What causes it in an infant? Why does a newborn have a tummy ache and what to do in this case. What to do and how to treat a runny nose in a baby

The baby's health is a concern for parents. The most difficult thing is to protect a child from a cold: he is easily infected, he has a hard time recovering, and complications often appear. It is important to know about the signs, course of the disease, how to treat a cold in an infant in order to provide him with timely help.

Features of occurrence in children

In medicine, a cold is called ARVI or ARI (acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory disease). The first spreads during viral epidemics: a baby can become infected from relatives if his immune system is weakened.

Acute respiratory infections often occur due to hypothermia in the infant, which causes a weakening of local immunity on the mucous membranes and the active proliferation of bacteria and viruses that are constantly present in humans in small quantities.

They try not to take babies under one year old public places to prevent infection. If you get sick close relative, communication is limited so as not to infect the child.

The baby gets sick less often due to the immunity received from the mother at birth. It works in a newborn baby up to 3-4 months, then the body independently forms a protective system and additionally receives antibodies from mother’s milk if the baby is on. Children on IV are more likely to become infected.

Infection from mother

Great difficulties are caused by the disease of a nursing mother, which can infect the baby. An infected person does not immediately learn about the disease: the first signs of a cold appear a few days after infection.

The virus from the mother can enter the baby’s body through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and breast milk, but you cannot stop feeding: the baby will lose the main medicine.

Frequent hand washing with soap and a gauze mask that needs to be changed several times a day will help limit your exposure to pathogens.


The child is not yet able to explain that he has started to get sick, so parents often pay attention to the obvious signs of a cold in their infant:

  1. Discharge of mucus from the nose;
  2. The eyes become cloudy;
  3. Difficulty breathing, the baby often opens his mouth or pacifier during feeding, cries and refuses to eat, although he is clearly hungry;
  4. , may be accompanied by a feverish state, chills - the baby trembles at normal room temperature;
  5. The voice becomes hoarse;
  6. Frequent sneezing and coughing appears.

Before these symptoms, changes in the child’s behavior should alert you. He becomes lethargic or overly excitable. An infant sleeps poorly; on the contrary, he sleeps often and for a long time, and is capricious. Signs of a cold in a newborn are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

If a cold occurs in a baby, Komarovsky recommends an immediate visit to the doctor. Only he will decide correctly how to treat a cold. It is advisable to use fewer different medications; self-treatment of a cold in a child is strictly prohibited. Medicines that help adults with similar symptoms may be dangerous for him.

If a cold occurs virally, it is useless to use antibiotics, which are used for complications of an inflammatory nature.

In case of inflammation, the pediatrician may prescribe nasal drops, vasoconstrictors or therapeutic ones based on saline solution, and for inflammation - containing antibiotics. You can put two or three drops into each nostril. It thins mucus and has an antiseptic effect. To make breathing easier, you need to clean your nose with a blower, a nasal aspirator, or, in extreme cases, with your mouth.

Babies cannot swallow pills. To treat a viral disease, suppositories are prescribed for colds containing , which are inserted into the anus. The medicine is absorbed in the intestines, acts faster and does not harm the child’s digestion. You can replace suppositories with drops or syrup, but they can cause vomiting.

Eat positive reviews about the use of Anaferon for colds in infants. But he refers to homeopathic medicines, to treat a viral disease, agents with a higher concentration of the active substance are needed.

Contraindicated for the treatment of colds in infants:

  • Decoctions, tea with honey, raspberries, cough syrups can cause allergies;
  • . It is not originally intended to treat a runny nose, it promotes the growth of bacteria, and accelerates inflammatory processes;
  • Rubbing and with essential oils– can cause rashes and itching;
  • Steam inhalation leads to burns of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • The use of mustard plasters is unacceptable for the skin of a baby;
  • Enema without consultation with the doctor.

Folk remedies are effective for colds, but it is not recommended to use them to treat a newborn. Treatment procedures are prescribed by a doctor; self-medication can lead to complications that are life-threatening to the child.

If your child has a fever

A baby’s temperature up to 38° contributes to the body’s production of antiviral substances; it should not be brought down. If you lower it already at 37°, the baby will take longer to recover. At a temperature above 38° in children under 3 months, or 38.5° in older children, call an ambulance immediately; it is better to give medications under the supervision of a physician, as an allergic reaction is possible.

The ambulance does not always arrive quickly, and the rise in temperature threatens the child’s life. In such a situation, you can independently give him an antipyretic drug intended for infancy.

In the absence of children's medications, in emergency cases, you can use paracetamol, which will quickly reduce the temperature. Previously, it was often prescribed for the treatment of children under one year of age, but today its toxic effects on the kidneys and liver have been proven.

