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All young mothers and fathers understand well that registering their baby with the state kindergarten not at all easy. There are many children, but there are a limited number of vacant places. And, despite the fact that people are accustomed to solving issues as they arise, it is necessary to take care of the kindergarten in advance. In this regard, practically in the first month of a child’s life, parents need to be puzzled by the issue of collecting documents for registration in a kindergarten, and in the future they should be able to check the queue for kindergarten through State Services.

What opportunities are there to register for kindergarten?

  1. Fill out an application on the State Services website and join the queue for kindergarten via the Internet;
  2. Also using the Internet on the website of your city administration;
  3. When visiting a branch of the Federal Migration Service in person, you have the opportunity to fill out and sign a real application in the presence of a service employee.

Important! Each application is assigned a number that must be saved, since this is what you will later use to check the queue for kindergarten.

Now there is an opportunity at any time free time track the queue to your kindergarten.

How can I check my place in the queue?

There are several options here:

How can I find out my current position in the queue for kindergarten through the State Services website?

To receive the necessary services on the State Services website, you must be registered on the portal. If you initially filled out an application through the portal, then all that remains is to log in to the site using the login and password that were specified during registration .

Accordingly, if you already have an account, then you can find out the kindergarten queue number using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account using your login (mobile and e-mail) and password.
  2. Select “Service Catalog” from the menu list.
  3. Inside, select the “Family and Children” subsection.
  4. In the “Family and Children” section, choose from the popular “Kindergarten Registration” services.
  5. Next - “Checking the status of the application.”
  6. Next, click on the blue “Check Application” button.

After the few minutes required to process the request, you will see information about the status of your application and find out the queue number for the kindergartens that you indicated when submitting your application.

In what order are applications placed in the queue?

Parents' applications are placed in lists relative to the submission date on which the preschooler was placed on the waiting list. This includes taking into account the age of the children. That is, children of the same age are placed in line in accordance with the date on which parents submitted applications for kindergarten. It is important to note that we are talking about children who enter kindergartens without any benefits. Accordingly, the number in the queue also shows the number of children of a similar age who are also waiting for a place and will get it before you.

How are children distributed among kindergartens?

Children are automatically assigned to kindergartens. The database sorts applications based on the following information:

  • application system number;
  • in accordance with the category of the future visitor to the preschool institution: this can be a general or preferential category, it is also divided in accordance with the level of benefits and the date of application;
  • according to the age of the children: in groups, applications are arranged strictly by number and taking into account privileges;
  • regarding the selected gardens (if there are no places, the system will give priority to the nearby ones, and then to the more distant gardens).

Consequently, the system makes decisions about the selection of children of different birth dates in each kindergarten regarding benefits and places on the list.

As a rule, the distribution of children is carried out in the summer, usually in June, but you can also get a place in any quarter, since replenishment occurs if places become available.

It is worth noting that the queue may move, as some parents change their plans and do not send their children to kindergarten, choose paid institutions, decide to use the services of a nanny, or get a place in a kindergarten to which they do not want to send their children.

In accordance with the above, the lists are adjusted and groups are added.

Why does the shift occur?

The data on the portal is updated periodically, and one day you will find that you have sharply moved up several places in the list or, on the contrary, moved lower. For what reason could this happen?

You can be higher in the queue in the following cases:

  • the child who was higher in the line left it because the family moved. Either the parents changed their minds about sending their child to kindergarten or decided to go in another year;
  • if the beneficiary who was in front of you suddenly lost the benefit and got into the queue for a place on the date of his application, and it turned out to be later than the date of your application;
  • if the list includes refuseniks or those who do not want to go to the proposed garden.

You can slide down the queue if:

  • a new beneficiary has appeared in front of you;
  • “transferrs” have been added to the list (those who transferred to your garden from another, but their application date is earlier than yours).

Please note that it is really worth checking the website regularly for the availability of your application and its status. Unfortunately, there are cases of applications missing from the portal.

Therefore, try to control the queue after completing your application. If the application disappears from the system, you may need to contact your city's Education Committee in person or by phone, and then to the staffing commission to clarify whether your child is on the list. Most likely, a technical glitch did not affect the number in the queue, but it is better to make sure for your own peace of mind.

For many citizens, receiving housing from the state is the only chance to get closer to the goal of living separately, which is why it is so important to follow the process.

