What should a man do before pregnancy? Proper pregnancy planning for men. Video: “Folic acid”

Eliminate risks

At first glance, not much is required of a man - try to lead a relatively healthy lifestyle. First of all, he should reconsider all his habits and exclude harmful ones from this list. Today in the medical community there is a lot of talk about the harm that smoking and alcohol have on both a man’s fertility and the health of his offspring. And for good reason, because nicotine, when entering a man’s body, affects the number of sperm produced, and alcohol affects their quality: it provokes the production of sperm with chromosomal abnormalities. And together nicotine and alcohol “clog” male body toxins. These harmful substances are removed from it within several months, which directly affects the reproductive function of a man.

Therefore, experts advise representatives of the stronger sex to refrain from drinking alcohol and stop smoking three to four, or even better, six months before the planned conception.

It is also important for a man to remember that fatherhood and drugs are incompatible things. Whatever they are, mild or severe, the harm from using these drugs is obvious. Their impact on reproductive function men is a decrease in spermatogenesis, as well as in the production of “low-quality” male germ cells. In addition, in a man who uses hard drugs, sexual desire is reduced or completely absent. And children born from him may “inherit” drug addiction or various shapes developmental deviations. If you decide, “I want to become a dad,” you will have to give up drugs.

Physical activity, on the contrary, is necessary for a healthy male body. However, it is important not to overdo it when playing sports. The fact is that if the load is too intense, a man may overheat his testicles, which is undesirable if he plans to become a father. That is why frequent visits to the sauna and bathhouse are not recommended, and hot baths should become an extremely rare pleasure.

While planning to conceive, it is better for a man to avoid wearing too tight underwear and clothing, which contribute to overheating of the male genital organs and may cause poor circulation in the lower part of his body.

Sedentary work, strong and chronic fatigue, stress - do not add to a man’s health, you should try to avoid this.

The age at which a man plans to become a good father is not as important for conception as the woman's age. But we should not forget about the natural aging of the body, which also affects the reproductive system.

The right diet

When a couple is planning a pregnancy, experts unanimously advise - no diets for weight loss. Of course, you need to monitor him, but without fanaticism. A man’s diet should be balanced so that proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the body in a ratio of 1:1:4 - this is the optimal formula necessary for the normal process of sperm formation.

The future dad's daily diet should consist of fresh or freshly frozen vegetables and fruits. It is better for him to give up sweets, carbonated drinks, and baked goods in favor of foods that have a beneficial effect on sperm quality. Thus, folic acid, which is contained in citrus fruits, kiwi, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, and liver, is involved in the process of maturation of male germ cells with the correct chromosome set. From a lack of zinc (found in mussels, crabs, oysters, beans, mushrooms), sperm viability suffers. And a lack of selenium (it is found in meat, liver, fish, wheat) threatens a man with infertility.

Vitamin A, which is found in butter, eggs, cod liver, yellow and red vegetables and fruits, is needed to speed up sperm renewal. A sufficient amount of B vitamins, which are found in black bread, white chicken meat and cereals, has a beneficial effect on testosterone production. Vitamin C protects seminal fluid from harmful effects and ensures a normal number of active sperm. Its deficiency can be compensated for by eating fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Vitamin E, whose task is to protect germ cells from oxidation and increase their ability to fertilize, is found in cereals, nuts, sunflower oil, and sprouted wheat.

Hello, Doctor!

It is possible that a completely healthy couple may not become pregnant for a year. This is not a cause for concern and is due, among other things, to some characteristics of the female body. However, a medical examination confirming that the man is healthy is a very desirable stage when planning conception. It should begin with a visit to a urologist, whose responsibilities include collecting anamnesis, examining the genital organs and examining the patient for sexually transmitted diseases.

Further, at the doctor’s discretion, you may need to, and if necessary, consult a geneticist. In addition, the future father may need to take a general blood test, a biochemical test, a blood test for RW (syphilis), HIV and hepatitis, and establish the blood type and Rh factor.

Dad has everything according to plan

Parents often learn about the gender of their unborn child from the doctor during the next ultrasound, when the pregnancy has already taken place. What if dad really wants only a son or only a daughter? Then the now popular methods of planning the baby’s sex come to his aid.

