Beautiful trees and shrubs. Decorative shrubs for the garden and vegetable garden with names and photographs. Flowering ornamental shrubs

Summer residents who decide to decorate their plots with beautiful shrubs immediately face the question - which shrub is best to plant?

Ideally, such a plant should satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Be beautiful throughout the summer season.
  2. Easy to care for.
  3. Frost-resistant, able to withstand our difficult winters.

Winter-hardy, beautifully flowering shrubs

Below are the names and characteristics of just such ornamental shrubs: frost-resistant, unpretentious and beautifully flowering.

Many shrubs have proven themselves to be winter-hardy, undemanding and at the same time very decorative in our climate. I’ll tell you about the most popular ones, which can be planted in almost all regions of our country.

Derain white

Famous for its brightly colored red bark. There is a form with large green leaves, which become multi-colored by autumn, and a more compact turf with white-edged leaves. To ensure that the tree bark is always bright, the bushes are pruned short every year, leaving stumps of shoots - a few centimeters above the soil level. With this formation, the bush forms expanding thickets.

  • Shrub height from one and a half to two meters.
  • Blooms in early summer.
  • Derain is exceptionally frost-resistant, decorative and unpretentious in all respects.
  • Grows in any soil and tolerates heat and shade well.
  • Suitable for planting in the background of a plot or along a fence, as well as for hedges.

This turf is especially beautiful in the fall

This is a type of tree with green leaves that turn burgundy in autumn.

And this is variegated turf.

The leaves of this plant remain painted with a white pattern all summer.

This shrub is quite suitable for creating hedges.

Derain grows quickly and in order for the hedge to be always neat, it will have to be carefully looked after.

This is how the turf blooms.

The plant can be formed into either a lush bush or a small tree.

Derain does not lose its decorative effect even in winter.

Well, where else can you find a bush with such original, red shoots?

Deciduous barberries

They are distinguished by enviable winter hardiness and are easy to care for. The color of the leaves can be yellow, green, purple, red. Barberries are suitable for any fertile soil, open space or partial shade. They are easy to trim, but you don’t have to trim them, limiting yourself to removing damaged and excess branches in the spring.

  • The height of different types and varieties varies from 60 cm to 2 m.
  • An extremely unpretentious, frost-resistant shrub. Grows in shade, sun and almost any soil. The colors of the leaves are striking in their diversity.
  • The application is universal, from planting low-growing varieties on hills to creating hedges. It can serve as both a background and an edge; it looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Barberry Thunberg.

Such an elegant bush will decorate any hill.

Barberry goes well with conifers.

Here the barberry bush acts as the edge of the spruce.

Barberry on the lawn.

On a green lawn, variegated shrubs look very colorful.

Barberry hedge

Picturesque and practical hedges are made from barberry, but we must remember that this shrub is terribly prickly and not particularly pleasant to work with. Read more about using barberry in garden design


Almost all spirea are fast-growing, frost-resistant shrubs, unpretentious and profusely flowering. There are two groups of spirea - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. In spring-blooming species, such as Ash Spiraea, the drooping branches are entirely decorated with tiny white flowers. These spirea bloom once. In spring-flowering spireas, old and weak branches are cut out after flowering.

Summer-flowering spirea are characterized by long flowering. Pink (various shades) flowers are usually collected in flat spherical or spike-shaped inflorescences. Of the summer-flowering spireas, interesting is the Boumalda spirea (height 60 cm), blooming with graceful, carmine-pink flat inflorescences. The Goldflame variety has young leaves that are yellow and orange, so the bush looks very elegant in spring.

Varieties of Japanese spirea (height 60 cm) are also very interesting. For example, the Crispa variety is distinguished by very decorative bright flowers.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from 0.5 m to 2 m.
  • If you select spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties, flowering can continue almost throughout the spring and summer.
  • Spiraea does not require fertile soil. Grows quickly in both sun and partial shade. Most spirea are winter-hardy and do not need shelter even in frosty winters.
  • These shrubs are not only decorative, but also have a wide variety of sizes, bush shapes, leaf colors and different time flowering. Thanks to these qualities, you can decorate the garden with only spirea.

Spiraea Vangutta.

Such tall shrubs are suitable for single plantings or for growing in hedges.

You can create such a picturesque corner by planting spirea with hostas and juniper.

Spiraea japonica

The low-growing Japanese spirea makes elegant borders. It also looks appropriate in rockeries.


Tree hydrangea, a shrub of North American origin, proved to be the most winter-hardy. Other species (originally from China and Japan) are less frost-resistant and more difficult to care for.

Tree hydrangea is common in our gardens, but for some reason everyone wants to see plants with blue, pink or even reddish inflorescences in their gardens. Such hydrangeas, of course, are spectacular, but more capricious, although among them there are varieties that some gardeners successfully grow in the northern regions.

But if you haven't grown hydrangea in your garden, start with tree hydrangea - an easy-to-care, showy shrub with huge caps of white flowers.

Hydrangea paniculata grows well in the harsh regions of Russia, a very beautiful wintering shrub up to three meters high (ours does not reach such a height) with a dense spherical crown. The inflorescence is a wide-pyramidal panicle 15-30 cm long and 30 cm wide. The flowers are white, turning red in autumn.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms from mid-summer.
  • Hydrangeas are extremely moisture-loving, tolerate shade well, and love well-drained, fertile, acidic soil. Therefore, peat is added when planting. The soil can be acidified with iron sulfate.
  • Hydrangeas are planted as single bushes or in groups. The plant goes well with other coniferous and deciduous ornamental shrubs.

Such a picturesque shrub is sure to attract attention.

Cinquefoil shrub

Deciduous shrubs, prostrate or compact. The bush-like forms of cinquefoil have three names at once: Kuril tea, bush cinquefoil and five-leaf plant. Cinquefoil is made attractive by the abundance of small flowers. The most common is the form with yellow flowers.

The flowers are solitary or in a few racemes or umbellate inflorescences, medium-sized. The plant's bright green, small carved foliage is also decorative. Cinquefoils do not tolerate dry air well.

  • Bushes one to one and a half meters high.
  • The shrub blooms for a very long time - almost from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn.
  • Cinquefoils are photophilous, although they tolerate slight partial shade, are quite drought-resistant, and require rich soils, which should be moderately moist.
  • Winter-hardy: species forms can withstand forty-degree frosts, varieties are less tolerant of low temperatures.
  • Cinquefoil is suitable for creating borders and low hedges, looks elegant in single and group plantings, and combines harmoniously with coniferous plants.

Here is such a neat bush of Potentilla fruticosa.

Cinquefoil tolerates clipping well and makes colorful hedges and borders.

Bladderwort viburnum

Large, frost-resistant shrub. Both of its forms - both with golden and purple leaves - are always decorative: in the spring, when the leaves bloom, during flowering (it blooms with white corymbose inflorescences) and after it, when clusters of red fruits are formed.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from one to three meters.
  • Flowering in early summer, for 20 days.
  • Bladderwort is unpretentious, drought-resistant and shade-tolerant, but it is better to plant in full sun so that the leaves retain their bright color.
  • Suitable for tall hedges and single plantings.

Diabolo bladderwort.

These are the different types of vesicles. There are shrubs with different leaf colors.

Bladderwort Luteus.


Snowberries come in white and pink. If you are interested in the most cold-resistant shrubs, then plant white snowberry; it can easily tolerate even the coldest winters.

Over time, it grows strongly and can grow in any conditions, both in the open sun and in the dense shade of trees. The shrub is valued for its many large, decorative, white marble-like fruits that form in the fall.

