Won the fight but lost the battle? Can a man fall in love over time: confession of a failed winner. How to love the person who loves you? Is it possible to fall in love with a man over time?

Time does not stand still, and many of your friends have already acquired husbands and children, but you still can’t find your one and only? You may already have a boyfriend, but the problem is that only he feels love for you, and you don’t. On the one hand, it’s a wonderful feeling when you are loved, but on the other hand, you want to experience this inspired feeling yourself. If you have at least friendly feelings for a man, then all is not lost. Psychologists say that love begins with sincere friendship. But other relationships, built only on passion, do not last long. In this article, you will learn how to love a guy who loves you.

Is it possible to love a person over time?

As you know, love is, first of all, a deep feeling. When we experience love, we experience . And it will definitely take time to develop this feeling. Believe me, once you fall in love, you will feel it immediately. Don't rush yourself, be patient and at first just enjoy the friendly affection. The main thing is for love to appear, then truly falling in love will not be difficult.

Try to spend time with him as often as possible. This way you can quickly recognize common interests, and if you spend time together often, you can quickly develop your unidentified feeling. But you shouldn’t abuse it, loneliness can sometimes be very useful. You may feel some irritability towards your companion, in which case, take a rest and spend some time apart. If you do not have the opportunity to remain without the attention of your chosen one, then this may end badly, and you will begin to feel great hostility towards him. For example, this applies to married women. And they are much more tormented by the question of how to love a husband who loves you.

When discussing the topic of whether it is possible to fall in love with a person over time, we confidently say yes!

How to love someone who loves you?

When answering the question of how to love someone who loves you, first of all you must understand that love is happiness, which should bring joy, not pain and suffering.

Girls should show maximum attention to their chosen one. Try to listen to a man, try to understand his thoughts, all his problems and do not ignore his opinion. You should get to know him as much as possible, maybe you just don’t know him well? After all, a person is not always able to open up right away.

Avoid criticism! You should not attach great importance to some wrong actions and words. Even if he really does something wrong, don’t get angry, try to talk to him calmly. Especially it concerns hot-tempered girls. Remember, you want to fall in love with this person, not push him further away from your heart. Also, forget about any quarrels, because anyone will cause you wild irritation, and in the end you will hate your companion. In case of conflict, do not express everything at once, but try to calm your anger. It is best to ask forgiveness for your temper.

"Waiting List". Waiting list" means that a woman has put a man on a waiting list. In India there is something like this on the railway system, there is a nuance when you come to buy a ticket and say: "Are there any tickets? They tell you: “No, but we can put you on the Waiting List.” That is, an hour before the train it will be clear whether there is one or not

And in a relationship it happens like this: when a woman puts a man on the waiting list, she says, convinces him that: “in fact, it’s okay that you don’t love me now, I love you very much. I love you very much. And be patient, be patient a little, you will love me too. It was like that with me, I didn’t love you much at first either. I didn’t love you very much the first year, but now - two years later - I love you very much." And he says: “And I somehow... Maybe it’s better for us to break up? She says: “Nothing, nothing.” I love you so much. I am with my love... There is a song like this: “I am with My Love.” A bunch of heroic songs, where a woman, she did everything with her love.

You can do a lot with love, but you can’t make a man fall in love, two years after they started living together. Only if he did not have this attachment at the beginning, it is unlikely to develop. There is little chance, practically none, that she will be with her in two years. Not only stronger, but also weaker. Therefore, a man can believe for himself, seeing the sincerity of a woman, also out of compassion, seeing how much she loves, he may be afraid to part with her. There is such a syndrome: the better a girl who, unfortunately, behaves in such an incorrect way, the more difficult it is for a man, if he is decent, to refuse her in this relationship. And the more complicated their relationship will become. Because he will feel more and more that this is not the one, and she will feel that she is becoming more and more attached to him, latently realizing that she is also not the same. And hypnotize yourself even more: “everything is fine, he will love me, and everything will be as we wanted. Everything will work out for us.” So this is one of those very painful scenarios.

