General concepts of elite sports. What is elite sport (Olympic sport)? The goal of elite sport is

Along with mass sports, there is elite sport, or big sport.

The goal of big sport is fundamentally different from the goal of mass sport. This is the achievement of the highest possible sporting results or victories at major sporting competitions, including achievements on an international scale. This is precisely the role of sport as an activity that overcomes the apparent limits of human capabilities. With the actual implementation of such an attitude, sports activity is similar to intense creative work. It occupies one of the dominant positions in a certain period of an athlete’s life and requires special organization (daily training, a lifestyle strictly coordinated with it and with regular participation in competitions).

Every highest achievement of an athlete has not only personal significance, but becomes a national asset, since records and victories at major international competitions contribute to strengthening the country’s authority on the world stage. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest sports forums attract billions of people to television screens around the world, and among other spiritual values, world records, victories at the World Championships, and leadership at the Olympic Games are so highly valued.

It is impossible not to mention one more social value of big sport, which usually remains in the shadows. Today, elite sport is so far the only model of activity in which, among outstanding record holders, the functioning of almost all body systems can manifest itself in the zone of absolute physiological and mental limits of a healthy person. This allows us not only to penetrate into the secrets of maximum human capabilities, but also to determine ways of rational development and use of the natural abilities available to each person in his professional and social activities, and increase overall performance.

To achieve the set goal in big sport, step-by-step plans for multi-year training and corresponding tasks are developed. At each stage of preparation, these tasks determine the required level of achievement of the functional capabilities of athletes, their mastery of techniques and tactics in their chosen sport. All this must be realized in total in a specific sports result (V.P. Filin, 1987).

Part of an athlete's preparation is sports training, which is built on the basis of an exercise method. Thus, if an athlete performs any exercises, this means that sports training is carried out during preparation.

The result of the training process, its direct consequence, is a change in the level of training, which, in general terms, represents the body’s readiness to manifest physical, biochemical and psychological prerequisites, under certain conditions, realized in a sports result. Fitness is the body's adaptation to a specific job, achieved through training.

The main characteristic of sports training is the training load - this is the general, total effect on the athlete’s body of the exercises performed, rest between them and various means (massage, pharmacological drugs, etc.) that accelerate the recovery process.

The completed training work causes a response from the body, i.e. creates a certain training effect, which can be increased or decreased by other factors included in the concept of training load. Systematic, periodically repeated training loads determine the corresponding adaptive restructuring of the body's systems.

Properly selected loads cause positive changes in fitness and are accompanied by improved sports results. And, conversely, incorrectly selected loads (over or underestimated volume of exercises, irrational work-rest ratio, etc.) lead to decreased fitness, deterioration of results and fatigue.

In order to develop an optimal training regimen, you need to know the body's reaction to stress, as well as during the recovery period.

n work restoration

1 – exhaustion phase;

2 – recovery phase;

3 – super-recovery phase;

4 – stabilization phase (strengthened state).

Rice. 18.Load response and recovery curve

This curve will clearly depend on the intensity of the training effect on the body and the level of physical fitness of the trainees.

Changes in the functioning of the body during fatigue and recovery occur at all levels of the body’s vital activity: from regulatory mechanisms to metabolic processes and cell structure.

When performing physical exercises, dissimilation processes ( breakdown of substances in the body) prevail over the processes of assimilation ( absorption by the body of substances external to it). The imbalance between these reactions is more pronounced if the power of the work is high and the athlete is less prepared for it (low level of training).

In the recovery period, on the contrary, assimilation processes predominate, which contributes to the replenishment of energy reserves expended during work. First they are restored to their original level ( early recovery phase where the body’s homeostasis is restored), then for some time it becomes higher than it ( supercompensation phase) and then decreases again ( stabilization phase).

This phenomenon is called super compensation or beyond recovery. The greater the energy consumption during work, the faster the resynthesis of energy substances occurs, the more significant supercompensation phase. It depends on the duration of the work and the depth of the biochemical changes it causes in the body. After intense short-term work, this phase begins quickly (after 3-4 hours of rest) and lasts 10-12 hours. After long work supercompensation occurs within 12 hours and lasts 48-72 hours.

Recovery processes during the rest period occur at different speeds and are completed at different times. Oxygen reserves and creatine phosphate are restored most quickly in working muscles, then intramuscular liver glycogen reserves, and only then fat reserves and protein structures. If physical work is accompanied by significant sweating, water and mineral salts must be replenished through food.

IN stabilization phase the initial level of functional systems is achieved in the form of a smooth oscillatory process.

