Is it possible to add pickled cucumber to okroshka? Okroshka with pickled and fresh cucumbers. Okroshka with beets


700 grams of boiled or baked meat
- 1 large onion;
- 3 eggs;
- 300 grams of radishes;
- 500 grams of fresh cucumbers;
- 500 grams of pickled cucumbers;
- 300 grams of salted/pickled plums;
- Greens (dill).
I am very loyal to potatoes in Russian cuisine. But here - excuse me. There are no potatoes in my okroshka. But you can serve okroshka with hot potatoes.

Opinions differ about the choice of meat. For example, V.A. Levshin in “Russian Cookery” claims that pork, black grouse and turkey are suitable for okroshka. Some others, on the contrary, deny pork in okroshka. So you do according to your own understanding, but the fact is that the meat should be soft. For example, I took good beef, boiled it over low heat for a long time - and was quite pleased with the result. In general, okroshka for our ancestors was a way to utilize excess cooked meat so that it wouldn’t go to waste, which is why in ancient books you often find phrases like “the leftovers of any roast will do.”
As for salted plums, this now rather exotic preparation is truly a classic component of okroshka, Levshin, again, wrote about it. If it’s not available to you, that’s okay, of course. Here they are so cute, with radishes and cucumbers:

I prefer to chop everything moderately finely. After placing the slices on a plate, pour a few spoons of brine - cucumber or plum - over it. I took advantage of the moment and watered it with plum. Let's brew a little.
Well, then we dilute it with white kvass. I already wrote how it is done, a reminder here:
Another subtle point is the dressing, that is, a kind of okroshka sauce. You can, of course, just add horseradish and mustard, or you can make it more interesting. This topic is also not new; pre-revolutionary authors also wrote about dressing okroshka, and Pokhlebkin cited its recipe. Actually, my version is a slightly modified version of Pokhlebkin.
- 2 ground egg yolks;
- 2 full teaspoons of vigorous mustard;
- 1 small grated horseradish root;
- 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds;
- dried dill;
- a pinch of black pepper;
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest;
- 1 teaspoon of cucumber or plum brine.

A teaspoon of this sauce, added to our okroshka along with good sour cream, will perfectly complement the picture. Or maybe it can be used in other places - for meat, for example, why not?

What Russian dish, derived from the verb “to crumble,” is not a single summer feast complete without? You probably don’t need any prompting. Okroshka!

What is the old Russian okroshka, thanks to which a modern and more understandable version for us appeared - okroshka with sausage on kvass? Chopped or crumbled vegetable ingredients, boiled poultry or fish, as well as herbs and chicken eggs, mixed together and seasoned with cucumber brine. Something like this!

Almost everything remains the same, only cucumber brine is hardly added to okroshka, but they prepare very tasty okroshka on kvass with pickles. This is exactly the kind of half-Old Russian okroshka with pickles that we will prepare today. The recipe is very simple.

We take products from the list.

We take high-quality low-fat milk sausage. Cut into small cubes. In general, I really like it when all the okroshka ingredients are chopped quite finely.

Cut the boiled potatoes into small cubes.

Our favorite pickles. Finely chop into cubes.

Large radishes can be grated. I have radishes from the garden - a small root vegetable. I cut it finely with a knife.

Boiled chicken eggs need to be peeled and cut into cubes.

Then chop fresh dill and green onions.

After that, all the ingredients must be mixed, after seasoning with salt. The main okroshka is ready.

I take a small Russian salad bowl. I serve myself 250 g of okroshka, still without kvass.

I add cold bread kvass. Okroshka with pickled cucumbers is ready! There is no need to insist on it, but you can immediately take a sample. Very tasty to eat with sour cream.

There are so many okroshkas in the world!

Cold soups are prepared with vegetables, meat, fish and even seafood.

There are a huge number of recipes and serving options. But our Russian okroshka is closer to us!

Shall we cook?

Russian okroshka - general principles of preparation

Traditionally, Russian okroshka is topped with sour kvass. But not always. Often cold soup is prepared with whey, sour milk, or simply diluted with sour cream with water. In villages there were recipes for meat okroshkas made with rich broths. They not only quenched thirst, but also satiated well.

