeds - long-haired, completely hairless, similar to Sphynx cats, and wire-haired.

Your pet prefers to live in a cage with a plastic tray, which needs to be cleaned regularly.

How long do they live: with good care 5-10 years.

What they eat: Guinea pigs need a lot of hay, greens and vegetables. They also eat grain mixtures from pet stores. There is no need to give the animals milk or cottage cheese - they are lactose intolerant. Meat will also give them nothing but an upset stomach.

Attention! Don't stop pigs from eating their droppings. Vitamins of groups B and K are absorbed only after passing through the stomach again. So if you find it unpleasant to watch, turn away.


This animal came to us from Chile; it cannot stand the cold. The ideal temperature for him is +25C, and make sure that the cage is not in a draft. Moreover, if he lives in it alone, he will soon become sad and wither - these animals love communication, they need company.

How long do they live: 5 years.

What they eat: Never give degus food for other rodents. As a last resort, for chinchillas, but the most proper nutrition for degus is special food sold in pet stores. Also, the animal must be given hay and greens. Keep in mind that all degus are prone to diabetes due to problems absorbing sugar. Under no circumstances give the animal sweets or even fruits! Treats for degus: chokeberries, blueberries, cranberries.

Attention! Degus love the smell of cigarettes, so when you let the animal out for a walk, make sure that it doesn’t get to the pack.


These fluffies look like both a squirrel and a rabbit. They have thick, beautiful fur, and to keep it that way, the animal needs to bathe in the sand. His large cage should also contain a special hard stone for grinding teeth and wooden sticks.

How long do they live: about 10-15 years, some up to 20.

What they eat: granulate, hay, fruit, bread crusts. In winter, you can give them dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).

Attention! It is better not to walk with chinchillas on the street, where they can easily pick up some kind of infection. Maximum - balcony or loggia. The animals also shed a lot, the whole room will be covered in fur, and are susceptible to the harmful effects of Wi-Fi (they say they even die).

It doesn't matter what breed of rabbit you prefer - a fold-eared ram or an Angora, or maybe a lion's head. Recommendations for care are almost the same: if it’s a cage, then a very spacious one, or better yet, a whole room; if you go for a walk, then use a harness and leash.

How long do they live: 5-7 years.

What they eat: rabbit diet - hay, special grain mixtures, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots. In spring, include dandelion leaves in your diet. Make sure that no leaves of other grass get into the bouquet for the eared one, otherwise it will be poisoned. Rabbits should not be given cabbage or nuts.

Attention! Rabbits do not like to be petted under the chin - they immediately begin to bite.


Many years ago, in the homes of Italy and Spain, ferrets were adopted instead of cats; they even went rabbit hunting with them. If you decide to buy such a cute little animal, keep in mind that this is a burrowing animal that constantly tries to crawl into any crevice, or, even better, to get stuck in it. Puppies are terribly curious and try to taste everything. And it doesn’t matter to him that you haven’t even opened this mascara yet, and the owner of the house hasn’t had time to print out this latest magazine. And don’t forget to hide the wires, otherwise you will be left without a computer and TV.

The ferret cannot sit in a cage all the time; he needs to move around the entire apartment or at least one room. But the animal will still need a house for shelter. Just like the toilet tray, which he needs to be accustomed to from childhood.

You can bathe your ferret, but not more than once or twice a month.

How long do they live: on average 8-10 years.

What they eat: Ferrets are predators, so the basis of their diet is meat (mainly boiled chicken or turkey, pork and lamb are prohibited). You also need to give vegetables, sometimes cottage cheese, excluding all salty, sweet and milk. The animal will be extremely grateful to you if you treat it with a ferret treat: a frog or worms. Om-Nom-nom!

Attention! Never leave your ferret under air conditioning or in a car in the sun - they cannot tolerate either hypothermia or overheating.

Alexandra Ulyanova


Centipedes, which are considered harmless, can scare off even a large predator if threatened. Along the body there are paired glands that secrete toxic substances. One species of millipede produces hydrocyanic acid. For information, this acid was used in gas chambers. The poison of one individual is enough to kill 6 mice. But the black lemur needs the smell of the centipede. The primate is a herbivore, but will never refuse to eat centipedes. The lemur's skin is saturated with toxic substances secreted by centipedes, which protect it from mosquitoes. The centipede juice has a stupefying effect on the lemur, and it simply becomes drunk.


Found in flooded riverine thickets, along river banks. Almost does not fly, most of the time it stays in the trees and rarely descends to the ground. Vegetable food: eats leaves and fruits, which it digests through fermentation, like ruminants, only not in the rumen, but in a large (7.5 times smaller than the bird itself) crop. Because of this, hoatzin has an unusually unpleasant manure odor.


The African ferret is black in color with wide white longitudinal stripes, the tail is white and fluffy, there are white spots on the head, and the body below is dark, almost black. The African ferret, like most mustelids, protects itself from enemies with the help of anal glands, which secrete a smelly secretion, while its smell is only slightly inferior to the secretion secreted by a skunk.


