Is it possible to get rid of rosacea? Couperosis on the face: treatment and reviews. Interesting video: Daily skin care for rosacea

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Hello! In this article we will talk about the causes and treatment of rosacea on the face. You will learn how to recognize rosacea by the corresponding symptoms, as well as how to cope with the identified problem using a wide variety of techniques.

First of all, if you find red capillaries on your face in the form of a mesh, red spots, or pimples with purulent tops, you should under no circumstances cover them up or mask them by various means, which are often simply not safe. It should be understood that the manifestation of rosacea is by no means a cosmetic defect, but actually a disorder that manifests itself on the skin. Therefore, it is so important to understand the reasons for its occurrence and approach therapy correctly.

What is rosacea of ​​the facial skin?

Surely, you have more than once come across people in everyday life who have a blush spread across their cheeks and the first thought was that they are bursting with health, but this may also indicate a real problem, indicating rosacea. In this case, pathological processes directly indicate a violation of blood microcirculation. With rosacea, a change in the elasticity of the capillaries occurs, their expansion and filling with blood. It is for this reason that spider veins become noticeable on the face, often affecting the cheeks and nose.

Causes and symptoms of rosacea on the face

An integrated approach to the problem is only possible if you have found out the causes of rosacea on the face, which may include the following:

  • genetic factor – may well be the cause of rosacea, when your closest relatives also encountered this kind of problem;
  • characteristic sensitivity of facial skin with its dryness and thinness, as well as fat content, affect the dilation of blood vessels;
  • hormonal disbalance - enough common reason rosacea due to the presence of menopausal syndrome, cystic formations, fibroids and others;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent visits to the solarium , as a result of which you may encounter not only rosacea, but also skin aging;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol), which leads to weakening of small capillaries;
  • insufficient care dehydrates the skin of the face, affecting the vascular network;
  • high blood pressure And liver diseases add stress to blood vessels, which sometimes leads to rosacea;
  • sudden temperature change , as a rule, first depletes the blood vessels, and then they cannot withstand it and even thick skin is not able to resist rosacea;
  • Not proper nutrition , including the systematic consumption of carbonated drinks, fatty and spicy foods, and so on;
  • age-related changes inevitably slow down metabolism and blood circulation over time;
  • deficiency of silicon in the body over time leads to fragility and fragility of blood vessels;
  • upset psycho-emotional state – also causes various problems in the body, including rosacea.

In the process of finding out the causes of microcirculation disorders in order to determine in the future what to do with rosacea, you should also take into account all the symptoms of this pathology, which consist of the following:

  • Initially, dryness, flaking of the skin, and the presence of a capillary network are noted;
  • acquisition of a pale gray shade of the skin, loss of natural color;
  • if left untreated, a small area of ​​redness then turns into persistent, coalescent redness;
  • the appearance of a vascular network and asterisks with their further spread;
  • the condition is accompanied by itching, burning, tingling even with minimal exposure to the face.

Experts should help you with these difficult issues. After identifying the causes and symptoms, you can begin to eliminate rosacea.

General rules for the treatment of rosacea

There are several rules when treating rosacea that you need to strictly follow. They include the following recommendations:

  • restructuring the diet, and in some cases the lifestyle itself, for which spicy, fatty, hot and salty foods, liver, caffeine-containing products, alcohol, cigarettes, cheeses, sour cream should be excluded from the daily menu;
  • If possible, you need to maintain an active lifestyle;
  • You should also avoid sudden changes in temperature so that a hot shower and extreme cold do not aggravate the current condition;
  • It would also be appropriate to take a vitamin-mineral complex containing silicon, omega three, vitamins C, K, P, in addition, the vascular walls are strengthened by echinacea, collagen, myrtle and others;
  • the use of anti-rosacea drugs, since getting rid of rosacea is not at all easy right away, so creams, masks and serums have a good effect in this regard;
  • It is better to apply a cream with a protective filter before each time you go outside.

By adhering to the above general measures in conjunction with other procedures prescribed by a specialist, you can achieve a complete cure.

How to get rid of rosacea using modern methods?

Usually, rosacea is removed by a cosmetologist in a salon, but severe manifestations of it require help. phlebologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or dermatologist. Today, special modern techniques have been developed to get rid of rosacea, but it is very important to first carry out all diagnostic procedures to clarify the nature of this disease.

Hardware cosmetology can effectively rid you of spider veins, but before that you will need ultrasonic facial cleansing for rosacea to renew the skin. In order to efficiently and painlessly eliminate rosacea, the following modern techniques are used:

  • laser exposure– heats the adhesions of blood vessels covering a large area of ​​skin without leaving scars;
  • photorejuvenation– removes not only external defects, but also specifically affects the cause with the help of high-intensity light pulses;
  • mesotherapy– involves the introduction of microinjection, the basis of which is medicinal serum;
  • ozone therapy– consists of filling the intercapillary space with an oxygen-ozone cocktail.

Sometimes several sessions may be required, after which the specialist must prescribe special cosmetics and medications.

Laser treatment of rosacea

A dermatologist should tell you how to approach the problem of treating rosacea, who will take into account all the contraindications of the chosen procedure, especially with regard to laser treatment of the problem area. This procedure is performed both in clinics and in certified cosmetology centers. Using unlicensed equipment may result in burns.

Features of the procedure:

  • For the procedure it is better to give preference neodymium laser, but not diode.
  • On average, laser removal of rosacea takes fifteen minutes.
  • During the entire procedure, the specialist acts on the skin in a targeted manner. A uniform radiation flow affects the dilated venous vessels, and the built-in cooling system avoids overheating.
  • You should definitely be asked to wear safety glasses to avoid causing a burn. If necessary, treatment with antiseptics can be done.
  • The procedure can only be repeated after at least a month.


A fairly common technique that effectively affects rosacea of ​​the facial skin is also photorejuvenation. In this case, high-intensity light pulses are used, which are ideal for thin areas and where bone tissue is close (cheekbones, chin, nose).

Photorejuvenation will help you not only with the problem of rosacea, but also cope with pigmentation, acne, enlarged pores and fine wrinkles.

To achieve the best results, you will need several regular sessions, but as a result, the skin will become firmer and healthier looking.

But this procedure, unfortunately, does not help everyone, as acne and other imperfections are very likely to appear.

In clinics, before starting phototherapy, specialists conduct tests to determine any reaction to the procedure.


As an effective remedy for rosacea, you may be recommended mesotherapy, which was originally created to combat neurological and respiratory diseases, migraines and varicose veins.

Features of the procedure:

  • The actual procedure for administering the substance with thin needles is almost painless and takes little time. This technique allows you to administer injections either manually using a syringe or with a special device for this purpose.
  • For mesotherapy, you will need drugs that contain plant extracts, acids of organic origin, DNA, hyaluronic and deoxyribonucleic acids, elastin, collagen and other substances.

Mesotherapy is mainly relevant in the early stages of rosacea or with a preventive focus, but rest assured that your skin will definitely be enriched with important vitamins and microelements, due to which its overall improvement will be noticeable.

The positive effect of this procedure is revealed only after several sessions of exposure. Therapy begins with once a week for two months, after which once a month will be enough to maintain the achieved result.

