Inedible Leningrad mushrooms. The most common inedible mushrooms. Plate and tubular: names

Of the incredible number of varieties of mushrooms (more than 100,000), mushroom pickers can encounter only 700 species in our forests. Surprisingly, more than 400 of them are poisonous. And although the “silent hunt” for mushrooms does not seem as dangerous as the pursuit of tigers and rhinoceroses, the inability to distinguish and not edible species can have very serious consequences.

The toxins contained in mushrooms act in different ways: some exhibit a gastroenterotropic effect (disorder of the digestive system), others have a hepatonephrotoxic effect (damage to the kidneys, liver). May harm the heart and nervous system. In general, poisonous mushrooms can be divided into three groups by type.: causing food poisoning, causing disruption nervous system And deadly poisonous.

Did you know? ABOUT the bottom of a small pale grebe can kill four people. The wife of Emperor Claudius poisoned her husband with toadstool soup.

TO deadly poisonous mushrooms include those that contain:

  1. Poisons phallotoxins (cyclopeptides). Present in pale toadstools, galerinas, and special types of umbrella mushrooms. Unpleasant symptoms appear after 6-24 hours, less often after 48 hours. The person suffers from vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, convulsions, frequent discharge urine. Three days of suffering is replaced by improvement, which ends in jaundice; As a result, the victim dies from a failure of the liver. Beginning mushroom pickers often confuse toadstools with russula, and white fly agarics with champignons.
  2. Poison monomethylhydrazine. Found in strings and other mushrooms of the Helwellian family (for example, lobes). Signs of poisoning appear after 6-12 hours, sometimes only after a couple of hours. Headache, colic, vomiting, dizziness, weakness last for a couple of days. Liver function is disrupted and jaundice occurs. Possible death. However, the poison is easily neutralized by boiling for 15 minutes (drain the liquid, rinse, boil again - and you can eat).
    Lobed mushrooms
  3. Poisons such as orellanine, cortinarine, grismaline. Contained in cobwebs and fibers. After 3-14 days and later, a feeling of dry mouth, vomiting, stomach pain, and excessive urination occurs. Kidney function stops. Poisoning cannot be treated and is fatal. Poisonous mushrooms are rarely confused with the edible group of spider webs.
  4. Alkaloid muscarine. It is found primarily in torn mushrooms, such as conical torn, brick torn, torn with a beet-shaped leg, white torn, red torn, fibrous puff earthen head, as well as in representatives of a number of rows (talkers). Funnelworts have lower concentrations: puff, lead-white, meadow, field. Brown fly agaric and panther mushroom are endowed with muscarine in minute doses. Literally after fifteen minutes (sometimes after forty), vision decreases, the heartbeat quickens, shortness of breath, fever occurs, the face becomes red, the secretion of saliva and sweat exceeds the norm. Classified as deadly. The antidote is atropine. From folk remedies Tea made from the belladonna herb helps.
  5. Lectins (special toxins). This substance is not destroyed when boiled. Identified in thin pig. Exact time It is impossible to indicate the onset of illness after taking mushrooms - there are cases of manifestations after several years. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, and fever occur. Then the kidneys fail.
    Thin pig
  6. To disrupt the functioning of the nervous system include mushrooms containing:

    Mushrooms that cause food poisoning, containing unknown substances that cause stomach and intestinal disorders. They are present in yellow-skinned champignons, false mushrooms, and entolomas. After 30 minutes (or two hours) vomiting, diarrhea, nausea occurs, headache, colic. Death can be avoided in most cases.

    Important! It is strictly forbidden to look for mushrooms in places where industrial waste is dumped, near railway tracks and highways, because mushrooms tend to accumulate heavy metals. The latter give rise to the same poisoning as the poison contained in mushrooms.

    Poisonous mushrooms: names and photos

    Poisonous mushrooms do not have a frightening appearance and do not have a particularly unpleasant odor (with the exception of the stinking fly agaric). Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take dubious, completely unfamiliar gifts from the forest. Recognizing them by sight is a reliable way to protect against poisoning.

    The pig is thin.

    Alder pig (damages the kidneys and changes the quality characteristics of the blood).
    Alder pig

    Look like White mushroom, but unlike it, it has a black mesh on the leg and pink pores.

    They are the most dangerous and most often eaten, therefore they exceed all other varieties in terms of the number of victims.

    fly agaric

    Porphyritic fly agaric. The fly agaric is bright yellow.


