Why do you dream about captivity? Why did you dream about captivity? Why do you dream about being captured?

It happens that we have dreams, the meaning of which is not entirely clear. Most often this happens when we dream of any actions that we perform, or when in a dream we find ourselves in various situations. For example, many dream books, explaining why you have a dream in which you were captured, interpret it as your current state in reality and your attitude towards life in general. You feel cramped and uncomfortable. Let's dwell on this dream and analyze it in detail.

Love and happiness are waiting for you

To be captured in a dream, in which you are kept tied hand and foot, means that in reality a dizzying romance awaits you, your feelings will swallow you whole, Miller’s dream book predicts.

If you had a dream that you were captured, but they are treating you very carefully - you can count on the favor of the person you are interested in.

To escape from your enemies who have captured you, while killing the guard - by your actions you are causing pain to your loved one. Watch your words and actions.

To be captured by a loved one means increased attention from the opposite sex, Freud’s dream book promises.

Money loves counting

If you dreamed that you were captured and held there for ransom - in order to earn money, you will have to go to another city, but “the game is worth the candle” - the earnings will please you, the Lunar Dream Book predicts.

If you dreamed of your own escape from captivity - if you reconsider your attitude towards work and become more diligent and attentive, financial success awaits you.

To dream that a prisoner has escaped from you means financial losses. The Eastern dream book interprets it this way: you will probably make some mistake at work, which will entail a fine or demotion.

To escape from custody means you are doing something wrong in life. Change your lifestyle and money will flow to you like a river.

Being in captivity of your own boss or a colleague holding a higher position is a sign of financial instability.

Health is no joke

Being captured by bandits who torture and mock you is a high risk of injury, predicts Tsvetkov’s dream book.

To rescue a comrade wounded in war from captivity and free yourself - your acquaintance may infect you with some kind of disease. Monitor the health of your loved ones. To organize an escape for your friend - in reality, your friend will need help related to maintaining health. You may be asked to become a blood donor, suggests the Women's Dream Book.

be careful

I dreamed that you managed to escape from captivity, but were caught and locked up again - you are not able to cope with your problems alone. Ask your friends for help, otherwise you will put yourself in danger.

Breaking free and hiding somewhere underground - a dream foreshadows big troubles. Be careful in the near future. Be especially careful what you say and what you do.

To be imprisoned by cannibals and escape from there - in real life you will face a very dangerous and evil competitor or rival. Be careful, he may harm you.

To be captured by a person whom you considered your friend - you should take a closer look at your acquaintances; someone is pretending to be someone other than who they really are.

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretation Wanderer. Captivity- Love; debentures. Grab V captivity V captivity- addiction; Love. Dream Interpretation psychologist D. Loff. For what dreaming Captivity By dream book: Captivity- You are at V captivity Dreams run away

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  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Get there in dream V captivity, in which you are kept tied hand and foot - in reality a dizzying romance awaits you, feelings will swallow you whole, predicts dream book Miller. I dreamed about it dream that you were taken V captivity, but they treat you very carefully - you can count on the favor of the person you are interested in. escape from your enemies who captured, while killing a security guard - by your actions you are causing pain to your loved one.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

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  • Dream book "dream book"

    For what dreaming captivity. See yourself as a prisoner in dream- you will be betrayed. fail run away from captivity– you will face a long period of failure and mental suffering. In general, become a prisoner in dream- This is a symbol of the eternal struggle between evil and good. You can get in V taking hostages due to circumstances beyond your control, or voluntarily sacrificing yourself, for example, to end a conflict, do a good deed, or free other people.

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    I dreamed about it Captivity, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming Captivity in dream in dream have you seen this symbol. In my life I have only 1 older brother, and in dream there was a large family, several of my younger brothers. IN captivity hit 1. Then I I'm running away, to my older brother and another younger brother, there they give me a bunch of notes to the kostalnye prisoners.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Captivity, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Captivity in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have seen this symbol. I agree, at first I don’t like being V captivity, but then I get very attached to it all. At the end sleep I still make up my mind run away, but I don’t have time because I wake up.

