What does the victory parade symbolize? The victory parade is now a demonstration of Nazi symbols. Army General Makhmud Gareev

Where are you wandering, Nadezhda?

All the high pathos of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 mass media New Russia democratic choice focused on the issue of legal continuity of the results of victory by the liberal authorities of the Russian Federation and the inadmissibility of falsifying the history of the Second World War.

If we talk about the symbols of the victory of the USSR, then they are:

Red Banner of Victory with a five-pointed star, hammer and sickle, as symbols of Soviet power of workers and peasants.

Lenin's Mausoleum at the foot of the granite tribune where the banners of the defeated Third Reich of the German nation were thrown.

Black and gold “St. George” ribbon from the medal “For Victory over Germany” (with Stalin’s profile) and soldiers’ Orders of Glory.

Throughout the entire period of preparation for the anniversary, heavenly politicians said that the falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War in symbols would be: A) the removal of the Red Banner of Victory behind the new state flag - the “Russian tricolor” (under which traitors to the motherland fought on the side of Germany against the USSR in the form of a transition to side of the enemy: Russian Liberation Army of Vlasov). As has been the case at all victory parades in recent years.

B) “Cardboard props” of covering the Lenin Mausoleum with shields and installing a temporary platform with seats for “spectators” in front of the hidden firmament of the granite Mausoleum.

B) The design of Red Square is predominantly Blue colour liberalism (similar to the colors of the flag of the European Union and NATO).

What could be seen in the symbolism in which the solemn march of troops on 05/09/15 at the turn of the era was inscribed?

1. The organizers heard the rationale for the need to carry the red Victory Banner in front of the “tricolor”. However, we moved on. Gradually, without comment, the first Banner under which the ceremonial march of the troops took place turned out to be the banner of the Suvorov Military School for Young Drummers - a white cloth with an orange oblique (St. Andrew's) cross. That is, a symbol from the period of Tsarist Rus'. It is also noteworthy that Defense Minister Shoigu, who was hosting the parade, left the Kremlin’s Spassky Gate and made the sign of the cross under the gate icon.

2. The organizers did not hear arguments about the need to remove the “cardboard props” from the Lenin Mausoleum. However, not only the sacred symbol of Soviet power was covered with shields, but also the Synodal Kazan Cathedral, a church on earth triumphant, located in the northern corner of Red Square, was also covered with shields under the very dome. Thus, the whole meaning of the parade gradually became the focus of St. Basil's Cathedral, built by order of the first Tsar of Holy Rus', Ivan the Terrible Rurikovich in 1555-1561. and symbolizing the entrance of souls to Heaven - to Heavenly Jerusalem (to eternity).

3. The decoration of Red Square in the blue color of liberalism for the first time affected not only the seats of the temporary platform, but also the fence that was built for the first time (apparently as engineering protection from snipers) to the full height of the windows of all floors of the State Department Store building, which is on the opposite side of the Red Square from the Mausoleum area. In the symbolism of victory, as before, there was no folk medal - the most popular medal of the Second World War: “For victory over Germany.”

It was gratifying to see that, following the example of President Putin, V.V. When the troops passed in a solemn march, all persons present on the platform, now, unlike in previous years, greeted the parade not sitting, but in a standing position.

It is noteworthy that the solemn march of troops traditionally goes along Red Square from northwest to southeast to St. Basil's Cathedral and after Vasilyevsky Descent behind the Moskvoretsky Bridge, the vector of its movement goes to Bolshaya Ordynka Street - that is, it goes towards the headquarters of the Golden Horde. So back in the 16th century, Ivan the Terrible laid down sacred meaning acquisition of the Holy Spirit in Russian expansion to the East. And since the main guest at the anniversary was the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, who on 05/08/15 in the Kremlin met with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill, it should be noted that the parade of troops in Beijing goes past the podium at the gates of the Tiananmen Imperial Palace from east to west. Which since the Ming Dynasty symbolizes Chinese expansion in Central Asia. That is, at the level of symbols, Russia and China are moving towards each other in the historical process.

