Ice fishing. Winter ice fishing for beginners: tips for a beginner winter hiker. Ice fishing equipment

Winter fishing very popular among amateur and professional fishermen. The popularity of this type of fishing is growing every year. Currently, many millions of people prefer this exciting activity. In winter, thousands of fishing lovers go to rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs, and there is no force that would keep them in the warmth and comfort of home. A true winter fisherman always looks forward to the coming of the season, when at dawn he can walk on hard water, drill the first hole, feel a cautious bite, feel the weight on the fishing line. Winter fishing is fascinating and inviting. Her attraction cannot be expressed in words. Its true essence is deep. Only those who fish can comprehend it, for whom it is not just an activity, but a way of life!

Features of winter fishing

Winter fishing- this is fishing, which involves anglers going out or going out onto the ice of reservoirs. It would be more correct to call her ice fishing. It is no coincidence that German this type of fishing is called Eisangeln (literally, Eis means ice, and Angeln means fishing).

Winter fishing

This is understandable, since ice in winter is very rare in Germany. And without ice, it's just fishing in open water in cooler times. In our country, the words “winter fishing” mean fishing from ice, so winter in Russia presupposes the presence of this very ice on the reservoir. Although in use in last years The expression “winter spinning” is also included - a rather exotic type of fishing for us.

Winter fishing is such an exciting activity that a person only needs to visit it once or twice, experience all the delights of this wonderful vacation, and that’s it. Winter fishing is a “disease”, and an incurable one!

How eagerly winter fishing enthusiasts await the start of the next season. In recent years, the weather seems to be specifically testing their nerves. Winter in the central zone comes only in December. And then a holiday comes for winter fishing lovers!

Choosing a site for winter fishing

The choice of place for fishing depends on the following: what kind of fish we need to catch. For example, pike prefers places with grass, and pike perch, in turn, avoids such places, and likes to hide behind heavy snags, stones, etc. So, information about the lifestyle and habits of the fish is not superfluous.

In winter, on ice, you can choose any point in the reservoir as a place for fishing - this is a special advantage of fishing in winter. At the same time, at this time, the underwater world, unfortunately, is closed to the fisherman, and this greatly complicates and complicates the search. Since the warm weather, a true fishing enthusiast has been looking closely at those areas where he is lucky enough to fish on ice. Vegetation in the water, current speed, depth, vector of deflected jets, shallows, rifts, islands, bottom structure (clay, sand, stones, pebbles, boulders) - everything is of interest to him, any information will be used in winter.

In certain places of the reservoir there are thickets of reeds, reeds, and horsetail. Aquatic inhabitants perceive them differently. Reeds can scare fish with their noise, and they almost never enter such places. Reeds are another matter. Among its thickets live pikes, roaches, perches and other fish - some sit out in search of prey, others hide in a safe place.

But the fish are most interested in horsetails. At first winter days, it often happens that among the thickets of horsetail, which cover large areas of the reservoir, many perches of various sizes accumulate. Horsetails also attract other fish, perhaps due to the fact that the water in such places has special properties due to alkali, and in winter there is more air in such thickets, as it penetrates the hollow stems of the plant and enriches the water. Those fish that have any damage, abrasions, scratches, enter the horsetail thickets as if they were in a hospital. In general, horsetails are a guarantee that there are fish in the reservoir. At the same time, this is a signal to the fisherman about danger, because the ice in the grass area is often less durable than in other places in the reservoir, so you need to approach reeds, horsetails, and various bushes very carefully, checking every step with an ice pick.

Choosing a site for winter fishing

“Piglet” - a relatively shallow place among impressive depths - always attracts fish. Scavengers, perches, and large-sized roaches visit such shallows from time to time; one even wonders how they ended up there. Fishing can be done both directly on the “patch” and on the approaches to it. “Fish trails” really do exist. At some times it is a ditch on an underwater plain, and at other times, on the contrary, it is something like an embankment or shaft that stretches under water in some direction. It happens that such a “path” is guessed by the vegetation, but it also happens that there is no visible vegetation on the bottom, but the fish, nevertheless, do not lose their path and even move along it according to the schedule.

If the hook takes out any greenery from the bottom, the fisherman better inspect it carefully. If it is elodea, then you can leave the hole: as a rule, only small perch and brushes, weighing no more than 20-30 grams, are pecked.

