The planet is in agony. What's really happening to the Earth's climate? Global warming is a myth

“What will happen on Earth in the next hundred years?...”

If we ignore the catastrophic (not for Russia, by the way) forecasts of “fashion designers”, which threaten to increase the average global temperature by 5 °C, if we forget about these made-up scarecrows that are ALREADY not justified, and turn to a model that has fully proven its adequacy and predictive power, then what do we get?

Yes, actually, that’s it (Fig. 14).

Three curves. One is the history of temperature in the past, the other two are in the future. The last two were received in the following way: since 1875 (the beginning of the industrial era), Klimenko’s mathematical model has been launched into the future in two versions - taking into account the anthropogenic factor and without it. That is: what would have happened if the industrial revolution had not occurred and humanity had remained to live in the bosom of a pastoral civilization. And what will happen now.

Curves 2 and 3, as you can see, diverge radically. The fate of humanity would have been sad without the industrial revolution: if people had not built factories and power plants, burned so many minerals and thereby raised the content of greenhouse gases, then already from the 1980s of the 20th century the planet would have begun to fall into an ice age. With all the ensuing deadly consequences for civilization. By “gassing” the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and methane, humanity gave impetus to the heating of the planet. That is, to salvation.

The climate is already warmer than at any time in the last 3 thousand years. According to the forecast, the concentration of greenhouse gases on Earth will double in the second half of the 21st century and then, due to certain geophysical reasons, will begin to slowly decline. The maximum increase in average global temperature compared to the pre-industrial era will be 2 °C. Moreover, taking into account thermal inertia, this increase will be achieved only by the end of the 22nd century. This can be clearly seen in the following graph (Fig. 15).

We are terribly lucky: Russia is the center of global warming, that is, the warming tends to intensify there: a 2 °C increase in global temperature will result in 4–5 °C in Russia, and in some places even 10 °C! Moreover, the maximum warming will “fall” exactly where it is most needed - in Siberia. Summer will not become hotter, but it will begin a month earlier and end later. The main warming will occur during our main misfortune - winter. This is luck. The second success is the increase in moisture content, which will increase productivity. Of course, some areas of the country will suffer from droughts - Southern Siberia, the Northern Caucasus, and part of Central Russia. Ukraine will be thoroughly dried out, by the way. But 90% of Russia will still be wetter! In addition, warming will push the zone of profitable agriculture several hundred kilometers to the north. The sowing dates will shift a few weeks earlier, and this will give time for better cultivation of the arable land.

By the way, about the grapes, which are already blooming in Moscow, but are not yet ripening. Botanists say that it only needs a couple of degrees of heat to set fruit. So in two hundred years, you see, Moscow winemakers will supply wine to Siberia. And in the Black Sea region, God willing, olive trees will begin to grow. This does not mean that subtropics will happen in Moscow; no, unfortunately, they do not promise us such conditions. If now the average temperature in Moscow in winter is minus eight, then it will be minus four. You shouldn’t be afraid of this: the grapevine can withstand short-term frosts down to -20 °C. The main thing is that during ripening the average daily minimum temperature does not fall below 10 °C.

Fairness requires saying that even after 200 years it will be quite cool for the grapevine near Moscow, and under these conditions the synthesis of sugar in the berries slows down. This means that Moscow wines will not be very good.

The fastest rate of warming will occur in the next 50 years - over that half century, temperatures will rise by about the same amount as they have risen in the previous 120 years. The rate of warming will then slow, with temperatures rising another 0.7 to 0.8°C over the next 150 years, reaching a gentle peak around 2200.

True, it won’t get warmer everywhere. Most of the planet will indeed become warmer. But in Greenland, parts of China, Tibet, the Himalayas, England and the eastern Mediterranean, it will initially get a little colder. Not everyone will be lucky with hydration. In this sense, it will be very bad for Africans living in the arid zone south of the Sahara. They will again swell from hunger and kill each other. True, I have not yet met a single Russian in my life who was concerned about the problems of African blacks. For some reason, the problems of African blacks concern mainly Hollywood artists and part of Western bohemia, who like to snort cocaine, have exotic animals and adopt colored children.