Treatment of rosacea on the face at home

In addition to the main therapy, rosacea can be treated traditional methods, which will certainly speed up the recovery process. Regarding this in line general rules included the following items:

  • competent approach to selection cosmetics, which should not absorbmenthol, alcohols, cosmetic clays or eucalyptus;
  • daily washing should be accompanied by soaking the face with a soft towel, rather than wiping;
  • exclusion of steam inhalation and mechanical cleaning;
  • refusal of certain foods (liver, dairy products, tomatoes, chocolate, all citrus fruits);
  • compositions for rosacea should be applied with soft and light movements;
  • Self-massage is also contraindicated in such situations;
  • minimize or completely eliminate visits to baths, beaches, solariums or saunas;
  • Proper sports exercises and daily walks will have a positive effect.

An integrated approach to the treatment of rosacea and subsequent facial skin care can permanently rid you of many imperfections on your face.

Folk remedies

It is prohibited to practice aggressive peeling for rosacea, where coarse abrasive particles or chemical acids are used, but soft peeling-gommage is quite acceptable.

Remedy No. 1. Oatmeal.

Dead cells are easily removed with oatmeal peels containing soft and small particles. To do this, you need to pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with warm water. After the mass swells, it should be applied to problem areas and then washed off with warm water after fifteen minutes.

Oatmeal copes well with dilated blood vessels, so you can make soothing masks from it at home.

Remedy No. 2. Herbal decoction.

A similar mixture is prepared from elderflower, linden blossom and chamomile flowers taken in equal parts. One tablespoon of the resulting assortment is poured into glasses of boiling water and cooked for ten minutes over low heat. The cooled and strained mixture must be diluted with oatmeal until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. This original mask is applied quite tightly for about fifteen minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Remedy No. 3. Starchy-berry.

Fresh berries in combination with potato starch reduce rosacea. For this mask, in addition to starch, you will need mashed apple, raspberry, strawberry, sea buckthorn and lingonberry, one spoon of each product. All ingredients are mixed and you can immediately apply the mask to a clean face, and after twenty minutes, rinse everything off thoroughly with warm water.

Remedy No. 4. A mixture of essential oils.

Compositions made from a mixture of oils such as Japanese mint, thyme, rosemary and grape seed are popular.

All oils are mixed in equal quantities and applied to areas affected by rosacea. The mask exposure time is fifteen minutes, and then it is removed with a damp cotton pad.

All home remedies must be selected with extreme caution, after coordinating all manipulations with a specialist.

Face massage

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to perform a facial massage with rosacea, because the current condition of the skin and blood vessels is very important. You should remember that using active massage techniques is prohibited. It is also necessary to exclude cosmetic brushes or facial massagers, and facial gymnastics, on the contrary, will strengthen the muscles.

Fast, but not strong movements are typical for Spanish modeling or plastic facial massage. The removal of toxins and, accordingly, the self-cleaning of cells is facilitated by the lymphatic drainage massage technique, which will give freshness to the face. Lymphatic drainage techniques should only be performed by qualified specialists. Massage using grape seed oil can be called useful.

The combination of vitamin C serum and ultrasonic massage will also be beneficial for rosacea, as the skin is evened out in tone and toned, and the capillaries are narrowed.

Diet for rosacea

Cuperosis requires strict adherence to a special diet, because the final recovery depends on it. Some foods actually strengthen blood vessels, so you should definitely have the following foods on your table:

  • fatty fish, or taking fish oil capsules;
  • vegetables, fruits, nuts;
  • lean chicken;
  • olive oil;
  • seaweed.

You need to consume about three hundred grams of seafood per week, not forgetting about one and a half liters of liquid per day.

The following products are prohibited:

  • sweet and flour products, so as not to provoke thinning of blood vessels;
  • lamb and pork, which can be eaten no more than two hundred grams;
  • alcohol, carbonated and caffeine-containing drinks, which cause damage not only to blood vessels, but also to the stomach.

Balanced diet in addition to normalizing vascular activity, it will strengthen and general state body.

Treatment with medications

All medications against rosacea, which are presented in pharmacy chains, act specifically on its very cause, and not on external signs. For rosacea, the developed treatment process, all drugs and their dosages are prescribed only by a specialist.

Features of treatment:

  • Medicines should, first of all, normalize blood pressure, improve its circulation, and also strengthen blood vessels.
  • The preparations must contain vitamins P, C and K, silicon, fatty acid omega three and various useful dietary supplements.
  • In addition to everything, creams and emulsions should be used that can even out skin color, protect against aggressive environments and, of course, reduce redness.
  • Components such as calendula, jojoba and avocado will add tone.

External treatment: ointments and creams

The most common ways to get rid of vascular network can be both ointment and cream for rosacea. But this impact only covers initial stages development of rosacea, which is still barely noticeable. Usually, cream with anti-rosacea effect affect the middle layer of the skin, while improving blood circulation and strengthening blood vessels.

Creams for rosacea should be based on routine, and together with ascorbic acid the effect only gets stronger . Plant extracts, collagen and grape seed oil also have a good effect on the treatment process. Active components, which are present in many lines of cosmetics, affect the capillaries of the epidermis and protect against an aggressive environment.

Herbal ointments based on natural oils have a relaxing effect, so they are approved for use by children. Care with special ointments and creams is supplemented with milk and cosmetic creams for proper hydration, cleansing and nutrition, and if you adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle, recovery is inevitable.

What remedy for rosacea should I buy?

  • Cream KORA (Russia) - capillary protector for skin prone to rosacea, 50ml
  • ROSALIAC UV LEGERE moisturizing emulsion for skin prone to redness. SPF 15 is the best cream for sensitive skin.
  • ROSALIAC AR INTENSE intensive anti-redness serum - designed for sensitive and reactive skin prone to rosacea. It combines 3 active components that help reduce redness by acting on its cause, and also prevent its reappearance.


Regardless of the reason why rosacea occurs, you need to remember all the contraindications, which are as follows:

  • smoking and alcohol;
  • too hot, spicy and fatty foods;
  • stressful events;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • use of aggressive means;
  • Fruit masks should not be used in spring and summer;
  • some types of massage;
  • the use of compresses and steaming masks;
  • scrubs with large particles;
  • honey and bee products in cosmetics
  • cosmetics that contain alcohol.

The best protection against rosacea is still considered to be its prevention, which includes regular salon care, the use of special cosmetics, proper nutrition and, of course, a positive attitude.

Thus, when a problem arises, you first need to thoroughly understand what rosacea of ​​the facial skin is, promptly seeking qualified help so that adequate treatment can be provided.

Couperosis of the skin is accompanied by impaired blood supply and manifests itself in the form of the formation of multiple dilated vessels and capillaries. Couperosis of the skin is one of the most aesthetically unpleasant manifestations of varicose veins, which manifests itself in the form of the formation of a vascular pattern or “stars” in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and on other parts of the face. Skin with this problem may become red and more sensitive to temperature changes.

The main methods of therapy are:

  1. Using the electrocoagulation method. The process involves the action of special electrodes that pass current. A similar technique will help to early stage development of the problem if the patient experiences single capillary formations.
  2. Involvement of laser therapy.
  3. Sclerotherapy.
  4. Ozone therapy.
  5. The use of medications and therapy at home at an early stage of the development of the problem.

