Wall newspaper we are celebrating the new year. How to design a New Year's wall newspaper? Wall newspapers for the New Year: what to hang on the wall in an educational institution

To achieve success in life you need communication with people, since it takes a long time and is almost impossible to achieve much in life on your own, you need to be able to communicate with different people and know How, this knowledge is very important to us. Without the ability to communicate with people, it will be much more difficult for us to achieve something, since success depends largely on the environment and on our work.

In the article, psychologists will tell you about how, since this will lead us to success, having the ability to communicate with such people. The main thing is to be able to communicate with the right people and work yourself, then success will be yours.

Remember with anyone person Can reach an agreement, even with the one with whom it is impossible to agree, since you just need some knowledge of psychology. All people are different, so there is something for everyone individual approach. You cannot use the same advice and method to communicate with all people, since everyone needs an individual approach. Therefore, start simply by studying your interlocutor to understand what he likes, what type and timbre of his voice, what people he respects and what he cannot stand. The more information about a person, the greater the chances with him reach an agreement. That’s why you need to know, since they haunt us all our lives, and it’s up to us how to perceive them and how to react.

Copy the type, speed and timbre of your interlocutor's voice

Scientists have proven that people like people who are similar to them, so to come to an agreement with a person with whom it is impossible to agree, you need to start copying his voice type, timbre and speed. When you communicate in the same language, a person will understand you and will feel great trust in you, and then you will be able to come to an agreement with him. For example, if a person speaks quickly and loudly, copy and communicate with him as well, people like this. The main thing is that it does not look like a joke or ridicule, since you are definitely not you can come to an agreement. Communicate on the topics you want, but simply in the language of your interlocutor.

Find out what the person you want to negotiate with wants

To come to an agreement with a person with whom it is impossible to agree, start the conversation not with your interests and proposals, but with the interests of your interlocutor. First, find out what the person wants, communicate and support his position, and when you feel his trust in you, offer your interests, to come to an agreement. If a person is in a hurry, do not drag out the conversation, speak clearly about what the interlocutor wants and smoothly move on to a common opinion so that you and he are in the black and no one gets offended. The main reason why people can't reach an agreement, these are differences of opinion.

Look at the situation from the person's point of view

So that in any case come to an agreement with a person with whom it is impossible to agree, you need to look at the situation through his eyes, because, looking at the same situation under different angles, there may be differences of opinion, disputes and quarrels. You need to first look at everything through the eyes of your interlocutor, and after that try to come to a common opinion, but so that no one is offended. After all, everything conflicts, disagreements, quarrels and grievances are created due to the fact that people have not learned to move from their place to look at the situation through the eyes of others. But fear and selfishness prevent us from doing this, we need to learn and understand, since he is the most important enemy of man, it is impossible and unnecessary to get rid of him completely, we need to be able to manage him and perceive him differently.

Negotiation is a critical part of any business partnership. The quality of the negotiations largely depends on further work with a client or supplier, and it is at this stage that the main terms of cooperation are determined.

From a psychological point of view, each of us is a unique individual. We have our own life position, views and preferences. The same applies to a person as a counterparty in the transaction process. The director, manager, financier and other officials represent a specific company that needs specific conditions. The private client, in turn, is interested in a certain product in a certain quantity. The people with whom you will negotiate need specifics - this is important. But along with it, there are standard negotiation techniques. They can be considered as a kind of template, in the good sense of the word. These rules are formed on the basis of factors such as business ethics and psychoanalysis, so their effectiveness can hardly be questioned.

So, the rules for successful negotiations include the following points:

  1. Preparation. You must clearly understand the purpose of the negotiations even before they begin. Ideally, break this goal into three points: the planned result, acceptable and undesirable. For each of them, it is necessary to have its own strategy of behavior, which is put into action even before the result is achieved. Let's say you see that the conversation is going in the wrong direction, and you cannot come to a common denominator with your interlocutor. Use techniques that will give you the opportunity to get out of the situation.
  2. Performance. At the beginning of the conversation, make it clear to your partner who you are, what company you are acting for, and for what purpose you invited him to this conversation. This will help avoid many questions in the future. An informal retreat makes sense if you really know how to communicate on abstract topics. If the conversation “about the weather” is done insofar as it is insincere, it will only be harmful, because will be a waste of time. Which many business people simply lack. It's better to get straight to the point.
  3. Understanding. Of course, during the negotiation process you must defend, first of all, your interests. But it wouldn’t hurt to look at the conversation from the other person’s point of view. This will help you better understand what advantages of your offer you can highlight for him. Know how to listen and hear someone else’s position.
  4. Entourage and appearance (for “live” negotiations). Make sure that the negotiations take place in a suitable place, where no one will disturb you. If this is an office, its furnishings should be business-like. Close the door (but don't lock it) and make sure no one disturbs you. If this is a cafe, try to choose a cozy establishment. Do not invite persons whose presence is not required to participate in negotiations. Control the time of negotiations, do not delay them, but also do not look at your watch every 5 minutes, this is a sign of bad manners and your lack of interest in the deal. As for appearance, it must be neat. You're hosting a business meeting and need to look the part.