And finally, unclear expectations. This is when a woman accepts a man and says that she loves him, but she does not tell him about her desires. And she is constantly annoyed that he does not fulfill these desires, that he does not live up to her expectations. That is, she does not let him go, and at the same time she understands that he cannot make me happy as I imagined. And for this he quietly begins to hate him. A good relationship? If this has already become a marriage, then this can also be one of the tragedies. This is one of the tragedy scenarios. So look again... these terms, they are symbolic, but I think they will remind you that if you look again in your notes, you will understand what we are talking about.

And the general thing that can be said about this is that if such a situation exists, then the woman must find strength, and the man must become a gentleman - raise his level of decency - urgently try to end this relationship. It is always more difficult for a woman, it is more difficult for a girl to end a relationship in which she sees some kind of hope. Why? Because her affection is growing more and more. And in her wait for things to work out, she only gets more confused. Therefore, a true gentleman, he breaks off relationships that he feels will not work out. He interrupts them tactfully but decisively.

And what is the most magical phrase here? The most magical phrase is so powerful: “I Love You, I Love You Too.” A woman says: “I Love You” - from this series, where the “waiting list” is: “I love you very much” or, remember, “I love you madly”? How will the man answer? Because feelings, when we come into contact at the level of feelings, we are afraid of hurting each other, this is true, this is absolutely normal. And that’s why we endure, sometimes we stay in those relationships that we don’t need to stay in, it’s dangerous to stay. We're making at least two more people unhappy. Thus, if a girl stays in a relationship in which she is unhappy, she herself is unhappy. Second: over time it will make this person unhappy. The third, third person is a girl who could be happy with him, but you still keep him close to you. And the fourth person is that young man or man who would make you happy. Are there too many victims? In order to maintain such relationships? Are there too many victims? And this is the rule at any stage of the relationship. Because, one way or another, we have these motives to maintain relationships this way. In principle, maintain unpromising relationships. Ruslan Narushevich.

It is believed that women are very amorous in nature. But only those who don’t really know men think this way.

If you have ever seen a man truly in love. We saw how a confident, formidable and huge, like a rock, guy turns into a shy young man at the sight of his beloved. You'll understand what I'm talking about.

No man's character, restraint, or self-control can resist true love. Moreover, the most inveterate and unapproachable bachelors are most changed when Cupid strikes them with his arrow. Men fall in love completely and irrevocably every time, as if they were jumping into a cold river.

Moreover, it is very simple to explain such male “defenselessness” before love. Let's figure out its reasons together.

Men are used to suppressing emotions...

...but when men fall in love and the feelings burst out, they can no longer be stopped.

This is the reason for the sometimes reckless actions of men in love. They are ready for all sorts of feats for the sake of the lady of their heart.

This is because men have been suppressing their emotions for years and ignoring their feelings. They try to appear confident and calculating (otherwise they simply will not be able to become successful in male society).

But when a woman touches the secret strings of their soul. When they can with her
be yourself and give free rein to your feelings. After this, “putting the genie back into the bottle” and suppressing emotions again is very difficult.

Men become attached to a woman who has truly captured their heart. They are ready to do anything for her. Moreover, it is very difficult for them to let such a woman go. After all, without her bright world feelings and emotions simply will not exist. Only with her next to her the world becomes different and something beyond their control happens to them.

Therefore, according to statistics, it is women who, more often than men, initiate the dissolution of marriages and long-term relationships. Men are not ready to let go of the women they love so easily.

Men don't doubt their feelings

This is one of the reasons why men fall in love so quickly.

Women are taught almost from childhood to understand feelings and get to the bottom of them. They are taught not to give in to the first impulses of emotions and to cope with emotions. Women understand when feelings take over and make allowances for it.

With men the situation is different.

They rarely question or try to explain the strong feelings that arise within them. They were simply never taught this. If a strong feeling appears, then that’s how it should be (roughly this line of reasoning).

This applies to any feelings – including love.

A man does not doubt the woman herself, who evokes a real feeling of love in him. He simply accepts everything “as is,” proves his love through actions and hopes for reciprocity.

This rarely happens to them

Unlike women, for men such sensations are a deficiency.

Women maintain strong emotional connections with each other. They can experience surges of tenderness, affection and kindness in the circle of friends, relatives, and children. They may experience strong excitement and passion for their favorite activity.

