Love horoscope for today Libra and Sagittarius. Compatibility in love relationships: Sagittarius and Libra. What could be causing the difficulties?

A meeting between Libra and Sagittarius may well turn into a whirlwind romance, crowned with a luxurious wreath of memories, or a successful marriage, where each spouse will be interested in each other.

Libra and Sagittarius are worthy of each other in intellectual development, value new experiences and love to talk about everything in the world. They obviously won’t be bored with each other, especially since Sagittarius, with his characteristic enthusiasm, is ready to follow the numerous proposals of Libra, who, in turn, very quickly become imbued with their partner’s hobbies, indulging him in every possible way. From the very beginning of their acquaintance, the easy-going Libra will understand that they are comfortable in the atmosphere of Sagittarius’ constant optimism and his willingness to seek adventure at any time of the day or night. Libra, enchanted by the brilliance and energy of their partner, will follow him to the ends of the earth, provided, however, that they do not have to constantly spend the night in a tent. Comfort and convenience play an important role for Libra.

It would seem that, ideal relationship, but not everything is so simple. Problems can manifest themselves in the area of ​​personal motivations, ignorance of which can cause discord in the most positive relationships:

  • For Sagittarius, the basis of his nature is a constant passion for something - Libra, on the contrary, tries not to get stuck in one project;
  • Sagittarius often acts under the influence of emotions or ideas - Libra tries to comprehensively consider the problem, sometimes finding completely unexpected facets;
  • Sagittarius behaves recklessly, like a hussar, in sexual relationships - Libra wants tenderness and understanding.

Of course, if no one is ready to compromise, the relationship will not work, otherwise the perfect cocktail of friendship and love will develop.

The Sagittarius woman is reliable and devoted, always ready to explain the reasons for her actions and not think for her partner. The main thing that a Libra man needs to remember is that his partner cannot stand it when someone comes between her and her interests. Sagittarius should be advised not to get too carried away with her own affairs - disappearing for weeks in an unknown place, she causes incredible harm to relationships, because for a Libra man, the main thing in life is to be close to his other half and build a life together. Therefore, if a Sagittarius woman receives an offer to work abroad, the Libra man will be strongly against long-distance relationships.

The union will be successful if:

  • Libra man receives care from Sagittarius;
  • The Sagittarius woman will finally write down in her plump diary the entry “call and say: I love you.”

Libra Woman and Sagittarius Man

In this situation, fewer problems arise, because the Libra woman is a follower by nature, which means that she tolerates Sagittarius’ periodic obsession with new ideas that make him disappear for an indefinite period of time quite calmly.

You can achieve balance in these relationships if everyone does what they do best:

  • The Sagittarius man is busy with grandiose projects and active work, and the Libra woman will devote herself entirely to creating an ideal family home and, a little, to work (so as not to get bored and to walk around with several new looks). There is no doubt that they will succeed.
  • The Sagittarius man will not forget about his beloved in a stormy whirlpool public life, because Libra’s revenge for neglect can be incredibly cruel, since the expression “revenge is a dish best served cold” is exactly about them.
  • But by the way, it’s so easy to bring a Libra woman into good mood a couple of nice words and an elegant gift (don't forget about it, Sagittarius).

If the relationship goes well, the Sagittarius man will raise his beloved to the peak of wealth and inner harmony.

Libra and Sagittarius - love horoscope

Although the love temperaments of Libra and Sagittarius are different, they nevertheless have excellent chances for a fulfilling life together.

Different temperaments, interests, and moods do not at all interfere with these two in bed. The main thing that should remain constant for both is the desire for something new and interesting. New information, clothes, behavior, location - everything plays in favor of the lovers. And who should be advised to think about something new if not Libra, who can turn any ordinary meeting into an unforgettable fireworks display of emotions.

Of course, the main and determining love relationships, oddly enough, friendly connections will become, since only in front of a friend will Libra be able to reveal their full rich potential. The only thing worth advising unbridled Sagittarius is not to shock their partner with a sudden proposal to move from words to action. Libra still prefers a long, intriguing foreplay, especially at the beginning of a relationship.

How to seduce a Sagittarius man?

Sagittarians usually represent two different types:

  • traveler and optimist striving for new heights;
  • an epicurean who appreciates the delights of life and does not hesitate to pay for them.

