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Spring and the long-awaited summer brought virtually no pleasure to Russians. Vacation plans were ruined by abnormal weather conditions. Continuous downpours, hurricanes, record low and, conversely, high temperatures have confused residents of almost all regions of Russia. What happened to the climate? What will summer 2018 be like - weather forecasters' forecasts

On May 29, 2017, a severe storm occurred in Moscow and the Moscow region. The wind speed reached 28 m/s in some places. According to statistics, this is the strongest storm since 1904. As a result of the violence of the elements, 18 people died and 170 were injured. How did events develop?

The weather was determined by a moving cyclone coming from the Gulf of Finland. Moscow was in the warm part. The air temperature reached 25 °C.

Along with the wind came thunder, rain and hail. In a short period of time it fell out most of monthly precipitation norm (31 mm). Hailstones measuring 6mm were recorded.

In some areas the wind blew at a speed of 20 m/s. Several automatically operating weather stations located in the central part of Moscow recorded a speed of 30 m/s.

In the evening the elements calmed down.

Consequences of the Moscow hurricane 2017

  1. Electricity was out at 300 settlements(more than 16,000 buildings, 1,500 dachas).
  2. 27,000 trees were broken. Some grew in protected natural parks.
  3. The roofs of more than 200 multi-storey buildings were damaged.
  4. 2,000 vehicles damaged.
  5. Strong winds partially or completely destroyed historical monuments: monastery tombstones, the roof of the Senate Palace, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
  6. Fallen trees made it difficult to travel along the railroad tracks.

According to city authorities, a total of 25,000,000 rubles in damage was caused.

No signs of trouble. The disaster broke out in a matter of moments. What was happening was reminiscent of a large wind tunnel. Constricted by multi-story buildings, the wind rushed at high speed along long streets, avenues and highways, demolishing everything that came in the way.

Causes of cold weather in 2017

The weather began to deteriorate in early May. The first days were marked by snowfalls, and they were observed throughout Russia.

  1. The Perm region was the first to experience the vagaries of nature. On May 7, 100 mm of snow fell in Kungur, Bersheti, Kukushtan, and Yanychi. Snowfalls occurred in the Sverdlovsk region.
  2. On May 8, snow was seen in Surgut and Kharkiv Autonomous Okrug. The situation in Tomsk turned out to be the most difficult. In the morning, a warning was received about a possible wind increase of up to 23 m/s. Trees were downed, wires were downed, and a forest fire started. The wind and rain did not stop on May 9. A storm warning was issued on the 11th.
  3. On May 8 it snowed in Murmansk.
  4. For 3 days (May 8-10), rain and snow came to the capital and region. In some places the snow cover reached 20 cm. During this time, 80% of the monthly precipitation fell.
  5. On May 9, instead of festive fireworks, residents of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region were expecting snowfall.
  6. Residents of the Irkutsk region had to deal with capricious weather. In the morning the sun was shining brightly, then the wind appeared and it began to rain. By evening the rain became heavier and there was more snow.
  7. On May 10, snowdrifts were recorded in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Since the beginning of summer, the situation has remained virtually unchanged. Warm days gave way to rain, wind and non-summer coolness. Temperatures rarely rose above 17°C.

In the following months, there were no hurricanes or snowfalls, but the weather did not please Muscovites with warmth. Two cyclones passed through in July, bringing rain and wind. The short-term warming gave way to another decrease in temperature (15-17 °C). And so on throughout the summer.

According to weather forecasters, there is no need to be surprised by the capricious weather. A semblance of snow was noticed in early June 2016. A cold snap was recorded in 2001/2008. True, the temperature was recorded a couple of degrees higher.

At the same time, the Urals and Siberia suffered from abnormal heat. The thermometers sometimes showed 30-31 °C. This provoked an increase in the level of fire danger. For example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory he reached the maximum fifth grade.

According to scientists, in such weather, the weakest lightning discharge could provoke large-scale fires.

In many areas, the heat abruptly gave way to thunderstorms, downpours, and gusty winds.

