What stones are suitable for Aquarius according to the horoscope? Aquarius lucky stones

Aquarius is a creative, optimistic girl who constantly needs to receive new information, an interesting pastime and, of course, communicating with your favorite friends. Such an active lifestyle requires fresh energy, and sometimes protection from depression, which can come at the most unexpected moment. About which talisman stones are suitable for an Aquarius woman, and what they can give for representatives of this zodiac sign - right now.

What stones are suitable for an Aquarius woman: general characteristics

When astrologers select a talisman stone according to the zodiac sign, they take into account many nuances. First of all, in the horoscope, the date of birth of the Aquarius woman and her field of activity are important. Moreover, each sign has a common set of talismans that are responsible for different areas of life. These are the stones that will suit any Aquarius girl, regardless of her date of birth.

Red garnet

This stone activates activity, gives activity. It literally takes you out of a passive state and gives you that very impulse that we all sometimes need so much. Red garnet is energetically similar to fire, as it reflects the brightest spectrum of flame. Therefore, the talisman can be especially useful for business ladies whose lives are sometimes full of unpredictable events. This stone protects against stress overload and quickly restores mental energy.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz

Among the representatives of the Aquarius sign there are many shy girls. And even ladies of the timid ten quite often experience deep self-doubt. These are just the features, so they need to select talisman stones not only for success in business, but also to strengthen their personal life.

To loosen up a little, you need to turn your attention to light quartz, especially pink. This talisman helps to refresh romantic feelings and behave more confidently with representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, rose quartz serves as a real patron, protecting against accidents, injuries and incidents.


To overcome negative emotions associated with frankly boring periods in life, when the monotonous rhythm begins to literally disgust you, you should pay attention to. Among the stones that are suitable for Aquarius girls, this particular talisman protects well from melancholy and also prevents conflicts in the family.


Aquarius 1st decade

Representatives of the zodiac sign, who were born at the very end of January and February 1, are distinguished by a particularly shy, sophisticated character. This is explained very simply - Aquarians of the 1st decade are especially strongly influenced by sentimental Venus - the planet of romantic, tender feelings. Such people, as a rule, do not like to offend anyone and try in every possible way to avoid sharp corners. On the other hand, it is very easy to hurt the feelings of early Aquarians. Surely, you have often noticed that even the slightest trifles, which friends will not pay attention to, can ruin your mood for the whole day.

You need to develop your strengths, which are more than enough. Aquarians of the first decade are incredibly graceful, diplomatic people who won’t mince words, and generally look like in the picture. If many Aquarians frankly don’t care what others think about them, then this definitely does not apply to the 1st decade. That's why even before heading to the next store, these ladies will for a long time preen as if going out into the world.

And these girls also love fine arts, literature, rhythmic gymnastics and everything related to classical creativity. Therefore, to smooth out shortcomings and develop your abilities, you should surround yourself with talisman stones that inspire life:

  • nephritis- giving strength, awakening energy;
  • pearl– a symbol of spiritual wisdom;
  • - attracting true friends;
  • coil- protects against diseases;
  • obsidian- warning a person against frivolous actions;
  • aventurine- improves mood and gives hope.

Aquarius 2 decades

But girls born at the very beginning of February are distinguished by a much more stormy, open temperament. The influence of Mercury is the planet responsible for thinking, learning, and information exchange. That's why these ladies simply cannot live without constant contact. They strive to make new friends because it is people who provide them with a constant flow of inspiration.

Astrologers believe that it is the representatives of the 2nd decade who are classic Aquarius. It's not just about the typical features of this original and most extraordinary zodiac sign. Even the energy and rhythm of life of such Aquarians clearly demonstrate the best qualities of the sign: originality of thinking, the ability to quickly change a decision so that others do not remain offended, as well as the will to win.

Queen Mary preferred amethyst jewelry
  • sardonyx, lapis lazuli and chrysoprase- attract good luck;
  • amber-bestows health;
  • amethyst and turquoise- personify sincerity and nobility (note that it is better to buy turquoise for unmarried girls).

