Vitamins for Yorkshire Terriers. Vitamins for the Yorkshire Terrier and their effect on various functions of the Yorkie's body. Prohibited foods for Yorkies

1. The dog’s carbohydrate needs are satisfied by dry black bread. You can soak the crackers in kefir.

2.The inclusion of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet is often required; their best source is vegetable oil. It improves the condition of the coat and the general condition of the body (butter is not good).

3.At least once a week the dog should be given egg quail yolk or a whole egg, boiled “in a bag”. Crude protein destroys biotin, which is valuable for the body.

4. It’s good to give your dog half a clove of garlic a week throughout his life (this prevents infection with worms).

5. Young shoots of oats are very useful for a Yorkie puppy, especially in winter: the grains are placed in wet gauze for germination, and then planted in a box with soil.

Vitamins for Yorkie fur

6.Supplements and vitamins for Yorkshire Terrier. Mineral feeding is required for up to a year. Calcium gluconate is used. One month old puppy- 0.5 tablets, at 2 months - 1 tablet, at 3 months - 1.5 tablets, from 4 months - 2 tablets. An overdose of calcium makes your Yorkie's ears erect. Calcium supplements are best absorbed with dairy products.

7.Give your Yorkie puppy one drop of vitamin D2 in oil every other day (if there is too much sun, do not give vitamin D2).

8. Yorkie puppies can add honey to their food - on the tip of a teaspoon every other day. In winter, it is advisable to add 1 teaspoon of rosehip syrup to milk porridge or cottage cheese.

Yorkshire terriers are especially proud of their luxurious coat, which is similar in structure to human hair.

Yorkshire terriers need immunity, which will allow them to withstand the machinations of nature and more. For this reason, the vitamin complex for the Yorkshire Terrier must include ascorbic acid(vitamin C), which enhances phagocytosis and promotes the body's resistance to adverse external influences. Vitamin E also has a beneficial effect on the immune system. It is found in sea buckthorn and sunflower oil, and fatty fish. An excess of this vitamin is practically never found in the Yorkshire Terrier.

Yorkshire terriers are especially proud of their luxurious coat, which is similar in structure to human hair. The condition of a Yorkie's coat can be used to judge its general health. Dullness of the coat indicates metabolic disorders, helminthic infestation, the beginning viral diseases, lack of certain vitamins for the Yorkshire Terrier. It should be remembered that the key to good condition of the pet’s coat is the health of the skin, since it is the dermis that ensures hair growth. Vitamins for the Yorkshire Terrier contribute to the normal functioning of the skin and the good condition of the animal's coat. Thus, retinol (vitamin A) is needed to normalize the condition of the coat and skin. It is found in animal products, e.g. fish oil, butter, fish and animal livers, caviar. IN plant products Retinol is contained in the form of carotenoid pigments, which are absorbed by the body only in combination with fats. Vitamins for the Yorkshire Terrier must contain B vitamins, which are necessary to support the endocrine system. Biotin (vitamin H) is very useful for Yorkie fur, which activates many enzymatic reactions and takes part in the synthesis of fatty acids. Its deficiency manifests itself in the appearance of itching, dandruff, inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and dry hair. Microelements and mineral salts have a specific effect on the fur and skin of the Yorkshire Terrier. When buying vitamins for your Yorkshire Terrier, pay attention to the content of Omega-6 and Omega-3 saturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on your pet’s coat and skin.

It is known that during the growth period of a puppy a lot of calcium is consumed. It is needed for the formation of bones and teeth. Calciferol (vitamin D) is required for its absorption. It is very important that vitamins for the Yorkshire Terrier contain calciferol. A specific defect of Yorkies is the weakness of their joints, which manifests itself in Perthes disease (deforming osteochondrosis) and luxation of the patella. For the purpose of prevention for young pets and growing puppies to strengthen ligaments and joints, as well as the full development of the skeleton, veterinarians recommend using vitamins with the addition of glucosamine for Yorkshire terriers. These could be, for example, Excel Mobile Flex+ from 8 in 1, PETVITAL GAG from Canina, HIP & JOINT PLUS from Nutri-Vet or Top 10 Joint problems from Beaphar.

Buy vitamins for your Yorkshire Terrier, for example,

Canina (Canina) for dogs BIOTIN Forte (Biotin Forte) vitamins for dogs for wool (210 tablets / 700 g),

Canina (Canina) for dogs ENZYM-HEFE (Enzyme Hefe) vitamins for dogs - yeast tablets (800 g / 992 tablets),

Canina (Canina) for dogs DERM LIQUID Petvital (Petvital Derm Liquid) vitamins for dogs liquid for skin and coat (25 ml),

8 in 1 Vitamins for small breed dogs Excel Multi Vitamin Small Breed (150 ml / 70 pcs.),

Beaphar BIFAR Vitamins for dogs with Omega-6 and L-carnitine Duo-Active Pasta (100 g)

and other vitamins for dogs, you can find them in the online pet store Yusna Super Bio.