It is contraindicated if the baby is 1 month old or less. For a child 2 months and older, the single dose is 15 mg per 1 kg of weight, not more than 60 mg per kg of weight per day. The action begins after 30 minutes. and lasts 4 hours. The tablets need to be dissolved in water and given to the baby to drink. It should not be used for more than 3 days; it is better to replace paracetamol with antipyretic drugs adapted for infants.

It is forbidden to give aspirin or wipe the baby with a solution of water and vinegar, alcohol, or vodka. Chemical substances enter the child's body through the skin and cause poisoning. A one-month-old baby can get a burn to the mucous membranes when inhaling vapors.

Thermoregulation in the body has not yet been established; sudden changes are dangerous and can cause convulsions in the child. To alleviate the condition, wiping with a cloth soaked in warm water is allowed.

A dangerous condition is white fever, which is manifested by high temperature and pale skin, while the extremities are cold. You need to bring down the temperature slowly, only under the supervision of a doctor.

Rules of care

Komarovsky notes that the body is able to cope with a cold on its own if favorable conditions are created. Basic Rules:

  1. Regular ventilation. The influx of fresh air allows you to get rid of viruses and bacteria in the room, oxygen makes it easier for the baby to breathe;
  2. Humidity level is within 70%. Dry air irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. You can use a humidifier, place a container of water near the battery, hang a damp cloth;
  3. The temperature in the room should not be higher than 22°. There is no need to additionally turn on heating devices, wrap the child up, or cover him warmer than usual. A weakened body will be forced to spend energy fighting overheating and will be sick longer;
  4. Carry out wet cleaning in the room 1 – 2 times a day, because microbes settle on surfaces, and dusty air irritates the baby’s mucous membranes and makes breathing difficult;
  5. Clothing should be light and comfortable, made of breathable materials (cotton). Change your child's clothes immediately after sweating, wiping him dry. Wet bed linen also needs to be changed. During illness, it is better to refuse diapers - they contribute to overheating at high temperatures;
  6. The child's head should be higher than the body; you can place a small pillow and monitor the baby’s posture when he is in his parents’ arms;
  7. A calm environment in the home is important. You cannot be angry with a child because he is sick and capricious. The baby feels tension and begins to worry. Double stress aggravates the symptoms of the disease in infants.

Daily routine and feeding for colds

The painful condition leads to exhaustion and fatigue. You need to move away from your usual sleep schedule and let your child sleep more to regain strength. It is necessary to avoid noise, bright light, active games - a sick baby quickly gets tired and needs rest.

If you have a minor cold, you should not give up daily walks if your child can breathe through his nose. They must be short-lived. Contraindication is heat, severe runny nose, cough, sore throat, weakness.

Nutrition is necessary for the baby to recover; it contains useful substances and vitamins. If nasal breathing is impossible, the newborn often refuses to eat, and with exacerbation of the disease and high temperature, vomiting may occur. You cannot force a child to eat; it is better to feed more often, but reduce the portion.

If you have already started introducing them into your baby’s diet, you need to give up new foods for the duration of your illness. When an appetite appears, you need to give those porridges or purees that his body digests well.

The baby needs to be fed with boiled water, even if he is breastfeeding. Increased sweating causes dehydration; the water-salt balance needs to be restored.

Bathing and massage

It is believed that children should not be washed if they have a cold. Contraindications are high fever and poor health. You should refrain from the procedure if the temperature has subsided less than 2 days ago. In other cases, water procedures are mandatory: they help cleanse the skin of toxins that leave the body along with sweat and allow the skin to breathe. The temperature should be a couple of degrees higher than usual - 37-38°. You can return to the usual temperature after the child has fully recovered.

Whether it is possible to bathe a baby with a cold is decided by the attending physician. Pediatricians prohibit the procedure due to the risk of hypothermia. You can wipe it daily with a soft cloth soaked in warm water. You need to wipe and dry all parts of the body with a towel one by one. If you get your baby completely wet, he or she may freeze.

The doctor may prescribe baths with. This may have an antibacterial effect. prescribed to ease the baby's breathing. You should not bathe with the decoction without a doctor’s prescription, or use new plants to which the baby’s reaction is unknown.

Is it possible to get a massage if you have a cold? At the beginning and active phase illness, you need to refuse the procedure. It leads to vasodilation and a slight increase in body temperature, which is dangerous if the baby has a fever. Viral disease causes headaches, which are aggravated by increased pressure during massage. Impact on the chest leads to increased sputum production. It makes it difficult for the baby to breathe, and he still doesn’t know how to cough properly. It is better to cure a cold in a baby, then resume the massage course.

I have a cold infant lasts from 4 days to a week. At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor and follow his instructions for treatment. This will allow him to recover faster and avoid complications.

Every mother is familiar with the situation when a baby, during or after feeding, suddenly freezes, turns red, draws in his legs, and begins to scream shrilly. What to do if your newborn has a tummy ache? There can be many reasons causing this condition. How to relieve pain, and what can you do to help? After all, a baby can stay awake all night, and it’s unlikely that the family will be able to fall asleep until he calms down.

