Activities for children from 5 years of age. Registration for clubs, sports clubs, art houses. What to consider when choosing children's sections for boys

With the baby's first steps, you can understand what inclinations he has. What he will do will depend on his character. There will be group or individual training aimed at strength, agility, flexibility or concentration. But you need to think about the field of activity in advance. In this article, we will tell parents about sports for the youngest - those who are two years old, as well as 3, 4, 5, 6 years old - which sports section to send the boy to.

Criteria for choosing a direction

The parental decision should be guided by the following factors.

Degree of force involved

First of all, decide on the issue of physical activity. Not all workouts involve the same amount of muscle tension. There are a number of clubs with exclusively mental expenditures that are considered sports:

  • Russian billiards.

Or aimed at accuracy:

  • archery, crossbow or gun shooting.

There are combined sports, such as biathlon and table tennis.

The third group is physical exercises aimed at strength, agility, and speed:

    horse riding;


    boxing or martial arts and many others.

Necessity of inventory

For a number of workouts you don’t need anything other than tracksuits and the smallest number of items:

    any types of martial arts (you will have to buy a kimono or other equipment);

    pop dancing (performance outfits required);


    swimming (you will need swimming trunks and a cap).

For the second group you need shells:

    tennis rackets;

    balls for group games in football, basketball, volleyball, handball;

    gloves and punching bag for boxers;

    equipment for gymnastics and athletics;

    skis for a skier;

    skates for figure skating and a hockey player.

The third part requires large investments:

    a cyclist needs a good bike;

    for equestrian sports - uniform, horse rental;

    a bobsledder cannot practice without a sled;

    The fencer will need equipment and a foil.

In addition to all this, you will need to purchase clothes in several options:

    for daily training;

    for performances.

Sports sections for boys by season

Think about when your child will study.

Only in winter:

    Skiing: freestyle, biathlon, slalom, springboard, racing.

    Snowboarding: acrobatics, downhill, freestyle.

    On the sleigh: tobogganing, skeleton, bobsleigh.

    Ice diving.

    Dog and reindeer sleds.

Only in summer:

    Field hockey.

  • Horse polo.

    Surfing and diving.

    Sport fishing.


    Bicycle racing.

In any season:

    All team games: football, handball, volleyball, hockey, basketball.

    All areas in the pool: springboard and platform jumping, speed swims, synchronized swimming.

    Singles and pairs figure skating.


  • Artistic and gymnastics.

    Javelin, discus, shot throwing.

    Darts, chess and checkers.

    Martial arts: sambo, karate, sumo, pentathlon, judo.

    Boxing, taekwondo; kickboxing.

    Horseback Riding.

    Archery and gun shooting.

For winter training, it is very important to dress warmly and comfortably not only for children, but also for parents. The Stayer company offers athletes ski equipment that is suitable for long walks in winter. In a down jacket from Stayer, you can sit in the stands even in the cold and cheer for your son. Branded clothing is distinguished by:

    Affordable price. The Russian manufacturer competes with European counterparts, offering the same quality at a better price.

    Wear resistance. Modern materials for sewing and synthetic insulation allow the product to be used in any weather conditions for several years in a row.

    Stylish design. Patterns and bright prints, geometric abstractions make appearance jackets are memorable.

When, according to the proposed criteria, you have determined which sport is best for your boy, begin preparing for classes.

The importance of training in a child's life

The baby develops from the first days of life in several directions - physical and psychological development. Physical education and any sports exercise strengthens both sides. From a physiological point of view:

    Health is strengthened: cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, immunity.

    Prevention for scoliosis, flat feet and other ailments.

    Growth stretches out.

    The bones and muscles become stronger, and the joints have flexibility.

    Develops: flexibility, agility, balance, coordination, strength, speed, endurance.

From the point of view of spiritual development:

    will and desire to win;

    leadership skills;

    team spirit;


    emotional control;



In addition, the section is an opportunity to keep the child busy and direct his emotions in the right direction. According to statistics, children involved in sports clubs more often adhere to healthy image life and are less likely to interfere in alterations.

Profession or general development

Depending on your son's persistence and skills, sports can become an amateur or professional hobby. This largely depends on the club to which you send it and the professionalism of the instructors.

If you want a boy’s hobby to become a job, then he needs to start exercising from the age of 3-4, devoting several days a week to it. Be prepared for the fact that your hobby will take up not only time, but also money for equipment, tools and trips to competitions.

