Little feet walked along the path. Presentation "Little feet run along the path." material (junior group) on the topic. Games that teach you to run fast

Do you want your baby to take his first steps sooner? Try teaching your child by telling him nursery rhymes. Believe me, the baby will be very pleased. Nursery rhymes are good for developing a child's thinking.

-Where are you running, legs?
- Along the summer path,
From hillock to hillock
For berries in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll call you
black blueberries,
Scarlet strawberries.

* * *

Katya, Katya is little,
Katya is remote,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with your little foot.

* * *

Danya walked, walked, walked,
Danya found the money.
Danya walked, walked, walked,
Danya found a hundred rubles.

* * *

Stomp, stomp, stomp...
The toys are surprised
The cat jumped onto the window:
Olya is walking on the floor!
He doesn't walk with his hands,
And he stamps his feet.
Little feet,
red boots.
And I'm surprised myself
Why doesn't she fall?
(Z. Alexandrova.)

* * *

Stand up baby one more time
Take a small step.
Our boy walks with difficulty,
Walks around the house for the first time.

* * *

Along the road we go
The path is long, our home is far away,
Hot day,
Let's sit in the shade.
We'll sit under the oak tree,
We'll lie under the oak tree,
Let's lie down and relax
And then we'll go home!

* * *

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:

* * *

Our girl is gone!
The room became small.
Training - every hour,
Our legs are getting stronger!
(Svetlana Solodova.)

* * *

The cat is walking along the bench
Leads the cat by the paws
Tops on the bench
Hands on hand.

* * *

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

* * *

What kind of legs? What kind of legs?
You, our baby!
Neither dog nor cat
We won't give you your legs.
These legs, these legs
They will run along the track.


Where are your feet running along the forest road?
From hillock to hillock for berries in the forest,
I'll call you in the green forest
Black blueberries and scarlet strawberries


We are walking we are walking
Raise your legs higher
Through pebbles and hummocks
Through holes and stumps
One two three four
We are in the forest and not in an apartment


Pussy pussy pussy scat
Don't sit on the path
Our Danyushka will go
Will fall through the pussy


Legs, legs
Where are you running?
- There's midges in the woods:
Mosh the hut,
So as not to live coldly


And frets, frets, frets,
No gardens have been planted.
And my Danechka will go,
He will plant and water,
Top, top, top...


Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:


The cat is walking along the bench,
Leads the cat by the paws.
Tops and tops on the bench,
Hands on hand.
Our Zhenya by gender
The first time I stomped.
Got down on my knees
I crawled to the wall,
Raised both hands
She swayed and went.
Stomp, stomp your feet,
New boots!
Top-top to the corner,
She stood and went.
Far away in another corner
Ball and teddy bear on the floor.
Zhenya wants to take them,
He stomps his feet.
She ran, swayed,
Slap - and immediately stretched out.
Zhenechka did not cry,
Little by little she stood up
And all the way to the corner
It went all over the room.
She grabbed the bear by the leg,
She rolled the ball with her foot,
And then I went again
Walking around the room -
To the sofa, to the window,
I walked under the table a little
It's a little dark under the table -
The tablecloth is long all around.
And on the chair is Murka,
Gray skin.
Raising my palm,
Zhenya strokes the cat.
He tells her: "Pai-pay."
He tells her: “Bye-bye.”
Murka squints slightly -
He knows whose hand it is.
Standing by the chair
Zhenya had a rest
And then I went again
Walk around the room.
She made it to the closet
And groaning, she sat down on the floor.
We need to rest again -
There is a long way ahead.


On a flat path
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two, one-two!
By the pebbles, by the pebbles
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two, one-two!


Stomp, stomp, stomp...
The toys are surprised
The cat jumped onto the window:
Olya is walking on the floor!
He doesn't walk with his hands,
And he stamps his feet.
Little legs
Red boots.
And I'm surprised myself
Why doesn't she fall?
(Z. Alexandrova)


Top, top, top, top,
Walk, walk with your feet
Firmly on the path.


Get out of the way, cat
Our Tanya is coming.
Top-top, top-top,
Our Tanya is coming,
There's no way he'll fall.
Top-top, top-top,
That's what Tanechka is like.


Children all know how to clap,
They don't spare their hands.
Like this, like this, like this
They don't spare their hands.
Children can stomp everything
They don't spare their legs.
Like this, like this, like this
They don't spare their legs!