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    For what dreaming Captivity By dream book: Captivity- If you dreamed what do you hit V captivity And If your hands and feet are tied with a rope, then crazy love awaits you. If in dream you were taken V captivity to receive a ransom, you will be forced to go to work. If in a dream V captivity If you were severely beaten, then a difficult future awaits you. If in dream V captivity you were treated well - then success and prosperity await you. Dream Interpretation Adaskina.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Dreams with such a topic are very significant. And what is especially noteworthy about them is our attitude, our reaction to captivity. We can try run away, reconcile, even assist the “invaders.” If you dreamed: Prisoner Seeing you take someone V captivity- means that you will have common interests with people of the lowest social status. Zeus Zeus fighting Typhon - captivity false worldview. Danger If in dream you were unable to avoid danger, for example you were injured or hit V captivity- This...

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    Dream in which you run away from a maniac escaped from a psychiatric hospital - means that you are too tense and nervous about little things. It's time to change something in your life. Had a dream that you are a patient in a mental hospital and are preparing to escape - take a closer look at your surroundings. Run away from enemies. Had a dream, what do you ran away from captivity, in which hit– if you do not get rid of those bad habits that are directly related to work, your credibility will suffer and you will lose the trust of your colleagues, warns Lunny dream book.

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    To be a prisoner in dream- a sign of failure, well-deserved grievances and insults. Run from captivity- a sign of liberation from fulfilling some unpleasant obligations. take someone V captivity means that you will have to take responsibility for something. Cage Being in it means love, marriage; to be alone with your... Danger If you dreamed, what do you hit V a dangerous situation that... Savages Meet them in dream means that you will have a meeting soon...

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    Captivity, prisoner by dream book Miller. If in dream you were a prisoner, this is a warning that in reality you will face betrayal, insults, grievances, and failures. Take someone yourself V captivity- this suggests that you will have common interests with people who have the lowest social status. The most remarkable thing about them is our reaction to staying V captivity. These may be attempts run away, humility and even some help to their captors.

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    Dream Interpretation Wanderer. Love; debentures. Grab V captivity- seek recognition and love. Be V captivity- addiction; Love. Dream Interpretation psychologist D. Loff. You are at V captivity, locked in a room or being held against your will. Dreams with such a topic are very significant. And what is especially noteworthy about them is our attitude, our reaction to captivity. We can try run away, reconcile, even assist the invaders.

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    Interpretation sleep captivity, captive, captive in dream book Miller. Get there V captivity, slavery is like that dream indicates that something is holding you at a certain level of maturation and does not allow you to develop further. If a person dreamed, what he hit V captivity for political reasons, the plot clearly reflects his attempt to oppose himself to the whole world, to show his peculiarity and even isolation, although, in principle, there are no reasons for this. Run away from captivity in dream- an attempt to resist authoritarian influence.

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    See in dream your escape from captivity or prison - get rid of bad addictions and addictions. Captivity or Your own weaknesses and vices can be a prison for you. You have probably wanted to get rid of them for a long time, to be free. escape from home in dream- to adultery. An ancient interpretation of this sleep says that Having escaped from home in dream you mentally set yourself up for possible betrayal. However, this is rather psychological dream, Indicating existing unresolved problems.

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  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    To a woman dreamed being attacked by an armed robber? Interpretation sleep will be joyless: she will have to make a lot of efforts in order to avoid difficulties in her personal life. IN captivity for invaders - to painful situations. Seeing that you have been captured by terrorists predicts problems affecting intimate life. dream book White Mage. Gotcha in dream under fire? To malaise.

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  • Dream book "sonnik.magic-daily"

    Dream Interpretation Loffa Captivity. You are at V captivity, locked in a room or being held against your will. Dreams with such a topic are very significant. And what is especially noteworthy about them is our attitude, our reaction to captivity. We can try run away, submit, even assist the invaders.Muslim dream book Captivity. Great worries and troubles await the person who sees in dream, what he hit V captivity.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    To those who dreamed that the beloved is with someone ran away, and really have to go through Dream Interpretation from A to Z. If in dream you are escaping from captivity- means it’s a risky business that Prison Escape from prison is dream, promising a person, caught V...

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    Hello! Please help me understand dream. Got it I V captivity.but this one captivity some kind of nice) to the entry: Why dreaming fish for a man. to the entry: Dream Interpretation dreamed about it ex-boyfriend.to post: In dream a person dies. to the entry: Why dream gold jewelry.