How can we explain what happened?

Causes of abnormal weather changes

Meteorologists identify several reasons for the sudden change in climate conditions.

  1. Intense heating of the planet. It is known that the air shell of the Earth has several layers. The mesosphere and several others became too hot. The result is a decrease in air temperature. According to many meteorologists, what we should be talking about here is not global warming, but about global cooling.
  2. Satellite launch. A Chinese satellite called Mao Tzu flew into space. For what reason did it arouse the strongest interest? This is the first device to use new technology quantum data transmission. The first tests passed with flying colors. Later it was noticed that during the operation of the satellite in earth's atmosphere the level of air ions (gas particles) increases. They influence the weather, leading to rain and hurricanes. Monopoles have also been discovered in the stratosphere. The last mention of them dates back to 1816, which was marked by the eruption of Mount Tambora.
  3. North Atlantic bloc. This is what scientists call an anticyclone. A ridge of high pressure has appeared in the troposphere, preventing the free movement of air from west to east. Now it is observed over the territory of Great Britain, which is why cold Arctic air enters Russia.

The listed factors influence weather conditions in different ways. But the result of the influence is the same - abnormal heat or cold.

Forecasts are of interest to many Russians. What to expect in the future? How will winter, spring, summer, autumn 2018 go? What kind of weather is expected, normal or abnormal?

According to meteorologists, the coming winter will differ little from winter in the classical sense. No sharp drops in temperature or severe frosts are expected. Only at Epiphany and Christmas will the thermometers drop down.

Spring 2018, unlike winter, is full of unpleasant surprises. The weather is expected to be unstable. Anticyclones/cyclones will replace each other unusually quickly, which will lead to an alternation of clear sunny and frosty days.

Forecasters are making cautious forecasts for the coming 2018. This is especially true in summer. According to scientists, the highest temperatures will come in August. In June-July the weather will resemble spring. Moreover, heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected.

The weather is unpredictable. As can be seen from recent events, it can change almost instantly. There are many reasons and they do not always lie in natural processes, for example, overheating of the planet or the movement of cyclones/anticyclones. Often what happens is the result of human activity (launching satellites, deforestation.). It is necessary to prepare for any turn of events. It is worth remembering that any time of year is beautiful in its own way, regardless of whether it is a snowy winter, a blooming spring, a bright autumn, or a hot summer. As the famous song states, nature has no bad weather. The main thing is to treat it correctly.

The weather forecast for the summer of 2018 worries Russians for various reasons: it is during this period that the majority of vacations fall, which people intend to spend on relaxation, have time to visit resorts or warm countries, and complete all the planned tasks at the same time. If we consider that only in the summer can most schoolchildren and students fully relax, it becomes clear why the weather forecast for this particular season of 2018 is most interesting to most people.

Such long-term forecasts cannot be provided with day-by-day accuracy, however, the director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center R. Vilfand has already announced the data that the department currently has. Detailed reports have been prepared for all regions of the country, and Russians can already roughly rely on them when choosing vacation dates or planning important matters and events.

Despite general trend Due to warming and climate shifts towards sudden cataclysms, summer in most regions of Russia will not be marked by such severe droughts and sudden jumps in temperature conditions as during the previous two years.

Temperature peaks in most regions will be observed in July. A favorable factor is that it is in this month that the most a large number of summer precipitation, and this can prevent severe drought. This point is very important for agricultural enterprises, which can rely on the most productive varieties of crops, reducing the percentage of drought-resistant ones.

Based on available data and taking into account long-term observations, meteorologists said that the onset of summer in 2018 will come late, maintaining spring indicators in most areas throughout June. July will be a standard summer month with typical weather for this season, and August will be a transition period to the autumn cooling.

Central Chernozem

Forecasters' forecasts for this area promise cool weather in the first ten days of June. The coldest temperature will be felt before sunset and at morning hours. In the Tambov region, the arrival of summer will be delayed even longer - until the second half of the month.

