Formation of the environment as a factor in the development of personality. Formation of the environment as a factor in the development of personality The influence of society on the development of a person’s personality

Modern society is a mechanism that is complexly structured and at the same time striving for a single, global standard of values, on which the heritage of various cultures and traditions has left its mark. As you know, any macrosystem consists of many microcomponents, and society is no exception. Each individual representative, one way or another, contributes to the development of the entire “organism” as a whole, but in nature the law of feedback always operates and, in turn, the influence of society on each person is no less important and is almost its most important and fundamental factor.

Where are you from?

From the moment of his birth, any person finds himself in a certain social environment, where its inherent traditions, customs, as well as religious and cultural values ​​play a role. Family, immediate environment and, finally, generally accepted canons by which the world lives, with which we begin to associate ourselves as soon as we enter conscious age, as if from plasticine they mold us into what will later become our main essence and determine that spiritual and moral vector, focusing on which we will build our future lives.

Thus, the influence of society on the development of personality is enormous and its importance at this level should in no case be diminished. But in the future, it does not stop. We constantly look back at the generally accepted rules of life when choosing one or another option for interacting with others and try to give an objective assessment of our behavior in accordance with these very standards. So the influence of society on a person’s personality continues until the end of his days. Society can execute, or it can also crown. He hangs labels by which our status and place in the hierarchy of our peers is determined. All this affects the strong and weaknesses our personality, forces us to develop the ability to adapt to the situation depending on the circumstances.

Believe it or figure it out?

But the influence of society on personal development lies not only in this. The mixing of different cultural ideologies or their forced change (for example, moving to another country) can lead to the formation of a feeling of confusion and breakdown in the individual. process of revaluation of values, which in turn is fraught with various negative consequences for the psychological state of a person.

The society around us usually clearly defines where is black and where is white, but between these two colors in life, as we know, there are many more shades and despite the undeniable influence of society on the individual, a lot in his formation and further development depends on the degree of self-improvement of a person and on his desire for a state of internal harmony and integrity, as well as compromise interaction with the social environment around him.

In pursuit of new experiences, he ignores the moral standards and interests of his fellow travelers, becoming dangerous to society. Gregory's exceptionalism was aimed not at creation, but at destruction, destructive, immoral, frightening. His rebellion against his environment was senseless and without mercy, but for what? He was still unhappy and sick with his alienation. In this case, society could teach a person a lot, save him, if he listened to the voice from the outside. He didn’t listen, so not a single person from one circle or another could help Grigory, be it Bela, Maxim Maksimych or Dr. Werner.

  • In Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" main character was forcibly separated from society.

Argument crime and punishment person society

Final essay in the direction of “ends and means” Loneliness and alienation torment him, but this is revealed only at the end of the novel, when he lies on his deathbed and laments his restlessness. Thus, isolation from people does not make a person happy; on the contrary, it often brings suffering.

  • In Bunin’s story “The Man from San Francisco,” the hero deliberately alienates himself from society, because arrogance does not allow him to be on the same wavelength with those around him. It seemed that such a stratification of society was natural, the rich and the poor would not find a common language, but the author, in the symbolic name of the ship (“Atlantis”), hints that such a “natural” way of life leads us all to disaster.

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” Despite all the painful and gloomy narrative, the novel ends quite optimistically.

Arguments: goals and means in the novel “Crime and Punishment”

All areas of life are mechanized, a person no longer experiences suffering or pain, all problems can be resolved by taking a drug called “soma”. In the image of Sonya, the author embodied the best qualities of a person: sacrifice, faith, love and chastity. Being surrounded by vice, forced to sacrifice her dignity, Sonya was able to maintain the purity of her soul and the belief that “there is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering, a person is not born for happiness: a person deserves his happiness, and always through suffering.”

Sonya, who “transgressed” and ruined her soul, a “man of high spirit”, of the same “class” as Raskolnikov, condemns him for his contempt for people and does not accept his “rebellion”, his “axe”, which, as it seemed to Raskolnikov, was raised and in her name. The heroine, according to Dostoevsky, embodies the national principle, the Russian element: patience and humility, immeasurable love for man and God.