Regardless of the Yorkshire Terrier's diet, whether it is based on dry food or natural food, the pet needs a sufficient amount of vitamins.

The issue of vitamins is especially relevant for Yorkies who spend little time outside. Vitamins can be either in the form of food additives or included in natural products.

Most vitamins are found directly in natural foods, which to one degree or another can be included in the Yorkshire Terrier's diet. If you prefer to feed your dog exclusively dry food, then there is a huge selection of high-quality supplements containing the necessary substances.

Vitamins for Yorkshire Terrier

So, first, let's look at foods that contain the entire list of essential vitamins that are recommended to be added to food.

    To improve the condition of the coat, as well as general condition the body is recommended to add unsaturated fatty acid, the source of which is vegetable oil.

    At least once a week you need to give a quail or chicken yolk. Raw protein destroys biotin, which is very harmful to the Yorkie’s body.

    If you are afraid that your pet will become infected with worms, we recommend that you add garlic to their food (half a clove per week).

    Young shoots of oats contain a large number of useful substances, necessary for the body York, is especially relevant winter period. In order to grow oats, you just need to wrap them in wet gauze and then plant them in a box.

    Every other day, along with the porridge, you can add a small amount of honey (at the tip of a spoon).

    Vitamin B is responsible for the strength and healthy appearance of a dog's hair. The vitamin has a high content in seaweed and black bread.

Nutritional supplements

If you feed your four-legged friend exclusively with dry food and do not know what vitamins to give your Yorkshire Terrier, we recommend that you use nutritional supplements. Let's consider the most popular and effective nutritional supplements.

    Calcidee is a mineral supplement high in calcium and phosphorus, which play an important role in the formation and growth of teeth and bones. The supplement is relevant for both puppies and adult dogs.

    Excel contains a huge number of substances that help enrich the diet.

    Glucosamine with chondroxide strengthens ligaments and cartilage, and also promotes the proper absorption of calcium in the body.

    Multitonic contains a large number of amino acids necessary for dogs: arginine, lysine, methionine, histidine, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine, each of which is directly involved in the process of protein construction. The basis of the supplement is seafood (echinoderms, mollusks), which also provides a large amount of other vitamins.

Vitamins have a direct effect on the body of any dog, Yorkie

Regardless of what kind of food the Yorkshire Terrier is on: natural or dry, he needs a sufficient amount of vitamins.

The peculiarity of this breed is that it spends little time outdoors and lacks some elements that others, more large dogs, obtained through walking. Therefore, vitamins are very important for Yorkies.

Optimal nutrition for the Yorkshire Terrier to get the necessary vitamins

They can be given as a food or dry food additive or included in natural products. With a natural diet, the Yorkshire Terrier's diet can include such necessary products as vegetable oil (fatty acids to improve coat quality).

Once a week you need a chicken or quail egg yolk. A clove of garlic once a week. In winter, it is important to give your dog young shoots of oats. You can add a drop of honey to your Yorkie's porridge every other day. If the dog is eating or its diet, in addition to high-quality food, includes healthy natural substances that are well balanced in the menu, then you do not need to give any additional vitamins.

However, not everyone can afford the highest quality, and therefore expensive, food. And not everyone is ready to properly balance natural supplements. If the animal's diet consists exclusively of dry food of not the highest class, it will need. They vary, and the choice may depend on the dog's specific needs at different times.

The most famous brands and companies producing vitamins for Yorkies

Calcide - mineral supplement high in phosphorus and calcium, which affect bone formation and tooth growth. It is especially relevant for puppies, and is also suitable adult dog. Excel is a supplement that enriches your Yorkie's diet with a huge amount of substances.

Glucosamine with chondroxide promotes the proper absorption of calcium in the canine body, and also strengthens cartilage and ligaments, which is very important for puppies and aging dogs. Multitonic contains many amino acids that are so necessary for dogs:

  • lysine,
  • arginine,
  • methionine,
  • threonine,
  • histidine,
  • phenylalanine,
  • leucine,
  • tryptophan and valine.

The source of these amino acids in the supplement are mollusks and echinoderms. You can also choose special ones for your Yorkie vitamin complexes. Most often, veterinarians recommend Doctor Zoo, PETVITAL GAG from Canina, Excel Puppy Multi Vitamin (for puppies), HIP & JOINT PLUS from Nutri-Vet, Polidex Polivit-Ca, Excel Mobile Flex or Top 10 Joint problems from Beaphar.

Everything you need to know



Vitamins are organic compounds that have great importance for the flow of life processes in the body of Yorkies. They are incredibly diverse in structure and functions, however, they have common properties. They cannot be produced by the Yorkie's body and must come from food.

