Nobody cares about the process if it's the result. What is more important: the process or the result? What should not be mistaken for the process

Deep or shallow immersion in the action being performed. Position inside or outside the process.





What is easier, what is more difficult

  • It's easier for processors, harder for results: concentrate attention, immerse deeply in actions and retain the details of one process, avoid unnecessary switching of attention, superficial and careless actions and decisions, work together on one task, do one thing conscientiously.
  • It’s easier for the results, more difficult for the processors: do several things at once and bring them to intermediate and complete results, change the situation, do not tie yourself to one process, switch between things, react to changes in the situation, distribute tasks and responsibilities between people, sum up.

The meaning of the sign

A person with a process mindset ( CPU) feels part of what he does. He is deeply immersed in one process, is able to freeze in it for a long time and has difficulty switching from one thing to another. The need for processors to complete the task is weak, but the degree of elaboration of this task is thorough.

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Results-oriented person result) does not delve deeply into his actions. It is easier for such people to do several things at once, switching between them. The need for results to complete a task and periodically change activities is natural. If the task is large, it is automatically divided into smaller tasks - and each is completed to an intermediate finish. Resulters have a greater risk of doing things at the top, but have a greater sense of proportion, the ability to dose out efforts and switch.

You have already guessed how important this sign is in everyday life and in such a broad topic as a person in the workplace. And of course, when arranging people and forming teams. And what are the consequences of the fact that few people know about this - even the majority of socionicists who are satisfied with Model A.

While working on the Internet, have you noticed how images load differently on websites? Some, in the usual format - slowly from top to bottom, but immediately in the required resolution. This is how processors work. Illustrations in progressive format are loaded vaguely at first, but immediately throughout the allotted space. A moment has passed and you can already understand what is shown in the progressive picture, while in the regular picture the upper half is drawn perfectly, but nothing can be said about the lower half.

So it is with different types of people: the result has a ready-made draft solution, and the processor is still on the way to its ideal.

If a person is burdened by a constant working day and needs a project-based work style, this is a candidate for results. The results cannot help but change their occupation and the rest of the environment. This happens automatically: the old has exhausted itself and no longer inspires. And here is something that the resulter will rush to with new passion. Example: Oleg Tinkov (LIE) once produced beer, but is now involved in finance. What does he have tomorrow?

Steve Jobs (IEE) for last years changed the focus of his life more than once: first iPod and iTunes were added to Apple computers - and connections with music companies, then iPhone, then iPad

A good way to feel the difference between the processor and the result is to talk to a talkative friend on the phone. If all the deadlines have long passed, and the conversation does not end, and you have to make an effort, your interlocutor is probably a processor. Watch your favorite videos of Vladimir Zhirinovsky (EIE) or Alexander Bubnov (ILI). These showmen are so immersed in the process of verbal assault that they cannot get out of it for a long time - and the audience comes running!

Examples of processor speech

Steve Ballmer (SEE): “Here have to decide: if you want to enter the market, it is better be prepared to live by the laws of this country. If you are not ready to live according to the laws of the country, there is only one choice - to leave. At school we studied a book called Care, Criticism and Loyalty about the role of business during apartheid South Africa. Are you leaving? Do you stay and keep your mouth shut? Or do you stay and voice some questions? I, of course, I think this is the best role for such a company, like ours, Yahoo, Google and others - to stay in China."

I love buying shoes, especially boots and stilettos (although I used to not like stilettos at all), I really like to buy evening dresses , and then surprise friends and acquaintances. I usually try to buy things thinking about it, what you can wear them with and what you need to buy with them. Once I saw a white coat in a magazine, went looking, found it, bought it, and realized that it definitely needed red suede boots, a scarf, a handbag and gloves. I spent a long time looking for the ingredients and didn’t wear a coat. I haven't picked up the full set yet. — EIE

Examples of results speech

Stanislav Cherchesov (ESI): “I regularly visited my homeland, so I can't say I didn't realize what was going on here. If for ten years I had never appeared at home, I might have experienced a shock. And so I was internally prepared for what I would see. After all, the country is still called Russia and the people there speak Russian. Yes, a lot has changed. Moscow in particular

"State became unbearable. For nothing could be taken out of such a level of immersion, and Akela, even in his present form, remembered and knew - Only confusion and emptiness invariably evaporated into a dry residue. Welter. The state of "enlightenment" was purely decorative, but was a necessary evil, integral part ritual: without communion there is no absolution" - IEI

What should not be mistaken for the process

A detailed story as such. Declarative extroverts tend to describe events at length and in detail, and dynamics (ESE and LIE) - moreover, continuously.

