White discharge before menstruation for how many days. Why does brown discharge appear before and after menstruation? Discharge before late pregnancy

Brown discharge before and after menstruation is not always a symptom of a dangerous illness, but, be that as it may, it is important to understand the cause of such a symptom. A comprehensive diagnosis will help determine the provoking factor, and timely treatment will relieve the consequences.

Causes of brown discharge

Brown discharge that occurs before or immediately after menstruation is often a sign of hormonal imbalance. Taking medications can provoke such a symptom. Most often these are hormonal contraceptives. The occurrence of discharge closer to menstruation indicates that in the second phase of the cycle there is a lack of progesterone. This may be an individual characteristic of the body, and can also be provoked by medications and pathological processes.

With a regular menstrual cycle, the amount of progesterone in the second (luteal) phase always increases. If this does not happen, spotting may occur

If a woman is taking oral contraceptives, then this symptom may indicate that the drug is not suitable in a particular case. This is due to the fact that if the balance between estrogen and progesterone is disturbed, hormonal medications are selected only taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

The same medicine may not suit every woman. If the amount of progesterone in an oral contraceptive is insufficient, then this symptom occurs. This often happens when taking microdosed drugs, such as Jess, Yarina, etc. Especially in the first three months, when the body adapts.

Microdosed contraceptives such as Jess may cause brown discharge

The trigger for the occurrence of acyclic discharge may be an intrauterine device, which is installed to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The symptom may also appear after sex. In this case, we are talking about either the rude actions of the partner, or the presence of cervical defects: polyps, endometriosis, scar tissue, etc.

The intrauterine device can cause brown discharge before and after menstruation

Normally, vaginal discharge before menstruation becomes scanty, thicker and more viscous. It may be white. In the first phase of the cycle (the period after menstruation), the secretion becomes transparent and more liquid. At the same time, you are not bothered by extraneous symptoms: itching, burning, frequent urination.

Why does a symptom occur - video


If a symptom occurs a week before or after menstruation and is associated with a recent visit to the gynecologist, then do not worry. Such a sign is considered normal if it appears after taking a smear for oncocytology or after interventions in the uterine area: after cauterization of erosion, removal of a cyst, etc. In this case, discharge from the vagina is not abundant and Brown. Passes within two days.

Pregnancy can be a provocateur for the occurrence of such a clinical picture before menstruation. In this case, menstruation itself does not occur. There is only scanty brown discharge, which can last for a week.

If the symptom occurs 1-2 days before your period, there is also no need to worry. This is a harbinger of menstruation. A small amount of the endometrium (the inner mucous layer of the uterus) begins to be rejected, small bloody clots appear, oxidize under the influence of oxygen and mix with the secretion that is released from the glands and acquires a characteristic brown tint. This sign is not considered pathological.

Brown discharge that is present for 1-2 days should also not be alarming. These may be the remains of desquamated endometrium, which did not have time to come out completely.


Pathological vaginal discharge often has a dark brown hue and a thick consistency. In this case, clots may be noticed. They can appear a week before menstruation and be present until its onset. What reasons can provoke such a symptom:

  • erosion - the appearance of a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix under the influence of a number of factors. Discharge is provoked by injury and occurs after examination by a gynecologist or sexual intercourse;
  • endometriosis is the proliferation of endometrial tissue due to hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body. The symptom occurs 7 days before menstruation and appears immediately after it;
  • Endometrial polyps - formed due to excessive production of estrogen and lack of progesterone, are neoplasms filled with brown liquid. Discharge appears when damaged areas are injured;
  • cancerous tumor - malignant transformation of cervical tissue, which often occurs with the human papillomavirus, the symptom can accompany almost constantly;
  • scars on the uterus - formed after cauterization of erosion and other interventions on the cervix or organ cavity. Mucosal defects may bleed after a gynecological examination, taking a smear from a damaged surface, and after sexual intercourse.

Pathological discharge may have an unpleasant odor or be accompanied by pain, bringing a lot of discomfort to a woman’s life.