In the Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions the arrival of heat will be felt starting from the tenth of the month. During the daytime the thermometer will reach +20°C, but at night it can again drop to +5 - +9°C.

The second half of the month will be less windy and without sudden changes in temperature. Despite the absence of heat and heat, it is during this period that you can relax comfortably. But in recent days there is a high probability of cyclones that will come from the Balkans and bring with them heavy, prolonged rains. In Voronezh and Lipetsk at the same time, record downpours are possible, lasting about a week.

The middle of the season will not bring the usual heat, but there will be sufficient warmth and stable precipitation with an interval of 7-10 days, so July can be considered successful from the point of view of gardeners.

The end of the season will be marked by mild weather with a gradual decrease in temperatures in the last ten days. The nights during this period will become much colder, but during the day the sun will still sufficiently warm the air.


Traditionally, the arrival of summer in these areas is projected to be significantly behind other regions and the calendar. In July it will be possible to observe fairly low temperatures, and in Yakutia and the Kamchatka Territory there will be sub-zero values. Quite strong winds are forecast here throughout July, which will make the temperature feel much lower than actual levels.

Periodic warming, reaching +12°C - +14°C, will begin only at the end of the first summer month, but from July the short northern summer will fully take hold here. A short period of relative warmth will last a few weeks, after which the indicators will decline again. Already in August you will feel coolness, which will be accompanied by heavy rainfall. By the 20th, it will be possible to record a single drop to 0°C on the thermometer at night.

central part

In this region, the heat will begin in June. From the first days, temperatures will not exceed +22-24°C, but by the end of the second week they will increase to +27°C. Temperature drops that will occur in the evening hours will not become uncomfortable due to the lack of winds. Only in Yaroslavl in the first ten days are night frosts possible.

By the fourth week, the first signs of real summer will begin: the weather will become hot. In the Tula and Kostroma regions at this time, the beginning of a summer drought is possible, which can last until mid-July. This will greatly increase the risk of fires. In Tver and Kirov region July will be rainier, with frequent periods of partly or partly cloudy skies, so the heat will not be persistent in this area.

The forecast for August in the central part of Russia will not differ from the average annual indicators that have been observed here in recent years. The thermometer will not rise above 16°C during the day, and after sunset the breath of approaching autumn will be felt. In Kuban this month, gusty winds and severe thunderstorms are forecast, which could cause significant damage to agricultural crops.


Most Russian resorts are concentrated in the southern regions, so people are interested in the weather forecast for these regions more often than for all others. Here the arrival of summer will announce itself from the first days of May, and with the onset of June the real summer heat will begin. Residents and guests of the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea will be able to enjoy real heat: thirty-degree heat will be accompanied by a decrease in air humidity, but this will not happen in coastal areas. The water temperature will already warm up to +20 - +22°C in the first days, so the holiday season will be in full swing by this time.

The same weather is forecast for July: the thermometer will drop slightly even at night. In the second half of the month, heat is possible here, reaching in some places up to +38 - +42°C, so being in the open air in this case will be dangerous to health due to the risk of heat stroke.

August will become quite mild, the heat will already subside, only periodically returning temperature peaks. In the second half of the month, a prolonged drought is predicted, which may last longer than 4 weeks. The end of the dry period will be heavy downpours, squalls, thunderstorms, and there will be storms on the sea coast during this period, but the rampant nature will last only a few days, after which mild weather will set in again without critical indicators. The end of the month will be characterized by ideal holiday weather, typical for late summer - early autumn in this region.

Eastern region

In the east of the country, forecasts predict a very unstable summer, with frequent temperature fluctuations and strong cyclones bringing wind and storms. In coastal areas such disasters will be felt more strongly than in other eastern regions.

The beginning of summer will be marked by frequent periods of strong winds with gusts, but in a couple of weeks, according to forecasts, the arrival of an anticyclone is possible, which will bring warm rains and a general increase in temperature from the southern front. In July there will be a lot of precipitation and high air humidity. Sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures are possible, which will negatively affect the well-being of weather-sensitive people.

