What to give your husband for the New Year. What to give your husband for New Year: different activities - different gifts. Unusual surprises for your beloved man

Every woman wants to give her husband a gift New Year an interesting, unforgettable and creative gift. There are many ideas for universal gifts. The main thing is to give with love, with soul. Therefore, it is not necessary to give expensive or exotic things; an interesting small gift with a big soul will be very useful. So, which gift should you choose?

Rules for choosing a gift for your husband

There are many factors to consider when choosing a gift:

  1. Friend's advice. For a gift for your loved one, you should contact a close friend of your spouse. If they have a common hobby, then the friend will definitely tell him what he needs, for example, a camera or a spinning rod for fishing.
  2. Inexpensive but nice gift. Wives often think that choosing an expensive gift will make their husband happy. But this is not true at all, because unless he is the only breadwinner in the family and your family budget is not very large, he will not really like it. It's better to make a creative but inexpensive surprise. He will be even more happy about this than an expensive gift.

  3. Pay attention to the character of the husband. If the husband is a practical person by nature, then it is better for him to buy not so original, but practical and useful gifts. Many husbands will enjoy receiving computers, laptops or smartphones.
    A small men's bag - a purse - is also quite a nice present. The husband will put his keys, phone, documents, cigarettes in it.
  4. If your loved one is a romantic person, give him an unusual gift.
  5. Spouse's hobby. Anyone will be pleased to receive gifts from their area of ​​passion. If your husband likes to actively relax in nature, then it is better to give him things for active recreation, for example, a sleeping bag, a thermos, a folding chair. Thermal underwear or a suit or overalls are suitable for a spouse who hunts or fishes. A fur blanket is also useful as a gift for a traveler, since it will warm you even in the most severe frost.

Does your spouse really like music? Then give him headphones or a player, and if he wants to listen to music in the bathroom, give him a radio with an unconventional design, for example, in the shape of a starfish. For the avid motorist there is a large selection, for example, a DVR, a compressor, a car coffee maker, a car radio, and car cosmetics.

If your spouse loves to read, give him a regular or e-book by uploading works by your favorite authors.

If your husband is lazy, give him a cup that stirs sugar.

Another interesting gift is this cute pillow that looks like an ordinary paper folder. This gift is worth giving to your husband, who is at work day and night. Do you want to give amazing slippers? And this is an interesting gift if you choose slippers in the shape of a symbol of the next year.

A T-shirt decorated with your funniest and most interesting photo is also suitable as a gift. Gifts knitted or sewn by your own hands will also greatly delight and warm your husband.

And the most interesting thing, of course, will be a romantic dinner or a trip to a holiday home for a few days.

There is a large selection of gifts, but it’s worth thinking about what kind of gift to give to make your husband happy. In the video below you will find a lot of ideas for a New Year gift for your loved one.

The spouse, of course, is no longer a boy, but he can also be completely childishly delighted at the right gift. But choosing a gift for your wife sometimes turns out to be a long and painful process. It is especially difficult for those who have been married for several years, and the gift ideas that were on the surface have already been used.

In addition, it is important for the wife, as the manager of household finances, to take into account not only the “niceness” of the gift, but also to fit it into the family budget, which before the New Year is already bursting at the seams, which significantly complicates matters. Let's try to choose what to give my husband for New Year 2018 together.

Selection rules

There are several rules for choosing gifts. They don’t depend too much on who gets the gift, but that doesn’t make them any less significant.

The most important rule is that you need to choose a gift from your husband’s point of view, i.e. choose what he would hypothetically want to receive and what he would like, and not what would be useful for him or decorate his office, because the design is suitable.

Some wives prefer to find out directly about the subject of a New Year's gift, while some take a roundabout route, listening to what the husband is talking about on the phone with a friend, what he is staring at in the store. It even happens that they look through the computer history, trying to determine the husband’s best interests. The only important thing here is that the husband does not decide to buy what he wants for himself.

By the way, significant assistance in choosing a gift can be provided by best friend. After all, the husband shares his most intimate things with him, discusses his masculine interests. It is very possible that he will be the one who will tell you the right direction, and maybe even help you choose a gift.

Husbands, like wives, are different, some value only practical things, give others something fashionable, others are funny and pranksters - they love comic gifts. Here the wife knows better.

Let's see what you can give your spouse this New Year.

A little romance won't hurt

One of the best gifts from a woman, especially a loved one, is a romantic one. The first thing that comes to mind is a romantic dinner alone and by candlelight. Such a gift will stir up cooled feelings.

Implementing everything is easier than it seems. Small children should be put to bed early, and with those who are already able to celebrate the New Year in a company, this possibility should be discussed in advance. The evening program should include your favorite delicious food, but light enough so that after dinner you don’t feel sleepy, champagne, romantic music. You can continue the action after eating by dancing, declaring your love, searching for a gift using arrows and clues, or at your discretion.

If you don’t feel like cooking at home or your family is in the way, you should organize an evening at a restaurant or go to a camp site, where you can not only spend the evening, but also ride cheesecakes during the day, play snowballs, and take a walk in the winter forest.

