Summer business looks for girls. Official, business style of clothing for women and men, photo. Basics of business style in women's clothing

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui is quite firmly entrenched in Everyday life. According to it, we arrange furniture in the apartment, choose the color of the car, select clothes and shoes - in a word, we improve our life in every possible way. But not everyone knows that this practice is also used in nail art. Guided by the rules of Feng Shui in manicure, you can attract happiness, financial well-being, health and other benefits. You just need to follow simple recommendations.

So, let's figure out how to properly paint your nails according to Feng Shui. To begin with, there are three main factors to consider:

  • the element to which you belong;
  • your color scheme;
  • area of ​​life you want to improve.

Determining the element

We take our year of birth (example: 1980), subtract four from the last two-digit number (80-4=76), divide the resulting number by nine (76:9=8.444). The figure obtained in the remainder is the number we need. If the number obtained after subtraction is divisible by nine without a remainder, then in this case your number will be 9.

Correlation of elements and numbers:

  • Water – 1.
  • Earth – 2, 5, 8.
  • Tree – 3, 4.
  • Metal – 6, 7.
  • Fire – 9.

Select your color scheme

It is very important to know how to paint your nails in different colors according to Feng Shui so that the manicure acts as a kind of energy springboard. To do this, you need to determine your color scheme:

  • The elements of Water include shades of blue and light blue, black and gray, pearlescent and purple, as well as chameleon colors. For those who love drawings, aquatic themes will suit them: fish, droplets, snowflakes, water landscapes;
  • The element of Earth is the owner of shades of beige, brown, yellow, pink and golden. Among the drawings, the image of sand and stones is perfect;
  • The Wood element loves shades of green, blue-blue, various translucent shades, as well as black. If desired, nails can be decorated with drawings of various plant themes, as well as images of butterflies or cobwebs;
  • The element of Metal speaks for itself: cold shades of white, brown and yellow, metallic colors (gold, silver and others) are ideal options for this element. Rhinestones and beads are perfect for decoration;
  • The Elements of Fire speaks for itself: all kinds of shades of red perfectly activate everything positive traits this energy. Sequins and rhinestones, as well as images of fire, sun or dawn, are suitable for decorations.

Color meaning

  • White. This color has always been rightly considered a symbol of innocence and purity. It cleanses and protects energy from negativity, adds lightness and harmony to everyday life.
  • Black. It is a symbol of refined severity and power. Helps to gain authority in the team.
  • Grey. On its own it is a neutral color, but when combined with others it helps enhance their impact.
  • Red. The color of love, passion, cheerfulness and prosperity. One of the most powerful flowers that can activate life energy.
  • Orange. This color can evoke an “orange” mood, being a source of happiness and cheerful communication. Drives away sadness, apathy, enhances vital energy and promotes the successful start of new things.
  • Yellow. The color of the sun and good mood. Increases cheerfulness and activates the creative process. Yellow also stimulates the endocrine system and helps cope with various diseases.
  • Gold. This color is rightfully a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It also helps to gain self-confidence and charges with positive energy.
  • Green. The color of Mother Nature, the color of life itself. It is a symbol of harmonious relationships and peace. He calms down nervous system, helps to find peace and confidence in the new day.
  • Blue. Symbolizes balance and serenity. Helps strengthen mental abilities and focus.
  • Blue. It is a symbol of justice and morality. Helps to fulfill desires, reduces aggression, creates mental comfort.
  • Violet. A symbol of high spirituality and harmony. This color develops wonderful abilities, helps to reveal your potential, and promotes the creative process.

Right or left?

Before painting your nails according to Feng Shui, determine which hand the additional elements will be placed on. According to the deep conviction of the ancient sages of the East, a person gives out energy with his right hand, and, on the contrary, absorbs it with his left. Fingers on the hands are conductors of one energy or another.

The spiritual wisdom of various teachings and religions says that when we give, we receive much more in return. This is why the teaching of Feng Shui places emphasis on the right hand. And by highlighting the nail of one or another finger with a different color or pattern, you activate a certain energy that returns to you a hundredfold.