The duration of rest intervals between individual exercises and training sessions should be planned taking into account the fact that the effectiveness of subsequent work will be greater when fatigue from the previous activity is almost eliminated, and the positive consequences of this work are still preserved. To achieve high athletic results, you need to train at phase of incomplete recovery. At the same time, work adapts the body to activity in conditions of a changed internal environment. The increase in performance caused by muscle activity must be supported by subsequent work. If this does not happen, then performance decreases to the original level, and further progressive changes in the body may stop.

Fatigue is a temporary decrease in the performance of an entire organism, organ or tissue that occurs after work. Fatigue is understood as a physiological state that occurs as a result of intense or prolonged activity of the body, manifested in incoordination of functions and a temporary decrease in performance. Fatigue in the whole organism occurs, first of all, in the central nervous system and, in particular, in the cells of the cerebral cortex.

Fatigue occurs in two phases:

- compensated, those. performance is maintained due to increasing excitation in the central nervous system, greater tension in other body systems (muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory) with more pronounced energy consumption for each unit of work.

- uncompensated, those. decreased performance.

There are 4 types of fatigue:

1 - physical- arising as a result of muscle activity;

2 - emotional- associated with various experiences;

3 - sensory- caused by fatigue of the senses, manifested during intense work of the auditory, visual and other analyzers;

4 - mental- caused by the need to maintain attention at a high level for a long time.

As fatigue develops, the excitability and lability of nervous and muscle tissue and sensory systems decrease. Heart rate and breathing become more frequent, and significant sweating occurs.

Fatigue is a natural consequence of the work done. Without fatigue during physical activity, the training process itself is virtually absent; there can be no formation and development of fitness. It is important that the degree of fatigue corresponds to the work done.

Each type of sports work is characterized by specific fatigue. During cyclic work of a high-speed nature - the zone of maximum power (100 m sprint), fatigue sets in very quickly, due to inhibition of the activity of nerve centers and extreme tension in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Lactic acid and other acidic metabolic products accumulate in the muscles, the excitability and lability of muscle tissue worsens, muscle relaxation worsens, which reduces the speed of movement.

During long-term cyclic work (marathon), the activity of the central nervous system is inhibited. The chemistry of the internal environment of the body changes, the contractility of muscles worsens, their lability decreases, as a result of which their performance decreases. That is why feeding with nutritional mixtures is mandatory at marathon distances.

In complex technical, game sports and martial arts, fatigue is expressed in a deterioration in the athlete’s reaction speed and concentration. In situational sports, for example in hockey, fatigue occurs 1-1.5 minutes after entering the ice, i.e. the mobility of nervous processes changes and the activity of the visual analyzer is disrupted.

During gymnastic and weightlifting exercises, fatigue sets in a few seconds after the start of work, which is explained by the development of extreme inhibition in the nerve centers and a decrease in blood supply to the working muscles, the strength and speed of contraction and relaxation decreases.

In addition to the physiological dependence that determines the type of physical exercise, fatigue depends on the individual characteristics of the body (genotype, health, level of training), the degree of emotional stress in the previous load or competition, and external conditions. Fatigue is not an undesirable factor; on the contrary, during the preparation process it serves as a stimulator for the body’s adaptation to high loads, i.e. protects the body from overstrain and, first of all, nerve cells from functional exhaustion.

Sport as a specific human activity has been known since ancient times. Suffice it to mention that the history of the Olympic Games goes back several centuries (776 BC, the first mention of the Olympic Games). The term “sport” itself came to us relatively recently from Great Britain, where it was initially used only in connection with horse racing competitions. Most often, experts use the following definition: “ Sport- includes competitive activity itself, special preparation for it, specific relationships, norms and achievements that arise in the process of this activity, taken as a whole” (L.P. Matveev, 1977).

Sport differs from physical education in that it has a mandatory competitive component. Both an athlete and an athlete can use the same physical exercises (for example, running) in their classes and training, but the athlete always compares his achievements in physical improvement with the successes of other athletes in intramural competitions. The exercises of a physical educator are aimed only at personal improvement, regardless of the achievements of other students in this area. That is why we cannot call a cheerful old man moving along the alleys of a square a slow jog or a fast walk an athlete. This respected man is not an athlete, he is an exerciser who uses walking and running to maintain his health and performance.

Modern sport acts: both as a means of healing, and as a means of psychophysical improvement, and as an effective means of relaxation and restoration of performance, and as a spectacle, and as professional work.

Sport- a multifaceted social phenomenon that constitutes an integral element of the culture of society, one of the means and methods for the comprehensive harmonious development of a person and strengthening his health.

Purpose of sport- along with strengthening health and general physical development of a person, achieving results and victories in competitions.