    False foam



    Did you know? Mushrooms cannot be classified as either animal or plant. Finding in themselves the qualities of both, they belong to a separate kingdom of organisms.










Mushrooms are a very specific “gift of the forest” when considered as a food product for humans. In addition to chanterelles, milk mushrooms, russula, boletus, champignons, honey mushrooms and truffles, there are also types of mushrooms found in nature that can greatly undermine human health and even kill him. Therefore, it will be extremely useful to know how they differ edible mushrooms from edible.

Characteristics of dangerous mushrooms

Almost every season there is news about poisoning as a result of eating one or another type of inedible mushroom. Most often this happens due to the fact that in appearance they can very much resemble their edible “brothers”. In some cases, even experienced foresters cannot distinguish, for example, a porcini mushroom from a gall mushroom.

Therefore, before you rejoice at your discovery in the forest and put it in your basket, you need to know by what signs you can distinguish a poisonous and unedible mushroom from an ordinary one. To the number useful tips The following can be included:

Another characteristic of toadstools is their hard flesh, which feels like rubber.

Variegated color (like orange aleuria) and unusual shape hats can also indicate that these forest gifts cannot be collected. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that they will be harmful or poisonous - bad mushrooms can, with their bitterness, specific smell spoil the soup or main course.

If the stem of the mushroom is cut off, the flesh does not change color. The smell and taste of the product are barely noticeable and do not cause disgust in a person. Sometimes there may be no smell at all. On the stem itself there is a thickening or ring, by which you can often distinguish the mushroom from champignon or green russula. There have been cases when careless mushroom pickers cut off almost one cap, leaving the main distinguishing feature (ring) on ​​the ground, which subsequently led to poisoning.

Also a distinctive feature is the presence of a volva - a kind of pouch at the base of the mushroom. A white or greenish color of the plates under the cap indicates a toadstool, while a pinkish or dark tint indicates a mushroom. manifests itself through long time after eating it (after 5, 10 or even 20 hours) and is characterized by continuous vomiting, intestinal colic, pain throughout the body, as well as bloody diarrhea and thirst.

Its typical habitat can be called mixed or deciduous forests. It can be found growing alone or as part of a family. It can be confused with the May row, cherry blossom, smoky talker, as well as with the common champignon.

Intoxication with this fungus causes severe irritation of the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, which leads to diarrhea, as well as cutting pain in the abdominal area. If consumed a large number of poisonous entol, then death or the occurrence of serious pathologies of the intestines and liver is very likely.

The most dangerous and “popular” mushrooms include all types of fly agarics and toadstool. They are capable of destroying the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous systems, and completely affect the brain. And no heat treatment will help neutralize the deadly poisons contained in these mushrooms. However, there are other poisonous mushrooms that are no less dangerous. This article will teach you how to recognize inedible mushrooms.

The most common poisonous mushrooms

“The meat of the earth,” as mushrooms are sometimes called, truly has a unique taste, which attracts lovers of quiet hunting to look for mushroom places again and again. Experienced “hunters” of nature’s delicacy are well aware that the most common and dangerous poisonous ones include the following:

  • brick-red false foam;
  • gray-yellow false honey fungus;
  • stinking fly agaric;
  • satanic (false white);
  • panther fly agaric;
  • false value;
  • false chanterelle;
  • pale grebe.

It is important to know about the existence of conditionally edibles that act on the body selectively in accordance with the circumstances. In the worst case, such mushrooms can cause moderate and moderately severe poisoning. These include:

  • violins;
  • pushers;
  • rows;
  • Gorkushi;
  • valui;
  • waves;
  • milk mushrooms

This category of mushrooms contains poisonous resins that have a detrimental effect on the digestive system. Appropriate treatment can play the role of an antidote: long-term soaking in water, which needs to be changed periodically, salting and standing for at least 1.5 months.

Characteristic signs of poisonous mushrooms

Neither in the world of animals nor plants there are “doubles” with similar external signs, but completely different in character. But this is exactly what happens with mushrooms. For example, the same species is divided into harmless and poisonous, and it is very difficult to distinguish them if you do not know the main false signs.

Each type of poisonous mushroom growing in Russia has its own characteristics, which should be known to those who are not ready to exclude independently collected mushrooms from their diet. In order not to make a fatal mistake, you need to study in detail and remember the description of mushrooms harmful to health and life.