According to diplomatic protocol (to the left of Putin), the second guest at the anniversary was the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev.

So, gradually, the organizers of the celebrations at the level of symbols put together a combination of three forces: China – Russia – Kazakhstan. Where Kazakhstan, to its benefit, acts as a place of convergence of interests of the Economic Belt of the New Silk Road and the space of the Eurasian Economic Union.

This is where the hope is hidden for preserving the historical truth of the results of the Second World War, although there was and still is no faith in the sincerity of the partnership between liberalism in Russia and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Performed by Andrey Devyatov (c)

upd from Devyatov.
My friends!
The transformation of Rus', which the heavenly politicians have been talking about for so long, has BEGAN! And it began not so much at the parade as when he entered Red Square " Immortal Regiment" It began with the communion of descendants in the feat of their grandfathers and the Glory of the Fatherland. This is how the “strengthening of ritual” necessary for the collective unconscious miraculously took place.
The Transformation takes place according to Lenin’s formula: “The outcome of the struggle is ultimately determined by the fact that Russia, India and China constitute the vast majority of the population... (this is from the political testament: “Better less, but better”). That is: the invisible planners behind the scenes are the “Bolshevik-Leninists” of our days.

It is not only a demonstration of the strength of our army, but also a symbolic sacred ritual-action in the images and meanings of the Orthodox tradition of our people. For a better understanding, let us consider what happened in the context of historical and religious associations, meanings and symbols. The main part of the mystery of the celebration of May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War - takes place on Red Square, which includes the Intercession Cathedral, Spasskaya Tower and Lobnoye Mesto - the central scene of Russian history - the “silent country”.

Red Square is the sacred sanctuary of our people, which has seen both victories and defeats in its lifetime. Until 1917, numerous religious processions flowed to or from the Kremlin through the praying Red Square. IN Soviet period The parades of 1941 and 1945 became great national symbolic actions, mysteries. The dominant features of Red Square are the Intercession Cathedral with the monument to Minin and Pozharsky and the Spasskaya Tower with the gate icon of the Savior. It was to them from the Arsenalnaya, then the Nikolskaya Tower and the Historical Museum that the movement of columns was directed during the parade (the salting around the Kremlin as the embodiment of the Heavenly City, which corresponds to pre-Nikon regulations).

If Red Square symbolizes the capital and national temple of the Spirit of the Russian people, then the Intercession Cathedral is the altar of this temple. The Intercession Cathedral was built in 1555-1560. by the first Russian Tsar John in fulfillment of a vow made during the siege of Kazan by Moscow troops. The temple is marked with the deepest semantic analogies of religious and state symbols. During the design and construction of the overall composition of the extraordinary forms of the temple, the ideologist of the Russian centralized state, Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow, was in charge, who was well aware that in the conditions of a hostile environment and the vastness of our spaces, only the Russian Cross - a clear, disciplined vertical of central power - and as a crossbar - the memory of our ancestors could preserve the state , conciliarity, language, culture, national spiritual ideals. Heading from the Arsenal Tower to the Intercession Cathedral, the parade participants symbolically march to the communion of the Spirit of the long-awaited Russian Victory of our days.

The seven chapels of the cathedral in the context of this legend symbolize the seven city cathedrals of the reigning city, united together, the seven pillars ecumenical councils, corresponding to the seven days of creation, seven thousand years of the existence of the world and seven kingdoms in the context of Christian and Old Testament imagery. Three thrones are located in one line from east to west: the eastern one - in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, the middle one - in honor of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, western - in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. These aisles are assigned the main semantic significance of the entire architectural composition. During the capture of Kazan, our ancestors formed the opinion that the Mother of God showed obvious patronage of the Russian troops. Therefore, Pokrovsky became the central chapel.

To give due honor to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, it was given the first, honorable place in the east, and therefore the entire temple complex for a long time was called the Trinity Cathedral - “a nationwide miracle.” During the construction process, to give the base of the temple a traditional symbolic configuration, another chapel was added. If the cathedral is considered as a single whole, then the Trinity See can be imagined as the altar of the entire cathedral complex of different churches on a single foundation. The tent of the Intercession Church unites the entire group of side churches into a single whole, forming a cathedral of intercessor saints for the Russian people and their state.