Judging by the long-term forecasts of meteorologists, August in eastern Russia will pass without disasters. The heat will linger the longest in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region. Summer will end mildly, with a gradual cooling, without sharp frosts or cold western cyclones.

Saint Petersburg

According to weather forecasters, the summer of 2018 in St. Petersburg will not be hotter than usual. The forecast for June allows night frosts during the first week of the month, and then positive temperatures will thoroughly conquer the city.

In July, the weather may present St. Petersburg residents with an unpleasant surprise in the form of a cold cyclone from the Baltic Sea. This cyclone will bring torrential cold rains, gusty winds and a sharp drop in temperature. Partly cloudy weather is expected throughout the month, and sunny weather will rarely delight city residents.

No anomalous phenomena are expected in August, but during the first week temperatures will decrease and will remain until September at a level not exceeding +10 - +11°C, which is slightly below the average for this time of year.


For residents of the capital, the weather forecast for the summer of 2018 is not very different from what has been observed over the past five years.

The whole of June will be relatively warm, around +20°C during the day, and slightly cooler at night - +20 - +14°C. Rain is possible in the second decade, but overall month It promises to be dry, and monthly precipitation will be lower than usual.

July will be characterized by stable weather, only in the middle of the month nature will present a gift - southern heat. But it won’t last long and in 5-7 days everything will return to normal.

In August, weather forecasters promise Muscovites warmth, which will be the final chord before the final cold snap. For two last weeks In summer, the capital will be shrouded in fog almost every day. Their intensity in the morning hours can make it difficult to move on the roads and cause huge traffic jams within the city. In the second half of August, a serious drop in temperature is possible, which will be brought by a northern cyclone.

Meteorologists remind us that long-term weather forecasts are not 100% consistent with the real picture, but 67% of them coincide with what the season will be like. If we take into account the data announced by weather forecasters, we can conclude that the coming summer will be quite moderate and without disasters.

Meteorologists have already compiled a weather forecast for the summer of 2018. On the main territory of Russia, climatic indicators will not go beyond the average statistical norms. The heat will be replaced by rain, but there will be enough periods comfortable for a beach holiday in all districts of the Russian Federation. A detailed report about what the summer of 2018 will be like in the regions of Russia was made by employees of the Hydrometeorological Center.

The preliminary forecast for the coming summer is encouraging: it will not be too hot and not too rainy. The average summer is expected to be middle lane, the beginning of which does not coincide with the calendar:

  1. June in central Russia will be the coolest month of the coming season. In the first ten days, the daytime temperature will not exceed +23, and at night it can drop to +10-14 °C. Cool spring rains will not add comfort. But by the middle of the month the weather will be warm: +26 °C during the day and 19 °C at night.
  2. July will delight residents of the central region of Russia with truly summer days. Already at the very beginning, the thermometer will reach +27, and in the second decade the average daily temperature will be +28-31 degrees Celsius. Even the coldest bodies of water will warm up. The peak heat of summer 2018 will be in July, but there will be no particularly stuffy days.
  3. August will continue the hot trends of July only until the middle of the month. Already in the second decade the thermometer will creep down. Its daytime indicators will fluctuate around +24 – +26 degrees Celsius, and at night the temperature will drop to +16 – +18.

Precipitation can be expected throughout the summer, but it will not exceed the statistical average. On the contrary, for example, August 2018 is predicted to be dry, especially its first half. But the culmination of summer will be marked by thunderstorms, although infrequent and short-lived.