Common Causes of a Painful Tummy

The main cause of tummy pain in newborns is an unformed digestive system. Up to six months, a baby often experiences sharp pain due to intestinal colic, increased gas formation and bloating. Boys react especially sharply to this. There is no point in treating colic. The body gradually adapts to new foods and will be able to digest them when the intestinal microflora is finally normalized.

Another reason why your tummy may hurt is food allergies. It affects children on artificial nutrition and those babies who were introduced to complementary foods before six months. In addition to pain, the baby may develop a rash, redness on the body, peeling, and diarrhea with blood or mucus in the stool. The baby may not gain weight well. With such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor in order to find out what the child reacted to and adjust his diet.

Stomach pain can also occur for other reasons:

  1. A serious problem that causes abdominal pain in a newborn is volvulus (or intestinal obstruction). It is rare in breastfed children. The main symptoms of intestinal obstruction are the absence of stool or rare bowel movements with mucus or blood clots, high fever, vomiting, pallor, and sunken eyes. Abdominal pain is spasmodic in nature. Parents urgently need to call an ambulance. It is impossible to delay intestinal volvulus - this threatens the life of a newborn baby.
  2. Lactase deficiency, in which the enzyme lactase, which breaks down milk sugar, is not enough in the body. The symptoms of this condition are similar to allergies.
  3. Teething often causes tummy pain. The baby begins to feel upset, has diarrhea with a sour-smelling stool, the temperature rises, the child is restless and capricious. When the tooth erupts, everything gets better.

How to understand why a baby's tummy hurts

It is not difficult for even inexperienced parents to guess that a newborn has a tummy ache by tucking and straightening his legs, crying loudly, restlessness and moodiness.

There is no need to worry, but it is necessary to take action. How to understand what causes the pain and what exactly needs to be done depends on the accompanying symptoms and the general condition of the child.

Symptoms Cause How to help
Pain during or immediately after feeding. Tightening and straightening of legs, piercing loud crying.Colic or bloating due to accumulated gases from the carbohydrates in the milk.Massage the tummy, apply a heating pad or a warm diaper. The baby needs to press his legs against his tummy so that the gases can escape. Dill water helps solve the problem with bloating.
The tummy hurts severely, the baby has poor appetite, salivation increases, and allergic dermatitis, constipation or diarrhea lasting longer than 2 days. Copious frequent regurgitation. Blood streaks, green mucus, and foam are visible in the stool.Intestinal dysbiosis.

It is not possible to cure dysbiosis on your own. You need to see a doctor who will refer you for tests. Based on their results, therapy will be prescribed - taking bacteriophages, sorbents, enzymes.

Infants on artificial nutrition are transferred to a mixture with lactobacteria.

Bad breath, lack of stool for more than 3 days (with artificial feeding), restlessness of the child, obvious attempts to defecate. Increased gas formation, rumbling. A newborn's tummy is hard and distended, like a drum.Constipation.If the baby is breastfed, the mother should adjust the diet - do not consume baked goods, strong coffee, tea, or protein foods. Drink dried fruit compote and chamomile tea. Children on artificial nutrition need to consult a doctor.
Diarrhea, vomiting, high fever. The tummy hurts a lot when palpated.Infectious disease, enterovirus.Before the doctor arrives, give the baby a teaspoon of water every 5-7 minutes. If vomiting is frequent, call an ambulance.
Diarrhea with blood and mucus, stomach pain in the navel area, bloating, vomiting.Dysentery - intoxication of the body due to an infection that has entered it
The tummy hurts at night, the child tries to lie on his side with his legs tucked in. Possible fever, vomiting, diarrhea. IN right side muscle tension is felt in the abdomen.Appendicitis (rare before age three).Call an ambulance immediately.

When a baby has a tummy ache, in order to understand how to help, you need to observe him for a while and identify other symptoms. If there is discomfort in the tummy, but the temperature does not rise, there is no rash and the stool is normal - this is colic.

How to relieve painful symptoms

Having found out why a newborn's tummy hurts, parents can take a variety of steps to alleviate his condition. You need to figure out what the baby eats. If it is on breast milk, the mother needs to monitor what she eats and which particular product negatively affects digestion. The artificial formula should be shown to the doctor and the option of switching to another mixture should be considered.

