Personal account is our heritage. All-Russian Olympiad "our heritage". All-Russian Olympiad, results

School Olympiads are various competitions that provide an opportunity to find the strongest students at the school, local and regional levels. At the end, such a competition becomes all-Russian. Needless to say, at the moment, few people know the main advantages of similar competitions, and besides, almost no one ever talks about the benefits that any participant in the competition should hope for.

Today in Russia there is a fairly large list of various Olympiads, each of which has its own list of advantages. Our heritage is considered one of the most important activities for students, so in the future we will talk about it.

All-Russian Olympiad Our heritage 2017–2018: main tasks

The declared Olympiad is considered to be of paramount intellectual importance, which is why today it is in quite high demand among students throughout the country. Like any similar event, the declared Olympiad has a list of its goals and objectives.

1. In-depth study of national culture and history.

2. Uniting youth groups general activities aimed at studying and preserving Russian heritage.

3. Development of project activities among competition participants, as well as expansion of the content and methodological base of intellectual competitions of this type.

4. Creation of the proper conditions necessary to support gifted students in one area.

5. The competition is based solely on fair rules and principles.

Main characteristics of the Olympiad

1. Main components of the competition:

competitive (the competition consists of tasks for memory, speed of thinking and erudition);
thematic (individual parts of the Olympiad are united by a common theme, on which project assignments and special research can be proposed).

2. Team and individual competitions, in which the results of all participants are taken into account at the same time.

3. Availability of the competition for interested representatives of grades 1–11, regardless of the level of training.

4. Competition part for students primary school. The basis of the process is considered to be adapted tasks for high school students in pairs with additional capabilities of the applicants themselves.

5. Tour for preschoolers.

The most popular topics of the Olympiad

Among the list of the most interesting topics proposed by the organizers of the event, which also showed very good results at the all-Russian level, the following examples are considered.

1. “Family history – history of Russia.”

2. “65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War: school, students and teachers during the Second World War."

3. “Museum and school.”

4. “The military and spiritual strength of Russia: the Battle of Poltava.”

5. " Orthodox holidays", "Romanov Dynasty".

6. “150th anniversary of the Tretyakov Gallery.” This competition aroused the greatest enthusiasm among the participants of the Olympiad, because even the spectators and fans of the event were delighted with it, discovering a lot of new and exciting things.

7. School tours conducted in the direction of “Monasteries in History”. True, each educational institution chose its own specifics of the area provided, depending on personal wishes.

Competition order

According to the current regulations, previously established and prescribed in the charter of the Olympiad, the following features of the competitive component are highlighted, along with the procedure for its conduct.

1. Our legacy is carried out within the time frame set by the Central Organizing Committee. Their list is posted on the official website of the event organizer.

2. The Olympics consists of 4 separate stages, each of which has its own list of features. We are talking about school, municipal, regional and final or final step. Usually, only participants who are winners of the regional stage, in accordance with the quota of the established regulations, have the right to get to the last level of the Olympiad.

3. The results of the competition are based on the individual performance of each individual participant. If any of the students does not agree with the announced result, he has the right to file an appeal, based on the results of which an additional check of the work provided to the commission will be carried out.

4. The winner can be any participant in the Olympiad, who will ultimately be awarded a 1st degree diploma. Prize winners receive the same awards, only 2nd and 3rd degrees.

5. A complete list of all winners and runners-up of Our Heritage can be found on the official website of the founder of the event.
Organizers of the 2018 Olympics

One of the main initiators of the described event is considered to be St. Tikhon’s Humanities University, together with the methodological group of the All-Russian competition on Fundamentals Orthodox culture, as well as informal national association students, graduates and teachers of “Keepers of the Sources”.

In conclusion, all that remains is to add that the Olympiad Our legacy 2017–2018 is All-Russian competition, which provides an excellent opportunity for each student to evaluate their own knowledge and skills in practice, as well as coordinate further actions to comply with the previously noted requirements. I would like to hope that in just a few years every Russian school will have its own winners or prize-winners of such a significant event.

Among the various additional opportunities for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren, Olympiads should be highlighted. They are held annually, and their winners have the opportunity to enter desired universities due to certain privileges. What is it about? For example, about the “Our Heritage” Olympiad. This is an all-Russian general educational opportunity to demonstrate your own knowledge and skills, and also try to earn quite a good “reward”.

