Materials on the English language. Didactic materials on the English language Teaching aids for teachers

These days, there are dozens of ways to learn a foreign language on your own. There would be desire and perseverance in achieving the goal. You can find a training site on the Internet with ready-made materials and exercises, or you can purchase teaching aids and study from books. We will look at useful materials for learning English specifically for this method of learning.

The educational literature market is overflowing with a variety of tutorials and manuals, so choosing a good textbook can be difficult. We have selected for you materials for learning English that have stood the test of time and proven their effectiveness.

First you need to decide what English materials you will need and what they are needed for. To master all the necessary skills, you need, firstly, a textbook with educational texts and rules, audio materials in order to learn to understand English speech, a good grammar reference book (or better, several different ones) and, of course, a dictionary.

Let's start with the textbooks. Let's focus on two options that complement each other well.

English Upstream Textbook

Jane Dulley and Virginia Evans, it seems, they wanted to make up for everything that was left behind by the lightweight. 7 voluminous manuals for each level of knowledge offer numerous tasks for learning English through reading, although grammar exercises are also present.

You have to read a lot: you correct errors in texts, fill in gaps in memos and letters, choose variants of nouns or adjectives that fit the context, memorize highlighted words, and also just read without doing any of this. Of course, the texts cannot boast of being particularly artistic, but interaction with ordinary silent books never tires; on the contrary, “Upstream” seems to be an integral work that you write together with the authors, and at the same time learn the language.

Computer program Rosetta Stone - English

The program and set of lessons, presented in both the British and American versions, contrast the analytical method with the natural epistemological method.
To learn English, this technique immerses you in the environment gradually, while the comprehension of information occurs by itself, in other words, when using it, you will again feel like a child who is learning to speak.
If you pick up a textbook on Russian grammar, you will be surprised at how many strict and complex rules, unusual for a foreigner, you use intuitively when you think and communicate. This happens because you did not start learning the language from books, but listened to the speech of others and built associative connections with objects and concepts.

offers the same learning principle: you will learn to reproduce template speech structures without thinking, associate meanings directly with an object, and not with an analogue in your native language, and combine known concepts without translating them.

Unfortunately, the semantic load of the course is insufficient for intermediate and high levels of knowledge and the scope of information is quite narrow, but it is ideal for beginners. It will help you get into the language before you even begin to understand it, so every beginner should try it, as long as you follow the order of the lessons so that the immersion occurs smoothly.

The Cambridge teachers, the authors of the series, have not changed the classical approach, even if they have rethought the materials for teaching English in a new way. Just like other textbooks, you need to go through the theory and reinforce it with practical exercises, but the surprising thing is that almost every lesson takes only one spread or two pages with explanations and tasks, no matter how important it is, moreover, a page theoretical information is also divided into blocks for better orientation.

Any topic Raymond Murphy And Martin Hevings are revealed in simple, intuitive examples, explaining the principles in a nutshell, which is quite enough. The lessons are not organized in increasing difficulty, so you are free to choose a specific topic that you need to improve. In addition, at the end of the books there is a study guide - a test that will allow you to determine what you should pay attention to, however, it will not take you much time to go through all the textbooks in a row of their lightness. The entire course consists of three books, respectively for beginners, advanced and experienced, and also contains disk applications with additional exercises.

If the authors of the previous course paid more attention to theory, then the latter on the pages may get lost among the abundance of exercises, although in fact it is harmoniously woven into a practical program in which knowledge is immediately mastered on assignments. Materials for learning English from Jane Dooley and Virginia Evans are replete with magazine-style images and, thanks to the bright design, the books can be recommended not only to adults, but also to children. The structure of the manuals is quite dense, so in order to properly assimilate the material you will have to go through them from beginning to end.

“We repeat the tenses of the English verb” - T. Klementieva

The new generation of teachers and tutors loves to criticize Soviet textbooks, and in most cases their criticism is completely justified, but not in the case of “Revising the Tenses of the English Verb,” which puts any modern textbook to shame, and its content even exceeds expectations.

If English tenses are difficult for you, work Tatiana Borisovna Klementieva is a great opportunity to clear up confusion and get to the heart of key English grammar concepts with simple explanations and practice exercises. The author clearly describes the functions of English tenses, explains their operation with numerous examples and illustrations, compares them with each other so that the reader can feel the difference, and then offers to consolidate the material with exercises.

And finally, as already said at the beginning, a few words about dictionaries. Nowadays, with the presence of the Internet, it is rare for anyone to use dictionaries in their book version. Online dictionaries have become very popular. After all, it’s easier and faster to type the desired word on the Internet than to flip through pages, looking for it in endless columns. The basic vocabulary used in teaching is usually explained in the textbook. Despite this, we advise you to initially purchase a small English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary to work with unfamiliar words. As practice shows, when learning new words, visual memory and associations can be triggered - after what word came the word you were looking for, what words and letters you scrolled through before you found the one you needed, etc. Frequently using the same small dictionary can serve you well in remembering new words. Moreover, paradoxical as it may sound, it is precisely because finding them in a book is more difficult than typing them into a search engine on the Internet.

Online service Lim English

When choosing educational materials for the English language, do not forget about modern programs and online services that offer a variety of forms and methods of learning English. For example, using an online English language tutorial, you can start studying even without any basic knowledge. The technique is based on working with texts of different levels of complexity. All texts are accompanied by exercises, by doing which you can expand your vocabulary and practice reading and writing skills. All texts are voiced by professional American speakers, so very quickly listening to English speech ceases to be a problem. The site has a reference book on English grammar, which also includes short texts with exercises illustrating the rules.