Consider carefully appearance mushroom, the color of the cap and plates, the shape of the stem, the condition of the pulp when cut - the main rule.

This is the most famous poisonous mushroom in the world; it has a second name - green fly agaric. Appears from mid-summer to late autumn, can grow in groups or alone. Loves pine and deciduous forests, especially at the edges. It is found in Russia, in many European countries and even in America.

At the first stage of development, the cap looks like a bell, then it becomes convex. Its surface attracts with its velvety and perfect smoothness. The diameter of the cap is 4-11 cm. The under-hat plates and stem are white.

To distinguish it from an edible mushroom, you need to be extremely careful. The pale grebe is first covered with a solid white film. Then, over time, it is rejected and a rim is formed around the leg, and there is also a basal sheath in the form of a sac-like thickening.

The danger of toadstool lies not only in the presence of deadly toxins, but also in the fact that it is extremely similar to everyone’s favorite champignons or russula. Populations of both are observed in similar places; they have the same color and stem shape as edible mushrooms.

And, unfortunately, they are often confused, dooming oneself to severe poisoning, after which not everyone manages to get out alive. After all, the poisons contained in toadstool are heat-resistant and dissolve in water without losing their destructive properties. It is enough to consume 50 g of toadstools, and death is guaranteed.

There is a type of toadstool that is exactly like a champignon. She has a clean White color, which is of interest. But if you take a closer look, it will become clear that this is another trick of these half-living, half-plant creatures. The plates under the cap are the same white and merge with the whiteness of the mushroom. In champignons, they are pinkish at first, and darken during ripening.

Exist medications, capable of eliminating the effects of the strongest toxins contained in toadstool. But, unfortunately, the symptoms of poisoning by this fungus are hidden for a long time (up to 2 days), which most often becomes the cause of death when precious time is lost to save the victim.

Pale toadstool does not have the usual mushroom aroma. It is not for nothing that they call it smelly.

This giant looks very similar to or, and is just as attractive. Often found in oak or mixed forests of Russia. It can be found in the middle zone and European countries. The period of active growth occurs from June to September.

The hat of this “monster” can reach 25-30 cm, its color is gray or with an olive tint. The leg with a mesh pattern gradually changes its shade - at first it is yellow, then becomes yellow-red. Its height is from 5 to 15 cm, thickness – up to 10 cm.

The plates under the cap also change color depending on the stage of development of the fungus: first greenish, then yellow, orange, red, brown-red.

False chanterelles

They are distinguished by the gray-green color of the inside of the cap, and there is no rim on the stem. They are also given off by an unpleasant odor, which is extremely far from mushroom.

To avoid confusion gall mushroom with boletus or white, its suitability is also determined by the state of the cut. The gall will show a pinkish tint, the white will not change, and the boletus will darken.

They have difficult to recognize differences from conditionally edible and russula. The poisonous ones are equipped with a cone-shaped or flat cap, with a small sharp tubercle in the middle. The color of the cap ranges from smoky gray, green to bright yellow. If you make an incision, it appears pink color.

It lives in coniferous forests, is very similar to the honey mushroom, but differs from it in the absence of a ring on the leg.

Features of poisoning

When eating any poisonous mushrooms, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • Acute pain in the abdominal area (stomach and intestines).
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • My head is spinning.
  • Consciousness weakens or is lost.

Upon entry into the body individual species Inedible mushrooms may cause other symptoms. For example, death cap causes a condition that can be divided into 3 phases:

  1. Hidden lasts from 60 minutes to 1.5-2 days.
  2. Damage to the digestive system – from 1 to 2 days.
  3. Impaired kidney and liver function – the next day.

The first stage is dangerous due to the absence of symptoms. The second entails severe vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and severe weakness. During this period, it is necessary to take urgent measures that can guarantee the salvation of the patient. The last phase is the appearance of tar-like stool, the skin turns yellow, blood is found in the urine, vomit looks like coffee grounds. At this stage, it is very difficult to save the patient’s life; most often, death is likely.

Satanic mushroom is one of the most insidious, because the human body does not give any signals of poisoning for 12 hours. During this time, deadly toxins have time to infect internal organs the victim. Only half a day later the first signs appear: vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness. These symptoms include yellowness of the skin, eyeballs, and irregular heartbeat. Urine the color of dark beer, a noticeable enlargement of the liver, clouding of consciousness - this is a critical condition when it is almost impossible to save a person from death.

