The meaning of the word sacred meaning. What is “sacred”: meaning and interpretation of the word. Sacred knowledge. Sacred place. Additional definitions of the term

sacred, primarily related to religious cult and ritual. In a general cultural sense, it is used in relation to cultural phenomena and spiritual values. Sacred are values ​​that are enduring for humans and humanity, those that people cannot and do not want to give up under any circumstances.

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from lat. sacrum - sacred) - everything that relates to cult, worship of especially valuable ideals. Sacramental - sanctified, holy, treasured. S. is the opposite of secular, profane, worldly. What is recognized as a shrine is subject to unconditional and reverent veneration and is protected with special care by all possible means. S. is the identity of faith, hope and love; its “organ” is the human heart. The preservation of a sacred attitude towards the object of worship is primarily ensured by the conscience of the believer, who values ​​the shrine more own life. Therefore, when there is a threat of desecration of a shrine, a true believer comes to its defense without much thought or external coercion; sometimes he can sacrifice his life for this. S. in theology means subordinate to God.

The symbol of sacralization is consecration, that is, a ceremony as a result of which an ordinary mundane procedure acquires a transcendental meaning. Initiation is the elevation of a person through an established sacrament or church rite to one or another degree of spiritual service. A priest is a person who is attached to the temple and performs all the sacraments except the priesthood. Sacrilege is a property attack aimed at sacred and consecrated objects and accessories of the temple, as well as insulting the religious feelings of believers; in a broader sense, it means an attack on a shrine.

In addition to the theological understanding of S. as a derivative of God, there is an extensive philosophical interpretation of it. For example, E. Durkheim used this concept to designate the natural historical basis of truly human existence, its social essence and contrasted it with the concept of individualistic (egoistic) existence. Some religious scholars consider the procedure of sacralization as an essential hallmark of any religion - pantheistic, theistic and atheistic: religion begins where a system of sacralization of especially valuable ideals takes shape. The church and the state are developing a complex and subtle system of protecting and transmitting the sacred attitude of people to the basic ideals of the established culture. Broadcasting is carried out using mutually agreed upon methods and means of all forms. public life. Among them are strict rules of law and soft techniques of art. An individual from the cradle to the grave is immersed in the S system generated by the family, clan, tribe and state. He is involved in ceremonies, ritual actions, performs prayers, rituals, observes fasts and many other religious instructions. First of all, the norms and rules of attitude towards the near and far, family, people, state and the absolute are subject to sacralization.

The sacralization system consists of: a) the sum of ideas sacred to a given society (ideology); b) psychological techniques and means of convincing people of the unconditional truth of these ideas?) specific iconic forms of embodiment of shrines, sacramental and hostile symbols; d) a special organization (for example, a church); e) special practical actions, rituals and ceremonies (cult). It takes a lot of time to create such a system; it absorbs past and newly emerged traditions. Thanks to sacred traditions and the currently existing system of sacralization, society strives to reproduce a certain religion in all its horizontals (social groups, classes) and verticals (generations). When the chosen object is sacralized, people believe in its reality more strongly than in empirically given things. The highest degree of S. attitude is holiness, that is, righteousness, piety, pleasing to God, penetration with active love for the absolute and liberation of oneself from impulses of selfishness. Any religiosity is associated with S., but not every believer is capable of becoming a saint in practice. There are few saints, their example serves as a guide for ordinary people. Degrees of S. attitudes - fanaticism, moderation, indifferentism. S.'s feeling is whole, and the poison of doubt is deadly for him.

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One can only regret that we use various words everywhere without thinking at all about their meaning. Meanwhile, each of them has its own, very specific meaning. And not only obvious, lying on the surface, but also hidden, carrying sacred information. And this second, naturally, is much more important than the first.

Why is the meaning of the words we use so important? Because a word is not just a certain sequence of letters. This is a kind of container that delivers the meaning inherent in it to a person’s subconscious. Consciousness captures (and even then not always) the superficial meaning, and the subconscious – the deep meaning.

On the one hand, this ensures the preservation of sacred knowledge and its “automatic” transmission from generation to generation during verbal or non-verbal communication among native speakers. On the other hand, it can become a powerful invisible weapon, with the help of which national self-awareness and self-identification are destroyed. And this, in turn, will ultimately lead to the gradual degeneration and destruction of the nation as such. How this is done is discussed with an example in the article “The Path to Heaven.”