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An important question is how to check the queue number for housing. Citizens from needy social categories can get on the waiting list for housing.

But everything depends on the country’s budget and individual regional housing opportunities, so even a participant in one of the social programs has to wait a very long time for his turn.

When registering, a young family is determined in general queue, but few people know how to check the receipt process and find out their queue number.

Let's try to understand this issue and explain what verification methods exist today.

Initial information

The problem of housing affordability has always been a pressing issue for the majority of Russian citizens.

Many young families and other categories are forced to live with their parents or have insufficiently good living conditions.

Some of them are switching to rented apartments, but prices for rental housing only aggravate their financial situation and delay the opportunity to acquire their own personal space.

In turn, the state is trying to solve this problem by offering citizens to receive assistance and become a participant in the state program for purchasing housing.

Many of them are aimed at privileged categories of the population. This list includes seriously ill citizens who require separation from the healthy part of the population, large families living in poor conditions with insufficient living space, and many others.

Young families are also eligible to participate in some programs that allow them to purchase housing on more favorable terms.

Basic Concepts

Young people are the most vulnerable to the problem of beginnings, since after receiving a diploma, few people manage to get a well-paid job due to lack of experience.

In addition, at this age families are being built, children are born, and this only adds hassle and requires significant costs.

In this situation, it is unrealistic to rely only on one’s own strength, and the state has the “Affordable Housing for Youth” program, which allows you to purchase your own housing.

Among the applicants who have applied for participation, the queue to receive assistance under such a program provides the opportunity to purchase residential premises using an interest-free mortgage.

Based on the trend in the selection of applicants, the priority of choosing a family depends on the following factors:

  • date of registration of applicants;
  • a significant role is given to the number of children in the family, as well as to parents or single pupils with a disabled child;
  • if the family has other housing subsidies and the right to improved living conditions;
  • the size of the living space that falls on each family member and their norm is taken into account;
  • type of housing: dormitory, communal apartment, hotel type or separate.

With the help of the state, if a family is given the right to exercise, they are provided with a loan and a sales contract, but the apartment is considered city property.

When purchasing an object, the characteristics of the candidates are taken into account, depending on the composition of the family, and taking into account the square footage for each family member.

The process is carried out on the basis of verification of the borrower by the credit institution that supports the program and does not guarantee the issuance of a home loan.

And many have already taken advantage of this and were satisfied. Although many citizens prefer to resolve such issues only through personal efforts, and are skeptical about this type of help.

Despite this, the number of applicants is only growing, and the period of assistance has also been extended until 2019. As the authorities say, most likely this is not the final deadline, and if there is a budget available, everyone in need should not be left without help.

You can get both secondary housing and new construction, and the candidate has the right to independently decide how he will receive housing:

In themselves, both options are attractive, but not everyone has the opportunity to give 30% of the capital at once, and the queue for the payment of subsidies practically does not move.

However, in terms of the number of applications, the majority prefer payments rather than lending.

But this is not the entire list, and the state has other smaller programs, for example, a resettlement program that allows you to privatize communal property or obtain permission for redevelopment so that housing becomes separate.

For more detailed information, please contact the city administration at your place of residence.

Who has the right to register

The following categories of the population can participate in this program:

  1. Single people who do not have their own home, aged 18-35 years. Such persons must be registered and need housing in accordance with a social tenancy agreement or qualify for improved housing conditions.
  2. Young families in need of improving their living conditions, if one of the spouses is registered as such, has small children, and creates a need. The age threshold also matters and to be eligible, one spouse must be under 35 years of age at the time of application.
  3. Applicants may be spouses of single-parent families with small children and recognized as in need of improved housing conditions. The candidate's age can also be no more than 35 years.

An important point for passing is the condition of registration in the city of one of the parents. Large families with 3 or more children, as well as in the case of the birth of twins or adoption, have the greatest advantage in the queue.

There are also additional benefits for some candidates. If the family has many children or has a disabled child, 30% of the total loan amount is immediately written off. Families can use maternity capital or part of it by paying part of the mortgage.

The legislative framework

This issue is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Law of St. Petersburg No. 315-45 provides special program“Youth – affordable housing”;
  • Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 1539, according to which the above program began its implementation;
  • State program of the city of Moscow “Housing” for 2012-2018, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 27, 2011 No. 454-PP.