What is usually thrown into soup:

Radish, radish;

All kinds of greens;


Meat, poultry or sausage.

The special taste of cold soup is given by the acid that must be contained in kvass. But sometimes the dish turns out bland. In this case, add lemon and vinegar. You can chop and grind sorrel leaves.

Season the okroshka with sour cream, which can be added directly to the pan or portioned into plates. Pepper, mustard, and horseradish are often added to Russian okroshkas. Spicy and sour soups have a pleasant taste.

Recipe 1: Russian okroshka with bread kvass

To prepare Russian okroshka, real kvass is used, but not simple kvass. The drink is prepared on rye breadcrumbs, allowed to ferment with raisins and kept in a cold cellar. If there is no such kvass, then we use any other one.


0.7 liters of kvass;

2 cucumbers;

Onion 1 small bunch;

0.25 kg of boiled sausage;

Sour cream to taste and mustard;

A little dill.


1. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Let cool, then remove the shell and finely chop.

2. Add cucumbers, sausage, and herbs to the eggs. We cut everything into small cubes.

3. Salt and mix.

4. Place the resulting salad on plates.

5. Pour in kvass and stir. The drink needs to be well cooled, it should be ice cold.

6. Add hot mustard to sour cream. We select the quantity to your taste.

7. Place 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream on top and immediately send to the table.

Recipe 2: Russian okroshka with beef broth

A variation of hearty Russian okroshka, which is cooked in meat broth. The soup turns out rich and tastes good. To prevent the broth from being greasy, it is better to use beef. The meat will also go into the soup.


0.4 kg beef;

5-6 cucumbers;

3-4 potatoes;

2 bunches of dill;

120 ml sour cream;

10 radishes;

2 bunches of onions.


1. Place the beef pulp in a saucepan, add two liters of purified water and boil for about two hours. Be sure to skim off the foam, otherwise the broth will not be clear.

2. Take out the beef pieces, cool them and put them in the freezer for an hour. Once thoroughly cooled, they will be easy to cut into neat cubes.

3. Cut the boiled eggs and potatoes into the same cubes as the meat.

4. Add all the greens to the total mass. The onion and dill need to be sorted, washed, and chopped finely.

5. We also wash the radishes, remove their ends and cut them into thin circles or sectors.

6. Mix all the ingredients and pour in salted, always cooled broth.

7. Sour cream is added to a common pan or individually to plates.

8. Let the soup cool for an hour, you can add lemon juice to taste. In the old days in Rus' they poured cabbage or cucumber brine.

Recipe 3: Russian okroshka with beets and carrots

Another rustic version of Russian okroshka made with bread kvass. The soup is not quite ordinary, very bright and appetizing. All vegetables need to be cooked in advance; you can refrigerate them.


1.2 liters of sour kvass;

0.2 kg of boiled meat or sausage;

3 cucumbers;

1 bunch of onion and dill;

2 boiled beets;

2 boiled carrots;

3 eggs, also boiled;

Salt and sour cream.


1. Peel the boiled carrots and cut them into cubes.

2. We also crumble the eggs and add them to the carrots.

3. Add chopped or grated cucumbers. If the seeds are large or the skin is rough, then you need to remove them.

4. Now meat or sausage. Grind and add to cold soup.

5. The beets need to be peeled and grated, but coarsely. Add to soup.

6. Chop the greens in the usual way and add them to the rest of the ingredients.

7. Stir everything together and add a little salt.

8. You need to pour kvass over the okroshka right away so that the beets color the broth and make the soup more attractive.

9. Sour cream is added to each eater’s plate.

Recipe 4: Russian okroshka with whey

Whey is a by-product of making cottage cheese. It is used for baking, drinks, and various dishes. In Rus', okroshka was actively prepared using whey. And it turned out no worse than soup with kvass. Shall we check?


Serum 1.4 liters;

Four potatoes;

Five cucumbers;

A couple of bunches of any greenery;

0.3 kg of boiled meat;

Three eggs optional;

Medium bunch of radishes;

Sour cream 250-300 grams;

Salt, vinegar.