Russia will have its own problem, which anti-warming fighters like to scare us with - the thawing of permafrost. It would seem that the thawing of permafrost is wonderful! Two-thirds of Russia's territory is permafrost, unsuitable for the life of a white man. And if the “frostbitten” part of Russia turns into normal, then our effective territory will increase. We will not only receive free energy from the sky, which we so lacked in order to become a truly civilized country with a high standard of living, we will also receive an increase in territory for free!

That's right. Then what is the fear? The fact is that buildings erected on this permafrost, roads, power line supports will float... Part of what was permafrost will turn into a swamp, and a swamp is such a disgusting thing... Scary?

Not at all!

We have been living in conditions of thawing permafrost for a long time. All Western Siberia- this is a continuous swamp, which is nothing more than the remains of the permafrost that existed here 15 thousand years ago. IN late XIX centuries in the Arkhangelsk region, people built food warehouses in permafrost areas. Now there is no smell of permafrost there, and local residents have not even heard of the fact that permafrost existed in their region quite recently.

Yes, when the permafrost melts, the area becomes swampy. Is it possible to build in swamps? You can if necessary. People have been able to do this for two thousand years: the ancient Romans built beautiful roads in German forests along which they transported heavy military equipment. It worked out fine.

Most recently, the Americans, in conditions of degrading permafrost, built a thousand-kilometer trans-Alaskan oil pipeline. Its supports are floating so that no ground movements can break the thread. The cost of construction turned out to be almost twice as high as the standard one, on hard soil. In general, construction in conditions of collapsing permafrost is a solvable problem, and not a very difficult one. Moreover, the process of permafrost destruction will leave people so much time to adapt that it’s even a shame - it would be better to do it faster. Ice does not melt instantly after the temperature rises above zero degrees. Remove ice cubes from the refrigerator - even when room temperature they will take quite some time to melt. Because the heat of phase transition of water is very high! It will take hundreds of years to melt this permafrost of ours.

And it won’t collapse everywhere, unfortunately. In Taimyr and Yamal, for example, nothing will happen to the permafrost at all, because it begins to degrade when the average annual temperature rises above -2 °C, and warming in the extreme regions of Russia will never reach such a scale, alas. But the destruction of permafrost during the 21st century will occur over an area of ​​up to 2.5 million km 2. At least we’ll get this, and thank you for that...

Long live thermal power plants, heavy industry and millions of cars! We love it!

Vladimir Klimenko often repeats that humanity has no experience of living in such conditions that will arise on the planet over the next two centuries, or even the next decades. In such comfortable, I would add, conditions.

In 1991, in the Ötztal Alps at an altitude of 3280 m above sea level, tourists found the body of a dead man. The body was so well preserved that tourists initially thought they were dealing with a crime victim and called the police. But the police took a closer look and called the scientists. They were absolutely delighted. It turned out that the man accidentally died, he simply froze at night in his sleep 600 years before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, that is, approximately 5300 years ago - in the Golden Age. But in the glacier, clothes, weapons, body tissues, even food supplies that a person had with him were perfectly preserved... This means that for almost five and a half thousand years such things have never been observed in this particular place again. high temperatures, as it was then - otherwise the corpse would have decomposed long ago.

We now stand on the threshold of a similar golden age. And for some reason this doesn’t scare me at all.

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Today we will talk about such a dark topic: what will happen to our planet if there is no Sun... And will there be anything at all.

In order to understand what can happen with the death or elimination of the Sun as the main luminary on the planet, you must first evaluate the role of the Sun during its lifetime. Of course, this information cannot be contained in one article; people have been studying the brightest star for thousands of years and it still remains part of a mystery to them, but let’s try to briefly reflect the essence.

If the Sun goes out, the Earth will die in just 8 minutes 20 seconds


The sun is the most powerful natural nuclear reactor! The temperature inside the Sun is over 16 million degrees Celsius, outside it is over 5 thousand, the temperature is gradually increasing.

The Sun is now approximately 4.5 billion years old, this is at least half of its life, that is, in an ideal situation, it will still live no less than what it already has.

It’s not for nothing that even the Earth is one of the planets solar system. The sun “controls” everything in our Universe; satellites, planets, asteroids, and meteorites revolve around the brightest and most important star. The sun, depending on the distance and approach of the Earth, warms our planet, and it begins winter or summer, autumn, spring, and when the Earth turns around its axis with its reverse side, we have night, then day. In summer there is a short night cycle, since the Earth is close to the Sun at that moment, so it illuminates the planet better than in the winter season.