Video: confession box as an add-on

Pleasant emotions

It is not necessary that the gift after the holidays take a place in your husband’s car, on a shelf in the office or in a closet at home, i.e. a gift does not have to be tangible. A husband who has everything doesn’t want to clutter up his personal space with yet another thing. A good gift will be one that leaves interesting photos in a family album or pleasant memories.

It’s worth, for example, teaming up with family friends and coming up with a joint gift for the strong half of the company. Such gifts include paintball. To organize a joint game, you need to contact a specialized club. Or you can pay for bowling or a sauna, let your husband and friends take a steam bath, but, preferably, not like in the famous film.

Maybe the husband has been dreaming of pumping up for a long time, but can’t find the time to find a suitable gym and purchase a membership. You can do everything necessary for him, look through the available options, and as a result hand over a subscription tied with a ribbon. You should find out which gyms his friends go to, then they will be able to work out together, and the spirit of competition will push them to active studies.

If your husband has a license but does not have extreme driving skills, give him a certificate for taking such courses. Here he will receive not only adrenaline, but also a useful skill that can always come in handy.

A subscription to the pool can also be a gift. A professional trainer will teach you how to swim confidently; in addition, exercise in water is good for your joints and, in general, for improving the health of your entire body.

Depending on your preferences, tickets to events are given as gifts:

  • Exhibitions;
  • master classes;
  • concerts;
  • performances.

Some people dream of learning how to cook and are not averse to taking some training courses to achieve this.

Inexpensive gifts

The price of a gift is not the main thing if it is chosen with love and attention to the person. For example, a homemade gift has no price, but it is also priceless - that's the pun. Remember that it is better to buy an inexpensive and necessary thing than an expensive trinket, based on your own preferences.

Gifts of reasonable value include knitted items: a set of hat and scarf; warm sweater with Norwegian patterns. But the price of purchased gifts is not always high:

  • joint portrait printed on canvas;
  • thermos;
  • headphones;
  • bath accessories;
  • bathroom radio;
  • car fragrance;
  • wallet;
  • stylish diary;
  • cool beer mug;
  • slippers;
  • travel neck pillow;
  • alarm;
  • Zippo lighter - all these are gifts at an affordable price.

Hobby-related surprises

What does my husband like to do? free time, the wife usually knows. Even though weekend fishing doesn’t always come in handy, for my husband it’s an outlet that shouldn’t be blocked. It is better to give accessories for your favorite activity:

  • sleeping bag;
  • folding chair;
  • plaid;
  • rubberized fishing suit;
  • thermal underwear;
  • fishing backpack with a set of tackles;
  • mini fridge;
  • camping unbreakable dishes plus a pot;
  • one-person compact tent.

It is possible to book a vacation at a fishing camp in any corner of Russia, or even purchase a fishing tour so that the husband can go fishing somewhere in the Caribbean, perhaps together with his wife.

There are a lot of options offered to purchase as gifts for motorists - these are all kinds of devices and gadgets that work from the cigarette lighter and not only interior items. For example:

  • car coffee maker;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • projector of instrument readings on the windshield;
  • parking sensor installation kit;
  • set of tools;
  • powerful spotlight;
  • car charger for phone;
  • radar detector;
  • subwoofer;
  • speakerphone device;
  • voltage transformer;
  • car headset;
  • fan heater;
  • DVR;
  • dashboard mat;
  • mini washer;
  • Automobile compressor;
  • pillows in the salon;
  • seat covers;
  • electronic rear view mirror;
  • a set of high-quality car cosmetics.

Although the passion for tobacco products is not welcome today, you can give something from this area:

  • smoking pipe;
  • tobacco;
  • hookah;
  • lighter;
  • an electronic cigarette complete with special liquids;
  • an ashtray that purifies the air.

Husband enjoys playing musical instruments? Then you can safely give accessories. For example, for a guitar this is a pick, strings, and tuner. A themed gift would be a candy drum set.

Perhaps the husband is going to change his hobbies in the near future and is interested in winemaking or brewing. There are special kits that will help you master all the subtleties.

More interesting ideas gifts that can be classified as hobbies:

  • mini billiards;
  • mini golf;
  • telescope;
  • video helicopter;
  • camera:
  • waterproof camera case;
  • book;
  • a radio-controlled car or helicopter (a man can be given such a gift at any age).

Original and humorous

Try to cheer up your husband with a humorous gift. In such gifts, it is not the price that is important, but what is given and how the gift is given. Comic design, interesting presentation - everything you need for a good mood:

  1. If your husband wears cufflinks, give him an accessory in the form of a grenade, skulls, with the Superman sign, in the form of a bullet or pistols.
  2. Order a wall clock with a family photo; you can make your own clock from a vinyl record in the shape of a silhouette of your favorite musical artists.
  3. Mafia cards are an accessory for the popular game. With the help of a card, a person is assigned one or another role in the game.
  4. Helicopter: ballpoint pen + knife. An interesting present, which at first glance looks like a helicopter, but is actually a ballpoint pen and a stationery knife. Can be given as a gift to an office worker.
  5. Personalized lighter. This is not very expensive, but a nice gift.
  6. Black tea for a superhero. The tea is actually ordinary, the whole secret is in the design.
  7. Shoe cleaning kit. Suitable for those who don’t leave the house without putting their shoes in order with their own hands.
  8. Gift set for mulled wine. This includes spices, wine, glasses.
  9. A set of jam with tea - such a gift can be purchased, but it is easy to make yourself. It’s enough to take two beautiful jars with lids, fill them with the contents and make a humorous inscription, for example, “Swallow down your problems, wash away your grievances and be happy.”
  10. A beard care set, on the one hand, can be classified as an original gift, on the other hand, it is practical, because it is convenient to use special accessories.