The plurality of names emphasizes the idea of ​​unity of all Russian people in the Holy Life-Giving Trinity to overcome the tragic discord of this world. The harmony of the inflorescences of the domes of the Intercession-Trinity Cathedral clearly illustrates the idea of ​​Russian conciliarity acquired over centuries: community, artelism, military brotherhood, life when “one for all and all for one”... The entire cathedral energetically reaches into the sky. The relatively small dome of the Church of the Intercession soars, carrying with it the rest of the domes and the entire volume of the cathedral. During its construction Moscow State only recently turned from a grand duchy into a kingdom, therefore the establishment of images and symbols of the royalty of Rus' is one of the achievements of the creators of the cathedral.

The tent-roofed crowning of the temple plays a special role here. The entire cathedral in general external features resembles the shape of the sacred royal seat of the viceroy of God on earth, installed in the Assumption Cathedral in 1551. The crowning of the tent of the Intercession Cathedral with an onion dome on a drum symbolizes the descent from the tent into the space of the temple of the Holy Spirit. In the context of religious ideas of the 16th century, the creators of the cathedral additionally conveyed to the entire sanctuary a figurative comparability with Golgotha, which, according to the ideas of that time, was located in the center of the Earth and possessed enormous beneficial energy power. Figuratively speaking, the Intercession Cathedral accumulates bright, creative cosmic energies and transmits, communicates, broadcasts them to the parade participants. We live not only in space, but also in time, where there is the concept of timeliness, the idea of ​​the “eternal now,” memories of the past and preparation for the future, the future. In the context of the time, a temple was erected to the east of the Kremlin on the huge Red Square, a symbol of the future salvation expected after the Transfiguration of Russia, a symbol of the coming eternal kingdom.

The nearby Spassky Gate was especially revered in Moscow. According to Christian tradition, the Second Coming will be marked by the entry of the Savior into Jerusalem through the Golden Gate. Therefore, even in ancient times, having captured Jerusalem, the conquerors blocked the gates with stones. The Turks did the same in defeated Constantinople.

The Golden Gate was built shortly after the baptism of Rus' in Kyiv, then in Vladimir-Zalessky. As a result of well-known historical processes, it was Moscow, in the private opinion of the modest monk of the Pskov Eleazar Monastery Philotheus, that became the capital of the third Roman kingdom, and there would never be a fourth Rome. Thus, in a series of changes in the role of the Golden Ones, only the main gate of the Moscow Kremlin remained, where gate icon"Spas Smolensky" awaits the Savior. It is characteristic that the main gate of the Kremlin-fortress in the Spasskaya Tower is directed towards the Intercession-Trinity Cathedral and Lobnoye Mesto. In 1648, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered to pass through this gate with his head uncovered for all eternity. The current appearance of the tower was formed at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1812, the French wanted to blow up the Kremlin: a tunnel was made, and gunpowder was laid under the Spasskaya Tower and the fuse was set on fire.

At this time, a heavy downpour hit the Kremlin, and the wicks were flooded with water. The striking of the chimes on the Kremlin tower against the backdrop of the meaningful silence of the Intercession Cathedral and Lobnoye Mesto involuntarily suggests the unstoppable flow of time, the inconsistency and transience of human existence... Moving towards the Spasskaya Tower, a parade participant can subconsciously feel himself walking towards time not as duration, but as sequence of events. Passing the Spasskaya Tower, if you have enough imagination, you can imagine yourself freeing yourself from the power of time, going into eternity. The end of any festive procession along Red Square is met by a water barrier - the Moscow River - Lethe, the river of oblivion of ancient legends, symbolizing the irreversibility of the flow of time, personified by the flow of the waters of the Moscow River. This fills the subconscious with images of transience, the changeability of our earthly existence and a premonition of responsibility for the short “moment between the past and the future” entrusted to us.

