Runes for love: becoming a love spell to remove barriers to reunification. Rune of love: individual runes and runic staves for love magic Runes staves love

Our world consists of matter, which is thinking energy. This is what the magical picture of the world looks like. If any energy is missing, it can be attracted using magical runic formulas. Betting on sex is precisely designed to make up for the lack of love energy in your life. How to apply magic formulas, what runes should they be composed of?

What runes are used to compose love formulas? It depends on the specific situation that needs to be addressed.

a) Formula that enhances mutual understanding:

b) To attract love:

c) Formula for sexual contact:

  • - - or - -

d) Formula of love enslavement:

  • — — — —

e) Magical love affair:

f) The following ligature is suitable for inciting passion:

Important! To seal the runic love letter, use the seal of the goddess of love Freya: -Ingvaz.

Where to draw them?

So, the formula of love has been found - now you need to draw it somewhere. Where? There are several options for this:

  • on your body;
  • in your photograph;
  • there are men in the photograph;
  • in a photo of you together;
  • on a sheet of paper with the man's first and last name.

The algorithm of actions should be aimed at results. If you need to enhance your attractiveness, we draw runes on your body or your photograph. If you need to influence a man, we draw runes on his photograph. If it is necessary to achieve reciprocity, we draw runes on a joint photo. If there is no photograph, we put the script on a sheet of paper with the initials written down.

How to activate ligature?

In order for the runic formula to begin to work to change the situation, it is necessary to breathe life into it. Activation of ligature (stava) is the expression of your intention in words. That is, you give the direction of movement to each rune. Your actions:

  • we write standing, thinking about the man all the time;
  • while writing a sign, we sing it out loud (sing:);
  • before starting the ritual, light a red candle;
  • Once again we pronounce the names of the runes out loud, then make up a spell (slip).

What is a reservation? This is the task for the staff that he must solve. The clause can be drawn up in poetic form (visa) or in simple words. For example, a love connection - -Feu:

“I direct the energy of the Isa rune so that it freezes the will of Andrei (Igor/Dima). Let the Isa rune stop his self-will so that he submits to my will. I direct the energy of the Naut rune to break all past relationships of Andrey (Igor/Dima), so that he does not remember them. I direct the energy of the Fegu rune to strengthen our connection. Let it be so!"

You can come up with your own clause for this stav, suitable for your situation. After this, you should blow on it three times: breathing revives the action of the runes. Some active girls draw signs with their own blood, but this is not necessary.

What to do next?

What to do with the rune stave when the wish comes true? An indispensable condition: the formula must be destroyed so that it doesn’t work reverse action. When the goal is successful, erase the written marks. If it is not possible to erase, you should burn the paper (photo) with the rune stav. In this case, you should thank the runes from the heart for their help.

Why can't you just forget about the formula and leave it in the photo? Because the movement of energy will go in the opposite direction, towards destruction. You must accurately indicate the period for the implementation of the bet, after which its validity ceases.

What to do if it is created for long-term action? Then you should periodically “revive” the formula with your breath and trace the written signs with your finger. How long does it take to update the status? Approximately every two months. After long-term use, it is better to burn it on wood or stone, but it is not necessary.

It so happened in the country that for every married lady there are, unfortunately, 2-3 single ones. However, every woman wants love and affection. What to do? Break other people's families or completely let things take their course?

There is another solution - you can try to attract this very love into life. There are many ways to do this: love spells, various magical rituals, runes to attract love. The use of the latter is available to almost any woman. There is no need to tear out the hair of the object of love, sit for a long time in the lotus position or hanging men's underwear on the chandelier around the house. To use this method, it is enough to draw ancient signs, and the “prince” will not keep you waiting long.

Runes are in no way connected with a love spell, since in this case there is no creation of attachment to a specific person. A search request is simply sent here ideal partner or maintaining a real relationship. However, such a request must be formulated quite carefully, being wary of ambiguous wording. In other words, if the goal is marriage, then it is worth asking for a partner for marriage; when a sponsor is required, the request should be about him. Under no circumstances should you say “I want love,” since such a request is usually not fulfilled the way you want, and not in the best way. For example, love will be without reciprocity, or will become a sizzling passion that will last for a very long time. This is why you should formulate your request specifically. In this case, such a request is made even before the ritual is carried out, since in the process of applying runes it is not necessary to read all the parameters: the image must be formed in the subconscious. However, there is no need to overload it too much by setting certain parameters appearance or meeting places. This will only slow down the whole process. It is important to understand and believe that runes can really ensure a meeting with exactly the right person.