Aquarius 3rd decade

Finally, Aquarius in the 3rd decade is more influenced by the Moon. They are more closed, reserved in their assessments and generally prefer not to meddle in other people's affairs. As a rule, these ladies have a constant circle of friends, and they select their friends incredibly carefully. And the whole point is that such girls especially value sincerity and emotional restraint in people. Aquarians of the third decade do not like outbursts, stormy showdowns and Mexican passions.

The flip side of such personality traits is the desire to withdraw into oneself, withdraw from the world and cut off old contacts. Surely Aquarians of the 3rd decade experience such feelings periodically. That is why stones that enhance fidelity, nobility, and also give success in creativity are suitable for them:

  • chrysoprase- bestows success;
  • alexandrite- represents longevity and prosperity, and also allows a girl to truly fall in love;
  • tourmaline- enriches intimate life and promotes creative success;
  • aquamarine- personifies justice, patronizes people seeking truth;
  • pomegranate– a symbol of fertility, success, sexual powers;
  • sapphire- personifies the fidelity, modesty and nobility of a girl;
  • zircon— inspires a person to acquire new knowledge, patronizes those who want to learn something new.

Which stones are not suitable for Aquarius?

Last but not least, it is important to know which stones are not suitable for an Aquarius woman, regardless of her date of birth:

  1. First of all, these are stones that patronize Leo - the opposite of Aquarius according to the horoscope - carnelian, opal, rock crystal, golden quartz and onyx.
  2. Not suitable for an Aquarius girl and diamond. According to the horoscope, this talisman develops stubbornness in a person, which in the case of this lady can turn into a negative quality.
  3. The stars especially draw the attention of married ladies - you should not buy turquoise.

Talisman stones for such an interesting zodiac sign as Aquarius help strengthen it best qualities: global projects, search for truth, extraordinary thinking. Therefore, when choosing a specific stone, you should always proceed from your own interests. And of course, do not forget to listen to your own feelings. If any of the considered stones intuitively attracts attention, this is another argument that it will give you strength and inspiration.

People born under the sign of Aquarius are creative individuals with idealistic views of the world. They constantly want to help other people and do the world better. Aquarians do not wish harm to anyone; their main task is self-development and self-improvement.

The meaning of stones for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Aquarius is best suited for stones that are close in color to the surface of the water. This is due to the fact that this zodiac sign has a direct relationship with the water element. Such stones include: turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli, and amazonite.

It is very difficult for such people to take the first steps towards attracting love and respect. Moreover, if a person knows that he has his own talisman stone with him, then he becomes more decisive in his actions and deeds. Stones and natural minerals provide additional energy that can be used to achieve certain life goals, as well as to acquire health and longevity.

The horoscope indicates that almost all stones for this sign have a blue or light blue tint, which is directly related to water. Minerals harmonize a person’s inner world and make his life much better.

Which stones are suitable for Aquarius women?

Girls who were born under the sign of Aquarius are often immersed in the world of their own dreams. In addition, they do not tolerate long periods of loneliness as they desperately need human company. Despite the fact that such women always overly idealize their men, they easily part with them as soon as they learn about some negative aspects of their biography.

Aquamarine and precious jewelry with this stone help women make the right choice, which makes their life much easier. This natural mineral protects its owner from making wrong decisions. Talismans with such a stone make Aquarius more open and emotional with loved ones, and this often helps to establish trusting contacts with relatives and friends.

Although Aquarius women are extremely fond of freedom, they tend to limit the desires of other people. Amulets with amethyst help this sign to establish relationships not only in the family circle, but also with other people, including employees at work. The stone helps to calm down before making important life decisions.

Such talismans give additional strength and make a person more strong-willed due to the formation of a strong character. Most esotericists and lithotherapists advise women who are planning to become mothers to use jewelry and amulets with amethyst. This stone can also be worn until the birth of the child. Its energy will protect the fetus and promote its normal development.