Couperose skin can also form on the chin and cheeks. Representatives of both sexes are at risk, but rosacea of ​​the skin causes the greatest discomfort to women because of its unaesthetic appearance.

It should be remembered that if a patient is diagnosed with rosacea, the treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the degree of skin damage. There are 4 main stages of the disease, according to which the appropriate treatment method is selected.

It is recommended to begin treating skin rosacea as soon as possible after identifying the problem. If there is no timely treatment, the disease can progress and gradually spread to larger areas of the face. In order to cure rosacea of ​​the skin can be used modern technique– laser therapy.

During the procedure, the laser will only treat the affected area of ​​skin. The procedure is in progress laser ray penetrates the area of ​​the affected vessel or capillary and warms it from the inside. This contributes to the gradual gluing of the affected vessels and elimination of the problem.

Severe and progressive skin rosacea can be eliminated using laser therapy, however, there are some contraindications to such a procedure:

  • A history of serious disturbances in the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Presence of neoplasms.
  • Various diseases of infectious origin in the acute phase.
  • Inflammatory skin diseases that are accompanied by suppuration.
  • Diabetes.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

In order for the procedure to have the best effect, the patient must prepare thoroughly. To do this you need:

  • Use medications from the group of antibacterial agents before performing the procedure.
  • 72 hours before the procedure, it is not recommended to use cosmetics that contain alcohol and various acids.
  • Before and after laser therapy, it is recommended to use facial protection products with a high level of SPF.

After the procedure, patients will be contraindicated from being under direct sun rays for several weeks.

Endovascular laser coagulation

The technique of endovascular laser coagulation is one of the most modern and effective. This method of therapy quickly and effectively eliminates vascular patterns on the face, and patients are able to quickly return to their normal lifestyle after the procedure.

The procedure is carried out using a long-pulse laser, which can be used to treat even the most sensitive skin. Under the influence of laser radiation, the affected vessel is deformed and completely disappears. During the procedure, the following therapeutic effects occur:

  • Under the influence of the energy flow, the upper layer of the skin warms up.
  • In this case, the laser affects the deeper layers of the skin and the area of ​​​​the affected vessel or capillary.
  • The epidermis remains intact and undamaged.

In this case, the effect of the laser is accompanied by a moderate cooling effect, which reduces the development of pain and minimizes the risk of complications.

The device has a selective effect only on the affected areas of the vessels, without affecting the surrounding soft tissue.

The preparation procedure is similar to that recommended for patients before conventional laser therapy.

Among the shortcomings we can highlight quite a few high cost procedures. This type of treatment is not carried out in all cosmetology clinics. It is recommended that such a procedure be performed only by experienced specialists.

Treatment using the sclerotherapy method is considered minimally invasive and one of the most gentle treatment methods. During the procedure, the doctor introduces a special sclerosing component into the area of ​​the affected vessel or capillary. The substance promotes gluing of the affected vessel from the inside and after some time there is no trace left of the vascular pattern.

The substance is administered with a special thin needle, which ensures the procedure is painless and safe.

Before sclerotherapy, the doctor may give the patient the following recommendations:

  • Avoid using medications that contain acetylsalicylic acid or pentoxifylline. Such medications can cause bruising and bleeding.
  • You should definitely tell your doctor if you are taking hormonal medications, including birth control pills.
  • 48 hours before the procedure, the patient is advised to refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking.

The patient must be prepared for the fact that certain problems may arise after the procedure. side effects:

  • Development of a feeling of itching at the injection site.
  • Darkening of the skin. You should not be afraid of such an adverse reaction, since it is temporary and goes away on its own after some time.
  • In rare cases, complaints of excessive dryness and flaking of the skin may occur. Creams and ointments that contain dexpanthenol - for example, Bepanthen - can cope with this problem.
  • Development of pain. If the pain is too intense, then medications from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

In order to avoid the development of unwanted side reactions, it is recommended to contact qualified, experienced specialists who use modern and effective drugs, which have a sclerosing effect.

Treatment with sclerotherapy has long-term effects. In some cases, one course of treatment using a sclerosant substance will be sufficient. However, in the later stages of rosacea development, sclerotherapy may not have the necessary long-term effect, and the doctor will review the treatment regimen.

If a patient is diagnosed with rosacea, treatment with medications can stop the progression of the disease, but in most cases it is not able to completely eliminate the existing vascular pattern. The following medications can be used during therapy:

  • Preparations containing troxerutin.
  • Medicines based on metronidazole - Metrogyl gel.
  • Use of Retinoic ointment in combination with sunscreens with a high SPF level.
  • Using Advantan cream.

In addition to the use of drugs for external use, the doctor may prescribe internal medications based on extracts horse chestnut, rutin or ascorbic acid (for example, Ascorutin). Medicines must be used in courses, in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and the attending physician.

Patients are not advised to try to pick up medicine on one's own. Preparations containing retinol are recommended for use in the winter season - the period with the least solar activity. If the use of drugs does not have the necessary therapeutic effect, the doctor may reconsider the treatment regimen and prescribe minimally invasive or other methods of therapy.

Patients should be prepared for the fact that skin treatment can be a long process and in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations regarding the use of a particular product.

Pharmacy cosmetics and care

Skin treatment can be successful, but in order to record the results and prevent relapse, maintenance care is required. For this purpose, lines of supportive care specially developed by pharmacists and dermatologists from various manufacturers of pharmaceutical cosmetics can be used. It is recommended to pay attention to the corresponding lines of such companies:

  • Avene.
  • La Roche-Posay.
  • Uriage.
  • Lierac.

Before you start purchasing this or that product, you can ask the pharmacy for a sample of the skincare product so that you can test the product. If the skin reacts poorly to any of the components of the care used, you must temporarily stop using this or that product and observe the body’s reaction. If the irritation goes away on its own after stopping use of the product, this indicates that one of the components of the cosmetics causes an allergy and will have to be discarded.

Treatment must be supplemented with supportive care. People with similar problems will be advised to avoid peeling and scrubbing procedures. Facial massage and performing gymnastics exercises, which normalize microcirculation and eliminate swelling and congestion, have a positive effect.

You can try to cure skin rosacea at home with the help of healing vegetable or fruit masks.

  • Skin treatment can be carried out using a mask based on fresh, ripe apricots. It is necessary to wash the fruits, remove the bones and pass the apricots through a meat grinder or blender. The resulting mixture is applied to the entire face, most generously to the affected areas of the skin and left for 10-20 minutes. After this you need to wash your face with water. room temperature and apply a moisturizing cream containing vitamin P or rutin, or oil.
  • Couperosis of the skin can be treated with the pulp of a ripe banana. The fruit is thoroughly crushed to a pasty state and applied to the entire face. The exposure time of the fruit is up to 15-20 minutes. Then it is recommended to wash off the mask and wipe your face with a refreshing tonic for sensitive skin. After this procedure, the skin becomes more elastic, redness and vascular patterns become less noticeable.
  • Skin treatment can be carried out using a mask based on pink clay with the addition of almond oil. The skin treatment will be more pronounced if you add 1 drop each of cypress, lavender and juniper essential oils to the mixture. After a course of such masks, the skin becomes more rested, the pores are tightened, and rosacea becomes less noticeable.
  • If the skin is severely inflamed or the patient is bothered by painful sensations, then a mask based on zucchini and eggplant will have a good therapeutic effect.
  • Skin that is susceptible to the development of a vascular pattern is more sensitive and needs a tonic effect. You can use regular parsley for this. It is recommended to thoroughly chop the greens and leave for 15 minutes to form juice. Then the resulting paste is applied to the skin of the face and left to act for 10-15 minutes. Remains of the mask can be washed off with facial tonic or running water.
  • Face masks based on cucumber juice have a good therapeutic effect. It is recommended to generously moisten a small piece of cotton cloth with cucumber juice and apply it to the affected areas of the face. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
  • To make the vascular pattern less noticeable, you can use lemon juice diluted with water. Two tablespoons lemon juice must be mixed with 1 tablespoon of water, applied to gauze or bandage and applied to the wings of the nose for 5 minutes. In the future, the exposure time of the clarifying juice can be increased to 7 and 10 minutes.