Pathological causes - photo gallery

A scar on the cervix may bleed Cervical erosion is a precancerous disease Cervical polyp forms when progesterone levels decrease Endometriosis can affect different organs Cervical cancer is a deadly pathology

The nature of the discharge depending on the provoking factor - table

Provoking factorDischarge shadeConsistencySmellWhen do they arise?Duration
ErosionBrown or dark brownLiquid, not abundantOrdinary
  • a few days before menstruation;
  • after sexual intercourse or taking a smear.
2–3 days
Dark brownThick with clots, may be copiousOrdinaryA week before menstruation, as well as immediately after its end.7 days or more
Endometrial polypsBrown and dark brownLiquid, not abundantOrdinaryAfter menstruation3–4 days
Cancer tumorDark brownAbundant, can be thick or thinUnpleasant, can be harshAfter and before menstruation5–10 days
Scars on the uterusBrownSlight, liquidOrdinaryAfter and before menstruation, as well as during the act of defecation when straining.5–7 days
Taking microdosed oral contraceptives Brown and light brownSlight, liquidOrdinaryBefore menstruation3–4 days
Dark brown and brownAbundant, liquidOrdinaryBefore and after menstruation4–5 days

Associated symptoms

Often there are no additional symptoms. But in rare cases, brown discharge may be accompanied by:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general unsatisfactory condition;
  • lower back pain;
  • burning and cutting in the vagina.

Pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by brown discharge, is an alarming signal from the body

If the symptom is accompanied by intense pain in the lower abdomen, and the discharge becomes profuse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When to visit a doctor

If the main symptom is not accompanied by pain, but occurs only 2 days before or after menstruation, then there is nothing wrong with it. If the clinical picture is supplemented by such signs as a general unsatisfactory condition, an increase in temperature, then you need to visit a gynecologist. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary when the discharge is heavy and lasts more than 1-2 days.

Prevention measures

Prevention rules:

  • Maintain intimate hygiene. Wash regularly.
  • Do not select hormonal contraceptives on your own.
  • Do not resort to abortion.
  • Avoid rough actions on the part of your sexual partner.
  • If possible, avoid using intrauterine devices.
  • Visit a gynecologist once a year and have a smear for oncocytology.
  • Do not take emergency contraceptive medications. They can provoke serious hormonal imbalances.
  • Strengthen immunity.

To prevent such symptoms, I try to visit a gynecologist once a year. I encountered brown discharge when an endometrioid lesion was diagnosed. During menstruation, she felt pain, which was sometimes difficult to relieve with analgesics. After cauterization of the lesion, the doctor prescribed low-dose hormonal contraceptives, which are indicated to be taken for endometriosis. The specialist explained that such drugs contain more progesterone, so the risk of recurrence of the pathology is reduced. I took a contraceptive more than a year for the purpose of prevention. However, I do not recommend choosing your own medication. The doctor warned that otherwise the discharge would become even more abundant and the appearance of new lesions could be provoked.

Such a clinical picture should not be ignored. It is important to timely diagnose a pathology that may not be so harmless. Timely elimination of the provoking factor is the key to preserving a woman’s reproductive function. A preventive examination by a gynecologist will help prevent the progression of dangerous pathologies and eliminate discharge uncharacteristic of the phase of the cycle.

Secretory discharge from the vagina is observed in women at different phases of the menstrual cycle. On some days they are more abundant, sometimes they are barely noticeable, but sometimes it happens that white discharge appears before menstruation.

Leucorrhoea plays a protective role in the body, protecting the internal genital organs from infections. However, in large quantities and if there are foreign impurities, they signal problems in reproductive system. When leucorrhoea is normal and when it is a pathology, you will find out further.

White discharge - what is it and can it happen before menstruation?

U adult woman, which leads a full-fledged sex life, in the first days after menstruation, the discharge is scanty and transparent, colorless. At the stage of ovulation, they intensify, but remain transparent, and disappear closer to menstruation.