The places where the sandy strip ends and the one covered with pebbles begins are noteworthy; various bugs, larvae, etc. huddle among it - fish of various breeds can live here. Many fish are also attracted by riffles, just like in the summer. Below the rapids, where the depth begins and sometimes goes into ledges, you can often find large fish. At the border where the reverse and forward flow of water intersect, it is convenient to fish with a small jig: there is no current, but fish, nevertheless, can be found.

Search methods used in an unfamiliar body of water may depend on many factors: the time that can be spent fishing, the size of the reservoir and its depth, what kind of fish is preferable for fishing, the absence or presence of various devices, etc.

What is more advisable: searching for fish or waiting for its approach? This is a personal matter for the fisherman: there is no point in recommending an inspection of a large hole to someone who wants to sit and just have a nice rest on fresh air. Such a fisherman chooses a quiet place for himself, drills several holes, feeds and patiently waits for a bite. It happens that patience is rewarded, and the catch of such a fisherman exceeds the catch of a restless fisherman who has tried many holes over the same period of time.

Drilling more than one hole in a meter of ice without checking the first for the presence of fish is advisable only in situations where there is confidence that the work will not be in vain. This approach requires either good knowledge of the reservoir, or, if the reservoir is unfamiliar, the ability to identify fishing spots based on the external environment.

Carrying out a search with depth measurements, or using any signs (openings, cracks, grass) to determine the location of anomalies in the bottom of the reservoir. And only if such a place is found, it is checked whether there is fish. You can do this in the following ways:

  • The first is to quickly go through the holes with search gear, with further clarification of the fishing methods and the gear used, based on the results of the passage. For example, intensified fishing of the selected horizon, where bites are especially active or, on the contrary, searching for other bottom topography.
  • The second method is much more reliable, but requires more time, which will be spent on feeding the most successful holes and waiting for the fish to arrive for feeding. In this case, there is a risk of wasting part or all of the complementary food in vain. So it makes sense to feed only those holes in which the presence of fish is very likely to be guessed.
  • A search method in which a fisherman with ready-made gear “runs” after the intended prey is usually called running fishing. At the same time, an impressive number of holes are fished, with short delays at each. This tactic helps in checking a large area, since time is spent only on fishing and drilling a hole.

Tackle for winter fishing

Winter fishing traditionally loved in Russia. During the winter frosts, the ice of almost every body of water is covered with figures of fishermen who do not leave their shelter until dark in an effort to catch a large fish. Many people point out that it is impossible to use ordinary fishing rods for such fishing; their length of several meters is completely unsuitable for ice fishing. We need a different fishing technology and different gear. And even other bait, and other methods of bait. Any good fishing store will offer fishing fans comfortable gear, a huge selection of winter lures, and a catalog of wobblers, where you can choose everything you need for successful ice fishing.

Fishing rod for winter jig fishing

There are many options for fishing rods for jig fishing, including lightweight ones. The most famous fishing rod is called balalaika, as it looks very similar to this one musical instrument. A fishing rod for fishing with a jig should be selected based on its ease of placement in the hand, lightness, and material. The material of the fishing rod must be non-thermal conductive, since fishing with a jig often occurs when holding the tackle with your bare hand.

Fishing rod

Usually it looks like a short light whip no more than 200 mm long. Amateur fishing rods, as a rule, have a massive design that does not allow winter drifting snow to carry them away if the fisherman places the tackle near the hole. The fishing rod usually has supports for mounting on the ice. Most often they are made in the form of thin plastic flyers, although other lightweight material can be used.

fishing line

For this gear, you need to choose fishing lines that are as thin as for a winter float fishing rod. If you plan to fish for large predatory fish, then the cross-section of the fishing line can be increased, but you should remember that this will lead to a deterioration in the performance of the jig.


For its manufacture the following can be used:

  • wild boar bristles;
  • plastic;
  • spring steel;
  • rubber, etc.

Its main property is the ability to subtly respond to the slightest movements of the fishing line in any frost. It can be replaceable or adjustable. Its task is not only to signal when a fish is biting, but also to ensure that the bait plays.


It is an indispensable attribute of a winter fishing rod with a nod. The imagination of fishermen has invented many forms and names: “ovsinka”, “pellet”, “droplet”, “Ural”, “plate”, “nymph”, “dreissena”, various “witches”, “devils” and many others. At the moment, the development of this universal bait is proceeding in several directions, but two main ones can be distinguished: in some cases, the jig works with an attachment, in others - without it. Each direction has its own fishing technique and tactics.

Float rod for winter fishing

Winter fishing with a float

A winter float fishing rod does not need a long rod, since it is only needed to hook a fish that has bitten and weaken its first impulses when fishing. And for this, a short fishing rod is also suitable, quite elastic and flexible, with a length of 30 to 40 cm.

