How to make burnt sugar at home. How to make burnt sugar for moonshine at home. In a frying pan or in a saucepan

Select a category Adenoids Sore throat Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Traditional methods treatment of Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the runny nose Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Review of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Procedures for Sinusitis Cough procedures Procedures for the runny nose Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Most of us, when a cough appears, immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive medications. And few people know that this unpleasant symptom can be cured with the help of a simple ingredient. Burnt sugar is a proven remedy, the secret of which lies in its structure. In addition to its wonderful taste, it also has healing qualities. Cough sugar can be taken by both adults and children. You can buy it in confectionery stores or prepare it yourself.

Sugar - natural product, which is used in many fields. It is mainly used by confectioners in baking sweets. In its usual form, it will not help in treating a cough - it will only worsen the situation by scratching and irritating the throat. At heat treatment, the product becomes viscous and plastic look. Under influence high temperature sugar modifies its structure, turns into useful product, which can be used in cough therapy. It is recommended to use a burning pill for a non-productive cough, when sputum is difficult to clear. This product helps with the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • pain, sore throat;
  • helps remove phlegm;
  • softens the tissues of the larynx.

Especially positive reviews You can hear about burnt sugar from parents of small children. Children often refuse to take “tasteless” medications. But kids eat sweet pills or candies with pleasure.

Why does burnt sugar help with cough? Sugar crystals change their molecular composition during heat treatment and turn into a medicine that facilitates the removal of sputum and mucus from the bronchi. If you have a wet cough, you do not need to use it. You can take the product no more than three times a day. The cough burning recipe is very easy. But if it does not provide any benefit, you need to try other methods. You can prepare burnt sugar for coughs at home.

Burnt sugar for cough: benefits and harms

According to experts, burnt sugar for coughs can be consumed without worrying about possible harm which he will inflict. On the contrary, the product contains many carbohydrates, which will be beneficial to an organism weakened by the disease. It will be useful for the following diseases:

  • laryngitis;
  • inflammation of the bronchi and tracheitis.

Burnt sugar not only has benefits, it can also cause harm. The following group of people should stop using it:

  • diabetics;
  • people with allergies.

Indulging in this remedy is a little dangerous, as it contains a lot of glucose. An overdose can be one of the reasons for the development of blood cancer. The burner can also:

  • damage teeth and cause caries;
  • disrupt metabolism;
  • add a few extra pounds.

Burnt sugar - good remedy in cough therapy. But it will not replace the main treatment and can only be used for non-productive cough. It is also necessary to remember about possible complications and contraindications.

If the patient suffers from diabetes, then it is necessary to resort to sugar-free products, for example, syrups.

Why does burnt sugar help with coughs?

Cough is a protective mechanism of the body that occurs when the respiratory system is not functioning properly. These could be: infections, viruses, foreign objects. To stop a cough, you need to remove all phlegm and mucus from the body. In addition to cough, burnt sugar also helps with:

  • sore throat;
  • cold;
  • flu;
  • viral infection.

Cannot be used in case of serious illness when the patient has a high body temperature. This method will not be effective for paroxysmal cough, for example, in the case of whooping cough. It will be more effective to prepare burnt sugar with auxiliary ingredients. It can be: lemon, milk, onion juice. Many parents are not sure whether burnt sugar helps with cough. But its benefits have long been proven. Moreover, this is a natural product that acquires medicinal properties during the cooking process. The whole secret is in its viscous structure. But before giving this medicine to a patient, you need to consult with your physician.

How to prepare burnt sugar

Making burnt sugar for coughs couldn't be easier. What you will need:

  • sugar;
  • frying pan;
  • spoon or frying pan.

You need to prepare enough product to use at one time. Stages of preparing sweet medicine:

  1. Take one tablespoon.
  2. Pour sugar into it and add a little water.
  3. Keep a spoon over low heat (you can use a frying pan for a larger dose) until the sugar turns light brown.
  4. To prevent sugar from sticking to the plate, you can grease it with butter.

