Useful and interesting applications for iPhone. What programs are needed most on iPhone? Best Data Transfer Tracker: DataMan Next

Two major new iPhone models are already out. And after you set up new phone, you should immediately download all the necessary applications onto it. We have compiled a list of the best apps for the new iPhone for you. It has everything: from applications social networks to applications that improve device productivity.

Best apps foriPhone8 andiPhone 8 Plus

Social media apps are the very first thing you need to download. You know what networks you need. To stay in touch with friends and family, you'll need VKontakte. It’s worth downloading Instagram, if only because now you won’t find negativity only there. You can read the thoughts of your friends and interesting people on Twitter. And you will definitely want to try out the many cool filters of the Snapchat app.

Location orientation

You'll use your iPhone to navigate the area. The Yandex.Taxi application will help you get to your destination, and with the help of FoodMap you can choose where to eat.


Depending on how often you travel, you'll need at least a few messaging apps. The iMessage app may be enough for communicating with friends and family, but if you find yourself in Europe or Asia, you'll need WhatsApp. The Telegram application is also very convenient.


The 5.5-inch screen of the iPhone 8 Plus is ideal for watching videos. There are many applications in which you can watch movies and TV series. The YouTube application is very convenient for viewing short videos. In ivi you can watch movies and TV series online. You can find foreign TV series and films in their original language in the Netflix app.

Polar Photo Editor

Polarr – free, but complete various functions photo editor. The best thing about the app is that it is easy to use. You can simply add beautiful filters to your photos, or you can customize each item yourself, bringing your photos to perfection.

Gboard is the best keyboard you can download. In it, you can not only type without lifting your finger from the screen, but also select GIF images. In addition, there is a line with Google search right in the keyboard, which is also very convenient.

Google Photos

Dropbox is the most reliable service for storing files and documents. The mobile application will provide convenient access to all your documents. In it, you can open files through various applications, save copies of them and view them offline. In iOS 11, Dropbox is fully integrated with the Files app, so you can manage your documents right from there.

If you don't like the Apple Music interface, Spotify is a better alternative. The app looks nicer and has all the same features. For example, the best of the week, etc.


In many countries, Apple Maps is not the most reliable, especially in developing countries. Google Maps has more accurate data.

You can use Reading List in Safari to save articles and view them offline. But they won't sync on yours Android devices and Windows. To do this, use the Pocket app.

LitRes is the best application for online books. If you like to read books on electronic media, then you definitely need to download LitRes.

If you love cycling, the Starva app is for you. It accurately tracks your rides and runs. The app also features a simple and user-friendly interface and the ability to connect with nearby bike enthusiasts.


Workflow was the first application to automate iOS work. It's so good that Apple even bought it. Perhaps it will be made standard in iOS 12, but for now you can download it yourself. In the application, you can view available action options, as well as import and edit them. You can create actions yourself. It works with both standard and third-party applications. It allows you to combine two images, resize them, or add them to a specific album with one click. You can configure all this yourself.

Spark is the best free email app. It supports notifications and is generally easy to use. The application has search, support for gestures, multiple signatures, etc. It's fast, packed with features, and fun to use.


Overcast is a free third-party podcast app that is ad-free. It has many convenient features and is easy to use.


You should start using a password manager, and it should be the 1Password app. You can store all your passwords there and sync them with Dropbox or iCloud. All of them, of course, will be protected. With this application, you can automatically fill in passwords anytime, anywhere, and you don’t even have to remember them.

Google Maps is good, but Waze is even better. Users can enter their travel data into it. Based on this data, the application will offer you useful recommendations and tips. You will know which road is better not to take and where to turn to save time on the road.

Carrot Weather

There are many weather apps for iPhone. There are even too many of them. But everyone can find an application to suit their taste. We recommend Carrot Weather. After updating iOS 11, it has even more functions and options for customizing the interface. The app integrates with your local weather station, so your data will always be as accurate as possible.


Most likely, you will be satisfied with the standard Notes application, which has all the basic functions. But, if you are a professional and need additional features, then you should download Evernote.

Money transfers

Money transfers are the most best apps to transfer money. When you need to transfer some amount to your friend, it will be most convenient to use it.

Xe Currency

If you want a currency converter with many features and reliable data, you need to download the Xe app.