If a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days, then the sex of the baby can be planned by knowing the day of ovulation, which occurs on the 14-15th day of the cycle. So, if intimacy occurred before ovulation, then the likelihood that a girl will be born is higher - sperm with the Y chromosome die, and the egg is fertilized by a sperm with the X chromosome. If sexual intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation, then fertilization occurs with the help of a sperm with a Y chromosome, so the couple should expect a boy.

According to another planning method, the sex of the child depends on the parity of the mother’s age and the month of conception. A woman becomes pregnant with a girl at an even age in even months, and at an odd age in odd months. As a boy, it’s exactly the opposite. For example, if a woman is 23 years old and gets pregnant in May (odd month), then she will most likely have a girl. Dad can only draw up an appropriate intimacy schedule.

You can try to plan the gender of your unborn child by following a certain diet. If the couple’s menu three weeks before conception is dominated by foods containing potassium and sodium ions, then she will give birth to a boy. If you consume mainly foods containing calcium and magnesium ions, you should expect a girl. The expectant mother should adhere to this diet for at least seven weeks after conception.

Are you planning a boy?

Are you planning a girl?

Foods rich in potassium: fruits (especially bananas, peaches, apricots), fruit juices, dried fruits, fresh vegetables, beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, fresh fish, salmon, oysters, shrimp, whole wheat, brown rice, honey, yogurt, noodles, cereal , nuts, pasta.

Foods rich in magnesium: bran, yeast, buckwheat, cucumbers, beans, peas and bean pods, spinach, avocado, alfalfa sprouts, nuts and sunflower seeds, cocoa.

Foods rich in sodium: sea ​​fish, seaweed, salt, bread, pork, cheese, bacon, ham, corn chips, olives, pickled vegetables, mustard.

Foods rich in calcium: dairy products, especially cottage cheese, cheese; Fish and seafood; cabbage, beets, carrots, artichokes, nuts and seeds (especially pumpkin and sunflower).

Plus one"

Preparing for fatherhood is not only tests and a healthy lifestyle. A woman in this position will need support and understanding, care and patience like no other. And it is the man’s behavior that largely determines how his beloved, and therefore their future baby, will feel during this difficult period for the couple. Taking care of and caring for to the expectant mother, the man will thereby establish such important contact with the unborn baby.

A couple expecting a child needs to spend a lot of time together, find what brings joy and good mood for both of them (walks on fresh air, cinema, shopping). Positive emotions are what a pregnant woman’s days should be filled with. Therefore, a man’s duty is not to upset his wife and protect her from stress in every possible way, “relieve” her of housework and be sure to pamper her with pleasant surprises.

In the second half of pregnancy, the couple is recommended to start attending courses for expectant parents. This will help a woman get rid of the fear of childbirth, get the right mood, and a man will understand what his beloved will have to go through, and how exactly he can help her with this. During the classes, dad will also be taught the basics of handling a newborn - this will certainly be useful to the future father.

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The 2 year old loves to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

In addition to support and participation in conceiving a future child, modern world planning pregnancy for men is becoming the norm. If earlier it was customary to blame the woman for such troubles as infertility and fetal malformations, now the point of view has changed. Of course, the health of the female body plays a leading role, but the quality of the male genetic material that the unborn child receives from the father is no less important.

Planning pregnancy on the part of a man is a serious task, including diagnosis and treatment of existing diseases, giving up bad habits, healthy image life, taking multivitamins and much more. This is important, since the development and future of the child depends no less on the father.

First of all, a man must be mentally prepared for the conception and birth of a baby. If there is no doubt about this, then where should a man start planning a pregnancy?

  • giving up alcohol and nicotine;
  • adequate sleep, moderate physical activity and lack of stress;
  • normalization of body weight, elimination of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • limiting vibration exposure and high temperatures on the body;
  • refusal of synthetic clothing that restricts movement;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • avoiding contact with toxic substances, sources of microwaves and ionizing radiation;
  • prevention of colds, infections and injuries.

What tests need to be taken?

Examination of men when planning pregnancy should begin in the urologist’s office. The specialist will conduct a complete diagnosis of the patient, give directions for the necessary tests, and, if necessary, refer for consultation to other specialists. Having received a detailed picture of the examination, the doctor will tell you what a man should take when planning a pregnancy and what further tactics should be taken.