It lends itself well to pruning; bushes are thinned out in early spring and trimmed in summer.

  • It grows up to 2.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters high.
  • Snowberry grows on any soil, prefers a sunny place. Minimal care: the plant is drought-resistant, does not require fertilizing, can easily tolerate heat, and is not susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • With its white fruits it looks good on dark greenery: on the lawn, against the backdrop of conifers.

Snowberry hedges look elegant and require very little maintenance.

Snowberry fruits.

Ornamental shrubs for summer cottages with average winter hardiness

The plants described below, although they are not particularly frost-resistant, do not require special shelter for the winter. In most cases, simply covering the bushes with snow is enough.


If the action is given room, in June it will be covered with small flowers. The color of the flowers (and they can be both double and non-double) varies from white to intense pink.

In our climate, Deutzia rough is considered the most unpretentious. It blooms with white and pink flowers. It is not very demanding on the soil; it grows well wherever water does not stagnate. Adapts to both sun and partial shade. Faded branches are pruned after flowering. Old branches are cut down to the base.

  • Most varieties of deutia do not exceed 120-170 cm in height.
  • Flowering in spring and summer (depending on variety)
  • The shrub is easy to care for; drought-resistant and not susceptible to diseases and pests. In winter, it is advisable to press the branches to the ground (at -25º the buds freeze slightly)
  • Deutia makes picturesque, unformed hedges. You can plant a mixborder in the background or cover the base of tall bushes.

Beautiful deutzia.

Planting deutia hedges in the northern regions is not recommended. Still, this shrub is not winter-hardy enough for such purposes.

In the southern regions, deutzia is quite suitable for creating hedges

Keria japonica

An unpretentious shrub that blooms annually in April-May with yellow flowers. May bloom again.

The non-double form is very elegant: slender, slightly drooping branches, reaching a length of one and a half meters, yellow flowers, similar to large buttercup flowers. And after flowering, the bush looks lovely, thanks to its very beautiful bright green leaves, similar to young birch leaves.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms in spring. Flowering is long, almost two months.
  • Prefers a place in the sun. It can grow in partial shade, but its decorative qualities are noticeably lost. Regular watering and periodic feeding are required.
  • Used for single and group plantings. It goes well with conifers and looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Keria is distinguished by early and bright flowering.

This plant can also be grown in pots. Of course, the size of the bush in this case will be much more modest.

Keria can also be grown on the balcony.


When in bloom, it is the most beautiful of all the shrubs listed above. But to show off its drooping branches in all its glory, it requires a lot of space. Loves fertile soil and annual pruning, but is generally unpretentious. Immediately after flowering, branches with faded flowers are shortened.

Weigela Variegata is more compact and restrained in growth - a bush up to 120 cm high with pale pink flowers and yellow-edged leaves.

Weigels do not like to grow in the wind. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of at least two meters.

  • On average, the height of weigela is 1.5 - 2 meters.
  • It blooms in May-June with pink, white or ruby-red tubular flowers. Prone to re-blooming.
  • Weigela grows in any soil, in direct sun and partial shade.
  • The most frost-resistant varieties that winter well both in Siberia and in the Moscow region: “Alba”, “Striatum”, “Shtyriaka”, “Bristol ruby”.
  • Considering the high decorative value of this shrub, it is usually planted in the foreground: at the entrance to the house, along the paths or on the lawn.

Weigela rosea hybrid.

Weigela will harmoniously fit into any corner of the garden.

Weigela Red Prince

Chaenomeles (Japanese quince)

A very common shrub because it can grow on any soil, both in the sun and in the shade. It blooms brightly in spring and bears golden, fragrant fruits in autumn. The bushes do not need pruning: they are thinned out occasionally.

The diameter of Chaenomeles flowers is 3 - 5 cm.

It should be noted that weigela, deutzia, and kerria can have severely frozen branches in severe winters. But nothing bad will happen: the bushes grow quickly.

Of all the listed assortments, I love summer spireas, weigelas, vesicles and barberries most of all for their beautiful and long flowering, high decorative value throughout the season

Shrubs should be placed in accordance with their growth and ability to grow in breadth.

About the rules for pruning ornamental shrubs

All of the plants listed are not rare; they are quite easy to acquire.

In almost every garden you can find decorative flowering shrubs. They have many advantages. Firstly, they are very beautiful, secondly, many of them are quite frost-resistant, thirdly, they come in high and low (which expands the possibilities of use for different types of landscapes). But the main thing is that with proper selection, you can achieve constant flowering of shrubs from the first days of spring until late autumn. They are valued not only for their beautiful, often fragrant flowers, but also for their decorative leaves, crown shape and various fruits. There is a great variety of ornamental shrubs.

Most shrubs do not lose their decorative value throughout the warm season, and some remain attractive even in winter.

There are shrubs that attract with their bright and abundant flowering; they can be called beautifully flowering. And there are those who cannot boast beautiful flowers, but they have leaves of unusual color or shape. Such bushes can be called decorative deciduous.

The first group includes rhododendrons, lilacs, hydrangea, buldenezh, spirea, hawthorn, buddleia, euonymus and some types of barberry. And from the second group we can name Thunberg barberry, holly, privet, leather mackerel and others.

Flowering ornamental shrubs can also be divided into groups according to flowering time. In April, forsythia, wolfberry, and daphne delight us. A little later they are joined by chaenomeles, low almond, cotoneaster, spirea, and barberry. In May, viburnum, rosehip, lilac, and mock orange take up the baton. Summer gives us the blooming of roses, cinquefoils, and some varieties of spirea. In July, hydrangeas captivate with their beauty, decorating gardens until the coldest weather. In early autumn the following flowers bloom: heather and kalmia. Well, in winter the garden will be decorated with holly and its coniferous counterparts.

Autumn gardens look unusually colorful and elegant, thanks to some deciduous species of shrubs. When nothing else is blooming, barberry, euonymus, chokeberry, spirea, rosehip, scumpia and hybrid azaleas add bright colors in a variety of autumn colors with their foliage. Most shrubs bear fruits, which are also very decorative.

Shrubs differ in growth; you can choose both dwarf - low-growing and tall varieties. The shape of the crown can be dome-shaped, upright (pyramidal), fountain-shaped, or creeping.

In addition to beauty and decorativeness, the practical properties of shrubs should also be emphasized. They grow quite quickly and are long-lived (up to 5-8 years without transplantation). Most of them are unpretentious to light, soil composition, and are quite frost-resistant. Does not require constant care. Thanks to their superficial root system, they can grow on slopes, fixing loose soil.

Barberry (Berberis)- deciduous or evergreen thorny shrubs, barberry family. The color of barberry leaves is very diverse; in addition to the usual green, it can be variegated - with spots or a border, as well as purple or yellow. The height of the bush also varies, depending on the variety. The range is from low - up to 30 cm, to high - more than 3 m. The flowers of barberry are small yellow bells. Blooms in mid-May. A wonderful honey plant.

It will not cause much trouble, because it is a very unpretentious shrub. Loves light, but grows well in the shade. It is completely undemanding to soils, it only does not tolerate soaking. Not afraid of wind and drought. It is frost-resistant, especially the Thunberg barberry variety (Berberis thunbergii), but in the first three years a little shelter is needed for the winter. If the barberry variety is unknown to you, then you need to make a frame of arcs and cover it with non-woven material in two layers (since some variegated varieties may be less frost-resistant).

