How to clean a dry cesspool. How to clean a cesspool of silt and sewage using vacuum cleaners and on your own. Bacterial cleaning agents

Over how to clean cesspool, you don’t have to think: there is an old-fashioned way - to bury a container of sewage along with its contents, and a plank structure strategic importance move to another place. You can plant over buried “treasures” fruit trees and in a couple of decades become a great farmer. The method is simple to the point of genius, but it is not at all suitable if our strategic object is in the house, and there is only a hole on the street - we will have to clean it.

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Biological.

Mechanical cleaning will require specialized equipment, and chemical cleaning will require aggressive compounds. Biological treatment is the most natural and simple, but it also has its drawbacks.

Mechanical cleaning

The method is simple. The sludge sucker arrives, simply pumps out the contents of the pit and takes it away from the territory.

The main disadvantage of the method can be considered the “aroma”, which sometimes spreads far beyond the site. However, this is not so: the main inconveniences are the need to construct an access road and the limited length of the hose. Previously, the standard was 3 m, but now they are exploring 15-meter depths using 50-meter hoses. If you cannot drive close to the hole (there is another 50 m from the last meter of the path), you will have to think about other cleaning methods. Need I say that calling a modern suction pump with a 50-meter hose is much more expensive than calling an antediluvian tank with a short proboscis?

For your information. You can save on the cost of the service. Sometimes they charge money specifically for cleaning, and not for the volume of wastewater. If this volume is equal to the capacity of the tank, the sludge pump can be called less frequently. But we need to find such ingenuous sewer trucks.

However, in any case, payment for the service must be included in the budget as a permanent expense item.

You can clean the toilet cesspool manually using a fecal pump. This is also mechanical cleaning in essence.

If there is automation, the device turns itself on and off when needed, but the hired suction pump takes everything away, but it is not clear where the sewage pump will discharge the wastewater automatically.

Particularly risky citizens do not think too much - they use a regular pump, equipped with a filter. But there is a nuance here - equipment used for other purposes does not want to work for a long time and breaks down with enviable regularity.

Important! You cannot do without chemical or biological cleaning at all: over time, deposits appear on the walls - they need to be removed.

Chemical cleaning

The method cannot be called new - chemicals have been used for a long time, and there are favorites among them. How popular cleaning products are used:

  • ammonium compounds,
  • nitrogen compounds (nitrate oxidizers),
  • bleach.

The main disadvantage of this method is the increased aggressiveness of the substances. With equal joy and ease, they destroy not only complex wastewater mixed with household chemicals, but also metal pipes.

Disadvantages of chemicals

Of the above, bleach and formaldehyde are frankly cheap, but they are just as frankly dangerous to human health. IN Lately These means are practically never used. Ammonium compounds are much safer, but they are not suitable for wastewater containing household chemicals (washing powders, detergents, cleaning products), since the effectiveness of the drugs is sharply reduced. In addition, nitrate oxidizers are expensive.

Environmentalists attack chemical cleaning because the impact of ammonium compounds on the environment has not been thoroughly studied, and the formerly popular formaldehyde and bleach are definitely harmful. Soon chemistry will be completely replaced by biological products, to which we are moving without paying close attention to chemistry.

Biological products

The method is based on a natural mechanism - a septic tank or cesspool is cleaned by aerobic and/or anaerobic bacteria that process wastewater in the process of life. Here, environmentalists are triumphant, since the same processing occurs in the soil - it is absolutely safe for living organisms and environment.

To clean a cesspool, anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen are often used. Aerobic ones are suitable for post-treatment in two-chamber (or more) systems, where air is forced injected (especially for microorganisms). After two-level purification, the recycled water can be safely used for irrigation.

Bacteria decompose wastewater into components (at the same time disinfecting them) - water, sediment, carbon dioxide. The sediment is useful in the garden as fertilizer. Water that has undergone only one stage of purification is released into the drainage field, where soil bacteria complete the process.

The use of biological products is extremely simple - the liquid or powder is dissolved in a certain amount of water (according to the instructions) and the solution is sent either to a cesspool or to a septic tank chamber. You can even, without further ado, pour the solution into the toilet, from where it will reach its intended destination.