Any bet on love can only be used for yourself. If signs are applied to a photo of a specific person, this is already called a love spell, which is carried out according to completely different rules. Runes can be applied with a red felt-tip pen to the body in the area of ​​Svadhisthana (just below the navel). In addition, a special amulet that you should always carry with you is perfect. To make such an amulet, some natural material is used. Some people do embroidery on a scarf with silk, linen or cotton threads. However, you should not use live tree branches. In addition, there is an opinion that it is better to apply runes on rose quartz, since this stone has long been considered ideal for the family. However, in reality, the main influence is exerted by the runes themselves, while the material of the amulet plays only an additional role. To charge the talisman, 5 basic elements and a vis are used. In other words, the amulet is held 3 times over a lit candle, then over smoke, after which it is sprinkled with water and sprinkled with earth. At the end you need to blow on it. Visa is a hex called a hex, during the reading of which an appeal to the Scandinavian gods occurs. You need to compose it yourself, and it is not at all necessary to use a poetic form. Words must come from a pure heart.

There are many different bets on a man’s love, but they all have their own impact. The runes are composed from the bottom up, otherwise something will interfere with development.

The rune of love affairs helps to maintain relationships or conquer a person. You need to contact Freya.

The “flame of love” rune is suitable for igniting violent passion. Appeal also to Freya.

To find love, they use the runes of passion, marriage and control of chance. Visa in this case is written to Frigg.

To attract great love, you also need to turn to the goddess Freya.

More detailed description Such rituals can always be found in specialized sources.

Runes were used by many peoples, including the Slavs. However, the most important thing in this process is to have true faith that they will really help you find true love.

The rune of love is a magical tool that will quickly change your personal life for the better. not only helps attract worthy candidates for the role of life partner, but also improves relationships in which there are problems.

Here is a list of runes that are effective for attracting love and relationships:

  • – grants equal partnerships in which each partner is equally invested. This symbol helps to attract into your life the person with whom you will perfectly complement each other and form a truly harmonious relationship. Mutual understanding, mutual assistance and support are the main meaning.
  • helps family people solve problems in relationships - from minor to the most serious. In addition to helping in love affairs, it attracts material well-being and prosperity to the family. Makes the union harmonious, helps to set common goals and achieve them.
  • and represent the masculine and feminine principles, respectively. Use them and you will become incredibly attractive to the opposite sex. Suitable for singles - helping to meet their other half. But they will not be able to bring harmony into existing relationships - for this you need to choose other symbols.
  • Runes that are very bright in their meaning or are the patrons of lovers. They help to ignite passion in relationships, making them more intense and emotional. They work best as part of runic formulas.

There are a lot of options for using love runes - from making talismans, amulets and amulets to applying tattoos to the body. You can also engrave runes on jewelry or embroider signs on clothes.

Runograms to attract love

The runes of love themselves are effective. But their effect will increase many times over if you learn how to make the right runic combinations. In them, the runes complement and enhance each other’s effects.

Important: you should draw up individual runograms “for yourself” as consciously as possible. This is practically mathematics: you need to turn on your intellect and think about which properties of the runes are combined with each other, and which are opposite and different.

Therefore, first understand the properties of each rune, find out the symbols as fully and in detail as possible, and only then start creating combinations.

If you are afraid of not guessing correctly, use ready-made runic formulas:

  1. The female formula helps single girls meet a man who will suit them in all respects. Before using the runogram, decide which partner you would like to see in front of you, imagine him clearly.
  2. Similar formula - -

Why do wishes made in... work so powerfully, accurately and quickly? New Year's Eve? Why do good, bright wishes expressed on New Year's holidays, even the most incredible ones, come true?
I present my version of the theory of New Year's energy.So I won’t argue with anyone about this. If you want, take note; if you don’t want, draw your own patterns.
In addition to our witchcraft holidays, there is another period in the year when there is a breakdown of energy, or excitement, whatever you want. This is exactly the period from the onset of the New Year to January 14 - the old new year. All this time, crazy waves of energy were initiated not by natural forces, but purelyhuman factor, namelyhuman emotions. And the quality of this energy is very specific.
IN New Year the vast majority of people are in the mood for a joyful, kind, extraordinary fairy tale. And this inner expectation of a miracleevokes an unambiguous and very favorable psycho-emotional mood. E The energy of our world simply rings from the power of human emotions, which sound on the same wavelength, merge into a powerful stream and resonate, which makes them even stronger.
Therefore, it is during the period from January 1 to January 14 that you can and need work with the magic of desire th . Moreover, this power flow has its maximum from 12 to 1 am on January 1st. Until January 7 inclusive, the flow weakens, although it has a fairly high level; on the evening of 6, Christmas Eve, and January 7, Christmas Day, there is a new surge of Power. When people celebrate the birthday of Christ and congratulate each other. The energy of good wishes and joy is in the air. And until 14 it gradually decreases. 14 another small splash, and then the energy background returns to its normal course.

