Fortune telling for your betrothed - find out who your true lover is, easily and simply. Magical Christmas fortune-telling for the future Christmas fortune-telling for married women

Fortune telling for married people

Pour water into a glass and write the name of your husband’s mistress on a piece of paper prepared in advance. Place a spoonful of salt nearby and place a lit candle. Throw salt from a spoon into a glass and immediately light a piece of paper from a candle with the name of your opponent. Using a spoon, quickly mix the salt with the words: “If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper burns out - their love will burn out.” Then look: if the salt has melted and the paper is still smoldering, it means the husband will stay, but if, on the contrary, then the husband will leave sooner or later.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Fortune telling for married people Pour water into a glass and write the name of your husband’s mistress on a piece of paper prepared in advance. Place a spoonful of salt nearby and place a lit candle. Throw salt from a spoon into a glass and immediately light a piece of paper from a candle with the name of your opponent. Spoon quickly

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Fortune telling by a mitten Having thrown a mitten from a shelf to the ceiling, you need to watch how it falls to the floor. If the mitten falls thumb up, the one who is expected will come. If it is facing down, waiting

Fortune telling “Divination is an art or practice by which one seeks to foresee or predict future events or to discover secret knowledge, usually by interpreting omens or by using supernatural powers, unusual insights or intuition.” I

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Fortune telling by shadow In the old days there was no TV or computer, there was no player or receiver. there was no telephone. Fortune telling was one of the few “intellectual” entertainments of the old times. For example, they guessed by shadows. Let's say, making a wish or a person,

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Fortune telling for Epiphany. Fortune telling by ring in water Fortune telling is done at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings, pour clean water into it and lower it into the glass wedding ring. Then look straight into the water

4. Fortune telling with tea Tea appeared in Europe around the 15th century, and very quickly people who fell in love with this drink noticed that the figures from tea leaves, which remain at the bottom of the cup after the liquid is drunk, resemble the figures formed when casting wax and lead or other melting

TEA TELLING The desire to predict danger and look into the future is characteristic of humans. That is why the ancient art of fortune telling does not die out to this day. And you can guess in different ways. One of the methods is described in the brochure “Tea Fortune Telling” published in China. Brochure

Ifa fortune telling Ifa fortune telling, which is compared to Chinese fortune telling based on the book “I Ching”, is the process of communication between the believer and the orisha of the wisdom and destiny of Orunmila (or Ifa). Orunmila is consulted through Ifa divination on such important issues as childbirth, marriage, death, and

It is believed that it is on the days of Christmastide that you can find out whether you will go out on next year get married, who will be the betrothed, whether good luck will accompany you all year. Of course, the night is old New Year- this is the best time to find out your future. But if you didn’t manage to tell your fortune at the right time, don’t worry - the Christmastide will continue until Epiphany Eve, and you can perform the sacrament until January 18.

For fortune telling to be successful, you must follow a number of important rules. Before performing the ritual, you need to let your hair down and untie the knots on your clothes. It is necessary to remove the belt, bracelets, chains, rings - all these are amulets that close our energy and prevent its unity with the energy of spirits. During fortune telling, it is better not to cross your arms and legs. You can cast a spell alone or in the company of friends, but the room where the ritual takes place should be as quiet as possible. What matters is the attitude and the right way to look into the future. Best time to perform the Yuletide sacraments - midnight or hours before sunrise.

Fortune telling about the betrothed and marriage

Fortune telling by mirrors

The most famous and mystical fortune-telling for a betrothed is based on mirrors. In a dark room, they place a mirror in front of themselves, and a candle on the side of it, pronounce the spell “betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner” and peer into the mirror. The appearance of the groom is heralded by a flickering candle flame and a fogged mirror. As soon as this happens, the glass needs to be wiped with a towel. The groom should come up from behind and his reflection should appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling with water

You need to bring a piece of ice or a lump of snow from the street, wait until it melts, and look at the rubbish that is in the water. If a hair is found, the betrothed will be rich, a stick or sliver will have his own home, a piece of paper will be associated with science, a piece of paper will be a military man.

Pour heated wax or egg white into a glass of water. If they fall to the bottom and spread like a pancake, then marriage will still be a long time coming. If they take the form of a candle or ring, the wedding is coming soon.