The symbolism of the hipped-roof architecture of the churches within the Intercession Cathedral and the Kremlin towers found its unexpected development during the 1945 victory salute in Moscow. The light of powerful searchlights formed a tented dome, directed towards the heavenly world as confirmation of Victory in the war of the ethereal forces of light. This tent of light directed the Kremlin, Red Square, Moscow and all of Russia through the cover of the night, “through thorns to the stars,” towards the never-setting Sun of Truth. Let's remember the anniversary year 2015. For the first time in the ritual of a military parade, the beginning unexpectedly turned out to be symbolic: it was in the shadow of the Spasskaya Tower, leaving the gates, that the Minister of Defense crossed himself... for the first time in a century after his disappearance Russian Empire.

Peoples, against their will, are controlled by symbols. Soon, the honor guard solemnly carried out the Victory Banner from the Spassky Gate to the sounds of the immortal “Holy War”, accompanied by the tricolor. It is symbolic that the Victory Banner was carried by soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Presidential Regiment in stylized uniforms of the Imperial Guard. The entire cumulative potential of the Russian Spirit and heroic national history greeted the parade participants. It was an uplifting message for the entire nation. The Victory Banner solemnly floated past the Execution Place - the pulpit of the Red Square temple - to the center of the parade procession.

The route of the troops' movement along Red Square can be figuratively called the road to the temple as a visible image of the Victory: the votive Cathedral of the Intercession in memory of the conquest of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates; the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in commemoration of overcoming the Time of Troubles and the expulsion of foreign and non-religious occupiers, the Spasskaya Tower, whose chimes sounded throughout the world in the victorious year of 1945.

A.S. BOCHKOV, member of the Russian Historical Society

The older the statehood of a nation, the more signs and symbols it bears. Preservation of historical memory, protection of signs and symbols of traditions and history of the people is the most important function of the state and the responsible part of society (national elite). To destroy a people, it is enough to trample its history. And when children and grandchildren forget the exploits of their fathers and grandfathers, they will not even understand that they have become traitors to their people - and therefore to themselves.

The parade on May 9, 2015 on Red Square, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over German (and, in fact, Anglo-Saxon - sponsors and their performers) fascism, presented many signs and symbols to the whole world. Those to whom they were addressed saw and heard them...

Lenin Mausoleum covered with decorations

Defense Minister S. Shoigu made the sign of the cross on camera

The meaning of these signs

The Red Project is not considered by the Russian leadership as an ideological basis for our development. The thousand-year history of Russian statehood under the signs of Orthodoxy and autocracy does not fit well with communist symbols, imposed on us by the West.

The decision was made a long time ago, and, in my opinion, the decision is correct: the Red Project is our tragic and at the same time glorious great history. But further development Russia under the red banner is “inappropriate,” no matter how unpleasant it may sound for real (without quotes) patriots of Russia, who sincerely believe that “Marx’s teaching is omnipotent because it is true.”

And with China, and with other countries, without exception modern Russia will not build relationships on any supranational a “universal” organizational and ideological basis such as the Comintern or State Department institutions of “freedom and democracy” and a network of NGOs around the world. It was this sign that was sent to everyone who equally wants to build relationships with us, that Russia will not impose “its charter” on anyone(or his ideology, as was the case quite recently, when some African cannibal dictator declared his country socialist, and immediately received for this from our elderly Politburo, armored personnel carriers, Kalash and, of course, currency - for the “development of socialism ").

Parade crews of Russia's allies

Participation in the Parade of ceremonial units from our friendly powers, which took place in this order: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan - republics former USSR; India, Mongolia, Serbia, China are our closest allies.

This is a very important and significant event for Azerbaijan and Armenia. The wise leaders of these states - I. Aliyev and S. Sargsyan - understand and do everything to ensure that the hostility between the two peoples, who for centuries together, side by side (in cities and villages) lived peacefully on the territory of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR , has faded away. This hostility is organized and paid for by the West, for which friendship between neighboring peoples violates one of the main conditions for the existence of Western civilization - “divide and conquer.”