  • For colic, a special gas outlet tube is used to remove gases. But it should be given to a newborn after consultation with a doctor. Helps great Dill water. This is a weak drug with cumulative action. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Dill seeds are poured with boiling water (a tablespoon of seeds per glass of boiling water). The infusion is filtered and cooled. The baby is given 1-2 tsp. every 2 hours.
    You can brew chamomile. A glass of decoction (200 g of water to 1/5 part of a teaspoon of dry raw materials) is enough for the baby for a day. A good carminative is Bobotik. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, like other colic medications.
  • For constipation, an enema is recommended. It is important to do it correctly, otherwise you can injure the delicate tissues of the newborn’s rectum. An alternative to an enema can be suppositories. They are prescribed by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the little patient.
  • With vomiting and diarrhea caused by poisoning, enteroviruses, or infections, the body rapidly loses fluid, so the parents’ task before the doctor arrives is to dehydrate the baby. You can avoid intoxication and loss of chloride and sodium salts with the help of Regidron, Glucosolan, Gastrolit. They are taken in accordance with the instructions. Ordinary boiled or mineral water(Borjomi).
  • Bloating is relieved by enterosorbents that absorb the decomposition products of pathogenic bacteria. These are Atoxil, Enterosgel, Smecta.

Chair healthy child should be orange without inclusions. He can poop from 1 to 5 times a day. When the stool is green, you need to visit a doctor.

Important! If parents have not been able to understand why their child’s tummy hurts, it is better not to feed the baby or give him any medications until the doctors arrive. Incorrect treatment will aggravate the situation and blur the picture, preventing doctors from making the correct diagnosis.


Free yourself and your baby from sleepless nights It is possible by using simple preventive measures:

  • Before feeding, place the baby on the tummy. This will help not only with tummy problems, but also strengthen your back muscles;
  • after feeding, take the baby in your arms and hold him in an upright position until the air that has entered the stomach along with the food leaves;
  • circular tummy massage. It is done with warm palms in a clockwise direction, not pressing, but stroking the skin from the navel. This promotes the movement and removal of gases from the intestines - how to properly massage;
  • Nothing soothes a baby as well as snuggling him against his mother's warm belly. This way the baby will warm up faster, fart and burp;
  • a warm diaper or heating pad should always be at hand. In winter, the diaper can be left on the radiator and at the first pain, applied to the baby’s tummy;
  • simple gymnastics that all kids love. The baby is placed on his back. The legs are held by the ankles, extended and bent, alternately, and then together pressing the knees to the stomach. You can use the “bicycle” exercise, in which the baby’s legs seem to be pedaling;
  • If a baby has abdominal pain, it is necessary to change its position several times. Turn over on one side, then on the other. This way the gas guys will move away faster and won’t bother him.

Remember, every baby goes through painful difficulties, the main thing for him is your care and warmth.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/08/2019

No matter how much parents care about the health and well-being of their baby, sooner or later he may develop snot.

Snot is mucus that forms and is secreted from a person's nose. Usually mucus begins as a protective manifestation to some external stimuli. If certain causes of colds, allergies and other nature occur, the secretion of mucous masses can increase significantly. Excessive mucus from the nose is called a runny nose (rhinitis).

Snot is produced by the nasal mucosa, moisturizes the inhaled air and is a kind of filter that traps inhaled dust. Depending on external environmental factors, the amount of mucus component such as mucin increases. This component fights the penetration of infections, viruses or simply dust into the nose.

If copious mucus is not accompanied by fever, painful symptoms, or inclusions of blood or pus, then the snot, in most cases, goes away on its own and does not need to be treated.

Nasal problems occur frequently in children. There are many reasons for this. Snot can cause many unpleasant moments not only for the baby, but also for his parents. The child may be capricious, cry - snot prevents the baby from sleeping peacefully, eating, and causes irritation of the skin near the nose and on the upper lip.

How to get rid of baby snot is a question that parents of infants often ask pediatricians.

Dr. Komarovsky explains that not all moments when discharge from a newborn’s nose appears should worry parents and require treatment for a runny nose. There are many situations when you should not intervene during childhood rhinitis.

The most important thing that Komarovsky advises concerned parents of a child to do is to establish the nature of the origin of the mucus discharge. Based on the cause found, you can find out either the type of disease or determine the physiological characteristics of the baby’s respiratory system.

Circumstances influencing the appearance of nasal discharge

Dr. Komarovsky identifies several factors that traditionally cause snot in a newborn:

  1. Almost immediately after birth, a little mucus from the nose is physiological in nature and is normal. If there are no signs of a cold, and the discharge is small and clear, then there is no need to treat it. They will go away on their own within about 2 months. Such snot indicates a restructuring of the respiratory system of a newly born child and its adaptation to new living conditions.
  2. The causes are infectious. Often the appearance of snot occurs after a viral infection enters the baby’s body, which is usually transmitted by airborne droplets. Infants become infected viral infection occurs very quickly, its symptoms are pronounced. But you shouldn’t worry too much - the protective properties of the body and the immunity of the newborn are still very high, and therefore viruses and bacteria that enter the child’s body die almost immediately. But still, due to age, viral causes of mucus require contacting a pediatrician.
  3. Allergic reasons. Infants who breathe through their nose often experience symptoms such as a runny nose due to household allergens (dust, pet hair, flowering of certain plants). An allergic runny nose always requires a search for the cause of its appearance, that is, the allergen.
  4. The cause of the appearance of snot may be the reaction of the vessels of the nasal mucosa to any external irritants, for example, a strong irritating odor, dry air in the room, that is, individual environmental circumstances become an obstacle. Usually they provoke attacks of sneezing, congestion and copious mucus from the nose. The discharge will stop if the provoking factor is eliminated.
  5. Enlarged adenoids can cause snot and nasal congestion in a child. As pediatric otolaryngologists explain, soon after the birth of a child (due to his physiological development), his adenoids begin to rapidly enlarge, which also sometimes becomes a provoking moment for the appearance of discharge.
  6. Often, a child’s snot is associated with the time of eruption of the first teeth.