Low-growing species of barberry look gorgeous on rocky hills and in rock gardens. And the tall ones are like tapeworms and in group plantings. This bush is a leader in its use in hedges and borders, both trimmed and free.

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare)- deciduous or evergreen shrub, olive family, 2-3 meters high. In June-August, cute paniculate inflorescences with a pleasant aroma, white or cream, appear. They are replaced by shiny black fruits. The leaves are leathery, dark green in most varieties, but there are also decorative forms with yellow, bluish-silver leaves.

Privet - unpretentious plant. Can grow in sun and partial shade. Any soil is suitable (except clayey with an acidic reaction). Drought-resistant; in very hot weather, rare but abundant watering is recommended. Winter-hardy, easily restored, only some varieties need to be covered.

The peculiarity of privet is that it responds very well to cutting and can retain its shape for a long time. Therefore, it is great for dense borders. It makes wonderful molded hedges. You can even create unusual living walls. Topiary figures cut from privet are an excellent landscape decoration.

Spiraea- deciduous shrub with beautifully arching branches, family Rosaceae. This big family shrubs, which are divided into spring-flowering and summer-flowering. Flowers come in a variety of inflorescence shapes and colors (from white to deep crimson). Its height does not exceed 2 m.

The plant is very unpretentious. Well adapted to urban conditions. Grows normally in partial shade, but prefers sunny places. Any soil is suitable, but slightly acidic is better. Watering is moderate. It grows quickly and blooms in the third year. Frost-resistant.

It has gained well-deserved love from gardeners and landscape designers. The great variety of its varieties provides many opportunities for creativity. The shape of the bush can be pyramidal, spherical, flowing. The leaf color varies from green to yellow, orange or purple-red. Numerous small flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes. All these features of the crown, leaves and flowers allow you to create wonderful compositions. And if you choose the right varieties, you can admire the continuous flowering of spirea throughout the warm season. Used in rockeries, hedges, and as a frame for green-leaved groups of trees.

Bobovnik (Laburnum)- legume family, has 6 species of shrubs, valued for their beautiful flowering. The most common are Laburnum anagyroides and Alpine bean (Laburnum alpinum). “Golden Rain” is a shrub with smooth green and later light brown bark. It can have either a pyramidal or dome-shaped drooping crown shape. The leaves are trifoliate, consisting of oval leaves, the underside of which is pubescent. At the end of summer they turn light yellow. Blooms in May. Inflorescences in the form of a large hanging raceme (up to 30 cm), consisting of yellow flowers with moth-like corollas. They have a weak aroma. The fruits are initially pubescent, then become smooth. Alpine bean is very similar to Golden Rain, although it is more frost-resistant. It has smaller branches and leaves, and the fruits are not pubescent.

The plant is poisonous! The fruits contain alkaloids - laburnine and cytisine. Children should not be allowed near him.

Bobovnik is light-loving. It is undemanding to soil, but good drainage is required. The bean tree requires constant pruning to prevent the bush from growing into a large (up to 7 m) tree. While the trees are young, they need support. For the first three years, young plants should be mulched and covered with agrofibre. After a slight freezing, the crown quickly recovers.

Both in group and single plantings it looks very bright and beautiful, thanks to a large number huge flower brushes. Bean plants make delightful canopies and pergolas.

Rhododendron- deciduous or evergreen shrub, heather family. Grows naturally in Western Siberia, Far East, Mongolia and China. There are many varieties with varied foliage: spear-shaped, round, oval. Inflorescences are corymbose. The shape of the flowers and their color are also very diverse; their beauty can rival even roses. They bloom from late April and almost all summer. They are gradually being grown in gardens, but you need to carefully select frost-resistant varieties that can survive the winter in our climate.

The area for planting rhododendrons should be protected from the wind and be in partial shade. The soil will be acidic or neutral. Regular watering is required.

In our area they do not reach large sizes. By selecting different varieties of rhododendrons, you can ensure their constant flowering throughout the season. They look very beautiful next to coniferous plants. Their low-growing varieties are excellent for rock gardens. Rhododendrons are used to create hedges near water bodies.

Irga (Amelanchier)- deciduous shrub or small tree, family Rosaceae. In spring, beautiful white flowers bloom on the serviceberry, often ahead of the leaves. Flowering is short-lived, after which small black-purple round-shaped fruits appear (similar to tiny apples).

The fruits are tasty, juicy, rich in vitamins (especially P). The green leaves of the serviceberry in the fall flash with bright colors: yellow, scarlet.

Irga is a very unpretentious plant. Light-loving, but also tolerates shade. Does not like waterlogging. Very winter-hardy. It is not afraid of either cold wind or spring frosts. Some types of this ornamental shrub are even suitable for decorating a garden in Siberia and the Far North.

This is far from full list frost-resistant ornamental shrubs.

Shadow Lovers

Many ornamental shrubs can grow and develop normally in moderately shaded areas. True, this may affect the abundance of flowering. Some tolerate shading well, moreover, direct sunlight is contraindicated for them.

Dogwood (Cornus)- deciduous, highly branched shrub, dogwood family. In spring, dogwood decorates the garden with its blooms. Dogwood's small white, purple or yellow flowers are collected in a head or umbrella (depending on the species). There are varieties in which small flowers in inflorescences are unsightly, but are surrounded by large bright petal-shaped leaves (bractea).

In autumn, dogwood foliage also pleases the eye with bright yellow, orange and crimson colors. The fruits also ripen in the fall. Most often dark red, sometimes light yellow or pink, oblong in shape. They not only add decorative value to the bush, but are also tasty and healthy.

Dogwood leaves easily get burned in full sun, so shaded areas are suitable for it. Prefers moist soil and air. It is undemanding to soil composition. Most varieties are frost-resistant, but some require a little shelter for the winter. Dogwood is distinguished by its durability. In landscape design, dogwood bushes are used as tapeworms or in mixborders.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea)- Hydrangeaceae family, deciduous ornamental shrub. The flowers are collected in large dome-shaped or paniculate inflorescences. Most often they are white, but blue, red and pink are also found. The color of some plants may vary depending on chemical composition soil. IN
Depending on the variety, the height of the bushes ranges from 1 to 3 meters. There are also dwarf varieties.
The plant is moisture-loving, best planted in partial shade. Many varieties of paniculate and tree hydrangea are frost-resistant. However, protection is necessary in winter: pinning branches to the ground, followed by spruce branches and agrofibre. Frozen branches are pruned in the spring and the plant grows back quickly.

In landscape design it is used both alone and in compositions with conifers or other ornamental shrubs, as well as bulbous flowers. The bushes look amazing due to the splendor of the inflorescences and their large number.

Holly (Ilex aquifolium) or holly- evergreen or deciduous shrub, holly family. In the wild it grows almost everywhere. This is a beautiful plant with dark green or bi-colored leathery leaves. Flowering lasts only two weeks from May to July (depending on the variety). The flowers are small, white and fragrant. It is especially decorative with the onset of winter, when modest flowers are replaced by bright fruits made of beaded berries. Holly is an essential component of Western Christmas wreaths.

Many varieties of holly have been developed. Some have a white or yellow border around the edges of the leaves, or a hint of blue. The purely male variety Blue Prince is an excellent pollinator. It should be noted that holly is a dioecious plant and female varieties delight us with red berries only if a male specimen grows nearby.

Areas exposed to the sun are contraindicated for holly, as it may suffer from sunburn. It should be planted in a shady place with forest soil. Does not tolerate drought, requires regular moisture. Most varieties are frost-resistant.

