Personal life of a Capricorn woman. Love sphere of Capricorn in the year of the Rooster

The Red Fire Rooster will get down to business right away: already at the end of January, Capricorns will feel its influence on their lives - unexpected meetings, interesting proposals, and many surprising things will happen to the wards of Saturn.

In February 2017, Capricorns will finally be able to say goodbye to their boring work - even with your modesty, it will be difficult to refuse the tempting offers that will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia.

Also read: Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn

The Rooster will help you forget your favorite excuse: I won’t succeed. On the contrary, Capricorns will be full of determination and will become unusually self-confident. Also with your personal life, everyone will finally find out that your coldness is just a mask, but in fact Capricorns are very sweet and sociable creatures and it is a pleasure to love you. Cupid and Venus will start hunting Capricorns at the beginning of spring - fans will appear like snowdrops, there will be so many of them that you will want to urgently change your appearance or buy an invisibility cloak.

For mid-spring, the Cockerel has saved a few surprises for the charming Capricorns. The financial situation will be especially surprising - you will be in demand more than ever, you will finally show your talents, and your work will be appreciated.

If Capricorns want to prove themselves in writing, then the world will recognize a new Tolstoy or Bulgakov. Those earth signs who decide to try their hand at drawing can now negotiate with the owner of the Louvre or the Tretyakov Gallery - real fights without rules will begin for your masterpieces.

In May, Capricorns are waiting for their beloved relatives in the village, who, despite your victories and honors, will hand you shovels and force you to dig carrot beds. Physical labor will be beneficial - after all, you can’t constantly think, sometimes the brain needs to relax.

Capricorns can plan their vacation for the middle of summer - there will be no important things to do, money is a nice burden on their pockets, so study geography in order to choose a resort without the help of the ubiquitous Internet.

The best vacation spot for earth signs will be a secluded island in the middle of the ocean, but if this is too much for you, then go somewhere where there are few people - you will be able to relax and, perhaps, please the world with another brilliant creation. In the fall, Capricorns will want to shine and go out into the world - the Cockerel will be happy to keep you company. In September, and in October too, Capricorns will be extremely charming - you will have more fans, so flirt, have affairs and just enjoy life.

But if you have a soulmate, then she will not forgive even light affairs. Therefore, Rooster strongly advises family Capricorns to spend their evenings not in fashionable clubs, but on their favorite sofa at the kitchen table, eating pies and watching ancient films. In November 2017, Capricorns will discover their organizational skills - you will be able to assemble a team of like-minded people. If you have business ideas, then act without delay. It is advisable to choose partners among friends - Cockerel, if necessary, will conduct a casting among friends.

With all these pleasant troubles, the year will fly by unnoticed, and in December Capricorns realize that they do not want to part with the Cockerel, whom they fell in love with. The owner of 2017 also became attached to the lovely Capricorns and before the New Year he decided to please you with another surprise. Check bank card- you will be pleasantly surprised by the New Year's gift from the Fire Cockerel.

Love horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

In love matters, Capricorns will be better informed than anyone else - you can even create your own dating site. Suddenly you will like working as a matchmaker and helping lonely people.

In the year of the Rooster, you will no longer like Slava’s song “Loneliness”. You will be surrounded by crowds of loving suitors, among whom you will definitely find your chosen one. The Rooster is ready to be a witness at a wedding, but with a condition - if you find him a prettier witness.

Stop being self-critical - you are too picky about your shortcomings, mostly far-fetched, and this scares off potential admirers. Right now, smile at your reflection - because you are charming, and that is undeniable. Hurry outside - the most faithful fan is already frozen to the bench, waiting for you with the same bouquet of daisies.

Long-term courtship in the year of the Rooster is not for you - some fans will like your impetuosity, so do not be surprised when your chosen one perceives an ordinary invitation to a cafe as a marriage proposal. The stars advise Capricorns to try themselves in family life- there's nothing wrong with it, so go for it. Moreover, in the year of the Rooster there is a chance to become parents.

Business horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Many people will associate your sign with wealth, so don't be surprised if you see your name on the list successful people- hurry up to buy dark glasses, as there will be many people who want to borrow money from you for an indefinite period.

