All about pearls. Pearls - properties of the stone, characteristics and who suits them according to the horoscope. Natural properties of pearls

It does not require cutting and is valued not by its weight in carats, but by its diameter in millimeters. Cleopatra used his magic for beauty, and today for health Tibetan monks. From a grain of sand to a beautiful sphere - this is the path of a pearl.

Pearl is a stone, the only precious mineral of animal origin. A grain of sand that falls into a sink remains there forever or until people find it. It lives by growing layers of mother-of-pearl and turning into a pearl pea.

As a species, it has existed as long as the seas and oceans on Earth. All nations have legends and traditions about the beautiful pearl.

The shape of pearls depends on their origin. For a sea fish it is correct, but for a river fish there is no such perfection, and large sea fish may lose their spherical shape, but they do not lose value.

The degree of transparency of pearl stones ranges from translucent to densely opaque.

Place of Birth

Except for jewelers and gemologists, stone miners know everything about pearls. This profession is traditional for warm countries washed by the sea or ocean.

The place of extraction is what determines the color of the pearl:

  • white – Australia, Japan;
  • yellow – Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka;
  • gold - Panama;
  • red – Mexico;
  • pink – India, USA (California), Bahamas;
  • silver – Australia;
  • gray – Tahiti island.

The colors of freshwater pearls vary. It is found in Russia, the USA, China, and Germany.

The largest is the “Pearl of Allah” weighing 6.5 kg. It is oblong, 24x16 cm, found in a 300-kilogram mollusk.

Therapeutic effect

Pearls are an indicator of the owner's health. Tarnishing signals the owner about illness, giving a chance to resist health problems.

Other healing properties are known:

  1. Memory improvement.
  2. Regulation of the nervous system.
  3. Immune support.
  4. Protection against viruses, microbes.
  5. Improvement of the liver and kidneys.
  6. Normalization of blood pressure.
  7. Eye treatment.

The raw materials are used to make tinctures and powder to stop bleeding. Pearl water cleanses the body: an ordinary liquid in which pearls have lain for half a day. One day has healing properties.

Tibetans believe that pearls have blood purifying properties. To do this, keep the stone in your mouth for 15 minutes every day.

Magic properties

What pearls are has been known since ancient times. Its magical symbolism and meaning are many-sided: longevity, eternal youth, material independence, fertility, strength of marriage bonds.

The magical properties of pearls help:

  1. Keep the house from thieves.
  2. Get rid of love pains.
  3. Protect yourself from mental negativity such as damage or the evil eye.
  4. Insure against unprofitable deals, evaluate the sincerity of partners.
  5. Calmly perceive your surroundings.
  6. Avoid mood swings.

Hello, dear readers! Pearl stone has attracted human attention since ancient times; it is one of those minerals that are good in their original form and do not require special processing. High-ranking persons have always had an interest in precious pearls; Cleopatra, Semiramis, Maria de Medici and other rulers are known for their love for them. Today there are several varieties of this mineral, some of them are quite affordable for ordinary people.

Origin of pearls

Disputes about whether pearls belong to precious or semi-precious stones are still ongoing. In general, it is not entirely correct to initially classify pearls as stones, since they are of animal origin. Pearls develop in a pearl shell, into which a foreign body, for example, a grain of sand or algae, enters. In response, the mollusk develops a defensive reaction, and it begins to intensively envelop the foreign object with nacre until a pearl appears.

It is worth noting that it takes up to 20 years for a mollusk to form a large specimen of Burmitz grain (pearls), so it is not surprising that the price of the natural mineral is quite high.

Answering the question gem or not, the answer can be yes. Today, pearls, along with diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds, are considered precious substances.

Since ancient times, people have understood that this is a precious stone, so they gladly decorated their clothes, armor, and household utensils with it. It has long been believed that the mineral has energy more suitable for the female sex than for the male sex.

If we talk about the origin of pearls, they come in several varieties:

  • Marine;
  • Freshwater;
  • Cultivated;
  • Artificial.

Sea pearls are mined in the waters of Tahiti, the Persian Gulf, and Sri Lanka. Freshwater pearls can be found in China, Russia, Germany and many other countries. Cultured pearls are those minerals that are formed in a pearl shell, but humans actively intervene in the process of its development, influencing the shape and size of the mineral. From start to finish, an artificial pearl is a creation of human hands, without the participation of oysters in the creation process.

Many people are interested in the meaning of the stone; it is worth mentioning that the pearl has long symbolized purity, fidelity, wisdom, poise, family happiness, faith and sincerity. It is not without reason that in ancient times and today, most brides try to wear dresses decorated with pearls or products with this mineral. In some European countries there is still a tradition, following which parents give their daughter-bride a string of snow-white pearls so that her family life is filled with happiness.

There is also an opinion that Burmitz grain, obtained from the depths of the sea or river, has healing and magical properties.

The healing and magical properties of pearls

The medicinal properties of pearls include the following:

  1. Memory restoration.
  2. Calming effect.
  3. Strengthening the nervous system.
  4. Elimination of liver diseases.
  5. Restoration of kidney function.
  6. Relief from headaches.
  7. Normalization of blood pressure.