To interest your child, you can make a lollipop. There are the following ways to prepare it:

Pour the syrup already melted in a frying pan into a container with foil and put a match or stick there. Wait until the mixture hardens.

  1. Melt the sugar on a spoon and insert a toothpick or skewer into it. Wait until the burnt mixture has completely hardened.
  2. Pour melted sugar into a round mold. Place the stick there and wait until it cools completely.
  3. To get milk-caramel candies, melted sugar needs to be dipped in cold milk. But such lollipops must be sucked carefully.

Other cooking methods:

  • Syrup. Prepare one spoon of burnt sugar and add to a glass hot water. Boil. Prepared mainly for small children.
  • Heat one teaspoon of sugar over the fire. Add to warm milk and drink immediately. For better effect, you can give a spoon butter.
  • Add burnt sugar to a glass of warm water. Stir and add lemon juice. Instead of lemon juice You can add onion juice.
  • To prepare burnt sugar with vodka, you need to melt 9 tablespoons of sugar and pour boiling water over them. Stir the mixture and leave until completely cool. Then add 20 grams of vodka to the liquid and stir.

These drugs will be effective only in combination with other medications.

How to make burnt sugar with medicinal plants

You can prepare burnt sugar with herbs that have a medicinal effect. The leaves of the plant are mainly used for this. This method relieves inflammation and facilitates the removal of phlegm. What herbs are used:

  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • coltsfoot.

Together with burnt sugar, you can use an infusion of leaves or a decoction of the roots. How to cook them:

To prepare the infusion, pour one spoonful of leaves into a glass of boiling water. Then the mixture should brew.
To prepare a decoction, add 250 ml of water to a spoonful of roots and leave for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Then strain the broth. If the water has boiled away, it must be added.
Burnt sugar just needs to be added to a glass of infusion or decoction and stirred. You can add honey to the mixture for a better effect. In season infectious diseases, you can brew tea from raspberry leaves and add a spoonful of burnt sugar.

Culinary technologies, if you get into it, are a bit like magical secret rituals that anyone can comprehend. This is what I understand.

Now the question is: have you ever encountered products such as black molasses, molasses or molasses in recipe ingredients? And they exist, and they are very important in many confectionery desserts.

In fact, it is possible to do without molasses, molasses and molasses when making confectionery products. But then the baked goods will lose their true luster and spice.

The zhenka plays a particularly worthy role in the preparation of gingerbread. After all, many could smell the baking cookies on the eve of Christmas, Easter, Maslenitsa or New Year's holidays, which cannot be confused with anything. It is this smell that gives us the feeling of a child’s sincere anticipation of the holidays.

You can find such products in recipes for classic gingerbread, cookies, bread or muffins:

Black molasses (molasses) has an excellent effect on the structuring of the dough and gives the product a spicy caramel flavor. Baked goods that contain molasses are fluffy and tender. The mixture acts on the dough as a product that slows down the sugaring process, which gives the product a fresh shelf life.

In fact, it is almost impossible to prepare it at home, since it is a product produced during the sugar manufacturing process.

And it’s very simple to make burnt molasses with your own hands at home, as a household substitute for molasses!

The essence of the product is to prevent crystallization of sugar syrup. The technology for creating a burner for home use is quite simple.

Ingredients for a 250 ml burner

200 grams of granulated sugar

100 grams of drinking water

a pinch of crystalline citric acid





container with a tight-fitting lid


How to cook zhzhenka

Mix the dry ingredients in a thick-walled bowl: granulated sugar and crystalline citric acid.

Place the container with lemon and sugar on low heat. And very soon you will notice that the granulated sugar begins to slowly melt.

It is better not to disturb the process of melting sugar by stirring, just shake the container slightly so that large lumps do not form. The mixture will begin to turn into caramel before your eyes.

The fact that the sugar has melted will be visible - the mixture will turn amber in color.

