Anatoly Wasserman is young. Anatoly Wasserman - biography, information, personal life. — How and where did you celebrate the New Year?

—Anatoly, I read that your IQ exceeds 140 units, which qualifies as a genius. Do you think that an intelligent person is, in principle, capable of stupidity?

“I always said: the smarter a person is, the more stupidity he is able to come up with.” Personally, my biggest stupidity is the vow of chastity. I gave it rashly in my student years. That day, I got into an argument with a classmate—I think it was right after the last lecture. We were first-year students at the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry. We talked, of course, about the relationship between men and women! What else, one wonders, could be more interesting to 17-year-old students than key points adult life that is finally looming before them? True, girls only noticed me if I made a good joke in the company.

But I proved this to him: the restrictions on sexual life accumulated by humanity throughout history, if they once made sense, were long ago outdated. He adhered to traditional views: monogamy without betrayal. Having exhausted the essential arguments, he moved on to personal ones: “You say this because you want this freedom for yourself.” I was indignant and also got personal: “I won’t be sexually active at all!” None of the witnesses to the conversation believed this... After the first year, my opponent left for another institute, I transferred to another department - we lost sight of each other and never saw each other again.

- They say: “I am the master of my word - I gave it myself, I took it back.” Why did you decide to keep your vow for the rest of your life?

— Unfortunately, I am a very stubborn person. In cases where it concerns someone else, I can still be convinced. For example, by the beginning of this millennium I was an ardent liberal and libertarian - and now I am a statist, a socialist (with a bias towards communism) and even a Stalinist. Because the latest historical research and the experience of our country’s failure back into the market left me no other choice. But in this case the question concerned only me, and therefore I could show in it all my stubbornness in full height! Later, due to my vow of chastity, I started a collection of erotica and pornography: I tried to compensate for the lack of practice by intensively studying theory... In general, I regretted my decision more than once...

- ...and doomed yourself to loneliness?

I am mainly with my colleagues for work and mind games. And, to my shame, when I change my lifestyle, I mainly change my circle of friends.

“But you won’t be satisfied with just talking.” Who cooks for you, for example, or does your laundry?

- In the everyday sense, of course, I am not equipped in the best way. I don’t know how to cook, most often I just heat up semi-finished products or go to some kind of feeding place. This is good for me and Soviet time enough, and even more so now. It’s quite difficult to walk a couple of blocks around Moscow and not find a single establishment that serves food. I wash it myself using a purely bachelor’s method: I throw one item into a bucket with a detergent solution for a day, and then all that remains is to rinse. I don’t accumulate laundry - I don’t have much clothes, but I manage to maintain acceptable cleanliness.

— Your famous vest with many pockets is unlikely to fit into an ordinary bucket. Do you take it to the cleaners?

- Fits with empty pockets. My vests now are made of some kind of particularly durable fabric with dirt-repellent impregnation for workwear. So you have to wash it once every month or two. True, this fabric also wears out. One vest lasts for a year or two - then I change it to a new one. I order vests, trousers and jackets in small quantities from workwear companies.

— Is it really necessary to carry around an extra 9 kg on yourself, even in a vest? Let's say, in the last few days, have you actually used the contents of all 26 pockets?

— Yesterday I needed a couple of pens, a pencil, and a journalist’s ID (to get into a radio studio). This is from a vest. And from what was in my trouser pockets, I used my wallet, keys, folding bag, e-book. It’s easier and easier for me to carry around a supply that has been picked up once and for all (or at least for a long time) than to think every time about what might be useful tomorrow, what to take with me.

I don’t feel the weight of the vest. My own stomach bothers me much more. Because of it, my weight is about 30 kg more than what I consider normal. Unfortunately, I never had the willpower to take care of myself. But without external coercion I’m unlikely to be able to put myself in order. Because of excess weight Physically I sometimes feel older than my 59 years.

— So, aren’t you thinking about starting a family and a woman who can take care of you?

— Women in my house, oddly enough, appear from time to time. These are my friends: when they come to Moscow, they stay with me. And then I have the opportunity to test myself for compatibility with another person. I was convinced a long time ago that it is quite difficult. My habit alone of sitting at my desk until late or not turning off the TV at night... It’s unlikely that an outsider can accept this. Of course, it is impossible not to meet a single interesting woman in your entire life. And I met them - both in the gaming community and among my satisfied, wide circle of acquaintances. I thought about starting a family several times. But these thoughts faded away very quickly, without affecting future relationships in any way. And judging by the fact that I never changed my lifestyle, the incentives were insufficient.

My last big crush was in fifth grade. The whole class was in love with that girl at that time: usually at this age hobbies are collective. If the same vivid feelings arose in adulthood, I would probably break my vow. Or maybe just the opposite: strong feelings did not arise precisely because I kept my word. I don’t dare to guess where the cause is and where the effect is. In any case, life has already developed in a certain way. And considering that I am already 59 years old, I don’t really hope for changes.

— Your mom and dad were probably upset about this?

— The issue of procreation, which greatly worried my parents, has been generally resolved thanks to my brother Vladimir. My niece, Maria Vladimirovna Wasserman, is a very multi-talented child! And in several respects he strongly resembles me. True, if all my talents were in one way or another connected with the exact sciences, then Masha is developing creatively. He draws well, even studies at art school, dances, plays music well - unlike me.