A standard comprehensive examination includes the following tests for a man when planning pregnancy:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood. The results of these studies will show whether there are any abnormalities in the body that can negatively affect the health of the unborn child.
  2. Determination of blood group and Rh factor. If a man knows these data, then it is pointless to determine them again. A man's blood type does not play a role in the conception and pregnancy of his wife, but the Rh factor can have an impact on its course. For this reason, it is important to find out the compatibility of the Rh factor of a married couple.
  3. TORCH infections. The study is aimed at identifying infectious factors such as rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia and toxoplasmosis. These infections negatively affect the processes of conception and pregnancy; they can be present in the body of both spouses, so they are included in the mandatory tests for a man planning a pregnancy. Detection of any of the listed infections is a good reason to postpone conception and undergo the necessary course of treatment.
  4. Sexual infections. Perhaps the most common pathology in the intimate area, causing inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system of men and women. All this can cause complications during pregnancy, and most importantly, interfere with healthy conception. If tests when planning pregnancy for men show the presence of sexually transmitted infections, they must be eliminated and only then can conception be planned.
  5. Spermogram. This study allows us to evaluate the structure, composition, motility and number of sperm in a man’s semen. Before taking sperm tests when planning a pregnancy, a man needs to give up bad habits, serious physical activity and taking any medications a few days before the test.
  6. Compatibility of partners. In medical practice There is incompatibility between individual men and women with each other, as a result of which a woman cannot become pregnant from her partner or she experiences constant spontaneous pregnancy. This diagnosis is not a death sentence; the doctor will tell you what compatibility tests to take when planning a pregnancy for a man and a woman and, based on this, will try to help the spouses.
  7. Fluorography.
  8. Hormones. Hormonal background men, namely the testosterone content in their body, plays a major role in planning pregnancy.
  9. Prostate secretion. Tests to examine prostate secretions for men planning pregnancy are not prescribed in all cases, but only when problems with this organ are identified during an examination by a urologist.
  10. ECG. Many men these days suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, an electrocardiogram will be useful when planning pregnancy.

Knowing what tests to take when planning a pregnancy for a man, we must not forget about visiting other specialists. Typically, their circle includes a therapist, endocrinologist, geneticist and psychologist.

When visiting a therapist, it is determined general state men's health. After an examination and history collection, the specialist can recommend what tests a man should take when planning a pregnancy in order to fully determine whether treatment is necessary and how certain pathologies can affect the conception and pregnancy of a partner.

An endocrinologist diagnoses abnormalities in the thyroid gland and provides appropriate treatment. Diseases of the endocrine system often lead to suppression of sexual function. Therefore, if they are detected, treatment should be mandatory.

A geneticist determines the existing risk of developing pathologies on the part of the unborn child. This occurs in the presence of harmful factors affecting the body of both spouses, existing genetic diseases transmitted from generation to generation, etc. There is no need to hide facts of serious illnesses in blood relatives from the doctor, for fear of a negative reaction from the partner. This is important for making a prognosis for the birth of a healthy child in the family.

A man needs a psychologist to determine his readiness for conscious parenthood no less than tests when planning a pregnancy. Many people, before drastic changes in life, are frightened by the unknown and tormented by doubts, and the birth of a child is no exception. Also, the help of a psychologist is necessary if conflict situations often arise between spouses and there is misunderstanding.


For normal fetal development, you need to know not only what tests a man should take when planning a pregnancy, but also include the following vitamins in your diet:

  1. : suppresses the number of sperm with chromosomal pathologies.
  2. Vitamin C: improves the functioning of the gonads, increasing sperm synthesis and having a beneficial effect on sperm.
  3. B vitamins: improve metabolism, take part in the synthesis of DNA and sex hormones, increase sperm motility.
  4. : improves the composition of sperm, increases the resistance of sperm to negative factors, activates their motility.
  5. Selenium: promotes sperm renewal, protects cells from free radicals, neutralizes and removes heavy metal salts.
  6. Zinc: improves testosterone synthesis.

Alcohol and smoking

Doctors say that any amount of alcohol consumed by a man 3 months before conception can harm the unborn child. A healthy, non-drinking man on average has 25% abnormal sperm, but despite this number, the defective cells are less likely to take part in conception.