Any changes indicate damage to the reproductive system by infectious strains. The worst thing is when heavy discharge is observed against the background. The situation is aggravated by the strange color, unpleasant smell and unusual consistency of the discharge.

Normal vaginal discharge have the following characteristics:

  • Watery or slimy.
  • Odorless or slightly sour.
  • Colorless, yellowish, white or pale cream.
  • Does not cause discomfort.

But this is the ideal option. To figure out whether there can be white discharge before menstruation, you need to understand that the color and composition of vaginal discharge is influenced by various factors - nutrition, medication, psycho-emotional state, change climatic conditions and even the appearance of a new sexual partner.

Before menstruation, leucorrhoea may change color to , and this is also considered normal. Light spotting indicates the readiness of the uterus to clear the endometrium, which has become unnecessary due to the lack of pregnancy. Your period will start in 2 – 4 days. The thick consistency of leucorrhoea is explained by the influence of sex hormones.

White discharge instead of menstruation in women can occur due to severe stress. Psycho-emotional shocks disrupt hormonal status and affect the nature of menstrual flow. But the amount of leucorrhoea is much less than the amount of bleeding that accompanies full menstruation.

In teenagers

Leucorrhoea appears in girls about six months before menarche - the first menstruation. Sometimes this period extends for 1 – 2 years. The normal age for leucorrhoea to appear is 11 – 14 years.

Hormonal changes make the figure more feminine, but the reproductive organs undergo the main changes. During puberty, the uterus grows, the ovaries learn to produce follicles, the cervix works more actively and secretes mucus.

Before their first period, teenage girls' leucorrhoea becomes more profuse than before. Both liquid and viscous consistency of the discharge is allowed. The mucus looks clear or slightly cloudy, but it should not have a foul odor or cause pain. Soon the preliminary discharge turns into real menstruation.

During pregnancy

Consider white discharge before menstruation as a sign of pregnancy. Abundant, thick leucorrhoea with delayed bleeding signals hormonal fluctuations associated with conception.

Progesterone levels increase and affect the secretory function of the gonads. An increased amount of mucus protects the uterus and embryo from infection. There is also a renewal of the cells that make up the vaginal mucous tissue. For this reason, the density of leucorrhoea increases.

When ectopic pregnancy Leucorrhoea may have brown patches or be completely brown. These are traces of dried blood. An additional symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is constant aching pain on the side of the abdomen where the embryo is located. Gradually the pain increases and brings significant anxiety.

If the pregnancy test is negative, but there is a delay and white discharge, this may also indicate a hormonal imbalance. Only it is not associated with gestation, but with stress or vitamin deficiency. Low-fat meals and lean useful substances food negatively affects the body’s performance and provokes delays in menstruation. Instead of bleeding, intense leucorrhoea continues.

Diseases with the sign of “white discharge before menstruation”

White discharge that appears a week before your period may be abnormal. They are distinguished from normal leucorrhoea by their composition, increased volume, pungent odor and discomfort experienced by the woman.

There are quite a lot of diseases with the common symptom “white discharge on the eve of menstruation”. They affect not only the gynecological, but also the endocrine system. Let's talk about this in detail.

Problems of endocrine origin

With diseases of different organs of the endocrine system in women, the discharge before menstruation changes. Patients with diabetes mellitus.

Deviations are associated with hormonal disorders, improper functioning of the pancreas and changes in the acidic environment in the vagina. Diseases of the thyroid gland and ovaries create the preconditions for profuse discharge of colorless leucorrhoea.


Cervical erosion is ulceration of the mucous tissue and damage to the local glands. With this disease, leucorrhoea appears before menstruation. They are colorless in appearance, but contain mucous inclusions.

The brownish tint of the mucus is explained by the bleeding of the wounds that are on the surface of the cervix. Often women complain about a delay in menstruation.


Urogenital candidiasis destroys the mucous membranes of the vagina and triggers an inflammatory process in the genitourinary region. A characteristic symptom is white curdled discharge, reeking of sour milk.