Closes Allied column of the PLA parade squad. Not alphabetically. And by meaning. The meaning of this sign should be understood as follows: “We’ve got your back, you can count on us.”

In general, the participation of foreign parade units in Moscow on Red Square (and no matter for what reason) suggests that Russia can quick and easy to turn on all its gigantic capabilities (even without resorting to mobilization economics), and herself transfer from the status of a regional power (where we themselves and determined 25 years ago... Well, that's what they wanted!) into the status of a world-class power ( they just didn't want it anymore to be a regional power).

Chinese President Xi Jinping

The most honorable place at the Parade is for the Chinese guest, the President of the People's Republic of China and Secretary General Central Committee of the CPC, according to right hand from Putin, in itself does not carry any special meaning. But the thing is that this time the rest of the guests of the head of state were seated at a distance from this couple and were additionally “diluted” by Soviet generals and veterans of the Second World War. And only two state leaders sat next to a couple- Putin and Xi Jinping. Without any doubt, this was a sign, and it was sent to our overseas and not so overseas partners: Russia and China are ready to jointly expand their zones of influence, and naturally, at the expense of Western countries.

The West made a mistake: just recently, both Russia and China were ready to join the club of Western powers as junior partners. But PARTNERS! But the West thought that Russia and China would get by (and get along) without partner status (they wanted to use us up, that is, use countries and peoples as consumables to maintain their global dominance).

Once, exactly 70 years ago, the world was already divided between two players - the USA and the USSR. And about five years before, it never occurred to ANYONE that such a situation would be possible in principle.
This is a sign to those who still doubt that history is developing progressively and does not end in any FukuYama.

Army General Makhmud Gareev

Few people paid attention... During the passage of the column of the legendary T-34 tanks and SAU-100 self-propelled guns, a Army General Mahmut Akhmetovich Gareev, sitting on the left hand of the GDP. The state television camera that day did not show anything to viewers around the world JUST LIKE THAT. So General Gareev is not a simple general, but the main confidant of the President of the Russian Federation in military history The Great Patriotic War and its results.

For reference from Wikipedia:
“I began to actively engage in military scientific work back in the 60-70s. Author of over 100 scientific papers, over 300 articles and publications in collections, magazines, and newspapers. Wrote the books “Tactical Exercises and Maneuvers”, “M. V. Frunze - military theorist”, “Combined arms exercises”, “Ambiguous pages of the war”, “My last war”.
After the creation of the Academy of Military Sciences, a non-governmental research organization, in February 1995, he was elected its president. He studies the history of the Great Patriotic War a lot. Actively participates in scientific discussions and opposes the falsification of war history. He believes that the desire to challenge the USSR's victory over fascism is closely related to the propaganda campaign against modern Russia. In the scientific collections edited by Gareev, thousands of previously unknown documents about the war were put into circulation. He appeared on the program “Directive No. 1 - War.”

Anyone who was even slightly interested in alternative official history WWII, is well acquainted with the writer-historian Viktor Suvorov (Vladimir Rezun), who, “looking from London,” successfully popularized in the 90s and 2000s in Russian and for Russian readers the main imperative of the West, that Stalin's Russia is no better than Hitler's Germany: “Icebreaker” is a documentary and journalistic book by Viktor Suvorov, in which, using argumentation, it is argued that the USSR was preparing an invasion of Germany in July 1941, and by unleashing the Great Patriotic War, Hitler only forestalled Soviet aggressive plans.

The writer V. Suvorov, in his extraordinary works, often referred to General M. Gareev as his main opponent in the history of the beginning of the Second World War.

These signs - Red Square, Victory Parade, Putin and Gareev - should be understood as nothing other than “you are trying in vain”: the Supreme Commander-in-Chief attaches special importance to the historical memory of the Russian people. And those times when the samizdat works of A. Solzhenitsyn and the gigantic official editions of V. Suvorov (Rezun) passed through the hands of Soviet and Russian citizens will never return. We will no longer allow Western anti-Russian propaganda to be spread on our territory.

This is also an answer to those of our “patriots” who cannot calm down that Russia does not have its own ideology, its own national idea like the USSR.