The traveler will undoubtedly be interested in Libra's amazing ability to adapt to his partner, skillfully leading him away from life's problems and raising his interests to sparkling heights. Not trying to re-educate a partner is a rare gift of Libra, highly appreciated by Sagittarius, who understand that this person will definitely not drive them into the swamp of philistine boredom. And the sincere interest of the Libra woman in the problem that is currently occupying the Sagittarius brain will generally be received with a bang.

How to seduce a Libra man?

The Libra man is usually a sybarite, quite happy with his life. He is polite, interesting, charming and loved by all his friends. But the main feature of Libra is that he cannot imagine life without his other half and is actively looking for someone who will stay with him for life (yes, for Libra, every partner is forever).

In a Libra man there is no passion in the usual sense of the word, but excitement is certainly present. It is worth noting that Libras do not start looking for a new partner without ending their previous relationship, since they are not at all adventurous and do not want to tickle their nerves, preferring to lead a life approved by society. Therefore, you should not think that for the sake of a whirlwind romance he will renounce all moral principles. But if he is free and a Sagittarius woman is on the horizon, all his adventurous beginnings awaken in a man, supported by serious experience. So there is no need to seduce him; the Sagittarius woman herself will not understand how she came under such an impression and agreed to a relationship.

Video - Sagittarius and Libra: compatibility in love relationships

Sagittarius and Libra are zodiac signs that are completely different from each other. Libra people are very shy and gentle, they love the comfort of their home and build strong families. Sagittarius is a difficult sign; it combines passion and leadership. They love freedom and do not like to be deceived. Compatibility between Sagittarius and Libra is not easy, since people are completely different, but at the same time they can perfectly complement each other.

Love between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman

Compatibility in love between Sagittarius and Libra is at a high level. The signs are very different and dissimilar from each other, but their communication is at the highest level. They support each other and solve life's problems without any problems. Their union, as one whole, Libra and Sagittarius always complement each other. A man with such a sign will be calm in relationships, but a woman, on the contrary, is too active, even though her zodiac sign is quite calm in relationships. Such a union is not simple, but at the same time interesting.

Compatibility in love relationships of these signs is ideal. They may fall in love at first sight. The Libra man is a reserved person, but the Sagittarius woman is more active. Despite his energetic character, the girl will fall in love with the guy. The girl of this sign wants calm and long-term love, and Libra is exactly what they need. Sagittarius and reasonable Libra will be happy all their lives, they will begin to protect and take care of their other halves.

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Libra will become even better if they are not interested in other people's opinions. People are just jealous of such a beautiful couple. Sagittarius and Libra man will be able to create a wonderful future for themselves in which they will be truly happy. If the guy does not close the girl down, but begins to give her freedom, then the relationship will become even stronger and can last a very long time.

Sagittarius and Libra in marriage

A Libra man and a Sagittarius woman will be happy in marriage. The couple built their relationship on trust and harmony. A married man will know what he wants and go towards this goal. The family of Sagittarius and Libra will be wonderful, their married life will last a long time. Fate brought Sagittarius and Libra together for a reason. According to the horoscope they are just perfect couple. This couple is not like others, since the man does household chores. This is all due to the fact that a woman does not like cleaning and cooking, and it is easier for a man to do this himself than to start persuading his beloved.

The zodiac characteristic gives many examples in which almost all Sagittarius women do not like household chores. There are, of course, exceptions, but first of all, this approach to household chores depends on the partner. Problems may begin due to lack of finances. Only this problem can cause a crack in the relationship between Sagittarius and Libra. Family income is lacking not because no one in the house wants to work; husband and wife both work, but earn very little.

Libra knows how to make money, unlike the Sagittarius woman. Sagittarians also work, but spend more than they should, so their finances do not linger in the house. But the financial issue will not affect the life of Libra and Sagittarius in any way; they will also live happily. Concerning sex life, then the two of them are very happy here too. They are both passionate partners and do not need any lover. What they have is quite enough for them. Basically, Libra men and Sagittarius women do not quarrel over various little things, and they have very few big quarrels. If big disputes arise, then the spouses are able to make amends for all issues and continue to live happily.

Friendship between signs

Compatibility between Libra man and Sagittarius woman in friendship is also excellent. They will always have something to talk about and somewhere to go for a walk. But it’s a pity that the friendship between Sagittarius and Libra may not last very long. This is all due to the fact that they are completely different in character. During various disputes, misunderstandings will arise, after which a quarrel is sure to occur. After this there will be no more friendship.