In the modern understanding, sport is a person’s desire to expand the boundaries of his physical capabilities, realized through a systematic training process and participation in competitions.

Sport is one of the important means of aesthetic education, satisfying the spiritual needs of society, it is also a whole world of emotions generated by successes and failures in competitions, a complex complex of interpersonal relationships and a very popular spectacle.

In the process of historical development, sport has taken a prominent place in both the physical and spiritual culture of society, and its social significance continues to increase. Sport contributes to the expansion of international relations, mutual understanding, cooperation and friendship between peoples.

Sports and physical exercise are extremely effective means of physical education for young people, they expand the physical and spiritual capabilities of a person, form him as a person, prepare the younger generation for life practice, and introduce him to active social life.

Currently, the sports movement has become a mass phenomenon - the process of introduction to sports, its spread and development in society. In the sports movement, two directions are quite clearly distinguished, which are most often called “mass sport” (basic) and “sport of the highest achievements” (big sport).

Mass sports characterized by relatively low sports results and significant mass participation. At this level of achievement, athletes are trained in their free time from their main activities. It is conducted under the guidance of trainers of various qualifications, including trainers and instructors working on a voluntary basis. The loads are light.

Mass sports provide an opportunity for millions of people to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve health and prolong creative longevity, and therefore resist the unwanted effects on the body of modern production and the conditions of everyday life.

The purpose of practicing various types of mass sports- strengthen health, improve physical development, preparedness and actively relax. This is associated with solving a number of particular problems: increasing the functionality of individual body systems, adjusting physical development and physique, increasing general and professional performance, mastering vital skills, spending pleasant and useful leisure time, achieving physical perfection.

Objectives of mass sports In many respects they repeat the tasks of physical education, but are implemented by the sports orientation of regular classes and training.

A significant part of young people become involved in the elements of mass sports during their school years, and in some sports even in preschool age. It is mass sports that are most widespread among student groups.

As practice has shown, usually in non-physical education universities in the country in the field of mass sports, from 10 to 25% of students engage in regular training outside of class hours. The current program in the academic discipline “Physical Culture” for students of higher educational institutions allows almost every healthy student of any university to join mass sports. This can be done not only in free time, but also during school time, and the type of sport or system of physical exercises is chosen by the student himself.

High performance sport associated with the desire to achieve the highest results (world records, victories at the Olympic Games, World Championships, Europe, Russia, etc.). However, the higher the achievement, the smaller the number of athletes capable of reaching this level (3% of the country's population aged 16-25 years).

The purpose of elite sport fundamentally different from the mass goal. This is the achievement of the highest possible sporting results or victories at the largest sporting competitions.

Every highest achievement of an athlete has not only personal significance, but becomes a national asset, since records and victories at major international competitions contribute to strengthening the country’s authority on the world stage. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest sports forums attract billions of people to television screens around the world, and among other spiritual values, world records, victories at the World Championships, and leadership at the Olympic Games are so highly valued.

It is impossible not to mention one more social value of elite sport, which usually remains in the shadows. Today, elite sport is so far the only model of activity in which, among outstanding record holders, the functioning of almost all body systems can manifest itself in the zone of absolute physiological and mental limits of a healthy person. This allows us not only to penetrate into the secrets of maximum human capabilities, but also to determine ways of rational development and use of the natural abilities available to each person in his professional and social activities, and increase overall performance. To achieve the set goal in big sport, step-by-step plans for multi-year training and corresponding tasks are developed. At each stage of preparation, these tasks determine the required level of achievement of the functional capabilities of athletes, their mastery of techniques and tactics in their chosen sport. All this must be realized in total in a specific sports result.

Elite sports can occupy a dominant position in certain periods of an athlete’s life. Training is carried out under the guidance of highly qualified coaches, it uses the latest achievements of science and technology, large amounts of training and competitive loads are applied, and athletes undergo a thorough multi-stage selection. An expert assessment shows that only 1 out of 65 people who started training continues to study at a children's and youth sports school (CYSS); the standard for a master of sports in swimming can be fulfilled by one person out of 34,000 trained.

Analyzing the specifics of the directions of the sports movement, scientists talk about the following main mechanism of interdependence between the mass character of sports and the level of achievements of highly qualified athletes. Sports results demonstrated by high-class athletes, especially in popular sports, serve as an effective means of promoting active physical education and sports.

Thanks to this, more and more participants are involved in the practice of sports activities and, consequently, the chances of identifying new talented athletes among them, who in the future will be able to raise the highest sports achievements to a new level, increase. Therefore, they conclude, the progress of each sport is based, along with other aspects, on the inextricable connection of all aspects of the sports movement.

