Lottery syndicates. Lottery syndicates are a profitable, effective and interesting game. What is a lottery syndicate?

In the lottery, as in love, all means are fair. For example, there is such a great way to increase your chances of winning as a lottery syndicate. But not everyone knows what it is and how to join it. Today we are revealing an open secret for those interested and keen.

What is a lottery syndicate?

The easiest way to understand what a lottery syndicate is is for fans of the series Friends. Remember how in season 9 the heroes together purchased several dozen tickets and followed the progress of the drawing on TV. This is a lottery syndicate. If they won, they had to divide the money in proportion to each person's contribution. Small spoiler: they lost the winning ticket.

If we turn to a strict definition, then a lottery syndicate is a group of people who jointly bought several tickets. Most often, lottery syndicates are organized with relatives, friends and colleagues. However, there are no restrictions. You can team up with neighbors, fellow athletes, and even random passers-by. The main thing is that you must trust the people with whom you create a syndicate. Or your relationship must be recorded legally, which, imagine, also happens.

Advantages of a lottery syndicate

Why should I organize a lottery syndicate and share my winnings with someone? And then, that this or these someone can help you achieve your cherished dream - to win a super prize. A lottery syndicate increases your chances of winning. And there is no magic here. The scheme is simple: more participants → more money → more tickets purchased → more chances of winning.

A small lottery life hack. You can increase your chances of winning not only by purchasing more tickets for a specific circulation, but also through expanded rates and circulation. You can decide which method to choose by closed voting. Or in a fist fight.

How to properly organize a lottery syndicate

Appoint a leader. In any business, you need an organizer, that is, a person who will take on all the hassle associated with collecting money, issuing and storing tickets. On the one hand, the position is not an enviable one, but on the other, the organizer of the lottery syndicate is the only person who can sleep peacefully, knowing that everything was done correctly.

Select a lottery. It's not as simple as it might seem. Surely, opinions will be divided, and some will offer to fight for the largest super prize, while others will want to participate in the lottery with the highest probability of winning. The dispute can also be resolved through a vote, after which the minority will have to submit.

Define the conditions. To avoid conflicts, agree in advance on such things as each participant's share, how tickets will be purchased, and how numbers will be selected. It is best to record the agreements on paper, where each of the participants in the lottery syndicate will put their signature.

After that, all you have to do is wait for the draw and find out whether collective luck is as effective as collective intelligence.

A little motivation

That was the theory, now a little practice. In 2012, a lottery syndicate of 12 bus drivers from Corby, England, won £38 million. At today's exchange rates, this is about $51 million. Thus, there were 4.2 million for each participant. Immediately after winning, all 12 drivers quit (who wouldn’t?), but all remained to live in their hometown.

A much more modest, but no less pleasant win was received in 2011 by a lottery syndicate formed by the owner of one of the pubs in the city of Hitchin (Great Britain). There were 17 people entered who won a total of £127,298. And why don't all trips to the pub end like this?

In general, take the initiative into your own hands and become the organizer of the first lottery syndicate in your life. It's at least fun. And it may even turn out to be profitable.

What is a lottery syndicate?

You may have heard about lottery syndicates or have wanted to become a member of one. What is meant by a lottery syndicate?
Lotto syndicate (lottery syndicate) is a group of people (players) who pool money and buy a large number of lottery tickets, thus increasing the chances of winning the main prize - the jackpot. Winnings are distributed among the syndicate participants. Who does a syndicate usually consist of? Relatives, friends or just work colleagues can be participants in the game.

It is believed that playing in a syndicate is in the best possible way win the main prize. The more players there are, the higher the chances of winning. However, buying tickets is not the only condition for winning; discipline must also take place. To do this, you first need to establish some rules and agreements between the members of a separate group. Even if these rules are formal, they will still eliminate unnecessary disputes from joint work. What points should be included in the rules? First, the division of money must be agreed upon. Decide how winnings will be distributed among the syndicate players. As a rule, the prize won is divided equally between all participants, although the possibility of transferring additional money to some players is not excluded. Make sure everyone agrees with the division. If someone is dissatisfied with the established rule, then rest assured that such players will either create unnecessary problems or drag the entire group into some kind of trouble. In addition, be sure to select a team leader whose responsibility will be money management, discipline, and some other technical responsibilities.