Before menstruation, pathological leucorrhoea intensifies. Patients complain of severe itching in the vagina and irritation of the external genitalia.

Oncological diseases of the uterus

Doctors warn that malignant tumors are the most dangerous. In most cases, they develop asymptomatically, and only foul-smelling white thick discharge before menstruation attracts the attention of women. The shade of mucus varies. Bloody clots may be visible.

Leucorrhoea with bloody impurities may also indicate endometriosis. This is an abnormal growth of the mucous tissue that lines the uterine cavity. Oncopathology disrupts the structure of the endometrium, causing damage to blood vessels. In addition to bloody discharge, women note nagging pain in the lower abdomen.


Growths form on the mucous surface of the uterus. On the eve of menstruation, the endometrial layer loosens and swells. New growths are damaged or twisted. These events make the leucorrhoea bloody. There may be no other symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis

Leucorrhoea with a yellowish tint and a distinct fishy odor facilitates the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. Before menstruation, their volume increases.

Pathological discharge irritates the vagina and causes... Sexual intercourse is painful. Vaginosis develops due to bacterial infection of the genital organs.

Inflammatory diseases

When discharge appears like egg white before menstruation, women must pay attention to its composition, smell and accompanying signs. Leucorrhoea often signals the development of an inflammatory process in the reproductive system.

Which gynecological diseases may indicate leucorrhoea:

  1. Cervicitis. The mucous membrane of the cervix suffers from inflammation. Before menstruation, leucorrhoea intensifies and thins out. In the presence of pus, the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor.
  2. Vaginitis. The inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane of the vaginal tube. Local swelling, itching and burning are observed. Women feel pain in the sacrum. Leucorrhoea is thin, profuse and yellow, appearing about a week before menstruation. The analysis shows an elevated level of leukocytes.
  3. Endometritis. In this case, the uterine cavity suffers. Patients complain of foul-smelling cloudy discharge, pain when urinating, hyperthermia, and pain in the lower abdomen. Chronic endometritis on the eve of menstruation causes profuse leucorrhoea with a greenish tint. From the uterus, the pathology can spread to the appendages.

Venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted infections have an incubation period of development. Therefore, an STD may not appear immediately, but only after some time.

For example, as soon as menstruation ends, a woman will see yellow leucorrhoea. Menstruation is a kind of inflammatory process. They activate bacteria and increase discomfort if a woman develops:

  • Chlamydia. It manifests itself as yellow discharge after menstruation, itching of the perineum and a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Trichomoniasis. Copious mucus, smelling like rotten fish, irritates the vagina and external organs. Transparent mucus first turns yellow, then greenish. Pain occurs during sex.
  • Gonorrhea. Copious discharge contains pus. They feel sticky to the touch. Symptoms of the disease are sharp pain during intimacy and urination.

Is leucorrhoea necessary before menstruation?

Since clear mucus performs a protective function, the genitals always produce it.

However, in some cases, there may not be white discharge before menstruation. The absence of leucorrhoea on the eve of menstrual periods has its own reasons. For example, in case of allergies, the amount of vaginal secretion can be affected by synthetic fabrics of underwear or unsuitable intimate hygiene products.

If, according to indications, a woman takes antibiotics or is protected with oral contraceptives, the reproductive organs also reduce secretory activity. Mini-pills especially affect the volume of discharge. The composition of these birth control pills rich in estrogen.

Frequent douching affects the intensity and composition of discharge. Abuse of manipulation disrupts the proper functioning of mucous tissues. The result is dryness in the genitals. There will be no mucus before menstruation in this situation.

As menopause approaches female body Age-related changes begin to occur that affect the hormonal system. These processes are natural. But they inhibit the production of mucus by the internal genital organs.

White discharge before menstruation is absent in those women who smoke a lot and abuse alcohol. Harmful substances disrupt hormonal background and dry out the vaginal mucosa. There is little discharge due to improper functioning of the endocrine glands.

Do I need to treat white discharge before menstruation?