Pcalc Lite

Pcalc Lite is the best calculator for iPhone. By paying extra, you can open access to additional topics, icon options and even augmented reality mode.

It seems that it could be easier - install an application from the AppStore on your iPhone! However, even during this procedure, users encounter difficulties, most often associated with the quality of mobile coverage. In case of ill-fated E even downloading a simple utility weighing 10 MB turns into torture - let alone professional programs like iMovie. If the quality of mobile coverage leaves much to be desired, it will only make pitiful attempts to download the application, after which it will report that downloading is impossible.

The described problem is very relevant for people who live on the outskirts of their cities. Fortunately, in this case there is no need to change the operator to be able to install applications on the iPhone - it is better to use the power of a fixed (wired) Internet.

There are several ways to download an application on an iPhone, and the first one you need to consider is the simplest one, but one that requires a stable 3G/4G connection - downloading directly from an Apple device. The user is required to perform the following actions:

Step 1. Go to the AppStore - to do this, click on the blue icon with the letter A.

Step 2. Enter the name of the application that interests you into a search engine. Then click the " Find» (« Search") in the lower right corner.

You can also search for popular apps in Apple's Featured Apps and Top Charts. To do this, you should use the corresponding tabs in the bottom panel.

Step 3. After the iPhone finds the application you are interested in in the store and offers it, click the " Download"(for free software) or a button with a price tag (if the program costs money).

Then click on " Install» (« Install»).

Step 4. Enter your password Apple ID. If account You don’t have an Apple yet, you’ll have to get one. Our site also talks about...

The difference between iOS and Android is that when downloading programs, the iPhone owner will be forced to enter the Apple ID password every time. In the case of Android this is not required.

If the password is entered correctly, the button “ Install"appears circular loading indicator.

In addition, you can judge how far the download process has progressed by looking at the icon on one of the desktops.

Step 5. Wait until the download completes. Installation of programs on iPhone occurs automatically.

The more modern it is operating system installed on your iPhone, the higher your chances of downloading the app. Each of the programs in the AppStore has requirements for the iOS version. For example, the popular application Periscope It is impossible to download to a gadget with OS 7, because this software requires a minimum of iOS 8.0.

You will learn that you should “update” from a message like this:

How to download applications to iPhone via iTunes?

The second method of downloading applications is an excellent solution for users whose Mobile Internet leaves much to be desired. It is necessary to use the program iTunes on a PC and using it to transfer applications to the Apple gadget. Follow these instructions:

Step 1. Run iTunes and go to the section " Programs».

Step 2. Select the " AppStore».

Step 3. In the search bar, enter the name of the application you want to download. Then click Enter.

The results of the request will appear on the PC screen in two rows: “ iPhone apps" And " iPad apps" In our case, we need a program for iPhone, so we are looking in the first row.

Step 4. Having found the required application, click the " Download", located below the icon.

Step 5. Enter your password Apple ID– as mentioned above, this is a mandatory procedure. Then click " Buy».

At the speeds offered by modern wired Internet, most programs download in just a few seconds. Go to the " Media library“—if the application is present in the list, it means the download was successful.

All downloaded applications are stored in the computer's memory in a folder that can be found along the path C:Users Username MusiciTunesiTunes MediaMobile Applications. The iPhone application format is . ipa.

Step 6. Connect the iPhone to the PC, go to the device management menu by clicking on the button with the image of the smartphone.

Step 7. Start the mobile device synchronization process and iTunes.

Once the process is complete, you will find the application on one of the iPhone desktops. If it is not there, it means that the program was not copied due to an insufficient OS version.

How to transfer programs from an Apple device to a PC and why is it necessary?

You can transfer applications not only from a PC to a mobile device, but also in the opposite direction. Why do you need to do this? Everything is very simple: if the program is stored on your computer, you can download it to your iPhone if necessary, even in the absence of the Internet. After copying the utility to your PC, you can erase it from the memory of your mobile device so that it does not take up memory.

Transferring programs from iPhone to computer is done like this:

Step 1. Run iTunes and select the " File».

Step 2. Find the section " Devices" and click on the item " Move purchases from iPhone» in the menu that opens.

Synchronization will begin, after which all programs will be saved on the computer’s hard drive.

How to download applications on iPhone through third-party file managers?