Let the mixture boil. This will happen when bubbles appear.

When the mixture begins to bubble more and more, and a slight smoke is visible above the container, turn off the heat.

The mixture will come into the container on its own, but if you delay the process, the mixture will burn.

When the bubbles come off the surface, you will see that the mixture has become dark - you have obtained brown burnt sugar.

Carefully add the prepared water to the burnt sugar. At the same time, the mixture will hiss and bubble, since it is still quite high in temperature.

Let the composition sit for a while.

While the liquid is bubbling, be careful not to get burned.

When the emotions of the liquid subside, mix everything until smooth. If you suspect that the burnt sugar has not completely dissolved in the water, then heat the mixture a little over low heat, stirring gently.

Let the finished mixture cool slightly, and using a sieve, pour it into a clean container.

Pour the burnt sugar into a tightly sealed container. When the cake cools down, it will become a little viscous. You can store the product in the refrigerator, but then the composition will need to be heated to use. It is better to store the liquid at room temperature.

The prepared volume of the composition will last you for a long time, since according to many recipes, usually no more than 4 tablespoons of the product are used for the dough.

Cough– this is a typical sign of a cold, causing a lot of debilitating symptoms. Today you can buy many drugs at the pharmacy to treat cough and relieve its symptoms.

But it happens that after a prescription is prescribed by a doctor, the cough does not go away. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the types of cough; the method of treatment depends on this.

There are two types of cough:

  • moist cough
  • dry cough

Moist cough manifests itself during inflammation that occurs in the bronchi, simultaneously with the resulting sputum, it removes microbes and waste cells of the mucous membrane. The swelling goes away, breathing becomes easier, and the cough begins to subside.

Dry cough more debilitating in its manifestations and is associated with frequent outbreaks of suffocation. A dry cough must be turned into a wet cough as quickly as possible. The child will begin a phase of coughing and mitigation of coughing attacks.

Most parents prefer to treat colds, use folk remedies, which includes burnt sugar prepared at home. Burnt sugar for coughs has a pleasant taste and is liked by many children.

The healing effect of burnt sugar

A product made from burnt sugar should be used immediately as soon as the child shows the first signs of a sore throat. Taking the medication up to 3-4 times a day can minimize the development of chronic cough in the subsequent days of a cold.

What is the healing effect of burnt sugar:

  • ability to soften irritation of the laryngeal mucosa
  • relieve swelling of the nasopharynx
  • enhance the expectorant response
  • increase the periods between cough outbreaks
  • slow resorption, leads to enhanced therapeutic effects

Another important advantage is that it undoubtedly has a pleasant taste; children are treated with it without hesitation and with pleasure. They easily learn to monitor their condition, and at the first sign of a sore throat, they report it to their parents.

And above all, restrictions on the intake of burnt sugar products are kept to a minimum

What are the benefits and harms of burnt sugar for coughs?

Contains burnt sugar includes calcium, potassium, and many other valuable vitamin components. First of all, the benefit is a quality alternative a large number other medicines, syrups and tablets.

Burnt sugar copes well with coughing attacks; for children who do not want to be treated with other drugs, burnt sugar will be the best substitute.

But we must not forget that sugar is a high-calorie product and can affect tooth enamel, so you should not get too carried away with it.

It contains glucose, which can have negative impact on the work of many organs. It should also be used with caution by children with diabetes or allergies. The first 3 days are sufficient for treatment.

Burnt sugar recipes

There are various different ways and recipes for making burnt sugar. The choice depends on the preferences of the child, or on the specifics of the situation.

There are the following methods for making burnt:

  • lollipops
  • paste
  • syrups
  • candied fruit
  • toffee

At home, you can prepare a wide variety of sugar products with the addition of various ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. The basis of the recipe is simple, the intended composition is mixed, brought to a boil, the resulting mixture is poured into any form suitable for further use in treatment.