A modern winter fishing rod has a thin and flexible whip, conical in shape, and a small hollow handle. Its design can be solid or collapsible.

Vinyl plastic, bamboo or juniper are used to make the whip, and wood, cork, plastic or foam is used to make the handle. Fishing rods are foldable, which is very convenient for carrying. They are made from aluminum tubes and plastic, equipped with a cork handle.

The fishing rod should be different:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • elasticity;
  • flexibility when hooking fish, but not excessive.

The reels are attached to the fishing rod, and there is a loop on the top that allows you to secure the line while fishing.

Lines for winter fishing rods must meet high requirements. When preparing for fishing, you need to choose the forest:

  • thin,
  • unnoticeable;
  • durable;
  • having no nodes.

For winter fishing you need a lightweight, easily visible in the water and highly sensitive float. Winter floats usually have a well-streamlined cone-shaped or cylindrical shape. To make them, cork, plastic, tree bark, and pieces of goose feather are used. The colors for painting them are chosen to be bright, contrasting, and applied in transverse rings along the entire length. When fishing, the float should be upside down with its flat base.

The size of this tackle is chosen depending on the fishing conditions: for calm waters - a small float, for rapids - a larger one.

Winter fishing rod

Winter fishing rod

A winter fishing rod for trolling is chosen depending on the height of the fisherman, but within the range of 50-70 cm. Tackle intended for winter trolling is essentially no different from summer trolling. Some anglers use a regular short spinning rod for winter fishing.

A winter fishing rod for trolling can be divided into four main components: rod, reel, spoon and line.

For winter predator fishing, choose the same strong fishing rod as for summer fishing. In addition, it should be light in weight, and also equipped with a good, easy-to-run reel that holds a sufficient supply of fishing line.

When choosing a fishing rod for winter fishing, you should remember about guide rings. The winter version usually contains no more than three. Due to the rather large load when trolling, high demands are placed on the quality of the guide rings.

The reel is almost never used in this type of fishing; its task is to store the fishing line.

The fishing line for catching predators is durable and of high quality. For winter fishing you need very little, 30 meters is usually enough. You shouldn’t skimp when buying it, because the winnings can be quite significant. Choosing a high-quality fishing line allows you to reduce its thickness by at least 0.1 mm. The basic rule for choosing a fishing line: the diameter is selected in accordance with the weight of the spoon so that it easily pulls the fishing line without leaving bends or rings. In winter, it is worth abandoning braids, as they quickly lose their plasticity due to freezing.

The most important part of a winter fishing rod for trolling is the spoon. Its quality is determined by several conditions:

  • its shape should allow it to imitate the movements of live bait when playing, provoking the predator to attack;
  • its color should be attractive, visible from a great distance;
  • its size should correspond to the size of the prey.

Depending on the size of the spinners, there is some general classification. Spinners are divided into:

  1. Small - from 20 to 30 millimeters;
  2. Medium - from 30 to 50 millimeters;
  3. Large ones - from 50 to 90 millimeters.

Depending on the weight, the spoon is divided into light, medium and heavy. The nature of the game of spinners allows them to be divided into diving, oscillating and falling. In the water, the spoon behaves differently depending on its shape and balance.

Perch, pike perch, pike and chub are caught with a winter fishing rod; grayling and some other species of fish are caught on northern rivers.


Classic winter vest

An aluminum corner or tubes are used to make a winter rack. To make a spool holder, a bicycle spoke or the same corner is suitable. All bends are made rectangular. You can make your own reel from foam or wood, or purchase a factory-made one. It should be 5-10 cm in diameter and 1-3 cm thick.

Half of the reel of the winter fishing line should be painted, this will allow you to notice the winding of the fishing line, and also to hook a predator in time.

To make a winter guardhouse, springy steel wire is used. Its lower end is bent so that it can be inserted into the hole located at the bottom of the rack. The upper curved end should securely lock the reel, preventing it from triggering falsely due to jerking of the baitfish.

To make a winter flag, a waterproof synthetic fabric with preferably melted edges is used. The flag can be sewn to the gatehouse or glued with waterproof glue.

When fishing, the girder stand is fixed in the ice crumbs left after drilling a hole. In frosty weather, water is poured over the crumbs to set the ice. It will securely secure the winter rack.

Having planted the bait, the fishing line is unwound into the hole to the required depth. The guard of the girder is wound by a reel. A bite from a predator will lead to the fishing line being reeled in, which means the guard will be thrown off. This moment should not be missed!