1. Immediately salt the whey and season with sour cream. Let's taste it. If there is little acid, then add table vinegar. Can be replaced with lemon juice. Place the curl in the refrigerator and let it cool.

2. Cut cooled, boiled potatoes along with eggs into small cubes.

3. Remove the tails and ends of radishes and cucumbers, then chop them. Immediately throw everything into one pan or a large tureen.

4. Take the boiled meat, cut it or separate it into fibers, and transfer it to the soup.

5. Add any greens. The quantity is not limited in any way, it’s delicious if you have a lot of it.

6. Stir all dry ingredients.

7. Fill with chilled whey and set to cool again. After an hour, the soup can be served.

Recipe 5: Russian okroshka with radish and curdled milk “From childhood”

A version of the not-everyone-familiar Russian okroshka with radish. But once upon a time this version of cold soup was very popular. Radish began to be added much earlier than radishes and especially sausage. Let's make some old-fashioned soup?


A liter of curdled milk;

Two radishes;

Three cucumbers:

0.3 kg of boiled potatoes;

All greens;

0.2 kg of sausage or meat;

Five boiled eggs;

Citric acid, salt.


1. The meat is chopped and placed in a saucepan. Or use any sausage without adding pieces of bacon.

2. We also chop eggs, boiled potatoes and cucumbers and throw them into okroshka.

3. Add any greens to your taste, preferably more.

4. Peel two medium-sized juicy radishes and grate them. You can cut it, but in this case the slices should be thin, since the root vegetable is quite hard.

5. Fill the okroshka with yogurt. Instead, you can use regular kefir, it turns out delicious with fermented baked milk.

6. Take half a liter of ice water and dissolve a third of a teaspoon of citric acid in it. Pour into okroshka.

7. Stir, let it brew a little and everything is ready!

Recipe 6: Russian okroshka “Spring” with pickles

To prepare aromatic okroshka, it is not necessary to use only fresh cucumbers. With pickles it turns out no worse. This cold soup may not be very refreshing, but it has a very pleasant taste.


0.4 kg of boiled meat;

0.4 kg jacket potatoes;

2 liters of kvass;

1 bunch of dill;

1 bunch of celery;

3 pickled cucumbers;

Sour cream, salt;

Green onion.


1. Chop all the greens and place them in a saucepan.

2. Add chopped meat.

3. Peel the potatoes, chop them into cubes and throw them into the okroshka.

4. Next add pickles. You can simply grate them.

6. Pour the soup. We throw a spoonful of sour cream on top and you can take a sample from the okroshka.

Recipe 7: Russian okroshka with horseradish

A version of vigorous Russian okroshka, for which you will need grated horseradish and homemade mustard. Recipe with sausage, but you can use boiled meat if desired.


2 potatoes;

2 tsp. grated horseradish;

1.5 liters of kvass;

1 bunch of radishes;

2-3 cucumbers;

2 bunches of mixed greens;

4 boiled eggs;

2 tsp. mustard;

Sour cream.


1. Pour a glass of kvass, add a teaspoon of salt, add horseradish and mustard and stir well. Leave the dressing to infuse.

2. Cut the radishes into thin half rings. If it is large, then you can cut it into quarter rings.

3. Add chopped cucumbers.

4. Next we throw in the chopped potatoes and sausage.

5. Stir everything well, pour in the kvass dressing, and then the rest of the kvass. Stir the soup and leave in a cool place for half an hour.

6. We take it out and try it. If necessary, add more salt.

7. Peel the eggs, cut them in half and throw them into plates. Pour in the prepared soup and put sour cream on top. Maybe mayonnaise.

Recipe 8: Russian meat okroshka

Another version of okroshka with broth. But this soup is prepared with the addition of different types of meat products and sausage.


0.3 kg boiled beef;

0.2 kg boiled or smoked sausage;

0.3 kg chicken breast;

5 cucumbers;

15 radishes;

2 liters of broth;

200 grams of sour cream;

2 bunches of onions;

0.5 lemon;

1 bunch of dill.