Reading "Crime and Punishment". arguments for writing an essay

Letsa: “Zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something”? Is it necessary to express your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion? There is safety in numbers? What is more important: personal interests or the interests of society? What does society's indifference to people lead to? Do you agree with the opinion of A. Maurois: “You should not rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps"? How do you understand the expression “ small man"? Why does a person strive to be original? Does society need leaders? Do you agree with the words of K.

Marx: “If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward”? Can a person devote his life to the interests of society? Who is a misanthrope? How do you understand the statement of A.S. He chose to live outside his circle to protect himself from its harmful influence.

Man and society in the work Crime and Punishment (cm)?

In Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” the conflict between society and the individual is clearly visible. Raskolnikov’s mother is in poverty, Raskolnikov’s sister is constantly forced to avoid harassment, Raskolnikov himself, an intelligent and not lazy person, is forced to vegetate in poverty. Many believe that in addition to his own theory, Raskolnikov was “helped” to commit a crime by many external factors, in particular, the injustice of the world around him and the difficult living conditions of Raskolnikov himself and his family.
Plus, his theory. Well, if we talk about the theory in more detail. Well, everyone knows what happened next. Offense, repentance, punishment.

Man and society arguments for an essay on literature crime and punishment

The clash between Raskolnikov and Sonya, whose worldviews are opposed to each other, reflects the internal contradictions that troubled the writer’s soul. Author: Guru · 10/04/2017 The topic of the relationship between man and the community of people is one of the most relevant, both in classical Russian literature and in modern world. Society is a part of the world that lives, develops, has certain time frames, values ​​and traditions.
And the unit of society is none other than man. He cannot choose an association of people specifically for himself: he becomes part of society from birth. It is he who subsequently shapes the personality, its interests and way of thinking.

The formation of personality is affected by the influence of society. This is reflected in a person’s life form, his interests and success.

Methods of influence

For the full development of a person as an individual, communication with other people is necessary. This contributes to the rapid perception of social norms, established moral laws and value orientations.

Influence is a process that results in a complete or partial change in a person’s behavior, his interests, life goals, attitudes, and principles.

It can be negative or positive, is spontaneous, but is intrusive. Public influence is not subject to any control. Can be used to achieve positive or negative goals.

Psychology claims that influence should not have a negative impact on the formation of personality. Literacy, correctness, reasoned thought are the main requirements for psychological influence.

Positive influence

It consists of a positive change in a person, his personal growth. The environment matters. For the result to be truly positive, it is necessary to communicate with successful, intelligent, promising individuals from whom you can learn. Criticism from them will be reasoned, presented in a polite, tolerant manner. Being around such people will motivate a person to become better, to try to achieve the same high level of development and self-organization.

Psychologists and sometimes hypnologists have a positive influence on personality change. These are representatives of such species professional activity, which presuppose developed perception and correct personal assessment. Using various NLP techniques and suggestions, they help a person get rid of phobic and other mental disorders, understand their mistakes, and see possible prospects.

There are no two identical individuals in the world. Therefore, it is very important to learn to accept the opinions of others, evaluate them with dignity and not deny them.

A person who is able to accept thoughts that are completely contradictory to his thoughts is capable of self-improvement and work on himself. This will have a positive impact on decision making in the future.

Proper upbringing is another manifestation positive influence on personality formation. It is the basis for education of a certain nature. Parents teach the child how to behave correctly in society, what to do in a specific situation and what is best not to do. They are taught the basic laws of morality and norms of behavior.

The positive influence of society is manifested in:

  • eliminating complexes;
  • full formation of beliefs;
  • the ability to argue your opinion;
  • understanding that each person is a unique individual with his own beliefs and
  • reasoning that may not coincide among several people;
  • stimulating human development in the chosen direction;
  • eliminating negative emotions, replenishing positive ones, etc.

Modern scientific analysis has proven that some features of an individual’s behavior disappear when he leaves the social environment or leaves the sphere of influence of a certain group of people. Such a group is a place where a person can express himself - work on communication skills and suggestion techniques.