Few of us even imagine the situation that the Sun will not warm forever and may go out one day. This is perhaps the last thing a person thinks about when walking on this mortal coil, being filled with thoughts.

But in vain... The sun is actually not eternal.

So, we’ll look at the scientific versions later, but for now, what will happen if the Sun goes out according to naive earthlings.

“It will immediately become cold, dark and all living things will die, perhaps within a few seconds, or perhaps days.

- On the first day everything will be as usual, but so the word night has fallen, on the 9th day the temperature throughout the entire Earth will become the same minus, on the 20th day the water bodies will freeze, in two months the temperature will drop below 60 degrees Celsius, in 6 years the Earth will be in the orbit of Pluto, in 10 years the temperature will be minus 150 degrees.

— For the first minutes, we won’t even understand that the Sun has gone out, then a state similar to night will set in, gradually the Earth will begin to cool down, and then the temperature will reach minus.

- Before it goes out, the Sun will increase in size and engulf the Earth, but if you imagine that it simply “turns off”, then the Earth will become dark, cold on the outside, but inside it will still be full of hot lava.

— Gravity, by which we “fly” around the Sun, will disappear, and we will fly out the window at a speed of more than 1000 km per hour into the distant unknown, and our planet, having left orbit, will collide with some meteorite.

- A small part of people on the whole Earth will survive - a few thousand, they will settle in a bunker, produce energy using autonomous nuclear power plants, but in 30 years all reserves of uranium and plutonium will run out and all people will die.

But most importantly, the versions of why the Sun can suddenly go out:

- It will end life cycle, the length of which no mortal knows, will end abruptly and unexpectedly,

“The sun will incinerate itself, that is, the thermonuclear reaction on its surface will reach maximum values, after which it will explode,”

- Man, through his harmful actions towards nature and the atmosphere, will somehow affect the life of the Sun and it will go out, first causing disruptions in its work.

What summary and conclusion can be drawn from what was reported? According to people, the “death” of the Sun can come unexpectedly, without cause, all that awaits humanity after the exit of the Sun is death.

Now let's talk from a scientific, a little philosophical and religious point of view.

Where did the Sun come from? God created it:

“1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light. And there was light.

4 And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day.

13 And there was evening, and there was morning: the third day.

14 And God said: Let there be lights in the expanse of the heaven [to illuminate the earth and] to separate the day from the night, and for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years;

15 And let them be lights in the expanse of the heaven to give light on the earth. And so it became.

16 And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars;" ("Being")

Another option:

“The solar system arose from one large cloud of gas and dust. This cloud began to shrink under the influence of gravity, as a result, the bulk of the substance contained in it gathered into a central clump, from which the SUN subsequently emerged. However, since this cloud was not initially stationary, but rotated slightly, not the entire mass of the cloud turned out to be concentrated in the central clump.”

It is even possible that both of these options are not mutually exclusive.

Why can the Sun go out from a scientific point of view?

In fact - no matter how much we are told today about the surprise and danger of an explosion on the brightest star, about the reality of its sudden disappearance - do not believe it! Even according to the most conservative estimates, the Sun will live for another 1 to 4.5 billion years. But we don’t know, of course, what awaits us tomorrow, and if we proceed from the fact that the world was created (by God, by chance or in another way), then we can also come to the conclusion that the world can disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared, in including the Sun. In connection with this hypothetical possibility, a number of scientists predicted what would happen to the planet after the death of the Sun, in particular Einstein, specialists from NASA, Harvard, etc.

We were predicted the end of the world in the form of a “blackout” of the Sun in 2012, and several times before that, but the planet is alive. We are told about solar flares, about its anomalous activity, about the greenhouse effect, about the harmfulness of the now-hot shell and radiation. However, according to peaceful forecasts, before the death of the star, there is still half of its life.

Scientists have found that stars of the same type and mass as the Sun live for about 10 billion years, and it already lives for half of it, gradually it consumes its hydrogen fuel, and the temperature will rise, in a billion years it will enter the red giant stage, no earlier than in 3 billion years, the Sun will shine twice as brightly, water will evaporate, all forms of life on Earth will be impossible. By the period of 10 billion years from the birth of the Sun, it will enter a period of dying, the process of burning of the shell will begin, the Earth will be absorbed by the Sun, or will be dried out and deprived of the atmosphere.