Treatment of the skin using the described recipes will be most effective at the initial stage of development of the problem. Patients who are predisposed to this problem should remember that skin rosacea can be prevented using the described recipes.

Healing decoctions - therapy and prevention of rosacea

It is important not only to treat, but also to prevent skin rosacea. For people who have sensitive skin, as well as a hereditary predisposition to the formation of such a problem, it is important to adopt this effective recipe: it is recommended to pour a tablespoon of white or blue clay with a decoction of herbs. To prepare a decoction, you can take chamomile flowers, oak bark, horse chestnut fruits, linden flowers. All components are mixed and poured hot water and cool to a comfortable state. The skin will be grateful if you wipe your face with a similar decoction every day in the morning and evening. The vascular pattern gradually becomes less pronounced.

Rubbing your face with ice cubes every day has a positive therapeutic effect. A decoction of medicinal herbs can be used as a base for making ice: for example, chamomile or marigold.

Berry masks

Face masks prepared with fresh berries have a positive effect. This mask contains a large number of vitamins and microelements that can strengthen blood vessels and capillaries and have an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the mask you can use:

  • Black currant berries.
  • Cowberry.
  • Rowan.
  • Kalina.

All components should be crushed in a cup, add a small amount of food starch and vegetable oil (olive, avocado or almond). Then apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue with cool water and apply cream to your face.

Fruit and vegetable masks have a natural exfoliating effect and are suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

If the treatment is successful, patients are advised to focus their efforts on preventing the recurrence of the unpleasant disease. For this it is recommended:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Avoid using cosmetics that contain alcohol or a high percentage of acids.
  • One of the most significant factors that influences the formation of vascular patterns is exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, patients with a predisposition to this disease are recommended to reduce their exposure to direct sunlight to a minimum. In the summer, it is recommended to use hats with wide brims, as well as creams with a high level of SPF protection. In order to prevent excessive overheating of the skin, it is recommended to use thermal water.
  • It is also recommended to refrain from visiting sauna baths and using masks that help provide a pronounced warming effect. This is due to the fact that constant and sudden temperature changes can also cause the formation of a vascular pattern on the face.
  • It is recommended to pay special attention to the process of cleansing the skin. For this purpose, products that have a mild effect and do not dry out the skin can be used.
  • For prevention purposes, it is also recommended to undergo mesotherapy courses with drugs that promote vascular strengthening effects.

For prevention purposes, patients are often advised to adjust their diet and enrich it with cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and herbs. Proper care skin care, which is selected by a qualified dermatologist in combination with proper nutrition and giving up bad habits can work wonders.

It is necessary to take into account that rosacea is just one of the manifestations indicating disturbances in the normal functioning of the vascular system. Patients who are faced with a similar problem should remember that when a vascular pattern appears, it is important not only to eliminate the external manifestation, but also to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to cure the disease from the inside.

Cuperosis is a burning sensation, redness, increased sensitivity and dilated capillaries. Spider veins often appear on the cheeks and chin, as well as on the wings of the nose. Exacerbation of the disease is caused by alcohol, sun, nicotine, too cold and hot water. Couperosis develops due to genetic predisposition, poor lifestyle, and abuse of saunas and steam baths. Skin care products, diet and exercise can help relieve symptoms.

Nutrition from the vascular network

Stars and redness occur more often in those with thin, light skin. Such patients, as well as people with weak capillaries and blood pressure problems, are advised to follow a special diet.

Symptoms of rosacea are aggravated by red meat: beef, pork, lamb and veal. Turkey and chicken can be consumed, but not more than 400 g per week. The component is replaced with fish and seafood. Shrimp, hake, salmon and mussels contain amino acids and B vitamins. The components strengthen the walls of blood vessels, slowing down the appearance of “stars”. Seafood is combined with fish oil. Food supplement – ​​source of omega-3. The amino acid is beneficial for the skin and capillaries, normalizes metabolic processes and blood pressure.

The disease is aggravated by the abuse of semi-finished and smoked products. Preservatives weaken the walls of blood vessels. The salt contained in sausage and frozen dumplings retains fluid in the body and leads to pressure surges.

Sausages and pate are replaced with dishes made from beans, peas and soybeans, hard cheese and cottage cheese, as well as chicken and quail eggs. The body obtains protein from legumes and fermented milk products. The component is involved in the production of collagen, which improves the tone of capillaries and skin.

Leads to aggravation of rosacea butter and sour cream. Foods are sources of bad cholesterol, which leads to the formation of plaques and the appearance of vascular networks on the face. Fats of animal origin are replaced with vegetable ones. Instead of butter, they eat olive, corn, flaxseed and sunflower oil. Only the unrefined cold-pressed variety, which is high in omega-3, will do.

If you have rosacea, you should not overindulge in sweets. Cakes and sweets are fast carbohydrates, which cause a sharp increase in sugar levels and blood pressure. Cakes lead to recruitment excess weight. Fats are deposited on the face, impairing blood circulation and capillary tone. Vascular networks and redness appear, and the symptoms of rosacea intensify. If you are prone to diabetes and have “stars” on the cheeks and wings of the nose, even sweet fruits are excluded from the menu: oranges, mangoes, pineapples and papaya, as well as red plums. Prohibited foods are replaced with apples, lemons, currants sauerkraut, broccoli and bell pepper. Vegetables and berries are rich in ascorbic acid. Vitamin C restores capillary tone, removes vascular network and reduces skin sensitivity.

For rosacea, products containing potassium and rutin are useful:

  • bananas;
  • spinach;
  • buckwheat;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • carrot;
  • asparagus;
  • parsley roots and leaves.

Microelements and vitamins normalize blood circulation and pressure, tone capillaries and large vessels.

If you have rosacea, you should not eat chocolate, coffee or strong tea. Desserts and drinks rich in caffeine stimulate blood flow to the face and the formation of vascular networks. Coffee is replaced with green tea and rosehip decoction, which contains a lot of ascorbic acid.

The disease will recede if dishes with soy sauce, raisins, table and apple cider vinegar, as well as tomatoes and onions. If you have rosacea, you should not eat lobsters, white and brown bread, pasta and alcohol.