A properly formed team makes it possible to learn to perceive yourself and others, notice the mistakes of others and be able to see your own. A person learns to filter information, and in the process of discussion he develops own opinion or views on specific situations, behavior patterns.

Negative influence

There is a period in everyone’s life when the environment is dominated by unsuccessful, unpromising people who drag a person to the bottom. Their criticism does not teach anything, but is only reflected in the form of psychological deformation of the individual. As a result, such an individual, under pressure from society, often acts to the detriment of his own interests.

There are 3 main reactions to such group behavior. Each of these components has its own characteristics:

  1. Suggestibility. A person unconsciously agrees with the opinions of others and accepts the behavior of the group. He doesn’t notice how his manner of communication and type of thinking are changing.
  2. Conformism. A state in which an individual outwardly agrees with certain statements, but internally remains with his own opinion. There is a divergence from the thinking of the individual and the group.
  3. Conscious agreement. An individual really changes his attitude towards something. The interests of the group are actively defended.

Under such negative influence of a group, a person may not have his own opinion. The degradation process is activated.

Consequences of negative influence:

  • increased emotionality;
  • decreased level of self-knowledge and self-expression;
  • depersonalization – renunciation of one’s interests and opinions;
  • development of interpersonal conflicts;
  • increased levels of anxiety and puzzlement, etc.

Another possible negative consequence of group influence may be the inability to unleash creative potential. The main reason is the reluctance of society to perceive a person with a distinctive type of thinking and a different vision of the world. All creative ideas are rejected. As a result, creative potential may disappear altogether or be stuck in development for a long time.

Even when an individual wants to show his independence, he is not allowed to do so. Self-esteem falls, and a person is unable to give an adequate assessment of himself, his actions and certain actions. He does not feel supported by others.

Dependence on the opinion of society

Codependency is a condition that arose due to the fact that a person was unable to resist the influence of others. The phenomenon is associated with decreased self-esteem and the predominance of negative emotions (anger, melancholy, irritation, nervousness, worry, anxiety, etc.).

Codependency not only negatively affects the nature of the individual, but also the emotional and psychological state of a person. He constantly worries about what others will think of him - whether they will judge him or encourage him, whether he will be able to fulfill the expectations of others or whether he will disappoint someone.

Codependent people spend all their vital energy and strength on processing negative emotions. They may have a desire to get rid of negative impact society, but there may not be the strength to take any action in this direction.

The main manifestations of codependency created on a negative basis:

  • intrusive help, even when there is no need for it;
  • feeling of insignificance without a relationship with someone;
  • energy is spent on maintaining relationships with others to gain security and peace of mind;
  • fear of doing something contrary to public opinion;
  • perceiving other people's problems as one's own;
  • extinction of creative potential;
  • lack of positive thinking and original decision making;
  • there is a sense of responsibility for the actions of others;
  • helping others even in cases where a person is forced to do something he does not want,
  • so as not to disappoint anyone;
  • may express indignation at injustice, but is unable to protect his own interests;
  • always feels like a puppet; there is a deviation of praise, compliments, and pleasant statements;
  • the patient blames himself for literally everything, even when he is really innocent;
  • always considers himself not good enough.

A codependent person does not know how to say “no”. Because of this, he often does things he doesn't like. He is literally addicted to helping other people. He constantly has a feeling of victimhood or his own insignificance.

The main problem of such people is the lack of a life goal. They constantly help someone, satisfy other people's desires, sacrificing their own dreams.

This public influence is reflected in the physical condition of the patient. Sleep disturbances appear and actively develop mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system.

A codependent allows others to hurt themselves. He never speaks openly about his needs. Always agrees to the conditions of others, even if they do not satisfy him.

Such a person is afraid of mistakes and failures. Loses interest in his life. As a result, he becomes a workaholic. Doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. She is very worried when others let her down, which is why she becomes depressed. Suffering eating disorders, unable to control emotions.

Codependency also affects an individual's lifestyle. Instead of a cheerful and cheerful state, he is constantly irritated, sad, despondent and complains about everything he can. He points out mistakes to everyone without noticing his own. It combines responsibility and irresponsibility at the same time.