Many directions are considered traumatic and leave a mark on the physical development of the child.

Where to send a 3-4 year old boy: sports by temperament

Psychiatrists distinguish 4 types of character. The choice of a section where he can show the best results at any age depends on the child’s behavior.


These are vulnerable and whiny boys who are easy to offend. Most often, they do not tolerate change and command tone well. You need to communicate with them carefully and monitor your emotional state.

They are usually thin, short, and have an ascetic build.

It happens that parents want to “make a man out of their child” and send him to boxing, martial arts or weightlifting, which is very wrong, because he may feel uncomfortable.

Suitable for melancholic people:

    chess and darts;

    long and short distance running, with accelerations and obstacles;

    cross-country orienteering;

    ski jumping or pole vaulting;


    kayaking or canoeing;


    figure skating.

Sports for a 4-year-old choleric boy

These are very active children who often lack perseverance and determination. It's easy to get them interested, but then difficult to convince them to continue regularly. Such boys need to constantly complicate the task and overcome themselves, to reach the top.

Any type of activity in which there is a competitive element, a feeling of victory and team spirit is suitable for them. It can be:


    horse food;

  1. basketball;


    martial arts;

    water skiing;

    windsurfing and sailing;

    shooting from a rifle or bow.


These are very kind, sociable, likable and conflict-free boys. It may be difficult for them to fight for and defend their victory, so they will need to cultivate a desire to win. All team games and pair activities are very suitable for them:

    figure skating;

    synchronized swimming;

    any relay races and starts;

    water polo;

Also any exercises related to physical activity:


    diving and swimming.

Phlegmatic people

These are the calmest and most focused children. They can pursue one goal for a long time, which will be achieved after many years of effort. They will not ask to join another section on the eve of a performance or because of one defeat. Suitable for them:

    battles with rapiers, swords, sabers;

    track and field athletics;

    horse riding;

    swimming with jumps or long distances at speed.

Any areas where achievements require a long time.

What sport to choose for a boy aged 4-5 years

Age is a deciding factor for many workouts. Preschoolers are advised to study in the following sections:

  • gymnastics;

    team events;

    martial arts;

    dance Sport.


Visit the clinic first to get a certificate from a pediatrician and also from a dermatologist. Only with medical confirmation can you train in water.

This sport develops all muscle groups well, especially the arms. Also, the nervous system comes into balance, the heart and blood vessels are strengthened, as is the entire muscular frame.


It greatly promotes the development of flexibility, plasticity and grace, which is why girls are more often enrolled as athletes. This direction is developing musculoskeletal system. It is considered traumatic, but with the right approach it is safe.

This mainly depends on the coaching staff. The instructor must evenly determine the individual load, gradually increase it, introducing new sets of exercises, elements and movements.

Team sports

You can select a section based on your child’s body type and interests:

    Basketball is suitable for a tall boy;

    strong and stocky - hockey or football;

    volleyball – for those who are very active and love jumping.

Playing in a team is about team cohesion and finding friends. You will need to think about uniforms, boots or skates, equipment. And also train a growing athlete at home, share his passion for popular football players.

Martial arts

Martial arts pursue several goals at once:

    for self-defense purposes;

    for physical development, muscle strengthening;

    maintaining morale.

The child can be sent to:

    karate is a Japanese art of self-defense;

  • sumo - wrestling for big boys;

  • taekwondo;

    sambo is a Soviet acronym for “self-defense without weapons”;

    hand-to-hand combat;

    freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling.

Think about the fact that martial arts require an appropriate costume.

Dance Sport

Very suitable activity for kids preschool age, since exercises to music develop:

    flexibility, plasticity;

    sense of rhythm;

    instills a love of music.

You can dance both in a group and in pairs.

In this article we have offered you the best sports for boys. Teach your child to physical culture from 3-4 years old, in order not only to shape his body and improve health, but also to cultivate such traits as willpower, desire to win and determination.

Modern parents begin to think about the physical education of their baby from the moment he takes his first hesitant steps. If exercise or massage is suitable for babies, then for three-year-old children, mothers and fathers try to choose a sports section. However, for children under five years old it is quite difficult to find such an activity.

What sports are available to children aged five? How to choose the best sports section for your child?

Let’s say right away that when choosing a sports club or entertainment, you must be guided primarily by the child’s abilities, and not by your own preferences.