IN Lately Lottery syndicates are spreading on the Internet at a rapid pace. This popularity is not difficult to explain, because in order to become a member of any syndicate you will need only two things: a computer with an Internet connection and a credit card (or an account in some payment system, for example Webmoney). Despite this, you may still have difficulty choosing a syndicate. Search, read, analyze. The English-speaking Internet is full of various resources, such as forums, websites and blogs, where lottery syndicates are discussed and evaluated. The main difference between them is usually the number of participants and the membership fee. There are no syndicates in Russia yet, and our site is designed to fill this gap. And it's free.

Syndicates for playing two powerful lotteries are widespread on the Internet - the United Kingdom National Lottery, which is operated by the Camelot group, and the Euromillions lottery, created in France and launched in 2004. About 9 countries take part in the latter, including the UK. So a promising lottery, Gosloto, and its first representative, “Loto Classic,” came to Russia.

To summarize, there is an ironclad reason for creating lottery syndicates. An individual player has a slim chance of winning any lottery, be it the UK National Lottery, EuroMillions or Lotto Classic. But, having formed a certain union, which is called a syndicate, players have greater chances of winning, since they purchase a large number of lottery tickets with common money. And the game is not played at random, but according to a certain system (game strategy), which also increases the chances of winning.

There are no more syndicates October 3rd, 2017

In foreign lotteries, jackpots often go to syndicates. For example, here is a suitable statement - "According to the British National Lottery, one in six jackpots won comes from lottery syndicates." . In general, this is a well-known fact (according to some sources, 20-30% of super prizes go to group participants). Do you know where I got it from? exactly this quote? From an article about syndicates on the Stoloto website, here is the link. So, sir, if this is widespread all over the world, and syndicates win jackpots en masse, then where are the same numerous examples in the Stoloto lotteries?

Where are these dancing lucky people?

Pictured - ASDA supermarket staff celebrating winning £6,873,588 in the National Lottery, 2011

It cannot be said that there were no such group participants in Russian lotteries. You can recall the Experienced syndicate, which won 854,406 rubles in the 226th Gosloto “6 out of 45” draw. Or a syndicate of 8 people who won 458,671 rubles in the 582nd draw.

In the photo - the ticket that won and the report on the payment of winnings

But when did these two examples happen?
Experienced won in January 2011, and a group of 8 played successfully in May 2013. Several years have already passed. Where are the new syndicate winnings? Where is every sixth jackpot that went to those who chipped in? Well, okay, maybe not every sixth. At least every tenth? Where are they? How many times have lottery syndicates won a super prize in the last five years? You can correct me, but I am sure that there are no such cases last years there was none!

That is. Gosloto lotteries differ from all other world lotteries not only in that they abandoned broadcasts, the use of a lottery machine, and that they switched to ultra-frequent draws. On top of everything else, for some reason our operator is not interested in showing the winners, again, unlike many other foreign lotteries, which are always vitally interested in this. Not to mention the regular violation of the law of large numbers, when over hundreds of draws no one, for some reason, guesses six, and the jackpot reaches unimaginable sizes in order to go to an unknown lucky winner. So, in addition to all these nice nuances, there are no syndicates in Gosloto lotteries.

In general, this phenomenon has a very simple explanation - our lotteries have descended into such a sad example of siphoning money from gambling addicts that there are simply no syndicates left in them. There aren't enough stubborn, gullible players to form groups. In addition, syndicates all over the world play either on a regular basis - every draw, or when the jackpot grows to record heights. In our case this doesn't work. Betting regularly when draws happen twice a day (or 5 times a day!) is too expensive. And the record jack is accumulated over many draws, and it is “won” only when the organizers decide, so even in this case there will not be enough patience (and money)

All major prizes in Gosloto lotteries are won by singles, whom no one except the Stoloto press service has seen.