Very often, friendship between Sagittarius and Libra begins only because someone hopes for the continuation and emergence of love. But these signs are not always ready to go to the registry office after friendship. They may go on a couple of dates and then realize that it is better to be friends than to build love.

Sagittarius man and Libra woman

Libra woman and Sagittarius man are suitable for each other. Their relationship will develop rapidly, despite their characters and the length of their acquaintance. They have common topics of conversation, so they won’t get bored. Sagittarius man and Libra woman are a wonderful couple, but they also have quarrels. Partners love each other so much that they can easily solve any problems. Love is so dear to them that they both make concessions.

Sagittarius man and Libra woman perfect union, their love is strong, so many envy them. Their relationship is like a fairy tale, as they can easily fall in love at first sight. A woman can make a man fall in love with her precisely by the way she treats people and her kindness. A man will be able to win her heart with his temperament and romance.

Sagittarius and sensible Libra are a fairly harmonious couple. This couple is not in danger of strong grievances and constant quarrels. Happiness and mutual understanding await them in life. Of course, the compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius depends primarily on the education of the ascendants and the characters of the partners. Which couple doesn't have quarrels? Any relationship has misunderstandings and grievances, but such problems should be resolved immediately and not separated.

Marriage of a Sagittarius guy and a Libra girl

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius in marriage is very good. The marriage will be beautiful from all sides, since the spouses look at the world with the same eyes. The compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man is excellent, they have common goals and suit each other one hundred percent. Their family life has harmony, and if a child appears, then love will become even stronger. There are no questions about such an alliance and simply nothing to complain about.

Quarrels and insults will bypass their marriage. But, if resentment appears, it will only be because of her husband’s rude words. The wife will be able to make the right decision and resolve such problems in the family, since her character is very gentle. Sexual compatibility between Libra women and Sagittarius men is also high. In bed, the leader is the man, and the woman does everything to please him. This marriage is doomed to success.

Compatibility in friendships

IN friendly relations Sagittarius and Libra have no bad qualities, they can become good friends, but not the best. They consider themselves friends only in words, but in practice they cannot really show this.

They may have common interests, but on frivolous topics. They cannot tell each other about their personal lives, since they are not good enough friends to trust such secrets.

Eastern love horoscope for Libra and Sagittarius

Compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius according to the eastern horoscope is not simple.

  1. If the guy is a Tiger, then love will develop for quite a long time. Tigers are in no hurry to start a family; they have nowhere to rush. A person with such a sign is very kind and gentle, and therefore girls often pay attention to such guys. If the fiery Tiger is a guy according to the horoscope, then his beloved will feel like a princess next to him. The Rat and the Rooster have such a gentle character. Such people attract attention and can conquer any lady.
  2. In a couple, when a Libra guy and a Sagittarius girl, and in addition the guy turns out to be an Ox according to the eastern horoscope, then the compatibility of such people is not always favorable. The Ox is very active and purposeful, but such qualities are not always suitable for love and creating a family. When a girl has such a sign, they will have something to talk about. Their love will begin to develop rapidly and turn into something serious. This pair is ruled by the planet Mars.
  3. If Sagittarius was born in the year of the Snake, then he will have one difference - he will think and dream a lot. He will make decisions slowly and unsurely. Therefore, at first glance, people will think that he is very frivolous. His affairs are proceeding quite successfully, but the Snake guy is not very lucky in love. Since he will be a strict husband, not only towards his wife, but also towards himself. The Serpent man will not be in much of a hurry to build relationships and start a family, but they treat kind and caring women very well. The Kite is guided by the moon. At the time of 2016-2017, this man in the form of wives will be suitable for such signs eastern horoscope: Rabbit, Dog, Monkey and Horse. It is advisable to avoid people born in the year: Pig, Dragon, Goat.

Astrologers' opinion

  1. If it appears free time, it’s worth spending it with your soul mate. It is advisable to make small romantic surprises and be in a homely atmosphere more often. You can also go to the cinema or museums. Such trips will significantly strengthen family relationships.
  2. You should always trust your loved ones. A relationship cannot move forward if there is no trust.
  3. Sagittarians must control their emotions and rude statements. If you touch Sagittarius wives, then they can release their negative emotions by cleaning or cooking. Do more work around the house and all negative thoughts will disappear. If you were offended by your spouse, go wash the dishes or make a cake for reconciliation.