Instead of sweets and sausages, you should eat a handful of nuts every day, drink at least 1.5 liters of distilled water and 500 ml of kefir or yogurt without sweeteners or preservatives. A balanced diet can be supplemented with extracts and extracts from:

  • chestnut;
  • mimosas;
  • blueberries;
  • arnica;
  • grape seeds;
  • echinacea;
  • myrtles.

Capillaries are strengthened with biological additives with rutin, silicon and collagen.

Masks for rosacea

Thin and fair skin, prone to redness and “stars”, should be protected from frost and direct ultraviolet radiation. In winter and summer, they use medicinal creams with chamomile, calendula or aloe extract, and buy special gels and foams for rosacea. It is better to purchase cosmetics in pharmacies.

Foundation and powder help stop the disease. Decorative cosmetics not only disguise defects, but also protect the face from direct ultraviolet radiation. For rosacea, you can use scrubs, but only soft ones and no more than 4 times a week. If overused, hard particles damage the skin and increase irritation.

In the evening, it is useful to rub apricot or coconut oil into your face instead of cream. The cosmetic product activates the production of collagen fibers, soothes and restores the skin. Essential components can be added to the oil:

  • Japanese mint;
  • lemongrass;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary.

The ingredients remove redness and reduce “stars”. Grapeseed oil and apricot kernels complement with homemade masks against rosacea to make the skin clean and beautiful.

Butter and berries
In winter, the epidermis is restored with a product made from talc or corn starch. You can also use potato. Pour 40–50 g of the dry component into a bowl, add 1 tsp. lanolin and 30 ml of any vegetable oil. Sea buckthorn, flaxseed, corn and coconut have restorative properties, but sunflower is also suitable. The mixture is stirred and applied to the face after washing. Remains of the mask against rosacea are removed with warm, not hot, water. The skin is wiped with cotton swabs soaked in chamomile infusion.

The vascular network is removed with a product made from fresh berries:

  • raspberries;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • lingonberries;
  • strawberries

Ripe fruits are mashed with a fork or blender. Talc or potato starch is added to the berry pulp. Prepare a thick paste, which is applied in a thick layer to cleansed cheeks, sides of the nose and chin. The dried mask is removed, the remains are removed with a cotton swab and chamomile infusion. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a mixture of vegetable and essential oils. The product soothes, moisturizes and restores, neutralizes fruit acids.

Medicinal plants and tomatoes
Cuperosis is treated with a mixture of herbs:

  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • horse chestnut flowers;
  • horsetail;
  • calendula.

Healing plants are mixed in equal parts in a bowl, hot water is added so that the components soften and swell. Fill the mask with potato starch to make it thicker and more uniform. The warm mixture is applied in a thick layer to the reddened areas for 20–30 minutes. You can make a mask from gauze: cut off a flap with holes for the eyes and nose. The prepared face is covered with a cloth, and a paste of herbs and starch is laid on top.

Green tomatoes help eliminate the symptoms of rosacea within a few weeks. Vegetables are finely chopped or pureed with a blender. The paste is wrapped in gauze or cotton cloth. Tampons with green tomatoes are applied only to protruding capillaries. The product is removed after burning or tingling occurs. Rinse the skin with warm water or a soothing chamomile infusion. The face rests for several hours, then the procedure with tomatoes is repeated. Make from 3 to 5-6 lotions per day. Treatment with green tomatoes lasts until the capillaries disappear.

Vessels and skin are strengthened with dark grapes. Berries, cut in half, are applied to problem areas. The bones are removed so that they do not injure the skin. The fruits are kept for 20–30 minutes. You can secure the grapes with a plaster or wrap them with bandages.

Bananas, yeast and vitamin cocktail
Aloe pulp helps with rosacea. The large leaf is washed and ground, and the cake is separated from the juice using gauze. Measure out 20 ml of aloe and mix with 60 g of dry yeast. If the mask turns out to be too thick, dilute it with boiled water to a creamy consistency. The product is used three times a week. After the aloe mask, the skin is moisturized with a rich cream.

For people with thin and sensitive skin, nutritional compositions made from banana are recommended. The fruit contains starch, which calms inflammation, and vitamins that stimulate collagen production. The pulp is crushed with a blender, 20 ml of olive oil and 30 g of linden honey are added to the mass.

The elasticity of the skin and capillaries is restored by cucumber juice. In separate containers, beat 35 g of fat sour cream and egg white. The products are carefully combined, seasoned with 1 tsp. cucumber drink. A gauze pad with slits for the eyes and nose is soaked in the thick solution. Keep the mask on for 20–25 minutes. Residues are removed with a dry cotton swab. The product is used before bedtime; after the procedure, do not wash your face until the morning.

Areas where blood vessels appear can be lubricated with geranium essential oil. The component is applied with patting movements. The remains are removed with a cotton swab and anti-rosacea cream is rubbed into the skin.

A vitamin mask to strengthen the skin and capillaries is prepared from kefir. Measure out 90 ml of fermented milk drink and mix with 5 drops of currant essential oil. A piece of gauze, folded 4 times, is soaked in a product heated to room temperature. Leave on face for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with cool, but not ice-cold water and apply a nourishing cream against rosacea to your skin.

Potatoes and bodyaga
Cosmetic defects are removed with potatoes. Several peeled tubers are passed through a meat grinder and the mass is mixed with wheat or rye flour. A cake is formed and applied to the face for half an hour. The starch secreted by potatoes narrows pores and tightens the epidermis, tones the capillaries. Thanks to the product, blood circulation is restored, and the “stars” become less noticeable.

Tingling and burning are treated with bodyaga. Mix 20 g of herbal powder with 1 tsp. lanolin or usually petroleum jelly. The mask is filled with 30 ml of vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. starch. Talc is not suitable for the face, it dries the skin too much. Beat the ingredients with a blender until smooth. The product is evenly distributed over the face after washing and scrubbing. The bodyagi mask is washed off with chamomile decoction heated to 38–40 degrees.

Tonics and lotions

Ginger compresses can be applied to reddened areas of the face. Mix 15 g of crushed root and 1 liter of liquid base. The broth is heated to 90 degrees, but do not boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, cool. Soak a cotton cloth or gauze in the strained drink, or maybe a piece of cotton wool. Apply the compress to the affected areas for 20 minutes.

For rosacea, wipe the face with chamomile tonic: 1 liter of boiling water per 60 g of plant. Insist Herb tea several hours, then filter and dissolve 3-4 Ascorutin tablets in the product. The result is anti-inflammatory cosmetics enriched with ascorbic acid. Chamomile tonic restores elasticity to blood vessels and makes “stars” less noticeable.

If you don’t have money for a special cream for rosacea, you can buy a regular cosmetic product with chamomile extract or vitamin E and add powder from 1-2 Ascorutin tablets to it.

Apply lozenges to the inflamed areas oatmeal. The porridge is mixed in equal proportions with chamomile flowers and ground in a coffee grinder. Add a little vegetable oil to the powder to make an elastic dough. The cakes are secured to the face with a plaster or bandage and left for 40–50 minutes. Lotions moisturize the skin, saturate it with vitamins and amino acids, and restore elasticity to blood vessels.