Activating luck

The next step is to identify the area of ​​your life that you want to improve. In order to learn how to paint nails according to Feng Shui for money, health, love or luck, you need to figure out which fingers correspond to these energies. Let's look at our right hand, since that's what we'll be working with.

  • The thumb corresponds to the intellectual sphere. By highlighting the nail on this finger, you can count on creative inspiration, increased mental activity, making successful transactions and the birth of new ideas. Physical and mental health are also at the mercy of the energies of this finger.
  • The index finger is the source of your egocentrism. By activating this energy, you strengthen your inner volitional core, gaining additional strength and power.
  • The middle finger indicates touchiness and a tendency to quarrel. By highlighting it, you attract financial well-being, good luck and confidence in the future.
  • The ring finger is responsible for love and family relationships. By activating the energy of this finger, you open up access to optimism and vitality that will fill your relationships with new experiences.
  • The little finger is responsible for both family ties and well-being and peace of mind. By activating it, you become easier to rise and flexible in any life situation.

So that you can see how to paint your nails according to Feng Shui, we offer photos with examples that will clearly demonstrate to you various manicure options in the traditions of this ancient Eastern philosophy.

This is how you easily and quickly create not just beauty, but harmony of soul and body. Experiment, create, add your own ideas - the main thing is that you like it, then the world around you will shine with new colors.

Feng Shui Philosophy may concern not only the organization of space, but also women's manicure.

According to the basics of this trend, with the help of a properly designed manicure, you can attract wealth, love or success in any endeavor into your life.

The essence of a Feng Shui manicure is to paint most of the nails in a single color and placing a color accent on the rest.

Which fingers should I paint?

According to the basics of Feng Shui, the nails of each hand have a certain energy. The right hand is responsible for its return, and the left hand for receiving. However, in practice, to attract success in a specific area, the nails of the right hand are singled out.

This paradox is based on the belief that before you can receive something, you must give it away. All nails must be painted with one main color.

But usually two or one nail stand out in a contrasting shade. As a rule, this is the middle or ring finger. The emphasis on the middle finger attracts good luck into a woman’s life, due to the fact that it is under the influence of Saturn. The nail on the ring finger is painted when they want to attract love into their life.

It is believed that the practice of Feng Shui in manicure can help attract:

  • Career success;
  • Family happiness;
  • Financial resources;
  • Luck of any nature;
  • Spiritual self-knowledge;

Meaning of fingers

Each human finger is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. Putting an accent color, pattern, or distinctive relief on it can help. succeed in a certain direction.

The design of the thumbnail helps to attract success in career endeavors, since it is this finger that is responsible for a person’s thinking.

Placing emphasis on the index finger emphasizes the girl's inner ego. This is done to increase your own self-esteem and establish harmony with yourself. The middle finger of the left and right hand has different meaning. The left finger is responsible for feelings of resentment, and the right finger is responsible for intimate life.

The ring finger contains the energy of family and comfort. Girls paint it dreaming of getting married or meet your other half. In Feng Shui, the little finger is considered the main finger, responsible for harmony in almost all areas of life.

For money

By following the basics of Feng Shui, you can even improve your financial situation. To do this, certain conditions must be met. The left hand is used exclusively to place accents. It is necessary to highlight the little finger or ring finger. The choice of color is also of particular importance.

Attracting money promotes red and green colors. You can use any plant motifs as designs; they also tend to attract money.

For love

All means are good in attracting love. The magic of Feng Shui can help in this direction. In order for a manicure to be aimed at achieving love happiness, you need to follow a number of recommendations when implementing it. In this case, you need to highlight the fingers of both hands, namely the ring and little fingers.

Preference should be given to all shades of red and cherry flowers. Also for attracting romantic relationships you can use pink color.

Meaning of colors

The choice of manicure color plays an important role. Each shade has a specific interpretation. When several shades are combined, the meaning may be distorted. The color purple is identified with a person's personal growth. It helps you understand yourself and your inner experiences.

The development of spiritual qualities is promoted by bodily shades. The orange tint brings optimism to everyday life. Green tones help develop self-confidence and also attract money.