In 2017, you will become an example for many: your entrepreneurial talent will surprise even your closest friends who believed that Capricorns were not capable of trading. Keep up the good work, the Rooster has already come up with several original names for your stores and is ready to become a general director or manager.

Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). You will learn how to make money out of nothing - just don’t take this phrase literally and don’t buy paint brushes for drawing banknotes. It’s just that people will begin to perceive all your ideas as brilliant, so keep quiet and don’t share your plans for free. In your case, the saying: silence is golden may not work, so evaluate for yourself how much one of your words, expressed on the merits, is worth.

Mental work will bring you much more capital than physical work. Therefore, learn languages, read more and try yourself in a new business - you have already worked enough for someone else’s uncle. Remember that quantity almost always develops into quality, and don’t stop in case of minor setbacks - the Cockerel is always ready and ready to point you in the right direction.

Family horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

The Rooster promises Capricorns that family life will be calm and happy, and with the help of your household, you will be able to realize all your long-standing dreams and innermost desires.

Capricorns 1st decade (12/22-12/31). Get ready for pleasant changes in your family life - Cockerel has already written the script. In 2017, you might think about moving, or simply improving your living conditions - at least, re-painting the wallpaper definitely won't hurt you. Working together will improve relationships with household members - just don’t grumble at the kids when they wrap themselves in wallpaper and pretend to be mummies.

Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). The Year of the Rooster is good for traveling with the whole family - just take into account the wishes of each member of the household, in case your other half hates Rio de Janeiro and prefers to plant tomatoes in the country. In general, the stars promise: wherever you go, you will have a great time communicating with family members and gaining new and vivid impressions.

Capricorns 3rd decade (11.01-20.01). There will be peace in the family, communication with household members will become almost ideal. Minor disagreements await Capricorns with older relatives - but be prudent and do not enter into discussions, if only because of what movie to play on the computer. Trust your granny’s choice - you yourself will be happy to watch “Athos” or “The Diamond Arm” for the hundredth time.

Health horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, resistance to disease will be high, but this does not mean that you should not take care of your well-being. Ask Cockerel for help - he will tell you how to deal with bad habits.

Capricorns 1st decade (12/22-12/31). In 2017, you will forget about depression and, in general, about any blues - your mood will be wonderful. And all because you stopped being lazy and took up sports. In the Year of the Rooster, active recreation is useful - go hunting, and if you feel sorry for the animals, then take a camera instead of a gun.

Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). You are the hardest worker among other Capricorns, so in the year of the Rooster, frequent overwork is possible. Learn to relax, and the Cockerel will tell you a couple of effective techniques, for example, you can shout loudly or crow - you will feel no more tired, and your mood will noticeably improve.

Capricorns 3rd decade (11.01-20.01). You are unusually sensitive to doctors' orders and are ready to follow every recommendation of your doctor. This, of course, is commendable, but it is not at all necessary to follow the advice of “experts” from your classmates - even if you come across one real doctor, it is unlikely that he will sit on the site for days and write comments.

Children's horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Capricorn kids in the year of the Rooster will really need the approval of adults. Therefore, try to punish your children less and do not compare them with the neighbor’s brats.

Baby Capricorns 1st decade (22.12-31.12). Your little ones will be inquisitive and active in 2017. Don’t stop your baby from exploring the world on his own - be nearby and don’t panic if your baby acts contrary to your rules. If your little angel, instead of playing with cars, reaches for a vacuum cleaner, teach him how to use this complex object. In a month, the apartment will be shining, and the little neat guy will quickly teach you to be in order.

Naughty Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). Your children will show their character in the year of the Rooster. Any neighbor's fidget will seem quiet next to your restless little devil. But be careful - punishments are excluded, because the baby will be too touchy. It is also undesirable to spoil your beloved child - keep a neutral position and believe me, the little one will figure out what’s what and, having learned to write, scribbles rules for the whole family on whatman paper.

Little Capricorns 3rd decade (11.01-20.01). In 2017, you are unlikely to keep your child at home - the baby will constantly ask to go outside, regardless of the weather. Together with your child, you will explore all the shops in your city, especially pastry shops - in the year of the Rooster, Capricorn will become an extraordinary sweet tooth. Try to communicate with the cute fidget as with an equal - the baby cannot stand baby talk.