For example, short description“death” of the Sun based on observations of the death of another star after its transformation into a bego dwarf:

“American researchers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, as a result of observing the behavior of the star WD 1145+017, simultaneously detected a white dwarf, the remains of another planet and space debris within the same system, Sci-News reports.

Andrew Vanderburg, astrophysicist, head of the research team: “We caught a white dwarf at the moment when it destroys its planet and scatters the remains on the surface of the star.”

The scientist explained that once a star turns into a red giant, it destabilizes the orbits of the planets around it and absorbs them. It was this moment that the NASA telescope recorded. According to Vanderburg, the same fate awaits the Earth. Scientists predict that the Sun will engulf our planet in about 5–7 billion years.”.

But the transformation into a white dwarf will not be immediate, as you understand, this is again a long period, multi-million, multi-billion years is possible, and even, having become a white dwarf, the star will be able to emit light, but heat is unlikely... Like a car without fuel, by inertia it will roll, but will no longer show the strength and previous activity. Now the star is 30% brighter than at birth, and it is increasing in brightness and volume. In a few million years, the temperature of the Earth will rise by 40 degrees, water from the oceans will begin to evaporate, the entire population will have to hide during the day in shelters and bunkers, and only come to the surface at night.

Even if suddenly, for unknown mystical reasons, the Sun suddenly goes out, then, as Einstein established during his research, people will not notice anything special for another 8 minutes, after which either inevitable death will occur, or - “Then irreversible consequences will begin, photosynthesis will become impossible, all plants will die, energy sources will dry up. However, besides those who say that after the death of the sun, our planet will face the same fate, there are also those who claim that it will be possible to heat homes with volcanic ash and life will be possible, only the warmest weather on Earth will be minus 17 degrees Celsius and will disappear trees, etc.”

It will be possible to live in bunkers, switch to an autonomous mode of maintenance and life support; it will be quite possible to exist for several decades according to the scientists’ model. If during this time a person does not learn to develop resources from the remaining capabilities, then he faces inevitable death, but he faces death in any case; people will not last long on the cold and dark Earth. It will be unlucky for new people to be born at this time; they literally will not see the white light... The only way to somehow survive is to use reserves of uranium and plutonium to create and operate nuclear power plants.

Another option for the “death” of the Sun is not its death in the literal sense, but the exit of the planet from under the habitable zone of the star. The earth is at the optimal distance from the luminary; if closer, the temperature will rise and the moisture will dry out; further away, everything will freeze. So today the Earth is actively leaving this zone - according to scientists. When the planet leaves the habitable zone of the Sun, it will lose the resources necessary for life, according to astrophysicists - the Earth began to leave this zone much faster than predicted, and we only have about 1.75 billion years left to live under the light of the star. More precisely, not for us, but for our planet.

According to any, even the most dangerous forecasts, the Sun will definitely live for at least another billion, of course, if nothing supernatural happens like we mentioned. Therefore, we should not be too afraid that our star will go out.

Based on the available research, it is impossible to establish with accuracy what will happen to the Earth if the Sun goes out and whether the Sun can go out unexpectedly. There are only assumptions described in the article, including those of great scientists. However, it is clear that even if the death of the Sun does not lead to the immediate death of all life on the planet, it will lead to the gradual death of all life. The sun means too much to us, even though we don't notice it. Life on Earth, even without research, it is clear, will be impossible in a full-fledged format without the brightest star.

But questions still remain, especially after delving into the religious essence of the creation of the Sun. In the article above I cited quotes from the Bible about the creation of luminaries, planets... The question arises - if light was created before the luminaries, the Moon and the Sun, if man was created before the Moon and the Sun, like bodies of water and all living things - maybe life on Earth is then possible without the Sun? And is the LIGHT OF DAY possible without the light of a star?

Where did the light come from if not from the Sun? In general, everything is complicated...

However, as Christians say, just for the fact that the Sun has risen above us today we need to thank a higher power. After all, it does not belong to us at all, and warms both the evil and the good.

We are accustomed to living under the Sun and take it for granted, and few people think about the fact that many things on this Earth are not in our control, including the Sun.