Alcohol consumption additionally damages some healthy sperm and at the same time equalizes the strength of diseased and healthy cells. That is, conception in this case will resemble a game of roulette: either the baby will be born healthy, or he will have some abnormalities, or a miscarriage will occur. Quitting alcohol during pregnancy planning will help avoid this.

Smoking is no less dangerous than alcohol. Tobacco toxins damage a man's reproductive cells to the same extent, increasing the chances of miscarriage or the birth of a sick child. The spermatogenesis of a drinking and smoking man is seriously impaired. The desire to give birth to a healthy child should motivate a man to give up addictions.

Proper nutrition and lifestyle

Nutrition when planning pregnancy for men should be complete - than better food, the better the quality of sperm. A man should exclude spicy, fried, canned, smoked and instant foods from his diet.

A balanced diet should consist of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products. Sprouted wheat grains, nuts, seeds, liver, caviar, oysters, milk and cheese improve sperm quality and increase testosterone synthesis in the body.

In addition to nutrition and questions about what tests to take when planning a pregnancy for a man, you need to carefully consider what lifestyle he follows. At this time, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, spend active leisure time and moderate physical activity. You need to be as careful as possible when taking various medications and dietary supplements.

The period of pregnancy planning is a crucial moment for both parents, since the health of the unborn baby depends on their actions. If a wife cannot get pregnant, then a man needs to pay special attention to the process of preparing for conceiving a child in order to improve the quality of sperm.

As you know, the quality of the ejaculate has a great influence on the fertilization process. The worse a man’s sperm, the lower his chances of conceiving, even against the background of the woman’s absolute health. Let's look at how a man can prepare for conceiving a child so that a woman can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

There are many recommendations, methods and folk remedies, with the help of which a man can improve the quality of his semen before conception. But the most important of them is a consultation with a specialized doctor and a comprehensive examination.

Before you start undergoing any treatment, you need to find out what quality the sperm is, who is to blame for infertility, and for what reason the wife cannot get pregnant. It is quite possible that the husband’s sperm is excellent, and the woman is infertile, then the man does not need special preparation for conception at all.

To check the quality of sperm, a man must submit his sperm for an analysis called a spermogram. With the help of such a study, it is possible to evaluate sperm in general, the quality of germ cells, their motility and viability. The better the result, the higher the chance of successful conception.

If abnormalities in the quality of sperm are detected, the man will have to undergo a more in-depth examination. In particular, they will prescribe blood tests, urine tests, smears for infections, pelvic ultrasound, etc., depending on the preliminary diagnosis.

If a man is looking for an answer to the question of how to get his wife pregnant, it is better for him to talk to his woman and go to a fertility specialist together. But it is worth remembering that normally pregnancy can occur even after 6-12 months. If you were unable to conceive in the first cycle, then it’s okay. You need to prepare for conception and try again. Infertility is diagnosed only after 12 months of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

Treatment after the examination may be delayed, but it is fertilization against the background of complete health that will help a man conceive a healthy child. If the egg is fertilized by a bad sperm, then there is a high probability that a miscarriage will occur, or the baby will be born with a severe chromosomal disease or genetic pathology.

Treatment will depend on the cause of the sperm quality disorder. That is, the infection will be cured with antibiotics, the varicocele will have to be removed surgically, as well as obstruction of the vas deferens, etc. The doctor will draw up a treatment plan individually.


If a man is healthy and his sperm is of high quality, it means that he is capable of conceiving. In this case, no specific therapeutic measures will be needed; to prepare for pregnancy, you only need to lead a healthy lifestyle and take vitamins if prescribed by a doctor.

Proper nutrition is the most important part of preparing for conception, for both men and women. If the doctor does not give any special instructions, then the diet is as follows:

  • The diet should be balanced energy value must correspond to the physical condition and activity of the man.
  • It is necessary to observe a drinking regime, at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • The diet should include only permitted healthy foods, only fresh and prepared with your own hands, there should be no semi-finished products or fast food on the menu.
  • It is very important to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day.
  • All harmful products from the prohibited list are excluded.
  • The use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes in any form and quantity is completely prohibited.