1. When cooking beef or chicken, broth remains. You can use both types, just mix everything. Keep the broth in the refrigerator and be sure to remove the layer of frozen fat.

2. Add salt and pepper to the broth, stir and refrigerate again.

3. Cut all types of meat products into strips or cubes.

4. We also cut cucumbers into strips, radishes into circles or in any other way.

5. Grind the greens in any other way.

6. Pour salted broth over all the ingredients of the soup.

7. Place on plates, top with a large spoonful of sour cream and a few slices of lemon. Ready! Separately, you can offer mustard, which goes great with meat okroshka.

It happens that you get more okroshka than you need for lunch. In this case, it is better to put the dry mixture in a container and not dilute the soup completely. The ingredients will survive just fine in the refrigerator until the next day. You can season dry okroshka with mayonnaise or sour cream and serve as a salad for dinner.

Eggs in okroshka often fall apart and the pieces lose their neat appearance. To prevent this from happening, you can not mix them with the general mass, but place them individually in plates. Okroshka with floating halves of boiled eggs looks interesting.

If the cucumbers or radishes are hard, then it is better to use a grater and not cut the vegetables with a knife. Otherwise, hard pieces will make eating difficult and deprive you of pleasure.

Cold soup will be much tastier and more aromatic if you chop all the greens, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and then grind in a bowl with a pestle.

Lemon is never superfluous in okroshka. You can simply add slices to plates, squeeze out the juice or throw in a little zest for flavor.

You can throw not only boiled sausage into okroshka, but also smoked sausage. The taste will be more interesting. Smoked ham goes well with vegetables, but in this case it is better to remove the skin.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Need a recipe. Do you prepare okroshka with cucumbers (not pickled)?? I need her recipe

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
vegetable okroshka
kvass - 1l;
potatoes - 2 pcs. ;
radishes - 1 small bunch;
fresh cucumber - 2 pcs. (small) ;
green onion - 1 bunch;
dill - 1/2 bunch;
parsley - 1-2 sprigs;
mustard - 1 tbsp. l. ;
ground black pepper,
salt - to taste;
egg - 2 pcs. ;
heavy sour cream - to taste
Boil the potatoes in their jackets, cool and peel. Wash all other vegetables. Hard boil the eggs, place in cold water, then peel. Cut potatoes, radishes, whites of boiled eggs into small cubes.
Chop the cucumbers the same way as the other ingredients, or grate them on a coarse grater.
Finely chop the greens, place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and mash (not into a pulp, but just so that the greens release juice!).
Mash the yolks with a fork, add mustard, sour cream and mix. Pour kvass into the resulting mixture, add salt and stir thoroughly.
Place radishes, cucumbers, potatoes, herbs on a plate, pour cold kvass over everything and serve with sour cream.
okroshka with sausage
- kvass - 1l.
- boiled sausage - 200g
- cucumbers - 150g
- potatoes (boiled) - 200g
- egg (hard-boiled) - 4 pcs.
- green onion - 50g
- dill - to taste
- salt
- sour cream.
Cut the sausage, potatoes and cucumbers into cubes, finely chop the eggs, onion and dill. Add salt to taste. Pour in kvass. Before serving, top with sour cream.

Answer from Diana[guru]
I always make okroshka with fresh ones))

Answer from Baby sucker[active]
I’ve never seen okroshka without cucumbers, but I like it better with whey than with kvass. .
Sausage, eggs, potatoes, radishes, cucumbers, onions and dill, salt, sour cream or mayonnaise + kvass - this is standard okroshka

Answer from Extend[guru]
Okroshka in Abkhazian
Sour (fermented) milk - 3-3.5 cups
water - 1-2 glasses
green bunch - 50-75 g
green cucumbers - 150 g
radishes - 50 g
garlic - 1-2 cloves
dill greens - 4-5 sprigs
eggs - 2 pcs.
salt and adjika - to taste.
Instructions: Cut the cucumbers into cubes, chop the radishes and onions, then put them in a saucepan or deep bowl, pour in sour milk, previously diluted with cold boiled water, season with crushed garlic, salt and adjika to taste. Boil the eggs hard-boiled, chop finely and add to the soup. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Answer from Galina Rekaikina[guru]
Finely chop: green onion, dill, 2-3 eggs, fresh cucumber, radish (or radish), boiled meat (or sausage), salt, pour kvass. Add sour cream, and... bon appetit! If you want it spicier, you can add a little grated horseradish.