Komarovsky about children's snot of an infectious nature

According to Dr. Komarovsky, young, inexperienced parents of a child under 1 year old often themselves create the conditions under which their children often get sick. Small children are wrapped up too much, they are not regularly visited fresh air, rarely carry out wet cleaning in the nursery. These reasons most often lead to rhinitis in a child.

Komarovsky constantly reminds us that children’s snot need not be treated; it will disappear on its own when the cause that provoked it is eliminated.

In addition to eliminating the cause of the runny nose, comfortable conditions for normal breathing and ensuring good sleep. According to Komarovsky, comfortable conditions for the baby are as follows:

  1. The temperature in the room is no more than 18-20 degrees Celsius;
  2. The optimal humidity in the nursery is 50-70%;
  3. It is recommended to ventilate the room daily and carry out air humidification procedures.

Nasal swelling and discharge not associated with a cold is most often caused by dry air when the central heating is turned on.

For treatment viral runny nose Simply creating comfortable conditions for the child is not enough. As Dr. Komarovsky explains, viral snot in infants occurs as a defense against the penetration of the virus. The nasal mucosa tries to prevent infection from entering the nasopharynx and bronchi, and for this purpose produces a mucous mass designed to destroy viruses and bacteria.

Komarovsky emphasizes that in addition to drug treatment prescribed by the pediatrician, parents should not allow the child’s mucous membranes to dry out when he begins to breathe through his mouth. After all, the mucus formed in this case thickens and easily moves into the bronchi and lungs, which causes the development of bronchitis and pneumonia.

To prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out in children, Dr. Komarovsky recommends giving them plenty to drink (water, dried fruit compote, tea with lemon) and providing clean and moist air in the room for normal breathing.

Also, a well-known pediatrician suggests moisturizing the nasal passages of a newborn with the help of special products that liquefy mucous masses and facilitate their evacuation from the nose. Most often, saline solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution is used for these purposes, which are freely sold in all pharmacies.

Dr. Komarovsky advises dripping 3-4 drops of the above drugs every 40-60 minutes into both nasal passages.

Among medicines Ectericide has proven itself well for infants. It is based on an oily liquid that perfectly lubricates the child’s nasal mucosa and prevents it from drying out.

Dr. Komarovsky also suggests using any medicinal oils(tea, Vaseline, olive) or oil solutions of vitamins E and A.

Features of rhinitis in infants under 1 year of age

Treatment of rhinitis in infants has a number of anatomical features:

  • Babies of this age have very narrow nasal passages;
  • Children themselves do not know how to free their noses from mucus;
  • Infants have difficulty breathing through their mouths, which causes a lot of trouble during feeding and sleep.

If appropriate treatment and preventive measures are not carried out to remove mucus from the nose of infants, then the anatomical structure of the nasopharynx can cause such severe complications as otitis media, sinusitis, and pharyngitis.

What should you do to cleanse your child's nasal cavity?

Depending on the type of nasal discharge (its color, consistency), as well as on the discomfort caused to the baby, the treatment and help of adults to alleviate the child’s condition depends.

  • Thick secretions are best removed using nasal aspirators;
  • Dried crusts on the walls of the nose must be treated with softening ointments;
  • Frequent instillation of saline or sea salt solution will be similar to rinsing a baby’s nose.

Preventive measures to help prevent mucus

  • Regularly maintain the correct daily routine;
  • Provide the child with a nutritious, healthy diet;
  • Do gymnastics with your child including taking air baths;
  • Try to be in the fresh air more often;
  • If possible, carry out wet wipes.

Treating rhinitis in children is much more difficult than in adults, so parents should be patient. Let the baby's nose breathe freely and parents and the baby feel calm.

Watch the video - Dr. Komarovsky advises how to treat a runny nose in a child:

Read further: - the newborn period.

From the 2nd month, the second period of life begins - a period that lasts until the end of the first year. During this period, there is an enhanced development of the functional abilities of all organs and systems of the child’s body. Most characteristic feature infancy is an increase in height and increase in body weight G. r.