It is important to note that if a man is completely healthy and his sperm quality is normal, then he may not adhere to such a strict diet. The diet should be balanced, but you can allow yourself to eat small amounts of tasty and slightly unhealthy food. If the sperm quality is poor and the man is still obese, the diet must be strictly followed.


Prohibited foods:

  • fatty meat, sausages, canned food;
  • any food fried in oil;
  • ketchups, mayonnaise and other sauces from the store with harmful additives;
  • products with big amount salt;
  • very spicy food;
  • smoked;
  • very sweet foods, chocolates, candies, etc.;
  • baked goods, cakes;
  • chips, flavored crackers, and other snacks.


Before conception, a man must compose his diet from natural products:

  • cereals, for example, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • fruits, berries, nuts;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood;
  • vegetable oils.

When preparing to conceive a child, a man is advised to eat enough protein and vegetables. You should not neglect carbohydrates and fats, as they are very important for the functioning of the body and the performance of a man.


Preparing for conception for men is always accompanied by exercise. Daily exercise has the following effects on the process of conception:

  • eliminates excess weight by stimulating the restoration of hormonal levels;
  • makes a man sexy, giving his body beautiful shapes, increases libido;
  • improves blood circulation in all organs, the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, improves erection and the process of spermatogenesis.

In addition, physical exercise helps prevent many fatal diseases such as heart attack, stroke, arterial thrombosis, arthritis, etc.

But here it is very important not to overdo it. To conceive a child you need moderate training, heavy physical exercise V gym contraindicated. They cause fatigue and impair the process of spermatogenesis. Therefore, if a man wants to conceive a child, there is no need to go to extremes; he needs to train to the best of his ability.

Exercises are carried out daily, except for days when you feel unwell. That is, you should not deal with fever, hypertension, broken leg, etc. Such efforts most likely will not lead to anything good.

Training always begins with a warm-up, like in a physical education lesson. A man must rotate his head, shoulders, wrists, etc. Then bend in all directions, jump, squat.

  • deep squats;
  • lunges;
  • scissors;
  • bike;
  • Kegel exercise for men;
  • bar;
  • pushups.

The workout ends with a slow stretch of all muscles.

The number of repetitions will depend on the preparation of each person. If a man is an athlete, then he can do interval training and combine it with cardio training, for example, running. For a beginner, a simple warm-up and performing exercises 5-10 times will be enough. Over time, the number of repetitions can be increased by supplementing the training with intervals. It all depends on the man’s well-being.


What a man needs to know before conceiving a child is that he should not use any medications on his own. Self-medication with medications can lead to serious complications, including infertility and deformities in the baby. Therefore, if a couple is planning a baby, the man should consult with his doctor about the possibility of taking certain medications.

If, according to the results of a spermogram, the quality of the semen is poor, then the question arises of what a man should do before conception so that his wife becomes pregnant. To improve sperm quality, it is imperative to undergo treatment for the underlying disease; doctors can also prescribe dietary supplements. Vitamin complexes for men will help improve the quality of ejaculate and increase the chances of natural conception.

These drugs include:

  • Speman;
  • Spermaplant;
  • Viardot;
  • Speroton;
  • Verona;
  • Spermactin;
  • Tentex forte, etc.

Currently on the pharmaceutical market you can find a large number of means to prepare a man for conception. It is better that they contain substances such as L-carnitine and L-arginine, as they improve sperm motility and quality. It will also be useful for a man to use royal jelly, folic acid, vitamin complex.

Everyone knows about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, absence of stress and compliance with medical recommendations by a pregnant woman. Carrying a child is undoubtedly an important stage in its development, and yet for those couples who dream of giving the best to their baby, the role of preparing future parents for conception should not be underestimated. Yes, yes, both parents, because the formation of a small organism begins with two cells. Mom and dad make an equal contribution to the creation of a new little person, and his DNA will consist of your DNA 50 to 50. Planning pregnancy for men and women, of course, is somewhat different from “female”. But it doesn’t just come down to a banal refusal of alcohol. We will tell you how future dads can prepare for conception correctly in this article.

Pregnancy planning for men: where to start?

Before planning a pregnancy, a man must first of all be mentally prepared to conceive a child. A sincere desire to become a father, to help a woman during pregnancy and after childbirth, to participate in raising a baby are essential conditions for preparing for pregnancy planning. Where to start for a man who wants to become a dad?