Answer from Nika[guru]
This is how okroshka is made with fresh cucumbers, and they also put water in it. eggs and potatoes, sausage, radishes, herbs to taste. Everything is filled with kvass. Sour cream or mayonnaise if desired and of course don’t forget salt.

Answer from Oksana Korolkova[guru]
By the way, my mother serves potatoes separately for the ham, and a friend in the village adds not chopped, but crushed (not mashed, but simply boiled and crushed).
And I cook traditionally. I chop the green onion and dill finely, rub it with salt and rub it with a wooden spoon (the smell!), then diced radishes or lobu, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, potatoes, salt, boiled sausage, season with mayonnaise. And I fill it with water with lemon juice or citric acid, a little sugar.

Okroshka is a cold soup made with (Mostly) kvass. Kvass was the favorite drink of our ancestors and has not lost its popularity today. Since ancient times, it has been used to season cold dishes made from radishes, horseradish and other products; simple liquid dishes such as turi (crushed onions and bread or crackers diluted with kvass), as well as okroshka, botvinya, and beetroot cakes, were also prepared with it.

It is curious that back in the early 19th century, okroshka was served not as a first course, but as an appetizer. It was prepared with kvass and sour cabbage soup, cucumber and cabbage brine, sour milk, whey and buttermilk.

Other components of okroshka are various vegetables - cucumbers, onions, boiled potatoes, rutabaga, carrots, turnips. Sometimes meat ingredients, fish and mushrooms are added - and a dressing that includes sour cream, mustard, horseradish and spicy herbs (dill, parsley, celery, garlic).

The art of preparing okroshka is to achieve such a ratio between the taste of the liquid and the solid raw parts of the okroshka, so that none of the components stands out, but all of them together form one - okroshka characteristic taste. Okroshka should be very cold.

Homemade okroshka

Kvass - 1.5 l, potatoes - 8-10 pcs. , carrots - 2 pcs. , rutabaga - 1/8 tuber, green onion (stem) - 2 pcs. , radishes - 1 bunch, cucumbers - 2 pcs. , egg - 2 pcs. , sour cream - 4 tbsp, mustard - to taste, sugar, salt - to taste, greens - to taste.

Wash potatoes, carrots, rutabaga well and boil separately, peel and cut into small cubes. Peel, rinse and cut fresh cucumbers, green onions, radishes into small cubes. Boil the eggs hard, separate the yolks, and cut the whites into small cubes. Combine the yolks with salt, sugar and onions, sour cream and prepared mustard, grind well and season with the prepared kvass. Then pour the prepared potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, cucumbers, onions, radishes and eggs with seasoned kvass and sprinkle with dill.

If you replace radishes with grated black radish, you get okroshka in Siberian.

Meat okroshka

1 liter of bread kvass, 100 g each of beef, ham, tongue, 2 fresh cucumbers, 10-12 green onions, 2 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sour cream, salt, sugar, mustard to taste, dill.

Hard boil the eggs and cool. Grind the yolks with salt, sugar, sour cream, mustard and dilute with cold bread kvass. Cut boiled beef, ham, tongue and fresh peeled cucumbers into cubes. Finely chop the green onions and grind with salt. Chop the whites. Place the prepared products into a saucepan with kvass. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Vegetable okroshka

1 liter of bread kvass, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 2-3 radishes, 10-12 green onions, 2 fresh cucumbers, 0.5 tbsp. sour cream, 2 eggs, salt, sugar, mustard to taste, dill.

Boil potatoes and carrots in their skins, cool and peel. Cut radishes, fresh cucumbers, potatoes and carrots into small cubes, chop green onions. Grind the boiled yolks with sour cream, mustard, salt and sugar, add finely chopped egg whites, dilute with cold bread kvass and add chopped vegetables. Sprinkle with dill.