You can copy applications to iPhone not only through iTunes, but also with the help of third-party file managers, which have a number of advantages over the official media combine:

  • No jailbreak or internet connection required.
  • They do not synchronize.
  • Provide high speed data exchange.

Traditionally, two utilities are given as examples: iFunBox And iTools. We will look at how to transfer applications, using the first one as an example - you can download it:

Step 1. Download the desired program from the AppStore on your PC and run iFunBox.

Step 2. Connect your smartphone to your computer via a USB cable and make sure that the utility recognizes the device. IN top panel The name of the Apple gadget and its modification should appear.

Step 3. Click on the button Install app"and through Explorer, find the program on your PC’s hard drive that you want to transfer.

Then click " Open" This will start the data transfer process, the progress of which can be monitored using the indicator at the bottom of the utility window.

Once the process is complete, you will see a report showing how many applications were installed successfully.

Please note that the developers iFunBox They do not recommend downloading applications that weigh more than 1 GB through their program. There is a high risk that such an application will crash immediately after the initial splash screen.

How to download and install a tweak on a jailbroken iPhone?

Owners of jailbroken iPhones should be aware that tweaks, unlike applications from the AppStore, are not in the same format. ipa, A deb. You should download tweaks from the store Cydia– an “underground” alternative to the AppStore.


How to proceed if you need to download a tweak?

Step 1. Add the repository from which you intend to download the application. This is done through the button " Sources».


Please note that the list on the right suggests the most popular repositories - in particular, BigBoss And ModMyi. To add another to the list, click " Edit", then " Add».

Step 2. Enter the name of the tweak that interests you into the search bar and wait for the search results.

Step 3. Once you find the tweak you need, click on it. A page representing the application will open - here you should click on the button “ Install».


All you have to do is wait for the download to complete. As you can see, the only difference between the procedures for downloading tweaks and official applications is the need to add repositories when using Cydia.

iFunBox And iTools can also be used to download tweaks to iPhone. Another interesting application that can act as an intermediary is iFile. If you have such a utility on your mobile device, you don’t even need to have a computer at hand. You can download deb-package via any browser on iPhone – iFile will take care of turning such a set of documents into an application.


iPhone users constantly complain about the lack of memory, but at the same time they continue to install applications, the importance of which is, to put it mildly, questionable. Solving the memory problem is actually simple: it is recommended to transfer all programs that are stored on the smartphone “for a rainy day” and are not used regularly to the PC. For hard drive computer, the space occupied by iPhone applications is “a drop in the bucket.” The mobile device itself will “breathe” much easier.


The simplest and most intuitive task manager that will help you plan all your tasks and bring them to completion.

Create projects, lists, reminders, organize tasks using folders, attach documents and files to them. Wunderlist has extensive collaboration capabilities: tasks can be delegated or discussed across any platform and device, including even the Apple Watch.


A very convenient calendar, focused exclusively on Apple devices and considered one of the best alternatives to the standard calendar. The main feature of Fantastical is natural language recognition, when instead of the exact date you can write “tomorrow morning” or “meeting for half an hour”, as well as integration with big amount services and third-party applications, including Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, 1Password.

A good email client with a lot of settings and customization options. There is support for Gmail, Exchange, iCloud, Yahoo and other popular services, as well as integration with cloud services. Convenient gesture control, calendar, smart inbox and search, push notifications, custom panels, file manager - these are just a few of the advantages for which you will love Spark.

Scanbot 6

An excellent scanner from Evernote, with which you can quickly and conveniently create digital copies of your documents. It works almost fully automatically and recognizes both standard documents and smaller business cards, receipts and other pieces of paper equally well. Of course, there is integration with Dropbox, iCloud Drive and other services.


With this application, you can keep all your documents at hand, viewing and editing them conveniently. You have at your disposal a fully functional file manager that understands a lot of formats, which can be connected to cloud storage and various services. PDF, .DOC, JPG or MP4 - it doesn't matter, because the built-in viewer can open any file.


A good free photo editor with a variety of tools, from cropping and rotating photos to color correction and filters. The application has a very convenient interface that allows you to quickly perform certain operations using gestures. Snapseed has many fine-tuning options, a history of changes is saved for each photo, but the key difference from competitors is the ability to edit certain areas frame without affecting the entire photo.