What should not be taken as a result

The words “as a result”, “as a result” are used more often by result-makers, but they are not the only ones who use them. It is necessary to check the context in which they are said or written. The best test is based on a combination of speech characteristics: statics - positivism - process, dynamics - negativism - process, dynamics - positivism - result, statics - negativism - result ( small group №33).

Based on the book

Today we will talk about simple recipe happiness, which some wise people discovered for themselves a long time ago, and then the science of psychology came and officially confirmed all this.

Let's begin with that...

Psychology distinguishes two types of activity: 1) activity aimed at the result and 2) activity in which the process is more important, and the result seems to be absent, blurred.

Let's talk about these two types of activities.

Actions aimed at a result, a goal or Purposeful actions

How to distinguish these actions from the sea of ​​​​manifold actions we perform?

Targeted actions:

  1. Initially very clearly focused on a specific result(go to the forest and cut down a tree with an ax to heat the house).
  2. They have very precise and clear criteria for their success or failure(Vovochka: I taught the poem! Teacher Mary Ivanna: Vovochka, I don’t ask: did you teach it or didn’t you teach it? I ask: “You learned?»)
  3. Most often they have a well-defined structure, a step-by-step algorithm, an action plan(To bake a pie, you need a series of consistent and precise steps.)
  4. Through these actions, we usually successfully (or not successfully, if it didn’t work out) adapt and stand out in society, in society). I drew a drawing. If you win an architects' competition, you get glory, first place from the jury, and a cash prize.
  5. With these actions we can change our lives quite predictably.(If I pass exams and tests on time for five years, after five years I will be awarded a diploma of higher education).

Purposeful actions are very useful, aren't they?

But there is one problem with them. Even two troubles.

Firstly, they try to fill ALL human activity (and there is also a second type of activity, do you remember?).

Secondly, the PROCESS of their implementation is usually deprived of: romance, pleasure and awareness-motivation. All this is included in the RESULT.

What's the problem? And the fact is that the result is just a moment. And the process can take years. Deprive yourself of pleasure for years in order to fill yourself with joy... for a moment? But the “moment” may subsequently not withstand such filling and... break.

This is why people who, at the moment of their triumph, should seem to be rejoicing, actually become sad and even panic. Here it is, the moment has come... Why am I not happy?

Well, now let’s look at the second type of human activity that remains. It's being filled

Procedural actions

How to distinguish them from others in the sea of ​​​​various actions that we perform?

Procedural actions:

  1. Never clearly and specifically focused on a clear and specific result. (When I drink a glass of light French wine, what result am I aiming for? So that the blood vessels become healthy? Or so that I want to sing “Oh, viburnum”?)
  2. Most often, procedural actions do not have precise criteria for a certain “correct” or “incorrect” course. (When I play Easter eggs in the sandbox and build castles on the beach, I don’t consult the instructions)
  3. Such actions are devoid of obvious and straightforward practical meaning and benefit.(chattering with a friend).
  4. If such actions are artificially given direction, pushing them towards one specific outcome... then they immediately lose their attractiveness and meaning. They “perish” and become meaningless.
  5. These are events about which we can say: they make sense on their own.

What do we classify as procedural actions?

Friendly communication,

Admiring nature and people

Philosophical (only non-professional philosophical) reasoning,

Sex (unless it is aimed at some specific thing),

In general, admiring the beautiful, contacting the beautiful and creating something BEAUTIFUL.