There are unshakable for all peoples traditional (conservative) values: family Children, older generation, homeland, morality, ethics, beauty, respect, love, sacrifice - in the name of preserving all these values... So why do gentlemen and comrades “patriots” reproach Putin for the fact that he will not take “lethal” into service against everything bad and for all the good ideology, the main objective which is the final victory over the enemies of Russia?

My answer to the “patriots” is this: there cannot be a “final” victory of good over evil. Day cannot defeat night. A magnet cannot be divided into “plus” and “minus”. Life cannot overcome death... But to destroy the people “for all that is good” is a sacred thing for the patriotic gentlemen... Bolshevism, especially in its extremely painful form in the form Trotskyism(with whom Comrade Stalin fought, for which he is now most reproached and hated by our State Department-supported liberals), is completely rejected by the leadership of modern Russia.

The Victory Parade on May 9, 2015, like a multitude of signs and symbols, presented to the whole world a simple and understandable answer to all the philosophical and civilizational questions in this topic: Russia carried on itself like a cross the “isms” of the 20th century, alien to anyone, and even more so more, Russian, in the broad sense of this adjective words, people. We won't step on this rake again. Don't try.

And if someone has not yet understood and continues to insist... Here are the OTHER signs and symbols of our Victory Parade, which are quite intelligible and understandable.

9 May 2017, 09:35

Victory Day- celebration of the people's victory Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Celebrated on May 9.

Abroad, Victory Day is celebrated not on May 9, but on May 8.
War-torn Europe celebrated Victory Day sincerely and publicly. On May 9, 1945, in almost all European cities, people congratulated each other and the winning soldiers.

In London, the center of celebrations were Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. People were congratulated by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Winston Churchill gave a speech from the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

In the USA, there are two whole Victory Days: V-E Day(Victory in Europe Day) and V-J Day(Victory Day over Japan). Americans celebrated both of these Victory Days in 1945 on a grand scale, honoring their veterans and remembering President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Victory Day coincided with the birthday of President Harry Truman. He dedicated the victory to the memory of his predecessor, Franklin Roosevelt, who died of a cerebral hemorrhage a month before Germany's surrender.

Now the veterans are celebrating this way - they go to lay wreaths and salute the fallen in the city of Washington at the memorial to the heroes of World War II. And the real Victory Day in the USA is September 2, 1945.

On this day, September 2, 1945, at 9:02 a.m. Tokyo time on board the U.S. battleship"Missouri" in Tokyo Bay, the Act of Surrender of the Japanese Empire was signed. On the Japanese side, the document was signed by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and Chief of the General Staff Yoshijiro Umezu. Representatives of the Allied Powers were Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers Douglas MacArthur, American Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander of the British Pacific Fleet Bruce Fraser, Soviet General Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko, Kuomintang General Su Yong-chang, French General J. Leclerc, Australian General T. Blamey, Dutch Admiral K. Halfrich, New Zealand Air Vice-Marshal L. Isit and Canadian Colonel N. Moore-Cosgrave.

Apart from the USSR, May 9 was officially recognized as Victory Day only in Great Britain. This country waged war against fascism from 1939 and until 1941 fought Hitler almost alone.

The British clearly did not have enough strength to defeat Germany, but when faced with the terrible machine of the Wehrmacht, it was they who were able to appreciate the feat of the Soviet people who crushed it.

After the end of the war, many of our veterans remained in Great Britain, so now England has the largest diaspora of USSR veterans in Western Europe. It is worth noting that although Victory Day is celebrated in Britain, it is not done so magnificently and loudly. There are no crowds of celebrating people, large processions or parades on the streets.

On May 9, in London, in the park near the Imperial War Museum, the traditional laying of wreaths at the monument to Soviet soldiers and citizens who died in the war takes place, as well as a meeting of veterans of the Northern convoys on board the cruiser Belfast.

