Download the presentation about cats. Children's presentations about cats. History of cats in Russia. There is no hut without a cat

Yakhina Daria, Romanenko Kristina under the leadership of Safronova A.S.

This presentation is a two-month project of a group of students. Contains research on the topic "Cats"



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Cats design work

Project participants Romanenko Kristina Mizyaev Leonid Yakhina Daria Product of the project. Magazine about cats "Tsap Scratch". Presentation "Cats"

Topic: “Cats in history and human life” Situation Cats are the most affectionate creatures in the world! They are everywhere! What do we know about them? How did cats originate? What is the science of cats called? This is interesting! What do we not know about cats but would like to know? Problem How to learn more about cats?

Topic: “Cats in history and human life” Goal: Learn more about cats. Tasks: . Find and analyze information on the problem being studied. 2. Study the appearance of cats in human life. 3. Learn to use Power Point to present the results in the form of an educational presentation “Cats in history and human life.”

Once upon a time there lived a cat... Hatred, fear, disgust, friendship, love, admiration, reverence, worship... and about 10,000 years of life side by side with man. No animal has ever given birth to as many feelings as a cat!

Cats are the most mysterious and extraordinary on earth. They can live side by side, but still remain a secret. By establishing relationships with people, cats managed to populate almost all countries of the world, in some areas there are a lot of them.

The cat is an unusually ancient species. But one day, 4,000 years ago, a cat came to Egypt, to people. Then communication with people began, which changed the fate of the cat. This happened after the Egyptians became farmers. At that time the land was highly developed and people harvested large grain harvests. Huge towers were built to store grain to feed people during the winter months. Rodents got into the grain tower, and cats hunted them. People liked the cat and kept it.

Science about cats Cats are so perfect, proud, independent, mysterious and beautiful that they deserve the best treatment, backed up by as deep a knowledge as possible, preferably professional. There is a whole science dedicated exclusively to cats - felinology. In order to deal with it competently, it is simply necessary to competently navigate at least the basic provisions of the complex of zootechnical sciences, among which a very special place (and not unreasonably) is given to animal breeding.

10 reasons to get a cat Not a single mouse will sneak into the house. Calms and reduces blood pressure. She loves order. Her curiosity is insatiable. She knows how to keep all secrets. Comforts in a difficult situation. She always has ideas for new games. She is an excellent fitness trainer. She eats without drooling and hardly drops anything from her bowl. She loves to cuddle with you, no matter what.

Parade of breeds. Cat breeding really began only at the end of the 20th century. Today there are about sixty breeds around the world. Breeds that are gaining popularity in Russia are longhaired, semi-longhaired, shorthaired, Siamese and Oriental breeds. Another of the new groups of cats is the Sphynx.

What do cats teach us? The cat teaches its owner to live and let others live. After all, a cat always knows what it wants and unerringly chooses what suits it best. Being a very sensitive creature, sincerely attached to its owner, the cat is ready to support and reassure - mainly through gentle touches.

The MOSCOW CAT MUSEUM opened in March 1993 and it became an event for all lovers of cats and art. But it all started a little earlier - in 1991, when we began to think about cats as an artistic object and drew attention to some historical aspects of their coexistence with humans. Somehow, an interesting and unexpected idea appeared by itself - to collect works of painters, graphic artists, sculptors, ceramists dedicated to the Cat, and show them to the public.

Cats in art

Cat's appetite. In cats, just like in people, a good appetite is a sign of good health. Despite the fact that obesity is not uncommon in many animals, their owners often complain that cats are becoming picky. Sometimes it's more than pickiness, namely loss of appetite, which may indicate some really serious problem.

Cats in Russia In the old days in Rus', a cat was considered a luxury item, and few could afford it. The cat was worth a lot and was highly valued. Cats in Rus' lived a comfortable life: they did not have enemies such as the Inquisition, and cats gradually “registered” in Russian cities and, of course, in Moscow. Everyone knows that when moving to a housewarming party, you should definitely take your cat with you. And it is the cat who must be the first to step on the threshold, then life in the new home will be happy. This is what the residents of Moscow did hundreds of years ago. Perhaps that is why our city gradually grew, became prettier and developed. Cat magic helped! The townspeople have always loved and respected them - for their beauty, independent character and extraordinary abilities in catching mice. There was an opinion that the dog is the mistress of the yard, and the cat is the mistress of the house. In Moscow, the cat was clearly a symbol of well-being and prosperity in the home.