This option for making a winter girder has a drawback - it is not very securely fastened in the ice crumbs. A predator can pull out the entire fishing line and, due to poor fastening, pull the girder into the hole, so it is better to fasten the girder stand in a hole made using a brace with a drill of a suitable size. In addition, such a winter hole allows the hole to freeze, so it has to be covered with snow.

Another type of winter zherlitsa

The base of this winter ice rack is a foam plastic (necessarily made of hard material) or plywood circle with a diameter of 20 cm. The size must be selected so that it is 5 cm larger than the diameter of the ice drill. We make the coil similarly to the previous version. A bolt can be used to secure the coil.

A guard is attached to the base of the vent with a self-tapping screw. The self-tapping screw should have a wide head, for example, like a “bug” for metal profiles. In the case of a foam base, the self-tapping screw should be lubricated with glue. To make a winter guardhouse, you can use spring wire or a similar material. When transporting, the guard is placed along the base of the trap; when catching a predator, it is wound by the reel.

A hole 5-6 mm in diameter is made in the center of the base of the girder, which is connected to the edge of the base with a cut for winding the fishing line.

The difference between a winter girder of this manufacturing method and the previous one is the elimination of cases of fishing gear falling through the ice. In addition, thanks to the base, the hole is protected from freezing. The advantage of this version of the winter girder is the simplicity and speed of installation, because there is no assembly and disassembly stage. A minor drawback is that the line is bent at a right angle in the center of the base, which can make it somewhat difficult to unwind.

Ice fishing equipment


Accessories for ice fishing

Preparation for winter fishing is carried out more carefully than for summer fishing. Therefore, it will simply be impossible to do without some accessories.

For example, in frosty winter the hole constantly freezes, and is also periodically covered with snow. To prevent snow and pieces of ice from interfering with fishing, they must be regularly removed from the hole. You can do this with a handful, but for greater convenience it is worth using a scoop - a special accessory designed to clear the already small space of the hole from various interfering objects, such as snow or ice.

In winter fishing, ice fishing is often accompanied by situations where a catchy spoon or jig gets caught on something on the bottom. If you can’t quickly release the tackle, an accessory called a release can come to the rescue. It is attached to the fishing line and helps to quickly release your favorite tackle, avoiding its loss.

A special accessory for winter fishing is a fishing box. This is generally an indispensable accessory for winter fishing, because it simultaneously performs several functions: a comfortable stool, a place to store various fishing gear and a place to store food and drink.

In general, winter fishing is impossible without such an accessory as a fishing drill for ice - ice auger. Since ancient times, an ice pick has been used to cut holes, but this old-fashioned method has long been outdated, since it is quite labor-intensive and also scares away the fish. Modern fishermen widely use auger ice screws, which have proven themselves well and have stood the test of time. With the help of such ice drills you can not only cut ice perfectly, but also immediately remove ice crumbs from the hole. IN Lately Motor drills powered by batteries or gasoline are becoming increasingly popular.

In addition to the already described accessories used by fishermen, there are others that are characteristic of different areas. There are many of them, and they all help simplify and make life easier for fishermen. Most often, fishermen use:

A fish scaler is an accessory for cleaning fish. A kitchen or regular camping knife is not suitable for cleaning fresh fish, so craftsmen came up with such a special accessory. A fish scaler helps make the process of cleaning fish easier and shorter in time.

Extractor - a device for removing a fishing hook from the throat of a fish. It allows you not to damage the fish itself, and also not to break the tackle.

A gapper is a spring-based device that allows you to keep the mouth of a predatory fish open while removing the tackle.

Leskovdevatel – an accessory whose name already says it all. With its help, the fishing line is threaded through the narrow holes of gear and hooks, and the whole process takes much less time thanks to this wonderful device.

Bait containers - wooden boxes used by many fishermen to store animal baits - worms, bloodworms, jigs, caddis fly larvae, etc. With the help of such drawers, the nozzles are protected from heating in summer and from cooling in winter. Lids must have holes for air. Plastic models are more practical, but in winter they protect the nozzles from the cold worse than wooden ones.

A wind shield is the simplest shelter for winter fishing that serves as protection from the wind. It is a structure of three slats, which are covered with light fabric. Using a pick or an ice drill, holes are made in the ice into which the ends of the slats are inserted. A more practical version of such protection, used by some fishermen, is a tent with a cut-out bottom.