It’s also amazing: the Sun, if it lives for 4.5 billion years, and people live for a maximum of 80-100, then it’s funny how smartly they make predictions about the life of celestial bodies and planets…. How do they know what will happen tomorrow and in how many billions of years the Sun will die??

And in general: scientists are discussing the topic of the Sun, looking for ways out of negative radiation, all somehow from an economically, pragmatically advantageous position. But the Sun is such a romantic thing, one might say - one look at it sometimes makes you remember eternity... It’s not for nothing that so many songs are dedicated to it, it’s not for nothing that it worries us all.

So, what will happen in 100 years? The following chronology will describe not only the events that await us in the future, but also the inventions that are about to appear.

Earth in 100 years

2013 – Wall Street faces another stock market crash, which will mark the beginning of a new global crisis.

2014 – China deploys its missiles in Sudan, causing unrest in international society.

2015 – The year will be very eventful. Russia will report that Natural resources countries (oil, uranium, copper, gold) have reached a critical minimum. The Algerian-German concern Desertec will begin construction of a solar power station in North Africa. Scientists will be able to find a cure for autism. Bangladesh will claim a catastrophic shortage of fresh water due to rising sea levels and will ask the World Bank for a $9 billion subsidy to purchase desalination plants.

2016 – Cultured meat goes on sale. For the first time in the American presidential election, it will be possible to cast your vote online.

2017 – The first experiment was conducted to create artificial seminal fluid from a woman’s stem cells and subsequent conception without a man.

2018 – Withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Each country considers itself a winner. Afghanistan's sovereignty remains unshakable. In parallel with this event, the lunar program is being resumed. The four-person crew will spend about a month on the lunar surface. The goal of the project is to prove that living on the Earth’s natural satellite using only its resources is quite possible. In the same year a new high-speed Railway, crossing 17 countries and designed to connect Europe and Asia. The first train along it will run from Beijing to Paris, its speed will be 300 km/h. The global crisis that began in 2013 will end this year.

2019 – There will be an acute shortage of women in China. The government will allow same-sex marriage. The first prototype of a flying car will also be tested in America.

2020 – Active development space tourism. The first private spacecraft will send everyone into Earth orbit for a day. Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic's first spaceship will land with tourists on the surface of the Moon. The cost of such a tour will cost about 200 million dollars. The first manned expedition to Mars will also be formed. In the same year, permission will be issued to carry out autonomous work that destroys cancer cells in the human body. Megacorporations will undermine the authority of the governments of leading countries and ultimately deprive them of many powers. State borders in our usual sense will be erased. Cultural differences will still remain in people's memories.

2021-2024 – It becomes possible to implant microchips into the brain that can give their owner the ability to telepathy, increased memory reserves, and it will also be possible to introduce various kinds of controllers into the body that signal the state of a person, and give some kind of bonuses in the form of built-in mobile communications, etc. .d.

2025 - The population will increase to 8 billion people. The globalization of the economy will allow many enterprising people to become rich. The number of dollar millionaires will be 1 billion people, while everyone else will not even have enough fresh water.

2026 – Chips will be implanted up to the skin of all US residents, storing all biometric data and allowing the location of an individual to be determined.

2027 – First successful human cloning. Scientists will be able to understand how genetics influences a person’s character.

2028 – The total number of deaths from AIDS will reach 600 million. A cure has never been found. AIDS becomes the deadliest epidemic in history.

2029 – The appearance of computers 1000 times more powerful than today’s. New chips are also appearing on the market, by implanting which you can have a direct connection with a computer and the Internet.

2030 – All trains, planes, cars and yachts are controlled by a robotic autopilot. Human intervention in their work is required only in extreme cases. Thanks to this technology, it was possible to reduce the number of accidents involving these vehicles to almost a minimum.

2031 – Sex becomes just a form of leisure time. The function of procreation has been simplified to artificial insemination and cloning. Pregnancy will be the lot of the poor and uncultured, as well as third world citizens.

2032 – The appearance of lenses capable of giving a person not only excellent vision, but also eliminating the need to know additional languages. Lenses will be implanted for everyone. They will have built-in face and speech recognition technology, due to which a person will see a translation from any unfamiliar language in the form of text right before his eyes. They will also have built-in zoom, memory of faces, the ability to access the Internet, etc.