Disadvantages of biological products

There are some drawbacks in the case of safe hard workers, miracle bacteria - they are afraid of household chemicals and work actively in a certain temperature range. If a septic tank or pit is cleaned with biological products, there should be no impurities of washing powders and detergents in the drains, which is very inconvenient in houses for year-round use. There are two exits:

  • use expensive, more resistant bacteria;
  • periodically resort to the services of vacuum cleaners for mechanical cleaning.

We do not consider non-use of detergents. Using gentle detergents will cost more than using bacteria that are resistant to them.

As for the temperature, in a normal environment for bacteria it is not lower than +4 and not higher than +30 degrees. In case of violation temperature regime the normal work of bacteria stops, the cleaning efficiency disappears.

How to clean a hole manually without pumping

For some there is nothing better own hands. And with these hands, citizens save money. In principle, you can save on anything - including cleaning the cesspool. You can do a lot on your own - even move a couple of mountains. A bucket, a shovel, enviable patience, a gas mask instead of a nose, and go ahead - to conquer the peak of the “Clean Cesspool”. True, such savings force us to tinker with our own... drains.

Cleaning a cesspool without pumping

The set of cleaning measures is simple:

  • a rope is tied to the bucket;
  • with this bucket they scoop out the precious contents until the pit is empty;
  • tie (and more tightly) a rope to a person;
  • arm a man with a shovel;
  • they lower this person to the bottom of the pit along with a shovel and bucket;
  • the person at the bottom loads the bucket and “whistles up”;
  • at the top they pull the bucket by the rope and lift it up;
  • when the contents are finished, they lift the person up.

Where is the scooped-out material sent? Who goes where. There is also a benefit - you can make compost (not only savings, but also benefits).

If bacteria have processed the drains, you will only have to clean the sludge - this is not so terrible, but still unsightly and inconvenient.

When the hole is narrow...

The best way to clean a cesspool

What are we doing?

  1. Absolutely hassle-free safe method cleaning a cesspool or tripping over household chemicals, or turns into an expensive one.
  2. Sludge suckers pump everything out at once, without looking at any chemicals, but they cause a lot of unpleasant moments not only for the owners of the pit, but also for their neighbors.
  3. It is better not to think about chemical cleaning at all - it is dangerous. A possible exception is the unexplored purification with nitrate oxidizers.

It turns out the best way There is no such thing as cleaning - everything is individual. If they live in a private house all year round, actively use detergents, but at the same time want to save on sewage disposal, it is preferable to pay for the pumping service. Under the same conditions, but without saving, the option is clear - biological products that are resistant to aggressive influences. Also, biological treatment is optimal if detergents do not go into the sewer system, that is, they do not use a washing machine or dishwasher. Enthusiasts can periodically clean out the toilet cesspool by hand, but is it worth the time?

Upon completion of the technological and production tasks associated with the arrangement of a sewer system in an apartment building, industrial building, as well as in a private household, it is necessary to test the involved system using the forced flow method. This task is used to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire involved sewerage part, and the test report for internal sewerage and drainage systems will be material evidence of the work on acceptance of the facility.

A visual inspection should be accompanied by inclusion in the test report of internal sewerage and drainage systems according to SNIP, which is currently represented by the current regulations of the “D” series appendix, which corresponds to SP 73.13330.2012 “Internal sanitary systems of a building”, recently a new one has been applied updated working edition according to SNiP 3.05.01-85.

A high-quality and reliable Galeco drainage system, made from laminated steel, is the key to the success and prosperity of a building, which involves the operation of a drainage system. According to the general design, the Galeko drain has one characteristic feature. A special feature is the presence of gutters, the edges of which are optimally concave inward, thereby during the passage of heavy rainfall, water will not splash or overflow over the edges. The modern Galeco drain is an innovative development that can withstand any mechanical damage and resists negative impacts ultraviolet rays.