Men, on the other hand, are reserved and cold among their friends and at work.

They don’t hug and console each other, they don’t jump for joy together, they don’t pour out their souls to their friends. They don't tell their friends
about your deepest inner desires and fears. They almost never ask for advice in matters of the soul, and God forbid they talk about feelings or experiences.

When a woman brings into a relationship the warmth, affection, understanding, joy, emotions, passion that she is accustomed to in her life. This is something new for a man.

Moreover, this is a deficit that they cannot obtain anywhere except in a relationship. Having experienced all these sensations, it becomes very difficult to refuse them.

So why do men disappear and break hearts?

There are many reasons why men fall in love much faster than women. But provided that it is really love.

Not tricks that they see perfectly well (after all, they have already fallen for them in the past). Not trying to tug at the heartstrings or force him to prove that he is worth something (all this has nothing to do with love). Not a persistent campaign of “conquest or subjugation.” And it’s definitely not a desire to just seduce “for show.” All this will, at best, provide a short novel.

A man cannot resist true love. And I’m ready to do anything for the sake of the one who awakened this feeling.

The only problem is that even women who are sincerely in love too often try to “conquer” or “seduce” men. Unfortunately, forgetting that they know how to LOVE

Men do not talk about their feelings when communicating with you, because they themselves are not always fully aware of them.

And for some of them, saying “I love you” is a very big problem.

But don't worry!

You can find out what the man you're dating thinks about you without asking him.

In addition to words of love, each person shows some signs of his feelings.

If you are more observant, you will understand and learn the whole “truth” about a man’s true feelings.

You want confirmation of love right away on the first date, but the man is only looking at you.

And even if he likes you very much, he needs time to understand his feelings for you.

But if his further behavior contains these six signs, he is clearly in love with you!

Sign 1: He makes you feel special.

A man can like a woman or not, there is no third option.

A man cannot play like a woman - not call specifically to test her feelings and look at her reaction (except in pickup situations, but there you can still figure out a man’s insincerity).

A man either communicates with a woman or does not communicate.

If he doesn’t call a woman, it means he doesn’t want to communicate with her, and nothing can make him want to do this.

A man will not put much effort into pleasing any woman and pleasing her.

If he makes some effort to make sure your time with him is fun and interesting, it's because he cares about you and he loves you.

If he does something for you that makes you feel special, it's a sign that he really loves you.

If he thinks in advance what you will do during your date, if he gives you not just gifts, but takes into account your interests and knows exactly what will make you happy - this is a very good sign for your relationship.

Sign 2: He hangs out with you on weekends.

Saturday and Sunday are special times for free men. They always make plans for these days to have a good time.

After a working week, I want to really relax and unwind.

So, if a man is not very interested in a certain girl, he would rather spend this time with his buddies.

But when a man asks you what you will do on Saturday and Sunday evenings, he is clearly interested in you, he is interested in communicating with you.

If he's going to spend this time with you, then he knows what it's like. time will pass guaranteed good.

If you want to spend the whole weekend with him, he is really in love with you.

Sign 3. He begins to make life plans with you (he includes you in his life).

When a guy calls you or texts you, it means he really enjoys spending time with you.

If he invites you somewhere to spend time together, he really wants to see you.

If a man only wants sex, he will invite you to a hotel or rent an apartment.

But if a man invites you to a movie, to a concert, or just for a walk, he really wants to be with you and see you.

If a man asks you about your plans for the next day, week, holidays, summer - this is a sign that he is interested in you, that he is in love with you.

And he wants to make sure that you include him in your plans and spend time with him before you have anything else planned.

Sign 4. He wants to touch you and hug you.

If the man you are dating likes to touch you, for example, on your hands when talking, on your hair and face when kissing, this is a sign that he is in love with you.

Men are always ready to hug the women they love.

All men have sex, but they are affectionate and gentle only with the women they love.

A man who meets for sex will never stroke a woman’s hair or kiss her, he will not whisper tender words to her.

A man who meets a woman just for sex will try to leave after it; heart-to-heart conversations are not always included in the meeting program.

But if you spent the night with a man and in the morning he hugs you, if in the morning he is as gentle and affectionate as he was at night, this is a very good sign for your relationship.