2033 – America switches to fundamentally the new kind fuel, getting rid of oil dependence. Oil prices are falling sharply. The Middle East is suffering widespread losses. Russia enters into an alliance with Iran and China and squeezes the EU.

2034 – Micro sensors capable of recording behavior appear nervous system. Thus, a market for the sale of feelings is organized. Orgasms, happiness, grief, inspiration, etc.

2035 – Firms appear offering artificial cultivation of human organs based on the client’s DNA.

2040 – People monitor their health through genetic therapy. Shower stalls are being scanned general state internal organs, toilets collect tests. Average duration life in developed countries reaches 90 years.

2041 – The ban on geological exploration activities in Antarctica will be lifted. World powers will immediately begin to develop the deposits. As a result, the ecology of the White Continent will be destroyed. Next up is the Arctic.

2042 – Humanity crosses the 9 billion mark.

2048 – The number of ocean inhabitants declines sharply. People don't have enough fish.

2049 – “Programmable matter” technologies appear. Millions of microscopic devices will gather into a swarm that will take the desired shape, color, density and texture of any object.

2050 – The world population will reach 10.1 billion. The average life expectancy will be 100 years.

2060 – 95% of the world's population will use only three types of currency. In the struggle for primacy, they will fight, offering all the best and Better conditions, as banks, pension funds and plastic card systems do now.

2070 – The glaciers and permafrost of the North Pole will finally melt, and the Arctic Ocean will become fully navigable. Active development of a new habitable territory will begin. In the same year, many animals that became extinct many thousands of years ago will be cloned from DNA.

2075 – Average life expectancy is 150 years. Humanity is on the verge of a discovery that can give people immortality.

2080 – Due to global warming, the level of the Ocean will rise to such limits that 70 million people in Africa will be inundated.

2090 – The emergence of a new generation network. Now, instead of a computer, the human body acts as a client. All information goes directly to the brain.

2095 – Thanks to the appearance new technology you can copy your personality onto a chip, which in turn is integrated into any cybernetic shell of your choice. Man acquired immortality.

2100 – Due to global warming, a third of the land has become desert. Fresh water is now as valuable as oil once was. Russia, as always, is on horseback - its climate will only benefit from warming, and there is more than enough water here. Due to the huge number carbon dioxide. The oceans will have increased acidity, making it unsuitable for the existence of a huge number of microorganisms, which, in turn, serve as food for larger animals. The population will increase from 10 to 15 billion people. Active space exploration will begin. A cure for cancer will be found. will appear Artificial intelligence. Due to the development of cybernetic technologies, people will look like robots, and those, in turn, will look like people.

Of course, these are just forecasts and the exact answer is what will happen in 100 years It’s difficult, but many have already begun to think - if the outcome of events is exactly this, then does humanity need such a future. On the other hand, people once did not trust cars and computers in the same way, and cinema and radio were generally considered almost magic. Nevertheless, today they are firmly embedded in our lives and are an integral part of it. Therefore, as they say, wait and see what will happen in 100 years.

I don’t want to upset you, but even if this is true, then in 30 years not many of us will care much about it: some will no longer care, and the rest, most likely, will neither understand nor use these high technologies. I quietly hope that not everything will come true...

Recently, the American consulting company Network, which officially serves the US Congress, issued futurological forecast, thanks to which we can find out what awaits humanity in the 30s of the 21st century. You can, of course, dismiss it with disbelief, but it should be taken into account that the first forecast made in 1961 for 30 years in advance was 90% confirmed. The report itself is very voluminous and consists of 214 points. Here are some of them.

The basis of technical progress will be universal computerization.
Miniature computers will understand our speech and handwriting and turn into personal secretary, performing many functions.

Computers will also control cars, and there will be no need for drivers. Robotization will develop greatly. Cleaning, washing, cooking - all this will be done by robots, which people will perceive as pets.

The time of oil and coal will end. Only nuclear, solar and wind energy will be used. People will travel long distances on jet planes at a speed of 2500 km/h. The flight from New York to Europe takes only two and a half hours. Magnetic levitation trains will replace current railway locomotives.

The first mining colony will appear on the Moon. With the help of genetic engineering, absolutely fantastic

plants and animals. A tomato weighing several kilograms or a chicken the size of a shepherd dog will no longer surprise anyone. With the help of geneticists,
In agreement with the parents, the future child will be selected in advance for gender, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.