If you behave at least a little as astrologers advise, then the relationships of such signs will be compatible. It will be easy to build strong and happy relationships. You shouldn’t swear over trifles, it’s better to spend every free minute with your soul mate, fate will reward people and give them a lot of sunshine in life.

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The people around us are sincerely perplexed at how two completely different people get along with each other, but the fact is obvious. The main thing is that this is a mutually beneficial union of two intelligent people, constantly striving for self-improvement and interesting to each other. Let's consider Libra and Sagittarius compatibility more details.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man

Before getting married, partners go through many tests. A woman of the Libra sign cannot imagine her existence without a friendly, strong family. She is an excellent wife and a caring mother for her children. Next to your loved one, this beauty will become the sweetest and most tender person.

Watch the video. Compatibility Libra and Sagittarius.

A man born under the constellation Sagittarius is not so simple. Having become an adult and independent young man, independent of his parents, this person is in no hurry to bind himself to obligations. The Libra woman should try to show tact and patience, be wise and give the fire man the opportunity to throw out his vigorous energy before marrying him.

The compatibility of the union of Sagittarius and Libra, when he is a Sagittarius and she is a Libra, is based on friendly relationships. Young people can have endless conversations, enthusiastically play backgammon, or go on long hikes together. The couple is interested in learning about each other's world and satisfying their mutual sense of adventure and natural curiosity.

In 80% of cases, the couple flirts on the side

Sociable signs attract members of the opposite sex. You should be careful not to cause jealousy, which is destructive for the relationship in the union. Sagittarius and Libra perfectly understand mutual desires and experiences. The signs are freedom-loving and will not limit each other’s internal freedom, as many spouses do. Partners complement each other perfectly, expressing themselves in simple words without using subtle hints and tricks in the form of meaningful glances and expressive gestures.

It is easy for a couple to be in each other’s company; they quickly come to mutual understanding. Libra calms the man of the element of Fire, and Sagittarius brings his life partner into balance and provides the necessary support in moments of doubt. The couple experiences many happy moments. Of course, there are contradictions and disagreements in it, but they can be easily overcome by the joint efforts of spouses who understand each other.

In love

These people show mutual interest from the very first meeting. A feeling of love quickly flares up between the young people. The young lady of Libra will charm the guy of the Sagittarius sign with her friendliness towards other people, good manners, and refined taste.

The Sagittarius young man will like the air girl with his unpredictability in behavior and strong character. The couple will have complete mutual understanding, a harmonious relationship, which nothing interferes with. Most likely, the union of these people will be sealed by an imminent wedding.

In a relationship

According to the compatibility of the Sagittarius and Libra horoscopes, if a woman wants harmonious relationships in the family and the man achieves success in his career, she should help her loved one with this. When difficulties arise, the Sagittarius man quickly loses interest in the matter. At this moment, the help and advice of a Sagittarius woman is needed. She should take the initiative into her own hands and tactfully suggest a way out of the current situation and a plan for further action to achieve the goal.

Despite her outward softness, the woman is quite strong in character and has the ability to lead. By unobtrusively and gently guiding her man in the right direction, she helps him achieve success in moving up the career ladder. Most often, a couple prefers comfort and coziness to achievements. In this regard, the wife forgets about disappointment and claims to high success in relation to her husband’s career.

A successful Sagittarius man will be able to provide his family with a decent existence even without a high position. To balance different value systems, a woman will find a compromise. There is no need to put pressure on your partner. It is necessary to look for a solution in each individual case.


The couple can expect an eventful life based on mutual love and respect. There will be no loud quarrels in the couple. Sometimes the Sagittarius man can be rude and sharply express his complaints. The Libra woman has a softer character. She will not respond rudely, but such an attitude will cause her resentment.

The husband is an intelligent and understanding person. If a woman raises the issue of his tactless behavior, the partner may well work on himself and correct the situation. There are no serious threats or disagreements between this couple. This union will exist for a long time, living a rich and enjoyable life together.

A wonderful couple where the spouses match with their intellectual development and mentality. The newlyweds will have a life full of interesting events and rich in impressions.

In friendship

This couple has interesting communication, common hobbies and topics of conversation. However, there cannot be a strong friendship between the signs. The Libra girl and the Sagittarius guy are not too devoted to their friends, this is a disadvantage in the relationship. They will not pull each other out of unforeseen and difficult situations, giving up everything, and will not give up their last money for a friend in need. If one of them has a problem, the other partner will simply disappear from sight, leaving them to get out of the situation on their own, without the necessary support.