The body length of a full-term newborn is on average 50 centimeters. Boys are usually slightly larger than girls. During the first year of life, the child’s height increases by 25 cm. The most rapid increase in height occurs in the first quarter of the year, when the monthly increase is 3 cm. In the second quarter of the year, height increases by 2 - 2.5 cm per month, in the third - by 2 cm and in the fourth - by 1.5 centimeters. The laws of body weight gain are the same as those of growth: than younger child, the more intense is the increase in its mass. During the 1st month of life, the child’s weight increases by 600 - 700 grams, in the 2nd month - by 800 - 1000 g. For the 1st half of the year, the average monthly weight gain is 600 g, for the 2nd - 500 g. 5 - 6 months G.B. doubles its initial mass and triples by the year.

G. b. (especially in winter) at the age of 2 - 3 months may develop

A common cause of sleepless nights for young parents is disruption of the developing intestinal tract baby: colic, flatulence and constipation. According to statistics, every fifth baby suffers from the latter. Typically, formula-fed or mixed-fed babies are susceptible to this unpleasant disease, but infants are also at risk. What is the cause of constipation and infants, how to avoid it, what emergency measures can be taken and how to ensure comfortable digestion for the baby - tasks of paramount importance. Parents' non-serious attitude to this problem or the use of medications and treatment methods inconsistent with the pediatrician is fraught with a lot of complications for the baby at an older age.

What can be considered constipation in a baby?

From a medical point of view, constipation in a child under one year of age is considered difficulty in defecation or lack of bowel movements in the last 24 hours. This concept is quite vague, since it is closely related to the specific age of the child: in a bottle-fed baby and in an infant, the frequency and consistency of stool will differ significantly. For example, for newborns under the age of one month, the norm is to have bowel movements in the same amount as there were meals. This is for breastfeeding. For an artificial child, the norm is only 2–3 bowel movements per day.

The instability of the baby's intestines is of great importance. Without the help of a specialist, it is quite difficult to determine when a baby suffers from constipation, and when a decrease in stool frequency is just a physiological feature of the development of a small organism. Therefore, it is important to control not only the number of “passages”, but also the consistency, smell, density and color of feces, and the child’s behavior before and during bowel movements.

Baby stool up to six months has a semi-liquid consistency. He yellow color, without an unpleasant odor, may contain particles of undigested breast milk in the form of curdled inclusions. Artificial feces are denser and may have a characteristic specific odor.

Signs and symptoms of constipation

The main thing you need to pay attention to is general state baby and stool consistency. Symptoms indicating constipation include:

  • A child with constipation is capricious and cries;
  • restless behavior of the child during bowel movements: but straining does not lead to any result, expression of pain on the face, pushing, crying;
  • any attempt to empty the intestines is accompanied by screams and restless movements of the baby;
  • When a baby is constipated, the feces are hard: either they look like peas, or the first portion looks like a “cork”, followed by a mushy mass;
  • incomplete bowel movement;
  • regular stool retention for 1 – 2 days;
  • restless sleep;
  • refusal to eat;
  • absence of gases;
  • causeless crying;
  • bloating;
  • pulling your knees to your chest;
  • vomit.

The manifestation of one or two of these signs does not mean that the baby is constipated, but if several symptoms are present, you can be quite confident in the diagnosis and begin treatment. First of all, be sure to contact the pediatrician observing the child. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of an intestinal reaction to medications taken, new foods, the start of complementary feeding and other factors that provoke difficulties in the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to diagnose dysbiosis, allergic reactions and other digestive pathologies. A nursing mother should urgently introduce into her diet foods that activate the motility of intestinal smooth muscles: boiled prunes, beets, pumpkin. For children after six months, in the absence of allergies, these products can also be used as complementary foods.

If the child is calm, does not refuse the breast or bottle, and bowel movements do not cause him discomfort, then this is definitely not constipation. In newborns, mother's milk or formula can be absorbed so well that they simply cannot go to the toilet.

If the listed problems are still present, then before treating constipation, it is necessary to find out the reasons.

Causes of constipation

In the first stages of constipation, it is quite easy to deal with it by simply eliminating the causes that provoked constipation. These include:

  • Lack of fluid

This is an extremely pressing cause of constipation for bottle-fed infants, especially in hot summers or winters, when the air in the room is dry due to heating appliances. Be sure to increase the amount of water your child consumes. Popular pediatrician Komarovsky strongly recommends supplementing even breastfed newborns.

  • Poor nutrition of a nursing mother, an adapted formula that is unsuitable for the baby, a lack of foods that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract (beets, pumpkin, dried apricots, figs, apples, peaches, apricots, prunes and others)
  • Taking certain medications by an infant or nursing mother

Constipation is possible when taking antidepressants and antispasmodics. antibiotics, bismuth and iron preparations, NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants. Taking and stopping any medications, both by the mother and the baby, must be previously agreed upon with the pediatrician.

  • Breast milk deficiency

Causes so-called “hunger constipation” in an infant. In this case, all consumed food is absorbed into the walls internal organs and blood, but the intestines simply have nothing to process.