P.s. Some details about the circulation in which the Experienced syndicate participated

"on Saturday, January 29, 2011, in the 226th draw of the Gosloto - 6 out of 45 lottery, the 1st category super prize accumulated over 14 draws was drawn in the amount of 43 million 068 thousand 421 rubles. Since no one guessed all 6 numbers again , this amount was distributed between winnings for 2, 3, 4 and 5 numbers

Syndicate<...>filled out 53 tickets for the 226th draw with 315 expanded combinations of 7 numbers in the amount of 110,250 rubles. In one of the combinations of ticket number 167,992, 5 out of seven numbers matched, which gave 2 fives and 5 fours for 779,346 rubles! The total winnings on all 53 tickets amounted to 854 thousand 406 rubles, net (before taxes) - 744 thousand 156 rubles.

The 226th edition was conducted by NTV channel sports commentator Alexander Kuzmak. For the first time in two months, the organizers turned on the sound during an online broadcast in order to avoid accusations from dissatisfied players of possible fraud after the lottery machine failed three times in the 219th draw on December 25, 2010, which caused a scandal on the Internet"(details from here)

At the beginning of 2012, on the players' forum, Byvaly opened a topic - Proof of falsification of Gosloto results. Final - in which he summarized and proved that Gosloto is engaged in large-scale falsification of draw results. Perhaps this was the most powerful blow to the organizer’s reputation - it was then that many refused to participate in the Gosloto lotteries. After such situations, there was no question of playing with scammers, especially with a syndicate.

By the way, there is also an interesting point - the second syndicate mentioned here won in May 2013. And in December of the same year, Gosloto numerical lotteries switched to RNG. After this, possible syndicates had no chance of winning a large jackpot. Just like all other players who are interested in numerical lotteries from Gosloto. Simply because multi-million dollar prizes always “go” to unknown lucky winners.

In connection with the upcoming anniversary of the National Lottery of Ireland, various stories and legends associated with it are now being remembered. One of these legends is the incredible case of the Klintsevich syndicate, which decided to buy out all the combinations in order to take the main prize

Background and preparation

The first Irish National Lottery draw took place on Saturday 16 April 1988. The game used a numerical formula of 6 out of 36, the chance of guessing the main prize in this case is 1 in 1,947,792. Winnings were awarded for 4, 5 or 6 numbers. If no one guessed the six, then the jackpot increased until someone got lucky. The starting (guaranteed) super prize was £250,000.

In 1992, Polish-Irish businessman Stefan Klincewicz managed to bring to life a plan for the perfect lottery win, the idea of ​​which came to his mind in 1990, in a Dublin pub, when the lottery jackpot reached another record value.

Stefan Klintsevich

The plan was elegantly simple and incredibly complex, you just had to wait for the moment when the super prize reaches its maximum values, and... buy out all the combinations. That is, make 1,947,792 bets. Given that the cost of the bet was 0.5 pounds, such a game only made sense when the jackpot exceeded a million. It remains only to prepare in advance

The syndicate, which included 28 people, collected the necessary money in advance and transferred it to the bank for safekeeping. They also set up an office in a central location to coordinate ticket purchases. During the six months of preparation, Klintsevich also filled out 243,474 lottery receipts, marking the required combinations.

In May 1992, the lottery jackpot approached the desired value. In anticipation of the next prank, Stefan did not sleep for three days, the tension grew. Finally, the draw was completed, the jackpot remained unhit, the super prize amount increased to 1.7 million pounds and Klintsevich decided - it’s time to take it!