As can be seen from the above, healing properties pearls are quite numerous. In medicine and cosmetology today, powder from this mineral or “pearl essence” is actively used; with their help, they get rid of certain diseases, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin of the face, and strengthen hair and nails. In general, the effect of this mineral on the body can be called extremely positive; its healing properties are almost limitless.

If we talk about the magical properties of Burmitz grain, it is believed that it protects its owner from bad people and promises well-being in family life, gives wisdom and youth, relieves the suffering of unhappy love, promises material well-being and prosperity.

Which zodiac sign does the pearl suit?

Before buying jewelry with this mineral, representatives of the fair sex are often interested in whose zodiac sign suits pearls. Astrologers have long studied the properties of pearls and analyzed their compatibility with certain zodiac signs.

There is an opinion that the stone is most suitable for representatives of the element of Water, that is, such zodiac signs according to the horoscope as Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. For these representatives of the horoscope, Burmitz grain in jewelry will help them become calmer and more balanced.

For Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius, pearls will not bring any special benefits in magical and healing terms, but wearing them will also not cause harm, so all zodiac signs, without exception, can wear items with pearls. The stone will become a special talisman and amulet for the Aquarius woman, so representatives of the fair sex born under this zodiac sign should take a closer look at jewelry with it.

Physical properties of the stone

Having learned about the magical and healing characteristics of the stone, you should familiarize yourself with information about its physical properties. The mineral contains the following microelements:

  • Comhiolin;
  • Potassium carbonate;
  • Water.

A pearl can be translucent, almost translucent, or quite dense, completely impervious to light. The strength of the mineral is 3-4 on the Mohs scale. Some photos are taken in such a way that you can see that the pearls consist of three layers, namely the outer, middle and inner.

Color and shape of pearls

When most people hear the word pearl, they think of a small, round, snow-white pearl. In fact, there are several forms and colors of the mineral. In gemology, the following forms of pearls are distinguished:

  • Round or spherical;
  • In the form of rice;
  • teardrop-shaped;
  • Pear-shaped;
  • "Baroque" ( irregular shape, for example, an ellipse).

Among jewelers, round, smooth pearls are more valued, since most women and girls love products with this type of mineral. But there are also masters who make real masterpieces from “Baroque” pearls, which are so named because it was in this era that it became famous and jewelry with it was highly valued by wealthy gentlemen. Jewelers most often use pear-shaped and teardrop-shaped pearls to make earrings and pendants.

If we talk about the color of Burmitz grain, it has unlimited number shades. The main colors of pearls are the following:

  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Golden;
  • Lilac;
  • Black.

The white pearl has long been considered a symbol of purity and innocence and evoked associations with the bride. Precious jewelry with pearls white Coco Chanel was very fond of it, and she said more than once that every representative of the fair sex should have such a product. A truly white string of pearls is a laconic and sophisticated decoration that will be appropriate in any situation. White pearls are more in demand among buyers than other colors.

Necklaces and bracelets made of pink pearls look good on ladies of any age, but they are especially cute on young girls and little girls. Jewelry made from pink Burmitz grain, as well as from white, is quite appropriate both for special occasions and for wearing to work.

Golden or yellow pearls are not mined as often as pink and white pearls, so products made from them can be considered a luxury item, since they are only available to very rich people.

Lilac pearls were especially popular among ladies of the Victorian era; it was believed that they brought mystery and enigma to the image of their owner. Lilac pearls look perfect in light, simple summer jewelry.

A black pearl has captured the imagination of people since ancient times; the impressions of its extraction were twofold: on the one hand, it was and is a great rarity, on the other hand, its shade frightened pearl fishers, as it was believed that it portends misfortune.

The black color of Burmitz grain can also include dark gray, blue, dark blue and silver shades. Natural black pearls today are mined in the waters of Tahiti, they are very rare, their cost is very high. Previously, products with this mineral were available only to empresses and queens; today, jewelry with black pearls can be purchased by wealthy ladies, actresses and socialites.

What are cultured and organic pearls?

Humans do not interfere with the process of formation of natural Burmitz grain, but cultivated grains are created according to a programmed mechanism, that is, under the full control of people, but under the same conditions.

A real pearl consists entirely of mother-of-pearl, while a cultured pearl has a small core inside, which is also covered with mother-of-pearl.

It is worth noting that cultured pearls are created faster than natural ones and their cost is much lower. In terms of their external characteristics and external qualities, natural and cultured pearls are identical.

If we talk about organic pearls, then this is the only type of mineral called “Mallorca”, which is artificially grown without the participation of mollusks, but with full compliance with all the processes that take place when creating natural pearls.

Pearls of this type are produced on the Spanish island of Mallorca using special technologies that make it possible to create perfectly round beads covered with mother-of-pearl; it takes approximately 30 days to form one pearl. The price of organic Mallorca pearls is lower than natural and cultured pearls, but jewelry with them looks no worse and is even more wear-resistant.

If we dwell in more detail on the production technology of Mallorca pearls, they are created in several stages:

  1. To start, take a glass or porcelain bead.
  2. The bead is fixed on a special holder.
  3. The future pearl is dipped into a special solution of fish scales, natural mother of pearl and oil.
  4. Then the bead is dried and irradiated with ultraviolet light.
  5. Procedures 3 and 4 are repeated at least 25-30 times.