In fairness, it is worth noting that on this point everything is purely individual. Often people, when promoting their product or service, create such an appearance for themselves that their interlocutor at first cannot understand with whom he is even talking. This makes it possible to play first violin precisely in terms of business communication, while the other side takes the time to study you as a person. But here on a thin one. It is important not to overdo it, because... Excessive expressiveness in style can also give a completely opposite result - a person initially will not see you as a serious partner.

  1. Positive nature of the conversation. Both you and your interlocutor are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation. This is good, isn't it? Show your positive attitude. But not with the help of an “on duty” smile or fawning, but so that the emotions are sincere. Talk about the prospects for cooperation with feeling, with a sparkle in your eyes. If you do not prevaricate, it will be very easy to maintain such a tone. But at the same time keep your distance. Perhaps in the future you and your interlocutor will become best friends, but at the moment you are representatives of different business parties, each of which defends its own interests.
  2. Unambiguity. If we are talking about financial partnership, terms of payment for goods, etc. points, it is necessary that they all be clearly stated, and then spelled out in the contract and not be subject to double interpretation. Naturally, you shouldn’t sign the document right away. Why - see the note above this point.
  3. The main thing is the details. Didn’t understand what this or that phrase from your partner’s mouth meant? Don’t be lazy to ask him a clarifying question. Doubts, uncertainty, etc. feelings must either be confirmed or dispelled. Clarifying questions in this case are the best way.
  4. Maintain balance. Between the “good and evil policeman”. Another important factor on how to negotiate a collaboration. Here, as in battle, the strongest is not the one who attacks, but the one who takes the blow. You need to defend your positions not through refusals, disputes and other negativity. It is important to demonstrate professionalism. And then the partner will be more loyal to the conditions you propose.
  5. Keep your word. Since we test our partner for honesty and integrity, we can be sure that he will do the same. Promise only what you can guarantee. Keep your promises. More precisely, not even promises, but obligations under a future agreement. Otherwise, you will face not only moral, but also administrative (and sometimes criminal) liability. Plus, it's your reputation. Don't let her get hurt.
  6. Competent end of the conversation. After negotiations, the parties must reach a joint outcome. This may be a compromise, a preliminary agreement, or sometimes a categorical disagreement of the parties with each other. But negotiations cannot be left unfinished. Even if they were just one of the stages, after which you will have other meetings, conversations or correspondence. Treat them like you read a chapter from which you need to draw a conclusion. And, of course, observe basic politeness. Shake the person’s hand (if it’s a man), smile at the lady, wish Have a good day. Do this regardless of the outcome of the conversation.

IMPORTANT! The outcome of negotiations does not mean a decision has been made. The verdict on cooperation should be made only after thinking it over in a calm atmosphere, discussing with your colleagues everything that you talked about during the negotiations. Especially if the interlocutor offered you options for cooperation that you had not previously thought about. You need to carefully analyze this proposal and understand whether the stated conditions suit you. It might be worth looking for pitfalls. To make it easier to understand, take notes during negotiations. If you agree to a deal during the conversation itself, you can become a victim of a personality with strong charisma, due to which you will be confused.

How to negotiate with a client?

The above recommendations applied to negotiations in general. Now let's look at a few points regarding what line to follow when communicating with the person to whom you want to sell something. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a wholesale buyer or a retail client. For us, he is first and foremost a buyer.

  1. Find out what the client needs. What product, in what volume, for what purposes (remember the specifics). After receiving this information, let the person know that you can implement his requests.
  2. Describe the benefits of the product. Preferably with numbers. How many components are richer than its composition, how many times this product will help you save, etc. This will allow you to justify the price you want to receive for the product.

IMPORTANT! You must understand all the advantages, first of all, yourself. Only then will you be able to justify them and convey them to the buyer.

  1. If the price doesn't suit the client, don't complain on the fact that such a cost is due to the costs of production, logistics and other expense items. The buyer is not interested in this. It is better to emphasize once again what benefits he receives from the acquisition. Preferably financial. If there really are any, the person will gladly pay you one time in order to save in the future. In some cases, you can offer a discount and special conditions. Which ones exactly – calculate in advance, as well as the size of the discounts.