In sex

Libra is the sign of the air, and Sagittarius is the sign of the fire element. Air makes fire burn. The Libra woman inflames the passion of the Sagittarius man simply by being nearby or even when she accidentally looks at him with her beautiful eyes. The Sagittarius man cannot resist such a charming beauty and begins to pursue the object of his affection by all means, trying to attract her attention. The spouses do not have any problems in their intimate life.

In between passionate embraces, a woman can maintain an intellectual conversation, after which an equally passionate continuation of caresses will follow. A direct, incorrect statement from Sagittarius can bring some dissonance into close relationships, which can be unnecessary and can unpleasantly surprise and offend the delicate sensitive Libra.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Sagittarius man.

In progress

The friendliness and courtesy of a lady of the Libra sign, her professional abilities, and the ability to find a common language with everyone will appeal to any employer. It’s a huge success to have Venus’s ward, who has tact and business skills, join your team, so businessmen and politicians fight for the girl of the air element. A genius and a tramp, the fiery Sagittarius guy cannot pore over documents all day. This is a tedious task for him and represents terrible boredom. He would rather go on business trips, where he can see the world and get new impressions.

7 out of 8 business alliances are successful

An energetic fire man and a calm air sign lady can create a good business alliance. Together they can overcome all obstacles and simply move mountains. The Libra girl does not have passion, but she is not good with money, and the Libra boy can spend a fortune accumulated over a year in one day. Astrologers recommend inviting a strict employee to your team, a woman of the Virgo sign, who will number each banknote and teach employees how to be thrifty and save money.

The Libra woman is capable of getting excellent results in any field, as long as there is a friendly atmosphere in the team. Sagittarius eagerly takes on several things at once. If Venus’s ward monitors his work, then a comfortable life will be ensured in the team. The stars find great prospects in the union of air and fire. With a well-drafted business plan and a skillful approach to business, the pets of Venus and Jupiter can very quickly gain fame, wealth and prosperity.

In percentages

The presence of common views and interests, mutual understanding, good sexual compatibility gives the union a chance for a long existence. Minor misunderstandings can be resolved.

Compatibility percentage is 80%.

Psychological compatibility

Sagittarius and Libra are constantly expanding their social circle, striving for new contacts and actively exploring life. The union contributes to the development of both signs and is developing quite successfully. Sagittarius men are captivated by Libra's charm and refined sense of humor, and Libra women have great respect for Sagittarius men for their open-mindedness and caring nature.

Libra women bring balance and harmony into the lives of Sagittarius men, which they often lack. After some time, Sagittarius realizes that for the sake of love you can sacrifice part of your freedom. Each sign has those character qualities that the other sign lacks. They complement each other perfectly. Sagittarius has no sense of responsibility at all, he is impetuous and self-willed, with unpredictable behavior. Sagittarius men create wonderful ideas and projects, and it is often the woman who has to implement them.

In this union, Libra shows restraint and prudence, which is unusual for them. It is important that they do not impose their own rules on Sagittarius and do not try to limit his habits. If a Sagittarius man throws his things around, let him continue to do so. Perhaps it is a woman’s ability to be tolerant of her partner’s shortcomings, not to make a tragedy out of it, that will allow her to maintain the union for a long time. long years. A man will appreciate such a relationship and cherish it.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Libra woman.

Compatibility of Libra man and Sagittarius woman

The deep human sympathy of the signs for each other lies at the basis of this relationship. The timid and indecisive Sagittarius girl is afraid of getting burned when starting a new relationship. With a Libra man, she behaves openly and sincerely, and this is the similarity of the signs. Libra is the sign that can be affectionate and caring with a gentle fire sign girl. The Libra young man completely gains her trust, and she rushes headlong into the maelstrom of feelings, completely dissolving in the guy’s charming smile. The compatibility of signs is explained by the similarity in worldview. Signs are sociable, friendly, optimistic and cheerful like children. Partners are interested in each other.

When they meet, they easily find a common language, preferring long discussions to looks and touches. Young people openly express their feelings and this becomes a big step towards mutual happiness. Of course, there are disadvantages to their relationship. The girl is annoyed by the guy's indecision, and he doesn't like the excessive activity of the lady of his heart. The couple should sometimes separate for a short time and then embrace each other in a tender embrace. A break helps the couple realize the need to be with each other and strengthen their feelings.