They light three candles and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

A transparent glass without edges or patterns is filled two-thirds with water, and the wedding ring is carefully lowered into the glass. They light three candles and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

Fortune telling with threads

You need to cut the threads of the same length according to the number of fortune tellers and set them on fire at once from one candle. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest will be the first. If someone’s thread goes out before it burns halfway, this means that this girl will never get married.

Fortune telling by matches

You need to insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox, identified with a guy and a girl, and then set them on fire. If the matches turn their heads towards each other, it means that this pair will be together.

Fortune telling on a log

In the dark you need to find a thick stick and examine it carefully. If the tree turns out to be smooth, the husband will be good, with knots - bad, with cracks and crevices - evil.

Fortune telling on the stairs

They make up a set of words that characterize a man. For example: widower - well done - daredevil - Sagittarius - poor - rich - old - married. As they go down the steps, they recite a rhyme. Whichever word appears on the last step - that will be the husband.

Fortune telling by boot

The girl needs to go outside, turn to face the house and throw her boot over her shoulder. If his toe falls away from the house, it means that this year she will get married and leave her native home. If he heads home, he will stay with his parents for now.

Fortune telling by name

They go out into the street at night and ask the first man they meet for their name. Whatever his name is, that’s what the betrothed will be called.

Dream fortune telling

They dissolve a pinch of salt in water, drink salted water before going to bed and say: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me something to drink.” The groom will dream about giving the bride a drink.

They put four card kings under the pillow and say: “Whoever is my betrothed, come in a dream.”

They put a comb under the pillow and say the following words: “My betrothed, come and comb my hair.”

Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook

Place the named objects under the scarf and turn around yourself five times. After this, they drag these things out from under the scarf without looking. If you get a hook, your husband will be poor, your bread will be rich, your ring will be beautiful.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight you need to go outside and walk through the freshly fallen snow. If no one crosses the tracks before dawn, married life will be easy; if the tracks are trampled, you will have to live your whole life in quarrels with your husband.

At midnight you need to go outside and throw a handful of snow in the direction opposite to the wind. If snowflakes fall directly on you, it means that the husband will be young and handsome; if the snowflakes scatter to the sides, the husband will be elderly.

Fortune telling by phone

If a man answers the phone, ask him what his name is, this will be the name of your betrothed.

Dial a random phone number. If a man answers the phone, ask him what his name is, this will be the name of your betrothed. If a woman answers the phone, then a rival will stand in the way of personal happiness. And if a child responds, then you will get married and have time to give birth to a child, but you must look for your betrothed among those you already know. If a stranger does not want to tell you his name, this means that you will have many fans and in the end you will be able to create a strong relationship, but not so soon.

Fortune telling for family life

Fortune telling on needles

You need to smear two needles with melted wax, put them in water, make a wish and carefully monitor their behavior. If they drowned right away, the wish will come true, if they got together, marriage is ahead, and if they separated, they won’t see their betrothed. For married women loose needles promise family problems, and for men - problems in business.

Ice fortune telling

You need to fill a glass with water, put a ring in it and put it outside. The number of sons is judged by the number of hills on the surface of the ice, and the number of daughters is judged by the number of holes.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling by wax

At all times, this fortune telling was one of the most popular. You need to drop wax into the water and carefully examine the resulting figure: if in the shape of a wallet or banknote - to wealth, in the shape of a house - to changing your place of residence or buying a home, in the form of an embryo - to the birth of children, in the shape of a heart - to true love.

Fortune telling by shadow

You need to crumple a sheet of paper or newspaper into a loose lump, put it on a plate and set it on fire, and while it burns, say your question out loud. After the paper is completely burned, you need to place a burning candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt paper casts on the wall. A figure will appear indicating the answer.

If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on mirrors

In another fortune telling, two mirrors are taken and placed opposite each other to form a long corridor. Light two candles so that they are reflected in the mirrors and illuminate the corridor. If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or beans

The fortuneteller takes a handful of peas, nuts or beans and begins to place them one by one on the table, saying: “Luck - wealth - love - deceit - poverty - work - chores, worries - child - apartment - military uniforms.” The choice of words may depend on what you want to find out about your own future. Whichever word the grains run out of is what awaits you next year.