If leucorrhoea appears as a physiological phenomenon on the eve of menstruation, there is no need for treatment. It is enough to strengthen your personal hygiene and use panty liners to protect your underwear.

It is recommended to wash the intimate area at least once a day by moving your hand from front to back. This will help avoid infection of the vagina with intestinal microbes. For washing, you can use unscented baby soap and care products for delicate areas.

Underwear should be changed every day or when soiled. Panties should be made from natural, breathable materials. You can wear lace underwear, but rarely. Synthetics and poor quality fabrics do not allow air to pass through well and create intimate area"Greenhouse effect". A warm, humid environment promotes the development of pathogenic agents.

If an infectious or inflammatory process is suspected, a woman should consult a gynecologist. Treatment will be prescribed after a thorough examination. The patient will be prescribed vaginal suppositories, tablets or ointments. Giving up bad habits will help speed up therapy proper nutrition and activities to strengthen the immune system. In order for the body to fully perform its functions, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle and reorganize your daily routine.

Most women are familiar with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Many of them suffer not so much from the ailments of menstruation itself, but from the condition that precedes it. The reason for this is the hormonal changes that occur in the body on the eve of menstruation. The functioning of various organs is disrupted, as well as nervous system. This leads to headaches, depression, and irritability. It is necessary to know what physiological processes they are associated with. Then it may be easier to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

After ovulation, the so-called luteal phase begins, which precedes the onset of menstruation. Preparation for it begins in the body in advance. Under the influence of hormones, changes occur in the condition of the mammary glands and genitals. The brain and central nervous system react to hormonal processes.

For most women, this results in characteristic symptoms before menstruation. For some, they begin 2 days before menstruation, for others – 10. Disorders appear with varying degrees of severity. With the onset of critical days, they disappear. These symptoms are collectively called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It has been noticed that PMS is stronger in women who suffer from gynecological or other diseases.

Night shift work, exposure to harmful substances, lack of sleep, poor diet, troubles and conflicts are all factors that increase ailments before menstruation.

Note: There is a theory that discomfort before menstruation is the body’s reaction to the lack of conception, which is the natural completion of the physiological processes occurring in the female reproductive system.

Signs of approaching period

Manifestations of PMS may vary for each individual woman. The nature of the manifestations is influenced by heredity, lifestyle, age, and health status. The most obvious signs that your period is approaching include the following:

  • irritability;
  • depressed state, feeling of inexplicable melancholy, depression;
  • fatigue, headaches;
  • a fall blood pressure;
  • inability to concentrate, deterioration of attention and memory;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • painful sensations in the chest;
  • the occurrence of edema and weight gain due to fluid retention in the body;
  • indigestion, bloating;
  • nagging pain in the lower back.

Distinguish light form the course of PMS (the presence of 3-4 symptoms that disappear with the onset of menstruation) and the severe form (the appearance of most symptoms simultaneously 5-14 days before menstruation). It is not always possible for a woman to cope with severe symptoms on her own. Sometimes only hormonal medications can help.

Types of PMS

Depending on what signs predominate in a woman before her period, the following forms of PMS are distinguished.

Edema. With this form, women feel pain in the mammary glands more acutely, their legs and arms swell, skin itching, and increased sweating appear.

Cephalgic. Every time before menstruation there is dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, radiating into the eyes. Often such symptoms are combined with heart pain.

Neuropsychic. Symptoms such as depressed mood, irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, and intolerance to loud sounds and bright lights predominate.

Krizovaya. Before menstruation, women experience crises: blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, limbs go numb, pain appears in the chest area, and fear of death arises.

Causes of various PMS symptoms

The severity of PMS manifestations depends mainly on the degree of hormonal changes and the state of the nervous system. The psychological attitude plays an important role. If a woman is active and busy with interesting things, then she does not feel the symptoms of menstruation as acutely as a suspicious pessimist, suffering from the mere thought of upcoming ailments. Every symptom can have an explanation.