Thanks to its thick and spiky foliage, holly is good for use as hedge. It is a slow-growing bush that responds well to pruning, which is why it makes wonderful topiary. The beautiful leaves of holly in summer make an excellent backdrop for bulbs or other perennial flowers. Evergreen foliage and red berries in winter make holly a bright accent in a deserted garden.

Coniferous shrubs

There is also a type of ornamental shrubs that have neither beautiful leaves nor flowers, but that makes them no less attractive. These are coniferous shrubs.

Juniper (Juniperus)- an evergreen shrub of the cypress family. The needles are needle-shaped or scaly. The fruits are blue-black cones (sometimes red-brown). The plant is dioecious. Exists
many types of juniper. Among them there are also tall bushes (more than two meters), and some that are completely dwarf (up to 30 cm). They are also presented in a variety of shapes: creeping, pyramidal, dome-shaped. Many frost-resistant varieties.

Junipers grow well in bright sunny areas. Undemanding to soils. Drought resistant. In dry summers, they need to be watered well several times. Even frost-resistant varieties require winter shelter in the first year after planting. Junipers with a pyramidal crown must be tied for the winter so that the branches do not break under the weight of snow.

Low-growing and creeping varieties of juniper are used in alpine hills and for securing slopes and slopes. You can also create very original borders from them. High varieties are used in single and small group plantings.

Thuja– evergreen trees and shrubs, cypress family. Leaves are scale-like. The fruits are oblong or oval cones with several pairs of scales. The seeds are flat with two wings. This plant is monoecious. It has many decorative artificially bred forms.

Grows in sunny areas and in partial shade. Any soil is suitable, but it is well permeable. Regular watering and mulching of the root zone is required. Thujas are frost-resistant, but young plants require shelter for the winter in the first two to three years. Like junipers, tall pyramidal varieties of thuja must be tied for the winter to avoid damage to the branches under the weight of snow.

Due to its durability, winter hardiness and adaptability to urban conditions, thuja is very widely used in ornamental gardening in many climatic zones.

In landscape design it is used to create picturesque alleys. Living walls or hedges are formed from densely planted groups, depending on the height of the bush. Thuja also looks good as a tapeworm.

Ornamental shrubs, for the most part, are easy to care for, tolerate winter frosts well and at the same time are unusually beautiful. Everyone can choose the varieties and species that are suitable for their garden. Their diversity allows you to make your garden bright, blooming and delightful almost all year round!


Subshrubs, shrubs and small trees with small alternate leaves and small bisexual flowers. Corolla 4-5 petals, pink, red or purple. Ovary superior. The fruit is a capsule with small bare or star-shaped seed hairs.

The family has 3 genera and about 125 species. There are over 40 species growing wild in the USSR. They grow mainly in steppes and deserts on saline soils, as well as along the shores of seas and other bodies of water and rocky mountain slopes. Some species are very decorative and are used in landscaping. Others serve to consolidate sand in dry and arid regions of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, the Caucasus and Crimea, as well as in the southeast of the European part of the USSR. They reproduce by seeds, root suckers and shoots from the stump. They are unpretentious to the soil, drought-resistant, light-loving.

The most important is the comb, or tamarix.

Genus Comber, or Tamarix (Tamarix L.)

A genus of shrubs or small trees with thin and long shoots. The leaves are scaly, falling off along with the twigs. The flowers are pink, in long racemes. The fruit is a capsule that opens into three or four valves. The seeds are small, with a hairy tuft. The flowers are honey-bearing.

There are about 100 species in the Grebenshchik genus, 19 of which grow in the USSR. They are confined mainly to the drier parts of river valleys, growing on ancient terraces, along dry stream beds and along river banks, as well as in tugai forests along the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, where they form thickets. They are bred artificially when creating shelterbelts in the steppe regions and strengthening sandy arenas in the semi-desert zone, as well as when landscaping cities in the southeast. The wood is heavy and is used for small crafts.

Loose comb (T. laxa Willd.)

Shrub or tree up to 3-5 m high with dark purple bare shoots. Flowers in dense terminal panicles. The corolla is five-petalled. The loose comb blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in August-September. It grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the southeast of the European part of the USSR, the south of Western Siberia and Central Asia. It is used in afforestation of saline sands and as an ornamental plant grown in gardens and parks somewhat north of its natural range.

Good day everyone!

Now almost everyone has their own summer cottage. Some people grow vegetables and berries on it, others are engaged exclusively in floriculture.

But everyone, one way or another, gives their site an aesthetic appearance by planting ornamental shrubs on it.

Now many magazines and the Internet tell you how to do it correctly.

Scientifically this is called landscape design. Our task today, of course, is somewhat different; we will not touch upon this topic much, although we will touch upon this aspect a little. And we will consider what kind of shrubs exist in general, and what they are.

I think this information will help you decide what to plant and what not to plant in your free zone. And to begin with, I would like to give some tips on choosing these plants.

  • When choosing, pay attention to the region in which one or another species can be grown. Which climatic conditions suitable for him.
  • Be sure to pay attention to whether you are purchasing sun-loving seedlings or shade-tolerant ones. Plant according to this. For example, the latter are often planted in the shade of the former. Or they prepare special places for them in accordance with the distribution of light during the day.
  • The size of the plant matters more. So, if the plot is small, then it is not worth planting very spreading, lush plants that require a lot of free space in such plots.
  • If you are planning to make a hedge, then low-growing representatives of this species are perfect for it.
  • IN Lately Many stores sell many beautiful arches. To decorate them, you should choose climbing plant species.

Perennial, summer-blooming shrubs for summer cottages

Many people try to plant these types of plants on their plots. As a rule, they are quite unpretentious and therefore do not require constant care. And if at the same time they bloom all summer, or most of it, then such a plant will be simply ideal.

Of course, not all of them bloom all season, but placing them wisely with those that bloom most warm season, you can achieve such an effect that the garden will be beautiful throughout the entire summer season.

Let's look at the most successful options for planting in the garden. Let's start with perhaps the most beloved and frequently used ones.


This magnificent plant is planted almost everywhere. The peak of its flowering occurs in May and a little at the beginning of June. Its pleasant spring scent will delight anyone, and a sprig of lilac placed in a vase at home always adds an element of spring mood.

Lilac comes not only in purple color, but also with white flowers, and there are also varieties such as simple, double and super double.

Even when it has already faded, its leaves are always fresh and beautiful, and it is in great demand for plantings.


Another name for this beautiful and interesting plant- mock orange

This shrub is loved for its incomparable aroma. During the flowering period, it attracts many insects to the garden - bumblebees, bees... Its sizes are different and depend on the variety and type, and can reach a height and width of one to four meters.

This is mostly a southern plant. Although there are certain varieties that grow in the Urals and Siberia. There are quite a lot of types and varieties of jasmine (about 60). And you can plant several different seedlings on the site. This is due to the fact that they can all bloom at different times.

Basically, of course, jasmine blooms from mid-June to the end of July. One of the most popular varieties is the fluffy mock orange from North America.

However, there are many other popular species, including frost-resistant ones. Let's look at them too.

Common mock orange(has a very fragrant aroma). He comes from Western Europe, but it has taken root well with us. It is distinguished by a fairly high and spreading crown up to 3 - 3.5 meters, abundant flowering. Its flower stalks have a pleasant slightly creamy, more white tint. Able to withstand frosts up to 25 degrees.

Schrenk's mock orange– its homeland is China and the Far East. It is also a fairly large plant, capable of growing up to 3 meters in height. The flowers are purely white, beautiful, with an incomparable aroma. It begins to bloom around mid-June, and blooms almost until mid-July, but on average the flowering period is 25 days. It is also quite winter-hardy, and can survive the winter with temperatures as low as -25 degrees.