Stomp, stomp, stomp baby,
A cute swift with his mother along the path,
Little legs are in no hurry,
Just know, they tell themselves -
Top, top, very difficult
First steps into the unknown.
And in the garden the path is so long,
She reaches straight to the sky.
Top, top, top, top, very difficult,
Top, top, top, top, first steps.

The summer season is considered a favorable period for the health of preschoolers. You can spend more time in the air, play, run, jump, harden yourself, and fully enjoy its gifts: fresh air, sunlight. It is during this period that they spend a lot of time in the air.

I present to your attention the presentation of the summer health work “Massage of the reflex zones of the feet on health paths.”



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Little feet run along the path (massage of the reflex zones of the feet on the health paths) Performed by: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 50 “Thumbelina” Kochneva I.Yu. group No. 7 second junior group

Purpose: -Massage of the feet, prevention of flat feet. -Formation and strengthening of foot muscles. -Create conditions for hardening. Objectives: -Maintain children’s interest in classes physical exercise. -Exercise children in walking along the “Health Paths”. -Develop coordination of movement, develop gross and fine motor skills of the legs. -Carry out work to prevent flat feet. -Cultivate love for healthy image life. -Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and strengthen the health of children, promote their physical and mental development by activating movements and purposeful communication with nature.

Meaning. The health of your feet is the health of your entire body. Healthy feet mean proper gait and proper distribution of body weight over the surface of the earth. Which means healthy internal organs. Even in ancient times, people determined that there are many active points on the feet, stimulating which can have a positive effect on the processes occurring in the body. The feet are the projection of all our organs. Wellness foot massage improves blood circulation, tissue metabolism, increases immunity, reduces fatigue and fatigue from mental or physical activity, restores ability to work. By regularly doing a foot massage, you can improve your health every day without noticing.

The toes are “responsible” for the head and everything that is located on it and in it. Below are the lungs, liver, heart, stomach, gallbladder. Along the inside of the foot there is a projection of the spine from top to bottom.

One option for barefoot walking is walking on massage mats. Walking on massage mats is recommended for children starting from 1 year old, since walking on these mats helps to form the arches of the feet, train the muscles of the feet and prevent flat feet.

In addition, walking on such rugs will help the child learn to maintain balance and get acquainted with various materials, surfaces (ribbed, prickly, hard, soft, etc.). The important function of the foot is determined by the location of special reflexogenic zones on the plantar surface, which provide communication with various body systems. Thus, the foot, thanks to its unique structure and important functions, affects the entire body. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the prevention of foot deformities from an early age.

Our “Health Paths”

The health track is used for gymnastics after sleep

Dry pool

To prevent flat feet and strengthen the body, children walk barefoot along the “Health Path”

Perform a series of exercises, “Dry pool”, “Raise the cone”, “ gymnastic sticks »

We walk with our feet on the hoop, forming the arch of the foot.

Massage of the reflex zones located on the feet is useful for any person, as it promotes health, relaxation, and harmonization. vital energy, and also prevents the development of disorders in the functioning of the body.

Target: formation of correct posture, development of visual and auditory memory, intelligence, concentration and stability - attention, thinking (the ability to create images of light and fast, slow and heavy movement). Developing the child’s ability to coordinate his movements with the actions of others. Automation of the sound “Ш” in connected text.

Form: individual and group.

Progress of the game: The child and the adult sit facing each other. An adult asks a child to show his legs. The child raises his legs. The adult says: “Your legs are small, but they run fast. Show me how the legs run."

The child runs and says:

Little feet ran along the path.

Then the adult says that the bear has big legs and walks slowly: “The big legs walked along the road. Big feet were walking along the road.” The chorus is repeated several times.

The child, in accordance with the words and rhythm of the chorus, either runs or walks, creating images of either fast and light or slow and heavy movement.

Games that teach you to run fast


Target: the ability to navigate in space, strengthening the muscles of the torso and legs, development of motor activity.

Form: group

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs. The adult sits opposite the children, against the opposite wall. He turns to the children and says: “Run to me!”, while beckoning them with his hand.

When the children come running, the adult hugs them and says: “They came running, they came running!” Well, now run back!”

The children turn and run back. The adult says after them:

"Run away, run away!"

Children sit on chairs. “Are you rested?” - asks the adult.

“Well, run to me again, run, run! Who is faster?"


Target: development of dexterity, initiative, discipline, patience, training of vision and hearing.

Form: individual.

Material: basket or box of balls.