A unit converter that boasts a fair amount of functionality. Here you will find support for currencies from more than 160 countries, a widget for quick conversion, a built-in calculator, and much more useful things.


The best password manager where you can store website data, credit cards, documents and other confidential information. Just enter all your data once, and you won't have to remember it every time you need it - all the information will always be at your fingertips. There is no need to worry about the safety of your data - it will be protected using reliable 256-bit AES encryption, as well as a single master password.

In the pocket

An excellent manager and safe for copies of your documents and personal data. Passport number and series, TIN, numbers bank cards and other important information - VKarmane will remember all this for you, you just need to add one or more documents, and they will always be at your fingertips. All added data will be securely protected using Touch ID or password and 256-bit AES encryption.

MoneyWiz 2

A useful application for keeping track of your finances. With it, it will be easier for you to balance debits with credits - you just need to remember to enter all your expenses and income, and all your money will be in the palm of your hand. Key features include support for multiple accounts, budgeting, reports for a selected period, synchronization with the Mac version, and a Notification Center widget that allows you to quickly add transactions without even opening the application.


A practical client for using Wikipedia. The application provides convenient search, reading and transition from article to article. You can add bookmarks, not only to the article, but also to its individual sections. In addition, you can share a link to the article with friends, save the image to your Camera Roll, or go to the location described in the article on the map. For anyone who frequently reads Wikis on a mobile phone, we recommend Wikipanion.

Peeps application, which implements a three-dimensional graphical user interface CoverFlow in the contacts section The program will allow you to turn your address book into a full-fledged photo album with an instant call function.

You can install many programs on your Apple smartphone. The App Store contains millions of different applications. If you want to use your iPhone 100%, then install on it those that we will talk about in this article. So, the top ten applications for iPhone.


Evernote, a note-taking service, made a lot of noise back in the day. With its help you can take not only text but also multimedia notes. You can save photos, videos, maps, and other information in your notebook and return to it periodically as needed.

Evernote is a cloud service. This means that you can leave notes in it from various devices (desktop PC, tablet computer, laptop and other devices). Unfortunately, since July 2016, this free service allows you to use it only on two devices. But even in this case, Evernote is one of the best services in its segment. Be sure to install the iOS version of this application in order to use important information stored on your iPhone cloud.

This great app makes it easy to save the information you need in just two clicks. But, if the capabilities of the free version of Evernote are not enough for you, there is always an alternative. For example, services Google Keep or Pocket.

Thus, Evernote can be used as an alternative to delayed reading services like Pocket.


Many people use third-party products to view video files on their iPhone. This is understandable; Apple's standard video player is far from perfect. Its main disadvantage is the inability to play the most popular .avi format. How can I replace the pre-installed video player from iOS? Of course, one of the most popular free apps in the App Store is VLC.

VLC player is familiar to many people from the desktop version of this program. It is capable of playing many video formats. In addition, this player does not have complicated settings. This allows it to be used by those who do not want to spend a lot of time playing their favorite video or movie in the best quality.

And if you want to “hide” a spicy home video, then using this application you can password-protect the selected video and thus hide it from prying eyes.

Another application from the media section, which should be on the iPhone of all fans of films and TV series. Thanks to Air Video, you don’t have to download the new episode of “Silicon Valley” or “Game of Thrones” to your Apple smartphone. Thanks to this small utility, you can “stream” video content directly from your desktop PC.

Video transmission occurs via your home Wi-Fi network. At the same time, you do not need to sit next to the computer. You can go to another room. Installing the Air Video application will be a great solution for those who like to watch videos during lunch.

With Air Video, you don't have to convert your files to the format your video player can read. It is enough to install the client on a desktop device and send to its folder the file that needs to be played on the iOS device. Then we launch the application on the smartphone and enjoy the video.

The advanced version of Air Video HD costs 99 rubles.

Cloud services allow you to expand your capabilities mobile devices. With the help of such network storage, you can “connect” additional memory to your iPhone. One of the most convenient alternative clouds for Apple devices is Dropbox.

You can always install the client of this service for your desktop PC and by simply dragging files into it you can soon open them on your smartphone. The only downside of Dropbox is that it only has 2 GB of free space. But, for a small amount of money, you can expand the space for your files. However, you need to know that this cloud service's competitors provide more space. U Google Drive- 15 GB in the free version, and OneDrive– 7 GB. If you plan to store a lot of photos and videos in the cloud, you may have to pay a monthly subscription.