She also has the same nasty character as I had at her age. Mashenka is very stubborn and noticeably selfish. Somehow over the years I have more or less learned to take into account other people’s interests, although this often requires considerable conscious effort from me. She doesn’t think about it at all yet. And the fact that she is the spitting image of me in my youth allows me to hope: my niece is also sufficiently endowed with my other traits. And I am not afraid that my genes will disappear without a trace.

— Anatoly, how were you raised? How do geniuses appear in a family?

— My example shows what comes out of a person if he is not prevented from developing independently. My parents never told me what to do, or did it unnoticed. At the same time, they did not forget to take care of my son, participated in my life in various ways and willingly answered many of the questions I had. This was precisely help, not a prescription, for which I am extremely grateful to them. And I’m very glad that I have them like this.

As a child, I was never allowed to forget that I was a capable child. This is always a source of pride for family and friends. I learned to read very early at that time: at three and a half years old - syllable by syllable, from the age of four - fluently. Now, as far as I can tell, this is almost the norm. I have always had a good memory, but, in my opinion, this is more likely a consequence not of my thinking habits, but of my natural curiosity. What is interesting to a person is remembered by itself, without special effort. I am curious, I am interested in many things. Accordingly, I remember a lot. Already in the elementary grades, he displeased the class teacher, noticing discrepancies between the simplest formulations in the school curriculum and more serious sources. However, this, fortunately, did not affect the ratings. But the history and social studies teacher in high school took revenge on everyone who knew his subject better than him (there were a good half of them in our class), and instead of well-deserved A's, he gave B's. I wrote angry satirical texts to him based on popular songs (mainly by Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, who in those years became a popular favorite), and the whole school knew these songs.

— Is it true that it was the love for Vysotsky’s songs that once brought you, a thermophysicist by profession, and Boris Burda, one of the most successful participants in the “What? Where? When?" and "Brain Ring"?

— All students at the Odessa Refrigeration Institute knew: after the heating department you can do anything except thermophysics itself. And this is in no way a joke. Not many specialists are required to satisfy all the needs of world science and technology in this area. Therefore, we were prepared with reserve: one out of ten graduates found a job in their specialty. For example, about 100 people in the world are involved in compiling equations of state for substances. By the way, my father is in the top ten. But thermophysics is a complex discipline: it is at the intersection of many sciences and crafts. To engage in it, you need to master them all, see the relationships, look in one science for answers to questions that arise in another. If you master this, you can really try yourself in anything. When I was studying, thermophysical research was almost impossible without a computer. That's why I mastered programming while still in college. The lesson turned out to be extremely exciting, and after college I immediately became a programmer. One day, friends advised me to turn to Boris Burda, already a prominent bard, in search of new songs. We found many points of contact, including work: Boris also turned out to be a programmer. Soon he recommended me for a vacancy, and from October 1977 to May 1986 we worked with him in the same department, although in different laboratories. In 1983, Burda created the Erudite club. How far this would take us, he himself had no idea then. The first game took place on March 25. Boris Oskarovich turned 33 that day. Everyone said then: Burda replaced the crucifix with a club.

— You participated in all the most popular television mind games Oh. What have they become for you - a hobby?

— Personally, it seems to me that they are recent years 29 is my main job. One day, my partner in many projects, Nurali Nurislamovich Latypov (the first Crystal Owl winner in the history of the “What? Where? When?” program, who later became a political and scientific consultant) was indignant that I was again leaving for the tournament when the business was on fire. I replied: “Nurali, I’m not a political consultant who entertains himself with intellectual games, but a player who moonlights as a political consultant.”

In general, I changed my occupation many times. But I always did only what I liked myself. And there were always people willing to pay for it. After all, what a person likes usually turns out so well that it will be useful to others.

— If games are work, then that means they are the source of your income?

— Intellectual games for me are primarily a way of self-expression. And of course, there is an element of excitement: winning is always nice. But I never perceived them as a way to make money, if only because no one is ever guaranteed to win.

I am most proud of the unbeaten streak of our team (Boris Oskarovich Burda, Tatyana Vasilyevna Bogatyreva, Irina Borisovna and Roman Grigorievich Morozovsky, me and captain Viktor Yakovlevich Morokhovsky) on the television “Brain Ring” from the end of the 1992 season until the middle of 1994. And my own 15 wins in a row in “Custom Game” will remain a record for a long time. Not because there are no other strong players in it, by the way - it’s just that the current rules no longer make it possible to stay on the screen for so long. My biggest personal win is a Toyota Avensis for winning the tournament in honor of the 10th anniversary of the TV show “Own Game” in 2004. I have never tried to drive: I get lost in my own thoughts too easily, and therefore I am afraid of losing control of the road situation. I travel by taxi and company cars. Therefore, having won the prize, he asked to pay all taxes due from the cost of the car, and transfer the rest - about $20 thousand - to me. This money was enough for more than a year of comfortable life and to cover the costs of furnishing the apartment. Just in the summer of 2004, one of Nurali Latypov’s and my regular clients bought me an apartment - as payment for all our services over the past years and for several years to come.

I have practically no savings. At best, the money saved is enough for two to three months. All my life I have suffered from two serious illnesses - tongue incontinence and money incontinence. True, I managed to turn the first of these diseases into a cure for the second: I make money mainly through political technology and journalism.

— What do you prefer to spend your earnings on?