Fortune telling on small objects

A company of young men and women gathers. Everyone puts something on the tray: a key, a button, a cufflink, a handkerchief, a coin, a ring, an earring. They cover the tray with a towel, shake it, then, without looking, with their left hand everyone pulls out the first thing they come across: a key - a new home or a car, a scarf - tears, a ring - marriage, an earring - good luck in their career, a coin - wealth, a button - a child , cufflink - travel.

The strip that comes out first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Fortune telling on paper

For this fortune-telling, you will need strips of paper of the same size, on which you need to write questions of interest and your desires. All strips are randomly placed in a wide bowl into which water is poured. The strips of paper will first swirl in a whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. The strip that comes out first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Fortune telling by fir branches

A fresh spruce branch is held over a candle and they say: “Spruce-queen, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death? Wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity? A fir branch is placed under the pillow. In the morning they take it out and examine it. The needles did not turn yellow or fall off - to health, wealth and mutual understanding in the family. The needles fell off - to illness or quarrels.

You can have different attitudes towards fortune telling and their predictions. The main thing is to believe in their truthfulness - and then you can really clarify your own future for yourself.

During the Christmas holidays, not only young girls want to know their fate, but also married women who can tell fortunes about the fulfillment of a wish, the number of children, find out answers to questions about the future using a playing deck of cards, grains of rice, a wax candle, a wedding ring and other things that can be found in every home. It is impossible to tell fortunes on Christmas night, since for Christianity this is a great sin. As a rule, you need to cast a spell from January 8 to January 18: on these days the results are considered the most reliable.

One of the most popular fortune telling for married ladies at Christmas is the fidelity of their spouse.

You will need: White list A4 format, table salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, glass glass, large spoon, red wax candle (you can take a regular one).

Step by step description fortune telling process:

  1. You need to write on a piece of paper with a blue pen the name of your husband's alleged mistress.
  2. Light a candle and put salt in a spoon, placing it next to it.
  3. Pour clean water into a glass and dip a spoon into the liquid.
  4. Then you need to set fire to the piece of paper on which the name is written from the flame of a burning candle.
  5. Stir the salt in a glass, while saying the words: “If the salty melts, then hubby will not leave me. The leaf burns out quickly, burn their feelings quickly!”

If the salt has completely dissolved in the water, and the paper has burned to ashes, then the fortuneteller will be able to save the marriage, her husband loves her, and her fears are groundless. If the salt remains at the bottom of the glass, the relationship will soon end and it will not be possible to save the family.

On rice grains

Yuletide wish fortune telling can be done at home by taking a glass of rice and mentally formulating what you dream about most (for example, having a personal car in the near future). Then you need to cover the glass with your left hand and say out loud your question, to which you can only give an affirmative or negative answer. Turn the glass over and take a handful of rice:

  • An even number is a good sign. Success awaits in the near future, and your plans will soon come true.
  • Odd - the dream will definitely not come true this year, and fortune will turn away from the fortuneteller for a long time.
You will need a thin sliver of dry wood and a small piece of wood. Burn a piece of wood to a coal, bring a thin sliver of wood to it and blow on the coal. If the sliver flares up and flares up, it means that the husband will be compliant and accommodating. Otherwise, he will be a headstrong person with a bad temper.


You need to find a long and thin splinter, stick it into some base with one edge so that it holds tightly, and set it on fire with the other. As the splinter burns, the resulting ashes will fall off. In which direction it falls, on that side you should wait for the groom.


Dry and thin wood chips must be moistened with water. Try to light it. If the sliver flared up quickly, then the husband will have a very calm and gentle character, otherwise - vice versa.


You will need: a handful of crackers, a frying pan and water. Crackers can be replaced with popcorn. Pour a little water into the frying pan, add the crackers and set it on fire. If the process is accompanied by crackling and noise, then the betrothed will be grumpy, but if the crackers do not light up or, having flared up, go out, then he is a drunkard.


Prepare: a brush, a cigarette, a ring and a small piece of bread. Cover each of the collected things with a deep bowl or any other object so that the outlines of the things hidden under it are not noticeable. Call a person into the room who wants to know their fate and offer a choice. If a person pointed to a ring, this means a fashionable groom, a brush, a simple and ordinary groom, a bread, a wealthy groom, a cigarette, a smoker groom.