Fish okroshka

300 g fillets of boiled fish (without skin and bones), 6 tbsp. bread kvass (see p. 242), 3-4 fresh cucumbers, 3-4 potatoes, 100 g green onions, 3 tbsp. sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. mustard, salt to taste, parsley and dill.

Peel boiled potatoes and cut into cubes, also cut fresh cucumbers into cubes, finely chop green onions, grind with salt, sugar, mustard and dilute with bread kvass. Pour kvass over the chopped products and mix carefully. Before serving, add pieces of boiled fish, sour cream, finely chopped egg to the okroshka and sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill.

Mushroom okroshka

6 tbsp. bread kvass, 400 g of salted mushrooms, 3 potatoes, 1 carrot, 100 g of green onions, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 incomplete tbsp. sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. table mustard, sugar, salt to taste, dill.

Wash the salted mushrooms with cold water and let the water drain. Then cut the mushrooms and fresh cucumbers into small cubes, chop the green onions. Boil carrots and potatoes unpeeled, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Grind the yolks of boiled eggs with prepared mustard and a small amount of sour cream. Chop the whites. Put the prepared products into fresh bread kvass, season with a mixture of yolks and mustard, add salt and sugar. Before serving, add sour cream and chopped dill.

Mushroom okroshka "Borovik"

Required: 1.5 liters of bread kvass, 800 g of porcini mushrooms, 150 g of potatoes, 80 g of carrots, 100 g of green onions, 100 g of fresh cucumbers, 100 g of sour cream, 2 eggs, 8 g of mustard, salt, sugar, dill.

Cooking method. Chop the mushrooms (not very finely), fry them in butter and cool. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes, chop the green onions. Boil carrots and potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut in the same way as cucumbers. Mix everything, pour chilled kvass. Season with sour cream, mustard and garnish with eggs, cut into slices

Mushroom okroshka "Easily"

Required: 1 liter of bread kvass, 120 g of salted mushrooms, 100 g of mayonnaise, 100 g of green onions, 2-3 potatoes, salt, sugar.

Cooking method. Wash the salted or pickled mushrooms, drain and chop finely. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Mix with mushrooms and pour cold kvass. Now let's prepare a special dressing. Chop the garlic and herbs (any kind, the more the better). Whisk mayonnaise with 1 tsp. vinegar and add to the herbs and garlic. Add pepper to taste. Before serving, place 1 tablespoon on each plate. our dressing and do not stir.

Okroshka "Assorted"

Required: 1 baked beets, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 pickled cucumber, 8-10 pcs. salted mushrooms, 1 soaked apple, 1/4 cup white beans, 4 boiled potatoes, 1 tsp. mustard, green onions, parsley, salt, cinnamon, cloves.

Cooking method. Peel the vegetables and cut into cubes. Cook the beans and add them to the vegetables. Place on plates and top with chilled kvass. Mix chopped herbs with salt, mustard and seasonings, grind everything well and season the okroshka with this mixture just before serving.

Okroshka "Spring"

Required: 0.5 liters of bread kvass, 6 cucumber leaves, 6 lettuce leaves, 10-15 sorrel leaves, 6 green onions, a bunch of dill, 2 eggs, 1 potato, sour cream, salt, citric acid.

Cooking method. Chop the greens and mash with salt and sour cream. Cut the eggs and potatoes into cubes and combine with herbs. Pour chilled kvass and add citric acid to taste. When serving, garnish each plate of okroshka with a sprig of any greenery.

Okroshka "City"

Required: 1 liter of bread kvass, 300 g of low-fat sausage (raw), 5 large potatoes, 3 fresh cucumbers, 10 radishes, salt, herbs, mayonnaise.

Cooking method. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, cool and peel. Cut the sausage, cucumbers and potatoes into cubes. Finely chop the eggs and garlic with a knife. And cut the radishes as your imagination tells you. Mix all ingredients, place on plates and pour chilled kvass. Season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

Okroshka "Mustard"

Required: 1.2 liters of bread kvass, 1 tbsp. very bitter mustard, 1 tbsp. sugar, horseradish to taste, 300 g radishes, 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 boiled carrots, 200 g green onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt, cumin.