The temperature on Earth will rise by 2-2.5 degrees. Southern Canada will be subtropical, and the southern US will turn into desert. About 15% of the territories of Southeast Asia, Japan and the UK will be flooded.

Aid to underdeveloped countries will stop. Justified by concern for the environment, their territories will be declared world reserves and external management will be introduced over them.

Industry and agriculture will employ approximately 10% of the workforce. 60% will work in the field of computer science and services. The remaining 30% will be unemployed. For people who do not fit into the framework of society (homeless people, alcoholics, drug addicts, mentally ill), special reservations will be created.

The increase in crime will force governments to seriously tighten criminal legislation and introduce life imprisonment and the death penalty even for not exceptional crimes. Suicide will be considered socially acceptable, and long life perceived as selfishness.

The ratio of men to women will be 40:60, which will lead to a reversal of gender roles. The object of sexual harassment will be a man. Average height men will be 185-190 cm, women - 175-180 cm. By the age of fifty, 60% of men will be bald, among women - 20%.

However, artificial hair transplantation will become commonplace.

Due to the overpopulation of the planet, a restriction will be introduced - no more than two children per family. Medicines will be found for such currently incurable diseases as cancer, AIDS, diabetes and others. But, unfortunately, others will appear, no less formidable. Almost 80% of people will take stimulants before sexual intercourse...

To be honest, this is not a very happy prospect.

The point about stimulants is especially sad. True, perhaps someone will be consoled by the news that the tie as a part of clothing will completely disappear by that time - this is also stated in the forecast.

If you do not agree with the conclusions of American futurologists and have your own version of a bright future, we advise you to cut out and save this note, and thirty years later compare this information with reality.


Hurricanes that tear off roofs, hail in the middle of summer, icy downpours and wild cold in June - it seems that nature has simply gone crazy and decided to wipe out humanity from the face of the Earth. Long years environmentalists were worried about global warming. But now, when in June your feet are cold even in woolen socks, the thought creeps in - has global warming been replaced by an equally large-scale cooling?

World has gone mad

At the very end of spring, a terrible natural disaster struck Moscow, which residents of the capital are unlikely to forget in the next few decades.

On May 29, squally winds knocked down several thousand trees and caused the death of eleven people.


The hurricane damaged 140 residential apartment buildings and one and a half thousand cars.


As it turned out later, when everyone came to their senses a little, the May storm became the most severe and destructive natural disaster in Moscow in more than a hundred years. recent years- Only the tornado of 1904 was worse.

Before the Russians had time to recover from the Moscow storm, the hurricane hit a number of other regions of the country. Just a week later, on June 6 in: due to heavy rain, the rivers overflowed their banks, streets were flooded and roads and bridges were destroyed. At the same time, large hail fell in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and in the Komi Republic, melt water and heavy rain simply washed away roads from the face of the region.


The worst thing is that weather forecasters promise that this is only the beginning of disasters. Hurricanes are forecast to hit all of Central Russia. At the beginning of summer, on June 2, St. Petersburg residents, already accustomed to bad weather, suffered another stress: during the day the temperature dropped to 4 degrees, and hail fell from the sky. Such cold weather in northern capital was last time only in 1930. And then, suddenly, after such an “extreme”, the thermometer jumped to +20 in St. Petersburg.


While the Russians are trying to hide from the icy hail, the Japanese are dying from the wild heat. According to Japanese media reports, over the past week, more than a thousand Japanese citizens ended up in the hospital with the same diagnosis - “heatstroke”. It's been hot in the land of the rising sun for several weeks now: thermometers show well over 40 degrees. After such an “inferno,” Japanese fire officials tell reporters, seventeen people will remain in the hospital for long-term treatment.

« The earth will fly into the celestial axis! »

So what is really going on in the world? Global warming or cooling? Or is it simply the agony of a maddened planet that cannot get rid of the “plague” of humanity? In recent decades, the most common theory has been global warming. It seems to be unconditionally confirmed by the fact that glaciers in the world are melting at a tremendous speed. They are even called the “litmus test” of climate change: after all, we don’t notice small fluctuations in the average annual temperature, but the volume of melted ice caps can be easily measured and even simply seen with the naked eye.

