There is a downward branch from the life line. Life line: meanings and characteristics. Short lines crossing the life line

There is a special sign in palmistry - a double life line. It is believed that if the life line on the hand bifurcates, then the owners of the sign on the palm are real lucky ones, they are often lucky. However, to correctly decipher what a double life line means, it is important not only its presence, but also the presence of symbols that complement it.

Where does such a sign appear?

The double life line given at birth is observed on both hands, therefore, to interpret the meaning of the sign, palmistry experts examine the bifurcation of the life line on the hand on both palms. For a right-hander, the main, active one is the right, for left-handers, respectively, the left. By active hand Palmists study what is given by fate at birth, and the passive method studies changes obtained during the course of life as a result of meaningful actions of the individual.

It is possible to draw conclusions about the meaning of the main straight line, which bifurcates into two branches, only by studying both palms.

Most often, the bifurcated line of life goes near the Mount of Venus and the lower Mount of Mars, bending around them. The second half of the line is located parallel to the main one in the inner side of the Mount of Venus, duplicating the main one from its beginning to the very end.

You can find the Mount of Venus near the 3rd phalanx of the thumb. You will find the lower hill of the planet Mars in the middle between two fingers - the index and thumb; from below, the Mars hill rests on the Venus hill.

For some owners of the sign on their hand, the life line bifurcates at the end, dividing into separate branches only at the bottom of the palm, closer to the hand.

General meaning of double straight life

In palmistry, in general decoding, the meaning of bifurcation on the line of life in the hands of women and men comes down to positive influence to fate. In men, the life line splits into right hand means the presence of several worldviews: one was received through the maternal side, the other through the paternal side. The symbol of the bifurcation of the life line that appeared over time on the right hand indicates a strong-willed person with a stand life position capable of overcoming the difficulties prepared by fate.

For both men and women in palmistry, the presence of a bifurcated life line on the active hand means support that can be expected from relatives.

If a woman’s life line bifurcates, you see a person who is persistent and stubborn, achieving her goals despite the obstacles encountered along the way. However, by their feminine nature, such women are emotional and sensual.

In a general sense, palmistry explains what a double life line means—some support a person has that gives security and confidence to the owner of the sign. However, the absence of this symbol, if the life line does not bifurcate in the palm, does not mean at all that something will go wrong, and is not a sign of failure or possible danger. The second direct line to the main one, when the line of life diverges into branches, can appear over time in every person, even in the middle of life’s journey, when he changes his destiny, choosing the right path for himself.

In some variants, a double life line on the hand appears over time:

  • when the path to spiritual development begins,
  • when you have the strength to change something in life for the better,
  • when the guardian angel appears.

The bifurcation of the life line closer to the bottom of the palm means that after some time the owner of such a fork in the branches will most likely be engaged in something previously unknown and untried.

What type of bifurcated straight line is there?

The outlines of the double line of life can be different: there is a short one and not so short, there is a continuous one and a discontinuous one.

Value by depth and expression

Well and deeply drawn ones show that their owner is in fairly good health and everything in his life is stable. A sign is considered especially good when two lines of life on the hand reach the hand, having a residual length. In such cases, you can say that you have a long-liver,

Dim indicate possible problems in well-being, lack of personal strength or existing obstacles in the personal and financial spheres.

Length value

Many palmists are confident that the number of years allotted by fate directly depends on the length of the life line. However, there are those who note that by the size of this sign one can only judge the released vital energy: the longer it is, the more resilient a person is. The double straight line, encircling the thumb and located at a sufficient distance from the hillock of the planet Venus, is no exception. Such a sign means a full-strength, positive-minded person, capable of feats, including in the workplace, enduring physical exercise and quickly recovering from them. Such people love increased activity in work and rest.

A small, short-length, double straight line of life, tightly adjacent to the hillock of the planet Venus, warns of small reserves of vital energy bestowed by fate. Such people are often slow and passive, they get tired quickly and tend to take a break more often, including the need for relaxation.

Value by gaps

A double life line, without breaks, solid, is a symbol of good fate, unless there are additional symbols on it. A straight line with discontinuities can have several meanings:

  • small tears no more than 1 mm long, warn of possible difficulties with health,
  • long, more than 1 mm, the gap indicates illness or life problems that will be protracted,
  • a gap shifting sideways towards the hillock of the planet Venus indicates serious health problems awaiting, especially if it was initially on the left palm (for right-handers) and persists on the right, so it’s worth taking care of your well-being,
  • examples of a gap shifting from the hillock of the planet Venus mean upcoming positive changes, including those of fateful significance.