Causes severe cutting pain in the peritoneum, loose stools, heavy sweating, excessive salivation, lacrimation, pupils are constricted to the limit. The poisoned person experiences high fever, increased agitation, hallucinations, and slurred speech.

This video provides visual information about the main features, similarities and differences between inedible and edible mushrooms:

First aid for poisoning

Gastric lavage is the most important thing to do at the first suspicion of poisoning with inedible mushrooms. This procedure can be done at home. It must be repeated up to 5 times. The victim should drink at least 5-6 glasses of water, and then artificially vomit. To do this, take a spoon and press on the root of the tongue.

After these manipulations, the patient is sent to bed, his limbs are covered with warm heating pads, and he is given strong black tea. At the first stage (shortly after eating poisonous mushrooms), in the absence of diarrhea, mild laxatives are given. It is necessary to monitor blood pressure to prevent the slump that laxatives can cause by dehydrating the body.

2017-07-12 Igor Novitsky

Those who studied well at school remember that mushrooms are a separate group of living organisms that do not belong to either plants or animals. Although there are many varieties of mushrooms, ordinary person The term "mushrooms" refers almost exclusively to wild mushrooms. Among them there are many edible species that form an important part of the Russian culinary tradition.

Nutritional value of edible mushrooms

Mushrooms are neither plants nor animals, and therefore their taste has nothing in common with either plant foods or meat. Edible mushrooms have their own unique taste, which is called “mushroom”. By nutritional value they are more closely related to meat than to plants. Mushrooms are rich in protein, carbohydrates and various microelements. They also contain special enzymes that promote digestion and better absorption of nutrients.

If we do not take into account the general taxonomic classification of all mushrooms in general, then there is no single world classification of edible mushrooms. This is due not only to differences in culinary traditions among different peoples, but also to the climatic characteristics of individual countries, affecting the species composition of mushrooms in a particular region. In addition, the names of edible mushrooms usually combine several individual species with different external characteristics, which also complicates the classification.

In Russia, they mainly use the Soviet scale of nutritional value for edible mushrooms, according to which all types are divided into four categories:

  1. The first category includes types of edible mushrooms that have maximum value and a rich, rich taste. For example, boletus, yellow milk mushroom, real saffron milk cap.
  2. The second category includes slightly less delicious mushrooms with significantly less nutritional value - boletus, boletus, champignons.
  3. The third category includes edible mushrooms of Russia with mediocre taste and mediocre nutritional value - green flywheel, russula, honey fungus.
  4. The fourth category is mushrooms with minimal nutritional value and questionable taste. These are, for example, variegated moss mushroom, puffball, oyster mushroom.
  • Edible mushrooms. They do not require mandatory temperature treatment and are theoretically suitable for consumption even in raw form without any risk.
  • Conditionally edible mushrooms. This category includes mushrooms that are not suitable for consumption raw due to toxins or unpleasant taste, but are edible after special processing (boiling, soaking, drying, etc.) This also includes mushrooms that are edible only at a young age, or that can cause poisoning in combination with other products (for example, dung mushroom should not be consumed with alcohol).
  • Inedible mushrooms. They are completely safe for the human body, but due to poor taste, hard pulp or other reasons, they are not of culinary interest. Often in other countries they are described as edible mushrooms or conditionally edible.
  • Poisonous mushrooms. This group includes those types of mushrooms from which it is impossible to remove toxins at home, and therefore their consumption as food is extremely dangerous.

For Russians, mushrooms are not only tasty dish, always relevant as on festive table, and on weekdays. Mushroom hunting is also a favorite leisure activity for many people. fresh air. Unfortunately, most city dwellers and even many villagers have forgotten the centuries-old experience of their ancestors and are completely unable to determine which mushrooms are edible and which are not. This is why every year dozens and even hundreds of inexperienced mushroom pickers throughout Russia die from poisoning by poisonous mushrooms, mistaking them for edible ones.

It’s worth noting right away that there are no single universal rules on how to distinguish edible mushrooms from their poisonous counterparts. Each type of mushroom has its own patterns, which often do not apply to other species. For this reason, you should adhere to general rules behavior recommended by experts.