If a woman is married, then it is extremely important for her to have in her jewelry set amulets with natural pearls that match her nature. In fact, it is not so important which metal the stone will be combined with; the main thing is that the mineral must be pure and of natural origin.

Pearls improve relationships within a married couple, making them stronger and more durable. With the help of pearls, independent and freedom-loving Aquarius women will be able to get rid of their inherent pride and begin to listen more to the desires and demands of other people. Pearls make such women more tender, reverent and sentimental.

Which stones are suitable for Aquarius Men

Men born under the sign of Aquarius are endowed with a rational and inventive nature. Such representatives of the stronger sex always need to be engaged in building something new, developing some projects and improving the world around them. The best stones for these men are sapphires.

This stone is best suited for those who are optimists at heart, striving to gain new knowledge. Amulets and jewelry with this mineral help Aquarius achieve their goals despite the most difficult obstacles in life. Every Aquarius man, having received a sapphire at his disposal, becomes invincible to his rivals and competitors, which significantly improves his business and financial situation.

Such men are in dire need of attention from female representatives. Black agate is an excellent love talisman for them, helping to win women's hearts. This semi-precious mineral makes Aquarius a real ladies' man, capable of surprising the most sophisticated woman. The choice of stone color directly depends on the ultimate goal pursued by Aquarius.

Light-colored agate makes men’s character softer and more flexible. Carrying with him an amulet with yellow or white agate, it becomes much easier for Aquarius to find a common language with the people around him. Gray stones are setting up friendly relations and help to avoid various conflict situations and quarrels. Charms with agates protect the owner from deception and intrigue organized by rivals.

White Agate

An Aquarius man is extremely rarely able to independently change the traits of his difficult character. In this case, jade or a talisman made from this mineral can help. Jade is capable of raising a man spiritually to a higher level. A man with jade is constantly engaged in self-improvement and spiritual development. This is a money stone that has been used since ancient times to attract money and establish financial stability for Aquarius.

Stones talismans and amulets for Aquarius

Light quartz crystals are one of the best natural talismans for Aquarius, regardless of gender. Representatives of this zodiac sign can use rose quartz as a love amulet. Rose quartz crystals are minerals that bring good luck and glory to Aquarians. They also create a powerful energy barrier that protects the owner from the evil eye and damage.

Aquarians tend to get depressed at times. They often experience severe despondency. Quartz gives its owner self-confidence and the ability to survive serious life upheavals. For Aquarius with a creative nature. This stone can also be used as a talisman against injuries and fractures.

Topaz will contribute to the harmonious spiritual development of Aquarius. This mineral causes in people born under the constellation Aquarius a craving for knowledge and thoughts about the meaning of life. It is extremely difficult for Aquarius to live in the absence of a spiritual component, without which their life cannot become truly happy.

Moonstone will give Aquarius additional self-confidence. At the same time, you should approach the issue of its use with caution, as its power can be harmful to a person. The main condition for using this mineral as an amulet and talisman is to direct its energy exclusively in a positive direction.

What stones are contraindicated for Aquarius?

If you don’t know what minerals and natural stones capable of harming Aquarius, you can give an unsuccessful gift that will only bring negativity into the life of a loved one. Such people are highly recommended to avoid stones with pronounced fire energy. Astrologers and lithotherapists say that Aquarians should avoid the following stones: peridot, onyx, zircon, rock crystal, sardonyx, carnelian, tourmaline, opal, and gold-colored quartz crystals.

Married ladies are not recommended to wear turquoise. This stone can cause rash actions, which often ends in family scandals. Even the most faithful and serious women can turn into crazy ladies.

Diamonds can make Aquarius even more flighty and hot-tempered, so they should not wear them either. Diamond gemstones make men overly stubborn and women unapproachable and pretentious.

The duality of the character of Aquarius does not allow them to wear citrine as a personal amulet. The stone simultaneously enhances the positive and negative qualities of this sign. Because of this influence, a person begins to literally be torn between evil and good. In such conditions, a person experiences constant mood swings and problems with communication in society.

