Proper education and training of a German Shepherd puppy. Training a German Shepherd: a complete overview of how and what to train. Video about training a German Shepherd

If you decide to get a dog, then you should pay attention to the German Shepherd breed. This is an intelligent and trainable dog, a loyal friend and an unwavering watchdog. This is a relatively recently developed breed in Germany in 1899. The breed has gained fame throughout the world.

The pet is an ideal dog. The breed has the following advantages:

During the Great Patriotic War A dog of this breed named Gilbert was nominated for a government award. She received a Military Meritorious Service Medal for finding more than 470 mines over the years.

Choosing a puppy

You need to choose a kitten at the age of 1 to 2 months. From early childhood, the dog gets used to a specific person. Before you buy a puppy, you need to ask about its health, find out about its parents and look at certificates and documents. If you do not plan to exhibit your pet at a canine exhibition, then a pedigree will not be needed. But in any case, before purchasing a dog, you need to carefully examine it and pay attention to its musculoskeletal system.

Boy or girl

Before choosing a pet, you need to clearly know what it is for. Is the dog necessary for an exhibition or just to guard the premises? Maybe the dog will become the basis of a new kennel? Where will the pet live - in a kennel outside or indoors? The answer to these questions determines where the dog was purchased, its pedigree and breed class.

For the family and at home, as a friend for a child, you can buy a dog through an advertisement, at the market or through a club. Perhaps the dog for these purposes will not come from eminent parents. A working, show or breeding dog must be purchased only from well-established kennels. It is very important to determine the gender of your future pet.

Who to choose - a boy or a girl:

When choosing from several puppies, many breeders rely on chance: whichever dog comes first is the one they buy. Puppies are separated from their mother at the age of 1.5 or 2 months. By this time, the kitten’s psyche is formed, and its character begins to emerge. Social bonds occur between young puppies. They learn to communicate and learn the laws of behavior in packs.

Exterior and health check

First of all, you need to find out how many dogs were born in the litter. A female pet cannot feed more than 10 full-fledged children. The offspring will not be healthy if the shepherd dog gives birth more than once in a year.

Rules of education and training

How to train correctly:

  1. Raising a shepherd puppy should be done in a playful way.
  2. The very first thing he must learn is his nickname. It's very easy to do. While feeding, the puppy should be called by name and petted.
  3. This must be done constantly. This is where education ends in one or two months.

How to raise a shepherd puppy at 3 months:

How to properly raise a German Shepherd puppy:

Parenting after 4 months

From this age, the puppy must be taught restraint and commands: sit, next to and lie down. How to raise a German Shepherd puppy - the answer is simple; after following a command, the dog should always be rewarded. The animal must be close to the person until the command “walk” is given. It is necessary to start training with a few seconds, gradually increasing the holding time.

At this age, your pet needs to be taught to overcome various small obstacles. It should be taken into account that the dog’s joints and bones have not yet become stronger. During a walk, you need to throw a stick aside and reward your pet when he brings it back. The desire to please the breeder is inherent in this breed by nature..

  1. The pet must be trained daily, devoting some time to this. This approach will soon pay off. The breeder will receive a submissive animal that will perfectly obey all commands.
  2. There is no need to put off training your pet until later. A dog, like a person, is best trained at a young age.
  3. Training should begin as soon as the pet is at home.

Duration of training

It is necessary to train a pet throughout its growing period, from its arrival in the house to the age of 12 months. In this case, the commands are perfectly absorbed, and the four-legged friend will follow them all his life.

How to raise a watchman:

  1. From about 4 or 5 months, the animal must be accustomed to a muzzle. You need to wear it for a short time, and you need to reward the dog for this.
  2. At the same age, the dog needs to be taught to guard. The shepherd has the qualities of an excellent guard in his blood.
  3. When training, you need to take into account one nuance: do not allow strangers to play with the dog.
  4. When a stranger enters your home, you should not allow him to pet your pet.
  5. The dog should always be wary of strangers.
  6. When meeting a guest, you need to sit the dog next to you. In this case, when the owner is not at home, the dog will not allow a stranger into the apartment.

By following these simple rules, you can raise an obedient and ideal dog. This breed has innate intelligence, so training a shepherd is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It takes a little effort to make the dog perfect.