— The biggest expense item is collecting. I guess I got it from my maternal grandfather. All his life he collected some interesting, although not materially valuable, little things. For example, in my Odessa apartment there are several wall and table clocks from the 19th century left from him - not particularly valuable, but very beautiful. My father also collected coins in his childhood and youth. It has been 40 years since he added to the collection, but he carefully preserves what he has collected. At the age of 10 I started collecting stamps. Then packages of various smokes, glued models of airplanes, ships, tanks. I gave up these hobbies as the availability of exhibits grew. It turned out to be much more interesting to collect weapons. Of course, not the real thing (our current law allows only criminals to arm themselves), but fairly accurate copies. In seventh grade, my classmates and I discussed the possibility of an unarmed person confronting an armed person. In a group experiment, I was able to disarm a participant in an argument who was holding a toy gun. I hit him in the solar plexus with the heel of a shoe thrown from a distance of four to five meters. Rare luck! The pistol became my trophy. Now my income is enough to buy not children’s toys, but airsoft weapons. It is designed for the most accurate training simulation of combat operations and is very similar to combat. But it's not cheap either. The most expensive item in my collection is a Belgian FN Minimi light machine gun in the airborne version with a retractable stock - about $700. But I don’t buy mock-ups that cost $2-3 thousand yet: the toad is pressing... The most valuable purchase I have ever made is a refrigerator. A little more expensive than an airsoft machine gun.

— I read a lot and enjoy it. I draw from books examples of other ways of thinking and raw material for my own. In addition to what is necessary for work, I read literature on military engineering and weapons. From fiction - science fiction. In it, I prefer the “alternative history” genre. This is already closely related to my own activities. Alternative history is a search for possible points at which a slight intervention in the course of events could radically change the entire world. By the way, during our college days, a school friend and I wrote an action movie about the life of intelligence officers. Alas, it remained unfinished.

I spend almost all the time I don’t spend on writing reading: I earn money mainly from articles and political projects. I spend 8-12 hours a day on the Internet. I read LiveJournal, present some ideas, point out interesting publications... Sometimes it’s a pity to waste time answering readers’ questions, including stupid ones. But LJ organizes its own thoughts in a strange way. So I spend three to six hours a day there. Unless, of course, I have, say, a tournament or trip that keeps me away from the Internet.

— Don’t you get tired of intellectual games? What helps you get rid of overstrain?

— After a big tournament I can drink beer or dry red wine good varieties. This is the most quick way get rid of the consequences of nervous tension, although it is far from the most useful. But if you drink rarely, it's not a big deal. In addition, fortunately, alcohol acts on me as a sleeping pill - the natural dosage limiter is triggered. And a week before the game I try not to even consume candy with liquor - so as not to risk it. I have a naturally slow reaction speed, and as I get older it gets even slower.

New Year how and where did you meet?

— By tradition, I go to Odessa to visit my brother and parents. They have their own apartments, so I have two rooms in a communal apartment at my disposal. This is our family nest: my father’s family lived there even before the war. There are only two families in the apartment, and during the overhaul the home was rebuilt; the corridors remained common. So there is no reason for conflicts. For the winter, my parents usually move into my two rooms. The house is located in the city center, and it is easier for them to get to work from there. In May 2010, my mother fell ill - unfortunately, seriously. And the father continues to work. On his 80th birthday, he was awarded the honorary badge “For Services to Odessa.” I'm proud of him!

In summer and autumn, dad and mom prefer their apartment - it is in the resort area. Not far from their house, by the way, is the most famous of Odessa beaches - Arcadia. The only place where you can get to the sea

Not on steep slopes, but on a smooth descent. But for six years now I’ve been going to the wrong place, but to the nudist beach - it’s a little over a kilometer from Arcadia. I did not experience any inconvenience even on my first visit. A nudist beach is a family vacation spot just like any other beach. The only difference is that on regular beaches, children are naked, and adults are more or less dressed, but here it’s the other way around: children are dressed much more often than adults. I was once invited to a nudist beach by Irina Morozovskaya, my partner on the “What? Where? When?". She's a psychologist. I am grateful to her that, at my request, she improved a lot in me. In particular, it freed up my creativity: I learned to talk about what I think, and not just about what I learned about from other sources. Irina Borisovna increased my self-confidence and readiness for success.

— I saw your photo at a men’s magazine party surrounded by such beauties! Doesn't popularity bother you?

- People have been recognizing me for more than two decades - since May 1990, when they started showing “Brain Ring”. Sometimes, of course, I feel the costs of popularity: if I’m in a hurry, I apologize to those who want to get an autograph or take a photo next to me. It's funny that I am often confused with Alexey Alekseevich Venediktov and Grigory Yakovlevich Perelman.

IN Lately I often go out into the world. I feel comfortable in a party. And it doesn’t bother me at all that I was invited as an exotic figure. And, if you want, as a fashion model: almost every party participant wants to take a photo with me in front of me. It doesn’t bother anyone that I don’t wear what the dress code requires, but things that are comfortable for me: T-shirts, turtlenecks, jeans, a vest... And that I haven’t shaved my beard for almost 30 years. The stylists of the programs I star in adjust her shape from time to time - that’s all I do.

Even at school I was known - and indeed was - as an eccentric. And this did not interfere too much with me communicating with my classmates. In general, we had very few fights - in the 1960s, order at school was seriously maintained. But a couple of times I got it, and there was enough ridicule. I was far from the only excellent student at school, and I learned quite early to understand that others were no worse than me. My long-term partner on the intellectual games team, Roman Grigorievich Morozovsky, likes to repeat: “The inscription on the mirror: “Others are not better.” In my case, the inscription on the mirror reads: “Others are no worse.”

