Veterinary Leninsky. Veterinary clinic on Leninsky Prospekt. Blood testing in animals

If you are traveling from the center along Leninsky Prospekt:
after crossing the Miklouho-Maclay intersection and 26 Baku Commissars, stay in the left lane. Exit from Leninsky Prospekt under the sign Teply Stan, Ostrovityanova. Then, after 200 meters, take the first turn to the right and again to the right (the landmark is a high-rise white building with an orange base). Move along the house until you reach the sign Veterinary Center "MEDVET".
If you are traveling from the Moscow Ring Road along Leninsky Prospekt: after 800 meters there will be an exit under the Ostrovityanova sign for the backup. After turning into the alternate, you need to take the first right turn. The landmark is a high-rise building with an orange base and the Pyaterochka store. Move along the house until you reach the sign Veterinary Center "MEDVET".

Dear clients of our Veterinary Center on Leninsky Prospekt, please note that the entrance to the parking area at the Veterinary Center is through a barrier! To get to the parking area, you need to call +7 499 110 66 86 at the MEDVET SEC and tell the operator the barrier number to open it remotely.

Directions from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station (shown in blue on the map). The easiest way to get to the veterinary center on Leninsky Prospect is by minibus 22m. To do this, after leaving the first metro car from the center and passing the turnstiles, you need to turn left in the underground passage, then left again. Coming out of the crossing on the left you will see a minibus stop 22m. By minibus you need to get to the stop on request “Leninsky Prospekt, building 123”. When you get out of the minibus, you will see a fence with a passage in front of you. Having risen to the house, you need to go around it on the left. Having seen the arch, you need to go through it. After passing through the arch you need to turn left and after 10 meters you will see the entrance to the veterinary center.

Directions from the Konkovo ​​metro station (shown in purple on the map). The last car from the center. From the metro go left, cross to the right, exit to the city on the left. Route taxi No. 161m, to the stop st. Ostrovityanova. Along the underground passage to the opposite side.

Directions from Teply Stan metro station. Buses No. 227, to the stop 9th microdistrict Teply Stan.

Directions from Troparevo metro station. The first carriage from the center, from the glass doors in a straight line to the end and to the left. Pass one house in the direction of traffic until house 123 (white with orange balconies). The entrance to the clinic is in the center of the house.

covers vast territories of four metropolitan districts and is classified as one of the largest Moscow transport highways. The district covers the territory from the Moscow Ring Road to Kaluga Square. Intersecting with the ring road, it smoothly flows into the Kiev highway.

Highways The main highways can be considered: Komsomolsky and Vernadskogo avenues, Profsoyuznaya street, Lomonosovsky prospect. The area also affects the Third Ring Road area. In terms of width, the route is second only to Leningradsky Prospect. The indicator reaches within 110m near the highway. We are talking about a unique radial-type highway, which does not change its name along any of the route segments.

History The name was given to the district in 1957. Gradually the territory expanded due to the addition of new sections of the highway. For 10 years from 1960, nearby streets were given names in honor of V. Lenin’s relatives and friends. Multi-storey residential buildings began to appear along the avenue towards the end of the 1930s. At that time, the area was considered a metropolitan outskirts. Its prestige was explained by its novelty and transport accessibility. In addition, the avenue made it possible to get to the newly built LENINSKY AVENUE in Vnukovo in a minimum amount of time. Between 1957 and 2001, there was a gradual reconstruction of certain sections of the area. Gradually, the avenue was supplemented with new interchanges, the last of which was created in 2001. during the construction of the Third Transport Ring.

Industry The area is not rich in industrial enterprises and has mainly cultural and historical significance. Almost every building located along the avenue has a rich history and is of serious value. This can be judged by the appearance of the monumental buildings.

Administration The local government is located on Leninsky Prospekt, 62/1.

Current problems Among the problems most pressing for modern Leninsky Prospekt, the most significant remains the lack of well-equipped veterinary hospitals. The area is represented mainly by historical buildings in which it is impossible to organize the work of a clinic. At the same time, local residents feel the need to have a veterinary clinic in close proximity to their home. Many apartments are home to four-legged pets who need timely and qualified assistance. Untimely or missing vaccination can cause serious infection of the animal and its family members.

Despite all the liveliness of Leninsky Prospekt, the problem of caring for stray animals is quite acute for this area. They need vaccination and sterilization; cats and dogs without owners must be distributed to appropriate shelters. Today the question remains open and pressing for local residents. A significant contribution to solving the problem is the construction of a new veterinary clinic on Leninsky Prospekt.

Our veterinary clinic Leninsky Prospekt provides services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of pets. Professional veterinarians with extensive practical experience can cope with almost any task.

The Leninsky Prospekt veterinary clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, which allows for high-quality research to establish and confirm the diagnosis.

Our laboratory conducts:

  • general biochemical tests of blood and urine of animals;
  • determination of hormone levels;
  • culture with testing for sensitivity of microflora to various drugs;
  • and much more.
  • The Leninsky Prospekt veterinary clinic has an X-ray room, ultrasound examinations and ECGs are performed. This allows us to provide high-quality veterinary care to animals in a variety of cases - from injuries to obstetrics.

    The cost of a number of services is lower than in most veterinary clinics in Moscow. We also guarantee the reliability of the research, the accuracy of the diagnosis and the high-quality selection of appropriate treatment in each case.

    The Leninsky Prospekt Veterinary Clinic is open 24 hours a day; we also provide services to help animals at home.

    Calling a veterinarian to your home

    A qualified specialist can solve many problems related to animal health at home, which eliminates the need to transport the animal to a veterinary clinic and eliminates waiting in line.

    You can carry out the entire range of preventive treatments at home. The veterinarian will deliver the vaccine in compliance with the temperature regime, carry out routine deworming, and perform microchipping.

    Castration and sterilization procedures, obstetrics, examination and collection of biomaterial for laboratory research are also carried out at home.

    In severe conditions of the animal, when it will be difficult for the pet to endure a trip to the veterinary clinic, calling a veterinarian at home becomes the only way out. First of all, this applies to serious injuries, poisoning and dangerous infectious diseases.

    In some cases, a trip to the veterinary clinic cannot be avoided. X-ray examinations or laparoscopy require massive equipment. Most therapeutic operations, IV placement, bladder catheterization, professional teeth cleaning and much more can be performed at home.

    Examining the animal in its usual home environment significantly increases the reliability of the data, since any transportation is a serious stress for the pet, leading to the release of adrenaline, increased breathing and heart rate, increased blood pressure, distorted pain reactions, etc.

    Like most veterinary clinics in Moscow, we provide euthanasia services for pets. Euthanasia of hopelessly ill animals is carried out quickly and painlessly, both at home and in a veterinary clinic. Before making a decision about euthanasia, it is strongly recommended to consult with a veterinarian, since even with most incurable diseases, there are ways to alleviate the animal’s condition and prolong its comfortable existence.

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