Mock orange odorless– the name speaks for itself. Alas..., but the flowers have no scent at all, although they are quite beautiful and at the same time collected in tassels. The flowering period is quite long, starting at the end of June and lasting 30 days. This winter-hardy shrub, reaching a height of 3 meters, also came to us from North America.

Chebushnik fluffy- also a native of North America, but slightly lower than his “countryman”, and reaches a height of 2 meters. The flowers have light, almost white inflorescences with a slight cream tint, which, unlike their relatives, have a faint pleasant smell. It blooms at the end of July, that is, later than all representatives of this species.

Gordon's Chebushnik- the tallest of all, his height is at good conditions content can reach 5 and even 6 meters. It begins to bloom in the second half of July, the flowers are delicate, white, with a slight pleasant smell.

Tree peony

Almost every gardener has a peony growing on their property. But this herbaceous plant has a shrubby relative called tree peony.

This beautiful plant is not much different from its herbaceous relative. Blooms a little earlier. Reaches sizes up to 1.5 meters.

There are a lot of varieties of it and they differ in the color of their peduncles: there are burgundy, yellow, and pink. And all of them are chic and incredibly beautiful.


If you are a rose lover, then you will definitely like this plant as its flowers are somewhat similar to rose flowers. If you care for it correctly, it will not skimp on flowering and will delight its owners for a long time with its appearance.

By the way, camellia also feels good as a potted plant in the house.

The bush, of course, does not grow as huge as in the garden, but the flowers are just as pleasing, as is the camellia itself as a whole.


This is another plant that gardeners love to plant in their garden. It is loved not only for its beautiful, abundant flowering, but also because these flowers subsequently produce abundant harvests of healthy fruits.

In fact, this made viburnum an almost permanent “tenant” in dachas.


This plant has a very good pleasant aroma. In addition to decorative properties, this shrub also has medicinal properties, which makes it necessary to plant it in the countryside.

Elderberry has one very useful quality - mosquitoes and flies do not like its smell. Therefore, by planting it under the window, you will protect yourself from uninvited guests.

The only thing is that many people do not like to grow this plant because of its high growth. The height can even reach 10 meters. However, if you trim it correctly, you can not only give it a beautiful decorative shape, but also adjust its height.

Flowering begins in May, sometimes in June, depending on the weather. Please note that the fruits come in red and black, but only the black ones are edible.

Black elderberry juice is beneficial for maintaining health and is widely used in folk medicine. The range of applications is quite wide - it is a general strengthening, antipyretic, expectorant, antiviral and antifungal agent.


This plant has recently become very popular and beloved among gardeners and summer residents. This beautiful perennial shrub has arching branches covered in flowers. At the same time, one plant can have only one white flowers, or there can be both white and pink.

It all depends on the type of seedling.

Unlike the tall elderberry, the tallest spirea can only reach a height of up to two meters. And there are also low-growing varieties, which many people prefer.

According to the nature of flowering, spirea can be spring-flowering and summer. Therefore, it is best to plant different varieties so that its flowering is constant.

She also has different shapes- this must be taken into account when planting, choosing a permanent place for it. There are creeping and weeping forms; both are beautiful.

Varieties with decorative foliage are also very beautiful. These look very impressive even without color.


This is a perennial plant that not only blooms beautifully, but also produces the first delicious berries. Of course, they have a somewhat specific taste, but they have a lot of useful properties.

This shrub comes in both upright and climbing forms, which makes its decorative uses more diverse.

For example, climbing forms can be grown on arches. It looks simply amazing.

Honeysuckle berry is very useful. It is good both in its natural form and in compotes and jams.


The shrub is thorny, and therefore it is good to use as a green fence. It is often planted not only on the site, but also outside it. When you need to fence something off.

Unlike other shrubs, hawthorn must be trimmed periodically to give it the desired shape. It looks more beautiful this way.

Hawthorn berry is also very useful and is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Rose hip

We know this plant as the most common one, which can grow in the forest and wherever it wants. However, in planting and landscaping, it also has its own special decorative purpose.

Its importance is difficult to overestimate - it is beautiful when it blooms, useful when it bears fruit. And also simply good, like a beautiful living hedge.

It is more prickly than hawthorn, and therefore a rosehip fence against uninvited guests will be much more effective.

And as you know, rosehip is a wild rose, and who doesn’t love them?! That's why garden shrub roses were bred.

Shrub rose

This plant is found on almost any summer cottage. It can be planted both as a hedge and simply in flower beds; both separately and in complex plantings. And they are also very beautiful on special arches.

For example, this wonderful hedge turned out when planting different varieties roses It's hard to take your eyes off such beauty.

It looks great both in the garden and just decorating a wall outside.

These were popular and widespread plants. But there are also species that you may have only heard of.

However, they are very beautiful, bloom well and will decorate any garden.


There are many types and varieties of hibiscus. There are also annuals - these are solitary flowering plants, and perennials are beautiful shrubs.

Among all types, the Duc de Brabant variety is popular. It blooms very profusely and beautifully.

While young, hibiscus is a tall bush. As it matures, it takes on a woody form.

By the way, another name for it is Chinese rose.


This plant is very popular in China, and it comes from there. It is very beautiful, and when flowering it has quite large flowers.

Magnolia begins to bloom in early spring, when the first leaves have not even appeared. And it always looks simply magnificent, you want to look and look at this miracle of nature.

The color of magnolia flowers can be pink, white, or yellow. If you want something exotic, then magnolia is just what you need!


This shrub is quite unpretentious, and can often be found not only in the garden, but also on the street and in the park area. It is often planted there as a hedge.

It blooms beautifully and profusely, and by autumn produces numerous colorful berries, which also makes it quite attractive.

There are quite a lot of types and varieties of cotoneaster, so it can be planted on a site in different zones in accordance with the task.

By creating hedges and trimming them in a timely manner, you can get such a wonderful appearance.

Such hedges can be used to create a classic design.


This spreading plant with reddish branches can reach a height of one and a half meters, while its thorny branches can occupy quite a large space.

Flowering is abundant, begins in summer, and can last quite a while. long time. And by autumn, red, not very large fruits appear on the branches.

It looks very good next to other plants, especially conifers. Therefore, this is taken into account when planning plantings.

It can be trimmed, creating quite acceptable shapes and sizes.

In this chapter we looked at different types shrubs, but unfortunately, not all of them can take root in cold climates. Therefore, we will specifically focus on plants that are not afraid of cold weather and survive any winter well.

Decorative frost-resistant shrubs for the garden plot

In the last chapter we already looked at plants such as spirea and barberry. They are not afraid of frost, and winter well, so they like to be planted in cold regions. But here are some more plants that are worth paying attention to.

Derain white

An interesting frost-resistant plant that grows well and looks beautiful, pleasing to the eye.

The plant is characterized by bright red bark. To maintain this color, the bush must be pruned every year so that there are only small stumps above the soil.

At the same time, it also produces wide thickets.

Derain is not picky about growing conditions; it grows in different soils, both in the shade and in the sun. This unpretentious plant can be grown separately or in joint plantings with other shrubs, as well as as a hedge.

The red shoots of this plant look best in winter.

Agree that for a gloomy, gray-white winter, this color looks quite positive, and may well lift your spirits simply by contemplating it.


This plant has a rich geography. Some of its varieties come from Japan, others from China, and still others are even brought from North America. And perhaps only the latter will be able to survive the cold winters.