Sky blue shades help you focus on something important and increase your productivity. Occurrence of diseases warns against the use of turquoise.

A color scheme

When choosing several shades at once, you should focus on the level of their compatibility with each other. The energy of some colors may conflict with each other, thereby preventing the desired effect.

Successful combinations can bring success in those areas of life that are symbolized by nails dressed in this color.

Based on Feng Shui, we can say that the following combinations are the most harmonious:

  • Red with blue, green or gold;
  • Cherry with pink, gray or blue;
  • Yellow with brown or green;
  • Orange with white, brown, purple or green;
  • Purple with gray, green or chocolate;

Also, when choosing the color of the varnish, it is necessary to rely on its correspondence to a particular element. A person’s belonging to them is determined depending on dates of his birth.

The last digit in the year of birth is taken as the basis. If it is 1992, then the final result will be the number 2. It relates to the element of water, just like the number 3. 6 and 7 identify fire. The symbol of the earth will be the numbers 9 and 8. The result in the form of numbers 5 or 4 indicates that it belongs to a tree. If there is a 0 or 1 at the end of the year of birth, then it is metal.

Feng Shui hand care

Manicure includes not only painting the surface of the nails, but also caring for them and the surrounding area. First you need to remove any remaining varnish with a special liquid. It is advisable that it does not contain acetone. The next step is to soften the cuticle and remove it.

With the trimmed version of the manicure, the cuticle is removed using nail scissors. An unedged manicure involves pushing back the cuticle with an orange stick. Next you need to shape your nails. According to Feng Shui, it should not be too pointed. It is better to choose a neat semicircular or square nail shape.

Long length is also not welcome. The practice of Feng Shui is based on the belief that everything is important positive attitude. This also applies to hand skin care.

Hi all!

Today’s article will be entirely for the female half of my readers. Because in it I want to talk about painting nails according to Feng Shui. What does this mean and what is the difference from a regular manicure you will find out today.

Have you noticed, dear girls, how now in many salons, and not only, it has become fashionable to paint your nails? I think they not only noticed, but many people have done this manicure more than once. This is when one or two nails are painted with a color different from the main one, or some image is made (usually on the nail of the ring or middle finger of one of the hands). Everyone paints, but few people know that this is painting nails according to Feng Shui.

Why do they do this? Well, firstly, it’s beautiful, and secondly, it’s useful. It is believed that even by painting your nails according to Feng Shui, you can attract good luck, love, health, etc. into your life. I don’t know how plausible this statement is, but it does exist, and is now becoming more and more widespread. Many show business stars, following fashion trends, also paint their nails according to Feng Shui. In my opinion, this will definitely not make things worse, and on the other hand, it is a kind of invisible support for a woman, accompanying her throughout the day.

What is the peculiarity of painting nails according to Feng Shui?

I won’t talk here about how a manicure is done in general. I think all girls already know this, they know about the preparatory stage for manicure, cleansing, degreasing, removing cuticles and so on. This theme is for sites with a different theme. In this article, I will talk specifically about painting nails according to the rules of Feng Shui.

Features of manicure according to Feng Shui is that before you start painting your nails you need to determine:

the first is which of the five elements you belong to (Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Metal). This will be necessary to determine “your” shade palette.

Secondly, in what area of ​​life do you want to change something? To do this, you will need to determine which nail or nails to highlight with a different color. Let's analyze the meaning of each finger according to the canons of Feng Shui. You will learn more about this if you read the article to the end.

Determining the elements before painting your nails

The last digit of the year of your birth will tell you which one you belong to. Well, for example, if you were born in 1980, then the number by which you need to determine the element will be “0”. If the year of birth is 1976, then “6” and so on. I think this is all clear. Next, look below to see what element is “yours”.

0-1– Metal (symbolizes entrepreneurship and success)

2-3 – Water (symbolizes prosperity and purification)

4-5 – Wood (development and creativity, symbolizes hardness and flexibility at the same time)

6-7 – Fire (strength and activity)

8-9 – Earth (stability, reliability)

Colors related to the elements and their meanings

Metal colors – white, silver, steel, yellow, brown. Nail designs: coins, arcs. You can decorate your nails with foil, glitter, and beads.