The best solution is to become independent on a psychological level. Stop being afraid to express yourself, break generally accepted norms, and act contrary to others. The main rule to follow is the absence of a negative impact on society.

Independence is the main characteristic of a strong personality. She is responsible for every action and is not afraid of condemnation or failure. Has financial independence. She is conscientious, listens to the opinions of others, but compares them with her own interests. There is healthy egoism.

Rules to follow if you need to protect yourself from the negative influence of the public:

  • Remember that you cannot please everyone. If the other person is not happy with something, don’t try to please him. This will eliminate the need to constantly obey the orders of this person.
  • Stop paying attention to inadequate or eternally dissatisfied people. This takes a lot of strength and vital energy, which can be put to more worthy use. If someone begins to pour out their soul or often share their problems, be able to stop such a person in time. You should explain that you are not ready or do not have time to listen to such complaints.
  • Rest more fresh air. Overwork has a negative impact on all aspects of health. It is important to learn meditation and often repeat motivating affirmations. Exercising helps a lot (even a regular walk in the park will do).
  • You must take responsibility only for your own actions and actions. Then there will be no time to think about others. You should create situations that enrich you with positive energy and make you happy.
  • Never give in to rudeness. This is one of the most effective methods manipulation. Cold contempt can be used to make it clear that such communication is unacceptable. Know your worth.
  • Constantly conduct self-analysis. This will help you keep yourself in good shape and not succumb to social pressure. Try to develop only good qualities. Clearly define your goals, set your priorities, and think about your plan of action. Such an action makes a person strong and independent.
  • Learn to reject people who show pity. You can sympathize with someone, but doing it all the time is a bad decision. Remember the basic rule - no one owes anyone anything.
  • Get rid of the influence of social stereotypes. The most popular of them is social deception. Someone does good, and the other individual should also do something good in return. In this primitive way, many control others to achieve their own goals.
  • You can try to get rid of communication with unpleasant individuals or reduce any contact to a minimum. This will save you money vital energy and use it more productively.

The development of a person as an individual occurs throughout his life. At the moment, there are two theories about personality formation. On the one hand, any personality is formed and develops in accordance with its innate traits and abilities, and the social environment plays a very small role. On the other hand, it is believed that the innate internal traits and abilities of a personality do not affect its formation at all, and the personality is completely formed during the accumulation of social experience.

However, it all comes down to the fact that a person is not born a full-fledged personality, but receives necessary qualities to become one during your life. It is believed that the formation of personality is rather the first step towards the development of a person’s personal qualities. It is caused by many external and internal factors.

External ones are: a person’s belonging to a conditioned culture, socio-economic class and a family sphere that is special to each person. Internal factors include genetic, physical and biological features individual. The environment around him has a special influence on the establishment of a person’s personal qualities.

The question arises: what is public opinion?

This is the point of view of a certain group of people on any issue in accordance with their ideas about behavior and thinking within society, shared and expressed by the majority. The key purpose of public opinion is that it plays the role of a kind of regulator of personal relationships between people in society.

Regulation of social relations is the main function of public opinion. Public opinion forms and instills certain norms in members of society social relations. Moreover, it regulates relations not only between individuals, but also between the individual and the collective, the collective and society, as well as between society and the individual. Another function of public opinion is to instill in each individual a sense of responsibility for their deeds and actions before society. The educational function develops in a person a sense of moral responsibility.

Consequently, public opinion is a universal means of educating “morally pure” members of society. Public opinion influences an individual, a group, a team, and influences the formation of their attitudes, customs, traditions, interests, and habits. It educates and re-educates.

Public opinion absorbs intellectual, emotional and volitional elements, all kinds of ideas and expresses people’s attitudes towards certain problems and phenomena that affect their interests. It can be expressed in the form of evaluation, desire, approval, condemnation, demand, etc. Public opinion appears in the process of discussing social events, living conditions, work, leisure, etc.

However, public opinion can influence a person, both positively and negatively.

Society acts as a kind of “pressure” for a person, cultivating conformity in him, forcing him to constantly look back at “” and forcing him to be “what others want to see,” and preventing him from being “who he really is.”