This is a sign that this man is in love with you!

Sign 5. A man is jealous of you.

If a man is in love with you, then he will want to be the best for you.

And any comparison with other men that is not in his favor will make him angry.

He may also be angry with your male friends or any men you greet on the street.

Sign 6. He introduces you to his friends and parents.

A man is never afraid to show a woman to his family and friends if he is happy with her.

And if he introduces you to his friends, that's a good sign.

If he introduces you to his family, that's great!

This means that he really appreciates you and is in love with you, and he wants everyone to know it.

It is difficult for a man to bring just any girl to his home.

So, if he introduces you to his family and circle of friends, and does everything to make them like you and you, he is in love with you.

If these signs are not present for a long time, then perhaps you need to talk to your man about his intentions.

These signs will not immediately appear in his behavior. This takes time.

And if you don’t rush a man, don’t reproach him for not being in too much of a hurry to trust you, but if you simply love him and enjoy communicating with him, then everything will end very well!

P.S. These, unfortunately, are not signs that a man will marry a woman, although everything is possible in our world......

Psychologist-sexologist Eleonora Razvina

When answering the question of how to love someone who loves you, first of all you must understand that love is happiness, which should bring joy, not pain and suffering.

Girls should show maximum attention to their chosen one. Try to listen to a man, try to understand his thoughts, all his problems and do not ignore his opinion. You should get to know him as much as possible, maybe you just don’t know him well? After all, a person is not always able to open up right away.

Avoid criticism! You should not attach great importance to some wrong actions and words. Even if he really does something wrong, don’t get angry, try to talk to him calmly. Especially it concerns
hot-tempered girls. Remember, you want to fall in love with this person, not push him further away from your heart. Also, forget about any quarrels, because any conflict will cause you wild irritation, and in the end you will hate your companion. In case of conflict, do not express everything at once, but try to calm your anger. It is best to ask forgiveness for your temper.

Is it possible to love a person in a short period of time?

What can be confused with love at first sight? Many people confuse this feeling with simple sympathy. You liked a person, you make an acquaintance with him, begin to communicate with him, date him and gradually begin to fall in love with this person. That's why many people call it love at first sight.

When we meet a new, interesting person who is unlike anyone else, we try to spend as much time with him as possible in order to get to know and understand him. We begin to fall in love with a person we met just a few days ago. We experience new emotions, new feelings, it’s as if we are starting life anew.

Can you be sure that this is not a hobby, not a fleeting feeling, that this is not just an interest in meeting a new acquaintance? Is this really love or is it just a momentary crush? There can be no guarantees. It is necessary to understand and understand yourself, to determine who you consider this person to be. Do not rush to offer friendship to a person if you really see his affection for you. Understand how you feel about a person, and then you are ready to make decisions whether this person will become a friend or a loved one for you. Convert relationships with interesting and not into friendship into the category of friendship. an ordinary person it's never too late. But making a friend fall in love with you is much more difficult.

Why are many people afraid to say the word love? I mean a relationship that has just begun to develop, you have been dating a person for only a few days and are already ready to tell him that you love him. And he is in no hurry to admit the same to you. What to do? Sound the alarm? No, remember that you are striving for a serious relationship, you are not looking for light flirting or just a person to be nearby. Don’t rush, love spontaneously manifests itself very rarely, most people spend a very long time looking closely, trying to adjust, get used to it, and only then will they be able to tell you with final confidence about their love.

If you are sure that you have already fallen in love with someone too quickly, do not rush into confession, this may frighten your loved one. A person may think that you are not constant and very amorous, that your love will quickly pass. Don't rush, but if you are confident in your feelings, then everything is in your hands.

Undoubtedly, you can fall in love with a person in a short period of time, but I would like to be sure that love will be eternal...

Let's say that feelings for ex-lover they no longer poison life and do not interfere with the start of new relationships. How to love a person for whom the object of unrequited love feels only sympathy? You should start working on this by making a list of its advantages. It is possible that the applicant has a lot positive qualities, which make it worthy of attention. You can note his intelligence, devotion, kindness, sense of humor and so on. The longer the list of advantages, the better.