The existing gaps in the location of the double line of life only on the left (for left-handed people - on the right) hand mean that the events that explain the meaning of the gaps will not take place and will not come true.


Squares and other rectangular figures at the break in the double life line mean a favorable outcome when the owner of this symbol copes with obstacles. Located directly on the most bifurcated life line, the square characterizes an internally closed personality, as well as spatial detachment from society, which can appear in the form imprisonment, personal privacy or travel for training.

Triangular shapes

The triangle symbolizes talents that not everyone is given, for example, to create something brilliant.

Processes and points

The shoots directed upward from the double life line are a sign of future luck and existing potential. The fork will indicate upcoming honors for creative writers, artists, and scientists. The existing point warns of severe stress and poor health.


The deformed double life line is a symbol of upcoming trials that will have to be passed at different periods.

There are cases when branches extend from the line of life, which can be directed either simply downward or towards the hill of the Moon. We can say that another flow is separated from the main flow of energy and goes to the side. It's fading and diminishing vital energy. This means that something happens in a person’s life that reduces the quality of life energy. The interpretation of such deviations is not clearly defined. But statistics show that 80% of cases of deviations from the line of life down to the base of the palm are due to illness or medical intervention, and 70% of cases of deviations to the mount of the Moon are global moves, as well as long trips.

End of life line

The life line begins between the hills of Jupiter and Mars. It can end either in the middle of the palm or at the base of the palm. In the first case, we are dealing with a short life line. We have already discussed this sign. Therefore, consider the case of a long life line and study its ending.

The life line may at the end have a rounding and go to the Mount of Venus. It can also end between the hills of Venus and the Moon. There is also a case when it enters the Mount of the Moon at its end. It is necessary to consider these three cases and give them an interpretation.

The end of the life line is on the hill of the Moon. In classical works of palmistry, it is believed that this is a sign of long-distance travel in the second half of life. To some extent this is true. Indeed, owners of such a life line have many changes in their lives. They often travel. Therefore, the case of moving overseas or thousands of kilometers cannot be ruled out.

The end of the life line is in the middle of the base of the palm and on the Mount of Venus. If the life line ends in the middle between the hills of Venus and the Moon, then trips are also common in the life of such a person. But there are much fewer of them than in the first case. This also applies to changes in life.

Ending on the Mount of Venus. When the life line ends on the Mount of Venus, we can say that its owner has difficulty adapting or simply does not like to move or travel. Very rarely does he move from one city to another.

Dates and times on the life line

The life line is the most important line in the palm, and therefore we must learn to date it first. But there is no single method. There are general premises and comments. Maybe in the future detailed study By comparing many facts, it will be possible to create a unified methodology, but it has not yet been created. Therefore, we will be content with what we have and what works.

Rules for determining time on the life line:

1. Time but the life line is read from top to bottom. The period of childhood and adolescence is located under the hill of Jupiter, the period of life from 21 years to 40-45 years is under the hill of Saturn. The remaining part of the life line symbolizes the period of life after 50 years. This is the general interpretation. It is applicable when the life line does not have a sharp and steep slope to the base of the palm. For gentle life lines, as well as those making a sharp bend towards the base of the palm, this interpretation is clarified.

2. Short life lines that end in the middle of the palm are not interpreted using the interpretation given in rule 1.

3. Individual sections of the life line have their own scale. Towards the end of the life line, a shorter fragment of the life line symbolizes a longer period than at the beginning. Over time, most people live in the past rather than the present or future. Therefore, events closer to old age are displayed almost insignificantly.

4. The life line displays events that have made changes in a person’s life. These are dramatic changes. They leave their mark on for a long time. Only after thinking and rethinking can they disappear from the life line years later.

5. If we correctly and successfully date the life line, then we can divide our entire life into periods of 2 years, which will be displayed on the line in the form of very small sections. We cannot detail or break these periods into smaller intervals. Smaller periods will in this case be points on the life line. A big misconception is the statement that under a microscope or simply under a good magnifying glass one can detail these areas. This is wrong.