It turns out that it seems that we do not need to know and understand the secret meaning of words. Since it is broadcast directly into the subconscious, then why do we need to make an effort and decipher something else? After all, we are bearers of sacred wisdom simply by virtue of the fact that we speak and think in Russian. So?

No not like this. Although information is stored in the subconscious, this does not at all guarantee that it will be retrieved from there someday during life. And if so, it means it will not be implemented. And what is the use of it in this case, if a person can continue to walk to the grave without using ancient knowledge? The realization that you are the bearer of some ancient sacred knowledge is little consolation.

In general, whatever one may say, in order to be able to realize dormant knowledge, it must be extracted from the subconscious and placed into consciousness. And to do this, you need to understand the hidden meaning of words and be able to decipher them.

In our distant Vedic past, everything was much simpler. Then there were corresponding specialists - the Magi. They did not just teach their fellow tribesmen to read and write. They taught correctly. As a result, people correctly understood and, accordingly, used words correctly, in accordance with their sacred meanings.

Of course, the entire volume of sacred knowledge has never been made publicly available. There was simply no need for this. After all, a blacksmith or potter did not need this knowledge to work. Universal “sacred literacy” concerned only what was necessary for any person to live a correct life, regardless of his social status or profession.

But now, when many hundreds of years have passed since the Magi disappeared (and, of course, they did not disappear on their own), we have begun to lose our primary understanding of the meaning of the words. Moreover, we are actively helped in this by various pro-Western “luminaries” from science, who claim that the Russian language is young by historical standards and is not original, since it is derived from other languages. And, first of all, from Greek.

At the same time, they are not at all concerned about the fact that many semantic phrases in the Russian language cannot be correctly translated not only into Greek, but also into any other language in the world. For example, how to translate to foreign language the phrase: “the fragile little boat rocked sadly on the icy waves”? Without losing the nuances of meaning and emotional coloring of the story - no way. Or the following dialogue: “Will you drink tea? “No, probably not”...

There are a great many similar examples, but in the context of this article we are interested in something slightly different. Can we now restore knowledge and correct understanding of the sacred essence of words? It turns out we can. Let’s use the technology of number science for this and try to reveal the deep meaning of the word “soul.”

First, we need to convert the word into digital form. Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to one of the numbers of the simple number series from “1” to “9” (Fig. 1). When translating, we get the following set of numbers: 5381. Next, we will carry out a numerological collapse of the resulting series (sequential addition of all numbers until we get prime number from “1” to “9”) and we get the sequence: 5+3+8+1=17; 1+7=8.

Rice. 1

The number “8” obtained as a result of these simple arithmetic manipulations is the so-called number of the word and expresses its basic essence. And here the first problem awaits us. How to correctly decipher the meaning of the received number?

Unlike mathematics, where each number has only one whole value, in esotericism each of them has several. The skill and level of competence of a numerologist or number scientist largely lies in how to correctly decipher the meaning of a particular number in a particular case.

For example, the number eight has sixteen positive meanings and eight negative ones. Fortunately, in this case, this is not difficult to do. One of the main meanings of the number “8” is “infinity”. In other words, the immortality of the human soul is encrypted in the very essence of this word.

But this, of course, is not all. After all, in the sequence we calculated there are seven letters, which are also not just extras. By the way, the number “7” in its list has such meanings as “spark of God”, “divine wisdom”, “protection of higher powers”. So the number of letters in a word is also a difficult coincidence.

However, we have again gotten a little ahead of ourselves. The fact is that not all the numbers we need for a detailed decoding have been taken into account. Let's look again at Figure 1. In the table, all the letters of the alphabet are grouped into four rows. And the line numbers carry Additional information in accordance with the meanings of the numbers with which they are designated.

Now, if we write them down, we will get the following series: 1331. It is easy to notice that two digits are repeated twice in it. This is the so-called “two” marker. Or, speaking in simple language, a hidden reference to the number “2”. The total number of letters in a word is four. This will also be useful to us in the future.

Now you can start deciphering the meanings. This is the most difficult and responsible part. As already mentioned, each number has not one, but several meanings, and it is important to determine exactly which of them works in a particular case. Let's start with the numbers corresponding to the letters of the word.