In love

When they first meet, the couple experiences strong mutual sympathy. The Libra young man is more restrained in his emotions compared to his beloved. However, he likes an energetic and unpredictable girl. Sagittarius, in order to create a harmonious, stable relationship, needs a person who is calmer in character, such as the man of the Libra sign.

Together, young people complement each other and create a full-fledged union, which has a little of everything.

The Libra guy loves stability and is not burdened by marriage, so he will soon want to legitimize the relationship and make an offer of love and heart to his beloved. The couple is expecting a quick wedding.

In a relationship

According to the compatibility horoscope of Virgo and Sagittarius, both partners should think about organizing their everyday life so that the harmony in their union is not disturbed due to unwashed dishes or dirty laundry. You need to think about the details. It is necessary to agree on the distribution of responsibilities around the house. The Libra man is non-confrontational and does not divide labor into male and female work. It takes away most conflicts. The Libra man will gladly help his beloved woman in response to her request for help with the housework.

Watch the video. What kind of man is suitable for a Sagittarius woman?

If responsibilities are distributed in a couple and everyone does their part of the work, this already helps to prevent conflicts. Make it easier to maintain household modern helps Appliances, discipline, and in extreme cases, you can invite an au pair. The cheerful character, humor and wit of the Sagittarius girl and the easy attitude to life of the Libra man will help mitigate conflicts.

90% of Sagittarians smooth out quarrels

He values ​​human relationships and will not be the first to create conflicts and spoil the mood of his beloved and himself. If anger boils in the soul of a woman of the Sagittarius sign, she can resort to humor, which more than once helps her out in difficult times and helps in preventing quarrels. Looking at life through the prism of humor helps you see small problems and troubles in a different light. They no longer seem such important shortcomings.


A harmonious union where spouses act deliberately and know what they want. Sagittarius man and Libra woman have good compatibility. The conclusion of this marriage is not an accident or a consequence of falling in love, but a deliberate decision of two like-minded people with common interests and views.

The partner will voluntarily take on many household responsibilities, and he does it better. A small disadvantage is the material side of life. In a family, both husband and wife work equally, but they earn only for current expenses, of which they have a lot. There is no main earner here.

The couple is not used to denying themselves anything and therefore saving up for a large purchase is a problem. But the spouses do not have quarrels about this. Intimate life full of harmony. The couple is happy with each other, neither partner looks the other way. Noisy scandals and petty quarrels are not accepted in this family. The couple is pleasant both to each other and to the people around them.

In friendship

Partners love to spend their time together and are interested in communicating. This couple will be attracted to each other as a man and a woman. They can often turn from friends into lovers. Sometimes they separate and arrange their lives with other people, but continue communicating as if nothing happened. The friendship of these signs in such a situation is out of the question. There are common interests, mutual hobbies, but we are not talking about friendship.

In sex

Sagittarius women are good seductresses, they know a lot about flirting and can easily turn the head of their airy partner. The foreplay of intimacy is the embodiment of a spiritual ideal. Air and fire have everything to kindle the flame of passion. Sexuality is mystical. Both partners feel a kinship of souls and are halves of one whole.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Libra man.

In progress

It is not difficult for a sociable Libra man to be successful in any area of ​​his activity. An air sign can become a lawyer, politician, designer, even a beekeeper, the main thing is that you like the business.

The Sagittarius woman is an intellectual person. She is constantly passionate about something, she has diverse interests. Any profession she chooses is suitable for her. The lady will succeed in everything if she does not change her mind and switch halfway to a more interesting field of activity.

According to astrologers, the union of fire and air may have good prospects.

If the Sagittarius man is the leader and guides the frivolous partner of the Sagittarius sign, then the couple will quickly come to success. Representatives of both signs love to work in teams. If the wards of Venus and Jupiter create a cohesive team, everything will work out in the best way. Colleagues will have a great relationship with a cheerful girl of the Sagittarius sign and a charming guy of the Libra sign. And where a friendly atmosphere is maintained, things get better.

Every person dreams of a happy life together. If someone says that they prefer loneliness, it means they have negative experience of unsuccessful relationships; no one is immune from this. Compatibility horoscopes for zodiac signs can be studied up and down in the hope of avoiding mistakes. Only life is not so simple– I read, took note, drew a conclusion and threw the nascent feelings out of my head. Or I saw that the horoscope is favorable - oops! - and happiness is in your pocket. No, life dictates its own laws.