Benefits may include:

  • free shipping when purchasing a certain amount;
  • the possibility of purchasing goods in installments;
  • additional bonuses (3 products for the price of 2, etc.).

There are a lot of options, the main thing is that they are economically feasible for you. If a buyer asks for an unrealistic discount, don't be afraid to turn him down. At the same time, justify your refusal, say that such conditions are simply unprofitable for you. And offer an alternative.

ADVICE: Examples of successful negotiations demonstrate the relevance of comparisons when voicing prices. “This book costs the same as 10 cups of coffee,” “A monthly car payment is equal to three dinners at a restaurant,” etc.

The main thing is not to start the conversation with cost. First, introduce the buyer to the product (or general assortment), list its advantages, and then politely but confidently announce the price. Confidence is an important point. If the client sees that you are hesitating, he will definitely start bargaining. Pronounce the number as confidently as you pronounce your name. When bargaining, if it does take place, use what was said at the beginning of this paragraph. But don’t rush to make the discount itself if the client talks about “how expensive it is.” He may just be waiting for you to recount to him why the item is worth what you want for it.

  1. Do not despair, if a person refuses to purchase. Perhaps he just needs to wait until payday or find out the conditions and prices of your competitors (especially important for wholesale clients). Leave your contact information and politely say that if anything happens you will always be happy to cooperate.

Difficult client - who is he?

Yes, there is such a separate category of buyers. Many people don’t like them, but these are the people who help sellers understand weak sides of your business. They represent a challenge to be accepted and an obstacle to be overcome. Moreover, these clients themselves are divided into:

  • rude people;

When communicating with such people, the main thing is not to succumb to provocations. Stay calm and confident. Rudeness means the absence of other arguments, and when a person realizes that shouting and accusations will not get through you, he will retreat on his own. And all his negativity will remain with him. Or perhaps these are just emotions that need to be allowed to spill out. If a person is unhappy with the price, appearance product - agree with it, using speech patterns like “Yes, you are certainly right, but let me clarify...”. And then, despite your emotions, try to help him.

  • shy and indecisive people;

Such a person, as a rule, is not confident in himself and in his choice. He is haunted by doubts that you need to level out. Maintain it, expand it, or, on the contrary, narrow the list of options for purchase. Here it is doubly important to emphasize all the advantages of the product. If a person wants to consult with his wife or boss, offer your help in this matter.

  • "smart guys"

The client wants to demonstrate that he knows your product better than you do. Well, in this case you can play his game. Show how much you admire his competence, do not use harsh objections if he criticizes the product, but only offer alternative arguments. The main thing here is to find a compromise. And a healthy discussion always benefits both sides.

How to negotiate on the phone?

First, let’s clarify that any serious transaction requires a personal meeting. Successful telephone conversations are only one of the stages of cooperation. But this stage is also very important. Let's talk about him.

The client calls first

This already means that he has an issue that needs to be resolved. The person found your contacts, dialed the number, and waited for an answer. Here your task is to greet him politely, introduce yourself, and find out about the problem. This will give a boost to a certain amount of trust when the client understands that there is also a real person on the other end of the line, and a robot manager. Don't disappoint his expectations. But at the same time, give the opportunity to be convinced of your professionalism, since the caller is not always an expert in the field of goods or services for which he actually called you. Having learned about his preferences, clearly and concisely voice them in your own words and give the client the opportunity to agree with you. And then make an offer and arrange a meeting.

You call first

In this case, the first priority is to find out whether the person has time to talk. If not, ask when you can call back, since at the moment the busy interlocutor, if he does not hang up, is unlikely to pay enough attention to your proposal.

The rest of the client communication script looks standard:

  • Introduce yourself;
  • Find out about the needs of your interlocutor, clarify them if necessary;
  • Making an offer;
  • You make an appointment.

Individual nuances are selected for each specific area.

If your product or service is intended for business representatives rather than corporate clients, find out from your interlocutor who in the company is authorized to respond to proposals similar to yours and contact this person. And then follow the established pattern: defining the problem - your solution to it - pricing issues - confirmation of interest. And use the necessary marketing moves– provide information about discounts and other favorable conditions.

In practice, conducting such telephone conversations looks like this (example):

– Good afternoon, my name is ..., I am a representative of the company ..., we sell stationery. Do you have time to talk?
- Yes, I’m listening to you.
– Tell me, do you use forms to print tax documents?
- Yes, we use it.
– So, is it important for you to purchase such documents?
- Yes, that’s right, what do you want to offer?
– Our company will be interested in cooperation in supplying such forms for you. We are ready to discuss individual pricing policies and terms of cooperation.