Northern convoys and the maritime brotherhood that united British and Soviet sailors further united the veterans. The celebrations do not differ in pomp, but they are held very dignified, with the participation of members of the royal family and senior government officials. Living survivors of air battles with the Luftwaffe, icy, but no less hot campaigns northern seas and those who have had the opportunity to swallow the hot sand of the African desert, after meeting on the cruiser Belfast, listen to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. There are fewer and fewer veterans, and if previously music was played only for them, now there are more free seats, and everyone who wants to is invited to enjoy it.

The history of the Victory Day holiday dates back to May 9, 1945, when, in the suburbs of Berlin, the Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command, Field Marshal General W. Keitel from the Wehrmacht, Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the USSR Georgy Zhukov from the Red Army and Air Marshal of Great Britain A. Tedder from the Allies, signed an act of unconditional and complete surrender of the Wehrmacht.

Berlin was taken on May 2, but German troops resisted the Red Army for more than a week before the fascist command, in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, finally decided to surrender.

On May 7 at 2:41 am in Reims, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed. On behalf of the German High Command, the Instrument of Surrender was signed by General Jodl in the presence of General Walter Smith (on behalf of the Allied Expeditionary Forces), General Ivan Susloparov (on behalf of the Soviet High Command) and General of the French Army Francois Sevez as a witness.

General Susloparov signed the act in Reims at his own peril and risk, since he did not manage to contact the Kremlin in time and receive instructions. Stalin was outraged by the signing of the surrender at Reims, in which the Western allies played the leading role.

Representatives of the allied command (from left to right): Major General I.A. Susloparov, Lieutenant General Walter Smith, Army General Dwight Eisenhower and Air Marshal Arthur Tedder. Reims, May 7, 1945.

The document signed in Rains came into force at 23:00 on May 8th. Many believe that due to the time difference between the USSR and Europe, it turned out that we celebrate this holiday in different days. However, not all so simple.
The act of surrender was re-signed.

Stalin ordered Marshal Zhukov to accept general surrender in the capital of the defeated state, Berlin, from representatives of the branches of the German armed forces.

On May 8 at 22:43 Central European time (May 9 at 0:43 Moscow time) in the suburbs of Berlin, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, as well as Luftwaffe representative Colonel General Stumpf and Kriegsmarine Admiral von Friedeburg signed the act of complete surrender of Germany again .

“I can’t help but brag,” photographer Petrusov later wrote. “It took me a lot of effort to tear myself away from the close-up shots of Marshal Zhukov, Keitel and others, to give up my hard-won place at the table itself, to step aside, climb onto the table and take this picture, which gives the overall picture of the signing. I am rewarded - there is no such second shot.”

However, all these details, while of interest to researchers, in no way affect our attitude towards the very fact of the Great Victory.

Berlin, May 1945

Red banners on the quadriga of the Brandenburg Gate. Berlin. May 1945. (Archive photos)

Soviet soldiers on the streets of Berlin. May 1945. (Archive photos)

Fireworks in honor of the Victory. On the roof of the Reichstag, soldiers of the battalion under the command of Hero of the Soviet Union Stepan Andreevich Neustroev. May 1945. (Archive photos)

Red Army troops on the streets of Bucharest, 1944. (Archive photos)

And before all these events, Stalin signed a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR that from now on May 9 becomes a national holiday - Victory Day and is declared a day off. At 6 o'clock in the morning Moscow time, this Decree was read out on the radio by announcer Levitan. The first Victory Day was celebrated with people on the streets congratulating each other, hugging, kissing and crying.

On May 9, in the evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow, the largest in the history of the USSR: thirty salvos were fired from a thousand guns.

But May 9th was a day off for only three years. In 1948, it was ordered to forget about the war and devote all efforts to restoring the national economy destroyed by the war.

Only in 1965, already in the relatively prosperous era of Brezhnev, in the 20th anniversary of Victory, the holiday was again given its due. May 9 became a day off again, Parades, large-scale fireworks in all cities - Heroes and honoring of veterans - resumed.
Victory Banner

The banner, taken down from the Reichstag, where Yegorov and Kantaria planted it, did not participate in the first Victory Parade. It bore the name of the 150th division, where the soldiers served, and the country's leadership considered that such a banner could not be a symbol of Victory, which was achieved by the whole people, and not by one division. And in fact, this is correct, since in those days this Banner was not the only one that Soviet soldiers hoisted on the day of the capture of Berlin.