If you choose something that the child does not like or does not suit him physical parameters, he will simply give up classes soon.

Of course, at an early age, children are not yet able to make an informed choice, but children's opinions should still be taken into account.

Rules for choosing a sports school for children

Sports play a vital role in a child’s life, so it is very important that the little one enjoys the sports section.

Parents need to accurately assess their child’s abilities, find the best coach, and plan the schedule wisely.

What else do adults need to remember?

  1. Perhaps the main parameter when choosing sports activities is the age of the child. The younger the baby, the greater the impact physical activity has on him. Preschoolers have difficulty with coordination, so, for example, fencing or volleyball are not suitable for them.
  2. At an early age, the main task of loving mothers and fathers is to instill a child’s love for motor activity and develop mobility. Sports clubs at development centers, where they play with children rather than exercise, can do an excellent job of this.
  3. Before classes, you should definitely find out about the contraindications and indications of this or that sports activity for your child. It is also necessary to consult with children's doctors (surgeon, cardiologist, ophthalmologist) to find out whether excessive stress is dangerous for the baby.
  4. Another important factor is geographical location sports school. It's no secret that a long journey tires not only children, but also parents. Therefore, try to choose a section so that the journey to it takes no more than 40-50 minutes.
  5. Sport, unfortunately, is an expensive business, so try to take into account the possibilities of the family budget. Outfits for rhythmic gymnastics, sports dances, as well as equipment for a young hockey player will cost a pretty penny. Tennis is also quite an expensive entertainment.
  6. Another important aspect is the coach. In a short time, a sports teacher can either instill in a child a lifelong love of physical education or turn him away from sports forever. Pay attention to how the coach behaves with the students, what atmosphere reigns in the children's team.

10 best sports for children under 5 years old

We have already said that the choice of a sports section should be approached with all responsibility. Now let's take a closer look at what sports are suitable for children from birth to five years old.

1. Swimming

Perhaps this is the most useful look sports for little children. You can teach your baby to float on water from the second week of life.

The only contraindication is allergic reactions to chlorinated pool water.

There are significantly more advantages, since swimming:

  • has a positive effect on general state body;
  • helps hardening;
  • strengthens the muscular system;
  • improves condition nervous system;
  • Suitable for children with obesity, scoliosis, and visual impairment.

So, if your child loves to splash around in the bath, this sport is perfect for him. In addition, some children are contraindicated for certain physical exercises, which means swimming can be a worthy alternative.

2. Gymnastics

Gymnastics is traditionally divided into sports and artistic.

Boys will like the first type, because it implies strength exercises on a rope, uneven bars, horizontal bar, etc. The artistic one is designed for girls - young princesses will be delighted with ribbons, hoops and balls.

People usually start doing gymnastics at the age of four. At this age, the child’s body is still very flexible, and the baby can already follow the simplest instructions. Boys should be sent to the section a little later - from the age of five or six.

Gymnastic exercises remarkably develop grace and flexibility, develop all muscle groups, which ultimately has a positive effect on further sports results. Thus, gymnastics is an ideal basis for other sports.

However, be careful, as such activities are fraught with injury. Sprains and bruises are especially common in gymnastics. Another problem is finding a competent teacher.

3. Team sports

Perhaps football and hockey are the most popular and spectacular sporting events. Most often, boys 4-5 years old go to these sections, familiar with the rules of the game from an early age. Such training is suitable for sociable sanguine people and active choleric people who know how to play in a team.

These sports are useful because:

  • develop endurance and good reaction;
  • strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • allow aggressiveness to be expressed in a socially acceptable way;
  • improve the functioning of the pulmonary and cardiac systems;
  • learn to resolve conflicts.

Among the disadvantages is the increased risk of injury. In any case, consult with your doctors before enrolling your child in a football or hockey section.

4. Dance sport

Dancing, unlike gymnastics, is not so traumatic, but it is just as effective in developing beautiful posture, plasticity and grace of movements, developing a sense of rhythm and strengthening the respiratory system.

Perfect for kids with overweight body or scoliosis.

Children from 3-4 years old can be enrolled in dance clubs. Of course, at first, general developmental classes are conducted that will not overwork the child.

Closer to school age, children will be able to choose one of the many dance styles: ballroom, Latin American, modern dance, ballet, etc.

Before sending your child into the world of professional dancers, try to take into account all the financial costs. Experienced mothers warn that you will need to periodically buy expensive costumes for performances and special (expensive) shoes.