If you carefully pour it into a silicone mold for small cupcakes and insert a special plastic or wooden skewer, you will get a real lollipop.

It’s also good to add to the sugar mixture. cocoa for making chocolate candies, liquid jam to diversify the taste, and food colorings will help you make colorful caramel.

Before pouring the resulting mixture into the mold, the mold must be greased. big amount butter, for easy removal after hardening. Used items after cooking must be immediately soaked in water.


The simplest, but no less effective than other cooking methods, recipe. In a regular teaspoon, the granulated sugar should be held over a hot surface until the sugar begins to melt, but before it begins to burn.

Otherwise, the candies will have a bitter aftertaste. You can add a little milk to the sugar, then the zhenka will acquire a creamy taste.

Paste medicine

An excellent solution for children who have frequent coughing attacks would be to prepare caramel paste as a pain relief. To do this, take a larger volume of sugar, calculated for long-term use of this medicine.

The recipe is simple: while the sugar melts and turns brown, you need to add a little butter so that the mixture does not harden, but turns out to be a paste. The resulting mixture can be eaten with spoons or spread on baked goods.


Making burnt sugar in syrup form is quite simple. In the finished, but not frozen caramel, you need to add a glass of boiled water, diluted by half with the juice of half a lemon. Stir the resulting liquid and add a little honey. This syrup will help get rid of cough faster than other recipes for making burnt sugar.

Candied fruits can be prepared in the oven at home. To obtain a tasty delicacy, take the peels of tangerines, oranges, and lemons.

Cut into thin strips and generously sprinkle with sugar. Place in a preheated oven with a small amount of water. Ready-made candied fruits can be consumed for 5-7 days, 1 tbsp once a day. after eating.


Delicious toffees are certainly a favorite among all children. To prepare them you will need high fat cream. The cream is poured into an enamel pan, granulated sugar is added. There are no clear proportions, but you need to add more sugar to the cream.

After mixing, put everything on the lowest heat and cook while stirring. When the mixture turns light brown, remove from the stove. It can be left in a saucepan, or poured into small molds, for example for ice.

This folk remedy is the first and fastest assistant in the initial stages of the disease.

And it definitely has many advantages:

  • Suitable for children of different age groups
  • sugar is in every home, and can help if you can’t go to the pharmacy
  • burnt sugar is easy to prepare
  • Pregnant and lactating women can use it as a primary cough control
  • Burnt burner is effective for dry cough
  • Regular use after 3 days significantly reduces symptoms

In addition, burnt sugar is a very tasty and inexpensive medicine. And if you haven’t used a burner before this article, then it’s worth trying at least once

Contraindications for taking burnt sugar

But still, do not forget that burnt sugar is regular sugar, and its disadvantages remain despite processing. The calorie content remains the same, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

There are restrictions for certain groups of people:

  • children under one year old
  • people with diabetes
  • people with individual intolerance
  • people with liver diseases
  • people with bronchial asthma, epilepsy or tuberculosis

To another unpleasant one side effects can be attributed to the provocation of caries and general harm caused to teeth. Therefore, the chosen method of treating cough should be monitored, and the burner should be used no more than 4 times a day.

Burnt sugar has long been used in folk medicine, our grandmothers also effectively used it to combat a cough attack. The tasty remedy is a productive aid in the treatment of colds and, in conjunction with other drugs prescribed by the doctor, which you should not refuse, works real miracles.

Burnt sugar for coughs is a remedy that has been tested over the years and helps not only to eliminate painful cough attacks, but also to relieve a sore throat. You can, of course, be treated and pharmaceutical drugs, but many of them have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, unlike natural ingredients. Under the influence of high temperature, sugar melts and acquires medicinal properties. In particular, such a medicine is good for treating children, who are very difficult to force to drink the mixture, but they swallow sweet candies with great pleasure.