Features of dog care

Proper care of your dog is the main condition for its health. In addition, caring for a pet is easy.

Care is as follows:

When a small puppy relieves himself indoors, there is no need to punish him too harshly. It is enough to scold him in a stern voice. Despite the fact that the pet chooses its owner as its leader, it is also friendly towards other family members. The pet gets along well with children and loves to play with them.

There is no need to prohibit the dog from communicating with the child. If training begins at an early age, then by the age of 12 months, without much effort, the breeder will receive an excellent service dog that will protect its owner and his family members in any situation and will guard the home in the absence of the owner. And most importantly, a person finds a devoted and reliable friend who will be by his side throughout his long dog life.

Difficulties of parenting

If a dog is ill-mannered, then it poses a danger to the people around it. From the first minutes the puppy is in the apartment, he needs to be shown who is boss. A dog that is dominant over the breeder shows aggression in case of protest, executes commands when it wants, rushes at visitors, passers-by, cats and other dogs, and can run away from the owner during a walk.

Shepherds are considered easy to train and intelligent. The main thing is to start training your dog on time. The pet must be given sufficient patience and attention. It is necessary to identify and apply for the benefit the inherent instincts, personal characteristics and instincts of the animal. German Shepherds have an innate instinct as a watchman and guard. If the pet is not raised correctly, then these qualities may appear excessively:

  1. The pet shows aggression when trying to approach the owner of any stranger.
  2. Excellent watchdogs are made from pets who have completed the full course of ZKS.

If training takes place at home, then you need to encourage the dog to be wary when strangers appear. She should not be allowed to play with strangers and take treats from them.

Attention, TODAY only!

The German Shepherd is one of the three smartest dog breeds. Some new owners, keeping this in mind, believe that training and raising a German Shepherd is in vain. They say that the genes themselves will do their job. And then they are surprised when the grown puppy flees in a situation that requires the pet to protect its owner. So do “Germans” need training and, if so, is it possible to achieve a good level of training at home?

Does a Shepherd Dog need training?

We've all encountered smart mongrels. And they will stand up for the owner, and they will always find their way home. And the owners of shepherd dogs have heard a lot about representatives of the breed, which no one seems to have raised, but they captivate with their intelligence. In fact, there are puppies that from a young age, from the first months, surprise with their mental abilities. Seems to be proof of the ability to ignore training?

However, behind this lies a certain set of genetic qualities, supported by a minimum of upbringing. The truth is that there are very few canine Einsteins. Therefore, training is mandatory - the dog has several tens of kilograms and tons of energy. Miss the moment, and you will end up with an uncontrollable animal. The question is not whether, but when and how to train a German Shepherd correctly.

Read and watch videos about training shepherds.

Getting ready for training

When to start training a puppy? You need to define the concepts. Training is the development of conditioned reflexes in dogs to human commands. However, it is preceded by raising the puppy from the first weeks and months. Yes, this is also the formation of the pet’s behavior, but in a broader sense, it is rather the socialization of the puppy.

Education is aimed at adapting the animal to life with humans. This is preparation for actual training.

When should you start foreplay? Yes, from the very beginning, as soon as the baby is in the house. By the way, you need to buy a pet from a very young age - at the age of 3 months, when the puppy has received the necessary vaccinations, so as not to miss the moment.

Education begins with building hierarchical relationships. It is very important to show the dog who is the boss. She lay down on the armchair - it was imperative, gently but strictly, to get her out of there. Gradually, the animal will develop agreement with your dominance.

When to start training

When to start the next stage - training course? Normal practice is from 1-2 months. After this, teaching your pet commands becomes more difficult. The video will help you develop general skills.

Training 2 month old puppies

It’s right to start learning with a game form. The course starts with developing a reflex to a nickname. Shepherd dogs learn their own name very easily. To accustom your puppy to its name, during feeding you should stroke it and call it by name several times. This needs to be done regularly. After some time, the dog will immediately respond to the name.

No need to try hard. Young pets are still too tender for the “academic” form of training. Training a German Shepherd begins with simple, “kindergarten” methods.

Training 4 month old puppies

A slightly older puppy - from 4 months - needs to be taught to approach the owner using the command “come to me”. Of course, an obedient dog should be rewarded with a treat. The dog will not always obey orders immediately. It would be right to wait for voluntary obedience. You cannot punish someone for ignoring a command at this age.