First of all, let's understand the planning time frame. If a woman, in order to conceive a healthy child, is ideally better off not having bad habits in principle and constantly monitoring her health (the eggs are in female body all life), then for men the planning conditions are much simpler. Sperm mature and are completely renewed in 3 months , therefore, this period is considered the minimum in relation to pregnancy planning by a couple. Rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition and physical activity for at least three months before expected conception is an important contribution to the baby’s health.

Which doctor should a man see when planning a pregnancy? If the future dad is young and healthy, it will be enough to go to a therapist and undergo a series of tests recommended by him. Their list will be given below. If you have chronic diseases and are constantly taking any medications, you should consult a therapist to see if this will affect conception. It is also necessary to get rid of all existing foci of chronic infection. The most common are caries and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Staphylococcal and streptococcal infections are dangerous for a newborn, and often it is parents who unwittingly infect their children with them. Prevention of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (washing, rinsing) can reduce the risk of illness in children.

A visit to a urologist, as well as a spermogram, are not necessary for all men who take a responsible approach to planning a pregnancy. This is only really shown in certain cases:

  • pregnancy with active sexual activity long time does not occur (more than a year);
  • the partner had miscarriages;
  • the man has undergone surgery, injury or inflammatory disease genitals.

A visit to a geneticist by a couple planning a pregnancy is advisable only if there is a high risk of pathologies and hereditary diseases in the unborn child.

What tests should a man undergo when planning a pregnancy?

The therapist, in the absence of any health problems, will most likely recommend undergoing a short examination. Tests that a man must undergo when planning a pregnancy:

  1. General and biochemical analysis blood reflect the overall picture of health.
  2. General urine analysis may identify some problems with the genitourinary area that affect the possibility of conception.
  3. Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C It is extremely important to pass in order to be confident in your own health. These diseases are dangerous for the man himself and carry a huge risk for the unborn baby.
  4. Analysis for sexually transmitted infections helps determine the presence of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases. These are chlamydia, gardnerella, candida, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococci, papilloma virus, herpes virus and Epstein-Barr virus. Sexually transmitted infections often do not manifest themselves in any way, and the disease is asymptomatic. There are several ways to identify hidden sexually transmitted infections:
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction or DNA diagnostics) - scraping from the urethral mucosa is the most informative method;
  • blood test (ELISA, serological test for antibodies);
  • bacterioscopy (smear on flora);
  • bacteriological examination (culture).
  1. Blood test for the presence of antibodies to rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis (TORCH complex infections). These infections are dangerous for pregnant women, so it is important to determine before conception whether the future dad is at risk of contracting them. If you decide to get vaccinated against rubella, remember - you should not do this later than 3 months before the planned conception.
  2. Blood test for Rh factor recommended for those couples where the woman has a negative Rh factor. If a man is found to be Rh positive, doctors will recommend the woman measures to prevent a possible Rh conflict.
  3. Hormone tests When planning a pregnancy, men are not required to undergo mandatory research. Hormones that influence conception are testosterone, gonadotropin and insulin.
  4. Spermogram - the study is desirable, but not mandatory for couples who are just starting to plan a pregnancy and have not previously encountered any problems with conceiving and bearing a child. A spermogram is a microscopic analysis of sperm and allows you to determine its fertilizing ability, as well as evaluate a number of indicators important from the point of view of conception.

Where can a man get tested when planning a pregnancy? There are many private laboratories that provide the opportunity to undergo all necessary studies. Of course, this will be paid. If you want to take tests under the compulsory medical insurance policy, be prepared for the fact that this, unfortunately, will be a long and exhausting process. Is a man ready for this, that is the question. However, it is up to your couple to decide.

Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy: folic acid, vitamin E, zinc and complex preparations

Thinking about the upcoming conception, many couples ask themselves: what vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy? Unfortunately, about changing diet and taking vitamins in their natural form only a few think. But complex vitamin preparations are far from a panacea in the prevention of hypovitaminosis. And doctors treat the prescription of such complexes with caution.

If a man wants to strengthen the immune system before conception and make the maximum contribution to the health of the unborn child, he should be especially careful about his own nutrition: minimize the amount of fried, smoked, fatty foods, sweets and starchy foods and be sure to include them in the diet raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens.