The colors of Water are all shades of blue and cyan, white, gray. Lilac or violet. Nail designs: droplets, waves, fish, etc.

The colors of the Tree are green and all its shades, blue, light blue, black. Drawings: grass, cobwebs, leaves, twigs, flowers.

The colors of Fire are undoubtedly red, orange, purple, bright yellow, gold. Nail designs: flame, sun, rays. Decorations: rhinestones, sparkles.

Colors of the Earth - not very bright shades of brown, yellow, beige are suitable. Muted reds (terracotta, for example) or pink colors. Drawing: you can use special sand or draw stones.

Only each element has a rather narrow palette of colors. And if you want to diversify your manicure, you can choose the color that you like best, based on its meaning.

Gold – gives strength, both physically and emotionally

Purple is the color of harmony of the world, increases intuition, the color of leadership

Purple is the color of kings, the color of power

Red is the color to attract romantic relationships

Beige - balance and calm

Green is the color of life, health, confidence, calmness

Orange – improves mood, helps relieve depression

Yellow is a warm, sunny color, the color of joy and love of life.

Gray is a neutral color, the color of prudence and practicality.

White – symbolizes purity, cleanses energy

Blue is a color that cools the senses, the color of peace, wisdom, balance

Black is the color of calm and strength, refined and at the same time mystical

Blue is the color of justice and devotion, inspires and fulfills desires

Pink – the color of sensuality and renewal

Light brown - gives a feeling of calm and harmony

Dark brown - negatively affects a person, suppresses positive emotions

The meaning of fingers for feng shui manicure

As you already know, the difference between painting nails according to Feng Shui and the usual one is that you need to paint one or two nails on your hands in a color different from the main one. By highlighting the finger you need, you enhance its meaning. In this case, you need to take into account which hand it is, right or left. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the right hand is the hand that gives energy, and the left hand is the hand that receives. It turns out that what goes around comes around, making a cycle of energies. The same fingers have different meanings on different hands.

Right hand

Thumb – associated with intellectual and mental activity, good luck in business

Forefinger– your attitude towards yourself and towards the people around you, dissatisfaction and self-criticism

Middle finger - money luck, prosperity

Ring finger- luck in love

Little finger – well-being in the family, peace of mind

Left hand

Thumb - minor troubles, peace of mind, empty hopes

Forefinger– fear, lack of self-confidence

Middle finger - symbolizes sexual energy, sensuality

Ring finger– negative emotions (sadness, melancholy, sadness, loneliness)

The little finger is the energy of deception, gossip, envy and lies

This, perhaps, is all the rules for painting nails according to Feng Shui. Now you know them too.

But on a personal note, I would like to note that whatever the rules are, always listen to yourself and choose what you like. After all, the main rule of Feng Shui is the harmonious existence of a person and his surrounding world. And if you do everything according to the rules, determine the element, choose the color, but you personally don’t like it, then it will not bring the expected effect. Remember this.

That's all for me. Bye bye.

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Feng Shui (feng shui) – Eastern teaching based on balancing positive and negative energy and achieving harmony. One of the ways to attract the necessary energy waves is a Feng Shui manicure. To complete it, you need to know not only the basics of Eastern teachings, but also understand colors.

Feng Shui manicure rules

Based on the doctrine of harmony, manicure according to the rules of Feng Shui becomes not only beautiful decoration, but also in a way that allows you to activate this or that energy. It helps to find inner balance, activate creative thinking, stimulate success and financial stability, and help find love.

For the Feng Shui technique to work in manicure, you need to know the basic rules by which it is performed.

  1. Hands must be well-groomed. Irritation, peeling nail plates, dryness, hangnails - all this provokes loss vital energy. Therefore, before doing a money manicure or any other, you should tidy up your fingers and skin.
  2. Before choosing a varnish and directly applying it, you need to give the desired shape to the nail plates, get rid of roughness using a base, trim the cuticle and soften the skin near the nails essential oils. The selection of the form is carried out in accordance with the element to which the person belongs.
  3. When the preparatory stage ends, you can move on to creating a manicure according to Feng Shui. You should pay attention to both flowers and decorations. It is also important to consider which fingers stand out during the manicure process and on which hand.