Roof snow retainers are durable multifunctional devices that hold accumulated masses of snow to improve the thermal insulation of the roof and prevent sudden, unsafe snow falling from sloping roofs. Everyone knows the destructive power of mountain avalanches. Depending on weather conditions, there is a constant change physical properties snow masses. The almost weightless snow that has fallen and accumulated on the roof, in the process of cyclical temperature changes, forms a layer that is complex in structure and impressive in mass, reminiscent in miniature of an avalanche ready to fall from the mountain peaks. Underestimation potential danger threatens material costs, as well as a threat to the health and life of people in the danger zone.

Borge snow guards are high-tech products from the world-famous Swedish company, whose production is based in Russia. As an important element of safety systems for pitched roofs (SRB), BORGE snow retainers make it possible to:

    ensure the safety of people and the safety of local property and parked equipment;

    increase the service life of roofing, roof windows and elements of television, drainage, ventilation and electrical systems mounted on the roof, as well as other communication equipment;

    guarantee a reduction in the overall load on walls and floor elements by periodically and measuredly removing snow from the roof under the influence of its own weight;

    minimize the cost of utilities and building repairs.

Cesspools are fairly common engineering structures used in suburban areas. Such pits are built not only as a sewer element, but also as a traditional addition to street toilets.

The pit requires regular cleaning of waste accumulated in it.. Pumping can be done on your own using pumping equipment or other available means. Cleaning work cannot be called an easy or pleasant task. Therefore, many owners resort to the help of vacuum cleaners, which use a special machine to pump out waste water and fecal matter. The procedure is repeated annually. And if the pit is actively used and has a small capacity, it has to be cleaned several times a year, which is an additional expense for the family budget.

Correct operation

The size of the cesspool should be determined depending on the intensity of use and the number of family members.

For a summer toilet, of course, the dimensions of the pit can be much smaller. Outdoor toilets are used exclusively in the warm season. No other sewage waste is discharged into them. The pit fills quite slowly. In order not to have to clean it, you can move the toilet a few meters and dig a new storage well. A bacterial preparation is thrown into the old pit to process fecal matter, and a thick layer of soil is poured on top. After about a year, compost will form - the place will be ideal for planting any fruit tree. On such fertile soil it will produce high yields.

If a pit is used to drain sewage water and fecal matter from a residential building, pumping must be carried out frequently. Particular attention is paid to siltation of the bottom and the appearance of fatty deposits on the walls. Solid fractions must be washed away with clean water and pumped out with a fecal pump, achieving maximum cleanliness of the cesspool. If this is not done, an unpleasant odor will appear. A pit that is not cleaned in time threatens the floating of household waste and even flooding of the bathtub or toilet.

Main pollution

The first sign of a pit overflow is an unpleasant odor and slow drainage of water from sinks, sinks and toilets. If you go to the location of this structure, you can see midges circling over the pit, and the smell of sewage has intensified.

Having opened the hatch, use a dipstick to assess the level of silt deposits at the bottom. A large accumulation of bottom silt can block the sewer drain if it is located too low. In this case, a blockage forms - a fat plug, and if used carelessly, anything can accumulate in the pipe - feminine hygiene items, toilet paper, hair, pieces of fabric, leftovers food waste.

Of course, such barbaric use of sewers is very rare. Any owner strives to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the sewer system.

If the pit has a sufficient volume, and all household waste is not thrown into the sewer, the main contaminants are:

  • fecal matter;
  • fat deposits;
  • hair caught in the shower or bathtub drain;
  • small particles of thread from washing machines;
  • a small amount of food waste washed from kitchen sinks.

Cleaning methods

Before carrying out sewage treatment work, it is necessary to clarify some important points:

  • what kind of waste flows into the pit;
  • is there free access to it (access area);
  • what is the total volume of this structure;
  • Is the tightness ensured (the pit is sometimes built according to the drainage type - with a filter bottom).

If the volume is small, the waste can and should be pumped out with a household fecal pump. A unit with a chopper will avoid possible problems– the pump knives can easily cut even pieces of cellophane or large pieces of paper. In addition, a fecal pump will help get rid of bottom sludge.

Extra caution appear when working with wells equipped with a bottom filter. When pumping, the drainage may be damaged, and this leads to filter replacement, which means additional work.

It is preferable to clean large holes using biological products!