Stones for Aquarius by date of birth

First ten days (January 21 - 29). Turquoise is best suited for people born in this zodiac sign cycle. This stone is a hard natural mineral blue color with dark veins. Turquoise is the stone of true winners, leaders, and experimenters. The mineral is ideally combined with the internal energy of the sign born during the first decade of the zodiac. Such protective stones protect a person from all kinds of troubles.

Second decade (January 30 - February 8). True Aquarians are born in the second decade, which is the middle of the zodiac cycle. For such people, a natural stone such as charoite is best suited. This mineral is distinguished by its rarity and unique beauty. He will make his master truly wise and give him life wisdom. The stone can become a reliable talisman that will accompany a person throughout his life.

Third ten days (9 - 18 February). Pomegranate jewelry suits them well. Bracelets and beads using this mineral will make the owner confident in his own abilities, and will also increase his internal energy, which will help the person achieve his goals.

Aquarius constellation- the eleventh sign of the zodiac circle. In his famous four-volume astrological treatise “Tetrabiblos”, the Alexandrian scientist Claudius Ptolemy (2nd century AD) calls it Aquarius, which can be translated both as Water-bearer and as Lord of water, even as Water-bearer.

Ptolemy argued: since the orbits of the stars that influence the destinies of people born under them are amenable to predictable mathematical calculation, then the destinies of people can be predetermined by comparing the date and hour of birth with the movement of the luminaries.

From this article you will learn which stone will protect Aquarius, and which gems are not recommended for representatives of this zodiac sign to wear.

  • The planet Uranus controls the fate of Aquarius
  • The element of this zodiac sign is Air
  • Lucky colors – blue, aquamarine, rich blue-green
  • Lucky metal – titanium
  • Favorable numbers – 16, 32

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius

According to the horoscope, Aquarius is changeable, just like the element to which astrologers and magicians classify people born under this zodiac sign. This astral element, defined by ancient magicians, is not Water, as many people think, but Air. But do not forget - after all, it is from the foggy damp air that dew condenses, and from the clouds floating in the airy skies, heavy rains fall.

Aquarians are creative people. This character trait of the Aquarius zodiac sign will be supported and strengthened by a correctly selected stone with positive astral energy.

Many outstanding politicians, inventors and scientists were born under the sign of Aquarius, you will see this by reading our list of famous Aquarius, which concludes the article. The strong character traits of Aquarius will be supported by gems from the beryl group.

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius?

There is no single symbol for the Aquarius sign.

  • blue sapphire
  • blue aquamarine
  • all transparent blue and green stones

With rare exceptions, men and women born under this sign are shown all translucent stones from the category of semi-precious minerals - pink carnelian, green chrysoprase, purple amethyst. According to the horoscope, the rare amazonite, an opaque bluish-green mineral reminiscent of turquoise or jade, may also be recommended. stones, suitable for Aquarius for a woman and Aquarius for a man, differ; their list and characteristics are highlighted in separate sections below.

Which stone is more suitable for Aquarius? The astrologer will determine this based on the specific date of birth.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Aquarius must approach the choice of a stone by date of birth competently. Stones recommended for the time period (decade) in which you were born are most suitable for amulets. Gems assigned to the other two decades of the passage of the sign will not have any magical function, but will only serve as decoration.

I decade: January 21 – February 1

In the first ten days of the passage of the sign, romantic Aquarians are born. Their character is influenced by planet Venus, accompanying Uranus during this period.

The discrepancy between the realities of life and their own ideas often plunges these people into apathy and depression. Amulet stones - black obsidian and green jade - will help you cope with such sudden changes in mood and get a boost of optimism.

II decade: February 02 – 11

But Aquarius, who celebrate their birthday at the beginning of February, are not bothered by the troubles of life; the influence of the nimble Mercury. Their sharp mind will find a way out of the situation. This enviable quality of those born in the second decade is enhanced by the following gems:

  • sardonyx

Good for Aquarius born in the early days of the second decade are stones from the beryl family:

  • heliodor

III decade: February 12 – 19

The third decade of the passage of the constellation Aquarius is illuminated influence of the moon. People who are born at this time are reserved, kind and sympathetic, but they will, without regret, part with those who have tried to deceive them at least once.