Horoscope for Capricorn 2017 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Rat

The range of interests in the year of the Rooster will be extremely wide, but you will lack time, so you will have to give up some activities, or ask the Rooster to make the days longer. Good part-time jobs will allow you to forget about the global crisis, and you will perceive the conversations of your co-workers about how they don’t have enough to pay until their salary as fantastic stories.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Ox

Victory in 2017 will be yours, so keep your tail up and, if necessary, scare away trouble with your horns. Happiness will be your companion, because the Cockerel agreed with fortune on cooperation and signed an agreement for the whole year. This year you will be ideal parents - so the children of Bull-Capricorns will be extremely lucky. But don’t let your offspring get on your neck, just become exemplary family men, and at the same time please your chosen one.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Tiger

You are simply nobility itself, so don’t be surprised if one evening, looking through messages on in social networks, you will come across praises dedicated to you. You will have to change your phone number in the year of the Rooster - your fans won’t leave you alone. But at work, your popularity will come in handy - your superiors will not understand why you are shining so much, and couriers are constantly coming to you with gorgeous bouquets. The boss will decide that you are aiming for his place, so he will become extremely kind.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit)

Your motto for the year of the Rooster is patience, and more patience. You abandoned many promising projects halfway through, but in 2017 this number will not work - the Cockerel will follow you. The thirst for travel will not allow you to sit still, so your bosses will meet you halfway and overwhelm you with endless business trips. In matters of love, difficulties are possible, but you will figure out who is more important - an admirer who strokes against the grain, but is ready to accept you with all the shortcomings, or a flattering suitor who likes only your beautiful wrapper.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Dragon

Your home in the year of the Rooster will become a source of pride, but it is up to you whether the home will be cozy or will look like a museum of abstract art. Don't chase fashion - if you want floral wallpaper that reminds you of your childhood room, you don't have to listen to your friends and paint the walls with bright orange stripes. This also applies to work - many people like your conservatism, because things are moving forward, and everything is going exactly according to plan, and let management deal with any innovations.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Snake

In the year of the Rooster, collecting may become your favorite hobby. But don't limit yourself to postcards and candy wrappers - continue collecting antiques. Pretty soon you will be able to get rich by selling some fanatic an old samovar for crazy money. So go ahead, and the Cockerel will tell you where to find an interesting “trinket” cheaper. But in pursuit of a rarity, do not forget about service - competitors in the year of the Rooster will be too annoying.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Horse

In the year of the Rooster, try to visit beauty salons more often: your mane should shine and your horseshoes should sparkle in the sun - let your partners immediately understand who they are dealing with. You will easily achieve success in social work, because your organizational skills will be at their best. It is advisable not to put off your plans in 2017 - there will be many chances to make your dreams come true, but you need to try and not miss them.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Goat (Sheep)

The cockerel will watch with delight your attempts to gore your competitors - do not retreat, because success is on your side. Use your imagination and wow everyone with your brilliant ideas - those who know you at least a little will definitely appreciate your talents and see their promise. In 2017, you will receive support from long-time fans - don’t be afraid, there will be no declarations of love, but friendly relations It won't hurt to save.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Monkey

Your ability to get along with people in the year of the Rooster will help you achieve a lot - you can charm anyone, from the janitor in your area to the head of the administration. Necessary people will always come in handy, so keep in touch with everyone, regardless of status. In your personal life, the Cockerel promises a lot of good things - your relatives will spoil you with gifts, and even the endless visits of your aunties and uncles will not annoy you too much.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Rooster

The cockerel will happily take custody of you, so don’t let the owner of 2017 down. If you decide to change your profession, then the cards are in your hands - everything will work out, you will achieve even greater success than at your current place of work. Any boss will hire you without a probationary period, without even looking at your recommendations and resume - after all, you will be unusually charming and eloquent. Everything is also fine with finances - you don’t have to count the money, you’ll still get lost.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Dog