Northwestern regions

Traditionally, this region of the Russian Federation is subject to the influence of cold cyclones. The actual summer here starts later and ends earlier. Frequent drizzle. However, the coming season may be a pleasant surprise - warmth will come to the region this summer of 2018:

  1. June already in the first half you will be pleased with the thermometer readings: +22 – +24. And in St. Petersburg the temperature can reach its peak: +29. However, the average values ​​in northern capital and the Leningrad region will still be: +23 – during the day and quite comfortable +19 – at night. Precipitation will be rare and short-lived. Thunderstorms possible.
  2. July It will be even warmer. In the first ten days, the thermometer will still show +24, but closer to the second half, the average temperature is predicted to approach +29. Night weather will also be comfortable: +18…+20. The water temperature during this period will reach +24 degrees and will become comfortable for swimming. Even the White Sea coast in Karelia promises to turn into a resort area, as the daily maximum here will cross the +30 mark.
  3. August will also give many warm and sunny days, but only in its first half. The thermometer will begin to steadily creep down. The average daytime temperature will be approximately +23. At night the thermometer will drop to +14. At the end of the month, cold northern winds will blow, and the maximum temperature will be only +22 degrees Celsius. Lingering rains with hurricane gusts will come to the area.

The summer of 2018 in the northwestern part of Russia, in accordance with long-term forecasts of meteorologists, will be hot, but not stuffy, due to its proximity to the seas and the abundance of reservoirs. Little rain is expected, but it will be quite strong, with thunderstorms bringing pleasant freshness and coolness.


The forecast for the summer of 2018 promises: it will be quite comfortable in Siberia. However, the climate of the harsh region will not go beyond the norm and does not imply sweltering heat:

  1. June At first it will be a little frustrating with frequent rains, strong winds and cool weather: during the day +18, and at night +12 degrees Celsius. The bad weather will last until the middle of the month, and then the long-awaited warming will begin. There will be more and more sunny days, and by the end of the third decade the thermometer may rise to +29°C.
  2. July will be the hottest month. In the second half temperature regime will reach its maximum – +30°С. The water in the Yenisei will warm up to +23 and become quite comfortable for swimming. The weather will be sunny almost the entire month. However, at the end of July, weather forecasters predict a real flood: within a few days, a month's rainfall will fall.
  3. August in the first ten days you will enjoy the July heat, and then the temperature will begin to drop, and by the end of summer it will be +10 – +16 degrees Celsius. At night, the thermometer can even drop to +2. Rainfall will be infrequent in the first half, followed by heavy rain. Thunderstorms and even hail are possible.

The calendar end of summer is in fact the beginning of autumn in Siberia, and the cooling predicted by meteorologists is quite natural. However, there is no reason for pessimism, because the region is expected to be warm and sunny for almost two months.


The coming summer in the Urals will be moderately warm. Whether there will be summer in the region in 2018 is not in vain for its residents to worry. After all, there will be few truly hot days. And they will come mainly in August. It is the beginning of August that will give residents of the region real sultry days of beach holidays.

Forecast by month:

  1. June It will be cold and rainy until the middle. In the second half, the number of sunny days will begin to increase, and the thermometer will creep up, and in the third decade it will reach +25.
  2. July will delight the residents of the Urals with clear and even hot weather, but it will alternate with stormy days. Showers and thunderstorms are possible. However, the very middle of the season - the second ten days - promises to be hot and without precipitation. And then it will rain again, however, the thermometer will tend to reach +30 degrees Celsius.
  3. August will bring real heat to the Urals. The average air temperature in the first half will be +33. However, the end of summer will once again be marred by inclement weather. A period of heavy rain will begin. The air will begin to cool and in the third decade the average daily readings will be +23 – +25 degrees.

Despite the abundance of rain, summer will take place in the Urals, and residents of the region will be able to open the swimming season, enjoying the real summer heat.

Far East

Summer 2018 on Far East won't be too hot.

  1. June will not set temperature records this year. In the first half of the month, daytime temperatures will be around +17 - +22 degrees, and night temperatures will not fall below + 6 degrees. In the second half, warming is expected to +26 - +29 degrees and several rainy days.
  2. July It will be mostly warm: +25 +34 degrees during the day, but during rains the daytime temperature may drop to +18.
  3. August will be quite rainy: heavy rainfall is expected in the first half of the month and a little at the end. The temperature will be lower than in July: +22 - + 30 degrees.