Benefits of the drug

Burnt sugar cannot be taken in all cases. It only helps when a dry cough is caused by irritation of the throat mucosa. A similar cough often occurs with pharyngitis, and it is the burnt sugar that can relieve irritation from the walls of the throat and reduce the frequency of coughing attacks. Burnt sugar will help with coughs caused by laryngitis. In this case, sweet medicine can be used as part of complex therapy.

A severe cough is often observed with bronchitis and tracheitis; at the very beginning of the disease, coughing is very difficult and coughing attacks cause great discomfort to the patient. Burnt sugar can be used for these diseases to reduce irritation and easy discharge of liquefied sputum.

Sugar is an environmentally friendly product that is used both in its pure form and for preparing various dishes. This sweet product is considered a quick and accessible source of carbohydrates; a person needs it during illness to increase the energy of a severely weakened body. Classic granulated sugar has a crystalline structure, so if consumed in the form of sand, it can easily injure the walls of the throat and esophagus. Burnt sugar has a homogeneous structure, it is plastic and resembles caramel. The main medicinal properties of the sweet product can be distinguished as follows:

  • relieves irritation from the laryngeal mucosa;
  • reduces swelling and inflammation;
  • reduces the intensity of coughing attacks;
  • has a soft enveloping effect;
  • tones the body weakened by disease.

As a result of a chemical reaction, under the influence of high temperature, the sweet product acquires healing properties. When the burning liquid interacts with saliva, its medicinal qualities are only enhanced.

As soon as the cough becomes productive and the sputum clears well, stop taking burnt sugar.


Burnt sugar can be made in different ways, and all of them are equally effective. There is no need to prepare a lot of medicine at the same time according to one recipe, because fresh products are always more useful, and the variety will definitely please the patient.

You can make original cough lollipops, sticky marshmallows and syrup based on the burnt syrup..


Burnt sugar for coughs is quite convenient to use in the form of delicious candies.
. To prepare, take a cast iron frying pan or stainless steel bowl, sugar and other ingredients. You can prepare lollipops using different recipes:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, pour into a cast-iron frying pan and place on low heat. The mass is constantly stirred, the caramel gradually becomes more and more dark color. When the caramel mass becomes light Brown, it is poured into pre-prepared metal or silicone molds without sharp corners. You can line a wooden cutting board with foil and pour small candies with a teaspoon, stick a match with a cut head into each one.
  • Burnt cough sugar for children can be prepared using another recipe. The result is a porous caramel mass with a pleasant milky taste. The caramel mass is prepared according to the previous recipe, but then poured with a teaspoon onto a metal sheet. Some cold milk was previously poured into it. Thanks to the temperature difference, the caramel is filled with air bubbles. This sweet medicine must be sucked with caution so as not to injure the oral mucosa.
  • For better coughing, you can also use creamy caramel. Take a tablespoon of sugar and pour it into a dry frying pan, then put it on the fire. When the mass begins to melt, add 1/3 teaspoon of butter.

You can make delicious caramel right in a teaspoon. The child will definitely appreciate such an original cough medicine. To prepare, take half the sugar into a teaspoon and hold the spoon over the fire until the mass becomes caramel. After this, the caramel is left to cool, placing a folded towel under the handle of the spoon.

To prepare airy caramel, immediately dip a spoon with the melted mass into cold water.

Burnt sugar marshmallow

Burnt sugar for throat and cough can also be taken in the form of a viscous marshmallow.. This delicious medicine is prepared according to this recipe:

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of sugar into a stainless saucepan and place the vessel on low heat.
  • After the sugar begins to darken, add a teaspoon of butter and two teaspoons of natural cream.
  • Stir the caramel mass until smooth and add 50 ml of water.

The medicine is allowed to boil for a couple of minutes and removed from the heat. Cool, pour into a clean jar with a tightly sealed lid and take when coughing due to various reasons.

Children and adults can take cough marshmallows. Wash it down medicine preferably warm milk.


It is also useful to drink various syrups made from burnt sugar when coughing.