5. Figure skating

Highly traumatic, although very beautiful view sports Therefore, it is suitable for those children who are not afraid of falls.

Of course, you can reduce the risk of injury by working with an experienced trainer who will take into account the characteristics of your child.

Ice training can begin as early as three or four years of age. At this young age, children get used to the icy surface, learn to skate, and understand the teacher’s instructions.

Figure skating helps strengthen children's immunity, serves as a good prevention of colds and acute respiratory infections, develops flexibility, artistry and endurance in children. Another option is roller skating.

Rollesport is similar to figure skating and trains the same muscles. Just be sure to purchase the necessary protection.

6. Cycling

Children begin to engage in professional cycling at school age, but the physical base can be prepared much earlier.

Already at two years old, a child is put on a tricycle; they switch to a two-wheeled model closer to five years.

There are many advantages to such a pastime.

Firstly, riding an “iron friend” develops the vestibular apparatus, speed of reactions, increases endurance, strengthens the calf muscles, and promotes weight loss.

With a properly selected two-wheeled vehicle and the necessary protective equipment, there are practically no downsides to cycling.

7. Martial arts

We are talking about sports martial arts such as wushu, karate, judo, etc.

Most often, children from the age of five are enrolled in the sections. There are groups for younger preschoolers– 3-4 year olds. However, at this age they are taught the basics of technique, with an emphasis on stretching and general health.

With the help of martial arts, children learn mobility, endurance, and speed of reaction. Also, such sports allow you to openly express your negative emotions and aggressiveness.

Among the disadvantages of martial arts is the likelihood of injury.

8. Horse riding

This is the most useful sport from a psychological point of view.

Exercises with horses do not involve serious physical activity, however, they allow the muscles of the back and legs to actively work. Horseback riding is recommended for all children, especially those who are restless, unsure of themselves, or those diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

You can seriously engage in this sport from the age of ten, but you can and should introduce your child to animals and put him in the saddle much earlier. In many schools, children from the age of four are allowed to see calm ponies.

9. Skiing

Useful and suitable for our climate, sports leisure activities that bring pleasure not only to children, but also to the rest of the household.

Even if your offspring does not become an Olympic champion, he will acquire a wonderful habit for life.

At 3-4 years old, you can introduce children to cross-country skiing; leave alpine skiing for older children. Skiing perfectly trains the muscular system, develops coordination and dexterity. In addition, staying in the fresh frosty air has a beneficial effect on the child’s body.

Don't forget to consult your pediatrician if your baby has orthopedic diseases, respiratory problems, or diseases of the nervous system.

10. Trampoline

It would seem that jumping on trampolines is a common form of entertainment, but the benefits of such activities are difficult to overestimate.

One of the main issues for caring parents when the baby reaches the age of five is the choice of sports activities, clubs or sections. In this matter, the opinions of the parents and the abilities of the child often differ, and then conflicts may arise.

Children must choose for themselves what they want to do, and you can only offer educational clubs for children over 5 years old or sports sections and activities. Sometimes it’s worth going around several different sections, trying a trial lesson, so that you and your child understand whether you can handle such classes both physically and sometimes financially. So, playing hockey or football requires a large investment of money for uniforms and accessories, and it is important to know that the child will not get tired of this activity in a couple of months. If you are deciding where to send your child at 5 years old, you need to soberly assess the child’s physical abilities, flexibility and endurance, his character and many other conditions. It is important to understand what you want to achieve, a general strengthening effect or Olympic sports victories. You will need to drive or take your child to classes often, this is also an important factor when choosing.

Sections for children from 5 years old

If you don’t know where to put your baby’s energy and what to do with a 5-year-old child, sports clubs will do. Classes can be selected based on age and initial physical fitness, gender and many other characteristics. Initially, choosing sports activities for children over 5 years old, talk to the child himself about what sports he would like to do and why. Explain to him what will happen during training, that they will be frequent and you need to work there, weigh the pros and cons with him. You can preview videos of training and competitions, talk with other children and parents who are already involved in this sport. If you and your child are serious, it is important to find out which sports clubs for children over 5 years old are located near you geographically. Initially, for basic training it is not necessary to attend an Olympic reserve school on the other side of the city; you can go to the nearest recreation center or stadium. If your child likes it and wants to achieve great success, you should think about transferring to a more serious trainer and moving on to a more serious level of training. However, it is worth remembering that not all sports are suitable for a five-year-old, due to physical characteristics. Therefore, win sections by age.
For example, judo or karate for children from 5 years of age develop fortitude, moral qualities, and train the will. A dance club for children from 5 years old will help develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm and flexibility. Often, dance classes for children over 5 years old are the first section that a child begins to attend. Gymnastics for children aged 5 years and older is becoming popular today; children often become more resilient, get sick less and become more responsible and collected.