Stones for Aquarius women

Astrologers recommend that girls born under the sign of Aquarius wear earrings with amethyst. The best metal for setting such jewelry is white gold or silver.

Earrings with amethyst

A love spell for an Aquarius woman who wants to attract the attention of her chosen one can be coil. It is recommended to wear it in a bracelet on your left hand.

At least one decoration from amber And pearls- here are the minimum amulets for a married Aquarius woman. The energy of amulets will harmoniously complement aquamarine. These stones will be faithful assistants to the keepers of the hearth.

The choice of stones for Aquarius ladies is quite large. A specialist lithoastrologer who has studied an individual horoscope will help you decide which stone is right for an Aquarius woman, depending on her date of birth, social status, age, occupation and other factors.

Stones for Aquarius men

Good luck to the Aquarius businessman or leader government agency will bring nephritis. Order from a jewelry workshop or look in stores for a tabletop figurine, calendar stand, or paperweight made from this noble mineral. A desktop jade amulet in the shape of a green apple is popular in China.

In all planned projects, Aquarius men will be assisted by the gem chrysoprase, a symbol of new beginnings for the owner. Complex tasks will help solve raw moss agate. One of the sides of the stone must be polished with your own hands. When thinking about any problem and making important decisions, look closely at the wonderful pattern of agate: the puzzle will form by itself.

If your opponent is hindering your career growth, a talisman will help you win the competition - blue sapphire. This is the stone of the ambitious Aquarius man. But there is no need to demonstrate it to others, much less tell strangers about the purpose of the sapphire. Let the amulet stone be your secret. Carry a sapphire in your wallet, it should be close to the money.

Talismans of the zodiac sign Aquarius

When choosing an Aquarius talisman, consult with experts, read forums on astrological sites. You may not even suspect the existence of some stones that are useful for the Aquarius zodiac sign. For example, as astrologers have found out, the number of amulets for Aquarius has been supplemented by the talisman stone, discovered in Brazil quite recently (1987). This Aquarius talisman is a turquoise colored variety of tourmaline.

The best amulet for Aquarius (men and women) is quartz, or rather, quartz, because this is an extremely large family of stones. Its purest manifestation is crystal.

  • sarder;
  • carnelian;
  • sapphirine

Good stone for women prasiolite. It also belongs to the quartz family and is a type of amethyst with a soft green hue. It is recommended to wear prasiolites in pairs, for example, in earrings. Wear them as an evening decoration - prasiolite does not tolerate solar ultraviolet radiation, the stone will quickly discolor from irradiation and will look like faceted rock crystal.

But not all quartzes are suitable for the Aquarius zodiac sign.

What stones should Aquarius avoid?

According to the observations of lithoastrologers, among the quartz that Aquarius needs to be wary of are: Australian black opal. The energy of its crystals can only harm such an owner. But most contraindicated for Aquarius people, according to astrologers, faceted. The influence of a diamond on the character of a person of this zodiac sign will be detrimental.

Famous Aquarians

The most famous Aquarius in modern history Russia - President Boris Yeltsin (01.II.1931). His contribution to the democratization of the country is invaluable. Yeltsin astonished the world by allowing the national republics of the USSR to realize their right to self-determination, which under the communist regime was only an imperial fiction proclaimed in the Constitution. But the list of outstanding Aquarius politicians who decided the fate of the world does not end there.


Three US Presidents were born under the sign of Aquarius - the 16th President Abraham Lincoln (12.2.1809), who became a national hero during Civil War, 32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (30.I.1882), who managed to lead the country out of the Great Depression, he also stands in the honorable ranks of the victors of Nazism in World War II. In this cohort of US leaders is the 40th President Ronald Reagan (06.2.1911), the undisputed winner of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

The list of politicians who have left a deep mark on modern world history includes the Italian dictator, founder of fascism Benito Mussolini (04.2.1883), Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu (26.1.1918), President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze (25.1. .1928), Korean socialist dictator Kim Jong Il (16.II.1941), President of France Nicolas Sarkozy (28.I.1955).