Amateur sports- this is an area in which a person is engaged in sports activities in parallel with other types of his activities (study, work, military service, etc.), i.e. sport in this case is not a profession.

Professional sports- this is the area in which motor sports activity is the main occupation for a person, i.e. his profession. At the heart of this area is commercial activity, which provides for economic efficiency and high information and entertainment value of sports and entertainment events. Professional sports exist in two forms - elite sports and exhibition sports (for example, basketball competitions in the NBA professional league and a professional circus).

In defining the concept of sport, we used the term « » . To explain it, we will have to define a few more concepts.

All sports competitions are held according to certain rules, which regulate the activities of the participants. In addition, each participant in sports competitions tries to achieve a certain sports result(success). To achieve success, competition participants must realize their capabilities or competitive potential.

That's why competitive activity in sports, it is a rule-regulated process of realizing the competitive potential of participants, each of whom strives to achieve a planned result.

(REPEAT) The general goal of sports training is the development of the spiritual and physical abilities of athletes.

The specific goal is to achieve high sports results.

Under sports training understand the specialized pedagogical process of physical education aimed at achieving high sports results by an athlete.

Particular objectives of sports training are:

Promotion of health and comprehensive physical development of the athlete;

Nurturing his moral, volitional and physical qualities;

Formation of the necessary skills, consolidation and improvement of the necessary skills of the chosen sport;

Acquiring special knowledge on hygiene, self-control, etc.

Studying sports from different angles (in different aspects) has allowed scientists to establish a huge number of its functions (more than 110). That's how multifaceted sport is! For example, sports have been identified in the transformative aspect as preparatory, educational, health-improving and educational functions, in the communicative (connecting) aspect the functions of communication, exchange of experience, international cooperation, in the psychological aspect the functions of distraction, volitional and moral preparation, intellectualization, stress relief after work. .

The versatility of sport as a social phenomenon is accompanied by a variety of types of motor activity in it. There are many types of sports. Each of them is characterized by its own subject of competition, a special composition of actions and methods of wrestling (techniques and tactics), and its own rules.

At the moment, there are several most common classifications of sports: Matveev L.P., 1977; Keller V.S., 1986; etc. Depending on the nature of the athlete’s activity, the source and method of achieving the sports result of education, sports are divided into five groups (L.P. Matveev, 1991):

1st group- sports that represent highly active human motor activity, achievements in which depend decisively on the physical abilities of the body. This includes most sports (athletics, sports games, etc.);

2nd group- sports, the basis of which is the athlete’s actions in controlling vehicles (motorcycle, car, airplane, yacht, etc.), through the skillful management of which a sports result is achieved;

3rd group- technical and design sports, in competitions in which not so much the actions of the athlete are assessed, but rather the results - objects of conventional model and design activities (aircraft, car models, etc.);

4th group- shooting sports (shooting from small arms: pistol, rifle, bow);

5th group- abstract game sports, the outcome of the competition is decisively determined not by the motor activity of the athlete, but by the abstract-logical beating of the opponent (chess, checkers, etc.).

The most widespread classification of sports included in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games is:

1 - cyclic (rowing, swimming, skiing, cycling, speed skating, cross-country athletics);

2 - speed-strength (jumping, throwing, weightlifting);

3 - coordination and complex sports (sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.);

4 - martial arts (wrestling, boxing, etc.)

5 - sports games (football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, water polo, etc.);

6 - all-around events (athletic decathlon, modern pentathlon, Nordic combined, etc.).

Note that sports have completely different historical ages and different origins. The source of such “ancient” sports as, for example, athletics and wrestling are labor and combat activities. By the way, labor practice and military affairs also influence the formation of some modern sports of a professionally applied nature (for example, firefighting, radio sports, motorsport, etc.). In the last century, the formation of new sports takes place on the basis of sports itself and two other forms of culture - material and spiritual. This is how, for example, basketball, volleyball, water skiing, surfing, trampolining, ice dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, freestyle and many others arose in their time. We especially emphasize that, regardless of its historical age and origin, any sport can be used as an effective factor in the directed development of certain psychophysical abilities of a person.

From what has been considered, we can draw the following conclusion: sport is a social cultural phenomenon that has enormous educational significance for humans.

To compare the level of results achieved both in one sports discipline and between different sports, a unified sports classification is used.

The current sports classification includes almost all sports cultivated in the country. It is very conditional, in a single gradation by sports ranks and categories, standards and requirements are presented that characterize the level of preparedness of athletes, their sports results and achievements.