Compresses with apple cider vinegar help prevent “stars” and irritation. Heat 4 tbsp in a steam bath. l. food additives up to 50 degrees, add 35 ml of honey and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal Soak gauze or cotton swabs with sweet gruel and leave on problem areas for 30–40 minutes. Remains of honey and vinegar are removed with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Cosmetic defects can be massaged with your fingertips. During the procedure, rub in a mixture of vegetable oil and Vaseline. This homemade cream restores blood circulation, normalizes skin condition and reduces sensitivity to cold.

During the period of exacerbation of rosacea, you should not apply contrasting lotions and wipe your face with ice cubes, as well as wash your face with ice water and stay in the cold for a long time.

  1. Cosmetic defects appear due to hormonal imbalances. Those with light and thin skin are not allowed to take oral contraceptives without a gynecologist's prescription. Do not abuse corticosteroids or other drugs that interfere with the functioning of the thyroid, pancreas or adrenal glands.
  2. Nicotine leads to the appearance of rosacea. The substance clogs and weakens blood vessels and small capillaries, causes problems with blood pressure and negatively affects the condition of the skin. To get rid of a cosmetic defect, you will have to give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  3. Blood circulation is normalized thanks to physical exercise. Running, swimming and morning exercises strengthen the heart and the walls of blood vessels, saturate the body with oxygen. The condition of the skin improves, problems with blood pressure and “stars” disappear.
  4. Couperosis appears in people who are constantly nervous and worried. The pressure constantly increases due to stress and depression, and the capillaries cannot withstand it, their walls become less elastic. Patients are advised to regularly meditate or practice yoga, draw and walk in the fresh air.
  5. Cuperosis is a good reason to have your liver checked. Vascular mesh and “stars” appear on the face due to hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatosis.
  6. Dark burgundy veins and stains are removed in beauty salons. Cosmetic defects are treated with laser, ozone and chemical peeling.
  7. If you have rosacea, you should not stay in the sun for a long time or tan in a solarium. It is forbidden to visit the bathhouse and sauna, do inhalations and steam your face.
  8. You should not buy cosmetics that contain alcohol, menthol, eucalyptus or mint. Products containing cloves and acetone are contraindicated.

Cuperosis needs to be treated comprehensively. The right cream and gel for washing are combined with folk masks and lotions, supplemented with diet and physical activity. They give up smoking and alcohol, learn to cope with the effects of stress. Thanks to the combined approach, the facial skin will become clear and the vascular network will disappear.

Video: rosacea on the face - how to care for your skin

The stereotype that a bright blush on the cheeks is an indicator of good health, and a red nose is a sign of alcoholism, is firmly ingrained in people's minds. In reality, this is not the case. Redness on the face may indicate the presence of a skin disease - rosacea. Its manifestations are most often localized in the area of ​​the cheeks and wings of the nose. Such an aesthetic defect causes great distress. Especially for women who are ready to try any means to eliminate the causes and treat rosacea on the face.

Cuperosis is not considered a life-threatening pathology. But it causes considerable discomfort. With rosacea, girls have to constantly powder problem areas or apply foundation. Such measures only mask the problem rather than eliminate it. Cuperosis is progressing little by little. And soon the face becomes like geographical map, dotted with bright red capillaries. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand the causes of rosacea and determine how to treat it correctly.

Causes, treatment and prevention of rosacea on the face

Before touching on the treatment of an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to determine what rosacea on the face is. This is a pathology based on a violation of blood microcirculation. Insufficient blood circulation provokes the appearance of stagnation in the capillaries. The load on the vessels increases. To cope with it they have to expand. Impaired microcirculation leads to another problem. The walls of blood vessels do not receive necessary nutrition, against which they lose their elasticity and become brittle.

Visually, rosacea looks like a bright blush or a red nose, but upon closer examination, dilated capillaries are easily visible, clearly visible under the skin. They are the ones who form “networks” and “stars” on the face. Couperosis, which doctors usually call telangiectasia, can develop anywhere. But most often it occurs on the face.

The severity of rosacea depends on the stage of the pathology. Initially, an unaesthetic mesh may appear on the face only sporadically. But over time, it becomes more persistent and acquires a rich red color. In an advanced stage, rosacea is characterized by a bluish tint.

Why do “stars” appear: 4 provoking factors

The appearance of a mesh on the face is a signal of impaired vascular function. Therefore, rosacea is often regarded by doctors as a symptom of certain diseases. To select adequate treatment, it is important to correctly determine the source of the problem. Most often, the causes of unaesthetic mesh are hidden in the following four pathologies.

  1. Vascular diseases. Vasodilation is characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and hypertension.
  2. Digestive ailments. Gastritis and enterocolitis may be the basis of rosacea. Liver pathologies and dysbacteriosis can provoke the problem.
  3. Hormonal disorders. Mesh on the face often appears during pregnancy or menopause, when the woman’s body is disrupted hormonal background. Cuperosis can signal some gynecological problems, such as cystic formations, fibroids. Sometimes the body reacts to the abuse of oral contraceptives with dilated vessels.
  4. Endocrine diseases. Cuperosis is a symptom of diabetes. It may indicate the development of thyroid disorders or malfunction of the adrenal glands.

Factors predisposing to the development of rosacea may be: addiction to alcohol and smoking, heredity, prolonged and regular exposure to the sun, abuse of steam rooms, unhealthy diet, unfavorable climate and psycho-emotional stress.

How to care for couperose skin

Methods to combat rosacea can be divided into three categories: cosmetic therapy, drug treatment and the use of folk remedies. Of course, the best results will be ensured by a competent combination of all these methods under the supervision of a physician. But regardless of the chosen method of therapy, special attention should be paid to the care of rosacea facial skin, your diet and lifestyle.

Table - Care, nutrition, procedures - do's and don'ts for rosacea

Face cleaning- Lotions and toners for sensitive skin
- light homemade scrubbing compositions
- Alcohol-containing infusions;
- drying agents;
- cosmetics with fruit acids;
- film masks;
- rough peelings;
- steaming
Washing- Decoction of recommended herbs;
- water at room temperature
- Hot water;
- excessively cold water;
- contrast procedures
Components in cosmetics- Esters of lavender, wild carrot, geranium, chamomile, neroli, parsley;
- rosehip, apricot, jojoba, almond, rose, avocado, tamanu, grape seed oils;
- herbs horse chestnut, chamomile, calendula, yarrow
- Honey and its derivatives;
- aloe;
- menthol;
- oils of dill, cinnamon, anise, cloves, eucalyptus
Lifestyle and care- Outdoor walks;
- yoga classes;
- swimming;
- diet;
- professional massage
- Visiting saunas, baths, solariums;
- prolonged exposure to the sun;
- use of cosmetic massagers, except Dorsonval;
- rubbing the face with rough towels
Nutrition- Foods rich in potassium (parsley, celery, rye, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, tomatoes, plums, avocado, wheat, oats, green tea);
- food containing vitamin C (any currant, garlic, red pepper, rose hips);
- food enriched with rutin (aronia, red rowan, pomegranate, sea buckthorn, bananas, buckwheat, walnut);
- products containing Omega-3 (seafood, sea fish, fish fat, flaxseed, olive oil);
- protein foods (turkey, rabbit, legumes, eggs, domestic chicken, hard cheese)
- Fatty, spicy, salty;
- smoked meats, spices, pates;
- citrus fruits;
- alcohol (red wine is especially harmful);
- liver;
- veal;
- mutton;
- red pork
- beef;
- coffee;
- chocolate;
- products containing preservatives;
- semi-finished products

The question often arises: is it possible to wipe your face with ice if you have rosacea? Cosmetologists do not recommend doing this. You can wipe only to prevent vasodilation. But if the mesh is already visible through the skin and rosacea is obvious, then the ice event should be abandoned.