The finished pearls of this variety are identical in their external characteristics with cultivated and natural.

How to care for jewelry with pearls

It is worth saying that the mineral requires careful storage. Experts advise those who love jewelry with pearls to adhere to the following recommendations:

With proper and careful storage, jewelry with pearls can last 100-150 years and be passed on from generation to generation. There are cases where a pearl necklace served as a family heirloom for 400 years.

How to distinguish artificial pearls from real ones

As a rule, all products in jewelry boutiques mention the origin of the stone insert; pearls are no exception. The seller is obliged to tell the buyer what kind of stone, natural, cultured or artificial, is inserted into the precious metal setting.

You can also notice the difference in the price of products; rings, earrings, bracelets with artificial pearls will cost less than those containing natural or cultivated minerals. It is worth noting that jewelry with cultured pearls, in turn, will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than that containing natural pearls.

When buying jewelry with pearls, you should pay attention to the following points in order to be able to distinguish a fake:

  1. A product made from fake stone will be lighter.
  2. When drilling thread holes on natural and cultured pearls, no chips are formed, but they can be seen on artificial beads.
  3. Artificial beads are easy to scratch; natural mineral is more resistant to external influences.
  4. Natural pearls keep you cool even indoors depths of the sea, while artificial beads easily take on room temperature.
  5. A real pearl easily bounces off a flat surface; a fake pearl cannot do this.
  6. The surface of a natural mineral is slightly rough, while an artificial pearl is absolutely smooth.
  7. Imitation pearls have an absolutely round shape; in nature you rarely find a mineral without errors.

Signs and beliefs about pearls

Representatives of the fair sex often have many questions when purchasing jewelry with one or another precious stone, for example, who the name is suitable for or what it means for a woman, whether it can be given as a gift.

Experts have answers to such questions. For example, it is believed that pearl jewelry is ideal for women with the names Lilia, Claudia, Valentina, Inna, Irina, Sofia and Margarita. There is an opinion that the stone is wonderful for women in terms of its energy and is happy to share its wisdom with them, contribute to their rejuvenation, and strengthen family ties.

Today, giving pearl jewelry is becoming quite popular, as the mineral symbolizes purity, innocence and wisdom. In this case, it is not necessary to be guided by the date of birth of the birthday girl. It is good to give pearls in pairs with some kind of jewelry, for example, a pearl set of pendants and earrings or a necklace with a ring would be an appropriate gift.

How to Wear Pearl Jewelry

Quite recently, when asked who would suit earrings with pearls, many answered that they were for ladies of Balzac age. Indeed, not so long ago it was believed that products with this precious mineral would look appropriate only on older ladies. There was a lot of talk about how a pearl necklace affects the age of its owner, and most people were inclined to believe that pearls can age their owner by ten or even more years.

Today, fashion experts have a completely different opinion on this matter, believing that pearl jewelry can be worn by women and girls at absolutely any age and with almost any outfit, depending on the type of product. For example, a long white string of pearls is ideal for creating a sophisticated, sophisticated evening look that would be appropriate to wear at a special event.

A short string of pearls of any color is suitable for creating business image, as it will look good with a strict office dress, pantsuit, blouse and skirt.

Modern fashionistas have also learned to successfully combine earrings, rings, bracelets, brooches and pearl necklaces with everyday looks, that is, with jeans, sweaters, all kinds of T-shirts, shirts and even T-shirts. Today, pearls have become a universal decoration.

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Pearls are a stone that does not need cutting. This beautiful mineral is used not only as a stylish decoration, but also to improve health. Pearls are also widely used in modern magic.

The mineral of animal origin is considered the oldest adornment of mankind. Some specimens were discovered by primitive man, but in those days they were not given much importance.

In Russia they learned about the stone in the 10th century. It was believed that pearls are Moonlight, frozen in the water surface, the tears of the Sea Virgin or a flash of lightning remaining in the eyes of a mollusk.

Today, the process of pearl formation does not raise questions. The spectacular mineral is formed as a result of a foreign particle entering the oyster. It could be a grain of sand, a worm, or some kind of fragment.

Once in the shell of a mollusk, the object begins to become covered with mother-of-pearl. The period of birth of pearls lasts on average about 5 years. At the same time, 60-80 precious peas can form in one shell, but the greater their number, the smaller the diameter of each pearl.

Cultured and organic pearls

Natural pearls can be of two types – natural (organic) or cultured. In both cases, the mineral creates the mollusk.

However, in nature this process occurs on its own, without human intervention. Cultured pearls are created by mollusks with the help of a person who deliberately places an implant in the shell. Special pearl farms have been created for this process.

The price of natural stone is tens of times higher than cultivated stone; not everyone can buy it. Therefore, in Lately its prey is rare. The majority of pearls are grown on farms, which makes it possible to select the color, relief and shape of the jewelry in advance, as well as reduce the cost of growing it.

Types of pearls

Shellfish can create pearls in both salt and fresh water.