Increased body weight. On the one hand, its cause is a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood in the second phase of the cycle. By accumulating adipose tissue capable of secreting estrogens, the body compensates for their deficiency. There is also a deficiency of glucose in the blood, which leads to an increased feeling of hunger. For many women, eating delicious food is a way to distract themselves from troubles and worries.

Changes in mood. The cause of aggressiveness, irritability, anxiety, and depression is the lack of “pleasure hormones” in the body (endorphin, serotonin, dopamine), the production of which decreases during this period.

Nausea. Before menstruation, the uterus enlarges slightly due to the growth and loosening of the endometrium. At the same time, it can put pressure on the nerve endings, the irritation of which causes the gag reflex. Nausea can be caused by taking hormonal medications and contraceptives. If a woman constantly experiences this symptom before her period, then this remedy may be contraindicated for her. It needs to be replaced with something else.

Warning: Nausea before your expected period can be a sign of pregnancy. With this in mind, a woman should first of all do a test and visit a doctor to clarify her condition.

Pain in the lower abdomen. A slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen is considered normal before menstruation if the woman does not have cycle disorders, there are no pathological discharge or other signs of genital diseases. If the pain is severe and does not subside after taking painkillers, then you must definitely go to the doctor and undergo an examination to find out the causes of the pathology.

Temperature increase. Before menstruation, the temperature can normally rise to 37°-37.4°. The appearance of more high temperature becomes a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus or ovaries. As a rule, there are other signs of disturbances that force the woman to visit a doctor.

The appearance of acne. This symptom occurs before menstruation as a result of endocrine disorders, intestinal diseases, decreased body defenses, and impaired fat metabolism due to changes in hormone production.

The appearance of edema. Hormonal changes cause a slowdown in the process of water-salt metabolism in the body, which leads to fluid retention in the tissues.

Enlargement of the mammary glands. Progesterone levels increase and the body prepares for the possible onset of pregnancy. The ducts and lobules swell, blood circulation increases. The breast tissue is stretched, which leads to a dull pain when you touch it.

Video: Why does your appetite increase before your period?

Under what conditions do similar manifestations occur?

Women often confuse the symptoms of PMS and pregnancy. Nausea, dizziness, enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands, and increased leucorrhoea are characteristic of both conditions.

If there are symptoms and your periods are late, then you are most likely pregnant. To make sure that this is exactly the case, it is recommended to take a blood test for human chorionic hormone levels (hCG is formed after pregnancy).

Similar symptoms also appear with endocrine diseases, the formation of mammary gland tumors, and the use of hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of approaching first menstruation in adolescents

Puberty begins in girls aged 11-15 years. Their character is finally established only after 1-2 years. A girl can find out about the imminent onset of her first menstruation by characteristic manifestations. Already 1.5-2 years before the onset of this event, a teenage girl begins to develop white discharge. Immediately before the appearance of the first menstruation, leucorrhoea becomes more intense and thin.

A slight nagging pain in the ovaries may occur due to their growth and stretching. PMS often manifests itself quite weakly, but there may also be deviations comparable in nature to the manifestations of PMS in adult women. One of the characteristic signs of teenage PMS is the formation of acne on the face. The reason is fluctuations in the level of sex hormones, the influence of this process on the condition of the skin.

Video: Signs of approaching menstruation in girls

Manifestations of PMS in premenopausal women

After 40-45 years, women experience the first signs of aging and a decrease in the level of sex hormones. Menstrual irregularities occur, metabolism slows down, and chronic diseases of the genital organs often worsen. The condition of the nervous system worsens. As a result, the manifestations of PMS intensify even more.

Many women of this age experience severe headaches, dizziness, increased sweating, increased heart rate, mood swings, and depression before menstruation. Often, such manifestations of PMS are so painful that to alleviate the condition, hormonal therapy is prescribed with drugs that regulate the content of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones in the body.