The conventionality of bringing different sports categories and titles into a single system (for example, marathon running and weightlifting) is combined with the scientific nature of such systematization, which is based on the statistical reliability of the established labor intensity and the actual time frame for achieving the same category. Thus, gifted young people usually receive the title “master of sports” after 6-8 years of regular and intense sports training. The realistically possible deadlines for achieving the standards and requirements of individual categories and titles are also certain time guidelines, both for beginners and for highly qualified athletes.

The advancement of an athlete from rank to rank serves as a criterion for the effectiveness of the educational and training process.

The structure of the sports classification provides for the assignment of the following categories and sports titles (from lowest to highest).

Sports categories: 5th, 4th categories (only in chess and checkers), 3rd, 2nd, 1st categories, “candidate master of sports”. Sports categories must be confirmed.

Sports titles: “master of sports”, “master of sports of international class” (this title is equivalent to the title “grandmaster” in chess and checkers). For particularly outstanding sporting achievements, the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia” is awarded. Sports titles are awarded for life.

To assign the specified ranks and titles in some sports it is necessary to fulfill rank standards and requirements, and in others only rank requirements. Discharge standards are usually expressed in measures of time, length, weight and other quantitative indicators.

Bit requirements are determined by the following provisions:

Take a certain place in competitions of one level or another;

Achieve a certain number of victories over athletes of the corresponding categories.

Sports classification is mobile and dynamic in nature. Periodically, adjustments are made to it related to sports practice, which is influenced by progressive changes in the theory and practice of training athletes, their technical equipment, etc.

It is especially noteworthy that there is a sports classification for national sports. National sports are cultivated in certain regions of the Russian Federation. They are based on traditional folk exercises and games, historically associated with the way of life and the characteristics of people’s work in the conditions of these regions.

Some of these sports require extraordinary physical and special sports and technical preparedness. Thus, the “northern all-around”, which is especially common in the reindeer herding regions of the Far North, includes repeated jumping on two legs over sledges, throwing a hatchet at a distance, throwing a lasso (tynzian) on a vertical pole - trochee (used to control the reindeer team) . In many republics of the Russian Federation, many original sports competitions in national sports (wrestling and many others) are held annually.

In the central regions of Russia, such national games as “lapta” and “gorodki” are known. There are many more similar examples of national sports in other regions of the country.

The most common of them are presented in the Unified Sports Classification. The title of master of sports in these types is awarded at the federal level, although they are cultivated, for example, only in Yakutia, Tatarstan or Dagestan. Sports categories are assigned by regional sports organizations, i.e. in places.

1. Mass sports and elite sports. Sports classification

There are only two sports in the whole world. They differ from each other mainly in the goals and objectives that they set for themselves, and in those who engage in one or another sport. This is a mass sport and a sport of high achievements.
With the help of mass sports, people all over the world “gain the opportunity to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve health and prolong creative longevity, and, therefore, resist the unwanted effects on the body of modern ecology and the rhythm of information life” (5, P.47). From here we can derive the goals of mass sports, which are to improve health, improve one’s physical health and get active recreation. Mass sports largely repeat and converge with physical training (culture).
In contrast, elite sport sets itself completely different goals and objectives. The main goal of elite sport is to achieve the highest possible sports results at all kinds of sports, competitions and, of course, at the Olympics. Every highest achievement of an athlete has not only personal significance, but also becomes a national asset, since records and victories in major international competitions contribute to maintaining and strengthening the country’s authority in the international arena.
Another social value of big sport is that today elite sport is the only area of ​​human activity where outstanding record holders have all body systems functioning within the zone of absolute physiological and psychological limits of the body. To achieve this goal, special systems of exercises and training are developed, which, if performed correctly, can achieve maximum results.
Thus, elite sport allows, based on the identified individual characteristics and capabilities of a person in a certain sport, to achieve maximum, record results. Records in international, national and other types of competitions create a moral incentive for the development of mass sports and physical education.
A unified sports classification is necessary in order to compare the level of results achieved both in one sports discipline and between different sports. The sports classification “unites all sports cultivated in the country, promotes their mass development and a unified focus in their use as the main means of physical education and sports” (3, P.74). This is a system for assigning sports titles and sports categories. There are national and international sports classifications.
The modern sports classification includes more than 60 sports. All types of sports can be divided according to the nature of their impact on the ligamentous-muscular and osteoarticular apparatus of the athlete, according to the degree of participation of certain muscle groups in the work and the characteristics of the sports working posture when performing specific physical exercises of the chosen sport into three groups: symmetrical, asymmetrical and mixed sports.
Symmetrical sports, during which the right and left halves of the athlete’s body perform simultaneously or alternately the same movements or actions (gymnastics, speed skating, cross-country athletics, cross-country skiing, swimming, weightlifting, etc.).
Asymmetrical sports, during which both halves of the athlete’s body perform different actions (badminton, basketball, boxing, throwing, shooting, table tennis, fencing, etc.).
Mixed sports, during which there is a frequent change of sports working posture, both halves of the athlete’s body experience constantly and frequently changing symmetrical and asymmetrical loads (all wrestling, volleyball, all-around, rugby, handball, football, hockey, etc.).
2. College sports