Conclusion Thanks to the “Cats” project, we were able to find out why people love and value these animals so much. “Cats are as beautiful as life. And infinite, like the Universe" Andrey Usachev

Thank you for your attention!!!

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March 1 is World Cat Day. Renner Elena Evgenievna, librarian of Secondary School No. 5 of the VIII type, Kyshtym, 2009.

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The cat is one of the most common pets. Man domesticated the cat much later than the dog. At different times, cats were treated differently.

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In Ancient Egypt it was revered as a sacred animal. There was even a cat goddess, Bastet. From all parts of the kingdom, symbols of devotion were brought to the goddess in the form of small cat figurines made of ceramics and bronze.

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In ancient Egypt, embalmed dead cats were buried in decorated sarcophagi. For killing a cat, the culprit faced death.

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And during the Middle Ages, in some Western European countries, the cat was considered a servant of the devil. Owners of black cats were accused of having connections with evil spirits.

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Today it is rare to meet a person who experiences negative emotions towards a cat. In terms of popularity, the cat is ahead of the dog. Any apartment in which a cat has settled becomes more comfortable.

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The domestic cat belongs to the order of carnivorous mammals, the cat family and the genus of cats. This family unites both long-extinct and currently existing representatives. There are 37 known species of cats. The ancient original and main ancestor of all breeds and varieties of cats is considered to be the wild North African dun or Libyan. These cats have survived in the wild to this day. They are distributed throughout Africa and in a wide area from the Mediterranean to China. In appearance, these cats are similar to severely emaciated domestic cats. They are easy to tame.

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A cat goes from being an ordinary, useful animal for a person to becoming one of his closest friends. But at the same time, Cats retain complete independence and autonomy in their owner’s home. Despite all its friendly attitude towards a person, a cat will never become his servant...

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The cat is an exceptionally freedom-loving animal, distinguished by its mobility, and can catch small animals. The person provides the cat only with shelter and food. The cat is almost impossible to train, although you can teach it certain skills.

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From a very early age, cats are very sensitive to the characteristics of human behavior. The formation of their character depends on this. Poor treatment of cats can cause them to become nervous, fearful, or overly aggressive. The calm and friendly character of the owner is transferred to the animal. Cats have a developed defensive reaction. The cat understands perfectly well that the person who attacked its owner is an enemy.

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First of all, you need to determine what breed of cat you want to get. When choosing, you need to take into account not only the appearance, but also the behavioral characteristics inherent in each breed. It is equally important to decide who you prefer - a cat or a male cat. Whichever cat you choose, it must be old enough to survive without its mother. If kittens are separated from their mother, they will not be able to get things on which their lives may depend (for example, fighting, hunting).

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Cats are perhaps the most caring mothers in the animal world; they have the most strongly developed maternal instinct. Every day the kitten shows more and more interest in the world around him, but for the first few weeks the mother remains the main creature in his life for the baby.

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You can keep a cat indoors and not let it go outside, but you must remember that this animal loves space and movement. Nowadays, cats are kept in cages, but even in this case, the animal must be released from the cage and allowed to move freely around the apartment. If the cat is not kept in a cage, it should be given a special place in the apartment to rest (a small elevation or in the shade). The cat should feel comfortable and comfortable.

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  • A cat's skeleton consists of 230 bones, which is 24 more bones than a human's.
  • Cats do not have normal collarbones. Thanks to this disadvantage, cats are able to squeeze their body through the smallest holes where the cat's head fits. You may have seen how a cat checks the hole where it has to crawl, trying its head to the hole. The average adult cat can fit through a hole, such as a fence, that is only 10 cm wide.
  • He determines the width of the hole through which the cat crawls with the help of his whiskers. There are tactile hairs on the cat's head and front paws - they help the cat not to lose orientation in space, and the cat orients itself without these hairs coming into contact with obstacles, but by feeling them at a distance.
  • The cat is a great acrobat. Her front legs can rotate in almost any direction and both halves of her body can move in opposite directions!
  • Cats have five toes on their front paws, but only four on their back paws.
  • The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear, and they use twelve or more muscles to control the ear.
  • A cat's hearing is much more sensitive than that of a human or a dog. A cat hears within 65 kHz, while a person hears within 20 kHz.
  • A cat can hear sounds in the ultrasonic range, and its "ambush" near a mouse hole makes sense, even if the rodents do not move. Rodents communicate using ultrasound, and the cat overhears these conversations.
  • Relative to its body weight, the cat has the largest eyes of any animal. If a cat were the size of a person, the size of its eyes would reach 4-5 cm.
  • Most cats do not have eyelashes.
  • Cats' eyes are positioned so that both look in the same direction, just like ours (unlike, for example, dogs) - for us this is a more familiar type of face, maybe that's why we consider cats such cute animals?