If there is a deficiency of vitamins in the body of Yorkshire Terriers, then very often the cause is poor nutrition. A long-term lack of vitamins in Yorkies' diet causes very specific syndromes called vitamin deficiencies. Among all vitamins, there are two types: fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble (C and B complex vitamins). When taken in excess quantities, especially in the form of pharmaceuticals, they can lead to symptoms of poisoning (overdoses of vitamins A and D are known).

Vitamin A in Yorkies

It determines the proper growth and development of the body and stimulates the formation of new cells and tissues, and plays a role in the process of reproduction. It is important for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes. If there is a lack of this vitamin, your Yorkie's skin becomes dry. It also helps improve immunity.

The vitamin comes in the form of an active metabolite from animal products such as butter, liver, fish, eggs. And in the form of a provitamin from orange plant pigments (carrots, pumpkin, chicory, legumes, spinach, lettuce, green onions, parsley, apricots, tomatoes, peppers). Optimal absorption of vitamin A requires a certain amount of fat in the diet and antioxidants.

Vitamin E for Yorkies

The most important antioxidant for vitamin A and essential acids, and also prevents the formation of so-called peroxides, which have been shown to be carcinogenic. It regulates reproduction processes and prevents infertility. Vitamin E deficiency is relatively rare in Yorkies. Sources of this vitamin include butter and vegetable oil, green vegetables and whole cereal grains.

VitaminDin Yorkshire Terriers

It is responsible for the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, takes part in the development of bone tissue, its deficiency causes rickets and frequent fractures in Yorkies. And in adult dogs, vitamin D deficiency leads to bone deformation, increasing their susceptibility to fractures. Vitamin D is synthesized by the dog's body under the influence sun rays. There is very little of it in products. Its main sources are: eggs, liver, milk.

Vitamin K in Yorkies

Green vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cabbage and potatoes) have always been good sources of vitamin K. Among animal products, only liver is rich in it.

Puppies up to six months old are fed four times a day, up to one and a half years old - three times, and adult dogs need to be given food twice a day. It is advisable to feed terriers 2-3 hours before taking them outside or half an hour after that. The amount of food directly depends on the dog’s mobility. It is best to use professional balanced food when feeding, which contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Nowadays there is a wide variety of dry food on the shelves of pet stores, including those designed specifically for Yorkshire terriers. When using natural food, you should exclude everything salty, smoked and sweet.

Natural food must contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal life and development of dogs. The diet must include well-cooked buckwheat and rice, boiled and raw vegetables, boiled offal, egg yolks, beef. Fermented milk products are very useful for both puppies and adult dogs. All products must be fresh. The ratio of animal food to plant food is approximately 3 to 1. A sudden change in food can have a detrimental effect on the dog’s health, so when buying a puppy, you should ask the seller what he was fed. After feeding, the bowl is removed, even if there is food left there. There is no need to train dogs to eat from the table, they must know their place.

Yorkshire terriers are bathed once a week. If the dog does not take part in exhibitions, it can be cut. To prevent the curls from getting into the dog's eyes, the hair on the head is tied with a bow. Due to the fact that Yorkshire Terriers do not have an undercoat, they do not shed. No wonder the breed won the title of the cleanest in the world. These dogs are easily trained to use a tray in a specially designated area. In cold and rainy weather, it is better to dress the animals, as Yorkshire terriers are afraid of the cold. And some individuals should also be given shoes, because these dogs have delicate paw pads.

Despite their small size, Yorkshire Terriers are good guard dogs. Thanks to their agility and ringing voice, they have an advantage even over large breeds dogs. They can be left to guard bags and other things in in public places. Concerns about the health of dogs will be reduced to a minimum if you feed them properly and get all the necessary vaccinations on time. With proper care, Yorkshire terriers practically do not get sick.

Due to its lively nature, the Yorkshire Terrier needs constant movement. This breed needs walking fresh air and outdoor games. A very inquisitive dog easily makes contact with both people and other animals. Yorkshire Terriers love their owners madly and will make good company both elderly people and children. Training and raising individuals of this breed will not burden even an inexperienced dog breeder. They are easy to train. Yorkshire Terriers, like other dog breeds, need to be trained from puppyhood.

The cost of a Yorkshire Terrier depends on the class to which it belongs. And these cute dogs are divided into 3 classes:

1. Show class puppies. The parents of these dogs are champions. Such animals can participate in various exhibitions and shows. Their cost is the highest.
2. Dogs for breeding (breed class) are cheaper than show class dogs. These are animals that have slight deviations from the standard (for example, insufficiently grown wool), but they are still used for breeding. Animals obtained from breed-class dogs have pedigrees and can belong to any class.
3. The cheapest Yorkshire terriers belong to the pet class. They are used as companions and for home care as family pets. They do not participate in exhibitions or purebred breeding. Puppies from such parents cannot have a pedigree.

The attention you pay to your pet will more than pay off when a charming, intelligent, devoted friend - a Yorkshire terrier - happily greets you at your doorstep.

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