Cooking method. Cut carrots and cucumbers into small cubes, radishes into slices. Grind green onions with mustard, sugar, salt and cumin. Mix everything, pour chilled kvass. Add vegetable oil, finely chopped parsley and horseradish.

Okroshka "Gorkaya"

Required: 1 liter of rowan kvass, 1 white radish, 1 black radish, 4 boiled potatoes, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. mustard, salt.

Cooking method. Grate the radish on a medium grater and mash with salt. Let it sit for about 40 minutes so that it has time to release its juice. Finely chop the potatoes and onions and add them to the radish. Pour chilled kvass over everything and season the okroshka with mustard and salt.

Okroshka "Game"

Required: 1 liter of bread kvass, 2 pickled cucumbers, 2 boiled carrots, 200 g of green onions, 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 150 g fried game pulp, 200 g fried veal, salt, pepper.

Cooking method. Chop the vegetables and onions as finely as possible, cut the game and veal into cubes. Mix everything, pour chilled kvass, add salt and pepper to taste. When serving, place 1 tbsp on each plate. sour cream, sprinkle okroshka with chopped eggs.

Okroshka "Hare"

Required: 1 liter of bread kvass, 250 g of fresh cabbage, 250 g of sauerkraut, 250 g of kohlrabi cabbage, 2 carrots, 100 g of green onions, salt, sour cream.

Cooking method. Cut raw carrots and kohlrabi cabbage into cubes, and fresh and sauerkraut into strips. Mix everything, add salt to taste and pour chilled kvass over it. When serving, sprinkle with green onions.

Okroshka "Green cabbage soup"

Required: 200 g sorrel, 200 g spinach, 2 potatoes, 50 g green onions, 1 fresh cucumber, 0.5 l kvass "sour cabbage soup", 100 g sour cream, pepper, salt.

Cooking method. Boil the spinach in plenty of salted water, drain in a colander and drain. Simmer the sorrel in its own juice and also wipe. Combine the pureed greens, dilute with very hot kvass and cool. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Place in a bowl with okroshka and add cucumbers, diced and grated with salt, chopped green onions and finely chopped eggs. Add salt to taste. When serving, top with sour cream.

Okroshka in naval style

Required: 1 liter of bread kvass, 500 g of minced meat, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 onion, 100 g of green onions, 2 eggs, 100 g of sour cream, salt, garlic, mayonnaise, pepper.

Cooking method. Fry the minced meat in a small amount of fat. Grate the onion and place it in the meat while frying. When the minced meat has cooled, mix it with finely chopped cucumbers, eggs and green onions. Place on plates and top with chilled kvass. Chop the garlic and mix with mayonnaise. Place no more than 1 tbsp on each plate. such a dressing, otherwise the garlic will overwhelm the taste of other ingredients.

Okroshka with sauerkraut

Required: 1 liter of bread kvass, 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, 5 green onions, 1 tbsp. sauerkraut, 1 pickled cucumber, 2 eggs, parsley, mayonnaise, salt.

Cooking method. Boil carrots and potatoes, peel and cut into small cubes. Chop the cucumbers, cabbage, and onions into smaller pieces and add salt until the juice appears. Mix everything and pour cold kvass. When serving, season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with chopped egg and parsley.

Okroshka with radish

Required: 200 g fresh cabbage, 2 boiled beets, 1 radish, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1 liter of bread kvass, 2 tbsp. dill, salt.

Cooking method. Cut the beets, white cabbage, and onions into strips, pour in very hot kvass, then cool, add chopped radish, salt and season with sour cream. When serving, sprinkle the okroshka with chopped dill.

Okroshka with beets

Required: 450 g beets, 1.5 liters of bread kvass, 150 g sour cream, 4 eggs, 200 g pickles, 40 g lettuce, 50 g green onions, parsley, citric acid, sugar.

Cooking method. Boil the beets with citric acid, then cool and peel. Chop it finely, add sugar and chopped egg. Cut the cucumbers into cubes and place in okroshka. Before serving, place sour cream mixed with finely chopped herbs on each plate.