Basic information

The Our Heritage Olympiad for 2018-2019 will be held 15 times. The project is being implemented by the St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. The rules of the procedure comply with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation regarding the procedure for conducting school competitions.

General points

The main goals of the event include:

  • Creation necessary conditions to support gifted children;
  • studying the culture and history of the Russian Federation;
  • uniting youth to preserve cultural heritage states;
  • advanced training of researchers, teachers, graduate students, students taking part in the Olympiad;
  • expansion of the methodological base and development of project work used during related competitions.

“Our Heritage” takes place in 4 main stages, each of which is the responsibility of its own institution.

  1. School stage – general education organizations.
  2. The municipal stage is similar.
  3. Regional stage – federal authorities authorities, educational institutions state and non-state type and other authorities.
  4. The final stage is St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities, as well as a number of co-organizers: authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal and non-governmental institutions and others.

Participants of the competition

Participants in the Olympiad can be students in grades 1-11, agreeing to such a procedure voluntarily. We are talking about municipal or non-governmental organizations involved in the implementation of general education programs. For this purpose, a special qualifying round is used for schoolchildren and representatives of universities. Participants in “Our Heritage” can be both a citizen of the Russian Federation and foreign visitors or stateless persons.

The working language of the competition is, of course, Russian. All stages of the Olympiad are held in person from September 1 to May 15. To assess the knowledge of participants, information on a whole range of disciplines related to the history of the Russian Federation and its culture is used.

The Olympiad tasks are compiled on the basis of existing training programs implemented at the level of general, basic and secondary education. Competition quotas are determined in advance by the organizers themselves, and they are not used for the school stage.

The winners of the Olympiad are determined on the basis of all stages that have passed and the results entered in the final table of results. This is exactly how the ranked list of private owners of Our Heritage is drawn up. In the final table, all information is listed in descending order. The list of those who managed to score an identical number of points is given in alphabetical order.

Organizational support for the Olympiad

As mentioned earlier, the coordinator of the Olympiad is the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities. Before the start of evaluation, a special organizing committee of the competition, a methodological commission and a jury are created. All of the above authorities have been operating in their usual composition for no more than a year.

All preparations for the Olympiad are entrusted to the Central Organizing Committee, the chairman of which is the dean of the Faculty of History of PSTGU.

The Central Organizing Committee of the competition performs a number of the following functions:

  • development of regulations and regulations for the Olympiad;
  • providing the Council of School Olympiads with relevant documents for inclusion of individual events in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren;
  • ensures the final stage of the competition;
  • forms departments that monitor the proper implementation of all rules;
  • analyzes the jury's report;
  • considers appeals from participants and makes the final decision regarding the allocation of seats;
  • approves the list of winners and prize-winners, and also awards them;
  • submits a report on the work performed to the Council of the Russian Olympiads;
  • provides all information about the competition for free access;
  • prepares material to cover the event in the press;
  • performs other functions used to achieve main goal"Our Heritage".

What does the organizing committee do at the venues of the Olympiad?

  1. Provides local competitions.
  2. Forms the exact composition of the jury.
  3. Approves a quota for the exact number of participants.
  4. Compiles lists of winners and submits them to the central authority.
  5. Determines funding sources after cost estimates have been prepared.

To prepare Olympiad tasks, a special methodological commission is created, consisting of members of PSTGU and educational institution co-organizers of the competition. She is also given some responsibilities:

A specially formed jury consisting of teaching staff PSTGU and educational institutions of the co-organizers of the competition, as well as ordinary teachers and other specialists. This authority also has its own functions.

  1. Checking the participants’ work and other types of tests, if any.
  2. Proposal to provide diplomas to the winners of “Our Heritage” and its prize-winners.
  3. Consideration, together with representatives of the methodological commission, of the participants’ appeal.
  4. Carrying out other functions aimed at achieving the main objectives of the Olympiad.

Checking the first three stages of the competition is entrusted to a specific jury, which is composed of teaching and research staff educational institutions upper echelon.

The work of all departments of the Olympiad is based on legality, professionalism, humanism and objectivity.

Results of the Olympics

The timing of “Our Heritage” is regulated by the Central Organizing Committee. Only winners and runners-up of the first three stages are allowed to participate in the final competition of the Olympiad. After the results are announced, participants have the right to file an appeal, the procedure of which is regulated by a special provision.

