What can be prepared from honeysuckle for the winter. How to cook honeysuckle? What are the benefits of honeysuckle? Properties, vitamins. Honeysuckle compote

Honeysuckle berries appear in our gardens earlier than anyone else, but, unfortunately, their season ends just as quickly. To please your body during the cold winter and prolonged spring with their unique taste, in order to preserve their nutritional and healing properties longer, you can make a variety of healthy and tasty homemade honeysuckle preparations in the summer.

Several culinary recipes for processing honeysuckle berries - jam, puree, jelly, marshmallows, jam, frozen and dried berries, juice and compotes - tasty and healthy recipes designed to preserve the healing properties of the berries and their nutritional value and beneficial properties.

Honeysuckle jam

Cover freshly picked unripe berries with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and soak in it for 3-4 hours. When the berries give juice and are soaked in sugar, put them on the fire and cook for 5-6 minutes.

Take a break for 5-8 hours and cook again until done. The state of readiness is determined by the berries that have stopped floating. If you do not want the jam to become sugary, add 1 g of citric acid for each liter of jam during the last cooking.

Honeysuckle puree

Pour the washed and peeled berries with a small amount of water and put on the fire, without bringing to a boil, remove from the heat and puree while hot using a blender. Add sugar to the resulting berry puree at the rate of 500g per 1kg of berries and, stirring constantly, heat at 85°C for 5 minutes. Place the resulting puree into jars and seal tightly.

Honeysuckle jelly

1l honeysuckle juice
800g sugar

Add sugar to freshly squeezed honeysuckle juice and bring to a boil. Stirring continuously, boil the resulting syrup to 1/3 of the original volume. Then pour hot into jars and seal tightly with a lid.

Honeysuckle marshmallow

Mix the remaining berries left after squeezing the juice with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and leave for 3-5 hours until the sugar dissolves. You can heat for 10-15 minutes to better dissolve the sugar. Roll the resulting mass into a flat cake, sprinkle with sugar and dry in the oven. Cool the finished pastille and cut it.

Honeysuckle jam

The consistency of jam resembles jelly, but is made not from juice, but from whole berries. In a saucepan, mix 1.5-2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of honeysuckle berries and 1-2 glasses of water. Place on the fire and cook with constant stirring until the berries are softened. Pour the finished jam into jars and seal with a lid.

Honeysuckle juice

Blanch the berries for 3-5 minutes and squeeze out the juice using a regular juicer. Pour the resulting juice into sterilized bottles and close the lid tightly. You can add 150-200g of sugar per 1 liter of drink. Store juice in a cool place.

Honeysuckle compote

To prepare the compote, place fresh washed and dried berries in jars, filling them 2/3 full. Prepare syrup at the rate of 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water - bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour hot syrup over the honeysuckle, close the jar with a lid and pasteurize in hot water at a temperature of about 80°C.

Honeysuckle compote without sugar

Fresh berries, washed and dried, place the berries in jars, filling them 2/3 full. Pour hot berry juice over the honeysuckle in a jar, close the jar with a lid and pasteurize in hot water at a temperature of about 80°C. Store the finished compote in a cool, dark room.

Dried honeysuckle

Slightly unripe berries are suitable for drying. If possible, lay them out on sheets of paper and dry them in the sun for 7-10 days. If this is not possible, then place the berries on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature of 40-60°C for 6-10 hours.

The day feeds the year, we all know this expression. It is especially applicable to winter twists, which we can make from vegetables, berries, and herbs. After all, if you try for one day or a little more, you can make supplies for a whole year, which will become food, a delicacy, and additional help to the immune system. Today we will tell you recipes for honeysuckle preparations for the winter. You will definitely like them, since the stocks can be made in completely different ways, and we are sure that in winter they will delight you. Let's get started.

Honeysuckle for health

The first thing that, according to tradition, I would like to note is the beneficial properties of the fruits, because food should not only be simple food, but also a natural medicine and a vitamin complex. If we talk about honeysuckle, then it has everything we need. Dozens of folk recipes include its fruits; many doctors know about the benefits. It contains B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, A, minerals - copper, potassium, manganese, iodine, calcium, sodium, iron and magnesium, silicon and a lot of sugars.

For information! Honeysuckle preparations for the winter can be not only in the form of berries, but also bark. The most useful variety is considered to be the Far Eastern one. The shrub grows and bears fruit well in all regions of the country.

This composition makes the berry uniquely useful for those people who suffer from vitamin deficiencies, frequent colds - a godsend in the autumn-winter period, skin diseases, including lichen, gastrointestinal disorders, helps preventively against diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and genitourinary systems. The fruits are also used by those who want to lose weight.

Recipes for every taste of honeysuckle preparations for autumn and winter

Dried berries

Let's start with the simplest and most useful option. Why? Because everyone can dry stocks, even the youngest and most inexperienced housewife, a man, and anyone who cannot or does not have much time to make pickles and jam. In addition, if we talk about the benefits of such winter reserves, they will be leaders, because heat treatment at high temperatures and freezing play a significant role in the loss of some of the components we need.

Drying options:

  • If you have an attic space where it is dry and warm or a canopy under the sun and time, then spread the honeysuckle berry on parchment, cover with gauze to prevent insects and dry. Of course, the berries must first be washed and dried on a towel. If the weather is hot and windy, then the honeysuckle will dry out in 3-5 days, on simple days in 7-10. Remember that the fruit must be turned over to prevent mold;
  • if the first option is too troublesome, then simply preheat the oven to 40-45 degrees, but no more, and dry the clean berries until ready;
  • Dryer. Nowadays, housewives are increasingly purchasing very simple, inexpensive household appliances. Dryers allow you to make different stocks, including marshmallows, while maintaining maximum benefits. The berries are dried in the dryer according to the instructions for this model.

This is how you can simply dry honeysuckle for the winter, then make decoctions, infusions, etc. Well, we move on to sweet desserts, how could we live without them in the winter cold.

Berry jam

  • fresh berries need to be washed and dried on a towel, prepare sugar - proportions 1/1. Then sprinkle the honeysuckle with sand and wait about three hours until the juice is released abundantly. Next, we place our basin or pan on the stove, and when it boils, cook for only three minutes. Now let it stand for up to eight hours, you can leave it overnight and put it back on low heat to simmer. Cook the jam for 10 minutes or more, depending on what consistency you like it;
  • the second option will also be prepared from a 1/1 proportion of berries and sugar, only now you must grind the honeysuckle through a meat grinder or blender. After which you can rub the mass through a sieve so that there are no seeds or skins. Pour the mixture with granulated sugar, let it stand for three hours and then boil until it boils. After which you can twist it into jars;
  • Pour 1 kg of granulated sugar into a glass of water, bring to a boil, simmer for 7-10 minutes, then pour in 1 kg of fruit, wait for it to boil and turn off. The jam should stand in a cool place for 8 hours, then put the basin on the stove and boil for 10-13 minutes. The foam needs to be removed. The jam is ready and can be rolled;
  • We take 0.5 kg of honeysuckle and strawberries, you can replace it with strawberries or raspberries. Three times more sugar. Grind clean berries in a blender, add sugar overnight, and in the morning cook over low heat after boiling for 5-7 minutes. Next, we roll it into jars;
  • According to this recipe, you will make jam in 10 minutes without cooking. Take a clean berry, dry it after washing, add 1/1 granulated sugar, after which you need to puree everything with a blender, add 2 grams of citric acid. Next, transfer the dessert into sterile jars and put it in the refrigerator. Fast and helpful.