  • Two tablespoons of granulated sugar are melted in a dry cast-iron frying pan, and when it acquires a brownish tint, a glass of water is added to it. The composition is boiled for 2-3 minutes, then cooled and poured into glass jar. You need to drink 1/3 cup of this syrup for severe cough attacks. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.
  • Hot caramel mass from 3 tablespoons of sugar is poured into a glass of water, to which the juice of half a lemon has been added. At the end of cooking, you can add a tablespoon of linden honey. This syrup will help get rid of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • The caramel mass of 3 tablespoons of sugar is poured with a glass of hot water and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed onion juice is added. This drug is taken every half hour, a teaspoon. It is worth considering that the taste of this syrup is very unpleasant, so getting a child to take the medicine will be problematic.
  • Three full tablespoons of granulated sugar are simmered in a frying pan until brown, then poured with a glass of hot water. Boil the drug for about 5 minutes. Cool and add 3 tablespoons of vodka to the resulting syrup. Drink this medicine 1 tablespoon up to 5 times a day. The dose for children is reduced to 1 teaspoon.

If the syrup is prepared for small children, then add not 3 tablespoons of vodka, but only one. To improve the taste, you can add a couple of vanilla crystals.

Alcohol cough medicine can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks. Before use, it must be heated to a comfortable temperature.

Burnt sugar with herbal infusion

To prepare a healing tincture with medicinal herbs, take one teaspoon each of chopped plantain, thyme, licorice, sage and marshmallow herbs
. You can not take all the herbs, but only one or two. Plant raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water in a thermos and infused for half an hour.

Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar in a frying pan, bring to a brown color and pour into the broth. Children under 7 years old drink a tablespoon of decoction 3 times a day, children 7-12 years old are given 2 tablespoons. Older children and adults can drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day.

The herbal decoction is heated and shaken well before use.


Treatment with burnt sugar can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Use with caution this method treatment for:

  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • obesity;
  • some diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • intolerance to components that are included in caramel and syrups.

When treating a cough with burnt sugar, it is advisable to strengthen the immune system using other traditional methods.

Burnt sugar will be a real boon for those parents whose children refuse to take medications. This medicine is not only sweet and tasty, but also very effective. Additional components only enhance the healing effect of the burnt drink.

Undoubtedly appearance drink or dish is most often the determining factor whether we eat or drink it. Moonshine in this case is no exception. The visual perception of the color scheme of alcohol affects in some way its taste perception.

As a rule, moonshine made by an experienced moonshiner is transparent, but without certain knowledge and experience, most often it has a cloudy, repulsive color and a not very pleasant smell.

To avoid such problems, experts in their field have developed a simple way to refine homemade alcohol - caramel coloring for moonshine, which implies a certain process of caramelization of sugar.

Caramel color is a natural food coloring that is very resistant to fading in the sun and changes in acidity.

Caramel for moonshine is used at the final stage of making high-quality alcohol to give it a noble brownish color, which gives the alcohol an external resemblance to whiskey or other expensive alcoholic drinks.

The sweet taste of caramel in no way affects the tasting characteristics of moonshine; it can only be felt at very high concentrations or when added to low-alcohol drinks like homemade wine or beer.

Let's look at a couple of recipes together and find out how to make caramel from sugar for moonshine at home, and also figure out how to properly tint homemade alcohol with burnt sugar.

To give moonshine an aesthetic appearance, there are different ways to refine it - with the help of decoctions, herbs and teas. However, the easiest and fastest method available to any beginner is caramel coloring. The procedure is very easy to carry out at home, and the necessary raw materials are always at hand.

Caramel color can be made in two ways:

  • Wet implies uniform dissolution of granulated sugar in water, which eliminates the possibility of burning, as well as subsequent storage of the color in the form of syrup.
  • Dry - a more complex method, during which the sugar is heated on the dry surface of a frying pan or other utensils without any additives.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods for preparing burnt sugar for moonshine at home.