Spicy okroshka

Chicken 1 kg, water 3 l, citric acid on the tip of a knife, potatoes 4-5 pcs., fresh cucumbers 1-2 pcs., herbs, salt, eggs 3.

Boil chicken broth, cool and remove all fat, strain. Add citric acid or lemon juice to taste. Cut the skinless chicken into pieces, add diced fresh cucumbers, boiled potatoes, salt and pour in broth. Serve with a hard-boiled egg, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Okroshka with sausage

Kvass - 1 l., boiled sausage - 200g, cucumbers - 150g, potatoes (boiled) - 200g, eggs (hard-boiled) - 4 pcs., green onions - 50g, dill - to taste, salt, sour cream.

Cut the sausage, potatoes and cucumbers into cubes, finely chop the eggs, onion and dill. Add salt to taste. Pour in kvass. Before serving, top with sour cream. Then add the rest of the spices, let stand for 15-20 minutes on a hot stove or in the oven over low heat, then add heated sour cream, stir and let cool under the lid.

Okroshka with squid

500-600 g squid fillet, 1.5 liters of kvass, 100 g each of boiled potatoes and green onions, 400-500 g, fresh cucumbers, 3 eggs, 5 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. mustard, sugar, parsley or dill, salt to taste

Cut boiled squid, potatoes and fresh cucumbers into cubes. Chop green onions. Grind a quarter of the boiled egg yolks and sour cream with table mustard, salt, sugar, grind a quarter of green onions with salt; Combine everything with kvass and mix. Finely chop the hard-boiled eggs. When serving, place all the chopped products in plates, pour in seasoned kvass, add sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Okroshka with fish

2-2.5 liters of kvass, 200 g of any fried fish, 50 g of boiled sturgeon, 30 g of herring, 4 pcs. boiled beets, 100 g of green onions, 2 - 3 fresh cucumbers, 3 - 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 - 2 tablespoons of prepared horseradish, parsley and dill to taste.

Separate the flesh of the fried fish from the bones, crumble it, add horseradish, finely chopped herring, green onions, peeled and thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, grated beets, olive oil and grind in a porcelain bowl. Pour in kvass, stir thoroughly, add pieces of sturgeon, edible ice and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.

Vegetable okroshka

Kvass - 300g, potatoes - 75g, carrots - 20g, radishes - 20g, green onions - 30g, cucumbers - 65g, sour cream - 30g, egg - 1 pc. ,sugar, mustard - to taste, herbs - to taste.

Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins. Peel carrots and turnips and cook separately. Cool the vegetables and cut into small cubes (2-2.5 cm); Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Chop the onion and grind with a little salt until juice appears. Chop the whites of hard-boiled eggs, grind the yolks in a saucepan, add sour cream, a little mustard, sugar, salt; Stir thoroughly and dilute with bread kvass. Place the prepared products in a saucepan and stir well. When serving, sprinkle with dill.

Okroshka “cold meats”.

Kvass 1.5 l., vegetable oil 1.5 tbsp. spoon, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 tbsp sugar. spoon horseradish to taste, 2 cucumbers, green onions 150-200 g, dill 1 bunch, sour cream 0.5 cup, beef 200 g, veal 120-150 g, ham 100-150 g.

Hard-boil the eggs, cool, and separate the whites from the yolks. Place the yolks in a bowl where the okroshka will be prepared, grind with mustard, sugar, salt and horseradish (to taste) and mix with 1/2 cup of kvass. Finely chop the meat and place in a bowl with the dressing. Finely chop cucumbers, green onions, and egg whites there. Pour 2 cups of kvass into a bowl, stir well but carefully, pour into a container with a tight lid and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Before serving, pour the remaining kvass into the okroshka. Place a spoonful of sour cream or vegetable oil and herbs into a plate with okroshka. The sour cream needs to be stirred quickly and well so that it does not curdle. Vegetables in okroshka can be very different (potatoes, carrots, turnips, radishes, etc.). Those of them that are not usually eaten raw need to be cooked. All products are finely chopped. Cucumbers in okroshka can be replaced with finely shredded sauerkraut, squeezed out of brine, or pickled mushrooms.

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