Advice! To keep jam better, jars should always be sterilized over boiling water, in the oven or microwave. To prevent the dessert from becoming sugary, add a gram of citric acid for about every liter.

How else can you prepare honeysuckle for the winter? There are ways and read about them further. Every housewife can cope with the task.


What could be simpler than putting clean berries in the freezer and making compotes or jam from them in winter. You can also twist the honeysuckle through a meat grinder, add sugar to taste and pour everything into bags or plastic containers. Next, the treat can be frozen. To make a healthier dessert, you can store the berries, ground or fresh, without granulated sugar, and in winter add honey to taste.

Advice! It is very convenient to make compote preparations from assorted berries. Place several types of berries together in bags and place them in the freezer. In winter, you just take the bag and pour it into boiling water, and in 10 minutes the delicious compote is ready.

Pastila and jam

Pastila recipes:

  • How to please children with dessert? Simple - you can buy sweets in the store, but it’s difficult to say how much benefit they will contain. But the child will like the marshmallow and will give his immune system good protection during the cold season. It’s simple to make - take a berry and squeeze the juice out of it, after which the cake is covered with 1/1 sugar. The whole mass sits for up to five hours for the sugar to dissolve; you can use the oven to speed up the process. Afterwards, the honeysuckle is rolled out into a thin layer, dried again in the oven until tender and cut into pieces;

    Advice! To make the treat as healthy as possible, it is better to use unprocessed cane brown sugar. It tastes no different.

  • remember the dryer? You can also make marshmallows in it. Mix the cake with sugar or honey 1/1. We also add chopped nuts here. The mass should stand until the sand dissolves, after which it should be rolled out, sprinkled with coconut flakes and cooked at 70 degrees in a dryer until ready;
  • the jam can be liquid or thicker, it’s up to you to decide which one to choose, and how long it will simmer on the stove. To cook it, you need to mix two kilograms of honeysuckle with 1-1.5 kg of granulated sugar and 250 grams of water. Cook to the desired consistency over low heat while stirring;
  • We take 1 kg of honeysuckle fruit, wash it, dry it, grind it, put it on the stove in a basin, add 10 grams of gelatin and two tablespoons of sugar on top. After boiling, pour in all the granulated sugar and simmer for 10-15 minutes while stirring over low heat.

Advice! If you have a slow cooker, then using the same proportions you can make jam using the “Stew” mode in 40 minutes. Add the sugar all at once and allow it to completely dissolve before cooking.

You can make preparations using honeysuckle according to these recipes, but you can also make your own changes to the composition - for example, citrus zest, cinnamon, cardamom, mint or lemon balm are often added to the jam. The dessert will be more beneficial when it contains nuts. Also, the fruits can be taken not only from honeysuckle, but mixed with raspberries, strawberries, currants, and blackberries for desserts. Experiment and you will discover many new delicious combinations.


We have already told you that you can make a delicious drink from frozen berries, let’s also make compotes that will be stored until winter.

  • per liter of water we need 500 grams of fruit and 250 grams of granulated sugar. First you need to make a syrup by mixing sugar and water, after boiling, simmer for 10 minutes, place honeysuckle here and cook for the same amount. Then we close the compote in a sterile jar with an iron lid;
  • Take liter jars, wash them, heat them in the oven with water. For each such jar of berries you need to take a little more than half or, so to speak, up to the hanger. Pour boiling water over everything, let stand for 10 minutes, wrapped in a towel. After that, the water from each can is drained into one pan and sugar is poured in - 150 grams for each liter drained. You need to boil the syrup and pour in the honeysuckle, twist it. The workpieces should stand until cooled under a warm towel, upside down;
  • A very tasty compote can be made with apples. Take 1 kg of honeysuckle and apples, wash them, cut the latter into slices. Prepare syrup from 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and two liters of water. We fill our jars, let them stand, then boil the syrup again for 10 minutes and pour in the fruits, twist.
We would also like to tell you a recipe for a very healthy compote or infusion; its beauty is that it will be made without sugar. For the drink, it is better to take sweet varieties of honeysuckle. This compote will not harm young children who are allergic to sweets and those who suffer from diabetes. The compote can be closed just as you can drink it freshly brewed. The recipe is simple - you need to boil water and pour in 350 grams of honeysuckle. If the drink is sour, you can add honey.

For information! Not all honeysuckle can be edible; if you want to plant exactly the shrub that will allow you to stock up, then take a closer look at the varieties - “Vasyuganskaya”, “Tomichka”, “Blue Bird”, “Pavlovskaya”, “Blue Spindle”.

Rich juice

You already know recipes for various preparations. But what about honeysuckle juice for the winter, and you can make it too.

  • The berries need to be washed and dried well, then chopped in a meat grinder or blender. If you took a kilogram of honeysuckle, then you need to pour 150 ml of clean water into it. Now the mass needs to be heated, but not boiled - to about 65-70 degrees. Next, the juice must be filtered through a sieve and gauze. Put it on the fire again, bring it to a boil and wait 3-5 minutes. You pour sugar to taste or about 100-150 grams per liter, then roll it into sterile jars;
  • if you have a juicer, then simply squeeze out a kilogram or more of honeysuckle, add 150 grams of granulated sugar per liter to it and boil for 3-4 minutes. The juice can be made together with other berries;
  • Some housewives prepare honeysuckle for the winter in the form of fresh juice. It is simply squeezed out and poured into sterile jars or bottles with or without sugar; it is better to store such a drink in the refrigerator.

Advice! To make the juice more tasty, choose only ripe berries without damage, and so that you can squeeze more of it, scald the berries with boiling water.

Gourmet sauce

Housewives often make compotes and jam from berries and fruits, but what about a new recipe? This will be honeysuckle sauce for the winter. Very unusual in color, taste, aroma, it will win your heart and surprise your guests at the festive table. Suitable for meat and fish dishes.

The berries of the first harvest are pleasing to the eye and lift your spirits. Tasty and properly prepared honeysuckle for the winter can preserve everything, which is what zealous owners are doing now. In winter they will come in handy: jam, compote, jam, juice and just frozen berries.