It’s impossible to imagine modern smartphones without an app for reading books. With the iBook app, you can expand your bookshelf with e-books. In this application, books can be stored not only in the device itself, but also in the cloud. This will significantly increase the memory of your smartphone. Moreover, the iBook network storage will allow you to synchronize the reading process on several devices at once: iPhone, iPod or even Mac.

The application itself has a nice design and displays text perfectly. Many consider the disadvantage that this reader “reads” only two formats ePub And PDF. But, for reading all modern books, these formats are quite enough.

Upload books from your electronic library possible through the Safari browser. Just give it the address of the file (for example, your cloud storage) and save the book to your iBook. You can also buy the book either through the application itself or using iTunes.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine an iPhone without messenger installed. The most popular today are whatsapp And Viber. But the most rapid development is shown by the messenger from Pavel Durov Telegram.

This communication application has a number of advantages. First of all, this is safety. Telegram uses modern encryption that will hide from prying eyes your correspondence. Moreover, this messenger can be used with a very unstable Internet connection.

In addition to tet-a-tet communication in Telegram, you can create chats, channels and transfer files up to 1 GB in size to each other. In addition, we should note the stylish and laconic design of this application.

The Prisma app can easily be called a hit this summer. This photo processing program is built on specially trained neural network algorithms. Thanks to which Prisma can turn your photos into paintings by famous artists. Just open the photo, make a couple of touches and in a few seconds, this application will give you your photo, turned into an artistic masterpiece.

Now in Prisma you can create photo paintings based on 21 works of art: “Secant Line” by Kandinsky, “Go for Baroque” by Roy Lichtenstein, “Above the City” by Marc Chagall, “The Scream” by Edvard Munch and others. The creators plan to add new masterpieces one every month.

Almost all owners of Apple smartphones use email on their iPhone. As with the video player, the pre-installed email client in iOS has a lot of shortcomings. Fortunately, it can be replaced with several applications. The best one is CloudMagic.

This email client has a simple and sleek design. Even those who open this application for the first time will easily figure out how to work with it. If you actively use the capabilities of Evernote, Trello, Pocket or other services, then this email client will significantly simplify your life.

Yandex maps

The most popular kratographic services on the Internet are Yandex and Google Maps. Which application to install on your iPhone is up to you. But in our country, the service from the main Runet search engine, Yandex, is more popular.

Using the Yandex.Maps application, you can not only find out how to get to the address you need, but also understand what is happening on the roads and how to avoid traffic jams. The application supports both driving and walking routes. Among other things, you can use Yandex.Maps even without an Internet connection.

Filmic Pro

Of course, we can't finish our review of ten essential iPhone apps without one that lets you make great videos. Apple developers pay special attention to the camera of this smartphone. But even the most powerful camera will not be able to help you take pictures without the proper software.

The Filmic Pro app allows you to make a high-quality movie on your iPhone. The only disadvantage of the application is its high price. Before installing this program, you will have to fork out 749 rubles. But, it's worth it.

The developers have provided this application with many goodies. Here you can select the effect you need, activate picture stabilization and the level of recorded sound, select the required frame rate, slo-mo and many other effects.

The interface of this application provides easy access to all controls. And thanks to synchronization with Dropbox, the captured video can be immediately sent to the cloud for further work with him.

Video. TOP 20 applications for iPhone! The best from the AppStore!

New flagship smartphones sold like hotcakes after the start of sales. In Russia, as well as in the world, gadgets also sold out in a matter of hours. And in Moscow GUM even before the opening of the Re:Store salon.

In Russia, sales started on September 23 on the websites of mobile retailers and mobile operators, and in the blink of an eye iPhone 7 found its buyers. In the first three days of sales of the new smartphone model from Apple, Russians spent over 2 billion rubles on the new product. Since the beginning of the crisis, such sales of Apple equipment in Russia have been recorded for the first time.

If you are one of the owners of the Apple Seven, we offer a selection of applications from Vestifinance that demonstrate in practice the capabilities of the new product from Apple.