The completed receipts were in hand, all that remained was to issue them to retail agents - the syndicate began to assemble teams of ticket buyers. Hotel rooms were booked across the country, the required money was delivered to nearby banks and the process began. Couriers processed bets for a week before lottery officials discovered something was wrong. Shops that previously sold £1,000 worth of lottery tickets a day suddenly began recording £15,000 worth of receipts every day. “We chose points where we did not interfere with other people buying tickets,” said Klintsevich.

National Lottery officials tried to thwart the plan by limiting the number of tickets any one machine could sell and by turning off terminals that sold too many tickets. On Friday afternoon, newsagents circulated a short statement from the National Lottery - a change to the terms of the contract under section 32: Credit limit = 200% of the agent's average sales for 10 weeks

Despite this, the syndicate managed to buy out more than 80% of the combinations, spending approximately £820,000. The choice of combinations was determined by a system developed by Stefan, the most likely options were put first, and the least likely were left for last. Nevertheless, the syndicate was still lucky. Although 80 out of 100 is a high percentage of coverage, it still does not guarantee the main win. It would be a shame if the winning combination ended up in the remaining 20%

Once the tickets were purchased, they were returned to headquarters and placed in secure storage. “When you have all the tickets, you just sit and enjoy the show,” Klintsevich said. However, even if all combinations are bought out, for any syndicate there is another risk factor - other players who were able to guess the winning combination in this particular draw.

Waiting for results

On the evening of May 30, members of the syndicate (and many others, all who learned about the big game) were eagerly awaiting the telecast of the draw. Following the results of the draw, National Lottery representative Ray Bates was pleased to announce the results. Klintsevich's syndicate won, but shared the jackpot with two other contenders - a syndicate from Newbridge and a ticket bought in Finglas. Each winner will receive £568,682 (1/3 of the 1.7 million jackpot)

Ray Bates

What they did was "legal, but not in the spirit of the game," Bates said, as the crowd cheered. Following this, Member of Parliament Guy Mitchell said that members of the syndicate should be investigated by the Revenue Commissioners.

The bad news for the syndicate didn't end there. On Thursday June 5th, two public members of the group, Stefan Klincewicz and Paddy Kehoe, came to collect the check. They were taken to a separate room where they were told that payment could be made when all members of the syndicate signed a letter accepting possible claims if anyone else claimed to be part of the syndicate.

Brendan Liddy, the group's lawyer, responded to the request by saying that it would take some time to contact all participants, and by signing the indemnity the syndicate would be responsible for any legal difficulties, and not the National Lottery.

Before and after winning

The Klintsevich Syndicate is one of the most striking examples great game. They were successful, but did not achieve what they expected. The situation was saved only by winnings in other categories - taking into account payments for numbers 4 and 5, the total amount the group received was £166,000, which gave a modest profit of £310,000

After this incident, the National Lottery of Ireland changed the game, replacing the 6/36 format with 6/39, in which the chance of winning the jackpot increased to 3,262,623 to 1. Subsequently, the numerical formula changed again, for other reasons, now it is a 6/45 chance win, respectively, 1 out of 8,145,060

Prior to the 1992 story, Stefan had already been successful once - together with Paddy Mulligan, a mad gambler and owner of the Scruffy Murphy bar, he formed a syndicate of 10 people in a pub and, using his system, took home the top prize of £2,439,760 in April in 1990.

Paddy Mulligan, owner of the Scruffy Murpy bar

It was the biggest lottery win in Europe at the time and 10 of its participants were gathered by the National Lottery for dinner and also traveled to London where they appeared on The Derek Jameson Show. Not all the owners of that same syndicate continued to play; for some, even one win was enough. As for Stefan Klintsevich, he seemed to believe that just as lightning can strike twice in the same place, so a person can win more than once. Especially if you bet big. Alas, for some reason many winners think this way, and after their only big success, over time they spend all their money on the game

Stefan Klincewicz, now based in Dublin and still trying to win the big prize, now runs a syndicate at Megalotto.

As a result, the hypothesis of multi-layer analysis using the #Machine Learning algorithm, 3D virtual reality models turned into a real win for the mini syndicate, which amounted to +709%.