Burnt sugar recipe using wet method

According to this recipe, you will get a sugar coloring of a rich black color with a light caramel aroma. The finished color can be stored both in the refrigerator and in a kitchen cabinet at room temperature.

The main thing is to make sure that it is in a glass container, hermetically sealed with a tight stopper or lid. The shelf life of this concentrate reaches 3-4 years.

List of components

Cooking process

It is a little more difficult to obtain burnt sugar using the dry method than using the wet method, but this product is simply ideal for coloring moonshine.

The only thing the most important condition in the process of preparing caramel, this means that granulated sugar cannot be heated above 200 degrees, otherwise the product will burn and will not be suitable for its intended purpose.

Cooking process

  1. Place a metal container with high sides on the fire and heat it until hot. Never use Teflon cookware.
  2. Reduce the heat to low and add the required amount of granulated sugar.
  3. Stir the mixture constantly using a wooden or silicone spatula.
  4. As soon as the sugar mass becomes covered with bubbles and begins to melt, increase the intensity of stirring and prepare the color until the mixture turns yellow-brown.
  5. Line a flat tray with foil, pre-folded in two layers.
  6. Pour the melted color onto the tray and distribute it in a thin layer over the entire surface of the tray.
  7. Place the pan in a cool place and let the sugar harden.
  8. Until the raw material has completely hardened, we mark small squares on a semi-soft base. This action will make it easier and faster to break the caramel layer into pieces after final hardening.

Subtleties of cooking

  1. You should not be overzealous with the amount of burnt sugar in moonshine; I recommend adding it in small portions and waiting for 10 minutes until the color of the drink stabilizes. The fact is that excess caramel can lead to a change in the taste of alcohol and, unfortunately, not for the better.
  2. When coloring alcohol with burnt sugar syrup, I advise adding three drops of caramel for every liter of alcohol. If you want to do alcoholic drink darker color, then add a maximum of two more drops of syrup.
  3. Dry caramel must first be poured with a small amount of boiling water and stirred until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. A couple of burnt sugar cubes are enough for a liter of alcohol. The resulting brownish liquid can be successfully used to color fondant or broths, as well as other alcoholic beverages.

Video: how to make burnt sugar for moonshine

To fully understand today’s material, I recommend watching two videos in which experienced moonshiners will teach you how to prepare burnt sugar for moonshine in no time.

  • Video No. 1.

The complete technology for making burnt sugar using the wet method for coloring cognac, moonshine or whiskey is presented in this video.

An expert in his field will show you the whole process step by step and share a lot of information useful tips, which will be useful for beginners in moonshine brewing.

  • Video No. 2.

This video shows the process of making caramel from sugar using the dry method, which is used to give a cognac color to homemade moonshine.

Helpful information

Since we have discussed how to refine homemade alcohol using burnt sugar, now I want to offer you generation-tested recipes for high-quality alcohol.

  • It is particularly soft and has an interesting manufacturing method. After cleaning and painting, such a drink is difficult to distinguish from high-quality store-bought products.
  • It is famous for its wonderful flavor notes of grain crops and a light pleasant aroma, which cannot be said about most home distillate options. Craftsmen call this alcohol a real high-quality distillate and most often it is on its basis that other various alcoholic drinks such as wine or liqueurs are prepared.
  • The preparation method differs significantly from the usual distillate manufacturing technology, which results in a taste and aroma that is distinguishable from standard alcohol.
  • If you are planning to experiment with the components of a homemade distillate, I highly recommend turning your attention to an already proven recipe—banana moonshine—. I assure you that you will not regret the time and effort spent when you taste this alcohol.

Now you know how to make and color homemade moonshine in a noble color, and with proper cleaning, even pass it off as an expensive luxury alcohol. If problems arise, then ask questions in the comments - I will certainly tell you what to do and how. Thank you for your attention and good luck to you!

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