NOISE – free

The 3D Touch function in the new smartphone recognizes the force of pressing the screen, allowing you to quickly perform all necessary actions. A new technology Taptic Engine allows you to receive haptic feedback in real time. With the new iOS, 3D Touch can be used in more ways than ever before. The NOISE app is an emulation of tactile touch musical instruments, similar to Haken Continuum.

A stereo system will help you evaluate the sound quality to the proper extent. Let us remind you that the iPhone 7 was the first Apple smartphone without a headphone audio jack. Headphones are now connected via the Lightning port.

By the way, the development company has a midi keyboard with rubber keys with five various types control over what happens to the sound. However, the price tag for such a device is quite considerable - about 75 thousand rubles.

The application provides all the same features, and the haptic feedback function will make the game process smoother. musical instrument closer to reality. For example, the user will feel the unevenness of the keys when pressing on the phone screen or sliding a finger in the same way as if he were playing the piano.

FiLMiC Pro – 749 rub.

FiLMiC Pro is an application for shooting mobile video in high quality. It was with the help of FiLMiC Pro that Sean Baker's film “Tangerine,” which was nominated for best picture at the Film Independent Awards, was shot. FiLMiC Pro takes full advantage of the iPhone 7 Plus' dual camera. The application has a smooth zoom, the speed of which can be set, the ability to shoot from the front camera and a camera with a wide-angle and telephoto lens, which can be adjusted manually.

The updated version of FiLMiC Pro will be able to analyze the image in real time, helping with sharpening and immediately redistributing colors. Featuring Wide Color Rendering, FiLMiC Pro turns your iPhone 7 into a powerful pocket video camera.

Adobe Lightroom Mobile - Free

Another application that demonstrates the benefits of the new camera is Adobe Lightroom. The Lightroom mobile app, powered by Adobe Photoshop, lets you edit your photos like a pro right on your smartphone and share them with others. It supports importing, editing and synchronizing photos in both JPEG and RAW formats. The camera inside the application now supports DNG format! DNG is an open RAW image format developed by Adobe. Provides maximum photo quality and advanced editing capabilities.

Oz: Broken Kingdom - Free

During the presentation of the iPhone, Cupertines often show some kind of mobile game that demonstrates the power of the new processor. Previously, Apple collaborated with Epic Games, which made the Infinity Blade series exclusively for iOS, but the trilogy ended.

This year, at the presentation of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, Oz: Broken Kingdom was demonstrated - a step-by-step role-playing game with your favorite Oz characters: the Woodcutter, the Lion, the Scarecrow and the new heroine Aphelia. The game is free and contains in-app purchases.

The game clearly demonstrates all the advantages of the iPhone 7: the new powerful A10 processor easily copes with processing textures and shaders. Retina display HD with wide color rendering delivers rich graphics and visual effects, while the Taptic Engine and new stereo speakers create a completely immersive experience.

CSR Racing 2 – free

The racing simulator CSR Racing 2 will delight gamers with breathtaking visuals and a realistic feeling thanks to real-time multiplayer. In the game you can build your own supercar and improve it specifications, customize every detail appearance and ride with friends or random players from all over the world. The car will have to be looked after as in real life, for example, before racing it is necessary to check the tire pressure.

The main feature of the game was its well-detailed 3D graphics. Many experts consider the game one of best examples quality mobile graphics. Of course for best quality You need a powerful smartphone, and Phone 7 fits that bill. Among the cars available in the game you can choose the well-known supercars Ferrari, McLaren, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Pagani, and Koenigsegg.

Deus Ex GO – 149 rub.

Square Enix has made it a good tradition to release mobile versions of its top games. At the same time, we slightly reworked the gameplay, taking turn-based puzzles as a basis. Deus Ex GO is also a turn-based puzzle game set in the Deus Ex universe.

Players take on the role of Agent Adam Jensen, the protagonist of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and this year's Mankind Divided. Users will have to use hacking and fighting skills, as well as mechanical modifications, to solve the proposed riddles. Gamers will have to penetrate protected objects, hack, fight and use augmentations in order to ultimately prevent a terrorist attack. In total, the game features more than 50 story missions and promises updates with a new puzzle every week.

TED is free

iPhone 7 has become protected from moisture, which means that you can now lie in the bathroom and enjoy... Lectures, of course! The TED app contains more than 2,000 TED talks on a variety of topics and subjects, from technology and science to amazing facts about internal psychology.

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