Therefore, no matter how much you want to plant southern beauties on your plot, do not give in and purchase the necessary seedlings that are not afraid of cold wintering.

Hydrangeas bloom very abundantly, starting around mid-summer. With timely feeding, the inflorescences turn out to be large, consisting of many individual flowers.

The bush is quite voluminous beautiful view, this is due to the dense and succulent foliage and, of course, large flowers.

Hydrangea requires abundant watering, develops and grows well in the sun, but can also exist well in the shade.

It can be planted either as a separate bush or in the vicinity of other plants, including flowers.

This plant is simply fabulous! It can have a completely different color of flowers - both white and blue. and reds and all their shades. And if you plant them next to conifers, it always looks amazing.

Bladderwort viburnum

This is a rather large, tall and spreading shrub. It may have golden or purple leaves, which divides it into two different types.

Flowering begins around mid-summer, the flowers are small and can range in color from white to pink.

A remarkable feature of cultivation is that the plant is completely unpretentious, grows well in the shade, and also tolerates dry summers remarkably well, without the need for special watering.

It is often grown in a shady area where nothing else grows. However, it is worth knowing that it can also be used to create hedges.

As you can see, it looks quite decent and quite beautiful.

Cinquefoil shrub

This plant is better known as herbaceous, although there are also species that belong to the category of shrubs. The most famous among them are five-leaf tea and Kuril tea.

Bush varieties of cinquefoil can reach a fairly decent height of one and a half meters. And they especially love it for its flowering; although the flowers are not very large, there are always quite a lot of them, and the cinquefoil is simply strewn with yellow petals, collected in a simple inflorescence.

Blooms from summer until autumn.

It is worth noting that this is a light-loving plant, and if you plant it in the shade, it probably will not want to grow there. However, it tolerates drought very well, which is a plus.

If it is not possible to plant it simply as a separate seedling, then you can use the plant as a border, separating it from the garden path.

We have looked at some plant varieties, but there is another category. which you don’t want to deprive of attention are the berry representatives of this species.


This is a bush up to 3 meters high with erect shoots. Sometimes they think that this is a tree, but in fact it is not one of those.

It blooms from late spring, blooming very beautiful flowers. It is a valuable honey plant and always gathers many bees around it.

With the onset of autumn, the irga is painted in multi-colored shades, which makes it very picturesque.

Flowering and foliage are not all this plant has. It also bears fruit abundantly. The berries have a remarkable, incomparable taste. Moreover, they are not only tasty, but also healthy.


The height of the plant can reach 3 meters, although it grows quite slowly.

Magnificent red flowers, collected in buds, bloom in the 3rd year of life. During this period she is incredibly beautiful and attractive. It is light-loving and drought-resistant.

The only thing is that quince prefers specially prepared soil. Preparation for winter includes hilling and bending the lower branches.

But the plant can be trimmed only once every five years.

It grows quite widely, so it requires free space. Keep this in mind when planting.


Despite its toxicity, this plant is the height of fantasy in garden landscape architecture. Just look at these photos.

It is by trimming boxwood that you can create various figures and entire compositions. You can also use it as a hedge.

The plant is extremely shade-loving. This is an evergreen plant that overwinters under snow. It is preferable to plant it in spring.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for growing in your summer cottage, so choose not only what you like, but also those plants that will grow best in your climate.

Features of planting plants on the site

Planting shrubs at the dacha involves their placement according to a specific plan. But the main thing is plant compatibility.

That is, it is better to plant plants nearby that get along well with each other. The compatibility of some garden representatives is shown in the table below.

Green and White color– plants are compatible, red – not compatible.

The placement of shrubs, beds and other things on the site is now called landscape design. Although people have always engaged in such actions.

When purchasing a plot, we first begin to plan what will be built and planted where.

Even fruit and berry plants and vegetable crops simply planted in a certain order will already give your site a very attractive appearance.

And the placement of paths, a recreation area in the form of a gazebo, a swimming pool or a mini pond will give the site a more residential look.

When planting shrubs, two methods are used: geometric and landscape.

When using a geometric or regular method, plants are placed in the form of symmetrical shapes, such as squares or rectangles.

Alleys are also made, with paths between them. Staggered placement works very well.

Landscape style is also called natural. In this option, plants are planted as they grow in nature, i.e. somewhat chaotic, without a specific, clearly defined plan.

This style is ideal for those areas that, in terms of relief, are not entirely level.

The main thing is to draw a site plan, which indicates what will be planted and where. You can, of course, do without a plan, but then you can just get confused.

When planning a plot, first decide whether you only have a vegetable garden, or whether you want to dedicate at least part of the territory to a recreation area.

Then, on such an area you need to place either all or part of the listed elements: a gazebo, or other recreation area, a pond, a swimming pool, a barbecue area or barbecue area, and maybe a summer kitchen.

One of the concerns of any property owner is the fence, namely, what it should be like. Some are blocked by various building materials, others choose a hedge.

This is also worth thinking about when planting all your green pets.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. Here you need more imagination and desire, and everything will work out. And of course, landscape design is a whole science. This is a very interesting topic that requires knowledge, imagination and desire to do it.

Video about how to form plantings on your summer cottage

And if you are interested, then finally a short video on country landscape design.

Take a look, maybe you can get some ideas for your own vegetable garden. After all, all this is incredibly interesting and exciting!

And this is where I end our story for today. It turned out to be not small, but I hope it is useful and interesting. After reading about shrubs and looking at numerous photographs of them, you can easily find plants that will please your eyes.

Shrubs and subshrubs

Euonymus warty

A brief description of. Euonymus warty – Euonymus verrucosa Scop. – shrub from the euonymus family with a well-developed root system. The stems are up to 2 m high. Sometimes this shrub for some reason becomes single-stemmed and takes the form of a tree up to 3 m high. The bark of young above-ground shoots is green, later turning brown, densely planted with black-brown or reddish cork warts, hence the name of the plant. The bark of the trunks is almost black, wrinkled, with whitish cracks.

Flowers with an unpleasant odor, about 1 cm in diameter, are collected in 3-9 inflorescences-semi-umbrellas, located in the axils of the leaves. Ripe fruits give the euonymus a bright picturesque appearance. The beauty of the plant during this period of its life is complemented by the leaves, which acquire a yellow-pink color in the fall.

Euonymus blooms in May-June, the fruits ripen in August-September. Flowering is usually abundant, but not every flower sets fruit. Euonymus grows very slowly.

Euonymus warty is common in forest and forest-steppe zones throughout Europe, as well as in the Caucasus and Asia Minor. In the European part of Russia it reaches Pskov and Kostroma in the north, and Izhevsk in the east.

Medicinal value. IN medicinal purposes Euonymus fruits are used as emetic And laxative. Cardiac glycosides have recently been isolated from the seeds.

Fruit Euonymus warty are considered poisonous, which, however, does not prevent them from being used in folk medicine. Medicines from the fruit are prescribed for malaria. Fruits also stimulate sexual activity, but are very poisonous and require special care. Powder from dried fruits and leaves is used and how anthelmintic. Using it for external use, people try to treat with it scabies And fight lice. A decoction of the leaves is drunk when dropsy.

Traditional medicine recipe

An infusion of euonymus branches is taken for edema, gonorrhea, chronic constipation: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chopped branches into 0.5 liters. boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes, cool for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day after meals.

According to Sedir, euonymus ruled by the Sun.


A brief description of. Cowberry – Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. – an evergreen shrub from the heather family with a long horizontal rhizome, from which erect, branched above-ground shoots extend from 10 to 25 cm in height. The leaves of lingonberries do not die off in the fall, but go green under the snow and successfully overwinter.