In addition, fishermen use other accessories: steelyards for weighing the catch, spoons for casting, bait, beads, anchors, compasses, thermoses, flashlights, binoculars.



Equipment for winter fishing

In the autumn-winter period, when the weather is low in temperature, you should give preference to flannel or woolen underwear. It is worn directly on the naked body, as it allows evaporation to pass through, and therefore dries quickly. If woolen underwear causes skin irritation, you should wear thin cotton underneath. For those suffering from radiculitis, it is recommended to use special therapeutic chlorine underwear. Recently, thermal underwear has become increasingly popular.


Experienced fishermen prefer to choose wool socks, which retain warmth even after getting wet. Sometimes fur stockings can be an excellent replacement for wool socks. They are indispensable if rubber boots are often worn. In addition, fur stockings make it easy to put on and take off boots, especially if you wear nylon women's stockings on top.


The fisherman's outerwear should be light, durable, waterproof, heat- and cold-resistant, and does not interfere with the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body, that is, “breathable.”

It is better to avoid long fur coats due to their heaviness. Preference should be given to a more comfortable light tanned sheepskin coat with long sleeves and a fur collar. The length of the short fur coat should not be much above the knees, it should be loose at the shoulders and chest, and the sleeve length should reach almost to the ends thumbs hands, but so that if necessary, the edges can be tucked. A short fur coat is chosen for its comfort and good heat retention, as well as for freedom of movement. However, if it gets wet, it should be dried carefully at some distance from the fire.

If you are seriously interested in fishing, you should also take the choice of outerwear seriously. Experienced fishermen prefer branded equipment designed specifically for any fishing conditions. Many companies develop outerwear for fishermen.

There are even special overalls that can serve as a life jacket in certain circumstances. This overalls can hold a person weighing up to 100 kg on the water thanks to a special gasket and a special insulating layer inside.


For winter fishing, many anglers choose handmade felt boots. They are distinguished by their softness, lightness and excellent ability to retain heat. However, it is better not to wear such felt boots without high galoshes. Yes, and the galoshes will have to be glued from soft rubber so that they fit tightly.

Choosing ordinary small galoshes is not advisable, since snow quickly fills them and they fall off easily. In general, you can’t do without galoshes, otherwise your felt boots will quickly get wet on wet ice. They can only be replaced with shoe covers made of waterproof fabric, but in this case it will be inconvenient to move around. Replacing galoshes with shoe covers only makes sense when fishing without significant movements.

Some fishermen make their own winter stockings, allowing their felt boots to become waterproof.

More comfortable polar boots can replace felt boots. They consist of two layers of rubber separated by a layer of wool fabric. These boots allow you to fish from ice in 30°C frost. They are not afraid of water coming out from under the snow on the ice. Polar boots have a significant advantage over felt boots.


One of the main conditions for successful fishing is sensitive hands, so even in severe frost it is very important to maintain contact with the tackle.

True fishing lovers do not stop their activities even in winter, when after the “first ice” the reservoirs are covered with an increasingly thick layer of ice. If heat-loving fish - carp, carp, crucian carp - spend the winter somewhere in the bottom thickets, hibernating until spring, then pike, pike perch, and perch are active at this time of year, although not as much as in the summer. They stay in a place of their choice, changing it depending on the frost and weather prevailing above, and occasionally leaving in search of prey. In the “first ice” period, in December, the fish are still looking for a suitable shelter for wintering, walking under the entire surface of the newly formed ice, “trying” different depths. It is at this time that the fisherman has a better chance of a rich catch.

Immediately after freeze-up, there is still no bite - the fish need to get used to the cold, and it is still dangerous for the fisherman to step on thin ice and make holes with an ice pick. After 4-5 days the fish begins to feed, and the ice has already reached a decent thickness. Here comes the time for the most successful fishing. By the end of this period, the fisherman scouts out wintering places for fish, remembers them, and now, before the first thaw, he is guaranteed success.

How to fish under ice?

In winter, the so-called vertical lure is mainly used: sitting near the hole with a short, about 50 cm, rod in his hands, the fisherman watches the nod, or guard, - the movable front part of the fishing rod, from which the line without a float goes deep into the dark, impenetrable thickness water. By turning the reel on which the fishing line is wound, you can adjust its length and thus lower or raise the bait, checking first the bottom, then the layers closer to the surface. From time to time, the fisherman twitches the rod up and down several times, and the spoon or balancer (imitation of a small fish, equipped with hooks) at the other end of the fishing line, repeating its movements, attracts the attention of a pike perch or pike as possible prey. When the nod deviates downward, you need to hook and drag.