Do you know what psychology says about procedural actions? She says that it is and only these actions that allow us to be... ourselves!

And the lack of procedural actions makes a person suffocate and feel unhappy.

Indeed. Let's compare a friendly party “just because” and a friendly party “with meaning” (For example, when the boss and his wife are invited to visit, and a branded cake is baked for them).

Is this why some children hate it when their parents have guests at their house? Is this why these children sabotage the guests?

Most likely, they feel that the guests were called for a reason, but with meaning.

Be like children...

What is the recipe for happiness, invented by wise people and confirmed by psychology?

Here's the thing. You need to take a purposeful action and turn it into... a procedural one.

And the fewer actions of the first type remain in your life, and the more actions of the second type (procedural actions) - the happier you will be.

Let me give you an example from sports.

Have you heard the phrase: “It’s not victory that’s important, it’s participation that’s important”?

That is, we came not “to win”... to win at the cost of torn ligaments and broken bones, but to... to hang out in a pleasant company of like-minded people, to spend time usefully.

And now a little test task

Take a sheet and cut it in half. In the first column, write all the PURPOSE actions that come to your mind.

In the second column, write all the PROCEDURAL actions that come to your mind.

Compare both columns.

First question

Which activities from both lists would you really like to do primarily throughout your life?

First question "prime"

So why aren't you doing it?

Second question

What “targeted actions” (from the first column) can you transfer to the second column, that is: change your attitude towards them and make them procedural?

For example, can you make washing dishes or floors a process rather than a goal-oriented activity?

Should the path to work be made not a purposeful action, but a procedural one?

In other words, "action-hard labor» turn into “action-fun leisure”?

You can not? What action can you take? Write it down.

Psychology says that fulfillment targeted actions helps us adapt and stand out in society.

And I ask the question: maybe it’s enough to adapt to society? Isn't it time to take care of your own happiness?

Man for the most part consists of imaginary contradictions dictated by taste. Anything that does not correspond to current tastes is declared heretical. “Heretic,” by the way, is someone who can choose, from the Greek αἵρεσις - “choice” and “direction, system of education.”

Just a “chooser”, not what you thought!

Imaginary contradictions apply to any issue, so all psychological memes are mostly useless, since they are conversations about the taste of oysters in favor of the poor. For example, if a person is told that he needs to “accept himself,” he will object that how can he change when he is happy with everything.

A similar situation with “orientation towards the process, not the result” - what then to do with the result?! As if if you only “enjoy the process” and live in the “current moment”, then tomorrow there will be nothing to eat. Or, even worse, if you enjoy the process, then “the result will come by itself.”

In fact, there are no contradictions between the result and the process.

It is best to live in the real world, not in the world of imagination. I will not define the dubious word “real”, but you can increase your connection with reality through dialogue with the outside world: you did something - you looked at the reaction - you did it further.

In relation to “plans” and “results”, this means that you can plan to pump up 5 kg of muscle by summer, and in the summer you will wake up and be disappointed, or you may want to gain muscle mass, go to the gym regularly and see what comes out: at what speed what grows, how the body reacts to training, what it feels like. Then, unfortunately, it may turn out that there is no way to gain 5 kg.

The result is a game of imagination (until it becomes real).

When “life makes adjustments to plans” - this is not only “normal”, it is generally the only way not to fall into groundless fantasies. If life doesn’t make adjustments, then who? You? What do you think about yourself? No, seriously, “Man proposes, but God disposes” is just a state of affairs.

(Well, “self-acceptance” means acceptance of the state of things, of course, and not at all connivance).

Same wise saying- more understandable in English, since it is closer to the original Latin: Man proposes, but God disposes (“man proposes, God throws away the excess”) - explains what needs to be done to achieve something. We need to offer more often!

You will laugh, but the result is impossible without the process. Sooner or later something will have to be done, and the better the process, the greater the chances of results.

This “enjoy the process” does not mean at all that you can “fuck off in production.” That is, of course, you can - provided that you are from such enjoy!