Everyday academic work, test and examination sessions with their intense workload twice a year, educational and industrial practices - all this requires from students not only diligence, but also good health, good psycho-physical preparedness. A study by many researchers of the time budget of students at special institutions has shown that the total load of academic work, including self-study, in various universities, but faculties (departments) and courses fluctuates significantly during the academic year. It is determined by specific conditions, the labor intensity and complexity of the disciplines studied, the level of preliminary preparedness and, of course, the attitude of the student himself to his studies (4).
The possibilities of various sports in improving health, correcting physique and posture, increasing overall performance, mental stability, and finally, self-affirmation are very great. At the same time, health acts as a leading factor that determines not only the harmonious development of a young person, but also the success of mastering a profession and the fruitfulness of his future professional activity. Physical development, which is closely related to health, is the process of change and formation of the natural morphological and functional properties of the human body during his life (height, body weight, chest circumference, vital capacity of the lungs, etc.).
A significant portion of students, despite all the programmatic regulation of classes in the academic discipline “Physical Culture,” perceive them as active recreation, as a release from monotonous classroom academic work. And the higher the student’s interest in these activities, the higher the versatile psychophysical effect of such physical activity. The student’s right to choose different sports for each upcoming academic year (and in some universities even a semester) will only support his interest in such activities, because his motivation is recreation. Whether this interest develops into a more serious passion for a particular sport is up to him to decide, but I would like him to understand the essence of the impact of such active recreation on physical and mental performance, on the productivity of educational and professional work.

The basis of sport is competitive activity (a system of competitions, rivalry), which can be considered in both the broad and narrow sense of the word.

In the first version, sport is represented as a competitive activity, special preparation for it, specific relationships in this area of ​​activity, taken as a whole.

In the second version, sport is actually a competitive activity, the distinctive features of which are:

· a system of competitions with a consistent increase in the level of competition and requirements for achievements;

· unification of the composition of actions through which competitions are conducted, the conditions for their implementation and methods for assessing achievements, which is enshrined in the official rules;

· regulation of the behavior of competitors, in accordance with the principles of non-antagonistic competition, which are humane in nature.

The fundamental difference between sport and other types of physical exercise is that it is based on the effect of competition. Sport is a means of satisfying human entertainment needs and has great propaganda and educational significance. , promotes attraction to physical exercise.

Currently, the sports movement is divided into two main areas:

· mass (public) sports;

· sport of the highest achievements.

Mass sports represents regular classes and participation in competitions of representatives of various age groups in the sports available to them. This sports movement helps to improve health, correct physical development and physique, increase general and special performance, mastery of certain vital skills, active recreation, and achievement of physical perfection.

The tasks of mass sports largely repeat the tasks of physical culture, but are implemented through the sports orientation of regular classes and training.

Mass sports include:

· school and student sports;

· professional applied sports;

· physical training and conditioning sports;

· health-improving and recreational sports.

School and student sports focused on the formation of basic physical culture, achievement and optimization of general physical fitness in the education system.

Professional applied sports acts as a means of preparation for a specific profession (military and service all-around, fire-applied sports, various types of martial arts in special forces units, etc.).

Physical education and conditioning sport serves as a means of maintaining the required level of performance, increasing the physical fitness of people who participate in mass official competitions.

Health and recreational sports is a means of healthy rest, restoration and healing of the body, maintaining a certain level of performance.

Mass sport is the foundation of elite sport, predetermining a certain continuity in the means and methods of sports training.

High performance sport involves systematic, planned, long-term preparation and participation in competitions in a chosen sport in order to achieve the best possible sporting results and victory at major sporting competitions.

High performance sports are conventionally divided into three main areas:

1. Super-achieving (amateur) sport;

2. Professional sports;

3. Professional and commercial sports.

Representatives super achievement (amateur) sport, as a rule, are students, students, and military personnel, which gives them the right to call themselves amateurs, although their earnings are almost equal to the income of professional athletes. Therefore, this type of elite sport is increasingly acquiring the features of professional sports, especially in terms of physical activity and the organization of training and competitive activities. “Amateur” athletes always build their training with an eye to the main competitions - the Olympic Games, World, European, Russian championships, successful performance in which allows them to raise their rating, and in the future, when they become pure professionals, to achieve higher pay.