Leucorrhoea is a secretory discharge in women. Their appearance is due to the peculiarities of physiological processes in the reproductive system. They play an important role in the functioning of the genital organs and protecting them from infection. If a woman notices that on the eve of her next menstruation the discharge has changed (it has become more abundant, acquired a tint and other unusual signs), then she wonders whether everything is in order with her health and whether this can be understood by the appearance of the white discharge that appeared before her period. It is important to know exactly when to go to the doctor, and when not to worry.


What are normal leucorrhoea?

The main component of the discharge is mucus, which is produced by glands located in the cervix. This viscous liquid is necessary to moisturize the vagina and protect its surface from damage during sexual intercourse. In addition, a plug is formed from mucus at the entrance to the cervical canal. It is a barrier that prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity.

The mucus plug has another important role: with its help, the body regulates the process of sperm penetration into the uterus. Before ovulation, the mucus thins, which creates conditions for fertilization of the egg. And after 4-5 days it becomes denser.

The process of mucus production and changes in its character during the cycle is regulated by the ratio of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Normal discharge before menstruation (2-3 days before it starts) has the following symptoms:

  1. Color – white (cloudy due to the admixture of dying particles of the uterine mucosa). The discharge may have a creamy or yellowish tint. This is not a deviation and depends on the characteristics of the organism. Yellowish or even brownish spotting on the eve of menstruation is considered normal if an intrauterine device is used for contraception.
  2. The smell is very weak, sourish or completely absent.
  3. The consistency is thick mucous. The discharge is not too abundant, but not scanty either. If they are very weak, then the cause may be an infectious disease. Vaginal dryness also occurs as a result of using soap as an intimate hygiene product and frequent douching.
  4. There should be no leucorrhoea immediately after menstruation.
  5. The discharge does not cause discomfort or malaise.

Video: Vaginal discharge on the eve of menstruation

Can there be no white discharge on the eve of menstruation?

This is also possible. There may be no leucorrhoea before menstruation due to deterioration in the functioning of the secretory glands in the cervix during premenopause, when the production of female sex hormones gradually decreases.

Factors that provoke the absence of leucorrhoea are the use of contraceptives or therapeutic hormonal drugs with increased content estrogens. Uncontrolled consumption of plant foods can also contribute to such deviation from the norm. medicines containing phytoestrogens.

Warning: 12-14 days before menstruation, mucus is normally abundant and watery. If at this time it has a dense consistency, this is a pathology indicating hormonal disorders. Under these conditions, conception cannot occur.

White discharge before menstruation differs individually for each woman. This depends on the innate characteristics of physiology, age, hormonal levels in the body at the moment, the presence of stressful situations, and lifestyle.

Character of leucorrhoea in teenage girls

Leucorrhoea appears in girls approximately 1.5 years before the onset of the first menstruation. Subsequently, until the hormonal background stabilizes and the cycle is established, the nature of the discharge may change. During this period, both liquid and viscous leucorrhoea are considered normal. Their volume, shade and consistency are determined by the genetic characteristics of the girl’s development and puberty.

A sign by which you can guess that your first period is about to begin is an increase in the intensity of the discharge compared to what it was before. Since menstruation occurs irregularly at first, special attention must be paid to the nature of discharge before menstruation, since pathologies are possible at any age.

Leucorrhoea with delayed menstruation

A delay, first of all, may be a sign of pregnancy. If before the expected menstruation the leucorrhoea becomes more abundant and thick, this indicates a hormonal shift occurring in connection with pregnancy. Due to an increase in progesterone levels, the activity of the glands that produce mucus increases. This protects the uterine cavity and the embryo from infection. The process of cell renewal of the vaginal mucosa also accelerates, thereby increasing the density of the released transparent whitish mucus.

Another reason for the delay may be a hormonal imbalance in the body caused by severe stress or vitamin deficiency. Diets excluding the consumption of fats and many necessary for the body substances also lead to delays in menstruation. At the same time, the woman continues to produce profuse leucorrhoea instead.