6. It is quite difficult to date the life line on rectangular palms, especially if their owners are creative people. Below we will look at one algorithm that allows dating in most cases and quite successfully.

This line runs in a semicircle around the Mount of Venus. It can be continuous, or it can be broken into several parts. The measurement of years begins at the top, where it meets, touches or intersects the line of the head.

Ideally, the life line should be deep and clear, moderately pink and continuous. Its length is related to a person’s life expectancy and this factor must be taken into account during fortune telling. However, this line rather indicates vitality, physical abilities, physique, than an exact indication of time.

When determining life expectancy, other lines must also be taken into account - heart, head and fate. One should not make hasty conclusions based only on interruptions in the life line, dotted with various marks.

The life line also determines the size of the Mount of Venus; if it is located close to the thumb, then the hill will be smaller, and vice versa. Accordingly, its properties will manifest themselves to a lesser or greater extent. A triple line is very rare - a sign of extreme vitality.

Years of life

Chronology in palmistry is determined according to the division of some lines into temporary sections.

Basically, the lines of life, fate, Sun, heart and mind are used to determine time. With these calculations average duration human life is considered to be seventy-five years. The life line goes from top to bottom, and the line of fate and the Sun goes from bottom to top. The lines of the heart and head are directed from the thumb to the palm. These lines are often divided into intervals of four, six or seven years, but in this case they will be divided into intervals of five years. Five date lines divided into intervals are shown in the figure.

The life line is divided into fifteen intervals of five years.
This is quite conditional, because the future cannot be predicted with yearly accuracy. The lower end is believed to mean 75 years, although this is only the average life expectancy of a normal person. As you know, people live up to 85, 90 and even up to 100 years, and their life line is no longer than that of others. The events of childhood and old age are determined with even less accuracy than the events of adulthood, since at the beginning and end of the line, five-year intervals can correspond to a larger or smaller period of time.

Some palmists divide the life line into unequal intervals - at the beginning and end (after approximately sixty years) larger than in the middle. We will divide it into equal intervals, not forgetting that they can indicate different durations. You should not be too precise in determining dates. The signs of one palm may contradict the signs of another.

Connection of the life line and the head line

If the life line touches the head line at a slight acute angle, then this is a good omen. A more obtuse angle is less favorable. If they do not touch at all, but only get closer, then it will be difficult for you to succeed. A wide distance between these lines indicates sadness or disappointment.

As for temperament, the connecting lines of life and head [as seen in the figure] speak of prudence, foresight and insight. Divided lines indicate a lack of these qualities. Located far from each other, they speak of stinginess and vanity.

If they do not disperse for quite a long time and continue to walk together, then this may indicate a somewhat inhibited perception and reaction. Sometimes the life line connects or approaches the heart line - this is a sign of imminent misfortune. If the life line, instead of starting at the Mount of Mars above Venus, begins at the Mount of Jupiter, then it speaks of the perseverance and tenacity of its owner in achieving his goals, which can end very successfully.

Broken line of life

Sometimes the life line is bifurcated, which means a happy and prosperous life. A broken line [note the picture] indicates illness in the past or future, which can be determined by the location of the break according to the person's age. Distinct ruptures indicate serious illnesses that can even be fatal. By looking at the other hand, you can clarify this prediction or soften it. If the broken line of life in its lower part approaches the line of fate or touches it, then the possibility of misfortune only increases.

A strongly broken life line, consisting of a number of short lines, speaks of a nervous and restless character, but it can also be evidence of hidden abilities for art. It also indicates poor health.

Short lines crossing the life line

On the line of life there may be short lines crossing it, or like components of its chain. The first sign, called the “ladder”, speaks of weakness and poor health. “Chain” also means poor health during the period corresponding to its location. Both of these defects simultaneously indicate weakness of character. In general, anything that disrupts the continuity of the life line should be perceived as an anomaly or, at least, as a factor affecting a person’s health or luck. Sometimes you can see oval or round “islands” [as can be clearly seen in the picture], they indicate physical changes, and in women they can indicate menopause.

When considering such deviations, it is important to pay attention to the area underneath them, as this indicates the outcome of the disease or danger. A clean and clear line after the damaged area indicates that the body will cope with the shock and the person will regain its former health. A cross or an asterisk on the life line means an unexpected trouble - an accident or something bad in general. If the line breaks into several thin fibers, then this period of life will bring a lot of trouble to a person. A clear fork in the road is a more favorable sign; it indicates an important event and its significant impact on your career and success in your personal life.