Lingonberry flowers are medium-sized, with a weak but very pleasant smell. The fruit is a spherical berry with a diameter of 7–8 mm (up to 12 mm), when ripe it is bright red, shiny, with numerous seeds. Blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in the second half of August-September.

Lingonberry is a widespread forest and tundra plant of the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia it grows in the European part, in Siberia, in the Far East in coniferous and mixed forests of various types, along the outskirts of swamps, in the tundra. In the mountains it rises to the alpine belt.

Medicinal value. The leaves and berries of lingonberries are used medicinally. Medicines from lingonberry leaves have diuretic, antiseptic And astringent action.Leaves They are usually collected for medicinal purposes in the spring, in May-June, before or during flowering. In this case, only overwintered leaves are taken. Dried in attics and warm rooms, protecting from direct sun rays at a temperature of 50–60 °C.

It is better to pick berries in August-September, as well as in the spring, after the snow melts. They remain fresh for a long time. Drying berries is rarely practiced; more often they are soaked.

Berries Lingonberries as a means of prevention and treatment hypo– And avitaminosis are included in vitamin teas, have antiscorbutic And anti-putrefactive properties. Fresh, as well as soaked and boiled berries are used for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, diarrhea, rheumatism, gout, and lingonberry juice drink at high blood pressure And diabetes mellitus.

The abundance of biologically active substances in leaves and berries determines the versatility of their use. Except antimicrobial, they have astringent, anti-inflammatory, capillary-strengthening properties, inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, increase the activity of antibiotics, increase bile secretion, provide anti-giardiasis effect And stimulate the body's defenses.

Traditional medicine recipes

For gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, bedwetting, gout, articular rheumatism, osteochondrosis, febrile conditions, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis, scurvy, cystitis, pyelitis, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, obesity, anemia, prepare an infusion at the rate of 1 cm. spoon of leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Take 1–2 tbsp chilled. spoons 3-4 times a day.

Sometimes a decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves per 1 glass of water. Boil for 10–15 minutes and drink in portions throughout the day.

Lingonberry tea is useful for urinary tract diseases. Lingonberry leaves are poured not with boiling water, but with cold water, after which the kettle is put on the fire to boil thoroughly. The infusion will be dark, but transparent, and will taste somewhat astringent.

Urinary incontinence in children is treated with a decoction of berries and leaves: 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of this mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. One half of the resulting decoction is given to the child to drink during the day in several doses, the other half before bedtime.

For cystitis, an infusion of leaves is very useful: take a handful, brew in 3 glasses of water. Boil for 10 minutes, leave, covered, 4 hours, strain. Drink during the day in three doses.

For cholelithiasis: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day.

In cases of flu or colds: for 150 g of berries, take 120 g of granulated sugar, 1 liter. water. Mash the washed berries with a wooden pestle and squeeze out the juice. Pour boiled water over the pulp and boil for 5 minutes. Separate the broth, bring to a boil with granulated sugar, cool and mix with the previously squeezed juice. Leave for 1–2 days.

The juice of the berries is used to treat areas of the skin affected by lichen or scabies: napkins moistened with lingonberry juice are applied to them.

For pulmonary tuberculosis, especially with hemoptysis, lingonberry water with honey is recommended: 150 g of lingonberries, 150 honey, 1 liter. water. Mash the washed berries with a wooden pestle and squeeze out the juice. Pour in the pulp hot water and boil for 5 minutes. Separate the broth, bring to a boil with honey, cool and mix with the previously squeezed juice. Leave for 1–2 days.

To improve visual acuity, fresh lingonberries (? a glass a day) and juice from them are recommended. Lingonberry juice: 1 kg of lingonberries, 2 l. water. Pour the berries selected and washed in cold water with chilled boiled water and leave for 10–12 days, after which the juice can be considered ready. Drain the juice and use the berries to make compotes and jelly.

According to Sedir, cowberry ruled by Saturn and is a healing plant for those born under the sign of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Black elderberry

A brief description of. Black elderberry – Sambucus nigra L. – a large shrub from the honeysuckle family, 2–4 m high (up to 6 m). The flowers of black elderberry are yellowish-white, fragrant, small, collected in large multi-flowered corymbose or umbrella-shaped inflorescences with a diameter of 10–20 cm, located on the tops of stems and branches.

Black elderberry is widespread in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Asia Minor. In our country it grows in the Central Black Earth Region.

Medicinal value. Elderberry flowers and fruits have many healing properties. Infusions of flowers and fruits are used for colds, flu, sore throat, tracheitis, bronchitis How diaphoretic; at liver diseases How choleretic; at edema, rheumatism, gout How diuretic; at constipation How laxative; at inflammatory diseases mouth and throat, at burns, boils How disinfectant And astringent.

Black elderberry juice is squeezed from the flowers and, in September, from the ripened berries. It has a general strengthening effect and stimulates the hormonal glands.

Elderberry flowers are collected when they are in full bloom and immediately dried in attics, sheds, and other ventilated areas.

The fruits are collected when ripe and dried in ovens, ovens or dryers. Dry drupes are separated from the stalks, which are discarded.

Ancestors valued fresh black elderberry flowers and tried not to miss their flowering time. They said: that’s why it’s called black, because it drives away the black disease.

Drink black elderberry berries with tea or instead of tea. Relieves the condition paralysis

Traditional medicine recipes

For dry cough, gout, arthritis, diabetes, rheumatism, kidney disease; to increase the body's resistance, as a diaphoretic for colds, as a diuretic, antipyretic and expectorant for influenza, sore throat, furunculosis: take 1 glass of berry juice with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey in three doses throughout the day; The juice of the flowers is mixed with honey equally and consumed 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

For colds, elderberry fruits and flowers are used in decoctions and added to various herbal mixtures. Brew one tablespoon of dried flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take the infusion according to? glasses (preferably with honey) 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Brew one tablespoon of dried fruits in 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain, add 1 cm. a spoonful of honey. Take 50 g 3 times a day as a diaphoretic.

Cough remedy: take 1 tbsp. spoon of dried flowers per 0.5 l. boiling water Leave, covered, for 30–40 minutes, strain. Prepare the infusion in the evening. Drink 1-2 cups warm (not hot) at night with sugar or honey, with the addition of milk.

Young elderberry leaves are boiled in milk or boiled with honey and used externally. This is a good anti-inflammatory agent for burns, boils, diaper rash, and inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Decoction of plant flowers: 1 cm. pour a spoonful of flowers into 1 cup of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, strain, squeeze. Take by?-? glasses 2-3 times a day before meals, warm, for myocarditis, heart defects, and also during menopause.

Elderberry makes an excellent spring tonic drink, which is prepared according to an old German recipe: 6-8 elderberry leaves should be cut and boiled in approximately 200 ml of water over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink a cup of the drink before or after breakfast. This drink can be prepared from dried leaves and drunk at any time of the year (recipe proposed by P. Twitchell in the book “Magic Herbs”).

Traditional healer N.P. Tsinkina offers the following antitumor recipe: pick an elderberry inflorescence, dip it in dough and put it in the oven or oven. There is no need to break off the branch; It is convenient to hold the baked inflorescence with it. You need to use the flowering time of the black elderberry and prepare such sweet pancakes with a stick. You can take some petals and sprinkle them on a second dish, or drink tea with them.