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Education: Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry (specialty: thermal physicist engineer)

Family: father - Alexander Anatolyevich, thermal physicist; mother - Lina Ilyinichna, accountant; brother - Vladimir, thermophysicist and chemist

Career: From 1974 to 1995 he worked as a programmer. He became famous thanks to his participation in television quiz shows: “What? Where? When?”, “Brain Ring”, as well as “Own Game” (recognized as the best player of the decade). Since 1991 - publicist, author of personal columns in the media. Since 2011 - presenter of the author’s column “Wasserman’s Reaction” in the television program “NTV in the Morning”

Flavors: food - fried meat; beverages - lemon juice, tonic

Anatoly Alexandrovich Wasserman. Born on December 9, 1952 in Odessa. Soviet and Ukrainian engineer, journalist, publicist, TV presenter, political consultant, participant and multiple winner of intellectual television games.

Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952 in Odessa. He graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry, Faculty of Thermophysics, with a degree in thermal physics engineer.

After graduating from the institute, from August 1, 1974 to September 30, 1977, he worked as a programmer in the research sector of the Odessa NPO Kholodmash.

From October 3, 1977 to August 23, 1995 - programmer (since 1980 - system programmer) of the Odessa All-Union Research Institute "Pishchepromavtomatika".

From November 23, 1991 to the present - journalist (in particular, in 1996-1999 - in computer magazines).

In 1994 he ran for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; took second place in the district.

Since 2008, he has been the chief editor of the popular science magazine “Idea X” (the magazine ceased publication in 2010). During election campaign to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2012, he was a confidant of the candidate for people's deputies Igor Markov.

Wasserman claims that in his youth he took a vow of chastity, which he still observes. He regrets this vow, but believes that at his age it is very difficult to change anything. In addition to Russian, he also speaks Ukrainian, English and Esperanto with a dictionary.

He first appeared on the all-Union screen on October 14, 1989, in the team of Nurali Latypov, in the elite club “What? Where? When?”, then - in the team of Viktor Morokhovsky at the Brain Ring.

In the television “Own Game” he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of “Own Game” (2005, 2006, 2010-2012). Three-time (May 1, 2008, April 24, 2011, May 2, 2013) champion of Moscow in the sports version of “My Game” (according to the club “Not without reason”), bronze medalist of the same competition in 2006. Silver medalist of the “Connoisseur Games” (World Games of Connoisseurs) in 2010 in “My Game”, lost to Ilya Novikov in the final. In the sports “What? Where? When?" plays for the Nemchinovka team (Moscow), the team of Evgenia Kanishcheva (Simferopol) and a number of others. As a member of them, he became the winner and prize-winner of various competitions, in particular, the Ukrainian Championship in 2005 (1st place), 2006 and 2011 (2nd place). As a member of the Phoenix team, he is the champion of Ukraine in erudite quartet (team version of “Own Game”) in 2007.

Bronze medalist of the Moscow championship in erudite quartet as part of the “Domodedovo and the rest of Russia” team in 2010 (according to the Association of Moscow Intellectual Games Clubs).

He was one of the main participants in the TV game A Beautiful Mind. On October 14, 2009, he participated in the “Taxi” program. He also took part in non-fiction television programs, in particular, “Dinner Party” and many talk shows.

He considers himself a Stalinist and a convinced Marxist as interpreted by the analytical group “Socrates Platonov”. Wasserman is a supporter of Ukraine's annexation to Russia. He has repeatedly stated that he believes Ukrainian language a dialect of Russian, not independent language. Wasserman is convinced that Ukraine is an integral part of Russia. In his opinion, independent Ukraine is dangerous for all its citizens.

Wasserman advocates the abolition of pensions and believes that universal pension provision is one of the main sources of the demographic crisis.

He believes that in Russia it is necessary to allow the use of firearms for civil self-defense.

Wasserman criticized Ramzan Kadyrov's proposal to imprison participants in nationalist rallies. He stated that this was “a cure that is worse than the disease itself.”

Consistently criticizes US international policy. Wasserman does not rule out US involvement in the death of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Argues that murder is a crime for which Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, David Cameron and Anders Fogh Rasmussen must answer.

Anatoly Wasserman advocates the legalization of all types of drugs and psychotropic substances. Moreover, Wasserman supports the free sale of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in pharmacies without a prescription. He is convinced that prostitution must be decriminalized. Wasserman states that it is necessary to cancel all education reforms over the past 30 years, since modern schoolchildren do not have a knowledge system.

He criticized the initiative of the head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Elena Mizulina to ban swearing on the Internet. Commenting on the “anti-piracy” law, Wasserman said that such projects impede human intellectual development and contribute to the transformation of man into a monkey.

Wasserman supports a ban on the adoption of children by homosexual couples, as he believes that children raised in homosexual unions have difficulties in building own family. He calls attempts to equate homosexual unions with marriages stupid and, despite his absolute atheism, he sides with the church on this issue.

Attitude to religion, formulated by Wasserman: “I am an atheist, and an atheist not out of habit, but out of conviction.” Wasserman argues that the non-existence of God is quite strictly and unambiguously deduced as a consequence of Gödel's incompleteness theorem. However, Wasserman emphasizes that Orthodox Church plays a positive social role in Russia.

He considers himself not a Jew, but a Russian of Jewish origin. Wasserman argues that a person's nationality is a set of acquired habits. He is convinced that nationalism is a contagious mental illness. Calls himself a staunch opponent of the nation state.

Anatoly Wasserman's height: 160 centimeters.