The hardest thing is to imagine a gaming lottery like the Cassini Oval in a 4D world, in which the flow of information moves. Such a black hole where the promised #billions of money from players around the world go and only a small part returns in the form of small prizes.

This approach seems crazy, however, 4D modeling of the process using VR virtual reality, artificial reality, gives you the opportunity to look into the future using statistics and analysis of “genetic code anomalies” digital lotteries. Using this approach, one can evaluate the chaos of lotto as a combination that can genetically survive. More precisely, the genetic code of a predator - the “Assassin Creed” type, which itself chooses the victim / actually chooses the most winning combination for the organizer of the lottery business.

Players are trying to guess what we can calculate with a sufficient probability of the event.

No we don't time travel, we simply “see the 4D harmony” of the lottery game in advance in the chaotic movement of lottery combinations.

Also, the scientific approach is alien to most syndicates, which use the brute force of "advanced bet" combinatorics to achieve the main prize - the Jackpot.

There is also a reverse medal for playing syndicates in lotteries like Stoloto.

Since the risk managers of the organizers of Stoloto They closely monitor the statistics of played combinations, they easily change the tactics of the game when classic game syndicates, whether full rate or extended rate. Therefore, they include counteraction.

It could be changing a set of balls / changing the speed of rotation of the drum, vibration, ultrasonic influence, a shift in the optimality of the RNG Random Number Generator, such invisible actions significantly reduce the success rate of players and bring additional profit to lottery organizers.

Economic analysis of lottery game combinations.

Using the prepared hypothesis, we check past combinations for your economic benefit. Most lottery ticket sellers only have a Random Number Generator / #RNG random number generator. Winning a jackpot by chance is like accidentally finding 26 kg of money on the street (the weight of the Gosloto jackpot is 6*45 at the time of writing).

If you want to win consistently, then it makes sense to use a subscription to the site, You not only build your theory of a successful combination, but also test in practice the economic consequences of this decision.

How artificial intelligence helps in building a visual syndicate for Gosloto / Stoloto 6*45 ru.

When the economic effect is clarified, we begin to build a phalanx / syndicate for # Gosloto 5 out of 36, #Stoloto 6*45 ru.

"Every warrior must know his shield"- said the Romans. Our task is not just to build theory and combinations, but to ensure the economic success of an interconnected group of gaming combinations that a team of drifters uses.

But this is not simple combinatorics and Random Number Generator/ random number generator, the past period and layered skimming, this is precisely the study of the “genetic code of the lottery”. More precisely, the study of defects in the “genetic code of the RNG of a specific lottery.”

Genetic codes of lotteries, such a term seems strange for an ordinary box for mixing balls.

But we are not standard players, and coaches of lottery sports, so after spending 10 years we accepted the lottery and RNG as a living organism, a predator like “Assassin Creed” and decided to check biological and behavioral factors of lotteries.

The first factor is survival, the ratio of large prizes to small ones.

Small #prizes help keep the #lottery afloat, big prizes attract new players. Psychology is at work here. From an economic point of view, big prizes are ruinous for lotto organizers, so managers take risks #Megalot ua, , #Maxima / maxima ua, # Gosloto 5 36 / #Stoloto 6*45 ru evaluate risks in money, but we evaluate risks differently and therefore create teams of friends and .

The last stage is subscribing to 3D lottery forecasts that artificial intelligence helps create.

Our service is under development, so we assume that a player using our service can win 2, 3, 4, 4/6+1, 5/6 in lotteries like: #megalott, #maxima, #superlotto, #ujckjnj #stoloto.

Yes, this is not a jackpot, but approximately $4-20,000 if the game combinations are successful.

Lottery owners are friends with such brands as: Aibymy, ogkl, sapra, R3, a zur, vaksonand powerful Amazon servers can very quickly calculate trillions of final results of combinations. Such a powerful brain of cyborgs allows them to change the tactics of winning winning combinations in order to avoid an unplanned jackpot.

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