The first digit is “5”. She holds the record for the number of values. There are as many as twenty-two positive meanings alone. But, oddly enough, there are no special problems with it here. The current value is "person" ("person number"). It is located in the first row of the table, and “unit” is most often deciphered as “goal”. But what exactly is the goal - the person himself or something else? Since the number is at the very beginning of the word, it will be interpreted as “a person has a goal” or “a person’s goal.”

The next number is “3”, which, moreover, is in the third row of the table. This means that the number at least exhibits two of its meanings from the list. One of them is “the synthesis of the energy spiral, the first qualitative leap.” Another is “the triune essence of Rule, Navi and Reveal (laws of Rule that unite Nav and Reveal in harmony).”

Some clarification is required here. If you look into encyclopedic sources, you can find a lot different interpretations the word "synthesis". But they all differ only in details. The essence is that synthesis is a certain process of combining elements, as a result of which they merge or are organized into a single whole.

However, nothing is said anywhere as to what the final product is. What is this - the usual connection of disparate parts into an already known, standard whole? Or does the process result in a transition of the product to a qualitatively different level? In our case, it is the second option that is meant.

Go ahead. The next number is "8". We have already encountered it and know what meaning it takes, being the number of a word. In this case, additional markers indicate not one, but two of its meanings at once - “results of labor” and “justice”. These are not separate, independent concepts, but interconnected ones. Therefore, in the literary version it will be read as: “the results of labor, fairly (lead to).” What they lead to can be seen from the decoding of the next number.

Number "1". Although most often “unit” is deciphered as “goal,” here the markers indicate a different meaning - “the beginning of the beginning, a turning point.” Considering the location of the number (one of the markers), we can say that it represents the start of a new cycle, which at the same time is the natural ending of the previous cycle.

Now if we put together all the transcripts and adapt them literary, we will get the following text: “The goal of man is to achieve a qualitative leap, energy synthesis ( full cycle), requiring effort (labor), and the fair result of which will be reaching a new level and starting a new cycle (synthesis).” In general, it is quite clear and quite specific.

From the digital series of the word we calculated, only the intermediate result in the form of the number “17” remained undeciphered. Everything is clear with “one”: as before, it is read as “goal”. But with the number “seven” it’s a little more complicated. One of the markers indicates the current value: “protection of higher powers”, and the other indicates that it is controlled by the previous number (that is, the value of “seven” should be linked to the value of “one”). As a result, we have some confirmation that the goal indicated in the main transcript is an installation of higher forces. That is, by divine law.

Now all that remains is to figure out the values ​​of the secondary digital series, which contains additional data. It does not contain any fundamental new information, but it is also impossible to ignore it as unimportant.

We already know that if there are several repeating numbers in a series, this means that the number simultaneously manifests several of its meanings. Therefore, “1331” is interpreted as: “the goal is a qualitative leap in energy synthesis associated with the unity of the past, present and future, leading to reaching a new level and the start of a new cycle (synthesis).”

Of the new information, the only meaning that we have not encountered before is present here - “the interconnection of the unity of the past, present and future.” In fact, this is a direct indication of the law of karmic consequence: today we are responsible for our actions in past incarnations, and actions in the present form responsibility in a future incarnation.

The above-mentioned number “2”, which has a hidden indication of it in the secondary digital row, is interpreted as: “path (in the broad sense of the word)”, “movement”. This means that a person must constantly move along the described path. This is not a matter of desire or unwillingness, it is an obligation.

But any path or road must be somewhere. Certainly! And there is a direct indication of this: the word consists of four letters. And the main meaning of the number “four” from the point of view of the world order system is the “number of the Earth”. As they say, comments are unnecessary.

Well, let's sum it up. Question: “Does the word “soul” carry any sacred information?” disappears by itself. There is a lot of information, and it is essential for each of us to understand who he is and why he came into this world. And one can only regret that in our schools today there are no lessons that would teach us to understand the hidden meaning of words.

Anton Larin, Vedic numerical scientist, runologist, specialist in energy practices and dowsing, Doctor of Law
Provided by the author

The meaning of the word sacred can be found in ancient literature. The word is associated with religion, something mysterious, divine. The semantic content refers to the origins of all things on Earth.

What do dictionary sources say?

The meaning of the word “sacred” carries with it the sense of inviolability, something irrefutable and true. Naming things or events with this term implies a connection with unearthly things. There is always a certain cult, holiness in the origin of the described properties.