However, this method also has its pitfalls - bacteria are killed by aggressive chemicals (chlorine, phenyl, alkalis and acids).

If self-cleaning does not satisfy the owners, it is better to resort to the help of vacuum cleaners. These specialists will help you quickly and efficiently restore the sewer system.

There are three popular cleaning methods.


The easiest method to implement, but its use requires a sludge extractor or fecal pump. The sludge extractor is installed on the machine, and work with it is carried out by vacuum cleaners. Fecal pumps are suitable for self-cleaning, but they do not always cope with sludge deposits at the bottom. The disadvantages of the method include:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor during work;
  • and the mandatory installation of an access area.

The hose length of the suction pump is only three meters. For additional attachments, owners will be required to pay separately.

Sewage pumps cope with the task more effectively when installed permanently in a pit on special guides. The pump turns on automatically and pumps out the liquid into a pre-prepared container, which is regularly removed.

Vacuum trucks are called out from two to four or more times a year, depending on the size of the pit. The cost of the service is from 300 rubles per cubic meter. There are companies that offer to pay for the call of specialists, and not for the volume of liquid pumped out.

Chemical method

Involves the use of aggressive chemicals that adversely affect the environment. Such substances are designed to get rid of unpleasant odors and accelerate waste decomposition processes. They do not get rid of silt deposits. Chemical treatment almost always has to be combined with mechanical pumping of wastewater. As active substances used:

  • bleaching powder;
  • nitrogen fertilizers.

Complete pumping of the pit is carried out depending on its filling, but at least twice a year (spring and autumn). Nitric acid costs from 60 rubles per kilogram. Regarding the amount of chemicals required to clean the pit, you should consult with specialists. Overdose is dangerous for the environment!

Biological method

By far the safest and most effective method of cleaning cesspools. It consists in the use of special aerobic or anaerobic bacteria (usually a mixture of both types). Bacteria act quickly and effectively, destroying odors and turning waste into sludge and water that is safe for humans.

Part of the water is absorbed into the ground if a bottom filter is provided. The disadvantage of this method is the dependence of bacteria on oxygen and ambient temperature. At temperatures below +3 degrees, bacteria go into suspended animation, and without oxygen they die within a week. There have been cases of colony death within 6-12 hours.

The use of bacteria reduces the number of mechanical pumping of cesspools to once or twice a year.
  • powder - from 1,200 rubles per kilogram (French Septifos);
  • tablets - from 900 rubles per 85 gram tablet (Weist, USA);
  • liquid concentrate – from 600 rubles per 1 ml (“Weist”);
  • gel for toilet bowls - from 450 rubles for 750 ml (Septifos).

You can read how to properly dispose of such complex and large equipment as buses.

The lack of usual amenities in a country house or country house causes some difficulties. You will encounter many questions in the process of arranging and using a cesspool. Of course, there are several ways to clean a cesspool, but most likely, you need effective and efficient methods. These are the ones we will look at in the article.

Many dachas use local sewerage, equipped cesspool which needs to be cleaned periodically. Let's figure out how to clean a cesspool in a private house. There are several common cleaning methods:

  1. Using a pump or other available tool;
  2. Use of chemical or biological products;
  3. Ordering a sewer truck.

DIY cleaning

One of the most popular systems today local sewerage is a cesspool, which is actively used in summer cottages, in private houses and cottages. Unlike other similar systems, it does not require large operating costs.

The main problem after putting a cesspool into operation is choosing the most appropriate option for cleaning it. Cleaning with a conventional pump or other available means has several features:

  1. The appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  2. The need to purchase a special fecal pump or filters for a regular pump so that it does not become clogged;
  3. The process takes a lot of time and effort;
  4. The need to remove waste from the site.

Using a regular bucket and shovel will make the cleanup process even more difficult and unpleasant. In addition, you will need a large, sealed container to accommodate subsequent wastewater disposal.

Therefore, if you actively use a cesspool, it is best to purchase a special automatic pump that will pump out wastewater as the pit fills.