  • Obviously, no one will deny that domestic cats did not exist in nature. All of them were once wild forest and steppe. Domestication of wild cats began during the period when humans moved from hunting and gathering to agriculture. This is where we really needed helpers to deal with rodents. Since then, man's friendship with hardworking tailed pets and their gradual domestication began. A very difficult question that is not easy to answer: “How many cat breeds are there in the world?” First you need to figure out how a new breed appears, who can breed it, how and by whom is it registered? A purebred cat has its own pedigree, issued by the club of lovers of these animals, which is part of the professional organization of felinologists. Catteries that breed purebred cats must be registered with professional organizations.
  • It is recognized that the number of purebred cats is only 3% of all domestic pets. This is a carrier of characteristics characteristic of this breed. She passes them on to her offspring. Standards have been created for all cat breeds in the world. Associations of felinologists create a standard for a specific species, which spells out all the main characteristics of the cat species: the shape of the head and ears, the type of auricle, the length of the body, eye color, the length and color of the coat and a number of other secondary characteristics. The standard also specifies the disadvantages of the breed. For purebred cats, the standard must indicate what external signs may lead to disqualification.

Siamese cats (cats)

  • History of the breed
  • The first mention of the Siamese cat dates back to the 16th century. Its homeland is Thailand. For a very long time, my charming friend was considered a sacred relic and protected by law. The export of this cat outside the country was strictly prohibited. Since the state of Thailand in former times was called Siam, this breed also received the same name.
  • Only in 1884, the Thai king presented several Siamese kittens to the English consul as a valuable gift. The breed quickly won the hearts of Europeans, which is not surprising - even I could not resist such enchanting sky-blue eyes.
  • Soon breeders became interested in Siamese cats, and their distribution began. Siamese have become very popular in the UK. Already by the beginning of the 20th century, Queen Victoria, who had a passion for this breed, visited the first exhibitions of Siamese cats. I wouldn't mind meeting the queen either!
  • By the way, this breed of short-haired miniature cats is notable for the fact that they have never been crossed with representatives of other breeds. That is why the Siamese cat has retained its original appearance.
  • Appearance
  • Slender, flexible and sophisticated, the Siamese cat always attracts attention. Its light and graceful build is an indicator of good physical shape, and its long, neat legs and elegant neck will not leave you indifferent.
  • The close-lying, silky and short coat is very pleasant to the touch. Siamese cats have a rich “wardrobe”: there are chocolate, lilac, seal point (cream with dark coffee areas), blue point (dark areas have a bluish tint) and other colors. Thanks to the dark paws, tail, ears and face, it is almost impossible to confuse a Siamese cat with any other breed.
  • When describing the breed of Siamese cats, you should not limit yourself only to their color and graceful figure. The most expressive feature of these animals is their eyes: bright, as if “tinted” with dark fur, they give the Siamese a certain mystery. I am sure that it was thanks to the enchanting eyes of my Thai friend that people understood the essence of the expression “love at first sight.”

Persian cats (cats)

  • History of the breed
  • All of you probably remember “A Thousand and One Nights”? The softness of Persian carpets, satin and silk, countless treasures, oriental motifs and the beautiful storyteller Scheherazade. The latter, by the way, according to legend, had a cat. She became the progenitor of the Persian breed.
  • The first Persian cat was found by an Italian aristocrat in the early 16th century. While traveling around Persia, Pietro Della Valle met an amazing person, similar to his modern counterparts. She won his heart, and he took her to Italy to create a new breed. However, selective breeding began a little later and not in Italy at all, but in Great Britain.
  • Some try to refute the eastern origin of this breed. I have heard different versions: according to one of them, for example, the homeland of Persian cats is Russia. This is all because of their luxurious and warm “fur coat”.
  • Appearance
  • It would probably take me a thousand nights to describe the Persian cat breed. Let me say briefly: in appearance, every furry beauty of this breed is a real impregnable fortress. Take a look for yourself: a mannered gait, a small snub nose and a very emotional look - try it, come over.

