How to remove cat smell from carpet

When a kitten appears in the house, it brings the owners a lot of joy and fun, but there will also be a lot of hassle associated with raising it. Kids, no, no, and they manage to make a puddle in the wrong place, even adult and seemingly disciplined cats can sometimes “get into trouble.”

Cat urine has a foul odor because it contains a high concentration of ammonia. And if high-quality fillers are able to absorb unpleasant odors, then if the cat peed on the carpet, you will have to face all the “delights” of a thorough cleaning. If you can’t find a stain, watch your cat: if he constantly sniffs the carpet in one place, that’s where he is looking. Check the back of the carpet for stains: stains are often more noticeable on the underside.

Once the crime scene has been localized, it's time to begin odor neutralization. There are several proven ways to remove the smell of cat urine from carpet, so:

Ways to remove cat odor

  • A mixture of alcohol and water. The alcohol is diluted with a small amount of water and the solution is poured into a spray bottle. The carpet is first blotted with a napkin, after which an alcohol solution can be applied. Do not allow the animal near it until the carpet is dry. The alcohol will evaporate along with the unpleasant odor of the urine. After this, the carpet can be thoroughly vacuumed;
  • Potassium permanganate or iodine. For dark carpets, this method is suitable: dissolve a third of a teaspoon of potassium permanganate in a liter of water and apply to the affected area. You can dissolve 15-20 drops of iodine in a liter of water and thoroughly clean the carpet with a brush. By the way, you need to use a disposable brush, otherwise you will use it to spread the smell of urine throughout the apartment;
  • Vinegar. Dilute 100 ml of vinegar with water (half a liter) and apply to the stain using a spray bottle. Wait until the mixture dries, then you can wash it off with water and dissolved detergent;
  • Peroxide and soda. Mix 15 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent or soap. Apply to the carpet and wait until it dries. After this, the mixture is easily washed off with water;
  • Soap solution. Add a teaspoon of liquid soap to half a liter of water and stir until foam appears. Apply the solution to the stain, wait until it dries, and then wash off with plain water;
  • Cleaners . Modern drugs like Zoovorsin, Laina, Odorgon, Nature's Miracle help quickly get rid of odors. It is not recommended to treat the carpet with chlorine-containing products: firstly, because not all cats find this smell repulsive and disgusting, and rather, on the contrary, they will definitely want to mark this place.And secondly, such products can ruin the color of your carpet, and this is an unpleasant prospect.

  • After cleaning the carpet, treat the area with lemon juice or add a few drops of citrus or tea tree oil - most cats cannot tolerate this smell and will avoid an unpleasantly smelling area;
  • If the phenomenon repeats and an adult cat urinates in the wrong places, you should pay attention to its health. Many pets in this way try to show the owner that something hurts (most often, this is a sign of developing urolithiasis);
  • Pets leave puddles on purpose if they become jealous (for example, if another animal appears in the house or you have a child), if they experience fear or anxiety (change of place of residence);
  • Keep the litter box clean; cats are very neat and will not use a dirty potty. It may be worth experimenting with the filler: some cats love granules, and some, on the contrary, it’s all individual;
  • Furniture and carpets can be treated with a homemade repellent: it is not harmful to cats and will not require significant expenditure from you: add 20 drops of essential oils (lemon, lemongrass, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus) to 1 liter of water and spray over the surface of the furniture or carpet There are also special sprays on sale - you can buy them at any pet store, but they do not work on all cats.

Be that as it may, at first you will have to monitor the behavior of your pet, but gradually he will accept your rules and will go to the place designated for this.

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.