To find out whether you are married or not, you need to take a basin of water, a shell walnut and a candle. All unmarried girls build a boat from a shell with a candle (standing inside a shell bowl) marked with the name of the owner of the boat. Next, the candles are set on fire and the ships are lowered into a basin of water. Whose candle burns first will get married before the rest. And whose candle drowns is an old maid.

This fortune telling can be combined with fortune telling, which determines the name of the betrothed. To do this, it is necessary to lower boats with water into a basin of water. male names. Whatever ship names come into contact will be together. Time to prepare for the wedding.


Mischievous fortune telling. Its essence is to take a mouthful of water and be the first to reach the door of the house. Unmarried girls go out into the street, take water into their mouths and run to the door. Whoever touches the door handle first without losing a drop of water will be the first to get married.


Dream fortune telling. Before going to bed, the girl must eat a large pinch of salt and say the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will give me something to drink.” According to legend, the future groom will come to her in her dream to give her something to drink.


You will need: a deep bowl and drinking water. At night, before going to bed, you need to pour water into a bowl, mark the level or edge of the water surface with a pencil, and place the bowl under the bed. And check it in the morning. If the water level in the bowl has not changed, then the girl’s fate will be decided in the very near future, and if the level has dropped, there is less water, then the girl will still be a “girl” for a long time.


To find out whether your dream of marriage will come true in the coming year, you need to stock up on a large box, a piece of bread, a sliver of wood, a man’s hat and tell your fortune. All the listed things are placed in a box, and the fortuneteller is tightly blindfolded and asked to choose one of the things from the box. A man’s hat speaks of imminent marriage, and bread means wearing “girls.” A sliver of wood promises poor health.


Fortune telling for unmarried friends. Several girls are telling fortunes at once. Each person needs to take a crumb of bread and mold any figure out of it. Then call the dog to you and place the whole figurine in front of it. The girl whose figurine the dog eats first will be the first to be married.


Those girls who want to find out the attitude towards them of the one to whom their heart is given should do the following. Take 10 identical pieces of paper, write the name of your loved one on one. Then roll the pieces of paper into tubes and place them in an opaque bag or other opaque container. Carefully move and pull one piece of paper exactly three times. Moreover, each next time will happen only after returning the pulled piece of paper back and mixing. If all three pieces of paper are white - the chosen one is indifferent, two pieces of paper are white - there will be success. But if he manages to pull out a paper with a name only once, then it’s worth knowing that fortune telling was never his dream.


Fortune telling on a log. The girl goes out into the yard to the woodpile and randomly pulls out any log she likes for the firebox. He examines him closely. If the received log is beautiful, even and smooth, the groom will be the same: slender, handsome. If the log has a rough bark, then the groom will be unsightly, but a thick and undamaged bark indicates that he will get a rich groom. A tattered and peeled bark is for a poor betrothed, a log without bark at all is for a beggar.
Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the log itself. If it is thick and heavy, then the groom will be a hero; if it is crooked, it means the groom has physical disabilities, with big amount knots - to a large and friendly family.


Newlyweds who want to find out whether their family will be large should do the following. Fill a glass with water and put the wedding ring in it, and put the glass with the ring in the cold. After the water has frozen, they guess. Carefully inspect the ice and its surface. If it is smooth and without blemishes, life will be childless. If there are surface flaws, they need to be examined carefully. The tubercles protruding above the surface and their number are the number of sons in the family, the dimples and their number are the daughters.


Single fortune telling for marriage. An unmarried girl takes an ironed clean white towel and before going to bed, presses it with the window so that most of towels were hanging on the street. He says: “Betrothed, come to me!” When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you need to do is check the towel, if it is wet or damp, then be her bride this year.


Fortune telling for unmarried friends. You will need: a thick book, one key with a large ring and a ribbon. The key is placed between the pages of the book so that the large ring sticks out. Then they tie the book with ribbons or ropes so that the key is securely held in it. The book with the key is hung on a plumb line and given time to assume a stationary state, and then exciting questions are asked. Each in turn. They call their name and wait, if the book starts to sway and move, it means that the girl will definitely get married.