  • Introduction of complementary foods

More often, the introduction of complementary foods helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but it can also cause difficulties with stool. You should carefully monitor your intestinal reaction to new foods. Also, early pregnancy can contribute to constipation.

  • Abrupt change in nutrition

This is possible when there is a sudden loss of milk from the mother, replacement of one adapted formula with another, or incorrect transition from one type of feeding to another. Constipation usually disappears after adaptation to the new food.

  • Psychological constipation

This is by no means a myth, as some people think. A child’s body, finding itself in unusual or uncomfortable conditions (for example, when a baby separates from its mother), responds to stress in exactly this way. Also, the child may be afraid to recover because of the pain that occurs at this moment. In this case, you need to try to return the normal mushy consistency to the baby’s stool by following a diet.

There is another reason for psychological constipation - a child can manipulate adults in this way. If any signs of constipation in a baby cause his parents to panic and the parents begin to constantly feel sorry for, console and fuss around the child, then the baby may deliberately hold back stool. The only way to treat such a situation is to take a calm approach to the problem.

  • Colds or infectious diseases

An increase in body temperature can cause significant compaction of stool and lead to constipation.

It is extremely important that constipation itself may be one of the signs of serious diseases and pathologies, so it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. Such diseases include:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Anatomical defects of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rickets.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Myasthenia.
  • Spinal cord dysfunction.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Lactose deficiency.
  • An allergic reaction to a protein in cow's milk.
  • Food allergies.
  • Hypothyroidism.

Diseases that lead to constipation. Fortunately, these diseases are uncommon. These include dolichosigma, Hirschsprung's disease and lactase deficiency.

  • Dolichosigma is an elongation of the sigmoid colon. Bowel emptying is slowed down due to kinks and excess pressure of the sigmoid colon on itself and the rectum;
  • Hirschsprung's disease occurs due to disruption of the intestinal innervation. This leads to the fact that some parts of the intestine do not work and are in a spasmodic state;
  • Lactase deficiency occurs due to the absence or small amount of the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactase). In this case, the baby's constipation will be replaced by diarrhea.

Only a doctor can identify such constipation in a baby, and only a doctor can decide what needs to be done in this situation.

Treatment of constipation

The first task in treating constipation is to determine its cause and eliminate it. To establish normal bowel function in a newborn, you need:

  1. Medical examination.
  2. When breastfeeding, apply more frequently to the breast.
  3. For a child on artificial nutrition, supplementation with special baby water (not boiled) between meals, and the volume of liquid should be equal to the volume of one serving.
  4. For an infant over 6 months old, introduce apples and vegetables into the diet.
  5. For a child after one year, soup is a mandatory dish in the daily diet.

TO general recommendations when fighting constipation, also include: correcting the nutrition of the mother and baby, increasing the amount of fluid consumed, changing the nature of complementary foods or changing the adapted formula to one that contains more lactobacilli.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Separately, we should dwell on the issue of complementary feeding. Independent experts have long proven that store-bought juices, purees and other “jars for children,” regardless of the manufacturer, are made with the addition of quite harmful substances and preservatives and are the strongest allergens for children. Try to find some time to prepare really healthy complementary foods. From ordinary carrots or apples you will get many times more healthy and fortified puree or juice. The money saved on purchasing the dangerous “Agushi” can be spent on a convenient blender or juicer, which will make it easier to prepare foods for complementary feeding.

Enemas and laxatives should only be used as a last resort. They wash away beneficial microflora from the intestines: potassium, vitamins, protein, microelements; contribute to a decrease in intestinal muscle tone, lead to disruption of the natural bowel cleansing reflex, and interfere with absorption useful substances. Before using these emergency measures in a panic, you should try softer and harmless methods, which in most cases give a positive result. These methods include:

Tummy massage

It is aimed at relieving spasms, increasing intestinal tone and activating intestinal peristalsis. It is performed by soft stroking with light pressure on the baby’s belly. Movements must be performed clockwise. You can additionally place an ironed towel or diaper on the baby’s tummy. Just make sure that it is not hot, but warm. Warm baths and the warmth of the mother's body also help a lot: just lightly press the baby's tummy against your own stomach.

Abdominal massage for constipation:

Mechanical stimulation of the intestines

Performed by irritation anus. Can be done using a cotton swab generously lubricated with baby cream. The stick is inserted shallowly into the anus and gently turned several times. Usually, a bowel movement occurs within a few minutes.

When carrying out the procedure, there is a risk of scratching the epithelium of the anus with the stick, so you need to act extremely carefully, with light movements, and do not abuse this method.

For similar purposes, a special gas outlet tube is provided. It is also carefully inserted into the rectum, which allows you to activate the process of defecation.

Glycerin suppositories

You can use special rectal suppositories for newborns. They quickly soften stool and help cleanse the intestines. For a newborn, 1/3 of a suppository is enough. It must be carefully cut and, smoothing the sharp ends with your finger, slowly and carefully inserted into the anus.