We can all give many examples when people who are ideally suited to each other according to star forecasts break up, cursing each other, or couples who are completely incompatible according to the same star forecasts live together and feel great. And not because no rules no exceptions. But simply because you need to be able to build happiness. This is where compatibility horoscopes come in handy - they are needed to warn and help find the right solution.

Compatibility in love relationships of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Libra

One can immediately say about the Libra-Sagittarius couple that such a union has every chance of successfully developing relationships: love, friendship and business. But you still have to make efforts for complete harmony. Both Sagittarius and Libra are intellectual individuals prone to self-improvement. They will most likely like each other immediately. The elements of these signs are Fire and Air, and air is known to promote combustion. Libra is impressed by Sagittarius' cheerfulness and tirelessness, while Sagittarius is able to appreciate Libra's patience and lack of conflict. Both signs are quite strong, both claim primacy, but both do not like to “wash dirty linen in public,” so they will most likely cope with the emerging conflict. Relationships may suffer from the unpredictable aggressiveness of Sagittarius and the insecurity of Libra, but the partners will be able to overcome this too - with mutual desire, of course.

Love relationship Sagittarius men and Libra women usually develop quite rapidly. The unpredictability of Sagittarius and his extraordinary character will simply charm the girl, who in turn will conquer the guy with her excellent taste, excellent manners and ability to communicate with people. Partners will happily travel together, exploring the world. Libra slightly restrains the unbridled fieryness of Sagittarius, and Sagittarius knows how to dispel Libra’s indecision, even supporting him with his presence. The couple will quickly find mutual understanding, be able to resolve the problems of the grinding-in period, and it is possible that the wedding will be scheduled for the near future.

Compatibility in love Sagittarius women and Libra men is also very promising. The excessive activity of Sagittarius is compensated by the unshakable calm of Libra, and they just lack a little extravagance in life. These people will never get bored in each other's company. The Libra man takes a long time to make any decision, and this begins to irritate the dynamic Sagittarius, but if the Sagittarius girl does not want a quarrel, she must maintain her straightforwardness, showing flexibility so as not to offend her partner.

Sexual compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius

The sexual relationship of the Libra-Sagittarius couple is going well. In bed, they both tirelessly fulfill mutual fantasies and make full use of the wise advice - to settle any quarrel with sex.

Compatibility Libra women and Sagittarius men perfect in bed. For many years they will not be fed up with each other, understanding their partner from half a glance, half a sigh. The only dissonance in sexual relations Sagittarius can overwhelm with his unpredictable directness, which can hurt tender Libra. But this is quite surmountable.

Sexual compatibility of zodiac signs Libra man and Sagittarius woman also excellent - it’s as if they were made for each other, which allows them not to even look around in search of light flirting and entertainment.

Marriage compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius couples

The marriage of representatives of the horoscope signs Sagittarius and Libra has the most promising prospects. Of course, it will take some time and patience, but the partners will find solutions to all the problems that arise due to differences in temperaments. In any case, this union is not accidental, but a deliberate decision, the basis of which is harmonious relationships.

Compatibility in marriage is based on respect and mutual understanding. Interestingly, the man usually takes on the bulk of everyday problems. The couple carefully avoids conflicts, complementing each other. They do not like to deny themselves anything, so they often do not have savings. The compatibility of a Libra husband and a Sagittarius wife could be called ideal, if not for the cardinal directness and rude manners of the Sagittarius woman, who often does not hold back harsh words that anger the Libra man. And if a woman does not learn to tame her temper, Libra may gradually move away.

Union Sagittarius man and Libra woman can also result in a very successful marriage. An objective Sagittarius may not always make offensive phrases, but if Libra’s wife manages over time to delicately instill in him the inappropriateness of harshness in family relationships, a sensible Sagittarius will learn to control himself.

Compatibility in friendship of the zodiac signs Libra and Sagittarius

Friendship between Libra and Sagittarius is quite likely, because they often have the same interests. In addition, both signs are sociable and love communication. They will always be interested together.

Compatibility in friendship Libra girl and Sagittarius guy at the average level - they will enjoy spending time together, but if serious problems arise, they will not be able to rely on each other.