Raising fish from the depths is a simple matter; but all that remains is to get it into the hole. Here the fisherman will need skill, or even special equipment. But in the hole, in the middle of the ice crumble (no matter how you remove it with a slotted spoon, you won’t be able to remove it completely), a toothy mouth appears - the robber pike was seduced by the twitching of the balancer, reminiscent of the movements of a wounded fish. In winter, the predator is inactive, so one should not expect much resistance. The bottle-shaped striped body hung in the air and then lay down on the ice, next to its previously caught brethren.

By choosing closed reservoirs, the stocking of which is known in advance, the fisherman can count on catches that he can only dream of in the summer.

Video - Vertical spinning from ice

Many fishermen are beginning to learn the basics of ice fishing using a float rod. Some subsequently switch to the nodding jig, but many remain on the float side. The trophies that can be caught using float tackle in winter do not disappoint - these are large roach, bream, and respectable crucian carp...


First of all, it must be well balanced. Some of the beginners buy equipped fishing rods at the market. This is hardly a guarantee of success - it may happen that they will not work as they should, and as a result you will be disappointed in the results... There are few special requirements for the types of fishing rod designs for ice float fishing. The main thing is that the tackle is light, durable and must have a flexible enough “antenna” to reduce the likelihood of breakage when hooking a large trophy and weaken its first jerks when retrieved.

fishing line

The fishing line should be “fresh”, not faded in the sun, soft and better without “memory”. If you are going to hunt small crucian carp or roach, then using a fishing line that has a thickness of 0.1 mm or more is not advisable. Thick fishing line, especially during times of weak bite, only worsens the results. Often, if the bite is “deaf”, the situation can be corrected by replacing the fishing line with a thinner one.


Any float can be used in the equipment. The most important thing is that it accurately records bites and is convenient to watch. When choosing a specific model, you need to know that the carrying capacity of the float should be calculated in direct proportion to the depth and strength of the current of the fishing spot. In the hole, the float is usually “recessed” so that it is lower by about 5-10 mm. Otherwise, it will freeze into the ice and react poorly to a bite or spin in the hole, reacting to gusts of wind.


Usually in winter, fish “hang out” near the bottom - that’s where you should start looking for them. For this fishing option to be convenient, the carrying capacity of the float should be 0.1-0.2 g less than the total weight of all the weights and the nozzle. You can check the correct loading of the gear at home in a bucket or in the bathroom - the day before you go fishing. It is necessary to adjust the tackle in such a way that when a hook or jig lies on the bottom (touches the bottom), the buoyancy of the equipment approaches zero. The distance between the jig (hook) and the lower weight should not be less than 7 cm. During a weak bite, you can even try up to 30 cm. In this case, during lifting and lowering (which should be done from time to time to lure fish), a jig or hook with a nozzle will make smooth, natural movements. During thaws and on the last ice, the tackle should be suitable for fishing not only from the bottom, but also in the water column. It is shipped in the same way as summer equipment for fishing in still water or in slow currents.

On a note

Many beginners, when fishing with a winter float rod, neglect additional chances and try to find fishing happiness exclusively near the bottom, occasionally raising the bait by 50-40 cm. But such tactics can be losing. Try your chances in all layers of water. Sometimes in the same hole, by raising the nozzle a meter or higher, you can immediately get an active bite; The equipment of a winter float fishing rod is usually two-variant: either with a hook or with a small jig. It is best to install small hooks from a thin rod. They are ideal for fishing with bloodworms. Jigs should also be of the smallest variety - with a diameter of no more than 1.5 mm; The following forms of jigs are popular with fish: droplet, pellet and oatmeal in silver, copper and black colors; Experienced fishermen take several winter float fishing rods onto the ice - with jigs and hooks. By throwing them side by side, it’s easier to determine what flavors the fish have that day.

There are a great many ways to catch fish in open water; fish from under the ice are caught in a much smaller number of ways. This is the most common method of ice fishing - with a jig; in addition, in the current, anglers use bottom fishing rods (roll fishing). A type of fishing with a jig should be recognized as fishing with a “garland” (although, in the same summer fishing with artificial bait, for example, they do not distinguish between fishing with a single spoon and “tandem”).

Another popular method of catching a predator in winter is vertical trolling.. That's probably all. You can’t compare this with the summer variety - only gear for float fishing There are four types - swing, match, lapdog and plug. What can we say about fishing with artificial bait in open water. But there are also completely unique methods of fishing - for example, fly fishing, or mugs.