Cleaning with a suction pump

One way or another, you have to periodically pump out toilets and cesspools, but, as we already understood, if you do it yourself, it will be quite unpleasant and difficult:

  • Contacting a specialized company is the best way out of the situation. You can always order cesspool maintenance, high-quality cleaning and sewage pumping services.
  • Modern methods, devices and equipment have become much more convenient and simpler, so it will not be difficult to choose a cesspool cleaner. Today, “dirty” work has begun to be performed with the help of special devices, work complexes and instruments, so manual labor is almost excluded here.
  • Available a large number of preparations that speed up the process of waste decomposition, eliminating possible odors, because microbes are processed.

Features of cleaning a pit using a sewer machine:

  • Use a directory or the Internet to find an organization that disposes of household liquid waste. Order a sludge pump - this is a special machine that pumps out liquid waste.
  • Sludge sucking machines are needed for vacuum cleaning of wells, cesspools, sewer and storm water networks from sludge and its transportation to the unloading site.

  • Sludge suction machines include a vacuum pump with a drive, a tank, hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic systems, a suction boom and additional equipment.
  • Management is carried out with remote control suction boom control. Unloading of sludge occurs when tanks are tipped over.

Note! In order for the cesspool to be cleaned using a sewage disposal machine, it is necessary to ensure that the suction pump can reach a distance of no more than 4 meters. In addition, the depth of the pit should not exceed 3 meters.

If you use a cesspool only in the summer and the water consumption is small, then you will have to call the cesspool about once a month. However, if you live in the house permanently and actively use the shower, washing machine, dishwasher and other water-consuming appliances, you will have to order a suction pump three to four times a month.

Of course, this service is not very cheap, but such cleaning of cesspools is very effective and allows you to solve many problems, including the problem of waste disposal.

Use of biological products

An excellent solution for cleaning pits is the use of chemicals and biological products. To disinfect the contents, there is also an antiseptic for cesspools.

Note! The result of the use of modern chemical and biological products is that instead of fecal matter and waste, a liquid is formed in the cesspool, which is odorless and safe. The sediment can be pumped out with a conventional pump, so calling a sewer truck will be required much less often.

Features of the use of biological products:

  • Biological products process accumulated fats, feces, paper, vegetable peelings and other contents. At the same time, the volume of waste is significantly reduced and cesspools are disinfected.

  • For materials that were used in the construction process, biological products, unlike chemicals, are completely safe. They don't provide negative influence on metal, cinder block, brick, concrete and plastic.
  • However, bacteria do not process inorganic materials, household or construction waste, or plastic containers, such as plastic bags and bottles.
  • Many chemicals are harmful to bacteria, so wastewater containing washing powders and detergents should not be poured into a cesspool. In an aggressive environment, bacteria will die, so cleaning will be ineffective.
  • Biological products begin to work two hours after entering a liquid medium. In four hours they effectively cope with unpleasant odors.
  • Bacteria can work effectively only at temperatures from +4 to +30 degrees.
  • Before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions. Some drugs are sold immediately in ready-made liquid form, while others are sold in the form of granules, which must first be diluted in water.
  • With the help of biological products, you can clean and restore the drainage properties of the pit, that is, its ability to absorb water. This is especially true after pumping with sewage trucks, when the drainage of the cesspool is disrupted.

Also, the drainage properties may deteriorate during the use of the pit, as a result of the bottom being filled with organic waste, the build-up of waste on the walls or the base of a fatty impenetrable plug. When using a bioactivator, drainage will be restored, the bottom and walls of the sewer pit or septic tank will return to their original state, and the incoming water will be absorbed into the soil again.

Note! Sometimes unpleasant and specific smell appears after cleaning with a suction pump has been performed. And this smell does not disappear immediately, but sometimes persists for about two weeks. Biological products that effectively combat unpleasant odors will also help you solve this problem.

Using biological products for cesspools and local treatment facilities, the consumer must be confident in their effectiveness not only in terms of cleaning and combating unpleasant odors, but also in environmental safety drugs used.

Biological products that are used for cleaning are the result of long-term scientific research in the field of biotechnology. They consist of microorganisms and bacteria, which through their vital activity do not cause any harm to the environment.