Anatoly Wasserman about women and personal life

Humor about Anatoly Wasserman is widespread on the Internet. One of the most famous jokes is "Facts about Anatoly Wasserman", modeled after “Chuck Norris facts.” In particular, Internet users joke about his extremely high erudition, his beard, his peculiar way of dressing and his vest with big amount pockets (in the program “Big Difference” he said that his vest weighs about 7 kilograms) and numerous contents. Some jokes about Wasserman can be found in articles dedicated to him on the Absurdopedia and Lurkomorye wiki projects. Got an internet nickname "Onotole". I was a victim of pranksters several times. However, after several conversations, the telephone hooligans stopped showing interest in him. After rumors arose that Wasserman was going to run for the position of mayor of Odessa, the name and portrait of “Onotole” appeared on the walls of Odessa houses.

Anatoly Wasserman himself does not consider these jokes offensive and admits that some of them are quite witty.

Birth name: Anatoly Alexandrovich Wasserman
Occupation: journalist, political consultant
Date of birth: December 9, 195
Place of birth: Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Citizenship: USSR→Ukraine

Anatoly Alexandrovich Wasserman(Ukrainian Anatoly Oleksandrovich Wasserman; born December 9, 1952, Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian journalist, political consultant. Known as a multiple winner of intellectual game shows. Known in internet folklore as " Onotole».

Anatoly Wasserman born December 9, 1952 in Odessa. Graduated from Odessa Technological University Institute of Refrigeration Industry, Faculty of Thermophysics, with a degree in thermal physics engineer.

After graduation from August 1, 1974 to September 30, 1977 Anatoly Wasserman worked as a programmer in the research sector of the Odessa NPO Kholodmash.
From October 3, 1977 to August 23, 1995 Wasserman worked as a programmer (since 1980 - system programmer) at the Odessa All-Union Research Institute "Pishchepromavtomatika".
From November 23, 1991 to present Anatoly Wasserman worked as a journalist (in particular, in 1996-1999 - in computer magazines). Since September 6, 1995 - political consultant in a team with Nurali Latypov.
In 1994 he ran for Anatoly Wasserman worked in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; took second place in the district. Since 2008, he has been the chief editor of the popular science magazine “Idea X” (the magazine ceased publication in 2010).

Anatoly Wasserman worked claims that in his youth he took a vow of chastity, which he still observes.
He considers himself a convinced Marxist as interpreted by the analytical group “Socrates Platonov”.
Anatoly Wasserman worked - a supporter of the annexation of Ukraine to Russia. He has repeatedly stated that he considers the Ukrainian language to be a dialect of Russian, and not an independent language. In addition to Russian, he also speaks English and Esperanto with a dictionary.

Participation of Anatoly Wasserman in intellectual games

For the first time on the All-Union screen Anatoly Wasserman worked appeared on October 14, 1989, in the team of Nurali Latypov, in the elite club “What? Where? When?”, then - in the team of Viktor Morokhovsky at the Brain Ring. In the television “Own Game” he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Four-time Ukrainian champion
sports version of “Own Game” (2005, 2006, 2010, 2011). Double (May 1, 2008, 24
April 2011) champion of Moscow in the sports version of “My Game” (according to the club
“Not for nothing”), bronze medalist of the same competition in 2006. Silver medalist
“Connoisseur Games” (World Games of Connoisseurs) 2010 in “My Game”, lost to Ilya Novikov in the finals. In the sports “What? Where? When?" plays for the Nemchinovka team (Moscow), the team of Evgenia Kanishcheva (Simferopol) and a number of others. In their composition, he became the winner and prize-winner of various competitions, in particular, the Ukrainian Championship in 2005 (1st place),
2006 and 2011 (2nd place). As part of the Phoenix team, the champion of Ukraine in
polymath quartet (team version of “Own Game”) 2007. Bronze medalist of the Moscow Erudite Quartet Championship as part of the “Domodedovo and the rest of Russia” team in 2010 (according to the Association of Moscow intellectual games clubs).

He was one of the main participants in the TV game A Beautiful Mind. On October 14, 2009, he participated in the “Taxi” program. He also took part in non-fiction television programs, in particular, “Dinner Party” and many talk shows.

Humor from Anatoly Wasserman

Humor about Anatoly Wasserman is widespread on the Internet. One of the most famous jokes is the "Anatoly Wasserman Facts", modeled after the "Chuck Norris Facts". In particular, Internet users joke about his extremely high erudition, Anatoly’s beard, his peculiar way of dressing and a vest with a large number of pockets (in the program “Big Difference” he said that his vest weighs about 7 kilograms) and numerous contents.
In addition, the associated words “galactic danger”, “pysch” and “YAP” are also common. And after rumors arose that Wasserman was going to run for mayor of Odessa, these words, as well as Onotole’s name and portrait, appeared on the walls of Odessa houses. Anatoly Wasserman himself does not consider these jokes offensive and admits that some of them are quite witty.

In 2011 Anatoly Wasserman starred in a viral advertisement for the online store “”.

Religious views of Anatoly Wasserman
Attitude towards religion is formulated personally Anatoly Alexandrovich Wasserman quite exhaustively: “I am an atheist, and an atheist not out of habit, but out of conviction.” Wasserman argues that the non-existence of God is completely strictly and unambiguously deduced as a consequence of Gödel's incompleteness theorem

In addition, Internet resources show that Anatoly “Onotole” Wasserman - YERZh, Ukrainian national journalist,
atheist, scoop, potsgeot, science freak and evil troll, a piggy bank of various information
level of usefulness, a nimble juggler of words. It has an unusual appearance and
many extravagant habits, or rather, idiosyncrasies. Hereditary virgin in the third generation. Some (drinking hysterical ladies, hamsters and gopotas) believe that Wasserman- the smartest person in the Universe and knows absolutely everything. They also say that Onotolei Wasserman does not know such a thing as “ Onotole Wasserman does not know…". Himself
Onotole knows that he does not know the concept “Anatoly Wasserman does not know...”, and considers this “ good example recursion."