Despite the winter “scarcity”, winter fishing is for our short winters doesn't have time to get bored. Rather, on the contrary - limited in time, you do not have the opportunity to try all the methods. But in winter you can catch almost any fish, including crucian carp.

In winter, crucian carp is most often caught using a “stand”, that is, using a jig hanging motionless 0-3 cm from the bottom with a bloodworm attached to it. Catching crucian carp in winter is just one of the few examples when you can successfully use a winter float rod... but almost no one fishes with it. Special advantages It has nothing compared to a regular fishing rod with a jig, and in terms of “universalism” it is inferior to a fishing rod with a jig, and significantly.

In winter it stands where it is caught (and this does not happen in all “crucian carp” reservoirs). Usually a group of anglers catching crucian carp gradually moves in a circle during the fishing process, supposedly behind a school of crucian carp.

Although it seems to me that in this case there is inertia of thinking. Which? I am from Kiev. Accordingly, I fish (no matter crucian carp or roach) not far from the capital, through which, as you know, the ancient Slavutich flows.

And much more often I catch fish from under the ice in the bays of the Dnieper than in “crucian carp” reservoirs. I dare to assume that most of the fishermen sitting next to me on the ice do the same. Accordingly, we, willingly or unwillingly, apply the experience gained on the Dnieper to the lakes.

"Walking in Circles"- a style of behavior characteristic of pelagic (feeding in the water column) fish that form large schools, primarily blue bream and sabrefish, in the deep Dnieper bays. To a certain degree of approximation, the same can be attributed to schools of roach in the second half of winter and the last ice. This behavior is not typical for crucian carp. Crucian carp move in small schools along the remains of algae.

But the experience gained by fishermen in completely different conditions and while catching other fish convinces crucian fishermen to do just that. Although, as already noted, crucian carp behaves differently.

Good results when catching crucian carp are often achieved by feeding them sparingly with bloodworms, crushed seeds and special winter bait.
Pokatok, or bottom tackle for ice fishing - is used when fishing on the current, for example, the Dnieper (by the push of water) or, more often, the Desna. Tackle for rolling fishing should be more powerful than when fishing with a jig, with a stronger whip, a stiff nod and a thick line. It is not a jig that is tied to the leash, but a regular hook.

They catch roach, silver bream, and on the Desna River they also catch burbot. True, the bait when fishing for burbot is not bloodworms or burdock moth larvae, but pieces of fish. Burbot fishing is carried out near concave banks covered with stones (at “stone gates”). In these places (as, indeed, always when ice fishing, especially when fishing in the current), you need to be very careful. To prove it, I’ll tell you one story that ended happily, but still made me think...

My friend and I went to the Desna. The weather was fine, a slight minus - the sun... The thickness of the ice on the Desna was 15-18 cm, there was no snow on the ice. Naturally, my friend and I walked along, talking calmly, only occasionally testing the strength of the ice with an ice pick. Turning back to my friend once again, I discovered that he had fallen through the ice with one foot! The reason for this was a local shoal, which seemed to “beat off” the upward flow. The stream washed away the ice, and the thin crust could not bear the weight of 70 kg. Once again I want to emphasize that there were no signs of a “problem” place. We even laughed a little about this, although the fishing was ruined - there was no way to change shoes, we had to go home.

The most versatile tackle for ice fishing

The most versatile tackle for ice fishing is a winter fishing rod with a jig. Both young and old, both peaceful and predatory fish, are caught with it. Since the jig is an intermediate link between a simple hook and a spinner, it represents a certain small and, of course, living object. The word “mormyshka” has no analogues in other languages. For example, I am a little touched by Salmo products with the Latin inscription “mormyshka”. The main thing in a jig is not the size or even the mass, but the size, thickness and sharpness of the hook. Everything is simple with the mass - it should be such that under the given conditions - depth and strength of the current - you can “play” with it.

The popularity of “tungsten” jigs is due to the fact that, with the same mass, “tungsten” jigs are smaller in size compared to lead jigs. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the number of bites.

If you have a a large number of“idle” bites - you need to change the jig - either to a smaller one or with a sharper hook.

When fishing with a jig, the so-called “game” is of great importance - the movements imparted to the bait by the fisherman’s hand.
For perch, the “standard” is a high-frequency, as if “bewitching” game with a small amplitude, often with a simultaneous smooth rise of the tackle from the bottom to a height of 30-40 cm. But perch is caught with a spoon, and with a girder, and with a “garland” ... Although the classics of catching perch in winter are still jigs and vertical lures.