Where to send a girl at 5 years old

It is also important to take into account gender characteristics, since they are suitable for girls and boys different types classes. The main children's sections from the age of 5 for girls are dancing, rhythmic or artistic gymnasts, and figure skating. If you are deciding where to send your child to a 5-year-old girl, initially talk to your doctor, consult with other parents and coaches to choose the most suitable activity.

Children's sections from 5 years old for boys

It is somewhat easier to decide which section to send a 5-year-old boy to. There are many options for activities for boys today. These can be team or individual sports. So, where to send a boy at 5 years old? This could be swimming, judo, gymnastics, football or hockey, figure skating. When deciding which sport to enroll a 5-year-old boy in, proceed from his physical capabilities, character and wishes. Sometimes it’s worth trying yourself in several sections to understand what suits and likes the boy the most.

Remember your childhood? Our parents taught many of us to do morning exercises and sent us to various sports sections and creative clubs. And those who have gone through such “tests” are now largely grateful to their fathers and mothers. We learned to swim, run, dance, skate, and today we must help ensure that our children are not left without happy emotions.

Sport is an activity not only for gentlemen, but also for little ladies. Training will strengthen your baby’s muscles, help develop correct posture, and increase stamina and health.

Important! Scientists have proven that at the age of 5-8 years the risk of developing diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack is determined. The more actively a child trains, the less likely it is that illnesses will occur in adulthood.

The benefits of sports for children

What are the benefits of sports sections for girls? It's very simple: training helps:

  1. Improving health: regular implementation physical exercise not only prevents the risk of a number of diseases, but also treats some diseases.
  2. Character formation: sport increases endurance, “tempers” nerves, teaches you to make decisions at crucial moments and never give in to difficulties.
  3. Maintaining tone: daily exercise will help your child stay alert, energetic and cheerful.

However, which section should the girl be sent to? First of all, you should ask the baby what she would like to do. If a little athlete is confused and cannot choose a specific preference, the responsibility falls on the parents.

Important! When choosing a sports section for your daughter, focus on the baby’s inclinations and preferences. An important factor is the age of the child.

The table shows the main requirements for the age of future athletes, put forward by coaches of different sections:

Kind of sport

Girl's age

Sports and gymnastics, aerobics, sports dancing, swimming

Martial arts, athletics, figure skating, tennis, team game(volleyball, basketball, football)

Skiing, sports tourism, golf, biathlon

Horse riding, cycling, fencing, kayaking, weightlifting

Mountaineering, bobsled, triathlon, rock climbing

Popular children's sections

Here is the TOP 8 best sports sections for girls. The most structured information will provide comprehensive information: at what age is it better to send a child to training, what are the positive and negative aspects of a particular sport, indications and contraindications for classes.

Option #1. Gymnastics, sports dancing

You should start training between the ages of 3 and 4 years.

Gymnastics and dancing contribute to:

  • development of grace, flexibility, accuracy and confidence of movements;
  • formation of a fit figure and correct posture;
  • manifestation of the child’s creative potential.

Another advantage of training is relatively cheap equipment. But the drawback is serious and lies in high probability getting injured.

Indications and contraindications. Gymnastics and dancing are suitable for any girl, regardless of body type, character, or temperament. It is prohibited for children suffering from myopia, scoliosis, or heart disease to engage in such sports.

This is interesting! World champion in gymnastics Alina Kabaeva first visited sports sections at the age of 3.5 years.

Option #2. Swimming

Swimmers are first introduced to the pool at around 3-4 years of age. At the same time, future athletes can count on:

  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • stabilization of blood circulation and nervous system;
  • obtaining a hardening effect.

Swimming is useful for girls with myopia, diabetes mellitus, scoliosis, obesity. You cannot train in the pool if you have eye or skin diseases.

Option #3. Figure skating

  • strengthening the cardiac system, musculoskeletal system;
  • formation of endurance, grace, artistry;
  • providing a hardening effect on the body.