Your ability to work knows no bounds - even the technicians will start swinging rags at you, if only you could go home faster. Don’t exhaust yourself with work - the Cockerel will still help you, so hurry to your beloved family. Moreover, a lot of pleasant news awaits you at home - some Dogs will receive surprises from your chosen one, and for many of you the Cockerel has prepared a more interesting gift - expect a new addition to the family.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Pig (Boar)

Your opinion that success is only the result of hard work will be questioned in the year of the Rooster - fortune will spoil you for nothing. And you can enjoy life and not worry that the money will suddenly disappear, and the carriage will accidentally become a pumpkin. Besides, in 2017 you can get into high society, the only question is, do you need such happiness?! Consult with your chosen one, maybe quiet family evenings will suit you better than endless parties in trendy restaurants.

Horoscope for each month of 2017 for Capricorns

Capricorn birth dates: 22.12 - 20.01

Ruling planet of Capricorn: Saturn.

Element of Capricorn: Earth.

Capricorn symbols: goat, ladder, tower clock.

Happy days for Capricorn: Saturday, Tuesday.

Bad days for Capricorn: Monday Thursday.

Metal for Capricorn: lead.

Capricorn gemstone: diamond.

Capricorn plant: Apple tree.

Numerology of Capricorn: number 4.

The most inspiring color of Capricorn: black and brown.

Opposite sign of Capricorn: Cancer

Capricorns will have to live a rather emotional and bright year, life will be eventful, things will be going well, starting as if with someone’s light hand. The vitality of the representatives of the sign in 2017 will be so high that they will not even be able to take into account troubles and minor problems.

The planets will endow Capricorns with high efficiency and activity in the year of Fire. Representatives of the sign will also be able to easily engage in matters that require the use of logic and careful analysis. Here, representatives of the sign will be on a pedestal; thanks to the right approach to the current situation, they will be able to restore order in all areas of life within a year.

In general, 2017 will be an interesting period for Capricorns, especially in its first half. Representatives of the sign will throw themselves into business, they will not sit and wait for the weather, they will do it themselves. Tempting and exciting projects will come your way, promising to give very good results. In the second half of the year, Capricorns will calm down a little, they will find time to relax and do household chores.

Typically conservative representatives of the Capricorn sign, in 2017 they will often use non-standard solutions and moves, some of them will be so original that they can shock others, others will evoke respect and envy.

An important point will be a thorough analysis of your surroundings, connections, and new acquaintances. they should take a closer look at the people who surround them; it is quite possible that among them there are envious people and ill-wishers. From the position of internal sensation and perception, it is better to diplomatically ignore alien people.

Once Capricorns believe in themselves, they will be able to move mountains. Representatives of the sign should try to give their best, because it is the things that were started and implemented during this period that will warm the soul for a long time. It is likely that Capricorns will need to make an important, fateful decision in 2017, when they will have to weigh all the pros and cons, analyze all words and actions, so as not to act rashly.

Work for Capricorn in 2017

One of the priority areas in 2017 for representatives of the sign will be work, which is the most prudent and expedient to put in first place during this period. The authorities will be demanding of Capricorns, so they will have to make appropriate efforts. They will be given professional tasks that can safely be called a challenge. Probably, management will decide to test Capricorns for professional suitability and objectively assess their chances of promotion. The energy and activity of the representatives of the sign will help them cope with everything complex tasks and problems. Even those decisions that seemed too difficult will succumb to the stubborn Capricorns, their sharp mind and determination.

At the beginning of the year, your performance will be at a good level, and problems in planning will be avoided. All projects that you decide to start in the year of the Rooster will be successful, but you should not count on quick results. Many representatives of the sign will have to be patient until they are fully satisfied with the fruit of their labors.

The business horoscope for Capricorns prioritizes a healthy degree of pragmatism and the desire to receive a decent reward for their work. This attitude of the representatives of the sign will contribute to the fact that they will consistently move step by step towards their intended goal, build a career brick by brick and develop their own business. The stars will provide them with every chance to become successful in the professional field.