Depending on this, jewelry is divided into two types:

  • sea ​​pearls;
  • freshwater pearls

It is difficult for the untrained eye to recognize the origin of a pearl, but an expert can quickly determine in what water it was grown.

To learn to distinguish between types of jewelry, you should know their features:

  1. Freshwater peas are less shiny and do not have the same glossy finish as sea peas.
  2. Sea pearls generally have a regular round shape. Those grown in rivers and lakes come in a wide variety of shapes.
  3. Jewelry made from fresh water is cheaper than its sea counterparts. This is explained by the fact that mussels from lakes and rivers are large in size, and accordingly, they are able to reproduce large pearls. In addition, river mollusks can create several precious specimens at the same time.

Classification of shapes and colors of jewelry

The popular jewel is famous for its incredibly diverse range of colors and abundance of shapes. This is why jewelers and designers love to work with pearls, bringing their wildest ideas to life.

Types of pearls:

1. Baroque pearls. This common name brings together specimens of a bizarre shape. Such jewelry can look like a pear, teardrop, cylinder or disk and have a ribbed surface. Minerals shaped like animals, birds, their wings or fangs are especially valued. These specimens are widely used as amulets.

2. Blister. A jewel that does not have a mother-of-pearl layer where the pearl grows. Jewelers usually hide such flaws in necklaces and necklaces, masking the blistered areas with thread holes.

3. Souffle. This type is obtained by inflating the pearl sac of a mollusk after the pearl itself has been removed. Dry material is placed in the bag, which, under the influence of moisture, helps it stretch. The oyster envelops it with mother-of-pearl, resulting in very large pearls.

4. This seed is born when the mollusk does not accept the implant. As a result, there is still a place in his pearl bag where small particles fall. This begins the process of forming a jewel, which often has the shape of a petal. Among cultured pearls, this type is rare. Usually, after an oyster does not accept an implant, a new one is implanted.

5. Kasumi. Real pearls of this type are grown in Japan. They are distinguished by their rich shine, flattened shape and rather large size. The most common shades are pearl gold, pistachio, orange, cream and white.

6. Conc. The mollusks that produce these pearls are not cultivated, as they die when the shell is opened. That is why this type of jewelry is very rare. Killing them is prohibited, and growing them artificially is not profitable. Distinctive feature stone is that it is devoid of mother-of-pearl. The color range includes olive, amber and purple shades, but pink and lilac have the highest price.

7. Akoya. Most often, these stones have a regular spherical shape, which is why they are valued by jewelry makers. Common colors are pearl white, silver green or pale pink.

8. Abalone. The rarest type of pearl with incredibly beautiful shades. These precious grains can shimmer in green, blue, beige, and orange shades. Moreover, the entire color palette can be combined in one copy, as in the example from the photo. The brighter and more saturated the color of the pearl, the more expensive its price.

9. Melo. A jewel of yellow and orange hues that is absolutely devoid of mother-of-pearl. The mollusks that produce this type of pearl cannot be cultivated; sun peas can only be obtained organically.

10. Black pearls of Tahiti. This luxurious jewel is cultivated in large oysters, which makes it possible to achieve a large pearl size. Despite their name, these stones are not produced in Tahiti; the island serves as a commercial center. Countries such as Australia, Vietnam and the Seychelles are engaged in cultivation. Shades of pearls can be deep charcoal, chocolate or rich silver.

The price of jewelry with a small amount of natural pearls is not too high. For example, silver earrings with stones or a pearl pendant can be purchased for 2000-3000 rubles. The exception is rare and too large types of gems, the cost of which can reach several thousand dollars.

Natural pearls: magical properties and who is suitable for them

Pearl jewelry has become widespread due to its beautiful appearance, which emphasizes the beauty and style of its owner.

However, in addition to aesthetic properties, precious pearls are powerful energy magnets. Their mystical abilities were discovered in ancient times, and are now used in modern magic.

Properties of stone and its magical meaning for a person:

  1. Prolongs youth and preserves beauty. This ability comes from the time of Cleopatra, who, as legend has it, drank pomegranate juice with one small pearl every day. In addition, precious grain was always present among her daily accessories.
  2. Improves a person’s character, allowing him to overcome vanity, pride and excessive pride. However, this strong gem is recommended to be worn only by strong-willed, hardworking and purposeful individuals. Pearl does not like pessimistic and lazy people, so it can drive them into a depressed state.
  3. Protects a woman from her husband’s infidelity. This belief has been known since ancient times, when a young woman was always given pearl beads as a wedding gift.
  4. Protects from the evil eye and damage. Dark shades of jewelry, especially coal-black specimens, have a powerful force. But it is worth considering that this decoration is more suitable for mature people. married women, since it can add uncertainty to young ladies.

In order for spectacular jewelry to work for its owner and not harm him, you need to know a few important rules:

  • pearls should not be accepted from strangers, otherwise they will bring misfortune;
  • Only a loved one can give jewelry, and it must be a paired item, for example, earrings or a bracelet and a necklace.
  • the one who gives the jewelry must be sincere and friendly, otherwise the pearl will be saturated with negative energy;
  • jewelry cannot be inherited, since the energy of the previous owner will not bring anything good to the new owner.