Indications and contraindications: Ice skating is suitable for active, agile girls who can easily tolerate the cold. The sports section is useful for osteochondrosis and scoliosis, but is prohibited for asthma, myopia, and some lung diseases.

Important! Another “winter” type of training is skiing, where you can take your baby as early as 7-8 years old.

Option number 4. Tennis

Girls from 5 years old can get acquainted with tennis. This sport promotes:

  • development of dexterity, speed of reaction;
  • desire for victories;
  • improving coordination, stabilizing the functioning of the respiratory organs.

Tennis is indicated for girls with osteochondrosis and metabolic disorders. The section is suitable for ambitious, energetic little ones. Contraindications include diseases such as asthma, flat feet, and myopia.

This is interesting! “The first racket of the world” Maria Sharapova, who came to tennis at the age of 4, was distinguished by a very gentle, calm character. However, despite the coach’s doubts, she achieved unsurpassed results in sports. The main thing is to have a solid inner core.

Option #5. Athletics

The set of sections covering athletics classes is numerous. This includes running, walking, javelin throwing, and jumping.

The age “start” of athletes is 5-6 years. Classes in the sports section guarantee strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, increasing the child’s agility, speed, strength and endurance.

Contraindications to athletics diseases covered:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system.
  2. Kidney.
  3. Diabetes mellitus.
  4. Progressive myopia.

This is interesting! World-famous track and field athlete Sergei Bubka joined the sports section at the age of 11 and until the age of 40 he took victories one after another.

Option number 6. Team sports

Team events Sports are different - these are volleyball, football, basketball, hockey, etc. It is better to start training at 5-6 years old, counting on:

  • development of endurance, speed and reaction;
  • strengthening the visual and respiratory organs, normalizing heart function;
  • gaining skills in teamwork and peaceful conflict resolution.

Contraindications to sports: asthma, flat feet, ulcers, instability of the cervical vertebrae.

Option No. 7. Martial arts

The best martial arts for girls are karate, sambo, judo, aikido. Different sections have their own age requirements. On average, training begins at 5-6 years of age.

Martial arts:

  • build endurance, good reaction, accuracy of movements;
  • teach self-defense skills;
  • have a healing effect.

Contraindications to sports are quite extensive, including chronic diseases of the spine and cardiac system, as well as acute diseases.

This is interesting! Jean-Claude Van Damme gave up ballet at the age of 11 and joined the karate section, subsequently taking a worthy place among Hollywood action movie actors.

Option No. 8. Horseback riding

It is required to start horse riding training no earlier than 10 years of age. The advantages of such an aristocratic sport are described:

  • receiving vivid emotions;
  • possibility of treatment mental disorders with cerebral palsy.
  • Equestrian sport is suitable for reserved, insecure girls, as well as children who love animals.

    Contraindications for horse riding include asthma, scoliosis, cervical instability, and horse hair allergies.

    This is interesting! World-famous rider Rodrigo Pessoa has won fifty grand prix races throughout his career and won more than 6 million euros.

    Be careful when choosing a sports section. There is no need to send your girl to figure skating just because it is your unrealized childhood dream. Observe the baby, study her preferences. As a last resort, take the child to several sections at once, and then give the girl an independent choice of training.

    Parents have different attitudes towards their children attending various extracurricular activities. Some people think that school is already hard for a child, and lessons and homework are enough. Others load their children to the maximum, sending them to all available sections and clubs so that the child does not sit idle. Still others are looking for developmental activities almost from birth.

    Who is right and does a child need sections, what clubs are available for attendance at different ages, and what to consider when choosing additional activities suitable for a child?



    • You have to adjust your daily routine to suit your visits to clubs.
    • A child can become infected with viruses from other children who come to classes at initial stage diseases.

    Class options by age

    Classes with mother up to 2 years old

    The youngest children are offered developmental classes, to which the little ones come with their mothers. As a rule, these are classes in which kids learn a little of everything - dancing, music, the world, drawing, joint games and more.

    The mother helps children interact with each other and complete tasks up to the age of two. Often such developmental classes are conducted according to a certain author’s methodology, for example, Montessori or Zaitsev.

    What is given to the child:

    • The ability to explore the nuances of the world around you and the different elements.
    • Communication with peers.
    • Comprehensive development.
    • Psychological preparation for kindergarten.