Unlike super-achieving amateur sports, professional-commercial sport develops both according to the laws of business and according to the laws of sports training. The system of their competitions consists of successful performances in a long series of starts with a material reward for each of them, in accordance with their sports rating. Therefore, professional athletes constantly maintain a high, but not maximum, level of preparedness for a long time.

The types of professional sports are: achievement-commercial sports and entertainment-commercial sports. Within achievement-commercial sports Professional athletes perform who strive to successfully participate both in the main competitions (Olympic Games, World and European Championships) and in series of various cup and commercial competitions. To representatives entertainment and commercial sports This includes professional athletes who strive to successfully perform in various commercial competitions by invitation, as well as veteran athletes who, as a rule, specialize in sports games, martial arts, and figure skating. These professional athletes maintain a fairly high level of physical fitness and a very high technical level, allowing them to demonstrate high sportsmanship for the sake of spectators and high fees.

High performance sport is the only model of activity in which outstanding record holders can demonstrate the functioning of almost all body systems within the absolute physical and practical limits of a healthy person. The goal of elite sport is to achieve the highest possible sporting results or victories at major sporting competitions.

There are only two sports in the whole world. They differ from each other mainly in the goals and objectives that they set for themselves, and in those who engage in one or another sport. These are Mass Sports and High Performance Sports.

Mass sports largely repeat and converge with physical training (culture). In contrast, elite sport sets itself completely different goals and objectives.

The main goal of elite sport is to achieve the highest possible sports results at all kinds of sports competitions, competitions, etc., and, naturally, at the Olympics. Every highest achievement of an athlete has not only personal significance, but also becomes a national asset, since records and victories in major international competitions contribute to maintaining and strengthening the country’s authority in the international arena.

Another social value of big sport is that today elite sport is the only area of ​​human activity where outstanding record holders have all body systems functioning within the zone of absolute physiological and psychological limits of the body. This allows us not only to penetrate the secrets of human capabilities, but also to determine the ways in which these capabilities can be directed to achieve much greater results in production, professional skills, and social activities.

To achieve this goal, special systems of exercises and training are developed, which, if performed correctly, can achieve maximum results. Developments are carried out with the help of leading research institutes. Thus, elite sport allows, based on the identified individual characteristics and capabilities of a person in a certain sport, to achieve maximum, record results. Records in international, national and other types of competitions create a moral incentive for the development of mass sports and physical education.

42. Planning independent studies.
Planning of independent studies is carried out by students in consultation with teachers. Depending on the state of health, the initial level of physical and sports-technical readiness, students can plan to achieve different results over the years of study at the university - from fulfilling the requirements and standards of the technical technical training complex to fulfilling the standard for sports categories.
The main task of independent training sessions for students assigned to a special medical group (SMG) is the elimination of residual effects after illnesses and the elimination of functional relationships and deficiencies in physical development. When conducting independent training sessions, SMG students must consult and maintain constant communication with the physical education teacher and the attending physician.
Students who are assigned to the preparatory medical group are recommended to conduct independent training sessions with the goal of mastering all the requirements of the physical education curriculum. At the same time, students of this category have access to individual sports.
Students of the main medical group are divided into two categories: those who have previously been involved in sports and those who have not previously been involved in sports.
Students of the first category are recommended to study in the physical education program at the university.
Students of the second category must strive to constantly improve their sports skills.
At the same time, planning independent exercise and sports is aimed at achieving a single goal - maintaining good health, maintaining a high level of physical and mental performance.

Non-traditional sports

One of the trends characterizing the modern domestic physical culture and sports movement is the emergence of new non-traditional sports. A special factor in this regard is the inclusion of a number of them (curling, baseball, beach volleyball and other sports) in the program of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games.

The development of non-traditional sports involves the development of special knowledge necessary for use in personal and professional development, self-improvement, and organization of a healthy lifestyle. During the classes, sports and professionally applied physical training is used to gain individual experience in physical education and sports activities, to increase the level of functional and motor abilities.

Non-traditional sports include:

– martial arts;

– athletic gymnastics;

– hydroaerobics;

– stretching;

– shaping;

– BMX cycling – cross-country cycling;

– cynological sport;

– naturban;

- Beach volleyball;

– paintball;

– rollersport and skateboarding;

– snowboard;

– dance sport;

– floorball.

– powerlifting;

– streetball;

– bowling;

– parkour.