To be captured in a dream- this is a reflection of your premonition that some extraneous events will cross out your plans and force you to deal with activities and problems that are unwanted and unpleasant for you.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Captivity- you are being held captive, locked in a room, or being held against your will. Dreams with such themes are very significant. And what is especially noteworthy about them is our attitude, our reaction to captivity. We can try to escape, reconcile ourselves, and even assist the “invaders.” Behavior largely depends on who is holding us back and for what reason. If you promote a person you know- you probably feel that this person controls your life so much that you have no choice but to submit to him. Followers of Freud would probably say that the dream of captivity, especially in a small room, reflects the image of an authoritative mother that dominates us or is a prototype of a return to the mother's womb. This is a manifestation of the “education-power” conflict. Perhaps it is not your mother who is holding you captive, but another person who treats you in a maternal, condescending and edifying manner.

And adherents of Jung's views would interpret the captivity- as an obstacle to moving to the next level of maturation. Then the one who has captured you becomes the one who will suffer the most from such internal growth of the captive.

Captivity for political reasons- a powerful symbol that reflects the opposition of your Self to the world around you.

Being a hostage in a dream- a symbol of the eternal cosmic struggle between good and evil. You can become a hostage to circumstances beyond your control, sacrifice yourself to end a conflict or in the fight for a just cause. Most likely, the essence of this dream is not completely clear, but what is much more important is which of your accomplices or friends is in captivity with you. The most important point for interpretation is your relationship with others.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To dream that you are in captivity- enslaving you at work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing yourself in captivity in a dream- to weak character.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See yourself in captivity- to the likelihood of falling in love.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you found yourself a prisoner, tied hand and foot in some kind of dungeon- portends love that will completely absorb all your thoughts and feelings.

If you were captured for ransom- this means that in reality you will have to leave your home, family and friends for a while in order to improve your financial situation.

If you are treated roughly and undignified while in captivity- this is a harbinger of a disappointing future in which you will have to experience humiliation and insults from all sides. If the people who captivate you are kind and courteous in their relationships with you- having achieved success, you will be all the more attentive and careful because it will not come to you easily.

If you yourself captivated a man with your beauty in a dream, and not literally- this portends a prosperous course of the coming day.

For a young girl to see herself in a dream as captivating and irresistible- means that the chosen one will be jealous of her literally at every step towards all mutual acquaintances.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Captivity- Love; debentures.

Capture- seek recognition and love.

Be in captivity- addiction; Love.

A dream in which you find yourself a captive, tied hand and foot in some kind of dungeon, foreshadows love that will completely absorb all your thoughts and feelings. If you were captured for ransom, it means that in reality you will have to leave your home, family and friends for some time in order to improve your financial situation.

If in captivity you are treated rudely and unworthily, this is a harbinger of a disappointing future in which you will have to experience humiliation and insults from all sides. If the people who have captivated you are kind and courteous in their relationships with you, having achieved success, you will be all the more attentive and careful because it will not come to you easily.

If you yourself captivated a man with your beauty in a dream, and not literally, this portends a prosperous course of the coming day. For a young girl to see herself as captivating and irresistible in a dream means that her chosen one will be jealous of her literally at every step of all her mutual acquaintances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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A dream in which you find yourself a captive, tied hand and foot in some kind of dungeon, foreshadows love that will completely absorb all your thoughts and feelings. If you were captured for ransom, it means that in reality you will have to leave your home, family and friends for some time in order to improve your financial situation.

If in captivity you are treated rudely and unworthily, this is a harbinger of a disappointing future in which you will have to experience humiliation and insults from all sides. If the people who have captivated you are kind and courteous in their relationships with you, having achieved success, you will be all the more attentive and careful because it will not come to you easily.

If you yourself captivated a man with your beauty in a dream, and not literally, this portends a prosperous course of the coming day. For a young girl to see herself as captivating and irresistible in a dream means that her chosen one will be jealous of her literally at every step of all her mutual acquaintances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Captivity

To be captured: this is a reflection of your premonition that some extraneous events will cross out your plans and force you to deal with unwanted and unpleasant matters and problems.

Interpretation of dreams from
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