Recipes with honeysuckle are available in almost all national cuisines of eastern peoples, because even heat treatment does not make dishes with honeysuckle just a delicacy. This is a wonderful and healthy medicine.

Honeysuckle for the winter - secrets of proper harvesting

To prepare high-quality jam, compote and other honeysuckle preparations, you should know how to properly prepare the berry:

  • For winter harvesting of honeysuckle, select fresh berries. Collect them in sunny, dry weather.
  • Carefully sort the berries, remove those that are overripe, damaged or spoiled.
  • Rinse and be sure to dry the honeysuckle.
  • Edible honeysuckle jam does not need to be rolled up; if cooked correctly, it can be closed with ordinary nylon lids.
  • To prevent the jam from becoming sugary quickly, add 1 gram for each kilogram of jam during the last cooking. citric acid.

Honeysuckle jam - recipes for the winter

The most common preparation of honeysuckle for winter joys is jam. Like, a sweet treat is great for helping with colds. Residents of those places where the berry grows historically know this very well. I offer several recipes, choose and cook.

Recipe No. 1.

  • Honeysuckle – 1 kg.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

How to make jam correctly:

  1. First, prepare the syrup: pour water into the sugar, place the container on the fire and wait until the syrup boils. Stir the syrup constantly so that the sugar dissolves in the water, and when the syrup boils, cook for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Place honeysuckle in syrup, let it boil and remove immediately. Let the future jam sit for 6-7 hours.
  3. And put the jam back on the fire to finish cooking. Don't forget to stir and remove the foam. Boil the honeysuckle for 15 minutes, then put it in jars (it is better to sterilize them). The jam does not need to be rolled up; it is perfectly stored under nylon lids.

Recipe No. 2. A classic way to make jam. The number of ingredients is the same.

  1. Place the berries prepared for use in a bowl for cooking, then cover with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. When the berry releases juice, start cooking. The first time we cook it for five minutes, then we leave it to brew for 8 hours.
  3. The second cooking is a little longer - 10-15 minutes, when the jam is completely ready, distribute it into jars.

Honeysuckle jam - five minutes

There is not always enough time to do the preparations, but it needs to be done. I offer a recipe for making quick honeysuckle jam - five minutes, which will preserve the maximum vitamins. Or maybe you want to make jam out of strawberries - five minutes? .

You will need:

  • Honeysuckle and sugar - take 1 kg each.
  1. Sterilize jars with lids in any suitable way.
  2. Prepare the berries for cooking - rinse and sort. Then crush so that the berries release juice.
  3. Add sugar in small portions and stir until it is dispersed throughout the berries.
  4. Place the container on the quietest heat and wait for the honeysuckle to boil. Until the sugar is completely dissolved, the jam will have to be stirred constantly.
  5. When the honeysuckle boils, cook the jam for exactly five minutes and immediately pour into jars. Roll it up.

Honeysuckle jam with citric acid


  • Honeysuckle – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
  • Citric acid – 2 – 3 g.
  • Water for syrup – 200 ml.


  1. Make the sugar syrup: slowly dissolve the sugar in the water and when it boils, cook for a few minutes.
  2. Fold the honeysuckle, after the berry boils, cook for 5 minutes. Leave the jam to steep for 7–8 hours.
  3. The honeysuckle also needs to be boiled again for five minutes, no longer, then the basin is set aside for several hours.
  4. The cooking process must be repeated several times until the berries settle to the bottom and stop floating. Usually 3-4 boils are done. At the very end of the last one, add lemon, then the delicacy will not become sugary.

Honeysuckle jam for the winter

Delicious jam can be consumed with tea for pleasure; it will also help with colds, relieve fever, and improve immunity.

You will need:

  • Berry – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.
  • Water for making syrup – 1.5–2 cups.

Making honeysuckle jam:

  1. Place the berries and sugar in a saucepan, add water and stir.
  2. Put it on fire. You will have to cook for a long time until the berries are completely softened. Then put the jam into jars and roll up.

Honeysuckle compote - a delicious recipe

Their honeysuckle compote is not only a pleasant drink. Drink it in spring and autumn, when many diseases worsen, and colds often bother you. It’s worth stocking up on vitamins for prevention. The compote will be useful for people with heart disease and hypertension.


  • Honeysuckle.
  • Sugar – 400 gr.
  • Water – 1 liter.

Cooking honeysuckle compote:

  1. To prepare compote, select a large, whole berry. Then the compote will not only be incredibly tasty, but also beautiful.
  2. Fill three-liter jars to half their volume with clean berries.
  3. Prepare the syrup: add sugar to water and bring to a boil. Stir to help it dissolve faster. For every liter of water put 400 grams. sugar, but, as you understand, for a three-liter jar of water you may need more, take it into account when you calculate the amount.
  4. When the sugar has dissolved, pour the syrup into the jars, cover the top with a lid and leave to sterilize for about 15 minutes. It seems like a labor-intensive method - you can do without sterilization. After pouring the syrup over the honeysuckle berries, leave them to warm up for 5-10 minutes. Then pour the syrup back into the pan and boil. Pour the syrup again and roll up.

Honeysuckle preparations without cooking

Winter harvesting of honeysuckle without cooking will allow you to preserve almost all the vitamins, and will also save a lot of time. Grind honeysuckle berries with sugar, and both of these conditions will be met.

You will need for the preparation:

  • Honeysuckle – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

How to prepare ground honeysuckle without cooking:

  1. Pour sugar into the berries, stir and grind with a blender (you can do this with a wooden masher). Store jars of ground honeysuckle in the refrigerator.

With the same amount of ingredients, you can try to preserve a whole honeysuckle berry for the winter.

How to prepare honeysuckle with sugar with whole berries:

  1. Gently, so as not to crush, stir the washed and dried honeysuckle berries with sugar.
  2. Place in jars, pour sugar on top and close with a lid. The berry should be stored in the refrigerator.

Raw jam with citric acid

There is also a way to prepare honeysuckle without cooking, which allows you to preserve it for the winter without unnecessary surprises.

  • Take the same amount of honeysuckle - 1 kg. and the same amount of sugar - 1.5 kg. Plus you will need 2 grams. citric acid.
  1. Grind the berries with sugar and add citric acid.
  2. Stir well again and you can put the mixture into jars.

How to freeze honeysuckle

The best way to preserve berries, and, if you look at it, not at all troublesome.

  • To freeze honeysuckle for the winter, spread the clean berries in a thin layer on a flat container and place in the freezer. Set the fast freeze mode.
  • After a couple of hours, pour the berries into bags, dividing them into portions, and put them back in the freezer.

In winter, friends, you will thank yourself for the summer troubles. Watch the video, there is another recipe for wonderful honeysuckle jam. Be healthy! With love... Galina Nekrasova.

After long winter days, our body needs serious reinforcement with vitamins. The first greens and the first berries partially compensate for the vitamin deficiency and give us back the opportunity to enjoy the tastes that have been slightly forgotten over the year. The first berries bring special joy. As I promised earlier in the article when I wrote, today I will tell you what recipes for honeysuckle dishes I prepare myself.