Fork in the life line

A fork at the lower end of the line [look at the picture] is a fairly typical case. If it is clearly marked, it means maintaining vitality until the very end. But if the outgoing line itself is not more pronounced than the line of life, then in this case the omen is opposite. Many branching small lines indicate poor health in old age and loss of strength.

The life line can also branch upward, to the Mount of Jupiter - a sure sign of energy, ambition and career success. The branch down towards the Mount of the Moon symbolizes fickleness of nature and lack of determination. Branches down the plain of Mars indicate failure or sadness.

If one of the lower branches touches the line of fate [pay attention to the picture], then this indicates great danger during the indicated period. Important features that are visible on one hand should be compared with the signs on the other. If they both talk about the same thing, then there is no doubt. Stronger omens usually overshadow weaker ones. If they contradict each other, then you need to take into account what other lines or fingers say and how much they confirm these signs.


The life line is the most important on the hand. It starts between the thumb and index finger. Its length and shape show the level of a person’s vitality, his ability to withstand illnesses and adversities that relentlessly accompany everyone’s fateful path. Bends and breaks in the line indicate changes in life. The opinion that life expectancy directly depends on its length is considered erroneous. There is absolutely no connection here.

A short and weakly expressed life line indicates a lack of internal energy and bodily fragility.

Short and thick indicates that the human body is able to successfully resist diseases.

Branches pointing upward indicate good health. If down, then this is a sign of poor health and financial difficulties.

If the life line begins on the Mount of Jupiter, then this indicates excessive ambition and desire for success.

If the life line starts from the head line, then its owner is a very rational and sensible person. But if the beginning is significantly below the line of reason, then a lack of self-control is clearly visible.

When the line of life bifurcates at the end, with one of the branches breaking off on the hill of the Moon, this indicates numerous distant journeys.

A small branch from the beginning of the life line to the head line indicates the receipt of a rich inheritance.

A branch to the Mount of Jupiter indicates a life path full of struggle and confrontation.

If the life line is long, clear and encircles the thumb, then its owner has a very large supply of vitality and excellent physical health.

Wide life line (Fig. 1)

Indicates a long and successful life. Its owner has excellent health, a large supply of internal energy and confidence that he will succeed in whatever he undertakes. If such a line has a slight reddish tint, then it indicates a merciless person.

Lifeline of medium thickness (Fig. 2)

A person with such a line is noble, successful, and energetic. He lives a long time and is not easily pissed off. At the same time, such people are very secretive. They are in no hurry to open their souls to the first person they meet.

Pale life line (Fig. 3)

A pale, long and thin life line indicates poor health. Its owner is often sick for a long time, but lives to a ripe old age and dies in his own bed. If the line is very pale, and in some places intermittent, then there is no doubt that its owner is melancholic by nature. He often falls into a state of deep depression and is pathologically vindictive.

Short life line (Fig. 4)

This line foreshadows a long and easy life, as well as material well-being. At the same time, its owner is very arrogant and, accordingly, lonely.

Short life line with an island (Fig. 5)

This line indicates the possibility of contracting a serious illness with a very long recovery. It also suggests that its owner has a second secret life, which he carefully hides from others.

Life line made of many strokes (Fig. 6)

This is the line of a categorical, peremptory personality. Great success awaits him in his work and career, as he is hardworking and responsible. In his personal life, he makes very high demands on his partner, which can destroy the relationship.

Long life line (Fig. 7)

If it is clear and does not interrupt, then this is a sign of a long and interesting life. Its owner is good worker and a wonderful family man. At the same time, he is deprived of the flight of the soul, therefore in communication he is insipid and boring. Only people of similar character are interested in being with him. Creative people There is nothing to do next to such a person.

The life line reaches the middle of the palm (Fig. 8)

This line speaks of intelligence, prudence, and sociability. Its owner is a gifted interlocutor. He may be a very successful businessman or a good politician.

The life line ends at the Mount of Jupiter (Fig. 9)

A person with such a line has a bright appearance and has a great sense of smell. Thanks to his manners and manners, he enjoys success with the opposite sex.