If an hour after the administration of the suppository the child still has not emptied his bowels, you should call a doctor. Sometimes suppositories can cause unpleasant sensations: burning, itching, allergic reactions, therefore glycerin suppositories also belong to emergency measures.

There is an old and supposedly effective “grandmother’s” method of treating constipation, in which a bar of soap is used instead of a glycerin suppository. You need to know that this is a very dangerous method: soap contains alkali and other harmful substances that can lead to burns of the rectum. Even when using baby soap, it is difficult to guarantee that it is made without dangerous ingredients.


An enema is considered an emergency measure for relieving constipation. A syringe (20 – 30 ml) with cooled boiled water or a decoction of medicinal chamomile is inserted to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm into the baby’s anus and all the liquid is slowly injected. The required liquid temperature is about 37 °C. It is advisable to dissolve a pinch of table salt in the enema water and add a couple of drops of pharmaceutical glycerin. When purchasing a syringe, choose a rubber or silicone tip rather than a plastic one; they are less traumatic. First, the tip of the syringe must be generously lubricated with baby cream or oil. Too warm water should not be used: it will simply be absorbed into the intestinal walls, and the desired result will not be achieved.

A modern analogue of an enema with a milder effect, designed specifically for newborns. It is a micro-enema based on a water-salt solution with the addition of glycerin. The effect of Microlax occurs a quarter of an hour after application. You must first read the instructions for use and do not insert the tip into the rectum beyond the drawn line.

These methods can be used as emergency measures, especially for regular constipation. Frequent use of an enema disrupts the functioning and favorable microflora of the intestinal tract and causes dysbiosis, which will have to be treated with probiotics.


Taking laxatives is only necessary when nothing else helps. For an infant Most laxatives are contraindicated before one year of age. An exception is Duphalac syrup and similar lactulose-based preparations. To induce bowel movement, Duphalac must be given to the baby in a volume of 5 ml. If the baby is fed breast milk, then the product can also be used by a nursing mother.

A six-month-old child can take Forlax. Its great advantage is that it can be used for up to three months.

Before using any product, remember that medications can only be prescribed by the attending physician, and emergency measures are allowed to be used only if absolutely necessary: ​​when all methods of treating constipation have proven ineffective.

Small children often have tummy pain. How to help a child? What are the best treatments for constipation for an infant? Do I need to use medications or can I do without it? folk remedies? All these questions are answered by Galina Viktorovna Orlova, a pediatrician at the House Doctor with extensive experience:

Preventive measures

The simplest and effective method treatment is the prevention of disease. The health of children under one year of age requires constant monitoring and attention. Don’t wait for the first signs of constipation; start preventive measures immediately.

  • A simple but effective method is very useful: before feeding and after eating, carry the baby in a column for several minutes;
  • Do gymnastics regularly. To do this, place the baby on his back, carefully and smoothly lift his legs bent at the knees and lightly press him to the tummy. Repeat several times, avoiding sudden movements. It is also useful to do the bicycle exercise;
  • Provide the baby with the necessary amount of liquid. Instead of tea and juices, it is better to drink special bottled baby water. There is no need to boil it. When introducing complementary foods, juices must be diluted with water;
  • If the baby is more than 4 months old, prune juice is an excellent remedy for constipation. Two teaspoons is enough. After six months you can use prune puree. Both fresh fruits and dried fruits are equally effective. You can add prunes to compotes;
  • Don't wrap your baby up. Overheating, along with dehydration, is one of the main causes of constipation. This is also relevant for colds and infectious diseases: if the baby has a fever, give him food as often as possible, otherwise constipation after illness cannot be avoided;
  • Effective drinks for constipation - dried fruit compote with dried apricots and prunes, raisin water. To prepare it, just pour boiling water over a spoonful of pure raisins and leave in a thermos;
  • Give preference to vegetables with a “laxative effect” and a high content of coarse fiber, fruits rich in potassium. These are figs, green apples, prunes, dried apricots, beets, carrots, peach, apricot, pumpkin. These same products should be included in the diet of a nursing mother;
  • Preparations with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, fermented milk products, and natural yoghurts are extremely beneficial for the intestinal microflora. They are indicated for both the child and the mother;
  • Try to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible, the first six months are especially important. If this is not possible, give preference to adapted fermented milk mixtures;
  • If treatment with antibiotics is necessary, at the same time as taking them, start giving drugs to prevent dysbacteriosis.

There is no need to panic if your baby is constipated. The first step to recovery is identifying and eliminating the causes of the disease. But do not self-medicate and do not use grandmother’s treatment methods without consulting a doctor. Most often, it is enough to improve your diet, drink more fluids and do not forget about massage and gymnastics for the disease to recede. In emergency situations, Duphalac, glycerin suppositories or an enema will help. Pay maximum attention to the treatment of constipation. The formation and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract in the first year of life is the key to the future health of the child.

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