Technical presentations

It is unlikely that the husband will remain indifferent to technical gifts, because this is his element. Give:

  • laptop;
  • smartphone;
  • tablet;
  • USB powered lamp;
  • external battery;
  • external hard drive;
  • usb heater;
  • computer mouse;
  • heated slippers;
  • touch gloves;
  • smart watch on hand;
  • e-book.

For health care

A loving wife always takes care of her husband’s health, and a gift can also be from this category:

  • neck massager - will relieve fatigue after a hard day;
  • massage slippers - will relax strained leg muscles and have an impact on acupuncture points;
  • a set of honey is a healthy and tasty surprise (if you are not allergic to bee products);
  • sports trainer - will help you get your body in shape at home.

Image is everything

Image is also not the last thing for a man. Stylish things and accessories are sometimes expensive, but they help you feel confident and fashionable. The list includes:

  • classic watches;
  • purse;
  • business card holder;
  • travel toiletry case;
  • tie;
  • purse;
  • tattoo (also an element of image in certain circles).

Living gift

Don't forget that a gift can be not only an inanimate object, but also a pet. If your husband has long dreamed of having a dog, a cat or, finally, aquarium fish, the New Year is the time to realize what he wants.

DIY gifts for husband

It is not true that it is difficult to choose a gift for your husband. If you don’t want to buy anything at all, so as not to be considered banal, you can do something yourself. Handmade gifts will always be valued a little more than purchased ones, because they are made with love and thoughts about the person.

Leather Case

Your husband will surely be delighted with a real men's leather phone case. It’s not a shame to go out in public with this and it’s a pleasure to hold in your hands. It is massive, comfortable, has a lock and a valve for closing, and is attached to a belt.

This case looks truly masculine.

It closes with a zipper and Velcro.

To sew a cover, you first need to make a template from two sheets of paper. Sheets of paper are folded together and stapled along both sides to create the appearance of a pocket.

They put the phone in this makeshift pocket and mark with a pencil where it ends, making a small indent.

The excess is cut off with scissors. Secure the paper cover to the end with a stapler. They put the phone inside, mark where its body ends and cut off the excess. The front of the case should end almost at the level of the phone.

The paper clips are removed.

They take a piece of leather and apply a template to it.

Transfer two short parts and two long ones to the skin.

They cut it out.

Then take rubber glue. They go through the wrong side of one of the blanks. The glue must be spread with a knife over the entire surface. Then glue the second part on top. Do the same with the second part.

They also make a strap to wear on your belt. Cut out two strips of 3x9 cm. Coat them with glue and put the duplicate part on top.

The workpieces must be placed under load. You can put several heavy books on top.

You can put it under the boards and compress it with clamps.

The result will be dense double-sided parts.

Using an awl, punch holes in the blanks for the ruler in increments of 1 cm and a distance of 3 mm from the edge.

On a large leather blank, draw a center line along the center line, apply a strap and make through holes through the already made ones.

The thread is threaded back and forth. They make a knot and singe the tip - it will melt. Now this “petal” is bent down.

Again, mark the holes with an awl and stitch them crosswise with nylon thread.

Then they take a small blank (the second part of the cover), step back 3 mm from the edge and make holes in 1 cm increments.

Apply one part of the zipper. Sew using a running stitch, then go back through the same holes - you get a continuous seam.

Now sew the zipper to the long piece.

Check to see if the phone fits in the case.

The next step is to sew on the Velcro. The flap can be trimmed to shape. Cut off the excess part of the zipper.

Take piping for bags (you can do without it). Punch holes again with an awl, stitch the edges with a running stitch and go back.

Hard drive sharpening

This gift can be considered humorous. But if you have an old hard drive lying around, why not experiment. Your husband will be very surprised if he receives an old model internal hard drive as a gift, which actually turns out to be a useful tool.

To begin, unscrew 7 screws: 6 at the edges and one in the middle, which is hidden under the sticker.

Remove the cover and unscrew the top neodymium magnet.

These magnets are very powerful.

To remove the second neodymium magnet, you can unscrew two screws and remove it along with the holder.

Or first unscrew the block of magnetic heads and pry it off with a screwdriver.

Remove the second magnet.

To make sandpaper out of old hard drive, you need to transfer the dimensions from the magnetic disk to sandpaper.

It is better to use fine-grain paper so as not to overload the engine.

The outer diameter is cut with scissors, the inner diameter with a stationery knife.

You need to glue the sandpaper to the disk using double-sided tape; thanks to this, the old paper can be easily replaced with new one.

Connect the device to the connector from the computer power supply. This type of sandpaper can be used to sharpen small metal objects, as well as pencils.

Headrest pillow

The husband often travels by car or on business trips, or, finally, just likes to travel, then he definitely needs a pillow for his neck. It will relax your neck on a long journey and help you sleep comfortably.