During this same period, when the animal is already relatively socialized and ready to receive orders, it should be accustomed to its place. Having chosen a certain corner in the house for your pet, you need to put bedding there. And then regularly bring the pet to her, commanding the “place” and rewarding him with a tasty treat. Very soon the puppy will recognize the litter as his “home”.

The only exception to the rule of no punishment from 4 months is teaching the “fu” command. If the dog plays pranks, you should give him a stern command and lightly spank him. Of course, in no case should you hit hard - this will not only not have a positive effect on learning, but will lead to cowardice.

It is not necessary to require the puppy to follow commands, but you need to pronounce them regularly during the process, then the connection between the word and a certain action will be imprinted in his mind.

At the first stage, you need to teach at home. And only after the baby learns to adequately respond to orders in a calm environment, you can move on to street training.

The “voice” command is not strictly necessary, but for a shepherd it can and should be recommended. You need to start it when the dog has learned the previous orders. It is better to teach in a quiet place, alternating home “training” with street ones. To teach, you need to devote “voice” 2-3 times a week, trying to practice for at least an hour. You can start with 30-40 minutes. The first step is to focus the puppy’s attention on barking during voluntary “audio accompaniment”.

Be careful not to overtire the animal - alternate new orders with familiar ones. Speak loudly and clearly. Strictly, but without getting annoyed. There is no need to take quantity, try to achieve the command the first time. For every positive dog response, treat, pet and praise.

Training after 4 months

When the pet has grown up and acquired the primary skills of adequately responding to the owner’s orders, you need to move on to the next stage. Training after 4 months includes training in commands:

  • lie;
  • sit;
  • walk;
  • near.

You already know how to approach training correctly. Treats are a must at this age. The command “walk” implies that the dog is near the owner at this time. She must sit or lie down until the “chief” commands. Start with a few seconds, gradually increasing the time and training endurance.

From the age of 4 months, the pet is taught to overcome obstacles. Small ones, of course. An important point: the animal’s body is not yet strong, so training is approached with extreme caution.

Don’t forget about the classic stick, that is, the “fetch” command. Fortunately, teaching a shepherd to fetch is not a problem. This breed has a desire to please its owner in its blood. This and other commands need to be practiced every day, then the result will appear very quickly. But when the pet is released and training begins after many months, the result is not at all pleasing.

What can a German Shepherd do?

  • The breed is distinguished by an excellent aptitude for training. On the one hand, a full training course is available in most cases only to dog handlers. On the other hand, even an untrained person can teach a pet basic skills. You already know how and when.
  • The Shepherd is an excellent watchdog. To protect the owner, provided she is raised, she does not need orders. She herself will react adequately.
  • Characterized by an excellent sense of smell. Military and special forces use these qualities of shepherds to their advantage.

The training course must be consistent. At home, this condition is more difficult to fulfill, but it is necessary. The second unshakable rule: the puppy must be raised strictly. Without being too harsh, but the dog must see a firm hand. The best option, of course, would be to turn to professionals, but you can also achieve obedience on your own.

The general principle is simple - no matter what month you start training, do not allow the dog to dominate you. It may seem simple, but even banal irritation from unimportant intermediate results is a defeat. This is exactly how your pet often perceives it, recording your reaction in its memory.

Regularity, strict adherence to the rules and an early start are the key to a smart, trained shepherd dog. It takes approximately one year to train a puppy regarding the commands described. In this case, the reflexes will be forever imprinted on the animal’s brain.

Every person has dreamed of having a four-legged friend and assistant since childhood. In order to raise and train such a reliable defender who will carry out all commands the first time, you need to work hard and put in a lot of effort.

If you decide to adopt a German Shepherd puppy, you need to think very carefully and consider all aspects of such care. Then it will be too late to be disappointed in such an act; it will no longer be possible to return a living, devoted creature back.

Proper training of a dog involves availability of free time for caring for, walking and exercising with animals. Cases often arise when the owner of a four-legged friend unsuccessfully tries to tear the animal away from an activity he likes and call him to him. Such unpleasant moments show that the German Shepherd was not trained correctly. A strong and proud dog walking next to the teacher’s foot and following all commands from the first order evokes admiring glances.