The life line is directed to the hill of the moon (Fig. 10)

This is a person subject to frequent mood swings. During his life, he can change his place of residence and job more than once.

Life line, near which there is a parallel line (Fig. 11)

Attractive and mysterious personality. She is dynamic, has a huge temperament and is so devoted to her loved one that sometimes she does not hear the arguments of reason.

Several parallel lines next to the life line (Fig. 12)

Such a person has a rich emotional life. Sexual relations stormy and passionate. Being an ardent lover, he is capable of going to extremes. He never forgives betrayal and betrayal, and vindictiveness and hostility only intensify over time.

Concentric lines next to the life line (Fig. 13)

Their owner can achieve great success in military service or diplomatic work. The number of lines is always equal to the number of love affairs.

Life line in the form of a crescent (Fig. 14)

The owner of such a line has a contradictory character. Those around him do not understand him and easily turn him into a victim of persecution. This makes his life feel like torture and forces him to defend himself. It all ends with mental illness and weakening of the body. Often such a person takes out his anger on others and becomes socially dangerous.

Broken line of life (Fig. 15)

This line indicates poor health and the likelihood of serious illnesses.

A gap in the life line connected by a square or quadrangle (Fig. 16)

The quadrangle always warns of troubles in the future. Most often, it means that a person will face a serious accident that will end happily.

At the beginning of the life line, the island sign (Fig. 17)

An island always means grief and obstacle. He indicates illness and warns that you need to take care of your health and not focus on problems.

At the beginning of the life line there are two or more islands (Fig. 18)

This line suggests that the person will face the justice system in the future. You may have to endure several trials. There can only be one piece of advice here: try not to commit adventurous and rash actions.

Life line with a triangle at the end (Fig. 19)

This is a sign of great intuition. Its owner is a philanthropist. He is able to cope with many complex problems. He devotes himself entirely to public affairs and charity.

Branching at the end of the life line (Fig. 20)

This is a sign of absent-mindedness and striving for the unattainable. Almost all projects end in nothing. Very often this depends on the inability to concentrate and bring the matter to its logical conclusion. Bad luck also plays an important role. In any case, you need to learn to control yourself, develop composure, patience and perseverance.

The life line has a wide fork at the end (Fig. 21)

The owner of this line needs constant communication. He is drawn to bright, independent people. He loves to flirt and travel. It is the change of impressions that is the main thing in life for him.

The life line has a small fork at the base (Fig. 22)

This man is a dreamer. He has a powerful intellect and a wonderful imagination, but he lacks the initiative and assertiveness to bring his ideas to life. With the slightest opposition, he loses self-control and loses heart. To be realized in life, he needs ideal conditions.

At the beginning of the life line there are crosses (Fig. 23)

Crosses indicate refined aesthetic taste. Such a person is sincere in his affections and never betrays the people who love him. He is persistent in implementing his plans. Able to realistically evaluate his actions and the behavior of others.

Cross at the end of the life line (Fig. 24)

This sign indicates that the person will die a natural death. It will be the logical conclusion of a long life. If the cross is located at the very beginning of the life line, then this indicates the difficulties that will befall the person. Moreover, various troubles and adversities will accompany the owner of such a cross throughout his entire fateful journey.

Branching on the life line under the index finger (Fig. 25)

This is a very good sign. It indicates wealth and honors. A person can have a great career and achieve a lot in life. Having achieved wealth, such a person becomes a philanthropist.

At the end of the life line there are several horizontal strokes (Fig. 26)

This is a sign of pessimists. Such a person does not believe in people and himself. He constantly needs encouragement from energetic and strong individuals. This attitude to life is very harmful to health and can cause nervous diseases.

Life Line

If we consider the Life Line from the point of view of the physical level, then it can be used to judge a person’s health at different stages of his life and activity. If we consider the line of Life on a psychological level, then a person’s abilities for spiritual and mental self-improvement are visible. The following trend can often be observed: during the same age period, either a deterioration or an improvement in a person’s health and vital activity is noticeable on both the physical and psychological levels. For an accurate and most accurate forecast in this case, it is necessary to check information on other lines and patterns on the hand.