In the process of creating beauty on the nails, relying on oriental knowledge, only two nails on the selected hand should be highlighted with separate colors or additional decorative elements.

How to choose a nail shape?

In the previous sections of the article, you could already understand what a Feng Shui manicure is, which fingers to paint and in what shades. But a competent and harmonious manicure does not end there. The shape of the nails is no less important, as is their length.
Regular rectangular nails are considered optimal in Feng Shui manicure. They can be worn both short and long.
Round nail plate She will be good at a Feng Shui manicure only if her nails are short.
Square nails must have a straight cut line, nails are preferred middle length.
Before you start applying nail polish, you must perform a preliminary hygienic manicure. You should give the nail plate a beautiful shape, take care of the cuticle, and remove the remnants of old varnish. Your Feng Shui manicure should look neat and fresh, and your hands should certainly look well-groomed and healthy.

Based on the doctrine of harmony, it is believed that each person, depending on his personal number, belongs to one or another element. The element is responsible not only for feelings and states, but is also based on a certain color palette.

You can calculate membership in a particular element in one of two ways:

  • the last number in the year of birth indicates the element;
  • for women: from the last two digits of the year you need to subtract 4, and then divide the result by 9, the resulting remainder is the desired number; for men: from 100, subtract the last two digits of the year, then divide by 9 and again pay attention to the resulting remainder.

Feng Shui manicure: the meaning of each finger

The subtle world and the physical have always been connected by invisible threads. And the eastern practice of Feng Shui was able to reveal a certain pattern even at our fingertips. This is why women are so attracted to Feng Shui manicure, the meaning of fingers (photo attached) can help improve their personal life, career, and bring balance and balance into their home.

Traditionally, a manicure on a woman’s right hand is more powerful than on the opposite, left hand. It is believed that Right side our body has stronger positive energy, obeying the laws of yin-yang.

Feng Shui meaning of fingers

  • Thumb. It represents the intelligence and clarity of the human mind.
  • Forefinger. In Feng Shui manicure, it means our own ego.
  • Middle finger. Projects the influx of financial resources and is responsible for wealth.
  • Ring finger. Represents home, love and family.
  • Little finger. Attracts a calm and measured flow, harmony and balance into life.

Apart from this, our fingers also fall under certain categories which are better known to the human world as the elements. The thumb belongs to the element of wind, the index finger means fire, middle finger represents the element of earth, the ring finger represents metal, and the little finger of the right hand represents the element of water.

The fingers of the left hand are able to accentuate negative phenomena, ensuring their influx and significantly strengthening them, because the entire left hand symbolizes the complete opposite of the right. That is why a properly executed Feng Shui manicure accentuates and highlights individual nails exclusively on the right hand. It is recommended to paint the nails on your left hand in a uniform, neutral shade that matches your element. But on the right hand, Feng Shui advises highlighting individual nails and focusing attention on them in order to positively influence your own life.

Has family harmony been disrupted in the house or do you fervently dream of a large family, husband and children? Focus on the ring finger of your right hand by brightly painting it in a suitable color. Do you want to stand out from your competitors, create a noticeable image and lead among a certain group of people? Contact for help index finger right hand. An emphasis on the middle finger of the right hand will help to attract financial success to your home.

Why you shouldn't focus on the fingers of your left hand

  • Thumb. On this hand it carries confusion in matters and anxiety.
  • Forefinger. It instills a feeling of uncertainty in a person and activates fear.
  • Middle finger. Projects and attracts grievances, misunderstandings and quarrels.
  • Ring finger. It is a symbol of loneliness and unhappiness in your personal life.
  • Little finger. Attracts lies, infidelity, dirty gossip and rumors into life.

In order not to activate negative vibrations on the fingers of the left hand, it is recommended to paint your nails according to Feng Shui in a neutral base tone: for example, the most universal shades are beige, light brown and light pink, and a French manicure is ideal here.