Fold a sheet of paper in half, fold with right side. Lay a segment of 16 cm from the fold to the left, along the bottom, and up - 23.5 cm. Along the fold, lay 14.5 cm upward from the bottom line, then 9 cm from this point. A perpendicular segment 6.5 cm long is drawn from the fold. Through This point is marked with a segment parallel to the fold. From the point of intersection with the bottom line, set aside 2 cm. On a segment parallel to the fold, 23.5 cm long, set aside 8.5 cm on top, 5.5 cm on the bottom. Connect all the points and cut out the pattern.

Transfer the pattern onto the fabric, making allowances and securing with needles. Cut out patterns. They make two parts.

They chop off face to face.

Sew along the contour, leaving a hole for stuffing.

As a filler, you can use padding polyester, which is previously torn into pieces. The hole is sewn up.

Sweet beer mug

Does your husband love sweets? Then you can combine sweets and traditionally masculine things - sweets and beer or beer and sweets - as you like. From the beer in this gift appearance, but nothing more is required.

To make a beer mug from candies you will need: a piece of foam plastic 10×10×10 cm, 3 bushings, crepe paper gold color, rope with a diameter of 1 cm, padding polyester 13x13 cm, hot glue, scissors, stationery knife, small chocolates - 18 pieces. A mug blank is cut out of foam plastic. To determine the size of the workpiece, you need to take a regular glass, trace it on polystyrene foam and cut it out with a stationery knife.

To level out unevenness, use a bushing from toilet paper. You will need two bushings, unroll them and wrap them around foam.

Then a rectangle is cut out of the crumpled paper with allowances of 3-4 cm.

Wrap the workpiece in it.

Secure the edges with glue.

A circle is cut out of the same paper and glued on top.

Then 2 strips 1.5-2 cm wide are cut out of the sleeve.

Glue them together, bend the ends into different sides. Wrap in crepe paper.

The handle is glued to the base with hot glue, and then the mug is covered with chocolates using the same hot glue. The handle is then wrapped with rope, securing it while wrapping it with hot glue.

Tape is glued along the edge of the glass at the top and bottom. Take a piece of padding polyester. It should be 3-4 cm larger than the mug; apply hot melt glue to the top of the mug and glue padding polyester in the form of foam.

Beer mug painting

If you want to give an original beer mug, you don’t have to buy existing copies in the store, but paint an ordinary glass mug without a design yourself. This can be done using the dot technique.

The circles should be prepared for coloring.

You need to degrease them with nail polish remover.

Draw a fish on paper and put it inside the glass.

Using contours on the glass, dots mark the outline.

Then the scales are drawn.

Draw stripes on the fins.

The blue outline duplicates the scales. The white outline is the head.

Draw stripes on the upper fin. Duplicate the outline of the fin in white.

The fish's head is painted over blue.

Large dots are drawn with a golden outline in the center of each scale.

Draw stripes and waves with a golden outline on the tail.

Waves are painted with gold.

They are duplicated in blue. White dots are added to the waves.

Blue represents wavy algae.

Large white dots are also added to the bottom.

Cake for husband

Sweets are not brutal gifts, but many men are not indifferent to them. Anything is possible on this holiday; pamper your loved one with an exquisite cake in the shape of a car wheel. This look is achieved by using marshmallow paste.

You need to bake two cakes. Cake recipe: 4 eggs, 300 g flour, 200 g sugar, milk - 200 ml and 200 ml sunflower oil, a bag of baking powder and vanilla sugar.

Add vanilla sugar and regular sugar to the eggs, beat until well foamed.

Sunflower oil and milk are poured into the mixture while stirring at low speed. Then sift the flour there. At this time, begin to preheat the oven to 170 degrees.

The form is covered with paper, the sides are not lubricated with anything. Pour the dough and place in the oven for 40 minutes.

Leave to cool directly in the mold.

Remove the lids from the cakes and cut each cake in half.

From milk chocolate and walnuts you need to prepare ganage = 200 g of cream + 400 g of dark chocolate. On top of the cake, soak the cake with condensed milk diluted with water.

Lubricate with ganage.

Sprinkle with walnuts.

Cover the top with the second cake layer, soak again, coat, assemble successively to the top, coat the entire cake, including the sides. Level the entire cake with ganage and put it in the refrigerator.

Using a knife, cut out the middle at an angle, making a recess, like a wheel.

The cake is leveled again with ganage. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Mastic recipe: marshmallow candies: 330 g of candy, coconut fat or butter - 40 g, lemon juice- 1 tbsp, 400 g powdered sugar.

Pour marshmallows into a bowl and add coconut fat.

Pour in lemon juice.

Place in the microwave at minimum power and leave to heat until the candies rise up like a head.

Powdered sugar is added to this mass, be sure to sift it and mix it. Mix the mastic.

When it thickens, transfer it to a table sprinkled with powdered sugar, knead on the table. Place in a bag and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Before cooking, remove it from the refrigerator so that it is room temperature. The mastic is then painted with gel dyes.

Roll out the mastic on a surface sprinkled with starch.