Healing properties of natural stone

Natural pearls have a powerful healing effect on the human body.

To achieve results, you need to know how and for what diseases the jewelry can be used.

What diseases can pearl jewelry cure:

  1. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart rhythm disturbances. To cure these ailments, you should purchase a pendant with a natural pearl and wear it as an accessory.
  2. Calm your nerves, balance your emotional state and nervous system, pearl threads or a bracelet will help. Particularly effective in restoring physical strength and psychological health considered black pearls.
  3. Pearl tincture can stop bleeding, relieve inflammation, neutralize bacteria and heal gums. To prepare this drink, take several pearls and place them in a container of clean, cool water. After 10-12 hours, the tincture is ready for use.

In addition to the fact that the medicinal value of the stone has long been proven, pearls can also act as an indicator of well-being.

If the owner of a piece of jewelry has health problems, the piece of jewelry begins to lose its luster and mother-of-pearl, and takes on a dull and unsaturated color.

Precious pearls are not suitable for all horoscope signs. In order not to harm the energy flow and your own health, you should take into account the compatibility of the stone with the constellation according to the horoscope

Signs that are ideally suited for their pearl jewelry:

  1. . The gem will help lift the mood of this representative, making him more emotional and decisive.
  2. . Pearls help the sign to relieve excessive irritability. The nugget will also teach you how to smooth out conflicts and build warm relationships with loved ones.
  3. And . Aquarius and Capricorn will be able to balance their hot temper, learn to live in harmony with themselves, and put their feelings in order with the help of pearl jewelry.
  4. . To speed up the meeting with your soulmate and find true love, single ladies of the Libra constellation should always carry precious peas with them.

It is not recommended to wear pearl and pearl jewelry. For these signs, the gem can ruin their character and cause emotional distress. For other representatives of the horoscope, pearls are a neutral decoration that will not bring much benefit, but will not harm either.

What stones can you combine pearls with in jewelry?

For stylish look and enhancing the positive effects of stones, they should be combined wisely. Expert advice will tell you how to do this.

Compatibility of pearls with other stones: what to combine with and how to wear:

  1. White pearls go well with coral and lapis lazuli.
  2. Pink jewel tones go well with pastel-hued amethyst, tourmaline and rhodonite. It is not recommended to use coral inserts and rose quartz in combination with pearls.
  3. Black and gray pearls go well with rock crystal, rubellite and cacholong.
  4. Chocolate and yellow pearls harmonize effectively with citrine, topaz and.
  5. Rare species pearls such as Conch and Abalone do not require additional minerals as they look excellent on their own. Although, it is not forbidden to complement jewelry made from these pearls with diamonds.

How to distinguish a fake from a natural pearl

Recently, they have learned to fake pearls by making jewelry from plastic, glass and crystal, covering the material with mother-of-pearl paint.

In order not to fall for the tricks of dishonest jewelers, you should know several features that the original jewelry has:

  1. Deep and smooth mother-of-pearl, without streaks or clouding.
  2. Heavier weight compared to fake.
  3. The ability to bounce off the floor like a ball when dropped from a height.
  4. The holes for the threads in the bead will be perfectly equal, but the fake will have noticeable chips along the edges.
  5. When viewed under a microscope, a real stone will have a scaly surface, while a fake stone will appear smooth.

However, in order to definitively answer the question whether the stone is a gem or not, it is advisable to contact an independent expert, since sometimes fakes are of such high quality that it is very difficult to determine their artificial origin.

Proper care of pearls

Accessories with pearl grains require constant care, since dust settled on delicate jewelry can cause clouding and the formation of microcracks.

Tobacco smoke is also destructive to pearls, causing pearls to turn yellow and lose their nacre. So that the decoration pleases long years, it should be cleaned correctly and promptly.

Rules for cleaning pearl products:

  • Use 1 tsp of baby soap, shampoo or salt to remove dirt. per glass of water;
  • Dry pearls only naturally, without blow-drying, away from heat devices;
  • Do not use vinegar, peroxide, ammonia, or any abrasive materials to wash jewelry.

Pearls are a spectacular gemstone that can add femininity and charm to any girl. This mineral has not gone out of fashion for several centuries. Every year he is gaining popularity and making more and more beautiful fashionistas fall in love with him.

Today I would like to offer you just a selection of facts about pearls. Surely you didn’t know everything? :)

1. Pearls are the only precious mineral that does not require processing.

2. According to many archaeologists, it was pearls that became the first jewel that attracted semi-wild people not so much for their practical benefits, but for their aesthetic perfection. Since it was not so easy to obtain a strange ball silvering in the rays of the sun, it almost immediately began to be valued.

3. The first to use this stone were, of course, the Chinese. Even 42 centuries ago. The year is 2206 BC, and the emperor with the simple but sonorous name Yu is already receiving tribute from the territories under his control in pearls. Chinese pearls were not only decoration, but also the equivalent of large monetary units, as well as a sign of social status. Among court officials from China, large pearls on their headdress were a symbol of commanding power, and some expensive purchases were paid for with pearls.