Fortune telling on a cockroach. If you manage to catch a cockroach, then the girl can ask him about future marriage. To do this, you need to tie it in the sleeve of your own nightgown and say the words: “Cockroach - cockroach, show me the tower where I will live!” In a dream, if a girl is destined to get married, the fortuneteller will dream of a house in which she will live with her future husband.


If there is a cat in the house, then she can tell whether the plan will come true. To do this, you need to ask her to step over the threshold, and track which paw she steps on first. If the left paw was the first, then everything will work out and come true, if the right paw, then not.


Fortune telling on New Year's Eve will tell everyone what the future promises in the coming year. To ask fate what will come true and what will not, you need to prepare 12 pieces of white paper with planned events or desires written on them. When filling out the pieces of paper, you should remember that among them 1 - 2 pieces of paper should also contain bad events, such as “the wish will not come true.” You can tell fortunes at Christmas, New Year and even Old New Year.
Leaves with events are placed under the pillow, and first thing in the morning, without getting out of bed, they make a wish and pull out the paper. You only need to pull one out. Repeated fortune telling is not valid.


What's coming? Anyone who wants to find out what will happen in life needs to place a transparent decanter on a table filled with water. Preferably without drawings, patterns, etc. Surround it with three lit candles, place a medium-sized mirror behind the candles and prepare to look into it through the decanter. What appears in the mirror awaits the fortuneteller.


A special type of fortune telling for Christmas. At 7 pm, the fortuneteller picks up a candle, lights it and walks around all the rooms in the house or apartment strictly clockwise. If the candle does not go out along the way, then your most cherished wish will certainly come true.


Fortune telling for two friends. A girl cannot perform fortune telling on her own. You will need: two thin ones, middle length needles, glass of water, lard. The needles must be thoroughly rubbed with lard and placed in a glass of water. If the needles are stuck to each other, then marriage is imminent; if they are separated, then the wedding has obstacles. If they drowned, there will be trouble, but if they go to waste at all different sides and do not touch each other, this indicates that the fortuneteller is wearing “girls.”


You will need: a sheet of white paper, a candle, a free wall and a large flat plate. A sheet of paper is crumpled up well and placed on a plate, set on fire and wait until the lump burns completely. Then they light a candle, hold it in front of the plate, and turn off the light. The fortuneteller must wait until his eyes get used to the darkness in order to correctly examine the drawings cast by the burnt lump on the wall. You need to carefully rotate the plate and carefully study the resulting patterns on the wall. If it was:

Home, then to be a family.
Mountain, then to overcome obstacles and difficulties.
Bear or dog, then to new love or a sincere friend.
Table - for a large number of guests.
Road - for trips or travel.
Wood - to learning new things.


Winter fortune telling. Place a glass of clean drinking water in the bitter cold and wait until it freezes. Then the glass is brought into the house, and a gold chain, earring and ring are placed on the surface of the ice. Whatever hits the bottom first is what awaits in the future. Earring - misfortune will come to the house. The ring is fast and happy marriage. The chain is a long unmarried road.


Rice is poured into a medium bowl, a ring, a brooch, a hairpin are thrown into it and a wish is made. Whatever the fortuneteller draws out first will happen. A ring means a wedding, a brooch means the death of a loved one, a hairpin means loneliness.


You will need: a bowl of water, a pinch of salt, sugar, ash, your loved one’s hair and your own. All things are immersed in a bowl of water and left overnight. And in the morning they see what happened. If the hair is tangled in the bowl - to be loved together, if someone's drowned - this is to his illness. But if the hair “spreads” to different ends of the bowl, this means betrayal, frivolity of a loved one or husband.


Fortune telling, which should take place completely alone. You will need: a free table, two medium mirrors, two candles and glasses with salt. The candles are placed in glasses with salt so that they stand firmly, and they are placed on both sides of the first mirror. The second mirror is placed exactly opposite the first, and a burning corridor should appear in the mirrors. And now you need to look closely in the mirror and say: “The betrothed is a mummer, come to me dressed up.” As soon as the fortuneteller sees a face, he needs to loudly say “Cheer, me!” and quickly knock over any of the mirrors.


Several unmarried girls place marked wooden spoons into a bucket of clean water and shake the water. The girl whose spoon is the first to float away from the edge of the bucket will soon be given in marriage by her parents.