Initially, Wasserman was called “Onotoley”, and the form “Onotoley” appeared a little later, and was probably originally a stylization of the vocative case of the name “Onotoley” (cf. “God”, “older”, “man”). Anatoly Alexandrovich was born “ at 03.30 at night (plus or minus 15 minutes) on December 9, 1952” ©, in Odessa. Graduated from Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry
(Faculty of Thermophysics), with a diploma in thermal physics engineer. When he was a student, he actively participated in voluntary-forced agricultural work on a collective farm, where he “drank a lot (in order to feel like an adult) and lit a cigarette while drunk” ©. After 21 years, he finally quit, but not without the help of substances. He drinks “rather moderately,” because alcohol greatly reduces Onotole’s reaction rate, with which he already has “fair problems.” After graduation, he worked as a programmer.

He first appeared in the zombie box in 1989, in the team of Nurali Latypov, in the elite club “What?
Where? When?”, then - in the team of Viktor Morokhovsky.
He won 22 continuous victories in the television “Own Game”. Claims to have invented a pair
dozens of new small arms units. In addition to “His Game,” Wasserman appeared in many
other TV shows. In the culinary program “Dinner Party” on REN TV he showed that he is 56 years old and
bearded In the “Taxi” program on the disgusting TNT channel, he won 22k rubles, only losing
musical question about Paris Hilton. Also a glorious milestone in Onotole's life was his participation in
intellectual game "Brain Ring", in the mid-90s. Played for the Odessa team, captain
which was Boris Burda. Burda answered 99 questions out of 100, and the last one was divided between
themselves Onotole and the rest of the team members who were present at the game only for
maintaining the number of players, and for furniture, of course. But this is only the first impression
that the brain of the team was Burda, since the host of the program, former WhatGdeKogshnik, Andrey

Kozlov played along with the team without a twinge of conscience, then we can assume that Onotole has
hypnosis (to influence the presenter) and telepathy (to convey the correct answers to Burda,
power of thought). And Boris Burda was actually needed for one purpose: to be the first to press the button.
After all, according to the rules of the game, whoever pressed first is responsible. And Onotole, like himself in
subsequently admitted that, due to the amazing biofeatures of his body, he was not capable of quick reactions. On the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Onotole reached the 1.5 lemon mark,
but he cheated and lost 600,000 rubles. Onotole mastered atmospheric chemistry, pharmacology, and also physics (for he was a power engineer on a nuclear submarine).

During a search of Anatoly Wasserman’s apartment, operatives discovered the meaning of life.” - Anonymous
Onotole even has clones
From 1996 to the present, Onotole writes reviews, works as a journalist in a computer magazine, and in 2008 headed the magazine “Idea X” (the magazine was cut down in January 2010). Either the eighth Moscow is making itself felt, or age is already taking its toll, but today Onotole
finally slipped into the black abyss of ignorance. 11/15/09 Onotole received -10 to morality and -100 to memeticity, because he suddenly shitted in “My Game” to a certain Alexey with a score of 6500:19400. However, Alexey received +500 to ChSV, and in his hometown An incessant binge has been raging for more than two years.

On August 15, 2010, on the main channel of the zombie box, Onotole appeared as a member of the jury of the KVN Premier League. Onotole immediately went into a frenzy, turning into an informal leader of the jury. His presence caused a terrible fight with bricks among the other members, only Kharlamov dared to argue with the Great (for which, of course, he would be punished by the soldiers of the UPCHK). Wasserman repeatedly
beat himself in the chest, claiming that he played in KVN of the 70s, although he could hardly believe it himself.
Anonymous believes the proof link (he doesn’t believe it, it’s been cut out). The Great One disliked the Sega-Mega Drive team
16 bits for their joke about his delivery vest replacement pants. If not
the intervention of the KVN God, who risked disagreeing with the Great Beard, would have
cut it out of the finale (and everyone would be happy!). Anonymous assures that Onotole has a place on the jury
now ordered (this is sad, because his presence added a lot of lulz Nuff said).
The latest posts in Wasserman's day reveal symptoms of rapidly progressing
FGM, causing indignation of nonsense, along with the delight of jerking hamsters. However, in
This is not surprising, since erudition is not necessarily accompanied by
high intelligence. Here are some of the stuffing that caused major fights:
* Ukraine should be returned to Russia, and the Ukrainian language should not be used at all
exists. I even published a book, Svidomo is indignant!
* Pensions should be abolished to raise the birth rate and increase social mobility.
* Georgia should be fought using Georgian methods. (Completed)
* The role of Stalin in the history of this country and the whole world is rather sharply positive than

* The secret addendum to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is a fake developed by

Americans in 1946.
* Landau sat down to work.
* To the supercomputer “Watson”, which took out the giants of the American analogue of “Own Game”,

The Great and the Terrible is too tough for us yet
* Under Stalin, the likelihood of being imprisoned on false charges was no higher than today.
* Short barrels should be allowed.
* Greenhouse gases cool the atmosphere.
* After the plane crash near Smolensk, he congratulated the Poles on the death of the president.
* Denied plagiarism of the works of a certain Dedyukhova, clearly causing her to be anti-Semitic

* He sold himself to the Sun-Face with his giblets: he took a salary from Ours.