Review of medications

Only a doctor can prescribe how to treat rosacea on the face. Medications make it possible to combat the underlying pathology against which rosacea develops. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, and improve microcirculation.

To combat rosacea, such medications may be prescribed.

  • "Ascorutin". The drug contains essential vitamins C, A, R. The medicine strengthens blood vessels, reduces fragility and permeability of capillaries. It helps reduce swelling, activates collagen synthesis and reduces the severity of rosacea. The drug is contraindicated for diabetes, gout, thrombophlebitis.
  • "Vikasol". These tablets are a synthetic analogue of vitamin K. They improve skin elasticity, restore blood clotting, and prevent bleeding of various origins, including capillary ones. The drug is prohibited for thromboembolism and high blood clotting.
  • "Troxevasin". The drug, produced in the form of tablets, ointments, gels, contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P). Reviews from people talking about the treatment of rosacea on the face with Troxevasin show that the best results are achieved by combining tablet administration with treatment of damaged areas with ointment. The drug is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis, renal failure, ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.
  • Heparin ointment. The product has the ability to eliminate inflammation, activate the resorption of hematomas, and improve blood circulation in the vessels. Good results are indicated by reviews of heparin ointment for rosacea on the face. However, it must be remembered that the drug has many contraindications and can cause irritation and itching. And with prolonged use, it can worsen blood clotting and even cause bleeding.
  • "Dirozeal". The action of the cream is aimed at activating metabolism in the skin. Improved metabolism leads to accelerated cell renewal. The cream helps strengthen blood vessels, stimulates blood flow, and reduces the severity of rosacea. The product "Dirozeal" has a thick consistency. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it to treat rosacea on oily surfaces. And it is ideal for dry skin.
  • "Bark". The product contains extracts of verbena, green tea, rutin, and vitamin C. “Bark” cream activates metabolic processes in tissues. It restores well brittle and weak blood vessels damaged by rosacea. In winter, it is not recommended to use the cream due to its high moisturizing properties.

Before purchasing cream or vitamins from a pharmacy for rosacea on the face, be sure to visit a doctor and undergo an examination prescribed by a specialist. Wrongly chosen cosmetics can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin and the entire body.

4 cosmetic procedures

To remove rosacea on the face, you can resort to cosmetic procedures. The procedures are selected by a dermatologist based on the examination, individual characteristics and the advanced stage of the problem.

A beauty salon can offer the following four measures to combat rosacea.

  1. Laser treatment. An effective procedure that leaves no traces behind. The laser instantly heats the vessel and then solders it. The procedure is painless and allows you to treat a large surface of the skin in a short time. Laser removal of rosacea on the face provides good results after the first session. But the main disadvantage of the event is the possibility of relapse (return) of rosacea.
  2. Photorejuvenation. Areas affected by rosacea are exposed to high-frequency light pulses. Light energy acts selectively and does not affect healthy areas. It “works” only with injured vessels, ensuring their adhesion. Photoflash is an effective way to completely defeat rosacea on the face.
  3. Mesotherapy. The procedure is based on pinpoint injection of microinjections under the skin using small needles. Special medications are injected directly into the source of the problem. They provide the necessary constriction of blood vessels, improve their elasticity and nutrition. Subcutaneously administered drugs long time maintain their effect - for about six months rosacea will not make itself felt.
  4. Ozone therapy. A small microneedle delivers a combined mixture of ozone and oxygen into the vessel. This combination allows the vessels to return to their original state. Couperosis goes away without a trace after ozone therapy, leaving no pigmentation or scars on the face.

For the treatment of rosacea, it is useful to use the Darsonval apparatus. It affects blood vessels with pulsed currents. Under the influence of the device, lymphatic drainage massage occurs, which reduces pressure in the blood vessels. Regular implementation of such procedures minimizes the appearance of rosacea.

5 folk recipes

With rosacea, many home procedures aimed at cleansing and facial care are simply contraindicated. Aggressive exposure can cause irritation on sensitive areas. The redness will intensify, and peeling and even itching will join the “geographical” grid on the face.

Compress “Tenderness of chamomile”


  • Pharmaceutical chamomile - three tablespoons.
  • Boiling water - one glass.

How to do

  1. Chamomile flowers are poured with hot water. Cover the container with a lid and leave the product for about 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, filter the infusion.
  2. Pieces of natural cotton fabric are moistened in the resulting infusion. Wet compresses are applied to areas affected by rosacea. Leave the compress for a quarter of an hour.
  3. It is recommended to use these compresses against rosacea daily, before going to bed.

Apple cider vinegar lotion for rosacea


  • Water - eight tablespoons.
  • Apple cider vinegar - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Vinegar is mixed with purified water.
  2. With this product it is necessary to wipe the rosacea mesh daily, twice a day.

Apple cider vinegar has nutritional regenerating properties. A lotion based on it gently cleanses sensitive skin with rosacea and provides an antiseptic effect.

Mask “Ginger Delight”


  • Ground ginger - 5 g.
  • Hot water - half a glass.

How to do

  1. Ginger is poured with water and the product is allowed to brew.
  2. A tampon is moistened in the still warm mixture and the product is applied to the rosacea areas.
  3. It is recommended to do such anti-rosacea face masks at home daily.

Mask “Potato Luxury”


  • Potatoes - one tuber.
  • Chamomile decoction - a few tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Raw potato tubers, peeled, are crushed on a fine grater or in a blender.
  2. Fresh gruel is applied to rosacea areas.
  3. After ten minutes, the product is carefully removed from the face with a cotton swab previously soaked in chamomile decoction.

A similar method for removing rosacea on the nose or cheeks can be used as “ ambulance", when an unaesthetic mesh needs to be made, at least temporarily, unnoticeable in a short time.

Cream “Charge of vitamins”

If you can’t find an anti-rosacea cream, you can easily prepare a similar product yourself.


  • Day cream (it is better to take for sensitive dermis) - two tablespoons.
  • "Ascorutin" - one pill.

How to do

  1. The tablet must be crushed into powder.
  2. Ascorutin powder is added to the cream and the product is carefully mixed.
  3. The resulting cream-ointment must be applied to the rosacea mesh daily.

Another activity that is recommended to combat rosacea is facial massage. But it is permissible to use only lymphatic drainage technique, during which the pathological blood pressure in the vessels is reduced. Japanese or lymphatic massage, which involves pressure on the integument, is strictly contraindicated. Cosmetologists, explaining how to get rid of rosacea of ​​the facial skin, recommend including special gymnastics in complex therapy that strengthens the facial muscles, and thereby reduces the visibility of the unattractive mesh.

“We need to treat the problem, not its derivative,” - reviews and experiences of girls with vascular networks on their faces

Girls, rosacea cannot be completely cured! You need to constantly take care of your skin. All cosmetics must have the prefix hypersensitive. You can’t eat spicy, fried or sweet foods. High temperature changes. Avoid alcohol. Yes, I agree, the laser removes the blood vessels, but after some time they will appear again (it didn’t help me). Personally, I go to a cosmetologist once a month for a rosacea treatment program + she prepared me a cream with essential oils, which I use every day. This really helped me. The rest is all nonsense.