Meditation Change

Target: Remove restrictions that prevent you from influencing the world. Convince your Consciousness that making changes is a natural ability given from birth.
Technique:We change the emphasis of any everyday action.
Example 1: We move the cup from one end of the table to the other, while saying to ourselves that we are making a change - we are moving an object in space.
Example 2: As we wash the dishes and wash each plate, we say that we are making a change - changing the quality of the item, cleaning and harmonizing it.
Example 3: We disassemble the sofa bed and say that we are making changes - changing the shape of the object.
After several days of such meditation, you will be able to convince your Consciousness that you, in principle, can make a change in the world around you, and all you have to do is improve the methods by which you do this (that is, learn to make a change not with your hands, but with willpower).
If you are sure that you cannot do this in principle, then studying the mystical methods of Changing the World around you will initially be meaningless.
Original (almost verbatim) presentationMeditation Changes
« Those who can and do not know, cannot. Those who cannot, but know, will learn. Those who can and know do it.
Open up starting point, small circle (consciousness), because without doing this you will not take advantage of others. Where they do not believe in the wind, the leaves of the trees move with the power of the stem.
Take a stone and move it. And tell yourself that you changed the World, because that’s how it is. And the small circle will agree, and will open the starting point, which will give strength to the remaining points and open a flow encircling both circles

Runic magic is a system for magic and divination based on the ancient knowledge of runes. In magic, you can use both individual runes and bundles of several runic symbols - galdrstava. With the help of runic staves, you can arouse attraction in the opposite sex, create a strong family and strengthen marriage bonds. For successful witchcraft, it is important to choose the right rune formula and apply it to the suitable material and successfully activate it. Beginning magicians are recommended to use in their experiments individual runes or ready-made staves developed by more experienced colleagues.

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    Basic principles

    Any manipulation with runes is always carried out in several stages:

    • Preparing the base. The material on which magical symbols will be cut, inscribed or embroidered is selected. Preference should be given to natural materials such as leather, stone, wood, bone, ceramics, silk or cotton fabric. The product is given an attractive shape in advance and the edges are processed.
    • Preliminary drawing or cutting of runes. The entire pattern is applied in full; when embroidering on fabric, a preliminary design is drawn.
    • Reviving the amulet. Runic script must be activated. To do this, a ritual of coloring and calling on power is performed. Some magicians paint runes with their own blood. In this case, you should clearly formulate your wishes. If you can put words into words poetic form, the amulet will be stronger.

      You can use one rune, several individual runes, or a runic pattern, which is several symbols connected into one pattern. When resorting to runic magic, you should be as careful as possible and not use unfamiliar symbols.

      There is a known case when a novice magician, wanting to arouse love in a girl, mixed up the runes and brought on her heart disease.

      Individual runes

      Amulets based on individual runic symbols can contain one or several runes. To attract the attention of the opposite sex and create strong partnerships, the Gebo rune is most often used as the main one.

      This rune has the ability to create and strengthen friendly relations. The bearer of the amulet at its base will arouse the interest of all people, the desire to communicate and engage in joint activities. It is not intended to evoke intense passion or only carnal attraction. But it’s great for starting initial relationships and strengthening an existing marriage. To enhance the impact, you can add one of the sacred runic words alu or gibu auja to Gebo. Sacred words should be perceived as a whole, without parsing them into individual runes.

      ALU in this case means “so be it.”

      And GIBU AUJA means “bringer of good luck.”

      These symbols should be applied to a suitable object, painted with the wish to acquire a life partner and worn on the chest. A working amulet will attract the attention of all people to its wearer, evoke a desire to make friends, and arrange events in the most favorable way for the emergence of relationships.

      To attract the attention of a particular man, to conclude a marriage, to arouse passion, you should use runic staves- formulas consisting of several intertwined runes.


      The staves are applied in two steps: first, they draw the entire image as a whole, and then color it, drawing out the runes that make it up. Activation occurs at the moment of coloring, at the same time a wish is read, a spell that determines further work formulas. To find your betrothed when there is no candidate yet, you can make an amulet and wear it around your neck. To attract the attention of a particular man, they draw on his photograph. It is possible to cut it out on a tablet or simply draw it on paper, adding your name and the name of your lover to the image of the runic formula.

      Below are several options for galdrstavs for love affairs, to attract the attention of a particular man.

      "Rod of Relationships" This runic formula creates a series of events leading to the emergence of friendship, partnership, and subsequently passion, love and, as a result, strong marital relations.Consists of the following runes:

      • Gebo. The key rune in this stave. Ensures the emergence of family partnerships.
      • Inguz. The female rune increases sex appeal, creates a radiation of feminine charm around its owner, and contributes to the emergence of fruitful relationships.
      • Soulu. Fills the formula with the power of pure heavenly energy, enhances the effect of other runes.
      • Kanu. Eliminates omissions, guarantees honesty on the part of a man, ignites the fire of male passion.
      • Berkana. Gives a connection to mother nature, creates a family on an earthly, everyday level.
      • Algiz. It prevents outsiders from influencing budding relationships and guarantees strong protection from unfavorable external factors.

      Suitable for drawing a man you like on a photograph; you can also make an amulet based on this stave for constant wearing. Works smoothly, without side effects.

      "Love is unexpected." This knitting is suitable for cases when you need a quick result and helps to achieve a breakthrough in relationships. It is advisable to memorize this image, then, looking at the right person, you can quickly draw this simply on your hand, on a piece of paper, or scratch it on any object that comes to hand with a mental utterance of your wish.

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