Friendship Libra men and Sagittarius women may continue long time, but there is always the possibility that it will suddenly develop into a brightly flared passion.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius at work

Since Fire and Air are friendly elements, then in business relations their representatives use similar methods, so working together can bring good results.

Compatibility at work Libra girls and Sagittarius men quite successful if only Sagittarius restrains his dictatorial habits, especially if he acts as a leader. In this case, Libra also needs to somewhat moderate their desire to show that they are smarter.

In a business tandem Libra man and Sagittarius woman Mutual assistance is practically impossible, so it is better not to aggravate relations and everyone to work on their own direction.

Who is suitable for Libra?
Fine Neutral Badly
a lionScorpionCapricorn
Who suits Sagittarius
Fine Neutral Badly
a lionTwinsCancer

“Through thorns to happiness” is about you, because Libra and Sagittarius can only be together if they break through the disapproval of others. It’s as if everyone has conspired to prevent these two from being together, but for Libra and Sagittarius, compatibility only increases thanks to their common stubbornness - show them the forbidden fruit, and both will crawl out of their skin to get it.

These two are not afraid to fantasize and make their fantasies come true, even the wildest and most unusual ones. As a result, Libra and Sagittarius are not bored in bed and are completely passionate about each other.

The secret of compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius.

Does a black cat run between you from time to time, and the light becomes not nice? Apparently, the time has come to understand yourself and your loved one a little and try to take off your rose-colored glasses.

Scales, your frivolity offends Sagittarius, and he is not one of those people who will suffer in silence or sulk. In fact, Sagittarius is assertive and capable of emotional blackmail, and your sensitive nature is not immune to this type of blackmail. Do you like surprises? Just let your Sagittarius understand this. He knows how to organize pleasant surprises.

Sagittarius, if you continue to regard any judgment of Libra as a joke or something not worth attention, then sooner or later Libra will be offended enough to break off the relationship. They will suffer, get sick and waste away, but will not return. If Libra's pride is wounded, then they know how to be merciless.

And yet this is a completely happy union. After all, Libra and Sagittarius compatibility is destined by fate, and perhaps financial difficulties They will add a little fuel to the fire, but otherwise the relationship is quite prosperous.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman.

The horoscope of compatibility in love between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman will be quite happy if the Libra man does not become stubborn and allows the Sagittarius woman to do what interests her. She is a very reliable and devoted partner. If something goes wrong, she will always tell you - she won’t hold a grudge and invent something that doesn’t really exist.

Libra woman and Sagittarius man.

Compatibility in love between a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man may turn out to be much easier, since each will fulfill a role that is clear to him.

The Sagittarius man will be busy with his own and common affairs, earning material wealth, while the Libra woman will. as befits a woman, she will be happy to take care of herself, meet her friends, work a little and create home comfort. In such a union there is no time to be distracted by nonsense.

But, the Sagittarius man, as in the previous case with the Sagittarius woman, must find time for his beloved and give her enough attention - take her to a restaurant, go to the theater, etc.

Love compatibility horoscope for Libra and Sagittarius.

Compatibility in love between Libra and Sagittarius promises a real fireworks display of impressions and dreams come true. Both Libra and Sagittarius are intellectually developed, inquisitive and love to talk. In general, they will never be bored.

Sagittarius will gladly support any proposal from Libra, and Sagittarius’ hobbies can quickly become shared.

The love compatibility horoscope for Libra and Sagittarius is characterized by good dynamics. Sagittarius loves adventures and Libra easily supports them. Libras themselves are happy to go somewhere, meet new people - as they say, to see others and show themselves off.

Both Libra and Sagittarius love company and fun, non-binding acquaintances. Sagittarius, like no one else, wants to spend most of his time outside his home!

Libra will follow Sagittarius anywhere. True, for them great importance has comfort and convenience, so Libra most likely will not want to go hiking often.

What could be the problem if everything is so good? Indeed, it would be too simple... Let's not forget about the nature of Libra and Sagittarius. It is in the personal motivations of these two that significant differences can be revealed - whether they will manifest themselves in a love relationship is unknown, but you still need to know as much as possible about each other.

Sagittarius lives by variety and expansion of their knowledge - at the same time, they are overly active and impulsive. If Sagittarius is busy implementing some project or new idea, then he doesn’t care about anything else. Yes, he can solve different issues at the same time, but Sagittarius is a passionate nature and prone to going to extremes.

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