Guest, //

Cuperosis is a rather complex problem in cosmetology. For its treatment, only a systemic method is suitable - nutrition, giving up bad habits, only the right one home care, mesotherapy course 2 times a year, venotonics orally and intramuscularly. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. And you need to be patient - it takes time to pause the process. The laser does not solve the problem, new vessels will appear again, which is why it is necessary to select treatment.

[email protected], //

I have quite pronounced rosacea. Was. Especially on the wings of the nose, under the nose, under the eyes (it seemed like they were big bags). I had a photorejuvenation procedure done. I did 3 procedures, once a month. The issue price was (this was 3 years ago) 6000 each. It's painfully scary. I just cried during the first procedure and for another 40 minutes after it. When I came for the second time, my cosmetologist (I’ve been going to her for 9 years) said: I was sure that you wouldn’t come again. And I came. After the course, my face became very bright and my pores became smaller. Now, 3 years later, my damn rosacea is just beginning to appear. I think I’ll definitely repeat this winter (or next). I recommend to everyone. The effect is amazing.

Geba, //

At the very first procedure I was told that peelings are contraindicated for me... because rosacea is present... although I have it in a very weak form... in places...
They prescribed 10 nitrogen treatments... to strengthen blood vessels and 3 months. drink Ascorutin. Be sure to add ascorbic acid or orange juice. In short, as a result, I see that some of the vessels have become completely invisible. In general, an adequate doctor will treat your problem, and not its derivative... 500 Homemade recipes for face masks with lemon, or How to squeeze out all the benefits from citrus 1208 Gelatin face mask for blackheads: how to achieve the effect of the sensational Black Mask

show more

Every woman is very sensitive to her appearance. Any, even the slightest redness of the skin can upset and even cause severe depression. Especially when you don’t know what it is and how to deal with it. There are many skin problems, and one of them is rosacea. Such a scary word, but in fact it is not such a problematic disease. The main thing is to know how to get rid of it.

Causes of rosacea on the face

To treat a disease, you first need to know what it is.

Couperosis is the appearance of so-called spider veins and tufts on the skin of the face, which most often appear on the cheeks and nose. With this disease, blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis is disrupted, and as a result, blood stagnates in the capillaries. The walls of blood vessels are not able to withstand such a load, so they very quickly become fragile and lose their elasticity.

There are many reasons for the appearance of rosacea; its occurrence can be influenced by both hereditary and acquired factors. Let's consider this issue in detail. Causes of rosacea on the face:

  1. Couperosis on the face can be inherited, and it can appear after several generations.
  2. Climatic conditions often provoke the appearance of “stars”. Long exposure to the sun or frost has a particularly detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Another reason is various diseases internal organs, reproductive system organs, inflammation of the sinuses, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, varicose veins, liver disease, etc.
  4. In addition, “red stars” can become a harbinger of the development of hypertension.
  5. Even pregnancy or stress affect the appearance of rosacea on the face. According to statistics, a third of all pregnant women have vascular inflammation, which, however, gradually disappears after childbirth.
  6. But we shouldn’t forget, of course, about bad habits that have a detrimental effect on our body in general and on the skin in particular. In smokers, the blood vessels are constantly in a closed state, so blood circulation throughout the body is disrupted. Manifestations various diseases, as a rule, are visible on the face and hands.

If you are faced with a disease such as rosacea on the face, you should take a close look at your diet. Limit your consumption of coffee and chocolate. It has been scientifically proven that these products have a detrimental effect on the condition of blood vessels and provoke rosacea.

Since there are many reasons for the appearance of rosacea, you should not neglect treatment and try to mask the redness with cosmetics. If it is difficult to determine the source of the disease, and in this case it is very difficult to do this on your own, consult a doctor. The therapist is the specialist you should contact first.

Cuperosis on the face: you need to know the cause of any redness on the face

Treatment of rosacea at home

Nutrition for rosacea

As we know, most of the rashes on our skin are associated with poor nutrition, so first we analyze our diet. We exclude alcohol, coffee, spicy, smoked, salty foods from food. Of course, you will have to forget about smoking as soon as you start treatment. We introduce foods rich in silicon, namely Jerusalem artichoke, peas, corn, buckwheat. They should definitely be in your diet. As well as foods enriched with vitamins C, P and K - green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, tomatoes, green pea, egg yolk, fish oil, animal liver, soybean oil, onion, garlic, fruit. It is also recommended to replace black tea with green tea, as it contains all the necessary vitamins to strengthen blood vessels.

Masks against rosacea at home

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on purchasing cosmetics for rosacea. All you need to do is arm yourself with a few recipes. traditional medicine and apply them regularly. Making homemade masks is very simple, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on ingredients, since most products can be found in any kitchen or purchased for mere pennies at the pharmacy.

Potato mask

You will need: potatoes, chamomile

Take one raw potato, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Apply the mixture to your face, covering the mask with a layer of gauze if desired. This way the potatoes will give all their juice to your skin. Keep the mask on your face for about 10-15 minutes, after which we cleanse the skin with chamomile decoction.

Oatmeal mask

You will need: oatmeal, chamomile, oil (vegetable/olive)

To prepare an oatmeal mask, take 1 tablespoon each of oatmeal and chamomile, previously ground into flour. Add any vegetable or olive oil and mix the ingredients to a paste-like consistency. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water. This remedy can be used daily until the redness disappears completely.

Tonic for rosacea

You will need: chamomile, water, ascorutin

To prepare a tonic for rosacea on the face, we need to brew 20 grams of chamomile in 500 ml of warm water. After this, cool the infusion and dissolve 2 tablets of ascorutin in it. This tonic should be used to wipe problem areas both morning and evening.

Mask against rosacea with fresh berries

You will need: potato starch, apples, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, strawberries

Take 1 teaspoon of potato starch, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries and strawberries. We also add grated apple to this fruit mixture. Mix all ingredients and apply to clean facial skin for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash off all residues with warm water.

Couperosis cream

You will need: cream, ascorutin

Also, from the usual cream that we use every day, you can make a medicinal product that perfectly copes with rosacea on the face. To do this, add 1 tablet of ascorutin, previously ground into powder, to your favorite cream.

Oils for rosacea

You will need: rosemary oil, thyme oil, Japanese mint oil, grape seed oil

To prepare such a mask, take all the oils and mix in equal proportions. Apply the composition to problem areas for 15 minutes. After the procedure, residual oil can be removed using a damp cotton pad.

Couperosis on the face : Using homemade masks you can reduce skin redness and spider veins

Contraindications for rosacea on the face

Treating rosacea at home can be a pleasant and effective experience. However, remember that there are some things you need to eliminate from your routine.


  1. Alcohol-containing tonics;
  2. Scrubs and peelings;
  3. Manual cleaning of pores;
  4. Clay masks are used with caution;
  5. Rubbing with ice;
  6. Bath and sauna; vacuum and manual massage.

Compliance with all the rules and home procedures will undoubtedly have a positive effect. The main thing is a positive attitude, proper nutrition and timely consultation with a doctor.

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