Maine Coon cats and cats

  • This breed has been nicknamed the “gentle giant” of all breeds. It is not surprising that she is so charming, beautiful and perfect for family life. The North American Semi-Longhair is one of the largest and oldest natural breeds in North America. There are many gaps in the history of this breed, but it was officially registered in the United States in the early 1800s. and is considered to come from Maine, located in North America (hence the name of the breed).
  • Cats of this breed have a characteristic appearance: a wide chest and a large, muscular body. Their long, tapering tail is abundantly covered with hair. The weight of cats can be from 6.8 to 11 kg, the weight of cats can be from 4.5 to 6.8 kg. North American semi-longhair cats can reach up to one meter in length (from nose to tip of tail). It is no coincidence that the title “Longest Cat,” according to the Guinness Book of Records, was awarded to a purebred North American Semi-Longhair cat named Stevie.

Exotic cats (cats)

  • The Exotic Shorthair cat is a breed of domestic cat that is a short-haired version of the Persian cat. She is similar to her in behavior and character, but differs only in the length of her coat. She also inherited genetic diseases that Persians are prone to. Exotics were not created to give breeders a break from caring for long hair, but for another reason. During the 1950s and 60s, some American Shorthair catteries began crossing them with Persians to improve conformation and add silver color. As a result, American Shorthairs inherited the qualities of the Persians. The muzzle became rounded and widened, the noses became shorter, the eyes became smaller, and the body (already stocky) became more squat. The fur has become longer, softer and thicker.
  • Hybridization with the Persian was against the rules, of course, and the nurseries did it secretly. But they were pleased with the result, since such hybrids performed well in the show.

Scottish fold cat (cat)

  • Each of them is interesting in its own way and deserves a separate story. Today I want to introduce you to my friends from Scotland - representatives of the Scottish Fold cat breed. History of the breed
  • The Scottish cat (Scottish Fold) is one of the few breeds that can present their family tree. The first cat with unusual floppy ears was named Susie. She was born in 1959 on a Scottish farm. Her mother was a British cat, but who her father was is unknown. The aristocratic British woman clearly knew how to keep family secrets. Susie, by the way, had a twin brother with the same drooping ears, but only once did he go missing...
  • When Susie was two years old, she fell in love with a local cat and soon married him. In 1961, they had a fold-eared girl, who was named Snooks. It was with her that the history of the Scottish cat breed began.
  • The breed was popularized by shepherd William Ross and his wife Mary, in whose house Snooks lived, her mongrel husband and their children with unusual ears. The descendants of Snooks at one time married representatives of the British cat breed, with exotics, Persians and American shorthairs, and now their blood runs in the veins of cats and female cats living today.
  • In the 60s of the twentieth century, breeders became interested in the Ross cat family. They found out that the strange ears are the result of a mutation of a certain gene. But the description of the Scottish cat breed does not end there. I also have to tell you that geneticists, after discovering this gene, forbade the Scots to enter into love marriages and only give the go-ahead to arranged marriages. Can you imagine? The Scottish Fold can look for a soul mate only among Scots with erect ears (Scottish Straights), and all this so that the offspring have good health.

Munchkin cats (cats)

  • Long bun, short legs - runs very funny along the path and is not a crybaby by nature, what kind of breed is this?
  • The Munchkin cat breed, these cute animals are also called “dachshund cat,” so your guess was close to the truth. So, what signs make munchkins similar to cats, and which are similar to dachshunds?
  • History of the origin of the breed
  • The birthplace of munchkin cats is the USA. It was there in 1983 that it all started with blackberries. More precisely, from Blackberry, that’s what the kind-hearted resident of Louisiana Sandra called the half-wild, half-starved cat that lived under an abandoned camper. The unfortunate animal, Sandra decided, had not grown any legs from the hardships it had endured. Filled with pity, Sandra took care of her Blackberry in every possible way and was extremely surprised when Brambleclaw’s offspring also turned out to be short-legged. One of Brambleclaw's sons was named Toulouse, and, in fact, all taxicats consider Toulouse and Brambleclaw to be their great-grandparents.
  • The breed was officially recognized in March 1991 at the TICA show in New York.