Cover the cake, a little looser, so that you can make a recess. Cut off the excess and transfer the cake to a substrate, simultaneously folding the edges of the mastic under the bottom.

A layer is rolled out from gray mastic. Use a glass to mark the circle on the cake where the emblem will be located. Cut the gray mastic into strips and lay them out from the center to the edge.

Cut out the emblem from gray mastic.

Place a glass in the center of the cake, roll out a thin rope of gray mastic and lay it around the glass.

Post the emblem.

More tapes of gray mastic are glued around the wheel.

Make a protector using half of the cookie star shape by lightly pressing it onto the ends of the cake.

The edges are worked in the same way.

Pour a small amount of paint into a plate and dilute with vodka. Cover the cake with paint - gray parts.

Chocolate portrait

And one more sweet recipe. If, for example, you don’t want to put mastic on top of the cake, you can draw a portrait of your husband with chocolate and transfer it to the cake. It's much easier than it seems.

You will need a portrait in black and white format, printed on a sheet of paper of the required size, and black and white chocolate.

The portrait needs to be fixed on some plane, for example a book. Glue it with tape.

Cover the portrait with cling film.

The chocolate is melted in a steam bath and they begin to draw. Take a syringe and put some white chocolate into it. The light parts are filled with white chocolate.

The dark parts are filled with dark chocolate.

The chocolate is allowed to cool. Place in the refrigerator.

The portrait is ready.

Video: notebook cover from scratch

Video: how to make a block for a notepad

A gift chosen from this extensive list will help you choose a gift for your husband of any age. All that remains is to decide.

Men remain children at any age, waiting for the New Year, and most importantly, surprises under the Christmas tree, so you have to think about what to give your husband for the New Year. It’s not an easy matter, because you need to please your loved one, buy the right thing, and also fit into the family budget without much damage, without forgetting.

But the matter is quite doable if you think carefully, analyze everything, read the lists and tips given below. You will definitely find some useful tips in this article!

If your budget is limited, then take a closer look at unusual and original gifts. Be sure to package it nicely. And it’s even better if it’s an original presentation. This will definitely not be forgotten.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to choose a gift for your beloved husband, and 2020 will most likely be no exception. Over time, good thoughts on this issue tend to end, and new ones do not appear. Below are various gift ideas, categorized by category, that we hope will give you the right idea.

Status gifts for husband

A successful, businesslike, serious, beloved husband should not receive trinkets. And the sacred duty of a wife is to be proud of her husband, helping him to open up even more and reach new heights. Good, high-status gifts that highlight your husband’s style will help with this:

  • stationery from well-known companies, for example, an expensive pen for signing papers, contracts, paperweights, a desk set
  • expensive cufflinks, even with name engraving
  • stylish things (ties, scarves, wallets, briefcases, business card holders)
  • a diary with an engraved dedicatory inscription that will help you plan a hectic work day minute by minute
  • leather case for tablet, laptop
  • branded watches
  • stylish car covers
  • silver keychain for car.

Useful gifts for your beloved husband

Most men are great pragmatists, preferring gifts that will really come in handy. They are not interested in cute, funny souvenirs, postcards, reminder gifts, but useful things in everyday life are worth their weight in gold. Think about what your loved one needs, what your spouse is interested in, and choose a gift.


  • tools for minor repairs in the house, car, bicycle, men will especially appreciate the huge set with a convenient organizer box
  • a car refrigerator that will keep drinks cool even in incredible heat
  • car navigator
  • phone, tablet
  • power bank
  • good things, especially if your spouse definitely needs new jeans, a different sweater, and you are familiar with his sizes and tastes
  • razor, trimmer to maintain the beauty of your loved one
  • portable acoustics
  • an office worker will need a laptop stand, a hammock under his feet, a flash drive, pens, a thermal mug
  • organizer for things in the trunk, garage
  • suitcase for people who often travel on business trips
  • a professional driver will appreciate the convenience of a car shower, a device that prevents you from falling asleep
  • A busy, athletic person would benefit from a smart bracelet that allows them to assess their heart condition, fatigue, and health indicators;

Hobby Gifts

It’s worth thinking about what your spouse’s hobbies are. Even if the hobby is frankly stupid, you can do something nice for your loved one for the New Year by following these whims.

List of gifts:

  • for an avid collector to find a truly rare item or an organizer for storing them (a stamp book, a beautiful box)
  • a lover of good cigars can get a new luxury box, lighter, ashtray
  • for the fisherman - a set of hooks, a jig, a spoon, a folding chair, a thermos, an echo sounder, an electronic canter for weighing the catch
  • for a business man - a set of tools, modern gadgets for repairs
  • suitable for a metrosexual good set men's cosmetics, subscription to beauty treatments
  • an athlete will need a gadget that tracks pulse, blood pressure, running speed, route length, calories used, as well as dumbbells, gym clothes, and a membership to classes
  • an experienced motorist will appreciate a navigator, a hand-held vacuum cleaner, rear view cameras, a search key fob, covers, a back massager, a car kettle, a refrigerator, an FM modulator for an old radio, a compressor for inflating wheels and other little things for his favorite car
  • the gamer will be delighted with the special keyboard, mouse, joysticks, headphones, and other attributes, because due to the huge constant load these devices quickly fail
  • a spouse who often works at a computer will need a laptop stand, a cup warmer, desk lamp, good mouse
  • a skilled cook can be presented with a book by your favorite chef, unusual kitchen utensils, or an apron with a funny design or a funny inscription
  • A bathhouse lover will immediately try out a set of a hat, a broom, a mug with funny themed inscriptions, a subscription to his favorite bathhouse or sauna, a set of aromatic oils
  • An MP3 player will suit the music lover, you can even find a waterproof version for taking a bath
  • a hunter will need a good knife, binoculars, a backpack, and other camping items, but here it is important to choose a really high-quality and necessary thing
  • lovers of outdoor recreation will not refuse a folding grill, barbecue, sun loungers, tents, camp stove, and other attributes of tourist romance