These are just some of the non-traditional sports. Let's briefly analyze each.

Eastern martial arts is the oldest direction in non-traditional sports, which has several styles, ranging from a complex of recreational gymnastics to martial art. In all martial arts there are solid and powerful movements, speed of reaction, flexibility, and reactive movements.

Athletic gymnastics is a brilliant invention of mankind, like building the human body through physical exercise with weights.

Hydroaerobics - performing physical exercises in water, is an effective means of increasing the level of physical fitness for people with different physical development and almost any age. “The structure of classes, dosages of physical activity, and musical accompaniment can be the same as during rhythmic gymnastics classes. However, water resistance complicates movements, and overcoming it leads to faster development of strength and various muscle groups than on land.” Systematic exercise in water normalizes the activity of the nervous system, relieves excessive excitability, and improves sleep.

Yoga – the word “yoga” translated from the ancient Indian language means “union, union, connection, unity, harmony. Exercises based on an understanding of not only physical, but also spiritual and moral rules for personal improvement - this is the yoga system. The most important things to understand at the initial stage of mastering yoga are the basic breathing exercises and the philosophical basis of yoga.”

“Stretching - stretching, includes a set of poses that help increase the elasticity of various muscle groups. To perform stretching exercises correctly, you should adhere to the following requirements: before performing the exercise, you need to know which specific muscle group it helps to stretch; all movements must be within certain limits of the individual range of joint mobility; first, “light stretching” should be used; when the joint is in the extreme extended, bent, abducted or adducted position, it is not indicated, stretch the ligaments and muscles only due to static pressure, while being stationary; while performing the exercises, breathe calmly and rhythmically; If acute pain occurs, stop performing the exercise.”

Shaping is an effective tool for promoting health and improving the physique of people of all ages. It combines aerobics and athletic gymnastics exercises.

Naturban - downhill sledding (single-seater for women and men, double-seater for men) on a natural slope with a frozen ice track.

Beach volleyball is a sport game similar to volleyball, played on an open sandy court. A specific requirement for the structure is the presence of a layer of sand at least 30 cm thick.

Paintball is an applied sport, a team game, with shooting from special pneumatic markers that shoot gelatin balls with mineral dye. With simplified rules, the game is carried out in the same way as a physical education and recreational activity.

Rollersport and skateboarding - roller skating and roller boarding. Snowboarding – sliding down a natural snowy slope on a special board (Winter Olympic sport). Snowboard trails are equipped on natural and artificial slopes. The parameters of the tracks are determined based on the requirements of the competition rules, taking into account local conditions.

Dance sport is a sport based on the performance of certain European and Latin American dances. Mastery of the school of choreography is assessed when dance pairs perform figures, a list of which is determined for each dance and class of athletes. Competitions of various levels are held between sports dance pairs of various classes according to the European, Latin American dance programs or the 10 dance program. Training and competitions take place in the dance hall. Competitions at the highest levels are held in a showroom with stationary spectator seats.

Floorball is a sports game similar to hockey, where a special ball is used instead of a puck. The main venue is the gym. A team consists of 5 field players and a goalkeeper. The recommended size of the playing field is 40x20 m.

Powerlifting is a strength sport, the essence of which is to overcome the weight of the heaviest weight possible. This sport is also called powerlifting. This is due to the fact that it includes three exercises as competitive disciplines: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, a barbell press lying on a horizontal bench, and a barbell row - which together determine the qualifications of the athlete. In powerlifting, unlike bodybuilding, strength indicators are important, not body beauty.

Bowling is a sports game of balls, which originated from the game of skittles. The goal of the game is to knock down the pins placed in a special way at the end of the flat track using as few hand-launched balls as possible.

Parkour is the art of moving and overcoming obstacles. These can be considered both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially manufactured structures (used during various events and competitions). Many people who practice it perceive it as a lifestyle

There are well-known traditional, emerging sports included in the recommended general nomenclature of new, non-traditional and emerging sports:

billiards is a collective name for several board games with different rules, as well as a special table on which the game takes place. A characteristic feature of all billiard games is the movement of balls using a cue;

Water polo is a team ball sport in which two teams try to score a goal against the opponent. The game takes place in a pool of water;

golf is a sports game in which individuals or teams compete by hitting a small ball into special holes with clubs, trying to cover the allotted distance in the minimum number of strokes.

All of the listed sports are suitable for disabled people with diseases of various organs. For example, people with damage to the musculoskeletal system play billiards and golf; persons with hearing impairment – ​​martial arts, stretching, shaping, cycling, bowling; persons with visual impairment – ​​powerlifting, yoga, hydro aerobics.

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