Progress of the game: A child stands next to an adult who is holding a basket of balls. An adult throws balls from a basket away from the child. After his command: “Catch the ball!” - the child runs after the ball, picks it up and puts it back in the basket. This is how he collects all the other balls.

While the child runs after the ball, the adult rhythmically reads the poem.

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you!

I smacked you with my palm

You jumped and stomped loudly,

You fifteen times in a row

Jumped into the corner and back.

(S. Marshak)


Target: learning to run at different paces, developing a sense of rhythm.

Form: individual.

Material: basket or box with balls, paper airplanes.

Progress of the game: An adult shows an airplane and asks:


What is he doing?

Where does it fly?

High in the sky.

Then he reads N. Naydenov’s poem “Airplane”:

The plane is flying,

The plane hums: “Oooh!”

I'm flying to Moscow!

Commanding Pilot

The plane goes: “Oooh!”

I'm flying to Moscow!

Paper airplanes are launched around the room, which the child catches and brings to an adult, and then sits on a chair. The adult invites the child to “fly” around the room.

First, the child “starts the engine”, does not move very quickly, repeating: “Ju-zhu-zhu-flying!” The adult waves the flag, the child spreads his arms to the sides (to shoulder height) and switches from walking to running. For some time he runs freely around the room, repeating: “U-oo-oo-oo!”, then the “motor” turns off, the baby says: “Sh-sh-sh” and sits down.

Games that teach jumping


Target: developing the ability to jump, improving coordination of movements, developing the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscles of the feet, automating the sound “Ch” in onomatopoeia.

Form of conduct: individual.

Material: children's high chair or bench.

Progress of the game: The “sparrow” child sits on a chair “in the nest” and sleeps.

Adult says:

Sparrows live in the nest

And everyone gets up together in the morning.

The child opens his eyes and sings loudly: “Tweet-chik-chik, chirp-chik-chik! They sing so joyfully."

While singing, the child gets up from the chair, jumps in place on both legs and from a place forward and backward. The adult first holds the child under the arms, and later by the shoulders, facing him. Having mastered this method, the adult holds the child only by the hand and jumps with him.

Target: learning to jump, the ability to move rhythmically.

Form of conduct: individual.

Progress of the game: The child pretends to be a ball, jumps on the spot, and the adult, placing his palm on its head, says:

Cheerful friend, my ball,

Everywhere, everywhere he is with me!

One two three four five,

It's good for me to play with him!

(S. Vysheslavtseva)

After this, the “ball” runs away, and the adult catches it.


Target: development of dexterity, speed of reaction and movement, formation of correct posture.

Form of conduct: individual.

Material: any bright toy, tambourine or bell.

Progress of the game: An adult calls the child, extends his hand over his head and invites him to reach his palm with his hand, and then jump higher so as to touch his palm with his head. The adult holds the hand at a short distance from the child’s head.

Then the adult invites the child to jump up and reach with his hand a toy or a bell (tambourine), which the adult holds at a short distance.

Games that develop crawling skills


Target: training the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs.

Form of conduct: individual and group.

Progress of the game: The child crawls on all fours. Then he stops and turns his head (“the cat” is sneaking), then tilts his head towards the floor (“the cat” is drinking). The game is played on a mat.


Target: development of skills of simple movements in horizontal and vertical positions. Strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs, the ability to navigate in space, and developing hearing.

Form: individual and group.

Material: a toy dog, an inflatable log, or other small obstacle.

Progress of the game: An adult gets on all fours and crawls on the floor like a dog, inviting the child to do the same. Showing a toy dog, he says to the child: “Come on, show me how the dog runs and barks.”

The child crawls on all fours, imitates the barking of dogs: “Woof, woof.”

Crawling can be made more difficult by crawling over a log.


Target: development of basic skills of movement in horizontal and vertical positions, strengthening of the trunk muscles, development of the ability to correctly distinguish the color and shape of objects.

Form of conduct: individual and group.

Material: colored balls of different colors and sizes.

Progress of the game: An adult pours colored balls or balls onto the floor and asks the child to collect them, bring them and put them in a box. To complicate the game, you can place several obstacles in front of the scattered balls (for example, a chair, a bench), which the child must overcome and then collect the balls. You can ask the child to collect only red or green or only small balls, etc.


Target: training in all-round coordination of movements, development of skills in walking, climbing, stepping. Training of independence and speed of reaction to commands.

Form: individual and group.