It’s great if a person likes the appearance of someone who declares their love for him. In this case, you should definitely place the photo of your chosen one in a prominent place so that you can admire him as often as possible.

This question is often asked by people who become objects of mutual love. Many psychologists insist that strong relationships begin with friendship, while a romance based only on mutual passion does not last long. So why not try to fall in love with someone who loves you, even if he is only friendly?

Is the game worth the candle?

In books and films there are not only stories about how people also often become the basis for the plot, and such works often have a happy ending. Similar situations are quite common in life. Should a person who has become the object of non-reciprocal love try to arouse feelings in himself for the contender for his heart?

Why not, if a person dreams of starting a family, he understands that the one who seeks his attention suits him and inspires favor. Friendly sympathy can always be reborn into something more if it is promoted correctly. How to do this is described below.

What to do if the company of someone who is in love is unpleasant for a person and only causes irritation and anxiety? In this case, you should hardly force yourself to spend time with him, trying to fall in love. The result of such efforts will most likely be zero.

Where to begin

How to love a person who loves you? First, you need to finally free yourself from relationships that are already in the past. It is especially important to pay attention to this issue if the separation occurred recently. You can’t count on a positive outcome if a person still has feelings for his former lover. Of course, it is difficult to get rid of emotions associated with previous relationships, but the process can always be speeded up.

So before you try to love good man, you need to force yourself to forget about the one with whom the relationship did not work out. To do this, you need to find yourself as many interesting activities as possible that will not leave time for sad thoughts and memories. You are encouraged to attend social events that will help you unwind. You can also come up with an exciting hobby, sign up for courses that promote personal growth, and so on.

If you need to love a person

Let’s assume that feelings for your ex-lover no longer poison your life and do not prevent you from starting a new relationship. How to love a person for whom the object only feels sympathy? You should start working on this by making a list of its advantages. It is possible that the applicant has many positive qualities that make him worthy of attention. You can note his intelligence, devotion, kindness, sense of humor and so on. The longer the list of advantages, the better.

It’s great if a person likes the appearance of someone who declares their love for him. In this case, you should definitely place the photo of your chosen one in a prominent place so that you can admire him as often as possible.

Avoid Criticism

If you want to love a person, it is advisable to pay as little attention as possible to his shortcomings. All people from time to time commit the wrong actions and say the wrong words. It is necessary to be more tolerant of the mistakes that a potential lover makes, and to concentrate on his positive rather than negative traits.

At this stage, conflicts and quarrels are the most dangerous for emerging relationships. You should not provoke them with criticism, even if some character traits of the candidate cause irritation or rejection. Of course, this does not apply to shortcomings that a person can never come to terms with. In this case, it is worth thinking about whether it is advisable to try to evoke feelings in yourself at all.

Spending time together

If a girl wants to fall in love with a young man, she needs to spend time in his company more often. It is unlikely that you will be able to evoke feelings for a stranger, so you should try to get to know the candidate better. It’s great if you manage to discover common interests and start a joint hobby. Such a pastime will certainly lead to rapprochement, and more topics of conversation will appear that are of interest to everyone. Joint attendance at social events, watching films, performances, and so on is also useful.

Perhaps it is also worth deciding on a joint vacation, especially if people have known each other for a long time. Seeing a lover outside of usual circumstances, you can look at him in a new way, experience an interest that was not there before. Of course, a joint vacation in a romantic setting that evokes the right emotions is welcome.

Signs of attention

An important point is showing attention to the chosen one. It is necessary to provide the applicant with support in difficult life situations, take an interest in his problems and concerns, and show sympathy. Indifference does not contribute to the emergence of mutual feelings. Also, one cannot ignore the opinion he holds on a particular issue. It is known that the more moral strength invested in a person, the closer and dearer he becomes.

Is it possible to love a person without paying attention to the good that he does for the object of his love? Gifts, compliments, expressions of care - all this needs to be celebrated. Cultivating a sense of gratitude in yourself, talking about it out loud, makes it easier to get closer.

Of course, when paying attention to a potential partner, it is important not to forget and share with him your own experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Secrecy does not contribute to rapprochement, nor does the desire to solve all your problems on your own.