Also, 2017 will be a good period for self-development for people born under the constellation Capricorn; this time will be suitable for going to study and improving their skill level. The acquired knowledge and skills will help representatives of this horoscope sign take a big step up the career ladder.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

In the second half of the year, Capricorns can expect several financial receipts, which they will accept as a worthy reward for their efforts in the first half of the year. The profits should be used wisely and not spent all at once. Don't give in to the temptation to brag about your income and waste money. Funds will need to be distributed to matters that require investment, to implement important plans. It is worth noting that almost all the financial profit that Capricorns will receive in 2017 will be associated with their professional activity and business activity. Representatives of the sign should not hope for unexpected gifts from fate; the stars have not prepared such a surprise for them; moreover, the heavenly bodies warn Capricorns not to make any attempts to get easy money that is not deserved by their work. If you are tempted by dubious events and adventures, there is a risk of losing more than you expected to gain.

The good financial situation of the representatives of the sign can not only become a reason for the envy of others, but also attract dishonest people. The risk of deception or theft will be especially relevant at the beginning of November and at the end of October. It is better to plan large expenses for mid-December, the first days of April and the end of May; all purchases and investments made during these periods will be successful.

Household affairs may require unexpected expenses and investments; such investments will bring benefits and positive emotions. It is quite possible that you will have to spend some of the money to lend to friends or relatives. In general, 2017 will be successful for Capricorns; representatives of the sign will be satisfied with their successes, and their overall financial status will be quite decent.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

Suspicion and negative experiences in the past can become some kind of stumbling block on Capricorns’ path to happiness and harmony in their personal lives. The Fire Rooster recommends that representatives of the sign go forward without looking back, without returning to the past even mentally. The stars advise star stubborn people to learn to show more trust in the people around them, then life will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, and the feeling of loneliness will leave once and for all.

The stars will help you achieve mutual understanding in your relationships with your loved ones in March and April; you don’t need to be shy about talking about your feelings and showing emotions. Capricorns should expect romantic confessions, the sincerity of which should not even be questioned, in May. Young married couples at the beginning of the golden autumn will experience a new Honeymoon, the passion between them will flare up with renewed vigor and will be completely compatible with marital duty.

Fate will give Capricorns who are still single a fateful meeting in 2017, so you should be more careful not to miss your soulmate in the second half of May, June and mid-August. The relationships that Capricorn will establish during these periods promise to be trusting, and therefore strong. November will be a good time for marriage; the stars will provide Capricorns with all possible help and support in this important decision.

In general, the horoscope for 2017 provides Capricorns with a lot of opportunities to improve their relationships with their loved ones. This good time in order to strengthen relationships, get to know each other deeply, decide to take a serious step, and start arranging a love nest.

The motto for Capricorns for the year of the Rooster is “movement is life,” so you will need to actively take on the implementation of bold ideas and grandiose plans. It is important not to be afraid of the first difficulties, to show perseverance and perseverance, then the stars will be on your side.

Representatives of this sign need to accumulate strength, because from the very beginning 2017 will begin to delight with various events. There will be so many of them that they may not have time to keep track of them. This scenario plan is close in spirit to them. The stars advise not to pay attention to possible rumors and gossip that will accompany all endeavors. On the other hand, this will become the basis for reconsidering your relationships with others. After the analysis, some acquaintances may be shown to be useless.

Getting rid of everything unnecessary will allow Capricorns to focus on what is truly important and direct their natural activity there.

Various trips and meeting new people can give deep satisfaction. Any information will be absorbed very well, so it is worth considering the issue of getting an education in the year of the Rooster. It is enough if these are some short-term training programs. Such investments will pay off very quickly.

You can't really count on luck, but if Capricorns make an effort, they will be able to move mountains.

In the second half of the Year of the Rooster, many representatives of the sign will remember that some long-standing plans were abandoned. The horoscope shows their favorable outcome. There is no point in taking on very risky projects; in everything else, Capricorn can get good profits or results.

Love sphere of Capricorn in the year of the Rooster

If representatives of the sign already have a partner, they need to be treated very carefully. In the daily bustle, you can miss the moment when a person moves away. A loved one will expect attention to his person, as well as the fact that he will certainly be heard. The stars suggest that a loved one may need help in the spring. He will not ask for it, but his gratitude for your participation will be immeasurable. Quarrels and conflicts should be avoided. No matter how hard it may be.