Video: Signs of pathological discharge before menstruation

Signs and causes of pathological leucorrhoea

Pathological discharge on the eve of menstruation differs from normal not only in volume and consistency, but also in the presence of a pungent odor, the appearance of various shades, and the presence of lumps or clots. Painful sensations occur.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

Vaginitis– inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by swelling, itching and burning in this area, as well as pain in the sacrum. Abundant liquid leucorrhoea has a yellow color. The leukocyte count is increased. Such discharge may appear approximately 1 week before your period.

Cervicitis. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the cervix. White discharge before menstruation becomes very abundant and thin. Pus may form in them and an unpleasant odor may appear.

Endometritis– inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. Cloudy discharge has an unpleasant odor. A woman experiences symptoms such as pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, and fever. Inflammation can spread to the tubes and ovaries. The chronic process leads to the appearance of leucorrhoea on the eve of menstruation with a greenish color and a heavy odor.

Diseases associated with disturbances of the vaginal microflora

Bacterial vaginosis. A characteristic sign of leucorrhoea in this disease is a strong fishy odor and a yellowish tint. On the eve of menstruation they become even more intense. A woman feels constant burning and itching in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse. The disease occurs due to a disturbance in the composition of the microflora in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Urogenital candidiasis. The disease appears due to the penetration of the Candida fungus into the genitals, destroying the mucous membranes. Inflammatory processes occur in the vagina and urinary organs. The symptoms of this disease are very characteristic. The discharge is copious, especially on the eve of menstruation. They look like a white cheesy mass. They smell like sour milk, as lactic acid is formed during the life of the fungus. A woman is worried about severe itching and irritation in the vagina. Uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics contributes to the proliferation of the fungus. They are able to kill beneficial lactobacilli, which create destructive conditions for pathogens.

Erosion of mucous membranes, neoplasms in the uterus

Cervical erosion. Damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix and the glands located in it leads to the fact that the leucorrhoea that intensifies before menstruation becomes colorless and contains clots of mucus. The wounds that form on the surface of the cervix bleed, so the menstruation appears brownish. Delays in menstruation often occur.

Endometriosis. There is an abnormal growth of the uterine mucosa. The structure of the endometrium is disrupted and blood vessels are damaged. Leucorrhoea containing bloody impurities may be a sign of this disease. The appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen is also characteristic.

Polyps in the uterine cavity. They are growths on its mucous surface. Before menstruation, the endometrium loosens and swells. Damage to the polyps occurs, and torsion of the legs is possible. This causes the leucorrhoea to become bloody. The appearance of polyps is not always possible to notice, since, apart from pathological discharge, there may be no other manifestations of the disease.

Malignant tumors of the uterus. They often develop secretly, and only by the presence of foul-smelling leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation can one suspect their formation. The discharge takes on different shades and contains blood particles.

Warning: Gynecologists and oncologists always warn: if a woman notices the appearance of watery pink or brownish leucorrhoea with a foul odor, which intensifies a few days before her period, then there is a high probability that there is a tumor of the uterus. The sooner the examination is completed, the greater the chance that the disease will be managed.

Venereal diseases

Infections are transmitted sexually. Accordingly, such diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydia and others) may appear in women who are sexually active. At the first sign of such diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment simultaneously with your sexual partner. Leucorrhoea is usually cloudy, foamy, with a gray, yellow or green tint. They have a bad smell. They intensify before menstruation, but do not stop completely after them.

Endocrine disorders

The nature of discharge before menstruation changes in the presence of diseases of the thyroid, pancreas and other organs of the endocrine system. Thus, women with diabetes have thicker and more abundant whites than normal ones. The reason is not only a hormonal shift due to inadequate functioning of the pancreas, but also a violation of the acidity of the vaginal environment, weakening protection against bacteria. With diseases of the thyroid gland, ovarian dysfunction, leucorrhoea before menstruation is usually profuse and colorless.

Careful monitoring of the nature of premenstrual discharge and timely consultation with a doctor in case of deviations from the norm are measures to prevent the occurrence of serious problems with a woman’s reproductive health.

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