A decoction of the bark and roots is drunk for sclerosis and pain in the heart area, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of crushed root with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

For headaches use infusion: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of dried flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take according to? glasses (preferably with honey) 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Mild laxative: pour 20 g of leaves into 1 glass of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or boil young spring elderberry leaves in honey. Take according to? glasses after meals.

Juice from young elderberry leaves with honey in a 1:1 ratio is an effective laxative for chronic constipation..

According to Rafael, elder ruled by Venus and is healing for those born under the signs of Taurus and Libra.

A brief description of. Common heather - Calluna vulgaris(L.) Hill – evergreen, highly branched shrub from the heather family. Aboveground shoots extend along the surface of the soil, take root, and ensure the spread of the plant in breadth. Branches grow vertically from the recumbent shoots; they have a height of 15 to 70 cm.

The flowers are small, bell-shaped, drooping, equipped with short pedicels, collected in an apical one-sided dense multi-flowered racemose inflorescence from 5 to 15 cm long. Flowering in heather is extended, begins late - in July, and continues until late autumn.

Heather is widespread in the temperate zone of Eurasia. In our country, heather grows and forms extensive thickets in many areas of both European and Asian Russia. Typical places Heather habitats are pine forests, sandy heaths, sandy dry areas of tundra and forest-tundra, peat bogs. It does not form thickets to the south of the forest zone.

Medicinal value. For medicinal purposes, usually above-ground shoots harvested during the flowering of the plant are used. They contain tannins, flavonoids (including quercitrin), saponins, resin, gum, organic acids, carotene, and mineral salts.

Medicines from heather have diuretic, anti-inflammatory And disinfectant effect. Ancient medical reference books recommended them for kidney inflammation And Bladder, against "stone disease" and also at gout Heather is not used in scientific medicine, but among people it is used quite widely for medicinal purposes: for gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, enteritis, colitis accompanied by diarrhea, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, stomatitis, sore throat, burns, eczema and metabolic disorders.

Its flowering above-ground shoots have long been used in homeopathy.

Aromatic heather honey is considered healing for various diseases, although it tastes tart.

Traditional medicine recipes

Leave one tablespoon of the tops of leafy shoots in 0.5 liters overnight. boiling water, strain in the morning. Take for kidney stones and bladder 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

For rheumatism, gout, cough, atherosclerosis, nervous reactions, insomnia, dizziness, cerebral circulatory disorders, diseases of the urinary organs: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed heather per 1 liter. water. Boil for 10–15 minutes over low heat, leave, covered, overnight. The next morning, strain and drink as tea or water at any time of the day. The course of treatment is 3 months, a break of 2-3 weeks, then repeat the course.

Atherosclerosis is popularly treated with heather infusion: take 1 tbsp. spoon with the top of the crushed plant per 0.5 l. boiling water Boil for 10 minutes, leave, wrapped, for 3 hours, strain. The first week take according to? glasses, and then 1 glass.

For neurasthenia: 2 tbsp. spoons of heather pour 0.5 l. hot water, leave warm all night. Take in 4 doses before meals.

The following advice has long been preserved among folk healers: if a child is very frightened, boil the heather with boiling water, cool the resulting infusion, and with this water wash the child’s face and hands over a basin, and pour the water where the child was frightened. This procedure should be repeated 3 times at dawn.

For pulmonary tuberculosis: pour chopped apical branches of heather into a wide-necked bottle or jar, add vodka (1:4 ratio), leave for 9-11 days. Take 1 teaspoon per day, diluted in a small amount of water.

According to Sedir, heather ruled by Mercury and is healing for those born under the signs of Gemini and Virgo.

A brief description of. Gray blackberry , orohina, - Rubus caesius L. – wild-growing subshrub from the Rosaceae family, up to 1.5 m high. The plant has creeping rhizomes. The stems are bluish with a waxy coating and are lined with numerous thorns. Small spines also grow on the petioles of leaves, along the veins on the underside of the leaf blade and on the pedicels. The fruit is a multi-drupe, consisting of individual drupes fused at the bases. In common parlance it is called a berry. Flowering extends from May to winter. The fruits ripen at different times accordingly.

Gray blackberry is a Eurasian plant. Distributed in the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, as well as in Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Iran.

Medicinal value. Blackberries are not used in scientific medicine, but people have considered them a useful remedy since ancient times.

The people used leaves, young shoots, flowers, fruits and even rhizomes mainly as blood purifying and fixative at gastrointestinal disorders. The plant was also used for colds, runny nose, fever(How diaphoretic), at inflammation of the tonsils, skin rash.

Blackberries are useful for violations nervous system such as neuroses, sclerosis, hypertension, stomach diseases at diabetes mellitus, sore throat, diseases of the oral cavity and gums, skin diseases.

Infusion from leaves blackberries are used for neuroses in women during menopause and for douching during prolonged and heavy menstruation, at pathological menopause, frequent rushes of blood to the head, insomnia, nephropathy And diabetes mellitus in pregnant women.

Urolithiasis treat with powder root, boiled in wine.

Fruit relieve joint pain during salt deposition and rheumatism, reduce inflammation in the kidneys and bladder, cleanse the blood and have an antihelminthic effect.

Juice Blackberries are prepared from ripened juicy fruits or young fresh leaves, sometimes from roots. Juice from the fruit is used for feverish conditions, as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for anemia, effective remedy for tracheitis, bronchitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, good sedative, restorative, especially during menopause.

Juice from fruits and leaves is used for gynecological diseases, colitis, diarrhea, How anthelmintic, at anemia(up to 100 ml of juice per appointment).

Traditional medicine recipes

Take one tablespoon of blackberry leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Let it boil for 3–5 minutes, cover for 30–40 minutes, strain. For dysentery, take from half to 1 glass per dose 3 times a day.

Dried blackberries, crushed into powder and mixed with sugar (to taste), are a cure for diarrhea (children are given half a teaspoon 3 times a day).

If you are concerned about gastritis or loose stools, use the leaves in the form of a decoction: boil 5 g per 200 ml of water for 5 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, filter and take 50 ml 3 times a day.

For eczema, you can use steam: 50 g of mashed blackberry leaves per 1 liter. boiling water in the form of lotions.

For anemia: per 1 liter. take 8 cm of dry red wine. spoons of crushed blackberry roots and leaves and cook over low heat for 1 hour. Take 50 g 3 times a day before meals.

Pour one tablespoon of crushed leaves into 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours, strain. Take according to? glasses 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals for neuroses.

For dropsy: boil the root with honey or pour 15 g of dry root into 300 ml of boiling water and let it brew. You can add honey (1 teaspoon). Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours during the day.

An infusion of leaves (10 g of leaves per 1 glass of boiling water), taken warm in the morning and evening (100 ml each), has a calming effect. In some cases, this infusion is useful for patients suffering from trophic ulcers and poorly healing wounds. It promotes cleansing of wounds and their rapid healing.

For inflammation of the appendix: pour 1 teaspoon of freshly picked and crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for half a minute. Strain the mixture and drink 1 to 2 glasses in small sips daily until signs of inflammation of the appendix disappear (severe pain in right side belly, heat, vomiting, coated tongue, abdominal tension).

? Attention: The prescription can only be used in conditions where there is no immediate medical help nearby.

Juice from the roots is prescribed as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for ascites, liver diseases and colitis, hemorrhoidal bleeding: take 1 glass of juice with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey before meals 3 times a day.

Anticancer and antitumor agent - a handful of flower petals daily in a salad with herbs. Try to use this opportunity during the period of mass blackberry flowering.

According to ancient horoscopes, he rules blackberries The Moon, which makes it healing for those born under the sign of Cancer.

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