Recently, Anatoly Wasserman has been working for Genium TV.

Among other things, Anatoly Alexandrovich was recently leased to such noble

fenced, only for registered users and with IP recording.

Alsoo Onotole sympathizes with anti-piracy activists and even goes to meetings with Russian pirates

Recently, Onotole has been demonstrating imperial views and speaking at rallies with

Purginyan and Prokhanov
Onotole at Purginyan's rally

Figures and facts
* Wasserman is 59 years old and bearded.
* Anatoly Wasserman never skipped school. skipped school Anatoly Wasserman.
* Anatoly Wasserman can program the entire Universe in BASIC and assembler.
* Onotole wrote KEYGEN.EXE for the nuclear briefcase.
* Anatoly Wasserman can violate the laws of logic and nothing will happen to him for it.
* Onotole knows the factorial of the number of stops
* Anatoly can expand any function into a Taylor series to the end
* Anatoly does not use spam filters because he does not know how to set them up and does not want to

lose not a single response from your admirers).
* Wasserman stopped shaving shortly before he turned 30. Onotole is good

Onotole and Playboy
Onotole Vargsserman himself
Unit composition

* Wasserman is a virgin. Proof. He took a vow of celibacy at 17, which, apparently,

now he regrets it.
* In the pseudo-correct goblin translation of “King of the Hill” in one of the episodes, Hank noted,

that he’ll go watch his game and if he’s lucky, Wasserman will play there, yeah.
* The Wasserman vest has 26 pockets.
* Anatoly Wasserman's hamster founded Microsoft.
* The weight of the Wasserman vest is just over 9000 g.
* The pockets of Wasserman's vest store everything from a set of screwdrivers and a folding umbrella to

two voice recorders, a microsupercomputer, a spare beard, a mobile charger, etc.

necessary nonsense.
* Wasserman can eat 0.5-0.6 kg of chocolate per day. He'll eat it, he'll eat it, but who should he?

will it?
* Wasserman is the idol and god of the site And he is flattered by it. Also in the Pantheon

The Gods of Leper Colony has the status of the Gods of Wisdom and Knowledge.
* Thanks to this same Upyachka, most Internet users call Wasserman not

otherwise known as Onotole.
* Anatoly Wasserman is a collector of airsoft weapons, which are everywhere

carries around with him (1-2 copies), and also willingly demonstrates it to television cameras and more.

I have never played airsoft, paintball or similar games in my life. According to him

words, “for this my hands are constantly shaking.”
* In some circles, Wasserman is also known as one Christy Hefner, Spanish. director

famous fishing magazine.
* Wasserman eats Big Macs with a fork.
* operating system, which Onotole uses - Linux Mandriva. But as

office suite uses M$ Office 6 via virtual machine with Win 98.. Uses 3

Internet providers
* Onotole reads /lm/.
* Wasserman's preferred body position during sleep is on his side. His beard

this turns out to be away from the blanket, and in general there are myths that Wasserman’s beard (aka

Onotole in the process of such pastime) knows how to unfasten and has his own

intelligence quotient, and Mr. Wasserman sometimes draws energy from it.
* Completed Castle Wolfenstein, Dune 2 and Mechwarrior. 24th minute.
* Completed Doom 2 without shift!
* Commented on every line of his code in assembler. The information is 98.9239% correct.
* Demonstrated the ability to foresee the future by commenting on the topic of terror and

terrorists exactly 4 days before the notorious events of March 29, 2010 in the Moscow metro.
* There is another famous Wasserman.
* And one more, no less famous, Wasserman.
* Featured in Sandy Mitchell's For the Emperor! under the pseudonym Caractacus Mott.

Moreover, together with Sobchak (Jennit Sulla).
* In addition, a certain Anatole is one of the heroes of the Red Trinity comic from DC

Comics. More information can be found here.
* Onotole has his own show (), where he also spoke about what is best

belongs to the cat, but does not keep pets himself.
* Onotole has an antipode - Clairvoyant Anatoly Myasoedov, whose statements also

* Wasserman's memory capacity is 1 yobibyte.
* IN computer games, played by Wasserman, there is no difficulty level, since it has not yet

came up with one for Wasserman
* Onotole participated in the “Taxi” program and did not make a mistake even once, the mistake was made by him

* “Dinner Party” from the Ren-TV channel was filmed at Onotole’s place.
* And does not remove waste products from the body, since humanity is not yet ready

to this kind of information
* Onotole's beard - convolutions that do not fit into Moscow
* The famous Onotole glasses are made together with the eyes
* Wasserman invented all the languages ​​of the world
* When Wasserman dies (and this will never happen) the world will restart and

new Wasserman 2.0
* Wasserman invented Wasserman
* During a search of Anatoly Wasserman’s apartment, investigators discovered the meaning

* And there is also Wasserman’s reaction. Clients of a venereologist know what it is.
* Sued the shit store. Proof:
* Wasserman and Purginyan are actually fascists. Proven in topics:

See the development of themes.

He is best known as a multiple winner of various intellectual television games. He considers himself a Marxist as interpreted by an analytical group of three authors using the collective pseudonym Socrates Platonov.