So, if, looking at a fly agaric, you are not entirely sure whether the mushroom in front of you is edible, then before you go on a “quiet hunt”, listen to the following recommendations:

  • If possible, take an experienced mushroom picker with you to supervise the mushroom picking process. Alternatively, the “trophies” can be shown to him for control after returning from the forest.
  • Study as thoroughly as possible one or two (no more!) types of the most common edible mushrooms in your region. Moreover, it is advisable to find out what edible mushrooms look like by seeing them in person, and not on a monitor screen. Memorize well their differences from all possible doubles. When you go to the forest, collect only these mushrooms that you are familiar with and no others.
  • Do not take mushrooms that cause you the slightest doubt about their species.
  • Having discovered a “family” of mushrooms, take a closer look at the largest specimens. Firstly, it is easier to determine the species from them, and secondly, if they are wormy, then the mushrooms are edible. There are no worms in deadly poisonous mushrooms. True, they can easily end up in falsely edible mushrooms with an average level of toxicity.
  • Until you gain experience, collect only tubular mushrooms - porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms. There are very few poisonous mushrooms in this group, which cannot be said about the lamellar varieties of edible mushrooms.
  • Never try raw mushrooms to taste. He won't tell you anything, but if you come across a poisonous mushroom, you can easily get poisoned.

The most common mushrooms are edible and inedible

White mushroom, or boletus - best representative a group of definitely edible mushrooms of the first nutritional category. Although it has a fairly characteristic appearance by which it is easily recognized, the boletus has an inedible twin - the gall mushroom or mustard. Edible porcini mushrooms can be identified by their thick cylindrical stem and reddish-brown cap. The flesh of the boletus always remains white, while the gall mushroom is distinguished by the fact that when broken, its flesh acquires a pink tint, and the mushroom itself is very bitter.

Red boletuses are also very popular edible forest mushrooms among Russians. They have a dense brown-red cap. They can be easily distinguished from other mushrooms by their pulp, which quickly turns blue at the cut site. Despite the name, they can grow not only next to aspens, but also with other deciduous trees (never next to conifers). But for safety, it is better to collect such mushrooms only under aspen and poplar trees. However, it is quite difficult to confuse boletus with other mushrooms, since false doubles he does not have.

Maslyata are very loved and popular in Russia. They can be recognized by yellow color legs, and the cap is covered with a sticky brown skin that can be easily removed with a knife. Under the cap is a characteristic tubular structure. As a rule, when they talk about edible tubular mushrooms, they mean butter mushrooms. Adult mushrooms are almost always rich in worms, which is also a good sign.

Chanterelles have a rather unusual appearance, which makes them easy to identify among other edible mushrooms in the forest. However, they have a very similar double, which you identify by a more saturated orange hue (the edible mushroom is lighter), a hollow stalk (the real one is dense and solid) and white discharge on the cap.

Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms known for their characteristic rich taste. Since in fact, several types of mushrooms are called honey mushrooms at once, it is sometimes difficult to give them a single description. For safety, it is recommended to collect only those honey mushrooms that grow exclusively in the roots, on stumps and on fallen trunks. They have ocher-colored caps with scales on them and a white ring on the stem. False honey mushrooms are also several types of mushrooms. Honey mushrooms should be avoided if they grow on the ground; their cap is yellow or brownish-red and lacks scales. While the cap of real honey mushrooms is equipped with whitish plates, those of false honey mushrooms are olive, dark gray or brownish. Also, there is no ring on the leg of the honey fungus.

Russulas are widespread edible mushrooms middle zone. This name is used for several species at once, the differences from their inedible relatives lie in the presence of easily removable skin on the caps.

We have already noted earlier that, for safety, a novice mushroom picker should limit himself to a detailed study of one or two edible mushrooms, for which he goes into the forest. But information about edible mushrooms is not all you need to know. You should also read the description of the main most common poisonous mushrooms, which you will probably encounter during a “quiet hunt”.

Of the one and a half hundred poisonous mushrooms found in Russia, only a few species are deadly poisonous. The rest cause either food poisoning or lead to nervous system disorders. But since this can hardly be considered a mitigating circumstance, every mushroom picker should know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. And this is impossible without a good knowledge of the poisonous mushrooms themselves.