Important Training Issues

In kennel clubs you can go individual course of lessons with a German Shepherd. An experienced instructor will select the most appropriate course of study for him. Such training will be carried out according to all the rules and as a result the owner will receive an obedient and intelligent friend. It is not always possible to complete such a course of classes due to the high cost of individual training.

There is a type of training for Shepherd puppies in general groups. This type of training is suitable for a wide range of puppy owners. The instructor conducts mass training, and the owner of the house repeats and reinforces the techniques and skills shown.

There are some dog breeds that are difficult to train at home if the owner is inexperienced. But this does not apply to the German Shepherd breed. An experienced dog breeder can do without the help of a special instructor and raise a German puppy on his own.

How long will it take to train a German Shepherd?

German Shepherd training duration depends on several factors:

A pet of 5 months will learn much faster than an adult dog who is five or more years old. Establishing a trusting relationship between the shepherd puppy and the instructor is of great importance.

The normal training process for a standard program takes up to 5 months. To speed up the process, the owner reinforces the skills at home and on walks.

Is there some more puppy training program Shepherd dogs according to international standards, which involves the dog passing exams after specialized training. This includes training in professional defense and attack skills, training in techniques and ability for tracking work. Taking an obedience exam. These types of training involve experienced training professionals and the cost will be much higher than standard training.

Basic skills developed in a puppy during training:

  1. The puppy is able to determine and fix the position of the body in space and distinguishes between sides in the direction of movement.
  2. The pet can, on command, pick up and move objects over a distance or present them to the owner.
  3. Skills in using the sense of smell to search for objects, people and animals are consolidated.
  4. The puppy knows how to guard and defend territory, objects and people.

Self-training a puppy

You need to clearly understand that you can train a shepherd puppy only when it grows up and will reach the desired level physical and mental development. Until then, we can only talk about education. At the first stage, you cannot force the shepherd dog to act; the puppy must do everything according to his own desire.

Training involves strict and precise execution of the owner’s orders. In any case, they try to achieve full contact and mutual understanding between the pet and the owner.

Principles of interaction with a German Shepherd puppy

Getting used to and recognizing your nickname

To recognize the sounds of your name, the age at which the puppy appeared in your home does not play a role. Important from the first day call call him by name, reward him with treats if he responded correctly. If the shepherd dog has a very long name according to its passport, you should rip out its pet name, consisting of two syllables. Puppies remember these names the fastest.

Teaching the command “Come to me!”

To teach this necessary command there is two simple rules:

Execution of the command “Near!”

This is very difficult team at first for training a German Shepherd puppy. When the puppy runs around and gets tired, you need to take the leash with your left hand, and reward in the form of a treat with your left hand. Start walking with your left foot and try to stimulate the position of the puppy in which he should walk with the level of the treat. If you managed to take a few correct steps, give them a treat.

This needs to be done for several days, then move on to the phase when the incentive prize is not held in front of the puppy’s nose, but is shown from the pocket and given for correct walking at the owner’s left leg.

Accustoming to the command “Sit!”

This command is a continuation of training from the previous command. To do this, after the shepherd puppy passes next to your leg, show the pet a treat and order it to sit down. German Shepherds quickly learn this command. Further training is carried out without the “Near!” command. The puppy is called and given the command to sit. Perhaps he will sit down on his own, but if not, then you should show him the treat and repeat.

The best combination there will be training on the command “Sit down!” From the left side. To do this, when repeating the command, use bait to circle the puppy behind you and bring it to a place near your leg. After a short training, the German Shepherd will learn to accurately perform the proposed action.

Executing the command “Lie down!”

The teaching principle is the same - with a rewarding treat. Take the bait in your right hand, and place your left hand on the shepherd’s back between the shoulder blades and lower the rewarding piece to the ground, repeating the command. You cannot put pressure on the dog’s back, otherwise it will lose the desire to learn. When your German Shepherd lies down, wait a few seconds and give him the treat.

Don't forget to praise and gently reward your puppy for every action performed correctly. After some time, the shepherd will strictly follow the order, not only wanting to receive a treat, but also trying to please its owner.

Teaching the command “Stop!”

You can train a puppy to carry out this order using the same method as the previous command. Only the left hand should be brought from below the abdomen, and raise the treat in front of the puppy’s nose so that he wants to stand up. After the German Shepherd puppy has learned to carry out all the listed commands, you can achieve them in various combinations, for example, “Nearby! Sit!" or “Come to me! Near!".