A person can become a person only if he finds a balance between his point of view and public opinion. Having comprehended himself as an individual, taken his niche on the “social ladder” and comprehended the path of life, a person becomes an individual, acquires honor and freedom of choice, which distinguish him from the “gray mass” as an individual.

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Each person is connected to society by many threads. The material conditions of his life depend entirely on the level of development of the productive forces of society achieved in a given era. His spiritual interests, way of thinking, moral principles - all this is the result of social influence, everything bears the imprint of existing social orders and traditions (national or universal), formed by a long series of generations.

“If man is by nature a social being,” wrote K. Marx, “then he, therefore, can only develop his true nature in society, and the strength of his nature must be judged not by the strength of individual individuals, but by the strength of the entire society.” " The idea here is deeply expressed social origin man, his unity with society. A person cannot express himself except through social activities. Moreover, his very essence is determined primarily by how fully he participates in the life of society, how deeply he is captured by the movement of history. V. Belinsky vividly said about this: “A living person carries the life of society in his spirit, in his heart, in his blood: he suffers from its ailments, suffers from its sufferings, blooms from its health, blissful from its happiness.”

Bearing in mind the social essence of a person, his relationship with society, we use the concept of personality.

Society in general and directly in particular surrounding a person the social environment has a decisive influence on the formation of his personality. But one cannot help but see feedback. Society is ultimately made up of many individuals. Every thing must be made by someone, every idea must mature in someone's head, every word must be spoken by someone. Social wealth and culture are created by the combined labor of individual people. The intensity and fullness of the life of society, the rate of its growth depend, on the one hand, on the social system, and on the other, on the creative energy of its members, on the degree of development and application of their abilities, on their attitude to work and other moral qualities.

Thus, the relationship “personality - society” represents an interacting system, and the nature of the interaction here is exceptionally complex. Throughout the development of human civilization, this relationship has been the focus of philosophy and ethics, that is, the doctrine of morality, and has served as the subject of political discussions and one of the eternal themes of literature and art. The wide range of ethical views is closed by two extreme opinions: those who advocate the liberation of the individual from all responsibility to society, and those who advocate the complete subordination of the individual to society. Regardless of what political content is put into these demands, they are inhumane.

A person’s personal qualities manifest themselves exclusively during socialization, i.e. in the process of implementing general activities with other individuals. Otherwise, improving his spiritual, mental and emotional self-development is impossible. In addition, during socialization, the formation of each person’s environment occurs.

The present reality in which an individual develops is called the environment. In addition, various external circumstances influence the improvement of personality: family, social, school and geographical. Scientists, when discussing the impact of the environment on the development of personality, in most cases mean the home and social microclimate. The first factor corresponds to the immediate environment (family, acquaintances, relatives, etc.), and the second - to the distant environment (material well-being, political system in the country, interactions in society, etc.).

A great influence on a person’s self-improvement, starting from his very birth, has home furnishings. It is there that the first and most important years necessary for the formation of a person’s personality take place. Family relationships determine interests, needs, values ​​and views on certain situations. In addition, the initial conditions for improving the personal qualities of each individual are laid there.

The process of interaction between a person and his environment is called socialization. This term appeared in American psychology and initially implied the relationship through which an individual adapted to his environment. Based on this, adaptation is the initial component of socialization.

The main goal of society is to maintain the social environment in optimal condition. At the same time, it constantly forms stereotypes and standards, which it tries to maintain at the proper level. In order for a person to develop normally, it is necessary to adhere to these rules, since otherwise the process of socialization can develop for a very long time or stop completely. However, thanks to the principles of freedom and independence inherent in each individual, each individual must form his own opinion on any situation. Thus, individuality is formed, which is the main driving factor in the development of both each individual and the entire society.

As a result, the full disclosure of the concept of socialization occurs in the totality of the following factors: independent regulation, adaptation, development, integration, as well as dialectical unity. The more of these components influence an individual, the faster he becomes a person.

Socialization consists of several stages, during which certain tasks are solved. Modern psychology divides these stages depending on the individual's participation in labor activity, and also on how he treats her.