If the Life line in a person’s palm is long, clear, pronounced, reddish, without intersections, breaks and various signs, then this means that the life of the owner of such a palm will be long, this person’s life path will pass without obvious problems and misfortunes, his old age will be dignified and happy, life's existence will be luxurious. If another line, its “sister,” runs parallel to the line of Life, then this is a sign of a strong personality; this person has a strong character and has the makings of a leader. If the Life line intersects with the minor line that comes out of the triangle, then this is a sign of a choleric temperament in a person. This person is quick-tempered, but just as quickly moves away. There is a danger here that this person will subsequently develop a serious illness due to his character.

If the Life line is crossed or broken by other small lines, this means that in the future this person should be wary of injuries and serious illnesses.

If the Life line runs on the palm separately from the Head line, then this indicates that the person has a difficult character, is unsociable, has a hard time getting along with people, is reluctant to admit his own mistakes, has fairly strong sensual drives, is overly self-confident, somewhat selfish and constantly moving. in search of happiness. If branches extend from the Life line, directed towards the finger of Jupiter, then this is a sign that this person will live a happy and prosperous life; a special peak of happiness will occur in youth and middle age. If the branches move away from the Life line and are directed downward, this means that a lot of difficulties and serious trials will arise along the life path of this person; perhaps in old age he will experience need.

The Life Line and the Head Line can be crossed by the lower lines; by their number one can tell how many children a given person will have.

If at the beginning of the Life line there are various signs, points, branches that go somewhat crookedly from the Mount of Venus, this indicates that this person will not be very happy in a marriage. Success and happiness in family relationships portends a “sister” line if it is located at a far distance from the Life line. When a twig moves from the line of Life to the fire of Saturn, this is a sign that one should beware of diseases, colds and poisoning.

If there are dots or nodules on the Life line, this is an indicator of serious health problems. In this case, this person should pay special attention to the work of his internal organs, as well as the organs of vision. If the Life line is weakly expressed, located on the palm in the form of a thin line, pale and with breaks, then we can say that this person is very painful by nature, he takes everything that happens too seriously and reacts too sensitively to the course of things, which gives him There are many unpleasant moments in life. This person’s health level is weak, and the immune system, and the body as a whole, needs protection. The Life Line may be directed towards the Mount of Saturn, and this is a signal that this person may have problems with the cardiovascular system, and it is worth paying attention to it as quickly as possible. Also, this person is most likely melancholic by temperament, because of this he may experience frequent depression and mood swings, which, in turn, negatively affects his level of health.

A broken Life line speaks of changes in direction in a person’s life. This sign is a kind of warning that a person will face serious changes in life, not always global, but having an impact.

If the Life line at the end has a gap in two parts, then this is a sign that a person constantly doubts all his actions during the course of his life’s journey. If there is a parallel line to the Life line, and at the same time it is equal to half the size of the main Life line, gradually decreasing in size, then this indicates that this person is destined to leave his native country and go in search of happiness abroad. If the Life line is located on the palm of a person in the form of a chain, then this is a sign that a serious illness is likely to occur, which will last for quite a long period of time. If abundant branches extend from the Life line towards the Head line, then this is an indicator that this person will find happiness in his life, achieve recognition, and also fulfill his main dream, and material well-being awaits him. If the lines of Life and Head, as well as the branches coming from them, are directed towards the Valley of Mars, then obtaining financial well-being, success and happiness for this person is possible only if he follows a thorny path.

A cross inscribed on the Life line means a warning against a serious and, most likely, fatal illness.

If there is a branch on the Life line and the outgoing branches form a pattern resembling a fork, then this is a sign that the owner of such a palm has excellent health and a lot of physical strength.

A long and clear Life line indicates that this person is active and resilient, and his level of health is quite high.

A short and not very bright line of Life tells about its owner as a person who has too little vital energy, he is not physically strong.

If the Life line breaks on only one hand, then this is a warning about a disease that threatens the owner of such a hand, but the disease will be followed by a quick recovery.

If the Life line has breaks on both hands, then this person should be wary of a serious long-term illness with very serious consequences.

There may be several branches pointing upward on the Life line. This can mean good health, as well as the fact that the owner of such a hand is accompanied by luck and success in all his endeavors and accomplishments.

Covered with small branches going down, the Life line is the personification of material failures and poor health.

If the Life line originates from the territory of the Mount of Jupiter, then this is a symbol of the fact that this person is a very ambitious person, capable of achieving phenomenal success in many of his affairs in the future.