If you sincerely want to love someone who is seeking attention, you can try to convince yourself that this has already happened. To do this, it is useful to behave as lovers do, to be together more often, to strive for spiritual intimacy, and to go on dates.

It is also useful to tell the world about your feelings, even if they currently exist only in the imagination of the storyteller. Let no one doubt that they see a loving couple in front of them. How more people find out about the alleged affair, so much the better. Trying to convince others (friends, acquaintances, relatives) of your love, you can suddenly realize that it really has arisen.

Eyes to eyes

Is it possible to love a person over time? To do this, psychologists advise looking into the eyes of a potential lover more often. The eyes of a lover beam with happiness and joy, telling about his readiness to do crazy things for the sake of the object of his passion. Such feelings are contagious, and it is easy for people to feel sympathy for someone who is in love with them. After friendship, love can come.

Meeting the parents

What else can you do to fall in love with a young man? This is facilitated by communication with those for whom he is the best. First of all, these are the parents of a potential partner, so you should not avoid communicating with them or flatly refuse to meet them. In addition, this will help you get to know the candidate for the role of the other half better.

Of course, it is also useful to communicate with friends and acquaintances of a possible chosen one, who are also able to tell about his most good qualities, help him demonstrate them.

Frankness is important

It is said above that it is necessary to refrain from criticism and try not to provoke quarrels. However, this does not mean that you need to remain silent about everything that does not suit you in a relationship, especially if we are talking about really important points that can destroy it. A frank conversation helps eliminate many problems if conducted in a calm and friendly tone. For example, you should not hide your preferences in bed from your partner, and also forget to be interested in his habits and desires.

About the benefits of parting

The above describes how to love a person if such a desire arises. However, we should not forget that moderation is necessary in everything. Anyone who literally forces himself to spend a lot of time in the company of a potential partner can easily begin to feel tired and irritated. If dating begins to seem like an unpleasant chore, you should definitely press pause, take a break from communication and try to understand your own feelings.

It is possible that separation will help to understand how important a role a person in love plays in the life of the object of his attention. Perhaps simple interest has already transformed into a more serious feeling. If the desire to meet does not arise for a long time, you should not force yourself to resume dating. There is a high probability that nothing good will come of this.

How to properly evaluate the result

So, the answer to the question of how to love a person is obvious. However, how can you understand whether you managed to achieve your goal? This is not always easy, since love is a feeling that can manifest itself in different ways.

If doubts remain, you need to listen to your feelings while being close to your potential other half. It’s great if a person who recently considered himself an object feels comfort, lightness, and joy. Also, a hint of an emerging feeling can be the melancholy that appears during a long separation from a partner.

What to do if such emotions do not arise, although enough time has passed? This may indicate that the person in love is still the hero of someone else's novel. Therefore, it is better to tactfully break up with him, trying not to hurt his feelings, and then start looking for the real second half, which will definitely be found.

Love is a feeling between a woman and a man, which is based on mutual respect, sympathy, it is a feeling that arises without our knowledge. This feeling cannot be programmed, cannot be artificially caused, it comes on its own. It also goes away on its own if a person does not make an effort to life together with him. Is it possible to fall in love over time? Everyone can find the answer to this question on their own; this article will help you figure it out.

Let's turn to the experience of our ancestors. Each person has his own purpose. Nowadays, the purpose of many is to earn as much money as possible or to reveal themselves in a profession or creativity. The purpose of our ancestors was to continue the family line, give birth and raise their descendants. And so, when the age came for a person to start a family, whether he had a crush, or was attracted to someone, the person started a family. Of course, they took the choice of the bride or groom very seriously. It’s good if the applicants don’t breathe smoothly towards each other. But this was not always the case. Often the bride and groom did not know each other (by the way, the word “bride” can be translated as “unknown”). Here the saying worked - “If you endure it, you will fall in love.”

In this day and age of computers and innovative technologies a lot of things are going wrong. Often relationships develop without mutual love on the part of one of the partners. So the question arises: Is it possible to love a person over time?

Remember, love is, first of all, patience. Feelings arise spontaneously, when you shake, when you throw yourself into the paint, when you can’t sleep and don’t think about anything else. This is only the initial manifestation of feelings, which lasts several days or months; then without patience, love will end.