The main enemy of education and training is inconsistency in training, loud attitude, and rudeness towards the puppy.

You cannot try to make all commands recognizable and executable in one day. Constancy and work They will turn the puppy into an obedient and smart friend. Don't try to end lessons with negativity, even if your shepherd hasn't achieved much. This will all come with time. This is the basic rule.

If you want a smart and trainable dog, a devoted friend and a reliable watchdog, then you should pay attention to the German Shepherd. This relatively young breed, bred in 1899 in Germany, has long gained popularity throughout the world.

What is it that attracts people so much to this breed? The thing is that this is an almost perfect dog. Judge for yourself, it has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Excellent aptitude for training. A German Shepherd can be trained even by a person who I've never done this before. You just need to read about how to do it correctly.
  • The dog has a natural intelligence, easily understands commands and is able to make her own decisions.
  • The German Shepherd is an excellent watchdog. To protect the owner, she does not need any commands, she she herself feels the danger threatening him. A dog will never let a stranger into the house if the owner is not nearby. She has a natural wariness towards strangers.

During the Great Patriotic War, a German shepherd named Dzhulbars was given a government award. She was awarded the Combat Meritorious Service Medal for helping to recover 468 mines during her years of service.

Choosing a puppy

It is necessary to choose a German Shepherd puppy at the age of 1-2 months, since this dog gets used to a specific person from infancy. Naturally, you need to inquire about the health of the pet, find out about the parents, look at documents and certificates.

However, if you do not plan to exhibit the dog at canine exhibitions, a pedigree is not particularly needed, but, in any case, the puppy must be carefully examined, and attention should be paid to its musculoskeletal system.

The Samoyed is a gentle and friendly dog ​​with a good character. She makes an excellent companion and family member. Find out more in our article.

According to American studies, this breed ranks 4th among 133 breeds in terms of intelligence. Read ours and see for yourself.


1-2 months

The puppy has been training since infancy, but he is training in a playful way. The first thing he must learn is his nickname. This is done very simply. While feeding, you need to pet the puppy and call him by name several times. And do this constantly.

2-4 months

When the dog is a little older, at the age of 2-4 months he is taught approach the owner. Commanding " to me“It is necessary to keep a treat ready with which to reward him. At this age, you cannot punish a puppy for not following a command. It's better to wait until he completes it.

At the same age the dog accustom to place. You need to allocate a specific place for the puppy where he will sleep and put bedding there. When transferring it to this place, you need to repeat the command “ place"and give a treat. Soon the fluffy will go to his bedding on his own, as a connection between it and the treat will be established in his brain.

At the same time, the puppy is taught to obey the command “ ugh" or " it is forbidden" If he does something unwanted, then you should give this command in a stern voice and lightly spank the dog.

Under no circumstances should you hit your dog too hard, as this can lead to the development of cowardice.

When the puppy learns to perform all these commands at home, in a calm and familiar environment, the training should continue. while walking. Particular attention should be paid to the team " to me».

At the same age you should think about. For a working breed this may be mandatory.

After 4 months

From 4 months of age, the pet begins to be trained endurance.

These are the commands: " near», sit" And " lie" And training always lies in mandatory encouragement after the command is executed. The puppy should be in a position nearby, sitting or lying, until the owner gives him the command “ take a walk».

You should start with a few seconds, gradually increasing the exposure time.

Also at this age you need to learn overcome various small obstacles. But you should take into account that the puppy’s joints and bones are not yet strong.

When walking, throw a stick aside and reward your puppy when he brings it to you. The desire to please the owner is inherent in this breed by nature.

The best way to train your pet is daily, devoting a certain amount of time to this. This approach will pay off in that you will get an obedient animal that will perfectly follow all your commands.

You should never put off training your dog until later. A dog, like a person, learns best at a young age. Therefore, start training as soon as the puppy comes into your home.

How long to continue training

A German Shepherd puppy should be trained throughout its growing period, that is, until 10-12 months of age. In this case, the commands will be firmly internalized, and the four-legged friend will follow them throughout his life.

Raising a Watchman

From about six months of age, puppy muzzle trained, putting it on for a short time at first and rewarding the dog for it. Then, after six months, the dog needs to be accustomed to security.