The love horoscope also indicates that in the second half of the year you will want new joint experiences.

When communicating with children this year, you should not be too authoritarian. In addition, all efforts to raise and educate the younger generation will be justified: it will begin without any problems. academic year or the child will learn new skills.

For Capricorns who are still single, the horoscope prepares pleasant love encounters. Vivid emotions should not drown out reasonable arguments. Not all romantic encounters will be equally rewarding. But among them there may be the person with whom you can move forward in life. You will have to remember how to give in on issues that are not of fundamental importance, so as not to disturb the love idyll.

The end of the year will be especially rich in such acquaintances. But in order to engage in your personal life, you need to free up time for it. In no case should we forget about older generation, who also needs the love of representatives of the earth sign.

Financial horoscope

After a difficult financial period, 2017 will bring welcome relief. At the beginning of the year, income will still be very modest. But by summer Capricorns will be able to feel quite well.

Horoscope points to high probability meetings with scammers. Therefore, you should carefully consider signing any documents, lending funds and transfers to people with whom Capricorns are little familiar.

Cash flow will reach its maximum by the end of 2017. However, savings will not become significant. Although those born during this winter period will try to implement them. The year of the Rooster brings a lot of new projects that will require investment. They will mainly concern economic issues.

You will also have to allocate part of your budget to furnish your own home or apartment. Therefore, the horoscope advises to be economical and prudent in spending. Relatives and friends should be encouraged to do this. The latter will most actively ask for a loan, which must be correctly refused. Moreover, all funds will really have to be spent on more important needs.

You may need money for your own education or the education of loved ones. You should try to repay previously taken loans as much as possible. You won’t have to take new ones, so by the end of the year, representatives of the sign will feel very comfortable.

The activation of stars in the field of various professional interests will be very noticeable for them. They will strive to take part wherever they are called. The proposals coming in will indeed be worthwhile. But the stars advise not to forget that weekends should also be present in life. It will be necessary to constantly seek a balance between busyness and personal time.

Many representatives of this sign will move to another stage of their professional development. We cannot exclude the possibility of entering a completely new sphere, where our earthly comrades will also achieve success. The career will develop for those who put some effort into it. Active learning of new knowledge and willingness to travel or work overtime may be required.

Whatever happens emotional burnout, you need to think about activities for yourself for fun. This could be sports, hobbies, household chores. Anything that will allow you to take your mind off work thoughts will do. Then options for solving problems will easily arise at work.

At the beginning of the year, reduced performance can be disheartening. But it is worth overcoming this condition. After all, in the spring you will need energy.

You should adequately and calmly accept possible criticism from management. This will be associated with increased attention to representatives of this sign of the authorities. After all, decisions about further career growth will be based on an assessment of business qualities. All tasks that will come from above must be completed on time. Some Capricorns will even be lucky enough to save their own management by creating a timely, rational proposal. Maintaining a distance between your superiors and the representative of the sign will help you avoid various rumors from colleagues.

Capricorn health in 2017

There may be disruptions in the health sector at the very beginning of the year. This is due to big amount previously wasted energy. It is enough to add vitamins to the diet, and the body will return to normal. No serious problems are expected in this area. To maintain energy balance, you can include preventative programs in your life. Water treatments are perfect. If previously the pool seemed unattractive to Capricorns, now they will be able to appreciate it. The digestive system can periodically fail. That's why balanced diet also shown in 2017.

Capricorn's health may not withstand the high pace of work, as well as excessive neglect of weather conditions. During the hot season, you should not overuse ice cream and cold drinks; with the onset of autumn, do not forget to dress for the weather.

Capricorn woman horoscope

Women of this sign are extremely inquisitive. They should reinforce their natural qualities with new skills and abilities. Moreover, it will be equally good to master the preparation of gourmet dishes and the features of financial management.

All this will allow the charming representatives of the earth sign to show their best qualities. They will be appreciated by colleagues, management, and loved ones. It will seem that the winter sign has time everywhere. Only the Capricorn woman herself will very quickly understand what an expensive pleasure this is. You must be able to refuse so as not to waste your strength. Moreover, loved ones will need a lot of attention and warmth.