In order for you to enjoy financial well-being, you should paint your nails, adhering to three important rules. Highlight the ring and middle fingers with contrasting varnish. It is this technique that contributes to the flow of money. Use a “money” color varnish. The strongest of them are gold, green, turquoise, purple. An alternative option is to apply a sign on the nail that symbolizes monetary well-being.

It is necessary to make accents and draw signs on the fingers of the left hand. Their function is to receive energy, respectively cash flow. The right hand initiates the release of energy, therefore it can cause the release of money luck into the Universe, moving it away from you.


Feng Shui masters say that there are several manicure options to attract high feelings into your life. One theory says that the ring finger of the left hand should be covered with a special decoration. To find love, you should apply a manicure only on left hand. In this case, you can hope to find love. A similar manicure on the right hand can have the opposite effect.

Another theory states that the index and ring fingers on the right hand should be highlighted. The third theory proves that the decoration of the ring finger of the right hand, where it is worn, will bring love luck. wedding ring. To figure out which option is correct, you will have to conduct a real investigation and experiment in practice. All theories agree on one thing - the fingers should be highlighted in red, which symbolizes passion. All shades of pink are also suitable, especially for young girls.


In order for your life to be filled with successful events, get a manicure to gain good luck. It involves emphasizing the index and middle fingers on the left hand. Choose the color in accordance with what kind of luck you want to catch: with red varnish - good luck in love, gold - in business transactions. White color promises you good luck in everyday life, because it contains the whole range of shades!

The photos will tell you how to do a manicure correctly! You can use your imagination and create your own unique version. After all, the most important and most pleasant rule is that you should like all patterns, colors, combinations, bring aesthetic pleasure, and improve your mood! And one more thing - you must believe that your wishes will come true! Only then will the positive power of Feng Shui manicure be fully revealed!

Color meanings and their use for manicure

Each color has a specific meaning, and in order for a Feng Shui manicure to be as effective as possible, it is necessary not only to highlight the desired nails with a contrasting color, but to select a color depending on what you want to get in the end.

  1. White color is a symbol of purity, virginity, and absolute tranquility. It makes sense to choose this color when you simply want to activate some area, attract more energy into it.
  2. Blue color leads to harmony. Most often it is used when there is any disorder in any area. Just choose a nail that is responsible for the area of ​​your life in which you feel unbalanced, paint it any shade of blue, and watch how your life changes.
  3. Turquoise color and shades sea ​​wave will lead to monetary abundance and prosperity. If the situation with money needs to be resolved as quickly as possible, then it is better to choose one shade of turquoise for all nails, and highlight the fingers that are responsible for money matters in a darker or lighter color.
  4. Beige tones symbolize tranquility. If some areas of life are full and successful, and you want to maintain this trend, you can use beige shades.
  5. Red is one of the most powerful colors, it leads to happiness and can be used for any nails.
  6. The golden color should be used as carefully as possible; if the elements do not imply shades of gold, then it is better to use not full coverage, but partial coverage or simply gold decor for nail art.
  7. Gray color will help increase your judgment in relation to any issues.
  8. Pink tones enhance femininity; they will help if you want to look younger, emphasize or attract tenderness into your life and realize your feminine destiny.
  9. Blue and lilac tones help to achieve the triumph of harmony and intelligence. These shades can be used carefully, only on individual fingers.
  10. Yellow, orange and apricot have a positive effect on the human psyche, immunity and improve mood. These colors will help you cope with depression and overcome stagnation in your life. In Feng Shui meaning, these shades are responsible for good physical health.
  11. Green shades represent harmony, balance and tranquility. This is the color that allows you to gain more solid confidence.

Fingernails require special care. In addition, they can serve as a real decoration of the image.

Many successful people prefer to get their nails done according to Feng Shui. This way you attract luck, love, happiness and health.

In the process of creating such a manicure, the master must highlight all aspects of the work.

The color of the varnish, the features of decorative nail decorations, the shape of the fingers and much more.

While working on a manicure, the master additionally influences the points of the hands that are responsible for the work internal organs, psychological health and the person's mood.