Then the conversation will go on its own if the person is really interested in your proposal. In case of refusal, try to find out the reason and offer an alternative option for cooperation. Don’t be shy to ask questions and encourage your interlocutor to provide feedback. This is the only way you can build a constructive dialogue.

I am sure that you have tried to come to an agreement with other people more than once. Sometimes this is successful, sometimes you have to agree to other people’s terms. More often than not, victory or defeat depends on you and how you behave. We'll share a few tips that will help you win negotiations on any topic more often.

When I think about this topic, I immediately think of my attempts to negotiate with teachers at the university about assessment. It's like you're walking through a minefield: one wrong phrase and you don't have a chance. After thinking a little and searching for the opinions of other people on the Internet, I came up with a few tips that have helped me and will help you successfully negotiate with other people.

Offer several options

When you insist on your own, remember the other person who, just like you, defends his point of view. Don't try to beat him by offering just one option. Instead, offer several. For what? By giving him several options to choose from (each of which is beneficial to you), you will create the illusion of choice, and it will be easier for your interlocutor to support you.

At the same time, don't overdo it. By offering 10 options to choose from, you will ruin yourself. We like simple things, and it is much easier for a person to make a choice if he has two or three options rather than a dozen.

Unnecessary bluff

It will be easier for you to convince a person that you are right if You really believe in what you say. This implies the following: do not bluff. You may be lucky and the interlocutor will not notice the deception, but if everything does not go according to plan and you are caught, there will be no turning back.

If you believe that you are right, it will be much easier to convince other people of this.

You can't win alone.

The outcome of the situation must be win-win for both parties. Imagine yourself in the place of another person and think, would you agree to what you are offering? If not, then you probably shouldn’t expect the same from him. You want a win-win situation that satisfies both parties, not just one.

Another piece of advice that I cannot recommend is to make it appear that the outcome is beneficial not only to you. To put it simply, deceive a person. Are you ready to do this? Then you have one more extra trick up your sleeve.

Forget about emotions

People who involve emotions in negotiations are doomed to failure. Although the situation can be viewed from several angles. If you say about your position with admiration and fire in your eyes, then it can work.

If you shout at your interlocutor, laugh at his position, or try to insult him, let and veiled- you have already lost.

Ask for a little more than you need

This is a fairly simple trick, and you probably know about it. If you want to sell an item for $100, ask $110 for it. When the buyer wants to reduce the price, he will just bring it to the number you need...

(Found on the Internet)

Approaching New Year, which means that it’s time to think about how to decorate a kindergarten, school and your home for New Year’s holidays. Have you already decided how? There are many options, but the best way is to do it yourself. A wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 - the year of the rooster - is an excellent option for this idea. It’s not difficult to do, and if difficulties arise, the templates will help you fix everything. In order not to waste time, let's move on to a short lesson.

And so, let's start coming up with a wall newspaper. For this we need White list paper, pencils or paints, depending on how you are going to paint the wall newspaper.
At the first stage we do beautiful inscription: Happy New Year! Further below we sign the numbers: 2017.

We come up with or find Happy New Year greetings on the Internet and write them under the congratulatory inscription. And on the sides we write New Year's poems in beautiful handwriting.

It's time to decorate the wall newspaper. First, let's decorate it on top. To do this, we will draw branches of a Christmas tree with pine cones, toys and tinsel. We did it this way, but you can do it your way as you like.

Now we decorate the bottom of the wall newspaper. We decided to put New Year's characters there, because without them the holiday is not a holiday. So we draw down the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. And to make it more fun, we add drawings of a snowman and the symbol of the year - a rooster.

Now our wall newspaper is ready! You can hang it on the wall and enjoy the holiday.
The following video will help you draw
poster for new year 2017:

That's it now. Happy New Year!

Very little time will pass and the New Year will knock on the door - with frosty freshness, a fluffy blanket of snow and wonderful gifts. On the eve of the most long-awaited holiday, store windows literally “bloom” with bright lights of garlands, and in the windows of houses you can see glowing figures of fairy-tale characters. Amazingly magical sight! The last days of the outgoing year are especially fun in kindergartens and schools - the children are happy to take part in preparations for festive matinees and performances. A colorful poster for the New Year 2018 will decorate any classroom, putting both children and adults in a festive mood. Today we will learn about the “secrets” of making New Year’s posters and wall newspapers with our own hands from simple scrap materials - using step-by-step master classes with photos and videos for primary, middle and high school students. In addition, here you will find ready-made templates for a collective greeting “card” for printing in parts on A4 sheets. Then we glue the individual fragments into one picture and color it with colored pencils or paints - kindergarten kids can easily handle this work. Finished works can take part in a festive poster competition, based on the results of which the winners will be announced. When choosing a subject for a poster, we recommend paying attention to the theme of dogs, because the coming 2018 will pass under the auspices of this kind and faithful animal. Happy creativity and a happy New Year!