According to forecasts of global warming theorists, 90% of glaciers in the European Alps may disappear in the next 80 years. In addition, due to the melting of Arctic ice, global sea levels may also increase significantly. And this is fraught with flooding of some countries and serious climate changes on the planet.


Researchers see the cause of global warming as human activity. They point out that carbon dioxide, methane and other by-products of human agricultural and industrial activity create a greenhouse effect, due to which the temperature on the planet rises, and ice runs into the ocean in streams.

"The winter is coming!"

At the same time, there are now more and more supporters of the theory of global cooling. The fact that in the near future we will face cold, and not excessive anthropogenic heat, is proven by scientists from the British University of Northumbria.

Global cooling, according to their version, will occur as a result of the influence of external, rather than internal factors on the Earth’s climate. The reason will be a decrease in the activity of our luminary - the Sun. British scientists, using mathematical calculations, modeled the processes occurring on the Sun and made a forecast for the coming years.


According to scientists' predictions, in 2022 we will experience a serious drop in temperature. At this time, the Earth will move away from its star by maximum distance, which will lead to cooling. In five years, say scientists from the University of Northumbria, our planet will enter the “Maunder minimum”, and earthlings will have to stock up on down jackets and heaters in full.

The last time a temperature decline of the level that British researchers predict for us was observed in Europe in the 17th century. The most interesting thing is that this theory does not at all contradict the latest observations of meteorologists: its supporters associate the general increase in temperature and melting of glaciers with the fact that previously the Earth was at a minimum distance from the Sun.


The fact that humanity does not have that much influence on the global climate also greatly appeals to the scandalous new US leader Donald Trump. At the beginning of the summer, he announced his country's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. This agreement imposes restrictions on the countries that have signed it on the amount of carbon dioxide they emit into the atmosphere. Trump said that this agreement hinders the growth of industry in the United States, and this, in turn, takes jobs away from the people. But if British scientists are right, then the US leader has nothing to worry about - the “Maunder minimum” can neutralize the damage that the policies of an industrial magnate can cause to the planet.

When the planet is torn apart

Interestingly, the battle between supporters of global warming and global cooling could easily end in an equally global draw. There is a theory according to which periods of excessive heat are replaced by phases of cold in waves. This idea is promoted by the Russian scientist, head of the department of the Siberian Regional Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute Nikolai Zavalishin.

According to the meteorologist, short periods of global temperature rise and fall have happened before. In general, they are cyclical in nature. As the scientist noted, each such cycle includes one decade of rapid global warming, followed by 40 to 50 years of cooling.


Research conducted by a Siberian meteorologist shows that the past two years - 2015 and 2016 - were the warmest in the entire history of meteorological observations. Warming should continue in the next five to six years, the scientist believes. As a result, the average air temperature will increase by 1.1 degrees.

But soon, says Nikolai Zavalishin, the warming must end. Here the Siberian agrees with the British: a phase of global cooling is coming. So, according to the Siberian theory, we still have an endless winter ahead of us.

Global warming is a myth

While most scientists blame humanity for climate change, a researcher from Siberian Institute believes that human activity does not bother the planet too much. Cycles of moderate warming and cooling, according to this version, replace each other regardless of human activity, the growth of agriculture and the scale of industry. At the same time, fluctuations in the average temperature on the planet are closely related to the Earth's albedo - the reflectivity of our planet.


The fact is that we receive all energy, in fact, from one main source - from the Sun. However, part of this energy is reflected from the earth's surface and goes into space irrevocably. The other part is absorbed and provides all living things on Earth with a happy and productive life.

But different earth surfaces absorb and reflect light differently. Pure snow is capable of returning up to 95% of solar radiation back into space, but rich black soil absorbs the same amount.

The more snow and glaciers there are on the planet, the more sunlight is reflected. Currently, glaciers on Earth are in a phase of active melting. However, according to Zavalishin’s theory, there is no need to worry about them - when a half-century period of cooling begins, the balance will be restored.

Which scientist should you trust? There are quite a few versions of the development of events. Some researchers even promise that in thirty years, in 2047, humanity will face an apocalypse, caused by unprecedented solar activity. For now, we have only one way to verify this statement - to personally live and see.

Margarita Zvyagintseva

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