Let’s track what the word “sacral” means using existing dictionaries:

  • The semantic content of the word is contrasted with the existent and the worldly.
  • Sacred refers to the spiritual state of a person. It is assumed that the meaning of a word is learned through the heart through faith or hope. Love becomes a tool for understanding the mysterious meaning of the term.
  • Things called “sacred” are carefully protected by people from encroachment. The basis is an undeniable holiness that does not require proof.
  • The meaning of the word “sacred” refers to such definitions as holy, true, cherished, unearthly.
  • Sacred signs can be found in any religion; they are associated with valuable ideals, often spiritual.
  • The origins of the sacred are laid by society through the family, state, and other structures.

Where does mysterious knowledge come from?

The meaning of the word “sacred” is passed on from generation to generation through sacraments, prayers, and through the education of growing offspring. The semantic content of sacred things cannot be described in words. You can only feel it. It is intangible and accessible to people only with a pure soul.

The meaning of the word "sacred" is found in the scriptures. Only a believer has access to the tools to achieve knowledge of omnipresent knowledge. An object whose value is undeniable can be sacred. For a person, it becomes a shrine; for its sake, he could give his life.

A sacred object can be desecrated by word or action. For which the culprit will receive anger and curses from people who believe in the sacraments. Church rituals are based on ordinary earthly actions, which acquire a different significance for the participants in the process.

Religion and Sacraments

Sacred acts can only be performed by a person who has earned the recognition of believers. He is the link with parallel world, a guide to the other world. It is understood that any person can be enlightened and introduced to the mysteries of the universe through a ritual.

The higher the level of a person’s spiritual component, the more accessible the sacred meaning is. The priest refers to the bearer of the sacrament, and people turn to him to get closer to God, who is the source of everything sacred on Earth. One way or another, all people strive to know and join the clergy, following the established canons.

Additional definitions of the term

Historians and philosophers use the meaning of the definition of sacredness in a slightly different sense. In Durkheim's works, the word is designated as the concept of the authenticity of the existence of all humanity, where the existence of community is opposed to the needs of the individual. These sacraments are transmitted through communications between people.

Sacredness in society is stored in many areas of human life. The knowledge base is formed thanks to norms, rules, and a general ideology of behavior. From an early age, every person is convinced of the immutability of true things. These include love, faith, the existence of the soul, God.

The formation of sacred knowledge takes centuries; a person does not need proof of the existence of mysterious knowledge. Confirmation for him are miracles that occur in daily life thanks to rituals, prayers, and the actions of clergy.

3 Sooner or later, every person comes to the conclusion that the world in which he lives is not as simple and clear as they explain to us at school. Strange coincidences, unusual disappearances, terrible deaths that cannot be explained from a materialistic point of view, baffle people. Then he tries to figure out what is really happening in our reality. Today we will talk about another word, this Sacral, which means you can read a little lower. Add this interesting site to your bookmarks so you don't have to look for it again.
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So let's continue Sacred meaning words? This term was borrowed from Latin language"sacralis", and is translated as "sacred".

Sacral- in a broad sense means everything that has to do with the mystical, otherworldly, religious, irrational, heavenly, divine

Sacred- this is everything that emphasizes, restores or creates a connection between people and the mystical world

Synonym of the word Sacred: ritual, sacred.

When people call certain things or actions sacred, they give them an otherworldly or sacred meaning.
Concept " sacral"is different from "holiness", insofar as it was first formed not in a religious, but rather in a scientific lexicon. Usually this term is used to refer to all known religions, including paganism, mythology and the very first beliefs of ancient people.
This word is used to describe things or phenomena related to esotericism, mysticism and magic.

The variety of sacred objects and concepts is quite large. These include all things, objects of art that are directly related to the divine. As a rule, we can talk here about church “utensils”.

Sacred time has nothing to do with the usual countdown of seconds and minutes “flying” by; with its help, initiates determine the order of conducting mysterious rituals and sacrifices.

Sacred books allow you to look at the presented religious teachings from different points of view. Sometimes this literature serves as an object of worship for believers.

Sacred place intended for communication with higher world, supernatural, otherworldly forces.

Sacred actions are intended to express worship of their deity, through worship or various rituals.

After reading this publication, you learned Sacred meaning words, and now you won’t fall into a stupor if you find this word again.

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