Progress of the game: B At the beginning of the path, an adult strengthens the rope in a horizontal position low above the ground, then places a chair, a low table, places several large cubes, etc. At the end of the path, a toy that is interesting for the child is placed (a ball, a large doll, etc.). The child must overcome obstacles placed on the way to the toy, climbing over, crawling over, and stepping over them. If there are several children, you can arrange a competition.


Target: development of running, climbing, walking, and navigation skills V space, coordination of movements, sense of balance, dexterity, endurance.

Form: group

Progress of the game: The players are divided into two groups - “kittens” and “puppies”. “Kittens” are near their chairs, “puppies” are on the other side of the room, behind their chairs, “in the booths.” At a signal from an adult, the “kittens” begin to run easily and softly. To the words of an adult “Kittens!” they say “Meow!” In response to this, the “puppies” bark “Aw-aw-aw”, climb over the chairs, and run on all fours after the “kittens,” who quickly climb onto their chairs. The “puppies” return to their “kennels.”

After 2-3 repetitions, children change roles. At the end of the game, the adult invites everyone to walk quietly, slowly, like a cat. Posture and lip closure are controlled.

The first steps are the most difficult. Help the baby, cheer him up with a nursery rhyme. Affectionate jokes will help you convince your baby that walking is not scary at all, and will encourage him to try again and again. The first steps are not without falls. If the baby plopped down on the path and cried, they will come to help you.
Do you want your little one to take his first steps sooner? Try teaching your baby to walk while telling him nursery rhymes. Believe me, the baby will be very pleased. Nursery rhymes are good for developing a child's thinking.

Katya, Katya is little,
Katya is remote,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with your little foot.

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:

The cat is walking along the bench
Leads the cat by the paws
Tops on the bench
Hands on hand.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

Alads, lads, lads,
No gardens have been planted.
And my Sasha will go,
He will plant and water,
Top, top, top...

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:

Stand up, baby, one more time,
Take a small step.
Our boy walks with difficulty,
Walks around the house for the first time.

The cat is walking along the bench,
Leads the cat by the paws.
Tops and tops on the bench,
Hands on hand.

Where are you running, legs?
Along the summer path
From hillock to hillock
For berries in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll call you
black blueberries,
Scarlet strawberries.

Kutya walked, walked, walked,
Kutya found the money.
Kutya walked, walked, walked,

Our girl is gone!
The room became small.
Training - every hour,
Our legs are getting stronger!

Our Zhenya by gender
The first time I stomped.
Got down on my knees
I crawled to the wall,

Raised both hands
She swayed and went.
Stomp, stomp your feet,
New boots!

Top-top to the corner,
She stood and went.
Far away in another corner
Ball and teddy bear on the floor.

Zhenya wants to take them,
He stomps his feet.
She ran, swayed,
Slap - and immediately stretched out.

Zhenechka did not cry,
Little by little she stood up
And all the way to the corner
It went all over the room.

She grabbed the bear by the leg,
She rolled the ball with her foot,
And then I went again
Walking around the room -

To the sofa, to the window,
I walked under the table a little
It's a little dark under the table -
The tablecloth is long all around.

And on the chair is Murka,
Gray skin.
Raising my palm,
Zhenya strokes the cat.
He tells her: "Pai-pay."
He tells her: “Bye-bye.”

Murka squints slightly -
He knows whose hand it is.
Standing by the chair
Zhenya had a rest
And then I went again
Walk around the room.

She made it to the closet
And groaning, she sat down on the floor.
We need to rest again -
There is a long way ahead.

Along the road we go
The path is long, our home is far away,
Hot day,
Let's sit in the shade.
We'll sit under the oak tree,
We'll lie under the oak tree,
Let's lie down and relax
And then we'll go home!

On a flat path
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two, one-two!
By the pebbles, by the pebbles
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two, one-two!

Stomp, stomp, stomp...
The toys are surprised
The cat jumped onto the window:
Olya is walking on the floor!
He doesn't walk with his hands,
And he stamps his feet.
Little legs
Red boots.
And I'm surprised myself
Why doesn't she fall?

Top, top, top, top,
Walk, walk with your feet
Firmly on the path.

Get out of the way, cat,
Our Tanya is coming.
Top-top, top-top,
Our Tanya is coming,
There's no way he'll fall.
Top-top, top-top,
That's what Tanechka is like.

What kind of legs, what kind of legs
You, our baby!
Neither dog nor cat
We won't give you your legs.
These legs, these legs
They will run along the track.

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