Colorful New Year poster for school - templates for printing

New Year's Eve – favorite time every schoolchild. Indeed, many children are looking forward to the upcoming winter holidays with an “abundance” of holidays, fun games and entertainment. To create a colorful poster for the New Year 2018, you will need a large sheet of whatman paper for school, as well as some items from the stationery set. So, the main “heroes” of such a picture will be the traditional Father Frost and Snow Maiden, surrounded by children and forest animals. What to draw on a New Year's poster? A fluffy Christmas tree with bright garlands and toys, falling openwork snowflakes, a large bag of gifts, a sleigh in a reindeer harness. And, of course, the funny Yellow Dog is the mistress of the future 2018! If you don’t have time to make a greeting poster for the New Year, you can use ready-made templates for printing. We have selected the best poster templates - just choose the option you like, download for free and print on paper. Color the black and white image with colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, and you will get a wonderful poster for the New Year 2018. As an addition, handwritten congratulations in poetry and prose for students, their parents and teachers are ideal - the most touching and kind words.

Where to download and print New Year's posters - a selection of free templates

How to make a poster for the upcoming New Year - 2018 Dogs for kindergarten - step-by-step master class with photos, examples of finished work

For every child, New Year is a special holiday with gifts and magical surprises. IN kindergarten kids enjoy drawing themed pictures and creating crafts from all kinds of available materials. However, today’s step-by-step master class with photos is dedicated to making a large poster for the upcoming New Year - 2018 of the Yellow Dog. How to make such a wonderful New Year's poster? Using children's hands cut out of paper. Everything is very simple and original!

Required materials for the New Year 2018 poster:

  • Whatman paper - A4 format
  • colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens
  • set of colored paper
  • scraps of red and blue shiny fabric
  • tinsel and small decorative snowflakes - for decoration
  • Photos of children and teacher - optional

Step-by-step instructions for the master class “New Year's poster” - for kindergarten:

  1. Lay out whatman paper on a flat surface and secure the edges. Paint the background with blue watercolor or gouache, imitating the winter sky.
  2. To create the “branches” of the Christmas tree we use green, bottle and blue flowers- Apply a child’s hand to each sheet, trace it and cut it out. We make enough “branches” to create a New Year’s tree.
  3. In the center of the Whatman paper we glue “palms” in the shape of a “Christmas tree”, alternating different colors. We crown the finished Christmas tree with a red star and sprinkle it with shiny snowflakes and tinsel.
  4. We cut out caftans and hats of Father Frost and Snow Maiden from paper or fabric, decorating them with cotton edging. From a piece of cotton wool we make a beard for a fairy-tale old man. We put a fabric bag with gifts in one hand, and a shiny staff in the other.
  5. We “replace” the heads of the snowmen with the faces of children cut out from photos, and the beautiful Father Frost and Snow Maiden on the poster “turn out” from the child’s father and teacher.
  6. We use pieces of cotton wool for the snow cover, and decorate the blue sky with falling snowflakes - real winter! Any kindergarten student can make such a beautiful poster for the New Year 2018 with their own hands, and for the little ones they will need the help of adults. Good luck and inspiration!

Ready-made greeting posters for the New Year 2018 of the Yellow Dog:

Festive wall newspaper for the New Year - 2018 Do-it-yourself dogs - templates, ideas

In the last days before New Year's school classes and kindergarten groups are literally transformed - patterned snowflakes “bloom” on the windows, and multi-colored garlands under the ceiling create a festive atmosphere. In addition, in the most prominent place there is often a bright wall newspaper made by the hands of children and teachers for the New Year. To “fill” the festive wall newspaper for the New Year of the Dog 2018, not only drawings are ideal, but also photographs with congratulations in verse and prose, as well as elements made in different techniques - applique, scrapbooking, quilling, decoupage. As you can see, there is huge scope for creative imagination! If you wish, you can take a simpler route by using templates printed on a printer - here you will find several interesting blanks. Having pasted such a universal template onto a wall newspaper, all that remains is to decorate the picture to your liking with colored pencils or felt-tip pens. We are sure that our ideas for decorating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 Dogs will be useful to primary, middle and high school students. And even in kindergarten, kids can easily cope with making a bright New Year’s wall newspaper - using a pre-prepared template.

Choosing a wall newspaper template for the Yellow Dog New Year 2018 (free download and print)

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