What to give your husband an unusual gift for the New Year?

Tired of standard gifts? We turn on our imagination, looking for unusual gift options.

For example:

  • a flying alarm clock, which can only be turned off by running after it across the room; after such a warm-up, even an avid sleepyhead will no longer go back to bed
  • a funny medal, statuette, award “for courage”, or with other inscriptions testifying to your love for him
  • family portrait painted by an artist or created using a computer program
  • personalized robe
  • You can give your workaholic husband pajamas with a photo of a sloth, let him take an example from this smart animal, resting at least a little
  • funny pillow for car
  • travel sharing map
  • No matter how old a man is, he remains a child at heart, rejoicing like a child in a helicopter, yacht, or radio-controlled car, so why not make this dream come true?

An original gift for my husband for the New Year

The most original gifts are impression gifts, which are actively gaining popularity. Now there are even special services and companies that organize such events on a turnkey basis. There are also options for do-it-yourself “cooking.”

Some good ideas:

  • attending a concert together, sporting event, theater, cinema, New Year's ball, performance (the main thing is that the husband is also interested in it)
  • master class, a lesson in something new (karting, horse riding, skydiving, extreme driving, modeling)
  • completing an exciting quest
  • joint visit to spa treatments, saunas
  • a romantic dinner for two (especially important for couples with a long history of marriage and children - they rarely manage to be alone without being distracted by anything)
  • trip, it can be an inexpensive, short excursion around hometown, district, weekend at a country base or a trip to a ski resort, best cities planets, foreign beaches.

DIY gift for husband for New Year

But what can you give your husband for the New Year if, at first glance, he has absolutely everything? Presents are suitable here. Believe me, a well-made item that your spouse spent her personal time on will be appreciated no worse than the latest model phone.

This list includes:

  • personal sofa cushion
  • a knitted cover for a cup so that your favorite drink cools down more slowly
  • a family photo bordered with a homemade frame; glued bolts, coffee beans, and coins will give it a masculine look
  • From pebbles brought from vacation, you can make a massage mat for your feet by gluing the pebbles onto a thick base.

Inexpensive doesn't mean bad

If the family budget is limited or the wife is temporarily unemployed, buying an expensive item will look, to say the least, strange. But this is not a reason to be upset by canceling the holiday. I offer a list of gifts that are inexpensive, but will bring joy to a man:

  • board game to spend evenings together
  • necessary computer gadgets - USB hub, lamp, keyboard for a tablet, vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard
  • headphones, phone headset
  • stand for phone, tablet for convenient video viewing, network serving
  • men also love sweets, rejoicing beautiful box sweets, cookies, even homemade original baked goods
  • you can organize a romantic home dinner with various delicacies, it will definitely be cheaper than in a restaurant, but will be remembered for a long time.

By the way, if you decorate a modest gift in an original way or play up its presentation, make it bright and memorable, then such a congratulation will be in no way inferior to the most expensive gift itself.

What to give your husband for New Year? It's up to you to decide, taking into account your desires, hobbies, the character of your spouse, and your own financial capabilities. And giving gifts is also very important; a smile, a kiss, a gentle hug will make the giving process even more beautiful. If you want to be original, you can think of a real quest to find a gift in the apartment, this will make the holiday even more fun and unusual. Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming year, see you again on this blog!

Anna Lyubimova

The tradition of giving gifts for the New Year is a great way to once again express your feelings and love, as well as focus on the value of relationships.

First of all, we note that 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. He characterized by activity, practicality, warmth and kindness. Therefore, the gift should to some extent reflect these symbolic features of the coming year. But, of course, we should not forget about the individuality, occupation and nature of the spouse. After all, for example, a serious businessman is unlikely to be particularly happy with a youth baseball cap, or a stay-at-home husband with camping gear.

Ideas for original gifts for your husband for the New Year

Banal gifts in the form of shaving foam or a warm scarf are, of course, necessary things, but mostly ordinary. What unusual gift can you give to your beloved husband?

Every man is a little bit of a child at heart. Therefore, the board game will be a pleasant surprise for him. A variety of card, logical and dynamic games board games will allow you to choose the one that best suits the nature of the faithful.

A good gift for a man would be any practical item related to his type of activity and lifestyle. And if the husband has a hobby, then the issue is generally resolved easily. You can give a folding multifunctional knife, a set of tools, a diary, a travel bag, or a powerful flashlight. A mug, glass or flask with a personal engraving or design would be a universal, interesting gift.