So much has been written about catching perch in winter that it’s difficult to add anything. Look for shallows in the depths, dumps, single snags, stones - and catch... Small perch are almost certainly present in the coastal zone. Both small and medium-sized perch, as already mentioned, are partial to feeding with small bloodworms and high-frequency play with a jig...

Roach and, in particular, silver bream often peck on a jig when “moving” it at the bottom, as well as when lowering it and then stopping it. At the same time, the jig is not given uniform vibrations, and if they are given, they are smooth, low-frequency, often generally uneven and barely noticeable.
The silver bream and, in particular, its “brother” - the blue bream - are still more often caught with several jigs tied to one line - the so-called “garland”.

Contrary to a common misconception (which the author of these lines once shared), complementary feeding in winter can definitely improve fishing results. Only it, firstly, should be very stingy, secondly, with a weak or moderate aroma and, thirdly, crumbly. For complementary feeding, they use both under-moistened “summer” bait (often diluted with ground crackers) and special “winter” bait, as well as small bloodworms. The latter bait is universal (although perch and ruffe like it better), but dry bait made from plant components is definitely popular among “peaceful” fish, especially silver bream, bream and roach.

Ruff is often caught while fishing for other fish. It prefers to peck at the “stand” baited with large bloodworms. Intense vibrations that attract perch and ruffe can even scare them away (but not for long). I observed this picture at the Zhereva pond during the regional competitions of the UOOR.

First of all, for ice fishing, a fisherman needs to identify lakes suitable for fishing. As a rule, a large number of fish are found in the same lakes in winter as in summer. Many factors influence the life of fish in winter, changing its reaction, feeding habits and even survival rate.

For example, heavy snow on the ice means less light enters the water, which slows algae growth and reduces the amount of oxygen produced. As a result, the behavior of the fish becomes sluggish, apathetic, it spends all its energy on surviving, instead of moving and feeding itself.

Lakes that have too much algae in the summer tend to be very shallow and have few oxygenated areas, so large numbers of fish cannot survive in them during the winter months. The fish gather in those few places where there is oxygen, and most of the fish die.

The death of fish in winter does not mean that oxygen deficiency affected the entire lake; certain areas will still produce good ice fishing results. When choosing a lake for ice fishing, consider all factors.


For beginners, before starting to experiment with ice fishing, it is better to go to a place with a large crowd of people. Ice fishermen love to fish in large groups, thereby getting even more pleasure from fishing. One of the advantages of ice fishing for a beginner is the willingness of fishermen to share with you a good place for fishing. No one would mind a few more holes drilled and one more fisherman. Most anglers will be happy to share their successes with you or tell you about the best lures and other tricks.

Successful fishermen readily reveal their secrets, and “veterans” share their experience with beginners. Of course, there are exceptions, but still don’t be afraid to ask and let others know that you are new to ice fishing.


Locating the location of the fish can sometimes be futile. Remember that fish behave somewhat differently in winter than in summer. The only need of fish in winter is to eat enough to survive. Typically, fish spend only part of the day feeding, so as not to waste a lot of energy. Competition for food is the key to discovering the feeding habits of fish during the winter. Many fishermen do not take into account the fact that the noise from drilling holes affects the fish. When you stop making noise and sit down to fish, the fish will come back and be more active.


Ice fishing does not require large financial investments (unless, of course, you yourself wish to do so). First you need to decide how much time you will devote to this type of fishing.

For fishermen who will devote their weekends to this, I would recommend a standard ice fishing rod, which can be purchased at any fishing supply store. It is usually made of fiberglass, about 60 cm long with two guides and a small coil. Floats can always come in handy when ice fishing, so always keep a couple with you. You will also need a variety of baits, hooks, sinkers and other fishing equipment. And also an ice drill. Also don't forget about bait.

Don't overdo it on your first ice fishing trip on the lake. Go there early in the morning and fish until noon. If the fish are biting, you should have caught enough by this time. If it doesn't bite, don't worry, you'll need to learn new equipment. Next time you will definitely be lucky.


The concept of comfortable clothing for ice fishing is somewhat different from clothing for other winter activities. The most important thing is not to freeze. You might get sweaty while you're getting there and getting ready to fish, then you might get cold while you're sitting there fishing. for a long time. The challenge is to dress warm enough to stay warm when you get there, and bring extra clothes to keep you warm during the period of inactivity.

Go fishing and enjoy! Catch some fish and you will become an avid fisherman any time of the year!

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