Statistics show that most often Russians are poisoned by toadstool. This is one of the most poisonous and at the same time most widespread mushrooms in the country. Inexperienced mushroom pickers mistake it for champignons, russula and other edible lamellar mushrooms. The toadstool can be recognized by the yellow-brown, dirty green, light olive and often snow-white (young mushrooms) color of the caps. Usually the center of the cap is a little darker and lighter at the edge. On the underside of the cap there are white soft plates. There is a ring on the leg.

False honey fungus can be found on the roots and stumps of trees, which is why beginners confuse it with real honey fungus and other edible mushrooms on trees. The mushroom causes food poisoning and is therefore not as dangerous as toadstool. It can be distinguished from real honey mushrooms by its color (not brown, but light orange or yellowish) and the absence of a ring on the stem (real honey mushrooms have it right under the cap).

Amanitas in our minds are synonymous with poisonous mushrooms. At the same time, an ordinary city dweller imagines a typical picture - a large fleshy mushroom with a bright red cap with white speckles and a white stem. In fact, only one of more than 600 species of fly agarics looks like this. By the way, the pale grebe formally also refers to fly agarics. So, in addition to the well-known red fly agaric and toadstool, you should also be wary of the green fly agaric, stinking fly agaric, panther fly agaric and white fly agaric. Externally, some of them are very similar to edible mushrooms in September. The probability of meeting them in the forest is quite high.

The satanic mushroom is found mainly in the south and Primorye. It is toxic, although it rarely causes death. The mushroom is quite large, has irregular shape a hat and a massive leg. The leg can have different shades of red. The color of the cap also varies: mushrooms with a white, dirty gray or olive cap are most often found. Sometimes it can be very similar to some edible mushrooms of the Primorsky Territory, in particular the boletus mushroom.

Thin mushroom is a harmful, although not deadly, mushroom. For a long time Experts did not have a unanimous opinion as to whether the mushroom was an edible mushroom or not. Only about 30 years ago it was finally removed from the list of edibles, as it was proven that it destroys the kidneys and causes food poisoning. It can be recognized by its fleshy, flattened cap with a curved edge. Young individuals have an olive-colored cap, while older individuals are gray-brown or rusty-brown. The stem is olive or gray-yellow and slightly lighter than the cap, or similar in color.

Almost all mushroom pickers know that there are edible and inedible, as well as poisonous mushrooms that can cause human poisoning. Inedible types of mushrooms are mildly toxic mushrooms that, for certain reasons, are not used for food purposes. The list of such species is quite extensive.

Features of inedible mushrooms

The description and name of many inedible species is known to most experienced silent hunters, but It can be very difficult for novice mushroom pickers to determine the degree of inedibility of a mushroom, as well as distinguish between inedible varieties and edible species.

  • truly inedible varieties are those that have an unpleasant odor or a bitter, pungent and repulsive taste that cannot be eliminated by the process heat treatment;
  • some types of mushrooms are inedible at certain stages of development;
  • not used for food purposes fruiting bodies, having a corky, leathery or woody consistency.

The category of inedible mushrooms usually includes potentially edible species that grow on unattractive substrates, including manure or excrement. Also, the fruiting bodies of many mushrooms from the family Mycenaceae, non-gnumaceae, crepidotaceae, rowaceae, strophariaceae, nesters, heterobasidiaceae and marsupials are not used for preparing mushroom dishes, which is due to their too small size and mediocre taste.

Common inedible mushroom species

It should be noted that inedible varieties are not capable of posing a significant threat to human health and life, but can spoil the taste of a mushroom dish, so it is important to distinguish which species belong to this category. A special table will allow inexperienced mushroom pickers to distinguish such mushrooms.