If a lady wants to make a New Year's present ex-husband, it could be her gorgeous signature cake, a household appliance that she doesn't have ex-spouse or, for example, a set of elite teas. For a heavy smoker you can give a pipe, a cigarette case, a creative portable lighter, for the motorist: a GPS navigator or a “talking hamster”. But you should not give items of an intimate nature, for example, a set of underwear.

For energetic and athletic individuals, the best gift is hobbies equipment. For example, a tennis player will be delighted with a new pair of rackets, and a football player will be delighted with the ball. A man who is keen on tourism and loves holidays outside the city will appreciate a sleeping bag, a camping tent, a stove, Charger from solar batteries or lunch box. A hunter husband will need a good camouflage suit, binoculars or a multi-tool containing a set of tools to keep his weapon in order. A grill set, a good-quality mattress, a set of thermal underwear or a flint are things that will never become superfluous, for example, for a fisherman.

But if your husband, during a romantic date, captivated a lady with serenades accompanied by a guitar, and now the instrument is broken, a new guitar will be an excellent gift

Unusual gifts

And if you want to give a completely extraordinary gift? Then you need to use your imagination and sense of humor. The list of the coolest gifts can include a personal safe, for example, with the inscription “stash”, a costume or mask of a fantasy character, a gaming steering wheel, prefabricated model constructors of cars, planes or ships. A children's gift in the form of a radio-controlled car or a shooting pistol can be received with extraordinary delight. You can also give jokes of an intimate nature, but such a gift is not entirely appropriate if we are still talking about the future husband.

A bouquet of sweets as a gift for my husband for the New Year

Almost all men without exception have a sweet tooth, although they try not to show it. A sweet gift will be a real holiday for them. It can be an original candy bouquet or chocolate cast in unusual shape, for example, a car or a weapon.

And if you want to give a truly creative gift, then give it to your husband emotional and impressive tour for an extreme event: karting, flying in a wind tunnel, scuba diving, paintball, riding in a real combat vehicle. If the beloved prefers a calm atmosphere, a certificate for a full range of procedures in a barbershop would be an excellent gift. Gym or tickets to a concert of his favorite band. But you should not give a membership to a fitness club if your spouse has problems with excess weight.

It would be quite unusual to give your husband a piece of jewelry! I don’t mean to finally persuade him to pierce his ear and wear an earring; or a signet, like a tough gangster... You can give your man purely masculine “things” like cufflinks, a tie clip or money that will help him look his best.

What inexpensive gift can you give your husband?

If the family budget is strictly calculated, then as a gift you can give, for example, a beard and mustache comb (if the husband wears them, of course), headphones, a battery, glamorous glasses. A practical gift would be a shower set, bath towel, bathrobe or slippers with light. Or you can even give a star named after him.

DIY gifts for my husband for the New Year

Handmade gifts have special value. This is not only labor-intensive work, but soul and love are put into them. A man will appreciate not an expensive gift from a store, but the sincerity of the feelings of his beloved, who tried only for him. What to give your husband for the New Year, made with your own hands?

Of course, if you know how to knit, there is a lot of space here. Decoupagers can also please your husband with creatively designed coasters under cups, photo frames, organizers, updated countertops and chests of drawers.

But not all young ladies are skilled hand-made craftswomen. There are options when original gift can be made from the simplest materials. The main thing is imagination and a little patience. Here are some ideas for a homemade New Year's gift.

A lunch bag is a simple but necessary attribute that can be sewn very quickly, for example, from old jeans. If my husband takes his lunch with him, he won't need any more bags.

Case for a laptop or tablet, made of waterproof thick fabric, will also be an excellent practical gift, since men usually forget about such attributes for their mobile equipment.

Give him a money tree! In order to make such a craft, you need to use any round object. It needs to be covered with film (or covered with fabric) and coins hung or glued. The tree needs to be supported on a stand and paint it gold. This will become a talisman for the husband, bringing good luck and prosperity.

A practical gift is an organizer for various small items. It can be made from packaging boxes from various purchases, covering them with self-adhesive tape and decorating them, for example, with coins, drawings of cars, or thematic pictures taking into account the interests and hobbies of the husband.

An interesting gift would be a notepad on a hard base with sheets of paper glued to it for notes. And you can take, for example, old disks or floppy disks as a basis and fasten them into a block with tape.

In addition to tangible material gifts, you can give your husband impressions. For example, participation in an action quest, riding a real armored personnel carrier, shooting from military weapons, or a subscription to record your own single.


Whatever is given to men, the gift must be sincere and presented with love. Always give a gift in person, in private and with a smile. And if you have the opportunity and imagination, come up with your own creative way to present it effectively. After all, the New Year is a holiday of magic, miracles and new hopes.

December 26, 2017, 02:57

Friendly family relationships- this is the dream of many women, but it would be wrong to expect generosity and attention from your beloved spouse without reciprocal actions on your part. Most often, mutual understanding and family comfort directly depend on women’s attitude towards family holidays, on the desire to create a cheerful and friendly atmosphere for their husband and children. Therefore, it is especially important for a woman to choose the right gift for her husband, especially if these are New Year’s surprises that set the mood for the entire coming year. A gift to a man should give him joy, and in no case indicate flaws in behavior or character, because every person should still have a chance to magically change their life for the better on New Year's Eve.