For all their clumsiness and slowness, Mexican tamanduas can fend for themselves, sometimes successfully fighting off much larger predators. The defensive tactics are very unusual - with its hind legs and tail, the animal clings tightly to a tree, rock, snag, or whatever comes along, thus releasing its main weapon - powerful paws with huge sharp claws. If the fight takes place in an open area, the tamandua lies on its side and fights off with four paws. When the predator's intentions are not so obvious, the anteater can resort to a completely different tactic - releasing an extremely pungent, stinking odor that will not force only a lame person to flee.


Marsupial devils are very aggressive, but their habit of opening their mouths wide, as if in a yawn, is not a way of intimidation and aggression, but rather a sign of uncertainty. When alarmed, Tasmanian devils, like skunks, emit a strong, unpleasant odor. Despite their ferocity, even adult marsupial devils are tameable and can be kept as pets.


The musk ox is an Arctic mammal of the family Bovidae, known for its thick fur and strong scent. This scent is produced by males to attract ladies. They primarily live in Arctic North America and Greenland, with small numbers also found in Sweden, Siberia and Norway. When a musk ox marks its territory with its stinking urine, some of the liquid gets onto its thick fur, which contributes to the development of a terrible odor.


The characteristic smell and damage caused to agricultural land are the main reasons why many people dislike this insect. The stink bug gradually destroys the plants on which it hides, sucking out all the juice from its stem. Another purpose of the smell is to attract a female during the mating season.


Wolverine is a stocky and muscular carnivore that resembles a small bear. Wolverine is distinguished as a ferocious and very strong animal that is capable of killing an opponent many times its size. Just like the musk ox, this animal has a smelly secretion in the form of urine, with which it marks its territory and attracts ladies.


This beetle releases a smelly liquid that is accompanied by a cracking sound as a means of protecting itself. Bombardier produces two chemical reagent compounds, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, the reagents undergo a strong exothermic chemical reaction, raising the temperature close to boiling.


The skunk is the absolute leader in the ranking of bad-smelling animals. Even one of the strongest and fastest predators, the puma, gives in to him. A skunk, when something threatens its life, begins to scream, bang its paws, and swing its tail. Its smell is not only terrible, but it is also dangerous. The skunk secretes substances similar in composition to the compounds contained in the onion that make you cry. The smell of a skunk causes an attack of suffocation and temporary loss of vision in the enemy. There is evidence that some dogs have died after encountering a skunk. Paired glands located under the tail secrete an oily yellow liquid, which the animal can release at a distance of up to 3 meters, and the charge is enough for 6 shots.

Different animals defend themselves in different ways in the wild, and here is an example of one of the defenses - emitting an unpleasant odor. So, in this article you will find the 7 stinkiest animals, interesting?! Then read on!)

Although skunks are considered the smelliest animals in the world, there are other equally smelly animals that you should stay away from. Experts note that animals often produce scents to warn other animals that they are entering a territory or to protect themselves from attacks. The 7 smelliest animals listed in descending order

1. Striped Ferret - Zorilla

The Striped Ferret is a member of the Mustelidae (weasels) family and is very similar to a skunk. They can be found in savannas and open areas in Africa in the Sahara Desert region. It protects itself from predators by emitting a dirty, smelly liquid. One day they watched a picture of Zorilla attacking and keeping at bay nine lions who wanted to eat him. I think the lions regretted that they decided to attack him!

2. Tasmanian devil

The Tasmanian devil has black fur, a pungent aroma, a loud squeal, and a keen sense of smell and ferocity. Anyone who has encountered it in the wild will not forget its stench. This strong smell, along with the nasty screams, gave rise to such an ominous name. If you meet a devil in the wild, do not approach him or try to pet him!!!

Skunks are mammals best known for the strong-smelling liquid they squirt in defense. They spray a liquid containing sulfur and chemicals such as methyl and butyl, which has a very distinctive odor, similar to a mixture of rotten eggs, garlic, and burnt rubber. The aroma of the liquid is quite strong and can defeat bears and other attacking predators. This smell is difficult to remove from clothing.

4. Stink bug

The stink bug produces a smelly substance in its thorax. I think this beetle is familiar to many, so we won’t go into the details of its aroma! And let's move on to the next more curious animal.

5. Muskox

The musk ox is an Arctic mammal of the family Bovidae, known for its thick fur and strong scent. This scent is produced by males to attract ladies) First of all, they live in Arctic North America and Greenland, and a small number also live in Sweden, Siberia and Norway. When a musk ox marks its territory with its stinking urine, some of the liquid gets onto its thick fur, which contributes to the development of a terrible odor

6. Wolverine

Wolverine is a stocky and muscular carnivore that resembles a small bear. Wolverine is distinguished as a ferocious and very strong animal that is capable of killing an opponent many times its size. Just like the musk ox, this animal has a smelly secretion in the form of urine, which it uses to mark its territory and attract ladies!

7. Bombardier Beetle

This beetle releases a smelly liquid that is accompanied by a cracking sound as a means of protecting itself. The bombardier beetle produces two reactant chemical compounds, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, the reactants undergo a strong exothermic chemical reaction, raising the temperature close to boiling

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