And the first berry crop, which appears in some regions already at the end of May, is honeysuckle. She is rightfully considered the opener of the berry season, despite the fact that thanks to the various varieties, honeysuckle fruits can be collected all summer.

The fresh berries of this plant have unique taste qualities with multiple shades, which allows them to be used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes and drinks. Shades of light sourness or slight bitterness of certain varieties add a special taste to sauces and marinades, and sweet varieties of berries become the aromatic basis for a variety of desserts and homemade preparations for the winter. Let's take a look at some recipes for using these amazingly healthy berries.

So, we will need:

For the test:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 150 g cottage cheese (preferably thick consistency);
  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder.

For filler:

  • 1 cup honeysuckle fruit;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • vanillin.

We begin preparing the dough by rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and sugar, then add cottage cheese, butter, warm milk, sifted flour and baking powder. After kneading the dough, place the container with it in the refrigerator.

Let's start preparing the filling. To do this, beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream and vanillin. If the filler seems liquid, you can add a tablespoon of starch to it.

Knead the chilled dough, roll it out and place it in a baking dish. Pour out the filler and place honeysuckle berries on top. Bake the cake at 180°C for approximately 50 minutes. It turns out a very colorful cottage cheese pie with honeysuckle.

Fresh honeysuckle berries are very tender; they quickly squash with frequent pouring and long-term transportation. Therefore, the shelf life of fruits is short. What to do with damaged berries? Shouldn't we throw them away? Rational owners have long been using crushed fruits to make excellent homemade wine and note that fermentation in honeysuckle occurs an order of magnitude more intensely than in any grapes.

Making honeysuckle wine is no different from making regular homemade wine, but the color and aroma of the resulting drink will definitely not leave you indifferent. To make it, you will first need to wash and chop the berries in any way.

Then add 50 g of sugar for each kilogram of berry mass, leave the dishes with the mixture in a warm place for 3 days. When the first signs of fermentation appear, the juice is squeezed out of the mixture and placed in a separate bottle, and the cake is again filled with water in an amount equal to the squeezed juice.

After another 3 days, a second squeeze is carried out and a new portion of juice is added to the previous one. Granulated sugar is poured into the bottle at the rate of 200 g per liter of liquid and left for further fermentation. It is convenient to use a regular medical glove with pierced fingers as a water seal for the bottle.

When the fermentation process weakens, another portion of granulated sugar (200 g per liter of liquid) should be added to the bottle, and after fermentation is completely completed, the young wine is bottled and stored in a cool place for about a month. Expert winemakers recommend pouring young wine into clean containers 3 times during this month in order to completely get rid of sediment.

The slight sourness of honeysuckle in compotes perfectly helps quench your thirst. These aromatic berries make amazing tasting drinks. To prepare compotes with even more multifaceted shades, you can add strawberries, mint leaves or apples.

Preparing honeysuckle compote for the winter is usually done in three ways:

  1. regular cooking of berries in water with sugar;
  2. filling honeysuckle with concentrated sugar syrup, followed by four-hour exposure, sterilization and rolling;
  3. pouring freshly squeezed honeysuckle juice over the berries.

Housewives usually fill the jar 2/3 with berries, adding sugar to taste. After rolling, the jars are turned over and left in this position until they cool.

Honeysuckle preparations

In winter, homemade honeysuckle preparations will definitely delight your loved ones and friends with a wonderful aroma and a whole range of useful substances. And many children have long appreciated such a tasty “medicine” as honeysuckle jam. How to make honeysuckle jam? There are many recipes for its preparation, but we will focus on the most basic ones.

Honeysuckle jam, five-minute recipe

This is probably the simplest and most hassle-free recipe for making jam, which takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour of your time. At the same time, such a preparation retains a fairly impressive amount of useful substances.

So, to prepare “five-minute” honeysuckle we will need:

  • 2 kg of berries themselves, 2.5 kg of sugar and suitable utensils. After sorting and washing the berries, crush them in a bowl with a wooden masher, then add sugar and place on the fire. With constant stirring, you should ensure that the sugar is completely dissolved - this happens after 5–7 minutes.

Be sure to ensure that the five-minute jam does not boil.

Hot jam should be placed in sterilized jars and rolled up. Until completely cooled, the jars should be in the “upside down” position.

Honeysuckle jam recipe

Since honeysuckle jam contains a sufficient amount of sugar, you can choose varieties with sourness to avoid excessive sugariness. For 2 kg of fruit you will need 2.5 kg of sugar and 2 glasses of water.

The berry mass is poured with hot sugar syrup. After which the mixture is left for 4–5 hours. Then the berries are boiled for about 5 minutes and cooled for 8 hours. Cook the jam this way twice. The third time, after boiling for 5 minutes, the finished mass is placed in pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

Honeysuckle jam without cooking

There is another way to make jam - this is jam without cooking, the so-called raw jam. This method is good because the berries do not lend themselves to any heat treatment, which means they better retain their beneficial properties. A distinctive feature of the method is the use of more granulated sugar and the obligatory storage of jam in the refrigerator or cellar.

The process of making jam without cooking is extremely simple: washed and dried berries are crushed and mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:1.5 or 1:2, after which they are packaged in sterilized jars and rolled up.

You can make another dessert from honeysuckle - jam.

To prepare it, you need to select 2 kg of well-ripened berries, fill them with 3 kg of sugar and pour 4 glasses of water. All ingredients should be cooked until the honeysuckle is softened.

Don't forget to stir the jam constantly.

For better dissolution, the berries can be pre-suppressed. Hot jam is placed in sterilized jars, cooled and covered with parchment paper. Jam should be stored in a cool place.

Honeysuckle jelly

Honeysuckle jelly turns out stunningly beautiful and fragrant. To prepare such a dessert, you will need to squeeze the juice from lightly blanched honeysuckle berries and add sugar to it in a 1:1 ratio. After which, the resulting mixture should be boiled to a third of the original volume with constant stirring. Hot jelly is poured into jars and sterilized for 15–20 minutes. Then the jars are rolled up and cooled. Honeysuckle jelly can be stored at room temperature.

Honeysuckle pureed with sugar

This type of homemade preparation is not only tasty, but also very healthy. And the cooking process itself is completely simple.

1 kg of washed and dried honeysuckle is ground with 1.5 kg of sugar until smooth. Then the resulting mass is placed in dry sterilized jars, closed and stored in the refrigerator until use. Puree honeysuckle with sugar is good in the form of jam or as a filler in fruit drinks.

Who can and who can’t use honeysuckle dishes?

Honeysuckle fruits have diuretic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Even with short heat treatment, they retain their medicinal properties, which is why any homemade preparations from this useful plant are so valuable for our body. In winter, a few spoons of honeysuckle pureed with sugar will bring our body a portion of vitamins and microelements that will help cope with a cold or virus.