In this article we will talk about what to give your husband for New Year 2017, we will tell you what gift to choose, where to buy it or make it yourself.


Several years ago, various gadgets and computer equipment quickly burst into first place in the top gifts and are maintaining their positions, because most of The male population spends part of their working or personal time in the depths of the Internet space. Special headphones, a small lamp for illumination, a USB warmer for a cup, a vacuum cleaner to clean the keyboard from dust - these are exactly those pleasant souvenirs that will be useful to any intelligent man. If you want to think about more serious acquisitions, then you need to take into account that in our time the IT sector is developing so rapidly that finding a gift with the latest necessary functions is quite easy, but at the same time quite expensive, and women are not always well versed in computer technology , vital for the spouse.

Fashionable wardrobe

If you need to surprise your loved one without spending a fortune, you can create a New Year's gift with your own hands. If the housewife knows how to knit, then this skill will help to make a warm scarf or a more complex knitted sweater with an original ornate pattern (look at fashion magazines to knit a really fashionable thing). Your husband can safely wear this warm creation on long winter walks or take it with him to a mountain resort.

Gifts with personality

Another idea is to sew an original bow tie and decorate it with personalized letters purchased from a hardware store. Other individual gifts are also in fashion, such as flash drives and writing instruments with engravings, hats, T-shirts and sweatshirts with interesting joint photographs and inscriptions. Such gifts are so exclusive that they will become something to brag about to your friends. If you order such T-shirts for the whole family, then a joint shopping trip will become a fun family holiday.

Habits and hobbies

If your husband is a music lover, then you can give good acoustics to your car, after consulting with those who understand this, for example, your husband’s friends, or just powerful speakers. Such a gift will delight anyone who understands this, but the surprise will cost a lot, and it will take up a lot of space; think about where you will store the gift. However, you can also choose miniature objects, for example, a finger drum set.

If your loved one loves retro music, then give him a vinyl record player - something original and fresh.

Note! Start from your spouse's habits and hobbies.

Give coffee lovers a coffee maker or coffee machine in the morning, and at the same time treat yourself to perfectly prepared coffee. In addition, you can purchase a brutal mug with a brass knuckle handle.

Motorists will be sincerely glad to have a new navigator or video recorder.


If such skills as knitting and sewing are not observed, it is possible to create many interesting little things with your own hands that do not require special skill. All you need to do is purchase the required amount of consumables and finally decide on the idea.

Following the instructions of qualified craftswomen, any housewife without special effort will be able to create a beautiful photo frame, decorating it with shiny coins or screws, which will undoubtedly surprise your spouse.

Leather Products

Quite a practical gift would be products from leather goods stores: belts, insulated gloves, a wallet, a case for a tablet or a laptop briefcase, selected by color and, of course, by size, will serve the health and image of the husband for several years. A beautiful organizer for the trunk or glove compartment will please a person who spends a lot of time on the road.

Rooster for good luck

IN Lately fashionable interior designers and feng shui experts direct many of their recommendations to ensure that the gifts and souvenirs that women generously give to their husbands are presented, so to speak, “correctly,” with the meaning invested in the gift and carry only pleasant emotions, and not resentment and misunderstanding. To ensure that the gift given to your spouse matches the energy of the year, you can turn your attention to the symbolism that is fashionable today eastern calendar. As you know, the coming 2017, according to ancient almanacs, will be the year of the Fire Rooster. This sign, in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, symbolizes the accumulation of financial wealth, attracts good luck to the recipient’s apartment and carries exclusively positive energy.

A beautiful figurine in the form of a Rooster figurine is the embodiment of masculinity, his muscular chest is a symbol of support for weaker brothers, a bright crest is good luck, luxurious plumage is wealth and success. Such an image of a poultry, purchased in a store of esoteric gizmos, will protect shared housing from negative energies and fires. An important aspect remains the material from which the amulet should be made and its location on the pedestal. A rooster made of thick painted porcelain, mahogany, copper or bronze must necessarily “climb” a hill of coins, just then it will bring great success to the owner in his professional career and mark new beginnings.

Note! To present a gift, you certainly need to decorate it beautifully in festive packaging and attach a lush bow - this way any gift will look solemn and appropriate for the 2017 New Year's celebration.

And a little more creativity

If you are interested in more ideas, here is a list of what else you can give:

  • camera;
  • binoculars;
  • camping supplies;
  • poker set, backgammon or any other traditionally masculine games;
  • all kinds of fishing gear;
  • watches from a vinyl record, they are made independently from unnecessary(!) copies or you can buy ready-made ones;
  • sports equipment (weights), with a self-drawn image of a New Year theme. You can even buy a weight in the shape of a terminator head or something else brutal, the main thing is to find where to buy it;
  • expensive wrist watch with leather strap;
  • a themed set of USB flash drives and a hub;
  • friendly cartoon in a frame.

Yes, you can come up with a lot more if you purposefully sit down and think. We hope that the presentation and unpacking of souvenirs will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to both the gifted husband and you, because it is precisely such moments that unite the family on these frosty holidays.


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