Species name Latin Distribution area Reason for inedibility
Boletus inedible Boletus calopus Coniferous, oak and broad-leaved forests with acidic sandy soils, under oak trees in public gardens and parks The taste of the pulp is too bitter
Milk breast golden yellow Lactarius chrysorrheus Grows singly or in small groups in deciduous forest zones
Bile mushroom Tylopilus felleus More often, fruiting bodies grow singly or in small groups on acidic and fertile soils of coniferous forests The bitterness of the pulp increases during heat treatment
Common puffball Scleroderma citrinum On soil or rotting wood in forests, young plantings, meadows and fields, on roadsides and forest edges The fruit body is dense and leathery, dotted with brownish scales or raised warts
The sharpest milkman Lactarius acerrimus In deciduous forest areas under oak trees Very strong and unpleasant peppery taste
Dung beetle Coprinellus domesticus Grows in clumps on dead wood and stumps of deciduous trees Unpleasant appearance and taste of the pulp
The deceptive cobweb Cortinarius decipiens Grows in coniferous and deciduous forest zones Has no nutritional value
Pepper oil can Chalciporus piperatus Most often found in coniferous forests, where it forms mycorrhiza with pine Has a very hot and peppery taste
Phellinus igniarius Focal damage to living and dead wood, stumps and dead wood The tissues of the fruiting body are very hard, woody type
Russula pungent Russula emetica Forms mycorrhiza with trees in coniferous and deciduous forests Inedible due to bitter pulp
Pluteus meager Pluteus exiguus Dead remains of wood from deciduous trees Has no nutritional value
Cupped talker Clitocybe diatreta Infertile and sandy soils in pine and birch forests May contain muscarine or muscarinic-like components

Differences between inedible counterparts

The absolute external similarity of inedible twin mushrooms with edible species is obvious only at first glance. A closer examination of the fruiting bodies allows us to recognize a number of differences that distinguish these species:

  • or false white, has a pronounced external resemblance to boletus, but unlike its “noble” brother, it has a pink tubular layer and a reddening cap;
  • false boletus unlike the present, as it grows and develops, the tubular layer acquires a pronounced pinkish tint, and Bottom part the legs usually have a fairly impressive thickening;
  • It is found quite rarely in our forests and has a characteristic, very pronounced thickening in the lower part of the stem, which is immersed in the soil or coniferous litter;
  • false chanterelles have a round funnel-shaped cap with smooth edges and a characteristic reddish-orange coloring with a copper tint;

  • category includes representatives of several species that grow on wood, and the most famous sulfur-yellow honey fungus and brick-red false honey fungus have a pronounced coloring, reflected in the name;
  • death cap It is very reminiscent of a champignon and some, so you should pay attention to the pale green coloring of the cap and the presence of a ring on the stem of the poisonous double.

Most inedible species have a very noticeable ovoid thickening at the root of the stalk. Among other things, there are several very common misconceptions regarding the determination of the edibility of mushrooms.

It must be remembered that many inedible species have a quite pleasant mushroom aroma, and the fruiting body can be gnawed by snails and slugs. It is also important to note that poisoning can be caused not only by inedible and potentially dangerous varieties of mushrooms, but also by completely edible species whose fruiting bodies have become overgrown or damaged by worms and other insect larvae.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones (video)

Signs of poisoning

Despite the fact that most inedible species do not cause poisoning, in some cases a reaction similar to poisoning may occur, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the body. The main symptoms of mushroom poisoning are as follows:

  • poisoning with improperly prepared early spring mushrooms such as strings and morels occurs after about six hours and is accompanied by stomach pain, nausea, uncontrollable vomiting, severe headache and general weakening of the body. It is precisely because of possible poisoning that the fruiting bodies of strings and morels must first be boiled twice for ten to fifteen minutes;
  • mushrooms from the toadstool group contain poisons such as phalloidin and amanitin, which are not destroyed during heat treatment. Poisoning can result in severe abdominal pain, frequent diarrhea and uncontrollable vomiting, severe thirst and convulsions;

  • the fruiting bodies of mushrooms belonging to the genus Inocybe and Clitocybe contain poisons, represented by muscarine, mycoatropine and fly venom, which cause nausea, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, profuse sweating, increased salivation and severe lacrimation;
  • false honey mushrooms, as well as burning lacticaria and russula most often cause a relatively severe intestinal disorder, accompanied by mild symptoms of intoxication of the body.

Poisoning is also caused by old or not immediately processed fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms.

First aid

Any poisoning is especially dangerous for children, the elderly, pregnant or lactating women, as well as those suffering allergic reactions. In this case, the victim must be taken to a medical facility as quickly as possible. First aid measures include:

  • rinse the stomach with water room temperature with the addition of soda or several crystals of potassium permanganate;
  • take a few pills activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight;
  • use medications that reduce the risk of dehydration in case of uncontrollable vomiting and repeated diarrhea.

Pallid grebe: characteristics (video)

It is necessary to make it a rule to collect only well famous mushrooms, in the edibility of which there is confidence, which will reduce the risk of poisoning to a minimum.

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