South of Russia

Not only the residents themselves, but also Russians planning their holidays at Russian resorts are concerned about what the weather will be like there in the summer of 2018. Summer will naturally arrive in the southern regions earlier than the calendar year, and the swimming season will already be in full swing at the beginning of June:

  1. June It will be quite hot. The average daily temperature will be +25 – +30 degrees. However, in the Black Sea zone by the end of the month heavy rains and even thunderstorms are possible.
  2. July will bring sweltering heat. The thermometer will tend to +40. Abnormally high temperatures are expected throughout southern Russia, and mid-summer 2018 in Crimea will not be traditionally mild.
  3. August In the south of Russia, weather forecasters predict dry and hot weather. The thermometer will easily reach +35 degrees. There will be a high risk of fires.

According to weather forecasters, the coming summer season 2018 will delight Russians with sunny, truly hot weather and beach holidays in nature. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but hot summer will come to all regions of Russia.

Dreaming of long warm evenings and a long-awaited summer vacation, it is necessary to resolve a lot of issues about upcoming purchases and planning the warm period of the year. But before you decide whether to buy a hat and sunscreen or, on the contrary, warm clothes, you should determine what summer 2018 will be like. Will it bring warm clothes? sunny days or cloudy and cool - it is impossible to determine with precision in days, but a description of the general forecast by month will help to properly plan this beloved time of year.

Experts in the field of astrology, meteorology, as well as specialists in folk signs expressed their assumptions about the weather for the coming period.

Forecasters say that you shouldn’t expect anything special: the 2018 summer season will not be much different from the previous five. In general, summer will be contrasting: there will be quite hot, warm, and sometimes even cool days. The beginning of the season will not particularly please the residents of Ukraine, because there will be prolonged rains throughout the entire territory. Temperature environment will range from 15 to 19 ◦C throughout the country. The highest humidity is expected in the western and northwestern parts of the country.

Stable warmth without precipitation is forecast from the second half of June. But already during the harvest period, cloudy and rainy days await Ukraine.

The role of folk signs in forecasting weather conditions

Whether the summer of 2018 will be hot can be predicted from the end of winter, using “clues” from the environment. Some of these “tips” have proven themselves for decades, and will help determine the weather for the coming summer with 90% accuracy. The following signs are considered the most truthful:

  • if birds become comfortable on the sunny side, it’s worth preparing for a cool summer;
  • if the ice does not leave the reservoir for a long time, prolonged rains are expected;
  • the germination of the first forest mushrooms on a hill indicates a cool and humid summer, and if the mushrooms are “hiding” between the hills, a warm and dry one should be expected;
  • early greening of oak indicates dry and clear weather in the hot season;
  • birch is also an important sign: if the tree is filled big amount juice - summer will be rainy. If the birch tree blooms ahead of time, you should expect dry days.

Important! Despite the truth folk signs, you should never count on a 100% coincidence, because the formation of weather conditions is influenced by a number additional factors, such as changes in atmospheric pressure, transfer of air masses, changes in the topography of the underlying surface, etc.

Influence of the solar system on ambient temperature

IN last years The arrival of summer weather has been observed since the end of May. In addition to weather forecasters, the stars also report what the summer of 2018 will be like during its “legal” period. will be held under the auspices of Venus. As you know, this planet has positive influence for all living things, so you should count on high yields and a favorable forecast for the entire period. Venus also “takes care” of nature, and in no case will allow the earth to become dry.

The peak ambient temperature in June will be 30°C. This temperature will please residents southern regions countries. The central and eastern parts of Ukraine expect slightly lower indicators: the thermometer will show residents at 23 - 28 ◦C.

The middle of summer, unfortunately, will not give you the opportunity to enjoy sunny days. From the very beginning of July, Ukraine will be greeted by cold, cloudy, and then rainy days, which will last almost until the end of the month. Sun rays will delight Ukrainians from the 20th of the month.

August will be the most contrasting: the sharp change from clear days to cloudy ones will continue until the very end of the summer period.

Forecasts of hydrometeorological centers for the summer of 2018

Scientists provided information about what the summer of 2018 will be like. Based on meteorological data over the last century, Experts provided Ukrainians with the following forecast:

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