The German Shepherd has the natural qualities of a good guard, you just need Don't let strangers play with your dog. When a guest comes to your apartment or house, you should not allow him to pet the dog. He must always be wary of strangers. When meeting a guest, place your pet next to you. In this case, when you are not around, he will never let a stranger into the yard or apartment.

That's all the simple rules that are not difficult to follow. As already mentioned, the German Shepherd is a naturally intelligent and obedient dog. You just need to put in a little effort to get the perfect dog.

Puppy training video

Developing general obedience skills

German Shepherd training - playlist

Training a puppy to stand and lie down

Caring for a German Shepherd

Maintenance is also easy. It is as follows:

  • In infancy, it is necessary to do everything necessary vaccinations.
  • A dog must always eat at a specified place and time. A puppy can be treated 3 times a day, an adult dog – 2 times a day. In the morning and in the evening.
  • It is necessary to keep the dog's bedding clean and clean. bathe periodically using laundry soap or special shampoo. You must teach your puppy to bathe very carefully so as not to scare him. It is necessary to prevent water and soap from getting into the eyes and mouth of the animal.
  • For hygiene reasons, it is necessary to periodically brush the dog with a special brush.

When a small puppy relieves himself at home, you should not punish him too harshly. A light slap is enough. If you directly catch the dog doing this, you can poke his muzzle into the puddle. But you shouldn't do this after you discover it. The puppy simply will not understand why he is being punished.

Despite the fact that the dog chooses its owner as its leader, it is also very friendly towards other family members. The German Shepherd loves to play with children if there are any in the house. She should not be prevented from doing this.

If you start training early, then by the age of 10-12 months, without much effort, you will get an excellent service dog that will protect its owner and his family members in any situation. Will guard the house in your absence. And most importantly, you will find a reliable and devoted friend who will be with you throughout his long dog life.

Do you know when and how to properly train a German Shepherd? In this article we will tell you about the basic rules for raising a pet. Distinctive natural qualities must be constantly developed so that your dog becomes more and more resilient to all kinds of living conditions and does not lose its physical shape.

The requirements for training Germans for various types of services are very high, so a dog can be used for its intended purpose only when the appropriate special actions have been completed. It is during training that it becomes clear what features and properties the pet has. There is an opportunity to correct deficiencies and develop physical aspects. There is a great chance to teach your dog the basics of discipline. Follow the instructions below carefully and you will be able to raise an excellent and loyal friend.

Early training is an integral part of your life with your shepherd. During training, it is possible to correct the feature that, in your opinion, is least developed or, conversely, this quality should not exist. By influencing the dog's behavior, over time you can easily control its psychological and physical characteristics, encouraging your pet to do this or that action with your commands. If a German is not trained, then all his actions can be explained only by the natural needs of the body and the influence of the environment.

The difficult process of training requires not only many years of experience, but also a professional approach. It is necessary to know the structure of the nervous system and its main functions. The response to external and internal stimuli is considered a reflex. Thanks to this reaction, the dog joins the outside world. By complicating and developing this effect through training, you can teach the shepherd to perform complex actions so that it can easily navigate in any conditions.

Reflexes are divided into two main groups:

  • unconditional;
  • conditional.

Unconditioned reflexes

This innate reaction manifests itself in every dog ​​and is inherited. Certain patterns are characterized by constant accuracy, helping the purebred German to adapt and survive in the world around him. These reflexes are divided into several subgroups.

The defensive reflex is self-defense, which, in turn, exists in two types: passive and active.

The food reflex begins to appear from the very birth of the puppy, representing the need for food. It is this reaction that is primarily used in training.

The sexual reflex is often a reproductive instinct that suppresses other instincts.

The orienting reflex is a reaction to something new.

These reactions are the basis of unconditioned reflexes; in addition to them, there are a number of others: imitative, pack, guard, dominance reflex, maternal instinct and others, the importance of which is obvious in the life of a shepherd dog.

A certain individual instinct may predominate to a greater extent, which is of great importance for training. For example, an “evil” dog is most suitable for guard duty, that is, it has a particularly pronounced active-defensive reaction.