Due to the content of iron and B vitamins in the berries, honeysuckle is an excellent preventative against anemia and capillary fragility. And pectins and anthocyanins contained in the fruits of the plant act as antioxidants, preventing cell aging and their transformation into malignant elements. Such qualities of honeysuckle are definitely useful for both women and men, especially in old age.

To date, no contraindications have been identified for taking honeysuckle dishes for pregnant and lactating women. The only point that needs to be taken into account when consuming the fruits of the plant is that the berries have a strong diuretic and choleretic effect. This property must also be taken into account when creating a children's menu - it is advisable to control the amount of berries consumed by the child.

Having learned about the rich composition of honeysuckle in various minerals and microelements and having become familiar with quite simple to prepare, but healthy and tasty recipes for dishes made from it, it is worth thinking about how often we consume this wonderful berry. After all, it turns out that it is very easy to replenish the reserves of vitamins and nutrients in the body with the help of honeysuckle, even in winter.

You just need to work a little in the summer and you will have a sweet and tasty “medicine” for the whole year. I advise you to pay attention to this miraculous berry, growing unnoticed around us, and be sure to try to cook some dishes with it.

Honeysuckle is not so often found in recipes, but you should not forget about this berry. Yes, it is rarely on sale, but it is suitable for making preserves, jams, tinctures, infusions, and desserts. In addition, honeysuckle jam is suitable for filling pies and pies.

Honeysuckle jam

Honeysuckle is a fast-growing crop. Jelly, jams, marshmallows, preserves, and jelly are made from honeysuckle berries. You can make juice and compote. We offer a recipe for honeysuckle jam.

Honeysuckle jam in syrup

I brought about 1 kg of honeysuckle from the forests of Altai. Altai honeysuckle differs from garden honeysuckle - its berries are slightly bitter. I wanted to preserve this unusual taste in the finished jam, so I cooked the berries for a very short time. At the very end of cooking I added juice

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Honeysuckle recipes, 43 recipes, photo recipes

Recipes from honeysuckle Honeysuckle is not so often found in recipes, but you should not forget about this berry. Yes, it is rarely on sale, but it is suitable for making preserves, jams, tinctures,

What can be prepared from honeysuckle: recipes

Honeysuckle is a delicious berry that has a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. Regular use of it has a beneficial effect on human health and immunity, but indulging in it out of season is quite problematic. What can you prepare from honeysuckle to diversify your diet? Useful tips on using this gift of nature are presented below.

Benefits of honeysuckle

Before we talk about what can be prepared from honeysuckle, let’s clarify what exactly its benefits are. The chemical composition of the berry is striking in its abundance of important and useful components. Among them are a complex of vitamins (A, B and C), organic acids, sugars, tannins and pectins. In addition, honeysuckle contains iodine, copper, calcium and potassium, as well as sodium, iron and a small amount of phosphorus.

Regular consumption of berries helps slow down aging, prevent the development of cancer, remove radiation and toxins from the body, and also strengthens the immune system, vascular walls and respiratory system, helps treat kidneys, and reduces blood pressure.

Of course, it is best to eat the berries fresh, immediately after picking, in which case all the vitamins and nutrients will be preserved and will be beneficial. Honeysuckle does not store for very long, so if you plan to make delicious preparations for the cold season, you will need to process it. So, what can you make from honeysuckle? The simplest solution is jam.

Classic jam recipe

To prepare it, you need to prepare the following ingredients in certain proportions: berries (kilogram), sugar (kilogram), water (about 250 ml). The first step is to prepare the syrup by adding sand to the liquid and then thoroughly mixing the ingredients. The sweet preparation is poured over clean, pre-selected berries for 3-4 hours. After they have steeped, they are boiled and re-settled, and then boiled again.

Simple freezing

Another very simple recipe involves simply freezing berries. To do this, select the ripest fruits, wash them and dry them thoroughly. The honeysuckle is then placed in a single layer on a tray and frozen for 2 hours in the freezer. After such simple manipulations, it can be transferred to a regular bag and left in it for long-term storage in the freezer.

Berry juice

What else can be prepared from honeysuckle? An original and easy to implement solution is berry juice. To do this, ripe berries are poured with water and sent to a juicer. They should be simmered for 10 minutes at a temperature of about 60 degrees, then remove the honeysuckle, grind it until smooth and add it back to the liquid. After these manipulations, the juice is heated to a boil.

What can you make from honeysuckle, besides jam? An excellent alternative would be light and sweet jelly. To do this, berries and granulated sugar, taken in equal proportions, are brought to a homogeneous state using a mixer, and then placed on a stove to boil for a couple of minutes. The next step is to place the resulting mass in a dry glass container for long-term storage.

Strong alcohol

And here is another option for what can be prepared from honeysuckle for the winter. In addition to jams, preserves, jellies and juice, these amazing berries can be used to create homemade alcoholic drinks. If you don't know how to make something like this, try starting with the simplest strong liqueur recipe. For it you will need the following components:

The first stage is the combination of three components: water, sugar and juice. They must be mixed as thoroughly as possible until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then vodka is added to the resulting base, after which the liqueur is poured into a bottle for infusion. After 2-3 days the drink is ready to drink.

Such different sweets

Are you choosing what you can make from honeysuckle? Photos of stunning and simple dishes, such as mashed potatoes, syrup or even marshmallows, will not leave housewives indifferent. Do you want to pamper your children? Prepare a vitamin puree that is sure to please your kids with a bang. To do this, you need to boil a small amount of honeysuckle until softened, then rub it through a sieve until almost homogeneous, add sugar (in a ratio of 2:1). The next step is to reheat the puree and roll it into jars.

To prepare sweet syrup you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Squeeze 1 kilogram of berries to obtain fresh juice (do not rush to throw away the pulp).
  • Mix 2 kilograms of sugar and water to obtain syrup.
  • Add syrup to the juice and mix the ingredients again.

Berry syrup can be rolled into jars for long-term storage. In order not to throw away the remaining cake, make a marshmallow based on it. To do this, add approximately the same amount of sugar and wait until it completely dissolves naturally. Then the cake is rolled out with a rolling pin, dried on a baking sheet in the oven and cut into funny shapes or cubes.

What can be prepared from honeysuckle: recipes

Honeysuckle is a delicious berry that has a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. Regular use of it has a beneficial effect on human health and immunity, but indulging in it out of season is quite problematic. What can you prepare from honeysuckle to diversify your diet?

What to cook from honeysuckle? Recipes for jam, compote and other winter preparations

Honeysuckle is an amazing berry and a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. It is grown in household plots and is enjoyed fresh and canned. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to savor this berry outside of the fruiting season, so today we will discuss what to cook from honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle is a valuable gift to our health

Before we discuss what can be prepared from honeysuckle for the winter, I would like to pay special attention to the component composition and beneficial properties of this miracle berry.