The Life Line, originating from the Head line, is responsible for a person’s control over himself. This sign also indicates that this person likes to organize his actions and direct them in the right direction.

If the Life line runs much lower than the Head line, then the owner of such a hand is unrestrained and shows aggression. If the Life line ends with a fork on the hill of the Moon, then this means that this person will travel a lot.

Two small branches extend from the Life line to the Head line - this is a sign that wealth awaits the owner of such a hand, there may be an inheritance, or there will be material support from parents.

If a branch extends from the center of the Life line towards the Head line, then this is the personification of success and recognition of this person upon reaching middle age. If the branches from the Life line are directed to the Mount of Saturn, then the life of this person will be full of struggle and trials, he will pave his life path independently and without any help.

Branches from the Life line towards the Sun line indicate talent, as well as the fact that he will achieve success and rewards for his work.

If the branches extend from the Life line towards the territory of the Mount of Jupiter, then this is a sign that the person is very unrestrained, arrogant and harsh. Branches from the Life line towards the Mount of the Moon mean a person’s desire for change.

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Chapter 5 Life Line As I noted above, by analogy with the natural location of the nose, eyes, and so on on the face, the natural position for the life line, head line and any other mark that is inherent in a given palm was determined on the hand. Thus, if these

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Luck line It's worth paying attention to your line lucky numbers(See “Magic Number Game: Line of Luck”). If the code of your house or apartment matches at least one number on the line of luck, you are lucky. A little home magic. The house and apartment are managed by the brownie,

From the book Encyclopedia of Palmistry: Your destiny is in full view author Makeev A.V.

Life Line If we consider the Life Line from the point of view of the physical level, then it can be used to judge a person’s health at different stages of his life and activity. If we consider the line of Life on a psychological level, then we can see a person’s abilities for spiritual and

From the book Basics of Corrective Palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand author Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Head Line Along the Head line, from the point of view of the level of health, one can trace the stabilization of the state of the human brain, as well as the state of its activity nervous system. From the point of view of the psychological factor, along the Head line you can tell about the level

From the book Initiation and the Path of Liberation author Rangdrel Cele Natsog

Heart Line The Heart Line on the physical plane shows the state of the cardiovascular system of a given person. At the psychological level, the Heart line should be considered as a carrier of information about a person’s feelings, his ability to receive and give

From the book Fate in the palm of your hand. Palmistry author Schwartz Theodor

Line of the Sun The line of the Sun indicates that a person has confidence, courage, charm and the opportunity to achieve great success in his chosen profession. The line of the Sun is also known as the line of Apollo (Figure 128). The one on whose hand it is present is able to achieve

From the book Further Than the Truth... author Andreeva Elena

Monkey line One of the most noticeable signs on the hand - the monkey line - represents a complete fusion of the line of the Mind and the line of the Heart. The monkey line is a sign high energy and extreme manifestations of personality. Instead of two separate lines of Mind and Heart, palm

From the book Karma - the law of cause and effect. How to rewrite your destiny author Menshikova Ksenia Evgenievna

The Dividing Line I will now return to your question about what separates us from truly receiving initiation. Another time you inquired in detail about people who practice the third empowerment only in words, but in reality are only a burden to the Dharma

From the author's book

Life line Palmists often consider this line as a reflection of life expectancy, but this is not entirely true. By analyzing the life line, you can draw conclusions about the state of health, illnesses and practical aspects of life. A long, beautiful, red continuous line

From the author's book

Head line, or main line By the length, thickness, severity and color of this line one can judge a person’s mental abilities, wit, self-confidence, energy and prudence. Straight, long, good color the head line indicates a healthy

From the author's book

Line of Fate The line of fate is responsible for everything that is predetermined in a person’s life from the moment of his birth. When analyzing the line of fate, it is important to pay attention to where it begins:? at the line of life;? on the plain of Mars;? at the wrist (rastsetta);? at the hill of the Moon. If the line of fate

From the author's book

Life line Maria: – And if I see in another person something that I don’t like, then I have it too? Elena: – Not always. This can be tracked by how you feel about it. If it’s annoying, then it’s very possible that it’s in you. You can see and treat differently. I

From the author's book

Life line In human consciousness, the movement of time and the movement of events are noted, as a rule, linearly - from the beginning of birth to the present moment, from the past to the present. And the line of a person’s life represents, paradoxically, the past, not the future,

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