How to find out the waiting list for housing

After completing the paperwork, many participants, after a certain time, begin to wonder how soon their time will come to receive the desired housing. You can apply for the housing program.

This can be done by visiting the city administration, depending on your city of residence. There are online services that allow you to get the necessary information without even leaving your home.

Number identification methods (in Moscow, St. Petersburg)

There are the following ways to determine a housing number:

  • check the number with the administration. The housing department of the administration of your area should provide such data upon first request;
  • write a written request. It must be prepared in two copies, one of them will remain with you, the other will be analyzed in the housing department;
  • you can send a request to advance the queue by registered mail with return receipt requested;
  • through online services. Electronic databases have now been created that contain complete data about the serial number in the queue.


You can check the list of affordable housing for Youth using the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the city administration website or the State Services portal.

To verify, a citizen does not need to indicate or know his number, since the program will pull up his data immediately after logging into the system.

To do this, write in the search engine “Government services check queue number.” It is important to be a registered user, and if you do not register, you can do it in 5 minutes.

The city administration website can also provide such information. To do this, go to the website, enter the necessary passport data and a request for the provision of public services.

  • by mail;
  • Online;
  • personally;
  • through a trusted person.

After this, the request will be considered, and the result will come in a way convenient for you. It's important to say that this request is a free service.

Sometimes, this method is the most convenient, since regular tracking must be done by each participant so as not to miss a chance.

But if you find it difficult to do this yourself, you can apply for verification in person or by letter.

Sending petitions to local administration

This method, although longer, is suitable for every citizen, since online services are not always in working order and are intended only for citizens of large cities.

To obtain information, a citizen must fill out an application with a request to send the current serial number.

This can be done using a letter, although this procedure is done when making a request to the housing fund, and you can contact the city administration in person, during citizens’ office hours. To do this, you will need to take your passport and documents on hand.

Features of obtaining an apartment for an orphan

Orphans are also given the right to receive housing, and this moment may come after the end of their stay in government institutions for such children.

Access to housing is possible if the child does not have a place to live. To obtain housing, you must contact the housing fund and write an application.

If an orphan is undergoing training, is in military service or in some other place, he can apply after completing his affairs, and his right will remain with him until he actually receives or acquires it.

This issue can be dealt with by a guardian, and in case of refusal to obtain housing, it is necessary to seek advice from a lawyer.

In order to solve such a painful issue for most Russians regarding the purchase of their own housing, state level There are several social programs that are focused specifically on improving living conditions for low-income citizens. Since legally every person has the right to housing, and it is very difficult to realize it without financial assistance from outside, you can take advantage of special benefits and get on the waiting list to. This is done subject to the following conditions:

  • Official confirmation of the status of a low-income person;
  • Lack of own housing or living in premises that are unsuitable.

If these requirements are met, the provision of state assistance is formalized by appropriately contacting the local administration or other responsible institution, after preparing a number of requested documents.

Each person registered is assigned an initial number, which will change as the queue progresses. Therefore, each participant in the social program needs to periodically monitor the progress of the lists.

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View information

In order not to miss your rightful turn for housing, you need to regularly find out your turn on the list. You can view it and find out the necessary information in several ways:

As can be seen from the above, there is no difficulty in obtaining the necessary data and finding out your current serial number in or other housing. There are also no restrictions on request frequency. However, it is worth remembering that not all of the answer options presented will have legal force if you suddenly need to transfer the information received to any authority or organization. Finding out your apartment number via the Internet is the easiest and most convenient way, but such data is for informational purposes only.

How is the promotion going?

There is no regulated clear procedure for promoting lists for receiving real estate from the state, however, there are some legislative rules that affect the waiting time. Thus, there are some categories of persons who have a priority right to receive square meters. These include orphans, chronically ill citizens, living with whom poses a danger to others, as well as persons whose residential property is officially recognized as unsafe and subject to demolition. Due to the fact that there are not so few such citizens, for the rest of those in need, progress along the list may not only be slow, but also move down.

However, the speed of issuing social real estate in each separate region And locality different. It depends on the size of the population, economic condition, local budget and awareness of responsible employees. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the provision of apartments is extremely slow. There is virtually no budgetary construction, so quite often you can exercise your right only when, for some reason, social housing is vacated and not built.

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