Anatoly Aleksandrovich Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952 in Odessa, USSR. He graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry, now the Odessa State Academy

cold demy (Odessa State Academy of Cold), Faculty of Thermophysics, majoring in thermal physics engineer.

After the institute, Wasserman, from August 1, 1974 to September 30, 1977, worked as a programmer in the research sector of the Odessa scientific and production association "Holo"

Dmash". Then from October 3, 1977 to August 23, 1995, he was a programmer (since 1980 - a system programmer) at the Odessa All-Union Research Institute "Pishchepromavtomatika".

Finally, from November 23, 1991 to this day, Anatoly has been working as a journalist, in particular since 1996

to 1999, for computer magazines. Since September 6, 1995, Wasserman has served as a political consultant in a team with Nurali Latypov. In 1994, he nominated himself for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; took second place in the constituency.

For the first time on TV screens Vasser

man appeared on October 14, 1989 in the game "What? Where? When?" in the team of Nurali Latypov, after which, together with the team of Victor Morohovsky, he took part in the TV game “Brain Ring”. In the Russian version of the television game "Jeopardy!", "Own Game", he scored 15 victories in a row from 2001-2002 and

became the best player of the decade in 2004. Wasserman is a two-time champion in the sports version of “Own Game” and the main participant in the television game show “Mind Games”.

In addition to TV games, Anatoly took part in many non-fiction TV projects, including appearing on talk shows. In general, Wasserman became quite

popular in RuNet because of his incredible erudition; Some Internet users created the Internet meme “Facts about Anatoly Wasserman” by analogy with the joke “Facts about Chuck Norris.” Jokers wrote that Wasserman has superpowers that help him do anything.

for example, divide by zero and know about everything in the world. Moreover, some “facts” claim that Wasserman is actually the father of Chuck Norris, which means he has more power than Chuck.

Jokes about the intellectual from Odessa, including his beard, his style of dressing and his waistcoat with pain

Anatoly himself perceives the large number of pockets, which, according to him, weighs 7 kg quite adequately, does not consider them offensive and even recognizes some of them as witty.

Anatoly Wasserman is an atheist by conviction. According to him, the absence of God follows as a consequence of Gödel's theorem on non-sex

He graduated from the Institute of Refrigeration Industry in Odessa, worked as a programmer until 1991, after which he became interested in journalism. IN different years tried to become a deputy, first ran for the Ukrainian Rada, and then for the Russian Duma. Both times I was inferior to my opponents, taking second place.

He first appeared on television in the program “What? Where? When?” in 1989. Then began a series of participations and victories in various intellectual shows, both on Russian and Ukrainian television. Currently holds the position of columnist for the RIA Novosti website.

Personal life

Not married and never was, no children. In his youth he took a vow of celibacy, which he now regrets, but believes that it is too late to change anything.

Apartment of Anatoly Wasserman

From 2004 to the end of 2013, I rented a two-room apartment in a twelve-story panel building on Heroev-Panfilovtsev Street in the Northern Tushino area. The place was quiet and calm, next to the house there was a school with a nice park.

In 2013, he moved to a new living space, located on the thirtieth floor in the prestigious district of the capital - Khodynka. It was purchased for use as a filming studio by the television company with which he was collaborating at that time. Wasserman had to do the arrangement on his own and at his own expense, but with the help of TV show interior designer Maria Raikhelgauz.

Initially, it was a living space with an open plan, but in the end it turned out to be three spacious rooms with a living room, a kitchen, an office-bedroom and a guest room.

Due to the wide windows, light ceiling and walls, the living room looks very spacious and sunny, although huge sections filled with literature, cups and awards are mounted along all the walls. The ceiling is decorated with gray tiles to create special acoustics when recording programs.

Next to the window there are shelves with a collection of cars, airplanes and tanks, which Anatoly personally glued together from plastic parts back in Soviet times. But most of the exhibits were damaged during numerous moves and repairs.

The owner considers collecting weapons, not real ones, but models, to be his main passion. The collection includes sniper rifles and pistols of different calibers and eras. And just recently he got a home shooting range with a special bullet catcher, where he periodically practices shooting. In addition to firearms, there are also training swords, which the owner uses to warm up his hands.

In the spacious living room there was also a place for an exercise machine, on which the erudite, in his free time from work and reading, trains his muscles and stretches his spine.

Anatoly spends most of his time in his office-bedroom, where he works and sleeps. The walls are decorated with wood, the floor has the same laminate as in the living room. On one side there are shelves with books, and opposite the other wall there is a work desk, above which there is a bed on the second tier.

The ergonomic keyboard, designed and produced in England, attracts attention. It costs more than $700, but it's worth it because it allows you to work faster and more efficiently. Under the bed there are not only electronics, but also copies of English daggers, a Scottish skin-doo knife and other equally interesting specimens.

A couple of meters from the bed hangs the famous “Wassermann vest” with a huge number of pockets and pockets and trousers. He orders clothes in batches of twenty sets from a special tailoring company. clothes. The maximum weight of the vest reached almost ten kilograms, but recently it has become quite lighter, since most of the useful things carried in it have been transformed and modernized over time, and accordingly lost weight.

The small kitchen is divided into two zones: a cooking and eating area. This room is also decorated in light colors. There is a small TV, microwave, coffee machine and a double door refrigerator with many rare and interesting magnets.

From here you can go to the guest room, where there is a bunk bed and already familiar shelves with books. To ensure sound insulation, the room is additionally equipped with layers of cork sheets.

According to CIAN, a three-room apartment on Khodynskoye Field costs from 25 to 70 million rubles.

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