The astrological Aquarians were Soviet military leaders during the Civil War Mikhail Frunze (02.II.1885), Vasily Chapaev (09.2.1887), Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky (16.2.1893), who was executed on false charges in 1937. In the same row we will name the legendary Soviet pilot, Air Force brigade commander and Hero Soviet Union Valeria Chkalova (02.II.1904).

Show Business

Among the stars of show business, the world celebrity, the charming American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey (29.1.1954), eclipses all her colleagues, shines brightly. The colossal fees allowed her to become the first black female billionaire in history. Oprah's net worth exceeded $2.7 billion back in 2013; for many years she has consistently been one of the ten most influential women on the planet.


The stars of Aquarius erected the brilliant chess player, grandmaster Boris Spassky (January 30, 1937), the legendary weightlifter Leonid Zhabotinsky (January 28, 1938), and the famous Portuguese football players Jose Mourinho (January 26, 1963) and Cristian Ronaldo (January 05) on world champion pedestals. .II.1985).

The science

The brilliant Aquarius scientists have become famous in science. The ranking of science is headed by the Italian astronomer and astrologer Galileo Galilei (15.2.1564), who was not afraid to declare, contrary to religious canons, that the Earth is not the center of the Universe, the British physicist Robert Boyle (25.1.1627), and his compatriot Charles Darwin (12 .II.1809), father of the theory of evolution. Among Russian Aquarius scientists, biophysicist, professor Alexander Chizhevsky (07.2.1897) and theoretical physicist, laureate became famous Nobel Prize, academician Lev Landau (09.I.1908)


Among the brilliant Aquarius inventors, we give the palm to the American Thomas Edison, who received more than a thousand patents that changed the world. Is your light on? It was he who invented this light bulb. But it would be impossible to generate electrical energy without the discoveries of the Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta (18.II.1745), whose name we name the unit of electrical voltage, and the works of the French scientist, academician Andre Ampere (21.I.1775), whose name now stands for current strength.

In a separate line we will include here the American John Browning (21.I.1855), a talented weapons designer who worked in Belgium.


The list of Aquarius travelers is headed by the Italian general Umberto Nobile (21.I.1885), who created the original airship and one of the discoverers of the Arctic.

> Aquarius Stones

Choosing which stone is suitable for Aquarius, it is worth noting that these are unshakable idealists. This is a representative of creative individuals who do not see the meaning of life if there is no positivity and mutual assistance in it. Aquarius is a good, strong and calm person, but it can be difficult to understand him, since it is almost impossible to follow his train of thoughts. This suitable people are considered ideal employees because they do not conflict, but spend all their energy on doing their work.

Stones for Aquarius by date of birth

Birth from January 21 to February 1 endows representatives with romance and tranquility. But, unfortunately, they are the ones who most often suffer from a melancholic mood. Since Venus is looking after them, they cannot live without love. The horoscope says that the necessary supply of positive energy will arrive with jade, aventurine, pearl, amethyst, serpentine and obsidian.

The power of Mercury will last until February 11th. They are endowed with a sharp mind and a wonderful sense of humor, which attracts people and universal respect to them. Surround yourself with onyx, amber, turquoise, amethyst, lapis lazuli or sardonyx.

The third period lasts from February 12-20. Such people put truthfulness first. The horoscope does not advise lying, as Aquarius will break off all relationships without even thinking about it. It is difficult for them to achieve their goals due to sensitivity and restraint. Tourmaline, zircon, alexandrite, garnet, chrysoprase and sapphire will help.