For example, a neat and tidy person will enjoy the neat and tidy process and will eventually (if he is lucky) achieve a neat and tidy result (minus the influence of an imperfect world), from which he will also enjoy! If a person organizes the process according to his taste, then he will get the result according to his taste. “What you fertilized is what grew.” All attempts to cheat (cheat on yourself) and get some other result do not lead to anything real.

In this regard, receiving “pleasure” from the process is no different from receiving pleasure from the result: “And God called the dry land earth, and the collection of waters he called the seas. And God saw that it was good.”

Let's take the same clear example workouts: there is the result of “world champion tennis”, and there is a specific workout today, and for the same result it will be more useful if you conduct it with a feeling of full involvement in a specific workout, and not in dreams of a championship.

Focusing on the process does not guarantee anything - even if you have trained perfectly for many years, you may not become a champion. Suddenly you are a crooked freak. If you continue to dream, you will become a crooked freak with a rich imagination (see “self-acceptance”). But hey, at least you had fun playing tennis!

Let's summarize what we learned in today's lesson:

There is no contradiction between the result and the process.
The result is imagined until it is achieved.
The process is real because it happens in the living world, not in dreams.
In the process of (dialogue) with the world, the limitations of you and the world become clear.
Process Maybe lead to a result, but the result has never led to a process!
You need to keep the desired result in mind so that the process is not aimless.
If you want results, organize the process.

Have you ever noticed that we are different? Some people find it easier to work passionately on one task and get carried away process that they don’t think at all about the result, the destination. Others try to complete more different tasks and dream of completing them as quickly as possible to receive result, and not receiving much satisfaction from the process of their implementation. And it also happens that a person enjoys condition, in which he is, not caring at all about where and how to move further. Employers like to gauge a person's mindset during interviews to see if the person is suited for a process-oriented job (such as a help desk worker) or a results-oriented job (a Tier 1 software engineer). I believe that employers generally do not hire people who are wealth-oriented (only if they are the president of the company, let him enjoy it, the main thing is that he does not interfere with J’s work). These three categories are extremes. Although people from each category know how to rejoice and get pleasure in their own way - from a state, a process or a result - you should not deprive yourself of pleasure from the rest of 2/3 of your life.

When did you first get a job as a testing specialist? software, I was more process oriented. It was common for me to sit up at night and code, just for fun. I had a lot of ideas and often rushed into them without thinking about where they would lead. There was no time to stop and think, who am I, what have I already achieved? The attraction to the process resulted in the desire to get two full-time jobs at once (8 hours on one, 8 hours on the other, 1.5 hours for travel, 1 hour for breakfast, lunch and dinner, leaving 5.5 hours for friends, personal life, hobbies, sleep and etc. J ). It is not difficult to imagine what the outcome of such a schedule would be, and how quickly it would occur. Thanks to the head of the department (the second “potential” employer), who dissuaded me from this idea.

Six months later I met my future wife. We spent almost every evening together throughout the summer. I enjoyed every moment of our meeting, while at work things went on by inertia. I didn’t have the same abundance of new ideas as before, and none of the existing ones were put into practice. In a word, I was obsessed with my condition, not thinking about the future, about the results, and not really enjoying the process, since there was no progress. This lasted 3-4 months.

During a late-night conversation after my bachelor party, a friend of mine remarked that I had changed a lot since the last time we met. The fact is that I was then very absorbed in the idea of ​​​​setting and achieving goals, the process was seen as a path that is secondary, no matter which one we choose, the main thing is to achieve the goal in the shortest possible time and immediately set ourselves the next one. Perhaps everything was not so pathological, but the fact remains that at that moment I was very result-oriented.

I believe that each of us at different moments can enjoy both the state and the process and the result. The truth is that these three-arm scales are not always in balance - some part always outweighs. It's always good to stop and enjoy what you have now. Then, think about how this condition could be improved, what would I like to achieve in life? Once you have decided, choose the most pleasant way to achieve your goal - it can be difficult, new, but still enjoyable. Develop, move towards your goal, enjoy every moment of movement, get pleasure from it. Having received the result, enjoy this moment - you did what you truly wanted. Your condition has changed, enjoy what you have received.