Honeysuckle contains a high concentration of various vitamins, sugars, acids, pectins, micro- and macroelements. These include:

On a note! A simple way to prepare honeysuckle berries is to freeze them. The fruits are thoroughly washed, dried and placed in durable plastic bags. Then they are sent to the freezer for storage. This way you can preserve all the beneficial properties of honeysuckle to the maximum.

As for the beneficial properties of berries, firstly, they help strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process. Secondly, honeysuckle is considered a preventative against cancer. Thirdly, berries are good for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and kidneys.

Vitamins in a jar

Most often, aromatic jam is made from honeysuckle fruits. Let's discuss how to make honeysuckle jam. This information is necessary for novice housewives.

On a note! Many people are interested in how to cook honeysuckle with sugar. One of the simplest ways is to combine crushed berries with granulated sugar without heat treatment. Please note that this sweetness should only be stored in the refrigerator.

  • 2 kg of honeysuckle fruits;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 g citric acid.


Honeysuckle compote

You can make more than just jam from honeysuckle fruits. Many housewives have already conducted culinary experiments and surprised their households with delicious delicacies. So, incredibly tasty sorbet, jelly or cocktail are prepared from these berries. How to prepare honeysuckle compote? Let's figure it out.

On a note! A drink made from honeysuckle berries can be prepared for everyday use or preserved for the winter. It is important to use sterilized lids and jars, and also pour the compote while boiling. It is recommended to store preserved food in a cool and dark place.

  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 0.2 kg honeysuckle berries.


How to prepare honeysuckle ground with sugar?

This berry puree will please everyone without exception. This sweetness can also be used as a traditional medicine to strengthen the immune system.

To prevent the puree from fermenting, you need to add more granulated sugar than honeysuckle fruits. It is recommended to store such sweetness in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

  • 1 kg of honeysuckle fruits;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.


  1. We prepare honeysuckle berries as described in previous recipes.
  2. Dry the berries on a towel or napkin to remove excess moisture.
  3. Grind the honeysuckle to a puree consistency in a meat grinder, food processor or blender.
  4. Add granulated sugar and stir thoroughly.
  5. Place the honeysuckle puree into sterilized dry jars.
  6. Sprinkle a little granulated sugar on top.
  7. We store the vitamin mixture only in the refrigerator.

Berry sorbet: you'll lick your fingers!

Let's turn on our culinary imagination and prepare an original dessert from honeysuckle for your table. As already mentioned, these berries can be frozen, so this delicacy is easy to prepare at any time of the year.

  • 3 pcs. kiwi;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 g frozen honeysuckle;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 10 g dried barberry.


Honeysuckle is not very popular, but in vain, because these berries not only have an incomparable taste, but also give our body great benefits. It is easy to prepare many delicious delicacies and sweets from honeysuckle that your household will certainly enjoy. Bon appetit!

The most delicious honeysuckle recipes

After long winter days, our body needs serious reinforcement with vitamins. The first greens and the first berries partially compensate for the vitamin deficiency and give us back the opportunity to enjoy the tastes that have been slightly forgotten over the year. The first berries bring special joy. As I promised earlier in the article, when I wrote about the beneficial properties of the berry, today I will tell you what recipes for honeysuckle dishes I prepare myself.

And the first berry crop, which appears in some regions already at the end of May, is honeysuckle. She is rightfully considered the opener of the berry season, despite the fact that thanks to the various varieties, honeysuckle fruits can be collected all summer.

The fresh berries of this plant have unique taste qualities with multiple shades, which allows them to be used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes and drinks. Shades of light sourness or slight bitterness of certain varieties add a special taste to sauces and marinades, and sweet varieties of berries become the aromatic basis for a variety of desserts and homemade preparations for the winter. Let's take a look at some recipes for using these amazingly healthy berries.

Honeysuckle Pie

So, we will need:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 150 g cottage cheese (preferably thick consistency);
  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder.
  • 1 cup honeysuckle fruit;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • vanillin.

We begin preparing the dough by rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and sugar, then add cottage cheese, butter, warm milk, sifted flour and baking powder. After kneading the dough, place the container with it in the refrigerator.

Let's start preparing the filling. To do this, beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream and vanillin. If the filler seems liquid, you can add a tablespoon of starch to it.

Knead the chilled dough, roll it out and place it in a baking dish. Pour out the filler and place honeysuckle berries on top. Bake the cake at 180°C for approximately 50 minutes. It turns out a very colorful cottage cheese pie with honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle wine

Fresh honeysuckle berries are very tender; they quickly squash with frequent pouring and long-term transportation. Therefore, the shelf life of fruits is short. What to do with damaged berries? Shouldn't we throw them away? Rational owners have long been using crushed fruits to make excellent homemade wine and note that fermentation in honeysuckle occurs an order of magnitude more intensely than in any grapes.

Making honeysuckle wine is no different from making regular homemade wine, but the color and aroma of the resulting drink will definitely not leave you indifferent. To make it, you will first need to wash and chop the berries in any way.

Then add 50 g of sugar for each kilogram of berry mass, leave the dishes with the mixture in a warm place for 3 days. When the first signs of fermentation appear, the juice is squeezed out of the mixture and placed in a separate bottle, and the cake is again filled with water in an amount equal to the squeezed juice.

After another 3 days, a second squeeze is carried out and a new portion of juice is added to the previous one. Granulated sugar is poured into the bottle at the rate of 200 g per liter of liquid and left for further fermentation. It is convenient to use a regular medical glove with pierced fingers as a water seal for the bottle.

When the fermentation process weakens, another portion of granulated sugar (200 g per liter of liquid) should be added to the bottle, and after fermentation is completely completed, the young wine is bottled and stored in a cool place for about a month. Expert winemakers recommend pouring young wine into clean containers 3 times during this month in order to completely get rid of sediment.

Honeysuckle compote

The slight sourness of honeysuckle in compotes perfectly helps quench your thirst. These aromatic berries make amazing tasting drinks. To prepare compotes with even more multifaceted shades, you can add strawberries, mint leaves or apples.

Preparing honeysuckle compote for the winter is usually done in three ways:

  1. regular cooking of berries in water with sugar;
  2. filling honeysuckle with concentrated sugar syrup, followed by four-hour exposure, sterilization and rolling;
  3. pouring freshly squeezed honeysuckle juice over the berries.

Housewives usually fill the jar 2/3 with berries, adding sugar to taste. After rolling, the jars are turned over and left in this position until they cool.

Honeysuckle preparations

In winter, homemade honeysuckle preparations will definitely delight your loved ones and friends with a wonderful aroma and a whole range of useful substances. And many children have long appreciated such a tasty “medicine” as honeysuckle jam. How to make honeysuckle jam? There are many recipes for its preparation, but we will focus on the most basic ones.