If you are looking for a talisman, then pay attention to light quartz. Pink protects your relationship with your loved one. Aquarius periodically falls into a gloomy mood and is sad for a long time. The mineral overcomes troubles and pulls the sign into a light stripe. Creative individuals will receive an energy charge, thanks to which they will increase their abilities and be inspired by new ideas.

Sapphire is important in harmonious development. It awakens the desire to learn, makes you think about universal themes, the meaning of our existence. Aquarius cannot imagine himself without the eternal search for answers to such global questions. The gem will become a faithful companion on such journeys beyond the boundaries of the mind, expand consciousness and protect against evil and false characters.

Obsidian will not only drive away negative people, but it will also force you to turn away from dangerous habits and instill a love of learning. He will show you what you should strive for. But you can’t wear it every day, otherwise Aquarius will become timid.

When sadness and despondency come, the horoscope suggests amethyst. It revives optimism from the ashes, instills faith in a better future and protects against envy and competition. It will also improve your intuition, and for the sign it is the most powerful weapon. In an extreme situation and during the evil eye, agate will help out. It also protects against colds and stomach problems.

Sometimes it is not easy for a zodiac to adapt to drastic changes in plans or environment. Hyacinth helps you get used to it and restore harmony. Put a ring on it ( middle finger) and save yourself from attacks of melancholy. Travelers will love aquamarine.

Birth makes her yearn for freedom, but at the same time the woman limits the actions of others. Amethyst helps to understand other people's desires and restrains impulses of power. It makes it much easier to create a positive atmosphere in the family and get used to a new team. It is especially important for those who have long dreamed of having a child.

Horoscope married woman must acquire at least one piece of pearl jewelry. Moreover, the strength lies in the naturalness of the stone, and not in the metal in which it is located. The mineral plays the role of a white flag in relationships. You will get rid of quarrels and misunderstandings, begin to appreciate your partner more and feel a response. Pride will be a thing of the past.

Sometimes ladies tend to daydream and withdraw into themselves. It comes to the point that they idealize their chosen one and become unhappy when the scales fall from their eyes. Aquamarine instantly takes off the rose-colored glasses and shows reality. With him you will not be mistaken in your decisions. Moreover, it reveals you and your loved ones will better understand what you want. Amber awakens not only self-confidence, but also a tendency towards altruism.

Aquarius loves female attention, and therefore he cannot do without agate. A black shade is preferred, as it promises victory in love sphere. He will make you a Don Juan. But the white and yellow mineral will soften the character. It will become more pleasant to communicate with you. Gray solves problems in friendship and eliminates conflicts. With him, a man is protected from intrigue.

A man cannot always overcome his negative qualities on his own. Jade is in a hurry to help. This could be an amulet or any small figurine. He will force you to look at yourself from the outside and work on your shortcomings. Financial well-being also comes with it.

Essentially, Aquarius is an inventor and innovator. Sapphire will break stereotypes. It gives you new experiences, encourages you to finish what you start, and makes you a formidable opponent.

Leo talismans will have a negative impact, and married girls should not wear turquoise. Diamond will impart unnecessary stubbornness, and citrine enhances both the positive and negative sides of nature.

Articles dedicated to Aquarius

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Aquarius most compatible with? ;

The quietest and most romantic sign of the Zodiac. In the life of Aquarius there is no place for violent passions and heroic overcoming of imaginable and unimaginable difficulties. Aquarians are not inclined to fights and showdowns with enemies and friends by flaunting their ambitions and physical capabilities.
For representatives of this Sign, the main thing remains the opportunity to calmly carry out their work, while an important factor Characterizing their behavior and inclinations is the ability to help people and maintain their own optimism.