The children's problems will not be too acute, but the advice of their mother and grandmother will be useful to them.

A loved one may suffer from the busyness of his half. For this reason, some couples may find themselves on the verge of divorce. Will come in handy here best qualities Capricorn. After all, they know how to sensibly assess the situation and make compromises.

Love relationships can take over Capricorn in the second half of the year. If marital status has not yet been achieved, you should expect a marriage proposal by the fall. You don’t need to think for a long time, but you shouldn’t be rash either.

Year of the Rooster for Capricorn men

The thoroughness of a winter man is well known to others. However, from the beginning of 2017, the decisions they make will be so non-standard that many will think the Capricorn man has gone crazy. In fact, this will be a cunning plan, which by the middle of the year will lead to financial stability, harmony in all areas of life, and even to highly probable career growth.

You should talk less, especially in front of strangers. This will not provide grounds for possible frame-ups on the part of envious people. Pays attention to documents and concluding contracts. The stars recommend giving up loans, which will become an unnecessary burden on the family budget.

It won’t hurt to acquire new skills in the field of creativity and creating things with your own hands.

To maintain personal relationships, you will have to use not only material goods. Long conversations and spending time together will help you avoid separation from your loved one. It’s better to go on vacation in September–October, when most of projects will already be at the stage of successful implementation. This will allow you not to be distracted and to properly restore Capricorn’s strength.

The search for harmony as a whole will result in success, which the man of this winter sign will be satisfied with.

The coming year 2017 for Capricorns can be extremely successful in terms of love. But he may not become like that... The fact is that the Fire Rooster, the patron of the current annual cycle, influences the representatives of this zodiac sign indirectly, not directly - and this influence is not always positive. On the other hand, proud and independent Mars - a planet that is in exaltation in relation to the constellation Capricorn - this year will have enough strength to provide its protégé with everything necessary.

That is, in the sphere personal relationships The key trend of the current period can be formulated as follows: under no circumstances doubt and do not “put in reverse.” In other words, you will have a thousand and one reasons to doubt, but if you decide to win the attention of someone you find especially cute and attractive, do it no matter what! Otherwise, you risk failure, but that's only half the problem! Stepping back and returning to the middle of the path will greatly affect your overall image and your emotional state. After such a fiasco, you may fall into depression (even if there are no other good reasons for this), and you will not be able to get out of this state for a long time.

In other words, a moment of weakness can lead to a whole series of different problems stemming from one another, and these problems are clearly not what you need. You need to concentrate on what you need. Rely on your own strengths, and use your inherent cunning without the slightest hesitation. Of course, you shouldn't overuse flirting or be overly flirtatious, but in some situations it's the only way you can win the attention of your potential romantic partner.

Lonely Capricorns in 2017 will receive special advantages, which will be the result of the influence of Mars - as mentioned above. In the second half of 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will change his attitude towards you to neutral, but in general, nothing will stop you from getting what you want. Remain as persuasive, agile and attentive as before, and weigh all possible alternatives in advance. Of course, there is a certain possibility of making a mistake, but it is still better for you to always remain yourself.

It is worth noting that the second half of 2017 will become a little more unstable in terms of relationships with relatives and loved ones, and this also applies to those couples who have been in a relationship for a long time. You will not be able to adequately respond to suddenly arising problems - only some representatives of your sign will be ready for this. Most likely, all this will lead to a number of problems in the family, and Capricorn will have to make significant efforts to resolve all these problems. Some Capricorns will have to give up trying to win the heart of a loved one and concentrate on relationships with relatives and other family members. Don't worry, it's perfect the right strategy, which will not only allow you to bring peace and harmony to your family, but will also give you incredible benefits in the future - which you may not have even expected.

The Fire Rooster does not recommend that you take risks, because now many events are not developing at all as you expected, and many circumstances are in fact not at all what they seem. But all this does not mean that absolute failure and total failures await you in 2017. For you, dear Capricorns, this means that in those situations in which there are thrills or an element of adventurism, it is better for you to refrain from making decisions - this is precisely the strategy that will be “winning”.

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