The winner of the Olympiad is the one who is awarded the corresponding 1st degree diploma. The winners of the competition are those who were awarded diplomas of the 2nd and 3rd degrees. The originals of all diplomas are signed by the leadership of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad. Both the original of this document and its electronic analogue have identical legal force.

All important information about the upcoming competition 2018-2019, the winners of previous years and the tasks of the competition can be found on the official portal of “Our Heritage”.

Financing of the Olympics in 2018

Financial support for the first two stages of “Our Heritage” comes from the funds of educational institutions and departments. The third stage of the competition draws funds from municipal governments and city districts. The organizers of each of the listed stages of the educational competition have the right to create a board of trustees, thus attracting potential sponsors or patrons to the Olympiad.

Financing of the final stage of the event and the work of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad rests with the organizer of this procedure. It is important to note that collecting any fees from the Our Heritage participants themselves is strictly prohibited.

It only remains to add that the winners of the Olympiad receive not only an honorary diploma, but also receive additional privileges during admission.

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We are publishing the results of the municipal round of the Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad "Our Heritage". In total, 12,864 schoolchildren took part in municipal tours in Russia, in Tolyatti greatest number participants - 534 schoolchildren (grades 8-11 - 268 people, grades 5-7 - 266 people).

The best results of gymnasium students in the individual competition:

Rybakov Nikolay (11th grade) - 91 points, took 1st place! Congratulations!

Anna Kozina (7th grade) - 90 points, took 4th place! Vera Butenko (7th grade) - 87 points, took 6th place! Congratulations!

The next, regional regional round (October 21, 10:30, GSIR, Chaikina St., 87), includes students in grades 8-11 with 73 points and above, grades 5-7 with 66 points and above. Among high school students these are:

  • Rybakov Nikolay (11th grade) - 91 points
  • Golynets Apollinaria (11th grade) - 82 points
  • Soboleva Elizaveta (10th grade) - 81 points
  • Testova Ekaterina (11th grade) - 78 points
  • Kozina Anna (7b grade) - 90 points
  • Vera Butenko (7a grade) - 87 points
  • Timofey Voronov (6b grade) - 71 points
  • Ksenia Syurakshina (6a grade) - 68 points

We encourage everyone to actively prepare (informatics classroom)! In the meantime, complete results for Togliatti. Let us remind you that the FINAL of the Olympiad for grades 5-7 will take place on November 23-25 ​​in TOGLYATTI on the basis of the Volga Orthodox Institute named after St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow!

Our heritage is the 2017-2018 Olympiad, which today is in great demand and popularity, because everyone can easily become a participant and try their hand at it.

“Our Heritage” is a well-known all-Russian Olympiad, which belongs to the group and category of interdisciplinary competitions, focused mainly on identifying gifted and talented children, regardless of the area of ​​their special subject talents.

All-Russian Olympiad, results.

“Our Heritage”, like any other Olympiads, has a number of characteristic features unique to this competition. Among the most important and significant, perhaps, the following should be noted.

  1. Studying national history and culture.
  2. Development and improvement of skills in project work, and replenishment of the methodological fund of the Olympiad itself.
  3. An association of youth, which is primarily aimed at preserving and maintaining the national cultural heritage.
  4. Creation of all necessary conditions aimed at supporting and identifying gifted children.
  5. Improving the qualifications of teachers, as well as the participants of this Olympiad themselves. After all, you must admit that for the guys themselves this is quite an invaluable and good experience.

If you carefully study the “Our Heritage” Olympiad, especially for those who have never taken part in it and have not heard about it, then you can note and name the following main characteristics, which basically make up its entire essence.

Characteristics of the Olympics.

Regarding who is the organizer and initiator of such a truly unique and original Olympiad, this is the Orthodox Holy Trinity Humanitarian University, together with the methodological group of the All-Russian Olympiad on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, the META Education Foundation and the informal all-Russian community of students and graduates and teachers “Keepers of the Origins”.

All necessary information regarding not only the competition itself and its conditions, but the topic and time of the competition can be found by visiting and registering on the official website Remember, the “Our Heritage” Olympiad itself is included in the official list of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. What does this give? First of all, some benefits upon admission, as well as the winners receive a state award for supporting talented youth.