Love is respect.We need to learn to understand each other, take care, recognize the freedom of our partner, and at least sometimes organize holidays.

Love is trust.You cannot love and at the same time not trust your loved one. To think that you love, and at the same time suspect the object of your love of possible dirty tricks.

If you are familiar with all these feelings, then you will definitely fall in love. Nature does not tolerate emptiness; if there is no love now, this means it may appear after a while.


Often a person appears in our lives to whom we become not indifferent. He selflessly falls in love with us, showing signs of attention, and tries to achieve our favor. If a truly sublime feeling settles in him, and not a fleeting infatuation, then the story of unrequited courtship and unrequited love drags on for a long time. Over time, we can no longer imagine the morning without his call or pleasant SMS message. It becomes part of everyday life, filling the mind and soul. It is not surprising that logical questions arise in your head: Perhaps it is with him that you will be happy? How to love the person who loves you? Should you reciprocate long-term courtship?

If you feel the need for friendly support or dream of a serious relationship, then such thoughts appear in the subconscious more and more often. After a short period of time, you involuntarily begin to consider it, regarding it as possible variant your “half”. In the current situation, it is important to realize that the desire that appears is not a figment of a sick imagination. You cannot choose a partner based on the lack of more attractive options. Later, such a decision may become a prerequisite for development caused by the inconsistency of your desires and reality. However, in the case when a person opens up to you with new side, and you can no longer imagine your everyday life without his participation - it’s worth trying to find reciprocity in yourself.

Reciprocity in love relationships: features and benefits

“Open up” to your chosen one in order to develop trust in him. If you share your innermost dreams and childhood fears with your partner, then you will have common secrets known only to a select few. For you, such an action will be a serious step towards your cherished goal, because you automatically include the person in a narrow circle of close people.
Find common hobbies so that your time is accompanied by exclusively positive emotions. Do you like animals? Visit zoos and terrariums together, arrange photo sessions with your pets. Are you fascinated by cars? Start tuning the vehicle, draw a graphic layout, and decide on the scale of future changes. Be happy when you are near loving person, forgetting about pressing problems and everyday matters.
In the process of cultivating a sublime feeling in yourself, do not try to change, adjusting your personal appearance to achieve your cherished goal. You were loved for the set of qualities that are already present in your image. Learn to adapt to the specifics of the situation, listen to your partner’s opinion, and find compromises. However, do not forget about your own ego.
Don't overdo it in trying to build a relationship based on mutual feelings. Love should be accompanied by a positive spectrum of emotions, and not become a daily routine that causes pain, despair and despondency. Don’t forget to keep the “fire” in your partner’s eyes by warming up your own feelings - confidence in the future is distinguished by the pleasant but unexpected actions of your loved ones.
You can’t cultivate love in yourself by going “along the path” sexual relations. If you decide to awaken a sublime feeling with the help of intimacy, then you risk disturbing the harmony of the chosen one’s inner world. Sex without the proper emotional background will turn out to be a rather mediocre event, so it is useless to count on the longevity of a love union.
Don't talk about love if you are not yet ready to utter your cherished words. A phrase spoken under moral and psychological pressure from a partner does not differ in any subtext. Honesty is a stronghold for building new relationships. Starting the construction of a love union with a lie is an inappropriate decision.

When you are about to reciprocate your partner's long-term courtship and attentions, it is important to find peace of mind. Don't make decisions based on emotions and feelings of hopelessness. Viewing a person as the last chance for a happy marriage is not a practical choice. It is worth thinking about the relevance of reciprocal sympathy only in the case when such thoughts themselves appeared on a subconscious level. If you deliberately push yourself, trying to find merit in your partner, then it is useless to count on the strength and durability of a love union.

The question of what ““ is” has remained in the category of rhetorical dilemmas for many centuries. Great minds are able to give an exclusively terminological definition of such a phenomenon, but it remains impossible to describe the spectrum of sublime feelings. It’s not surprising, because love has no boundaries or boundaries. For each person, it is contained in individual emotions and is associated with certain events, accompanied by vivid and memorable memories.

24 March 2014, 14:40
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