Combination of birthstone and date of birth

  • Rose quartz. Most suitable amulet for a representative of the Sign who easily falls into melancholy and melancholy. The mineral present in the life of Aquarius helps the owner acquire inexhaustible optimism, faith in his own strengths and capabilities. The amulet will help to reveal the creative potential of the owner and protect him from various traumatic situations and protect him from accidents.
  • Sapphire. The stone awakens in a person a craving for new knowledge, for philosophy and reasoning about the meaning of life. Often, Aquarians suffer from their own spiritual inferiority, so the gem is necessary as a constant driver of the owner’s aspirations towards moral and spiritual self-improvement. In a difficult situation, the mineral will not allow the owner to fall into depression, will force him to concentrate all his strength on solving the problem, and will protect the owner from deceitful friends and false acquaintances.
  • Obsidian. An amulet from will prevent its owner from the presence of negative actions, bad people, and bad habits in his life. The mineral will make Aquarius study and work harder and harder to achieve the desired goal. Although Aquarius should not get carried away with constantly wearing an obsidian amulet, the long-term presence of the stone in the life of the owner can deprive the owner of courage and determination.
  • Amethyst: is able to revive Aquarius’s faith in their own strengths, hope for a better future, and save the owner from hopelessness and melancholy. The stone will force its owner to become a winner and will reliably protect Aquarius from unfair competition, from rancor and his own stubbornness. Strengthens intuitive thinking and insight.
  • - will become a reliable protection against evil witchcraft and internal diseases, will suggest a way out of a difficult situation and will help you get out of it correctly.
  • . A ring with a stone worn on the middle finger will help the owner with radical changes on the path of life, protect Aquarius from apathy caused by difficulties, and give strength to cope with changes that are not always pleasant and convenient.
  • . It will help you find true friends and prevent injustice from happening. Suitable as a reliable amulet for long and dangerous journeys.

Useful for improving relations with the surrounding society. The mineral promotes a more complete understanding of the desires and aspirations of other people and improves the family climate. It is believed that it will be useful to a representative of this Sign when trying to have children; the stone gives strength and develops the will to achieve a certain goal.

The mineral will help the Aquarius owner to realistically look at the strengths and weaknesses of her chosen one, will guide her on the right path, and will set her up for trust and tenderness towards her family and friends.


Lithotherapists affirm the urgent need for married Aquarius to have at least one piece of jewelry with this stone. In this case, the frame does not matter; the main requirement is natural origin. The stone will help maintain a reverent family relationship with each other, and will curb the pride of the Aquarius woman, which so often prevents her from compromising when resolving controversial issues.


The stone is indispensable for maintaining fortitude, vigor and optimism. The gem will help preserve beauty and youth for a long time, and will force the Aquarius woman to engage more in charity work and selfless help to her neighbor.

What stones are suitable for an Aquarius man?


Different shades of gems manifest their qualities differently in the lives of representatives of this Sign. Thus, a black gem is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex to the owner, turning a not very emotional Aquarius man into a Don Juan who knows how to please the heart of his chosen one. Stones of yellow and white shades will give their owner kindness and simplicity in communicating with others. Gray stones will help you make true friends, protect Aquarius from unnecessary conflicts and petty quarrels, and protect you from other people’s lies and the machinations of ill-wishers.


The presence of a figurine made of a mineral or jewelry with this gem in the life of Aquarius will force the owner to engage in self-improvement, change his negative qualities to positive ones, which will attract success and material well-being into the owner’s life.


Jewelry with stones will become faithful assistants for Aquarius the innovator, inventor and reformer. will force the owner to bring the things he has started to their logical conclusion, will give the necessary strength and optimism for this, and will teach him to absorb new knowledge and skills like a sponge.

Stones that are absolutely not suitable for Aquarius

All minerals belonging to Leo are harmful and destructive for Aquarius, both magically and physically. These are rock crystal, carnelian, topaz, zircon, opal, golden quartz, onyx, and chrysolite. Stones belonging to Leo make the life of Aquarius very difficult, overloading it with unnecessary emotions that are too strong for a representative of this sign. Gems tirelessly enhance the negative character traits of Aquarius, contributing to his transformation into a fierce, stubborn fanatic and conservative.

Turquoise. It is very dangerous for a married Aquarius, as it can lead to the destruction of love happiness and family relations. Under the influence of the gem, the other half may grow cold towards his beloved, which will lead to numerous betrayals by the Aquarius woman’s husband.

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