The most important vitamins for men, which play a primary role in conceiving a child, are B9 (folate, folacin, folic acid), vitamin E, L-carnitine, zinc, vitamin C, selenium. Folic acid is essential to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and substance that improves sperm motility and viability. L-carnitine promotes better maturation and motility of male germ cells, and zinc stimulates testosterone production and affects sperm quality. Vitamin C optimizes testosterone levels. Selenium helps maintain sexual activity, which is especially important for older men.

Nutrition often does not provide males with sufficient intake of essential substances, so doctors recommend taking them additionally in the form of synthetic supplements. The dosage of drugs should be selected individually in each case. Typically, to prevent disorders, all men planning pregnancy are prescribed folic acid at a dosage of 1 mg per day (400 mcg per day is required). In addition, there are special vitamin complexes for men specifically during pregnancy planning, for example Alphabet for men, Spermaktiv, Orthomol Fertil Plus and others.

Pregnancy planning for men and alcohol, smoking

Alcohol is contraindicated for a man when planning pregnancy. Some are convinced: complete abstinence from alcohol several months before conception is too much, you just need to avoid strong drinks such as vodka and cognac. Hence the popular question on the Internet: can a man drink beer when planning a pregnancy? If you are ready to play roulette, where the mental and physical usefulness of the unborn child is at stake - go ahead. But not a single doctor will approve the use of even weak alcoholic drinks before conception. ANY amount of alcohol consumed within three months before fertilization can harm your baby.

Let's try to explain the nature of the toxic effects of alcohol on conception. If a man does not drink and is relatively healthy, on average about 25% of his sperm are defective. Quite a lot, but: their chances of taking part in fertilization are much less than healthy ones. Drinking alcohol not only damages some sperm, but also equalizes the “abilities” of unhealthy and normal cells. The result may be a miscarriage or the birth of a sick child. Surely you have noticed how many children are now born with certain disabilities. But many cases could have been avoided...

Tobacco poisons and toxins, no less than alcohol, destroy all cells of the body, including reproductive cells. The probability increases that the defective one will “win” in the race of sperm. In addition, smoking and drinking alcohol impair spermatogenesis (production of male reproductive cells). Many couples where the man abuses alcohol and/or cigarettes are faced with the inability to conceive a child. And if conception does occur, passive smoking near a pregnant woman often leads to disruptions in the functioning of many organs and systems of the developing fetus: lungs, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract. The answer to the question of how many months a man needs to quit smoking when planning a pregnancy is similar to the answer about the time when planning begins. Sperm renew within three months - stop smoking at least three months before you expect to conceive.

Other important issues: lifestyle, proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system, treatment

Nutrition for a man when planning a pregnancy is a matter of paramount importance. It should be approached with full responsibility, if only because it is from food that we obtain most of the substances necessary for the functioning of the body, including the formation of normal, healthy sperm in men. As mentioned above, when preparing for conception, your diet should include a large amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts. This will help enrich the male body with vitamins, naturally strengthen the immune system and will contribute to the trouble-free conception of a healthy child. Men do not need a special diet when planning; the main thing is to realize your involvement in the creation of the future little man. Surely this will keep you from abusing harmful and “empty” products and will stimulate you in relation to healthy eating. Try to eat well for at least 3-4 months before conceiving.

Of particular interest is the topic of visiting a bathhouse, namely, is a bathhouse harmful for a man when planning a pregnancy? Let's put it this way: overheating of the male genital organs is undesirable in principle, and visiting baths and saunas, wearing tight underwear and trousers, and sleeping under an overly warm blanket disrupts the blood circulation of the pelvis. This is fraught with problems with conceiving a child.

In addition, a man should be more attentive to his lifestyle in general. Like the expectant mother, he is advised to take long walks in the fresh air, active leisure and regular physical activity.

You should be extremely careful with medications and dietary supplements when planning a pregnancy. For example, after a man takes antibiotics, it is recommended that his partner not become pregnant for at least three months. If you cannot do without taking medications (you have chronic diseases), discuss this issue with your therapist.

A conscious and responsible attitude towards conception on the part of both partners is an excellent trend observed in modern society. A man who participates in tests and other activities along with his wife will certainly become a loving and caring father. We wish your family success in planning your pregnancy!

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