23558517145Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad “Our Heritage”

School tour 2017/18 (grades 3-4)

A. Zhitkov B.S.

B. Marshak S.Ya.

V. Nosov N.N.

G. Uspensky E.N.

2. A short prose narrative work of fiction:

A. Ballad

V. Story

3. The name of the famous Russian Soviet children's poetess, writer, film scriptwriter, radio host:

V. Anastasia

4. The surname of two brothers of famous German storytellers:

A. Hoffman

5. Periodical publication in the form of a book containing articles, works of art, illustrations:

B. Newspaper

V. Magazine

G. Catalog

6. Select the option that shows works written by one author:

A. “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Adventures of Chipolino”

B. “Living Hat”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Dunno on the Moon”

V. “Deniska’s stories”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Crocodile Gena and his friends”,

G. “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

7. Title Scandinavian country, where the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen lived:

A. England

B. Germany

G. France

8. A form of library service providing for the issuance of documents for use outside the library:

A. Subscription

B. Lombard

B. Rental

G. Reading room

9. How many works by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky are presented in the list: “Aibolit”, “Luggage”, “He’s so absent-minded”, “Uncle Styopa”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Stolen Sun”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”, “Fedorino’s Grief” ", "Chuk and Gek"?

10. Based on the quote, determine the title of the work: “You know, I don’t have a heart, but I always try to help the weak in trouble, even if it’s a simple gray mouse.”

A. “The Wizard of the Emerald City”

B. "Mowgli"

V. “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”

G. "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"

1. In the title of a famous literary work, all the vowels and spaces were dropped. Restore it:



2. How many quadrilaterals are there in the picture?


3. What combination of letters is the following?





4. Fill in the blank cells.

5. Insert the missing letter to make the name of a famous literary hero. Write this name.

7. Guess what word is hidden in the picture (isograph):


8. Arrange the letters in the boxes so that you get the author and one of the heroes of his fairy tale.


9. Having solved the puzzle, write down the name of the list of book collections in libraries:


10. Define the word in brackets.

4 1 9 (G A Z E T A) 6 20 1

8 21 18 (. . . . . .) 15 1 13

Full name__________________________________________ Class___________________________

All human wisdom is stored in books, and books are stored in libraries. "Biblio" in Greek means "book", and library is a book depository. Libraries are different: personal and state, educational and scientific, school and city. There are special libraries dedicated to any branch of knowledge: historical, medical, polytechnic, pedagogical, agricultural.

The first public library in Russia (that is, one where anyone could come) was the Public Library (now called the Russian National Library) in St. Petersburg, founded in 1795 and opened to readers in 1814. She was allowed to visit “all decently dressed citizens” three days a week from
9 am until sunset.

Nowadays there are about 3 million books in this library.
Since 1811, every time a new book is published, one copy is sent to the library and it is called a “legal deposit.” Books come to this library from more than 100 countries around the world.

Another wonderful library is located in Moscow. This is Russian state library. It is the main library of our country; there are almost
40 million. Ancient manuscripts are also kept here. There are books taller than a meter. Yes - the size of a postage stamp. There is the longest book - the Chinese dictionary, and the thickest - English dictionary 8 thousand pages. This library also contains the primer from which Tsarevich Alexei, the son of Peter I, learned to read and write.

Every day, one and a half thousand new books arrive at the country's main library. Several hundred librarians arrange them on the shelves, and the total length of the shelves is 300 kilometers (about half the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg!).

It is difficult to find the right book in such a library - after all, just to sort through all the books would take 10 years. But if you ask for the book you need, you will definitely receive it. And there is no secret in this - just each book has its own - very accurate! - address.

Text taken from the site “At the Desk” (http://xn----7sbbzn3afjs.xn--p1ai/publ/poznaem_mir_vmeste/ detjam_o_kulture/kakie_byvajut_biblioteki/97-1-0-5151)

1. Fill out the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point for matching):

1. Library 2. 19 years 3. 8 thousand 4. 40 million


2. Identify the word by description (2 points):

A written monument dating primarily to the time before the advent of printing.

3. Fill out the table (2 points for correct completion. Words must be in the correct case and written without errors):

3.1. Name of the star mentioned in the article

3.2. Write the name and patronymic of the person whose primer is in the main library of the country

1. Make words from the letters of the word


according to the number of letters specified in the previous cell. Words must only be nouns, common nouns, in the singular.

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