Honeysuckle jam, five-minute recipe

This is probably the simplest and most hassle-free recipe for making jam, which takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour of your time. At the same time, such a preparation retains a fairly impressive amount of useful substances.

So, to prepare “five-minute” honeysuckle we will need:

  • 2 kg of berries themselves, 2.5 kg of sugar and suitable utensils. After sorting and washing the berries, crush them in a bowl with a wooden masher, then add sugar and place on the fire. With constant stirring, you should ensure that the sugar is completely dissolved - this happens after 5–7 minutes.

Be sure to ensure that the five-minute jam does not boil.

Hot jam should be placed in sterilized jars and rolled up. Until completely cooled, the jars should be in the “upside down” position.

Honeysuckle jam recipe

Since honeysuckle jam contains a sufficient amount of sugar, you can choose varieties with sourness to avoid excessive sugariness. For 2 kg of fruit you will need 2.5 kg of sugar and 2 glasses of water.

The berry mass is poured with hot sugar syrup. After which the mixture is left for 4–5 hours. Then the berries are boiled for about 5 minutes and cooled for 8 hours. Cook the jam this way twice. The third time, after boiling for 5 minutes, the finished mass is placed in pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

Honeysuckle jam without cooking

There is another way to make jam - this is jam without cooking, the so-called raw jam. This method is good because the berries do not lend themselves to any heat treatment, which means they better retain their beneficial properties. A distinctive feature of the method is the use of more granulated sugar and the obligatory storage of jam in the refrigerator or cellar.

The process of making jam without cooking is extremely simple: washed and dried berries are crushed and mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:1.5 or 1:2, after which they are packaged in sterilized jars and rolled up.

Honeysuckle jam

You can make another dessert from honeysuckle - jam.

To prepare it, you need to select 2 kg of well-ripened berries, fill them with 3 kg of sugar and pour 4 glasses of water. All ingredients should be cooked until the honeysuckle is softened.

Don't forget to stir the jam constantly.

For better dissolution, the berries can be pre-suppressed. Hot jam is placed in sterilized jars, cooled and covered with parchment paper. Jam should be stored in a cool place.

Honeysuckle jelly

Honeysuckle jelly turns out stunningly beautiful and fragrant. To prepare such a dessert, you will need to squeeze the juice from lightly blanched honeysuckle berries and add sugar to it in a 1:1 ratio. After which, the resulting mixture should be boiled to a third of the original volume with constant stirring. Hot jelly is poured into jars and sterilized for 15–20 minutes. Then the jars are rolled up and cooled. Honeysuckle jelly can be stored at room temperature.

Honeysuckle pureed with sugar

This type of homemade preparation is not only tasty, but also very healthy. And the cooking process itself is completely simple.

1 kg of washed and dried honeysuckle is ground with 1.5 kg of sugar until smooth. Then the resulting mass is placed in dry sterilized jars, closed and stored in the refrigerator until use. Puree honeysuckle with sugar is good in the form of jam or as a filler in fruit drinks.

Who can and who can’t use honeysuckle dishes?

Honeysuckle fruits have diuretic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Even with short heat treatment, they retain their medicinal properties, which is why any homemade preparations from this useful plant are so valuable for our body. In winter, a few spoons of honeysuckle pureed with sugar will bring our body a portion of vitamins and microelements that will help cope with a cold or virus.

Due to the content of iron and B vitamins in the berries, honeysuckle is an excellent preventative against anemia and capillary fragility. And pectins and anthocyanins contained in the fruits of the plant act as antioxidants, preventing cell aging and their transformation into malignant elements. Such qualities of honeysuckle are definitely useful for both women and men, especially in old age.

To date, no contraindications have been identified for taking honeysuckle dishes for pregnant and lactating women. The only point that needs to be taken into account when consuming the fruits of the plant is that the berries have a strong diuretic and choleretic effect. This property must also be taken into account when creating a children's menu - it is advisable to control the amount of berries consumed by the child.

Having learned about the rich composition of honeysuckle in various minerals and microelements and having become familiar with quite simple to prepare, but healthy and tasty recipes for dishes made from it, it is worth thinking about how often we consume this wonderful berry. After all, it turns out that it is very easy to replenish the reserves of vitamins and nutrients in the body with the help of honeysuckle, even in winter.

You just need to work a little in the summer and you will have a sweet and tasty “medicine” for the whole year. I advise you to pay attention to this miraculous berry, growing unnoticed around us, and be sure to try to cook some dishes with it.

Recipes for honeysuckle dishes: preparations for the winter

The article will tell you a variety of recipes for honeysuckle dishes and winter preparations from honeysuckle. How to cook a pie, how to make jam, wine and more.

Country notes

DIY garden and vegetable garden

What to cook from honeysuckle: delicious recipes and simple preparations for the winter

For any beginner or experienced gardener, it is a joy to discover new plants, which subsequently become permanent favorite pets on his site. In recent years, edible honeysuckle has been gaining popularity, characterized by the unpretentiousness and exquisite taste of its fruits. The advantage of this plant is that its berries, worthy of the most demanding gourmets, can be obtained in your garden without much expense or effort. So, honeysuckle is edible: what can be made from it? – this is exactly what will be discussed in detail below.

Valuable properties of edible honeysuckle

Before moving on to the core of the topic, you should talk about the beneficial properties of honeysuckle fruits. Its berries ripen early. Some varieties produce harvest as early as the end of May. This is very important, since after winter-autumn vitamin deficiency you can get a fresh source of substances and vitamins that are useful in biological qualities. All microelements from berries and their juice are perfectly absorbed and are suitable for dietary nutrition.

Research by biologists and doctors shows that honeysuckle is good for those who suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes. The potassium and magnesium content in it helps the heart function and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Honeysuckle berries also have antibacterial, tannic, and antipyretic properties.

Honeysuckle in home cooking

Of course, the beneficial substances in fruits are best absorbed when consumed fresh or by squeezing the juice.

Honeysuckle can be eaten in combination with other berries and fruits. Its berries are magnificent, mashed with banana, kiwi, applesauce, and go well with strawberries. Such mixtures with the fashionable name of smoothies do not need to be subjected to hot processing, but are eaten immediately fresh. You can lightly flavor them with honey or natural yogurt. These are great ways to prepare berries without cooking. They are added to bowls of ice cream and used to decorate confectionery products. The taste of honeysuckle has sweet and sour shades, a little bitter, it is not intrusive, but always good. Bitterness is not hazardous to health and adds a unique charm to the taste of the berries.

Numerous recipes make it possible to reveal all the beauty of honeysuckle berries even after cooking. To do this, you need to know what to cook from honeysuckle.

Pie with edible honeysuckle berries

Many will appreciate honeysuckle pie. The dough for this baking can be anything - yeast, puff pastry, shortbread. Here is one of the recipes that makes it possible to prepare a delicacy quickly.