It is interesting that all these types of attitudes towards life are very interconnected. If we get really carried away by the process, we will involuntarily receive some results, albeit unconsciously. Enjoying the result obtained, we involuntarily enjoy the state in which we find ourselves. While enjoying the state, we are, one way or another, involved in some process, although, again, unconsciously.

Full and happy life can be lived through harmonization between three components: state, process and result. Determine which part of you outweighs, and try to get more pleasure from other aspects of your personality.

Who are you now, a person of state, a person of process or a person of results?

Do you love children?

Not really. But the process itself...

How to enjoy life more orMeta-program "process orientation and result orientation"

What is it and how can it help us?

For example, there are people who are interested in sex I like the process itself- touching, kissing, long periods of sex. And there are those who only the result matters- I would rather get an orgasm and move on to other things (eat, smoke, sleep, for example). Can you imagine what we're talking about, right?! Maybe they even remembered someone...

Another example: there are people who eat slowly, cutting each piece of food, and then just as slowly putting the food into their mouths and chewing it for a long time, enjoying the taste. Do you think this is process or result orientation?!

And there are those who eat quickly, in large pieces, emptying the plate in a matter of minutes. What is the orientation of these people?!

So what is NLP meta-program "process orientation and result orientation", I think it has become clear. Now let's see how this will help us in our lives?

Sometimes we realize that we are not doing something very effectively, but we don’t quite understand how to change it.

Have you ever seen how one person tells something leisurely and in detail, and another hurries him, jumps out of his pants and begs: “Get to the point already!”?

Two different orientations. One has process orientation- he likes to talk to someone else results orientation- he wants to get information faster and he is indifferent to all the accompanying lyrics. Does this cause conflicts and outbursts of negative emotions?! And how! Would you like to somehow avoid this?! This is also possible!

In beginning relationships, we often see some discrepancy: the girl more often has process orientation, men are bigger result-oriented. It happens in different ways, of course, but, as a rule, a girl wants meetings, glances, hugs, conversations and walks, but the man does not understand why all this is necessary. Do we like each other?! Well, here we go!! What a walk, let's have sex quickly.

Recognizable picture?!

This is how conflicts sometimes begin. And even breakups. People like each other, but if one has a strong result orientation(have sex as soon as possible), and the other has a strong process orientation and the desire to stretch out the candy-bouquet period to infinity, then accusations that “You don’t love me” are very likely. Moreover, on both sides.

What should we do?!

Well, first of all, determine what your orientation is in this regard. metaprogram?!

In today's rapidly changing world, we often experience strict focus on results, - to graduate from college faster, write a book, get a certificate, raise children faster, get to the finish line in any business faster.

Will we become happier if, on the way to the result, we think not only about it, but also about what is possible? enjoy the process?! You can go somewhere and think, “Well, when will I get there,” or you can also look around and enjoy the views, communication, good people that we meet.

Yes, sometimes you can see a person who focused on process and thinks little about the result. This happens a little less often, but it still happens. Probably, these are the people who will look at what is happening around them and always be late to their destination.

We don't talk about what's good and what's not so good. Everything is individual. A good model is one that helps you be as effective and happy as possible.

If you feel that you are not as happy as you would like because you are always you only think about the result, or if you are completely immersed in the process and from this you don’t get as good results as you could, that is, it makes sense to just adjust something.

Identify those situations in yourself when your focus on the result or the process does not help, but quite the opposite. And change the settings as needed.

If a man has sex for 30 seconds or a minute, I think his partner will be twice as happy if he is now a little bigger think about the process and sex will last at least a couple of minutes. What if it’s longer?! And if your partner does something else before and something after... Life will generally start to get better

Now you know about meta-program "Process orientation And results orientation". Look how you are doing with this metaprogram. Would you like to change something for the better?! Then move it a little focus of attention in the opposite direction. How much to move?! You know better. Until the desired effect is achieved, probably. So that both the process and the results are pleasing.

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