Sphynx cats and cats

  • The Sphynx cat has a special character, which corresponds to its unusual appearance. These creatures cannot be confused with any other cat breed. The main difference is that they do not have wool. Because of this appearance, people treat them differently. Some categorically do not perceive animals that look like alien creatures next to them. But those who saw the best qualities of pets in them never part with these cats, take care of them, sew different outfits for their purrs and simply adore them. But before you get an exotic breed, you need to know who the Sphynx is and how to care for it - this is very important. After all, he will not survive without human attention. It is impossible to say exactly why these cats lack hair, because they appeared as a result of natural mutations.
  • From the history
  • The Egyptian Sphynx is one of the hairless cat breeds registered in the last century. As legends say, such animals were conductors between people and gods.

  • In this presentation I have collected some of the most popular breeds of cats and cats. But they don’t end there; there are many more.

CAT IN THE HOUSE. Before getting a cat, you should think carefully about everything. If you have made a fundamental decision, all that remains is to decide what breed and color it will be. INTERESTING. It is believed that cats have a positive effect on the overall development of a child. Children play with them, pet them and thus learn to care for others.

Cat signs 1. The cat is sleeping soundly or with its belly up - to warm weather and heat. 2. Sleeping with its muzzle in its belly - a sign of bad weather or cold. 3. Curled up into a ball - to the cold. 4. Licking the tail, hiding the head - to bad weather and rain. 5. Licks the paw, washes itself - towards the wind (sun). 6. Licks his paw, smoothes the hair on his head - the weather will be good. 7. Licks the skin - bad weather. 8. Scratching behind the ear means rain or snow.

From the history of cats. The origin of cats has a long history. About millions of years ago. In Ancient Egypt, the cat was revered not only as a useful animal, but also as a sacred animal, the “Good Genius of the Home.” Because of their mystery, nocturnal lifestyle, eyes glowing in the darkness and gracefulness, cats were dedicated to the Moon Goddess.

Books about cats. 1. Warrior cats. 2. Thomasinya. 3. A cat without embellishment. 4.Kysya. 5. Varjak Lap. 6. The tale of the purring cat. 7. The elegance of the Hedgehog. 8.Shamayka. 9. The last black cat. 10. Cat for Christmas. 11. Cat pajamas. 12.Jenny. 13. Silent meow. 14.Cats. 15. Path of Muri.

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Cats Pitukhina Irina Vladimirovna teacher of preschool group MKOU Yumasinskaya secondary school, Yumas village

A cat is a mammal of the cat family of the order Carnivora. Is one of the most popular pets.

The domestication of the cat occurred approximately 9,500 years ago in the Middle East, where the earliest human civilizations arose.

With the beginning of agriculture, people had a surplus of food, and the need arose to preserve it and protect it from rodents.

There are about 600 million domestic cats in the world, 256 breeds have been bred, from long-haired (Persian cat) to hairless (Sphynx).

Cats' hearing is so well developed that even with their eyes closed they can hear the rustling and squeaking of mice running past. Cats can also perceive ultrasonic signals.

Tactile functions in cats are performed by special tactile hairs: above the upper lip, above the eyes, under the chin, these are vibrissae (whiskers).

The whiskers also show the animal’s mood: whiskers directed forward indicate curiosity and alertness, and in aggression the cat presses the whiskers to its muzzle.

Cats have a highly developed sense of smell. The surface of the olfactory epithelium is 5.8 square meters. see, which is twice as much as that of a person.

Cats are well versed in tastes, distinguishing between sour, salty, bitter and sweet.

Cats have a well-developed vestibular apparatus located in the inner ear. Cats can move fearlessly along roof ridges, fences and trees.

When falling, they can reflexively assume the position in the air required when landing on their paws, creating a “parachute effect.”

The pupil of a cat's eye can change shape and glow green in the dark. Cats see excellently at dusk.

Cats love cleanliness and therefore constantly “wash themselves”. Cleanliness is instinctive in all cats: cleanliness of the body is necessary when hunting.

In folk tales, cats were often the main characters. They were portrayed as hardworking and smart.

Don’t believe the saying “they live like cats and dogs.” In fact, cats also know how to be friends.

Even when living next to humans, cats remain freedom-loving and independent. They can get their own food, find shelter and live alone.

The cat is not at home - the mice have free rein. The cat sleeps, but sees mice. The cat is on the stove, the dog is on the porch. The cat is brave against mice.

Thank you for your attention!

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