After washing, 300 g of fresh honeysuckle should be scattered onto a cloth, since the berries should not be wet. You can add fresh strawberries, currants, raspberries, wild strawberries to honeysuckle, or frozen ones.

Dough, as for a classic cupcake: 300 g flour, one egg, 150 g margarine or butter, half a glass of sugar: everything is mixed. For fluffiness, add 5 g of baking powder, for flavor - vanillin.

The dough turns out quite stiff and elastic. It is rolled into a ball and placed in the freezer for half an hour. After this, the dough is placed in a heat-resistant container and formed into a basket with sides, the bottom of which is pricked with a fork. Bake for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, prepare the filling: berries mixed with 2-2.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 300 g of sour cream with a fat content of 20-25%, 2 teaspoons of corn or potato starch (to neutralize the juice), 2 eggs, 1 g of vanillin.

After baking, the dough basket is filled with filling and put back into the oven. The cake is baked for 25 minutes.

When baked, honeysuckle is somewhat reminiscent of other berries, such as blueberries and blueberries. And in combination with sweet strawberries, the taste gives completely different unique notes.

Compotes with honeysuckle, jelly and jelly

Fresh berry compote is very popular during the honeysuckle ripening season. Sugar is added to it depending on the taste and the type of plant. If the berries are initially sugary, then there is no need to overuse additional sweetening.

For 2.5 liters of water, 4 tbsp is enough. spoons of granulated sugar without a slide. In compote, honeysuckle goes well with apple, raspberry, and red currant. The berries give the drink a beautiful rich color.

There is no need to boil the compote for a long time, just bring it to a boil and keep it on low heat for another half a minute. This will preserve the maximum beneficial properties of the berries. The main thing is to let the drink brew until it cools completely and all the berries settle to the bottom. The concentration of the drink is also chosen according to taste.

Gourmets also appreciate honeysuckle jelly prepared in the classical way using starch. It is good both on its own and as a gravy for semolina or other cereal cutlets and puddings. Children love compotes and honeysuckle jelly.

You can make excellent jelly from freshly squeezed honeysuckle juice using gelatin. The proportions of added gelatin must be calculated based on the recommendations indicated on the bag with this product. Traditionally, when soaking, it is a tablespoon per glass of liquid. The jelly will completely retain all the beneficial composition of the berries.

Berry sauces

Don’t forget that berry sauces have become fashionable today. They are perfect not only for freshly baked waffles and pancakes, but even for meat, especially beef and poultry. This sauce can also be made from honeysuckle. Even overripe fruits are suitable for it, making the taste more intense.

The classic sauce is prepared according to the principle of the famous tkemali, but the taste is completely different, very piquant. Meat sauce recipe: you need to take two glasses of honeysuckle berries, two-thirds of a glass of tomato paste, 3-4 cloves of garlic, a good bunch of cilantro and parsley. Grind all this in a blender, adding salt, sugar and black pepper to taste. The result is an excellent mixture, which is most useful to consume immediately, without heat treatment. You can bring the sauce to a boil and pour it into a jar. The taste will change, but will still be great.

Harvesting honeysuckle for the winter

Preserving honeysuckle fruits makes it possible to enjoy it all year round.

One storage option is quick freezing. All the value of vitamins and elements remains in the berries. You should not wash the berries before freezing. Just sort it out and scatter it in a thin layer into boxes. Before eating the berries, it will be enough to rinse them with cold water in a colander. This type of freezing can be used to make compotes, pies, and added to porridge and muesli.

Honeysuckle without cooking

You can also preserve all the benefits of honeysuckle by making a puree from it with sugar. You need to grind the berries proportionally: one to one with granulated sugar, until the latter is completely dissolved. Jars with this preparation should be stored in a cool place.

Drying berries is another great way to prepare for storage. Both a stove and an oven are suitable for this. The berries are placed on a baking sheet (one layer). The internal heating temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees. The oven door is left open, the berries are stirred periodically. Drying time is from 6 to 10 hours. In hot weather, you can air dry the berries.

From fruits prepared in this way, you can make compotes and baking fillings in winter. Dry honeysuckle fruits have properties similar to dry raspberries, that is, they have an antipyretic effect. This may come in handy during cold season.

Compotes, berries in their own juice

Harvesting honeysuckle for the winter also includes preparing compotes. To do this, the sorted berries are placed in clean glass jars, about two-thirds full. Water is boiled with sugar at the rate of 1 liter of water - 400 g of sugar. After removing the pan from the heat, immediately carefully pour the syrup over the berries. After twenty minutes of pasteurization, the jars are sealed.

When there is a large harvest of berries, honeysuckle is made in its own juice. To do this, first squeeze out the juice, then fill jars with intact berries, preferably 0.5 liters. The juice is brought to a boil and the fruits are poured hot. Rolled up after pasteurization. This method is good because you can do without sugar.

Honeysuckle jam for the winter: 3 recipes

The most traditional way of preparing honeysuckle is probably jam. You can eat it simply with tea, or spread it on a bun or pancakes. Jam makes an excellent filling for pies. When diluted with water, it makes good drinks.

Jam can be prepared in several variations. There is a way like "dry" jam. For this, the sorted and washed berries are dried and ground with granulated sugar. Moreover, the ratio should be almost double in favor of sugar. The mixture is heated to 70 degrees (does not boil!). Immediately put into jars and seal tightly. Store in a cool place.

Regular jam is made from berries and rich sugar syrup. The calculation is made based on the number of fruits. For 1 kg of honeysuckle take 120 ml of water and 1.2 kg of sugar. The syrup should boil, after which the berries are carefully placed in it. Cook for a little less than five minutes. Then let the jam sit until it cools completely. After this, it is cooked for about half an hour over low heat and poured into jars.

Honeysuckle jam, which is a type of jam, is prepared with a more saturated sugar syrup (up to 70% sugar) in one step until the fruit is completely boiled.

Honeysuckle fruit tincture

For adults, you can prepare an excellent tincture of honeysuckle berries. Liter jars up to the shoulders are filled with berries. Sugar can be added, or you can do without it. Good quality vodka is used to pour the fruits completely up to the necks of the jars. All this is covered with lids and put away in a dark place. It is better that the tincture is stored until the New Year holidays. During this period, the process of absorption of berries with alcohol occurs. The fruits completely release their valuable juice, drawing out all harmful components from the liquid. The tincture turns out natural and beautiful. The berries are thrown away when consumed.

How to preserve honeysuckle fruits depends on its quantity. You can make several different preparations for future use at once. Every housewife will decide for herself what to make from honeysuckle, because this berry is wonderful in any quality.

What can be made from honeysuckle: recipes and preparations

The benefits of edible honeysuckle berries, what can be prepared: smoothies, pie, compote, sauce for meat. How to prepare for the winter: freezing, recipe without cooking, options
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