Fortune telling with pickles. At night, an unmarried girl should eat a few pickled cucumbers and go to bed, saying: “Whoever is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will give me a drink.” The future groom will definitely appear in a dream.


The melted wax from the candle is poured into a bowl of clean water. If the wax hardens in the form of figures: candles, a house or a circle (ring), then the fortuneteller will become a wife in the near future, and if it falls to the bottom in the form of a pancake, then the marriage will not be quick.

Fortune telling is an ancient ritual, during which girls have the opportunity not only to receive truthful information about their future, but also to have a great time.

It is generally accepted that at Christmas, during the holidays, only representatives of the fair sex who have not found their betrothed make fortunes. But what about married young ladies who want to know what awaits them “on the personal front”, what their fate will be like, how many children they will have, what to expect from life.

The question arises: is it possible to conduct fortune telling at Christmas time? The answer is positive, the only point is that the specifics of fortune telling and their interpretation will differ from fortune telling for unmarried girls.

But there are several limitations and features, taking into account which you can achieve good results.

What is Christmastide

Christmastide is a period of winter time that is celebrated by Christians as a special time of year. They last 12 days, starting on Christmas - January 7, and ending on January 19 - Epiphany. One of the traditions, in addition to the harsh, bitter frosts, is the holding of fortune-telling rituals for girls.

It is believed that it is at this time that “the cards will fall” so that the whole truth about the future will be revealed on the fortune-telling table. In general, this time is considered the most favorable for fortune telling.

Fortune telling during menstruation

Whether to guess during menstruation is worth it, each woman decides for herself. In general, there are no such prohibitions, and they do not apply to Christmastide or any other dates.

As for experienced fortune tellers, their advice is to refuse fortune telling at this time of the cycle, since with loss of blood a woman loses vital energy. It is better to devote this time to gaining new strength and adequately evaluate it without wasting it.

Fortune telling has nothing in common and is compatible with the church, so if a Christian is particularly religious, then fortune telling is completely prohibited, regardless of the calendar dates - whether fasting or not.

If a person lives exclusively according to Christian commandments, and this is enough for him without deepening his faith, fortune telling is allowed, as on other days. As for the magical process at Christmas, everything here is considered more loyal.

On the contrary, there are even a lot of fortune telling that help married and unmarried girls begin to better navigate their destiny. On Christmas Eve, ladies without the treasured ring on their finger will be able to find out what their future husband looks like.

Features of fortune telling at Christmas: a sin or not?

According to the Bible, any fortune telling is prohibited; church ministers advise giving preference to prayers and petitions for a better life before the Almighty. This applies not only to Christmas night, but also to Christmastime in general.

If you have a strong desire to perform these magical rituals on Epiphany holidays, it is better to choose a date on the night of January 19th. There are many opinions that this is the most favorable period for fortune telling about fate, family happiness and personal life.

The choice of day for fortune telling plays an important role. For example, Monday has a close relationship with the Moon and Venus, so there is an opinion about the responsibility of these planets for human intuition. So fortune telling on this day will provide the most reliable information, since there is the least likelihood of mistakes.

If you want to tell fortunes in January, you must wait until Christmastide, since even for Christians this period is considered the most favorable due to the presence of special magic.

What does fortune telling give to married women?

If a woman, being married, wants to “remember her youth” and tell fortunes during Christmas time, then fortune telling will help find answers to questions about where her husband is at the moment, what fate awaits them together in the near future, especially for this year.

Married girls can also tell fortunes about their wishes, the birth of their first child (up to the date of his birth), and fortune. It is forbidden to guess about other betrotheds and other loves. It is also not recommended to guess, if there is no happiness in marriage, it is worth devoting this time to solving the problems that have arisen.

Is it possible for a married girl to tell fortunes on her own?

The ritual of fortune telling can be carried out independently, from the point of view of Christian foundations and canons, there are no prohibitions. But it will be better and more correct if an experienced person tells your fortune, even if this is not a fortune teller. Many people are interested in the question of the frequency of fortune telling.

It is advisable not to overdo it, and if you see that cards or other tools do not give the answer you want, you should leave the actions for the next day.

The Christmastide period was and is considered the most favorable for fortune telling, since at this time all energy forces and flows are in the best location.

Thanks to the special placement of stars, you can learn a lot about your future and get real happiness.

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