Use of chemicals

However, biological products have one important drawback: they cannot work in winter. Of course for summer cottage this will not be a problem, but if you decide to install a cesspool in a country house where you like to relax in the winter, then in the cold season you will have the problem of treating wastewater. In this case, it is best to clean out the hole using chemicals:

  • Chemical preparations are not afraid of low temperatures, sudden temperature changes, and are also resistant to household products and aggressive environments.
  • Chemicals effectively decompose different kinds waste and combat the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  • But not all wastewater treatment chemicals are considered safe for the environment.

Note! Formaldehyde, which has remained the most popular cleaning agent over the past decades, is very toxic and harmful, and the effects of ammonium compounds are still not fully understood and should be used very carefully.

Therefore, if you want to clean a cesspool, it is recommended to use nitrate oxidizers, which are the safest. We hope the article answered your question about how to clean a cesspool, and now operating the sewer system will not cause you any inconvenience or problems.

If the usual amenities are missing at a dacha or in a country house, then some difficulties arise associated with comfortable living. To avoid such inconveniences, you need to make a functional sewer system. Most often, a cesspool is dug for these purposes, but there are other options that will cost more.

Many summer residents have often encountered the problem of old cesspools, so they know firsthand what troubles the downtime of such a sewerage structure brings.

There are several effective methods that will answer how to clean a cesspool in a private house:

  • you can use a pump or other available device;
  • use drugs of chemical or biological origin;
  • use the services of a sewer truck.
Cleaning a cesspool with a vacuum cleaner

Do-it-yourself cleaning of old cesspools

Perhaps the most popular local sewage system is a conventional cesspool. It can often be found in dachas or on areas of country houses. Compared to alternative systems, this option does not require large costs. The main problem lies in another feature altogether, namely the choice effective method cleaning it.

Cleaning using a pump or other device has some features, namely:

  • there is often a bad smell;
  • you have to buy a fecal pump or special filters that are inserted into a simple pump to eliminate the risk of equipment clogging;
  • to clean the pit using this method you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort;
  • Pumped out contaminants and waste must be transported off-site.

Of course, you can use a simple bucket and shovel, but such actions are considered very difficult and unpleasant.

It is better to purchase a large sealed container in advance for subsequent removal of wastewater.

If the cesspool is actively used on the farm, it is recommended to purchase an automatic pump to pump out the water filling the cesspool.

Self-cleaning of cesspools with a pump

Cleaning a cesspool using a suction pump

In any case, when constructing a cesspool, it is regularly cleaned, that is, pumped out. You can do this yourself, but it’s not particularly pleasant or easy, so the question of how to clean a cesspool without pumping becomes less relevant. It is best to contact a company that specializes in such actions. Thus, you can be sure that the structure will be thoroughly cleaned and free of contaminants.

By using modern methods, equipment and devices have become more convenient and easier to maintain cesspools. It is not necessary to do all the dirty work yourself, as there are special devices, complexes and devices that reduce manual labor.

There is a wide variety of drugs that cause waste to decompose much faster. It also eliminates unpleasant odors due to the processing of microbes.

If the work is carried out by specialists, then you can be calm about the result, since only proven materials are used, Newest technologies and modern equipment.

Sludge cleaner for cleaning a septic tank

Cleaning a cesspool using a sewer machine

Today it is not difficult to find an organization that deals with the disposal of liquid household waste. A service such as ordering a suction pump is suitable for those who do not want to spend their efforts on cleaning the cesspool. A special machine will quickly and easily pump out any volume of liquid waste.

Using a sludge sucker, vacuum cleaning of wells, sewer pits, and stormwater systems is carried out. As a result, all waste, sludge and other contaminants are transported to their destination.

Such machines consist of:

  • a vacuum pump equipped with a drive;
  • tanks;
  • hydraulic system;
  • electrical system;
  • pneumatic system;
  • suction boom.

The machine can be controlled using a remote control. The sludge is unloaded after the tank is tipped over.

To the disadvantages this method When cleaning cesspools, it is worth mentioning that over time the earth begins to absorb water poorly, so it has to be pumped out more often.

Important! If you plan to pump out waste using a sewer truck, then you need to provide access to it. A distance of four meters is sufficient, while the depth of the structure should be no more than three meters.