The influence of manicure on life

To become successful person in all areas of life, it is worth taking care of your energy balance. IN Lately Feng Shui manicure has become very fashionable.

Separate direction There is no such art regarding nail care, but some practices have been developed.

According to Feng Shui, the following characteristics for manicure are distinguished:

  • By color scheme.
  • By combination of colors or shades.
  • Regarding the hand.
  • Regarding each finger separately.

Attracting money, love, luck - all this is possible if the master has done a high-quality job and knows exactly the meaning of each element of the manicure.

Important! A manicure done in this style has a qualitative effect on a person’s overall energy, his health and position in society.

Painting nails, in this case, will bring not only psychological satisfaction, but also aesthetic satisfaction. In addition to attracting good things, Feng Shui protects against negative influences.

Determining your element

In order for a manicure to be not only beautiful, but also to work for the benefit of a person, it is worth deciding on the element that corresponds to it.

If you determine the element incorrectly, the consequences can be very different, so the result should be carefully checked.

Determining the element is very simple for a professional who does an energy manicure. The color and shades of varnish that are most optimal for a particular person will depend on the elements.

The following elements are distinguished: wood, earth, water, fire, metal.

Ways to determine the elements:

  1. Each element corresponds to certain numbers. It is the last digit of the year of birth that determines such ratios.
  2. From the number formed by the last two digits of the year of birth, you need to subtract four and divide the result by nine.

    If the resulting number has no remainder, it is fire. The rest of the ratio is determined by a specific figure.

Sometimes the meaning of the elements does not coincide according to the two methods. Experts believe that a person belongs to two elements at the same time.

Then you can use colors and finishes that correspond exactly to these values.

The meaning of fingers on the hand

A manicure often occurs when several fingers are highlighted with a different color or special decorative elements.

Thus, a certain energy is activated. The choice of hand also matters: the right one gives out energy, and the left one, on the contrary, absorbs it.

To have a positive impact, you need to know the meaning of each finger. By decorating this or that finger, you can activate a certain part of your life.

For Feng Shui this is a whole art, It is not only beauty that is important, but also meaning.

Meaning of fingers:

  • The Grand Palais is responsible for leadership character traits, the ability to overcome stressful situations.
  • Index fingers activate skills correct delivery in society. Point to leadership skills and the basis of social status.
  • Medium – helps to reveal the maternal principle, promotes well-being and high status in society.
  • Nameless is responsible for family well-being, love and strong friendship. Brings success in all love relationships.
  • Little finger - reveals creativity, stimulates success in business and all endeavors.

According to Eastern traditions The middle and ring fingers are most often identified. You can combine other fingers - it all depends on the client’s preferences and needs.

In addition to proper manicure, the hand itself should be well-groomed. During the procedure you need to have a positive attitude. You can light incense sticks and candles in the room.

Feng Shui color combination

Colors also carry a certain meaning, so the palette should be chosen with meaning and in accordance with the elements.

Some colors require careful use: gold, silver, black. More often they are used to create outlines and decor.

Note! Plain nails bring harmony and calm. When doing such a manicure, a woman or girl wants peace.

You can paint your nails using several colors at the same time. This is not only original, but also necessary when it comes to activating some areas of life.

Some colors should be used carefully, while others should be used actively.

Meaning and basic color combination:

Color Meaning for humans
White Symbol of purity. Worth choosing for those who want to receive an energetic incentive for further activities
Blue Leads to harmony. If you have problems in any area of ​​life, then you need to apply makeup blue the finger that is responsible for this direction of life
Turquoise Responsible for financial well-being. For a more effective effect, it is worth highlighting the corresponding fingers with darker shades of turquoise
Beige Promotes stability. If successful, this color will help maintain stability in the course of business.
Red A powerful activator that inevitably leads to happiness. Can be used under any living conditions and on any fingers
Grey Promotes clarity of thinking. If you need precision and balance, then you should use shades of this color
Pink Helps to show femininity and activate the maternal principle. Will become a stimulus for youth and freshness
Violet The color of prudence and active mental activity. Most often used on individual fingers

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