Watch a video of one of the lessons

Now, it seems to me that teaching English and learning it is much easier and more interesting. If earlier we were to some extent limited in the means and materials to achieve the desired effect, today the amount of information presented in all possible options is so great that it is sometimes difficult to choose what exactly to use in the learning process.

Let's think about what happened, for example, ten years ago? We studied and taught someone from books and notebooks. Audio materials were presented on cassette tapes for tape recorders (with not always good recording), and video materials were supplied on video cassette tapes for VCRs. Moreover, not everyone had the latest materials for learning English; they were more rare publications.

What are we seeing now? The number of training courses, equipped with both audio and video materials on discs, is so large that it’s simply dizzying. Textbooks and workbooks from foreign publishers have become available. The Internet is a leader in providing English language material to any student. Yes, in principle, if we are talking about this foreign language, then on the World Wide Web you can find everything your heart desires. As they say, there is no shortage of teaching material in English.

What is didactic material in English?

This is the definition the encyclopedia gives us. Didactic material in English– this is a special type of teaching aids, the use of which helps to enhance the cognitive activity of students and save learning time. That is, this is all the additional educational material for learning English, which makes learning a fun, interesting, versatile, educational process.

What do we classify as didactic material in English? First of all, these are specially designed for each training course, very useful for monitoring students’ assimilation of the material. As a rule, these tests are included as a separate manual, like the teacher’s book, in each training course. The tests are also provided with keys or correct answers to their own tasks. That is, the teacher can save his time by using ready-made tests to test knowledge, and then compare their results with the provided keys.

Didactic materials on the English language include various games for teaching English - lotto, dominoes, logic games. Such games can be purchased in bookstores or found on the Internet, and then printed out and used in class. Games activate the student very well, and the spirit of competition and the desire to win accelerate his thought processes, develop attention and intelligence. Separately, it is worth mentioning didactic games, which are a type of educational activities organized in the form of educational games that help to implement a number of principles of playful, active learning.

Among the didactic materials on the English language, it is worth noting even such language tools as tongue twisters, as well as puzzles such as. The former help to practice pronunciation, the latter develop abstract thinking, and the latter are exercises for the mind. All kinds of demonstration material (puzzles, posters, cards) also belong to teaching material in the English language. All these printed materials visualize the material being studied and contribute to its rapid memorization and retention in memory.

I myself am an English teacher. I decided to do exactly this interesting thing back in school, so I didn’t rush when choosing a profession after graduating from secondary school. I admit honestly, I really didn’t like the curriculum our schools offered to us, the students of that time. Moreover, I even managed to catch a course I didn’t like so much when I taught it myself a few years ago. Now the situation has changed a little, but to varying degrees and not in all educational institutions. I would like to believe that with the development of information technology and cooperation between European countries, we will still begin to teach this language in such a way that children and adults WANT to learn it, and do not tolerate it as an “obligation”.

As an English teacher, I always wanted to use modern materials and aids, which is what I tried to put into practice. In addition, I strived to bring something new and memorable to my English lesson, be it something exciting, or the like. Of course, by teaching English, we lay down a certain knowledge base, which will only be multiplied and updated in the future. In any case, this or that language material can be explained and presented in such a way that both you and the student will be satisfied. The main thing is the desire to diversify the learning process.

Everyone knows that bookstores are simply replete with an assortment of books, manuals, tables and diagrams that are used to teach English. I would like to dwell on the unlimited, and also accessible, resources of the World Wide Web. The rapid development of the Internet has contributed to the fact that the number of sites dedicated to the English language has exceeded the “hundred million” mark. You can easily verify this by entering our favorite phrase “English” into any search engine, for example. How to navigate through all the variety of materials? Find websites for English teachers, which will be useful specifically for you. Yes, it will take a lot of time, but in the future you will save a lot when searching for the necessary information. And one more thing - try to use only proven resources with proven material, so as not to rely on incorrect rules and statements in the future.

Choosing websites for English teachers

I would like to mention websites for English teachers that I have used or am currently using. Maybe these recommendations will help you, English teachers, quickly find high-quality additional materials for your lessons.

Of course, at the top of my list of resources is the site, which is a storehouse of useful information. Here you will find any textbook from any publisher, all kinds of reference books, books for reading and listening, manuals with collections of games, crosswords, riddles, thematic exercises and much more. I am sure this site will become your most visited.

The resource’s subsidiary project is also very interesting englishtips- a website created specifically for English teachers, called . It is based on all kinds of tables, diagrams and, in general, handouts that cover all the processes we use in the educational process: studying, listening, training in writing and speaking. Just as some books become reference books for teachers, let these two sites become reference books for you.

Among the most interesting and useful from the point of view of the material presented on these sites are the resources of the British Embassy:

  • – online resources for teachers, including educational materials, articles, discussions, publications by leading authors.
  • – a resource in English, including lesson plans and tasks for practicing all types of language activities.

You can discuss any teaching issues, get advice from methodologists, and learn about new products in the world of textbooks and educational literature on the portal for English teachers:.

You will find an unlimited number of lessons, assignments, and cards ready for printing on websites and. These sites are valuable because the material on them is constantly updated and supplemented, so you will always be aware of everything new that appears in the English language.

Well, if you are seriously thinking about improving your qualifications not only in your home country, but also abroad, and also plan to work as an English teacher abroad, visit the website for English teachers. You can learn about training programs in any country, as well as work opportunities in the same countries. You will also benefit from information about the requirements for a particular position or internship; material to test your level of language proficiency, information about higher educational institutions, opportunities, etc.

There are, however, a lot of websites for English teachers; no one can look through them all. Try to filter them according to need and usefulness for you, but, in any case, be aware of all the new trends in the language and in the learning process, and the information resources of the Internet will help you with this! Good luck!

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