If the structure is to be used exclusively in the summer, with little water consumption, the cesspool should be cleaned of sludge using a sewer truck once a month. If a family permanently lives in the house and actively uses the shower, washing machine, dishwasher and other appliances, then you will have to call a special machine at least 3-4 times a month.

Naturally, this service is not cheap, but this method of cleaning pits is quite effective. Thus, it becomes possible to quickly solve the problem associated with waste disposal.

Using a vacuum truck when cleaning a pit

Use of biologically based drugs

To clean cesspools, you can also use chemical or biological preparations, but before purchasing them you need to consult with a specialist about the required volume of the product for a particular pit.

To disinfect the contents of a cesspool, you can use a special antiseptic.

Important! As a result of the use of chemicals and biological agents, fecal matter and other waste are converted into liquid. It is odorless and does not pose any danger. In any case, a sediment forms, which must be pumped out with a sewer truck.

Like any other drugs, biological products should be used taking into account certain features:

  • Such preparations are able to effectively process fats, solid waste, feces and vegetable waste. When using special compounds, the volume of waste is significantly reduced and cleaning pits are disinfected;
  • Compared to chemicals, biological products are practically not dangerous for the materials used to build a cesspool. This way, plastic, metal, brick, cinder block and concrete are not damaged;
  • as a rule, such bacteria are not intended for processing materials of inorganic origin, as well as household and construction waste, plastic, polyethylene and bottles;
  • drugs of biological origin are afraid of contact with chemicals. For this reason, it is prohibited to pour water containing, for example, washing powder or detergent into the cesspool. As a rule, the bacteria used are not able to act in an aggressive environment, so the risk of their death is high;
  • preparations of biological origin activate their activity two hours after they are poured into liquid. After four hours, the unpleasant odor disappears;
  • the optimal temperature for bacteria to work effectively can range from +4 to +30 degrees;
  • Before using the biological product, it is recommended to read the instructions. Some substances are sold in liquid form, and some drugs are sold in the form of granules; they need to be diluted in water immediately before infusion;
  • Using preparations of biological origin, it becomes possible to restore the drainage of the cesspool, in other words, it is possible to improve its throughput. There is often a need to use the drug after pumping out waste using sewage machines, when drainage is disrupted.

Sometimes drainage functions deteriorate during the operation of the cesspool. This often occurs due to the accumulation of organic waste at the bottom of the pit, as well as due to the build-up of waste on the walls of the structure or the appearance of a fat plug. Using biological products, you can quickly and effectively restore drainage and return the bottom and walls of the sewer septic tank to their original state.

Important! There are cases when, after using the suction pump, the unpleasant odor still remains and persists for two weeks. To solve such an unpleasant problem, you can use a biological product.

Before you clean out the cesspool with your own hands and use special drugs, you need to make sure that these products will not only help effectively eliminate unpleasant odors, but will also not harm the environment. The composition of such biological products includes microorganisms and bacteria that do not cause dangerous influence on the environment.

Biological product for cleaning cesspools

Chemical preparations for cleaning cesspools

Despite many advantages, biological products have an important drawback: they do not function in winter. Of course, this feature is not important for country houses, which do not provide for year-round stay, but for country houses where people live permanently, this problem is relevant.

In such cases suitable option there will be the use of chemicals, which also have their advantages:

  • products of chemical origin are not afraid of low temperatures and their sudden changes. Also, these drugs are resistant to the influence of household detergents and aggressive environments;
  • chemicals promote decomposition different types waste and do an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors;
  • Despite some benefits, chemicals are considered hazardous to the environment.

Chemical cleaning of cesspool

Previously, formaldehydes were used to clean cesspools; despite their effectiveness, they are quite toxic and harmful. As for ammonium compounds, their effect has not been fully studied, so products with this composition should be used with extreme caution.

According to experts, it is more advisable to clean cesspools using nitrate oxidizers, since they are less hazardous to the environment. The composition of such products is similar to fertilizers; they are not capable of harming humans and plants.

Which method of cleaning a cesspool to choose will depend on the specific case. When choosing a particular product, it is important to consider not only its effectiveness, but also its level of safety.

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