    3-6 years

    At this age, children have the following options for activities:

    • Drawing.
    • Lessons foreign language in a playful way.
    • Swimming.
    • Gymnastics.
    • Game sports.
    • Ballroom dancing.
    • Figure skating.

    What is given to the child:

    • By attending drawing classes, the child will develop imagination as well as fine motor skills. This will help him learn to write. In addition, art activities develop children's powers of observation.
    • Sports activities have a positive effect on a child's posture, agility and strength, and also teach him how to interact with other children and stay consistent in his path.
    • If your child takes part in fencing, swimming or other sports that develop a sense of balance and coordination, this will help with brain development. The work of both hemispheres will become more harmonious, which is especially important for dyslexia.
    • Learning a foreign language has a positive effect on a child’s intellectual development and improves memory.

    How does a drawing lesson work for children under 6 years old? watch the video of the channel "Club of Smart Parents".

    In the next video, psychologist Olga Kolchanova will tell you how to choose the right sections and clubs for your child.

    From 7 years

    The list of sections and clubs available to children at school age is expanding significantly. The child can do:

    • Creativity - painting with paints or sand, modeling, macrame, beading, painting plaster figures, embroidery and other options.
    • Sports - swimming, hockey, figure skating, basketball, football, martial arts and other sports.
    • Dancing - ballet, folk dances, disco, contemporary, ballroom dancing, break dancing or others.
    • Music - play different musical instruments.
    • Singing – going to vocal classes or singing in a choir.
    • Development of intelligence - go to a math club, chess, technical, literary, computer and other clubs.

    What is given to the child:

    • Learning a foreign language will be useful for any child in the future.
    • Thanks to swimming, the child will strengthen all his muscles and improve his posture, improve flexibility, endurance and immunity.
    • In aikido, karate or other martial arts classes, a student will study his body, learn to control it, and acquire spiritual principles.
    • Musical activities help develop memory, concentration and attention.
    • Thanks to singing, it is easier for a child to correct his diction and learn foreign languages.
    • By playing chess, a child will improve attention, perseverance, memory, ability to analyze, compare and navigate the square.
    • Embroidery, knitting, bead weaving and similar activities develop the child’s motor skills and brain.

    • When choosing additional activities, parents should ask about the child’s wishes and take into account his interests. Tell your son or daughter about existing clubs, activities in them and new skills. At the same time, do not impose own opinion and don’t try to realize your dreams through your children. Let your child choose an activity to suit their taste.
    • When choosing a mug, you should not focus on fashion. If your daughter’s friends go to dances, this does not mean that your girl should go to them too, especially if her daughter has no inclination for such activities. An incorrectly chosen section will be a source of stress and a burden for the child.
    • Be sure to consider the temperament of your son or daughter. If the child is active, chess will not suit him, and quiet and shy children will be uncomfortable in the circus studio.
    • Pay attention to the location of the section or circle, since you will have to organize your daily routine taking into account the schedule of additional classes. Consider who will take the child to the club, and whether this will interfere with homework due to wasted time on the road.
    • An important factor in choosing a suitable club will be the cost of classes. Many schools, children's clubs, cultural centers and other institutions offer free clubs. Classes there can be in no way inferior to expensive paid lessons. Most sections and circles organize a day at the end of summer or in September open doors or offer a free trial lesson. This will help you decide the right choice and also get to know the teachers.
    • If your child loves to draw, but coloring and templates are not to his liking, encourage your child to take art classes. At the same time, try to choose a group that is attended by a maximum of 10 children. Also, children who like to draw can be encouraged to take up computer animation.
    • Very active children who enjoy competition with others are best suited to playing sports. When choosing a sports section, pay attention to the qualifications of the instructor, and also adequately assess your child’s health.
    • Children who like music should consider singing or playing an instrument. You should supervise music lessons if your child liked the rhythm in kindergarten, he easily remembers melodies and songs.

    And a few more tips:

    • If a child stopped wanting to go to one club and went to another section, and then stopped liking going there, do not scold him. Let your daughter or son search for themselves and don’t blame the cost of the courses.
    • Always praise your child for successes and do not focus on failures. Let him know that even in situations where he doesn’t succeed, you consider him to be great.

    Show interest in your daughter or son’s activities. If your child wants to show you what he learned in class or talks enthusiastically about training, don’t brush it off, but be interested. This is valuable parental support for any child.

    And remember that there should not be too many sections and circles. Why - see in the next video.

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