Factors influencing personal improvement

In sociology, factors are usually called certain circumstances that create favorable conditions for socialization. A.V.Mudrik formulated the basic principles and identified four stages of specialization:

  • microfactors - social conditions that influence each individual, without exception: family, home atmosphere, peer group in a technical school or university, various organizations in which an individual studies and interacts with a similar environment;
  • mesofactors (or intermediate factors) - determined by the broader social atmosphere, i.e., with the place where each individual lives at the moment: village, city, district, region, etc. In addition, differences may be based on affiliation to any subculture (group, sect, party, etc.) as well as by means of obtaining information (television, Internet, etc.);
  • macro factors - influence significant human groups that occupy a certain territory on the scale of a planet, country, state, etc. Moreover, some factors can be inherited from previous factors.
    - megafactors (or the largest) - imply factors in the largest scale concepts: world, planet, universe, etc. Also, in some cases, can be considered in relation to the population of the earth living over vast areas (countries, continents, etc. .).

If we compare all these components, then microfactors influence personality development most of all. With their help, the process of interaction occurs through the so-called agents of socialization. These include those individuals with whom each specific person interacts. Depending on his age, completely different people can be agents. For example, for children these are immediate relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents), neighbors, acquaintances, friends, etc. In adolescence and young adulthood, the main agents of socialization are: spouses, study and work colleagues, army colleagues . In adulthood and old age, one’s own children, grandchildren, etc. are added. At the same time, most agents can move from category to category starting from a very early age.

How a person’s environment is formed

Every person tries to create an environment around himself that would in every possible way contribute to his development and self-improvement. At the same time, he should not feel constrained and restless. After all, everyone understands that it is much easier to develop in an environment where all other people also strive to improve and improve their lives.

According to scientists, the influence of the environment on each individual person is almost invisible, but has a very powerful effect. Therefore, it is necessary to try to create an environment around yourself exclusively of successful and successful people.
To create a successful environment, you must follow the following principles:

  1. Always look for opportunities to meet and communicate with interesting and successful people. When talking with them, you can always glean some important and necessary information. However, you should remember that you yourself must be somehow interesting to this person.
  2. Study the works of interesting people. This could be an autobiography, a book, video or audio material. You can learn a lot of useful things from them.
  3. Develop diversified. This includes various habits and hobbies: morning workouts in the open air, yoga classes, trainings, seminars, etc. At such events, you can often meet like-minded people and form a successful environment.

Creating an environment means continuously working to improve yourself, at every moment and in any area.

To improve yourself, you need to set more goals for yourself each time. complex tasks and goals. Depending on age and social status, they can be completely different, but the main factor must remain unchanged, that any activity must be aimed at improving the individual as a person.

There are two main theories about how environment influences personality development. According to one of them, a person is initially born with a program embedded in him, which shapes his abilities and character. According to another, it is a person’s environment that shapes the personality of each individual person.

If a person takes a look at his surroundings, he will be able to identify certain patterns, i.e. all these people will have approximately the same social status, education, and also have common interests. Thus, it will also meet all these parameters. And if an individual wants to change his life and improve it in some way, then the first thing that needs to be done is to change his environment. After all, reaching your goal in an environment where they don’t believe in you will be very difficult or almost impossible.

There is a clear example in our history - Mikhail Lomonosov. As a young man, he had a strong thirst for knowledge. However, in the environment in which he was initially located, the boy could not acquire the necessary skills and abilities. So he made a very difficult choice. The young man not only changed his surroundings, but also his place of residence, leaving for an unfamiliar city. Finding himself completely alone, he did not give up, but, on the contrary, grew stronger and revealed himself as a gifted and talented person.

On the other hand, at present, there are many counter-examples. Many young people, born in large cities, who received an excellent education and work, become the usual “gray” mass. They have no interests, exist exclusively for one day and are ordinary wasters of life.

From all this we can conclude that the environment always influences the formation and development of personality. Sometimes to a greater extent, sometimes to a lesser extent. Its influence on children is especially strong, therefore main goal It is for parents to help form a circle of friends and acquaintances for their child, as well as show some principles by example. An adult needs to identify for himself the priorities of his future life and, based on them, create the necessary and successful environment around himself.

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