Conditioned reflexes

The dog acquires these reactions to various changes throughout its life. Thanks to competent training, you can develop the fulfillment of the conditions you need. There are natural and artificial individual reflexes. The first group includes the development of a reaction due to natural stimuli, such as the smell of food. These reflexes quickly and for a long time remain in the characteristic features of the shepherd dog. Artificial reactions can be taught to a pet, which is education.

Do not forget that as you develop a particular skill through training, it is necessary not only to continuously consolidate the acquired properties, but also to constantly improve them.

An acquired conditioned reflex may disappear if the animal loses interest in it. Let's say you teach a shepherd the command “Near!”, for which you stimulate it with some kind of treat. The dog already willingly carries out this order, walking as expected, along with you. Stop rewarding your pet and he will gradually stop following this command.

Let's tell you more about how to train a German Shepherd.

Basic Concepts

Any conscientious and experienced owner of a purebred dog should understand that there is a huge difference between raising and teaching commands. Training a German Shepherd puppy should begin only when the baby reaches a certain age and becomes physically and psychologically stronger. You cannot force a puppy to do anything. The baby does not yet understand mechanical unquestioning commands; they can frighten him. What should not be allowed, because in order to establish excellent contact next to you in the future, the puppy must understand you, and not be afraid. Let your pet calmly participate in various activities of your family.

A logical question arises: when and at what age should you start training a puppy? One and a half, two months is the optimal time for an introductory training course: and you can go out into the fresh air. It is necessary to start training before eating, because a treat will serve as an incentive to follow the command. When learning this way brings joy to your child, you get quick results. In the first months, training mainly consists of various outdoor games next to you, which should delight the puppy.

General training should begin at the age of six months. It is best to seek advice from an experienced dog trainer for individual training. After all, this requires not only time, but also certain knowledge. Even a few lessons with a specialist will already yield results - you will understand where and when to start training your purebred German correctly.

Any dog ​​trainer will tell you that the first training should begin at one to two months; during this period the puppy is most receptive to a large amount of information. Until vaccination is done and there is no possibility of going for a walk, you can already start light training at home.

First lessons

In order for the training of simple command courses to proceed correctly, it is necessary to fulfill several basic criteria at home.

First, be sure to be patient with your puppy so that strong trust can develop between you. Otherwise, you risk raising an angry dog. As soon as you can achieve this, without screaming and hysterics, then feel free to accustom your pet to his first command: “Come to me!” Having heard her, he should immediately be nearby.

Secondly, for every precise execution of any command, be sure to reward your pet with some kind of treat. A small piece of cheese or raw potato will do. In rare cases, you can give some cookies, but do not go overboard with sweets.

Third, choose the right time to execute commands. Morning or evening hours are perfect for this purpose. In other cases, the puppy may appear hungry or want to sleep.

Fourthly, it is necessary every time, immediately before the lesson itself, to calmly say the command “Practice!” so that the child can tune in to learning.

As you can see, you can teach the basics of training at home.

Purebred shepherds are too temperamental animals, so it is worth stocking up on perseverance and perseverance in order to fully follow the commands. In principle, you can start training your pet regularly at four months, although if you wish, you can teach an adult German the necessary tasks.

Let's take a closer look at which teams and when to train a thoroughbred German.

Time for training

The German Shepherd is a versatile dog with many features. Possessing high intelligence, this animal is capable of many things: possessing protective and security functions, an excellent sense of smell and clear hearing, excellent endurance and physical strength. The correct approach to training depends, naturally, on the individual characteristics of the German. The most important thing is to let the dog know who is boss in the house, so that he can strictly give commands and be sure of unquestioning obedience.

A shepherd dog has certain moments in its life when it is clearly necessary to know what exactly to do. Let us note several main periods:

Two or three months is the time when the dog adapts to its immediate environment. This is the right time to teach commands such as “sit”, “lie down”, “come”. From two months to 11 weeks, the puppy is extremely emotional, be affectionate and friendly.

By four months, the shepherd dog should know its owner and follow the following commands: “stand”, “near”.

A puppy becomes a teenager at six months. Be extremely careful at this stage - the pet becomes uncontrollable, showing its character. Show a little toughness to assert your authority.

After six to eight months, you will understand what characteristic features the shepherd dog has. When you decide what exactly you want to teach the dog and what to remove from its character, feel free to begin a general training course, preferably under the supervision of an experienced dog handler or taking into account the recommendations of our “Training” section, which discusses the features of teaching various commands.

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