4. According to legends, Queen Semiramis loved pearl jewelry and wore beads made of bright pink pearls on holidays. And Queen Cleopatra, according to legend, dissolved a huge pear-shaped pearl in wine and drank it in front of Mark Antony. It's all about their argument; Cleopatra promised to cook the most expensive dinner. Cleopatra won the argument.

5. There are 8 configurations of pearls in nature: button, drop, pear, oval, semicircle, circle, irregular and sphere.

6. On the advice of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander the Great, before attacking India, first of all captured the island of Socotra, which was famous for its beautiful black pearls. The black pearls delighted the commander, and, combining them with dazzling white and slightly pinkish ones, he sent both to Greece. After this, a craze for similar collections began.

7. When Louis 13 was baptized, his mother, Queen Marie de Medici of France, wore a dress embroidered with pearls. There were no more and no less pearls - thirty thousand.

8. The name Margarita means pearl in Greek. The Greeks believed that pearls favored family happiness by preventing quarrels.

9. Natural black pearls first became known in Europe thanks to Hernando Cortez (1458-1547), the Spanish conquistador and conqueror of Mexico, and later through research on “colored pearls” discovered in the Gulf of California. La Paz in Baia, California has become the world center for black pearls.

10. Queen Elizabeth 1 of Great Britain was also noted for her love of Chinese pearls. Every day you could see several necklaces around her neck, the number of pearls in which reached a thousand pieces.

11. The Spanish King Philip II was, at one time, the owner of a pear-shaped pearl named “Perigrina”. This pearl is one of the most famous to this day. The owners of "Perigrine" became only famous people, V different time it belonged to Queen Mary Tudor of England, Napoleon 3rd. And until recently, the pearl was in Elizabeth Taylor's possession - it was a gift from her husband Richard Burton. Together with the jewelers of the Cartier house, the actress came up with the design of a pearl necklace with diamonds and, of course, “Peregrina” became the main element of this jewelry.

12. In Rus', where more than 150 pearl-bearing rivers were known, pearl fishing has existed for a long time. Mainly, these were the rivers of the northwestern part of Russia, although ancient manuscripts mention its production in Kievan Rus. Hence the abundance of pearl embroidery on dresses, not only for women, but also for men.

13. The word “pearl” came to Russia from China. It was formed from the Chinese “zhen-zhu” through the Old Russian “zenchug”. In the old days in Rus', in order to clean pearls, they were given to a chicken to peck them. Then the chicken was cut and the pearls were removed from the stomach.

14. Very rarely two or more pearls grow together. The most remarkable example of this phenomenon is the Great Southern Cross pearl. When the fishermen opened the shell, they discovered that there were as many as nine pearls fused inside in the shape of a cross.

15. In fact, natural pearls, especially suitable for jewelers, are extremely rare in our time. The thing is that in the 19th century pearls began to be mined on a barbaric scale. For one pearl, traders were ready to catch and open up to 10 thousand shells. After a few decades, entire generations of pearl shells were destroyed, so that natural pearls almost disappeared. In 1952, natural pearl mining was banned throughout the world. Cultured pearls grow in natural conditions, in the shell, but differs from the truly natural cause of formation: a seed from a solid body or a soft organic implant introduced by a person into a living mollusk.

16. The technology for growing pearls began, of course, in China about 3 thousand years ago. Then lead figurines of Buddha were inserted into the shells of freshwater mollusks. Similar experiments were carried out in Sweden in 1767 by Carl Linnaeus and almost at the same time in Russia and Germany at the beginning of the 19th century. von Hesling did this. But all these attempts had no practical impact. IN industrial scale The cultivation of sea pearls was implemented by K. Mikimoto in 1915 in Japan. The essence of this method comes down to the introduction of a mother-of-pearl ball wrapped in the mantle tissue of the donor oyster into the pearl shell. At the same time, on average, one out of four oysters formed pearls after three years, and only one out of four pearls reached commercial quality with a layer thickness of at least 0.4 mm. Optimal size the seed introduced into the oyster is 5-7 mm. The size of the resulting pearls is 6.5-8 mm, less often - up to 10 mm.

17. In the shell of the largest of the bivalve mollusks, Tridacna, there are also noticeably larger specimens. For example, on December 6, 2009, at the Bonhams auction, which was held at the Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles, the world's second largest pearl, the “Princess of Palawan,” was put up for auction. Its weight was 2.3 kilograms, and its diameter was more than 150 millimeters.

18. The title of “most valuable pearl” also belongs to the “Regent” pearl, which is shaped like an egg. Its other, more famous name is the pearl of the Bonaparte family. Napoleon bought it in 1811 for his future wife Marie Louise. Then it was transferred to Faberge, after which it was in St. Petersburg for a long time in his collection. In 2005, it was sold at auction for a record price for pearls of $2.5 million.

19 “Pearls are always right,” said Coco Chanel, and made pearls the most democratic decoration that suits any woman and goes with any clothes. She was the first to approve the combination of white pearls with a black sweater, a dark elegant jacket, and a little black dress.

20. And finally, the largest pearl in the world. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Philippine "Pearl of Allah". 6.35 kilograms, 32,000 carats, diameter 238 millimeters

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Mother-of-pearl balls inside mollusks have long attracted residents of coastal countries. For a long time pearls were used as a bargaining chip, decoration and served as an expensive gift. To get it, stone catchers dived to great depths and, at the risk of their lives, lifted beautiful pearls from the bottom of the sea.

Mother of pearl stone is formed in bivalves of sea and river mollusks. This is a product of abnormal growth of the internal layer of the mollusk. A foreign body in the shell, a grain of sand, a piece of algae, or tiny living inhabitants of the bottom provokes the formation of pearls. The body of the mollusk cannot push out a foreign object and envelops it with the substance aragonite. A pearl consists of thousands of layers, which ultimately give the pearl its mother-of-pearl sheen.

The body of the mollusk cannot push out a foreign object and envelops it with the substance aragonite. A pearl consists of thousands of layers, which ultimately give the pearl its mother-of-pearl sheen. Experts distinguish about 120 shades of pearls. The most common is silver, the rarest is greenish-blue.

Magical properties of Pearls

Pearl stone has different properties. Throughout the centuries, it was believed that stone prolongs life and preserves beauty. In the Middle Ages, the groom's parents gave the bride the first gift wedding night a string of pearls, which was supposed to magically protect a woman from betrayal. The owner herself was allowed to wear it only on major holidays; such pearls were not passed on to descendants, since the grafted properties of the necklace could bring major troubles to the owner.

A stone in jewelry has the ability to give the owner the ability to come into contact with any person and benefit from it. Pearl does not like smug, proud and vain people and does not help them. Moreover, being owned by such a person, it combats such qualities and improves the character of the owner.

The healing properties of Pearls

The Chinese believed that pearls increased sexual energy, enhanced visual acuity and treated ear diseases. Indian healers used pearls to treat diabetes, heart disease, painful urination and insanity. In Japan, pearl powder is widely used to make drugs that treat nervous diseases. It is recommended for pregnant women to wear pearls, as they protect the fetus in the mother's womb. The stone has a healing effect on internal organs, treats kidney and liver diseases, restores normal functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Talismans and amulets

According to legend, the magic of pearls lies in their ability to bring wealth and happiness. Some cultures, however, associate the stone with tears and loss of hope, but this is most likely due to its fragility. In most descriptions, the magical properties of pearls include protection from the evil eye, thieves and dishonest people, the ability to balance the rhythm of life and measure it with the lunar cycle. They say that pearls can appreciate a strong-willed and spiritually rich person, helping to attract good luck to him. Pearls are best worn by people with a strong character, stubborn, moving towards their chosen goal, and even fanatical in some way. People with weak character or it can plunge the lonely into an even greater pool of bitterness and sadness, especially with black pearls. However, widows, widowers and divorcees may be advised to wear dark pearls as they help in finding a better half. In general, pearls are a mineral of the sea element and are patronized by the Moon.

Pearls in astrology

It is most suitable for the zodiac signs, and. For other signs, wearing a stone is allowed, but it will be useless. And he will protect the indicated signs from rash actions and rash actions. It is best for women to wear pearls at mid and ring finger right hand, and for men - on the middle fingers of both hands.

Compatibility of pearls with zodiac signs

Pearls for

Pearls have many properties, but specifically for Aries, they will become a door into the soul of a loved one; they will become more attentive, patient, and insightful. Pearls will eliminate jealousy, which sometimes drives these representatives of the sign to fury, at such moments they are ready to sweep away everything in their path. Pearls will not let you sink into the river headlong when a new relationship arises; in general, pearls will calm down the negative qualities of Aries and will keep him peaceful. This stone will make Aries a homebody, but astrologers do not recommend wearing it at work; in this case, the unfavorable influence of the Moon is more often revealed and the representative of this sign becomes nervous.

Pearls for

Taurus can also wear jewelry with pearls; such people live down-to-earth lives, and pearls only support their balance, in harmony with their practical character. With a talisman, girls become more attentive to relatives and friends; pearls help them overcome a bad mood, which is no less important, because they like to take it out on their loved ones. Of course, no one wants to forever deprive themselves of the pleasure of wearing pearl jewelry, but for Taurus, interaction with the mineral should be minimal. It is advisable that they have less contact with it, and that the pearl itself is not on their skin. After interacting with him, representatives of this sign become anxious, unsure of themselves, achieving goals becomes impossible, which causes Taurus to become depressed.

Pearls for

During periods of stress, Geminis cannot cope with them on their own and restore their own health; on the contrary, they fall into complete powerlessness in front of the world and lock the doors. The reason for this is their instability, which, if directed correctly, can turn into positive feature character. Pearls help representatives of this sign to correctly direct their own emotions and receive only good things from them. Astrologers remember that Geminis are quite creative personalities; pearls help them finish what they start and prevent mood swings from affecting the material side of life. He drives away bad and envious people from representatives of this sign and prevents revenge from taking place against them. Specifically for women, it will help you choose a direction professional activity, choose the right solution in a controversial issue.

Pearls for

Pearls have a special relationship with Cancers; they make it clear when a malfunction occurs in the body. Wearing jewelry with it helps restore blood pressure, reduce fatigue and gain peace of mind. For women, this is a good talisman that can enhance the feminine principle and enhance love. Astrologers advise wearing a pearl talisman when you need to make the right decision. Overly emotional representatives of this sign become more sociable and restrained, this cannot but have a positive impact on relationships with others. This rule applies not only to family life, but also to friendship. Among other things, pearls will protect their wearer from lies, gossip and attacks from ill-wishers.

Pearls for

Leos belong to the category of signs that astrologers advise to wear pearl jewelry. They should pay special attention to the black stone, which can have a calming effect on an aggressive Leo. This fire sign with such a patron will become more reasonable, peaceful, reasonable, which will only have a positive impact on his life. If you wear the stone correctly, Leos can develop quite good partnerships with it; pearls will slightly pacify their temper and pride, and drown out outbursts of anger. Representatives of this sign always achieve success, this is one of the reasons why they need a protector who can establish a dense energy wall from ill-wishers. Pearls can be such an assistant, but astrologers advise not to over-gift jewelry if there is a problem. strong connection between the talisman and the wearer.

Pearls for

Pearls also favor Virgos who belong to the air element. Pearls help ward off danger, especially if the work involves danger. But for representatives of the sign who cannot boast of strong characters, pearls may not be suitable; they can only aggravate this character trait. Representatives of this sign love to wear pearl jewelry; they need the energy that the stone possesses, but it can be difficult to distribute the energy. This stone of organic origin has two sides, like the planets whose energy it absorbs. Virgos need to be careful with pearls and not wear them all the time; if the life of a representative of this sign is monotonous, then the stone will not be of any use. It will be a good assistant for businessmen or those who constantly take risks.

Pearls for

Pearls endow Libra with their medicinal properties, preventing Libra from succumbing to any illness. Pearls heal from the inside, subsequently influencing Libra’s body as a whole. For Libra, pearls become an assistant in the fight against heart disease; it pacifies their pride and makes them feel good about other people. If the girl is not yet married, pearls will help find her other half. Astrologers especially advise girls of this sign to buy pearl jewelry. The mineral will carefully reveal their femininity, help demonstrate their talents to others, increase resistance to adverse circumstances, and help them find new strong feelings. Another plus of pearls and their “magic” in favor of Libra is independence.

Pearls for

Scorpios are known for their difficult character, just like pearls, which any woman wants to wear without thinking about the consequences. Representatives of this sign receive everything they need from a pearl talisman. Everyday life, they cease to be so closed, suspiciousness goes away, and self-sufficiency and a sharp mind take leading positions. Scorpios can only wear black pearls, despite the fact that these representatives of the zodiac signs belong to the water sign, light-colored stones are not suitable for them. Thanks to black pearls, women of this sign can find their other half, receive joy and a charge of good mood.

Pearls for

Sagittarius belongs to the element of fire, so wearing pearls is contraindicated for them, but this rule does not apply to black, which is able to maintain balance in the life of representatives of the sign when they begin to have a bright streak in life. If we talk about Sagittarius, then pearls will be an excellent assistant for them in matters of the heart; it will help them find new relationships or take old ones to another level. In family life, you simply cannot do without such a talisman; the stone will remind its wearer of home and will help create coziness and a comfortable environment in the house for everyone living there. Astrologers do not advise buying pearls of any type; Sagittarius must personally choose which piece of jewelry is his, and he will feel it when he picks it up on an intuitive level.

Pearls for

The stubborn Capricorn finds peace when wearing pearls, he is able to look at the situation objectively, but the one that is mined from the sea is best for him. Astrologers advise representatives of this sign to wear pearls, especially if they are black. Such a mineral will help accumulate the necessary energy to move forward and relieve its wearer from indecision. Capricorn will become confident, his calmness will bring benefits in the material sphere, and stressful situations will cease to arise. Spiritual balance, loyalty, mutual understanding are not all that pearls can offer to their wearer.

Pearls for

Aquarians are very sociable people by nature, which is why pearls will be an ideal talisman for them. Pearls will be a good protection against betrayal and anger; they help to pacify such negative qualities in a person as pride and vanity. An Aquarius with such decoration will begin to make profitable and informed decisions for himself. The mineral has always been associated with the innocence of birth, so it was customary to give it to young girls whose chastity was protected by the stone, and at the same time it gave them high-quality protection from troubles and wrong decisions. Pearls help protect oneself from deceitful friends, friendship with whom could only bring harm to the wearer of the jewelry. Black Pearl in the form of decoration for women of this sign, it helps them fulfill the most incredible desires.

Pearls for

With pearls, everything will work out in the best way for Pisces. Representatives of this sign belong to the element of water and it would be strange that pearls had an effect on them Negative influence. The mineral shares the same energy with Pisces, so astrologers say that pearls are the best for them. lucky talisman and it must be in the arsenal. All desires and merits of Pisces have clear boundaries and a “drawn” plan. Pisces are in harmony with themselves and all their qualities are strictly balanced with each other. Pearls make the life of Pisces calm and balanced, which is what a water sign needs - an easy, carefree flow. Pearls are especially suitable for Pisces; it manages to protect them from unhappy relationships, develop intuition, and teach them to use their rich imagination in a productive way.

Pearls - magical properties of the stone

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