In 2007, a controversy flared up again around the Victory Banner: after all, on it you can see a sickle and a hammer - symbols of a state that no longer exists. And again common sense prevailed, and the banner once again fluttered proudly over the ranks of soldiers and cadets striding across Red Square.

In addition to festive victory parades in the cities of the country, Victory Day has other attributes and traditions:
Laying wreaths and flowers at memorial cemeteries and monuments to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Traditionally, flowers are laid on worship mountain and to the monument to the unknown soldier, in St. Petersburg the main laying ceremony takes place at the Piskarevsky cemetery and at the memorial plaque on Nevsky Prospect, in Volgograd on the Mamayev Kurgan. And throughout the country there are thousands of thousands of monuments, memorial plaques and memorial places where everyone, young and old, brings flowers on Victory Day on May 9th.
A minute of silence. Solemn funeral ceremonies of laying flowers are traditionally accompanied by a minute of silence in memory of all those who died during the Great Patriotic War. A minute of silence is a sign of respect to all the people who gave their lives so that today we would have a peaceful sky above our heads.

Victory salute. Victory Day ends with festive fireworks. The first fireworks in Moscow were given in 1943 in honor of the successful offensive of the Red Army, after which a tradition arose of arranging fireworks after successful actions against Nazi troops. And, of course, one of the most grandiose fireworks was the fireworks on May 9, 1945, on the day the complete surrender of the fascist troops was announced. The fireworks began at 10 p.m. Moscow time; since then, every year at 10 p.m., Victory fireworks begin in many cities, reminding us that the country survived, overthrew the invaders, and is rejoicing!

St. George Ribbon

There are fewer and fewer living witnesses to that war, and increasingly the political forces of some foreign countries They are trying to denigrate the heroic soldiers of our victorious army. And in order to pay tribute to the memory and respect of the exploits of our heroes, so that the younger generation knows, remembers and is proud of their history, a new tradition was established in 2005 - tying a St. George ribbon on Victory Day. The action is called “I remember! I'm proud!"

St. George's Ribbon - bicolor (two-color) orange and black. It traces its history from the ribbon to the soldier's Order of St. George the Victorious, established on November 26, 1769 by Empress Catherine II. This ribbon, with minor changes, entered the USSR award system as the “Guards Ribbon” - a sign of special distinction for a soldier.

The block of the very honorable “soldier’s” Order of Glory is covered with it. The black color of the ribbon means smoke, and the orange color means flame. In our time there has appeared interesting tradition associated with this ancient symbol. Young people, on the eve of the Victory Day holiday, wear a ribbon as a sign of respect, memory and solidarity with the heroic Russian soldiers who defended the freedom of our country in the distant 40s.

A fine can easily be issued for disrespectful attitude towards the symbol.

Volunteers are distributing new rules for wearing the Victory symbol among the country's population. From the very beginning of the St. George's Ribbon campaign, on April 24, volunteers have been warning about the strict rules associated with wearing the symbol.

“It is strictly forbidden to attach the ribbon to a bag or car, wear it below the belt, on the head, tie it on the arm, or treat it disrespectfully,” according to the website of the “Volunteers of Victory” project. In case of neglect, a citizen may face a fine».

The St. George ribbon can only be worn on the lapel of a jacket, near the heart. This is reported to everyone who decides to take part in the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign.

“It is a symbol of respect and memory. Therefore, we believe that the place for him is on the left side of the chest. This is how we show our recognition to the departed heroes,” the volunteers add.

Metronome sounds. In St. Petersburg there is a special attribute of Victory Day - the sound of a metronome from all radio broadcast points. During the difficult 900 days of the siege of Leningrad, the sounds of the metronome did not subside for a minute, announcing that the city was living, the city was breathing. These sounds gave vitality to Leningraders exhausted by the siege; without exaggeration, we can say that the sounds of the metronome saved thousands of lives.

Marches of the "Immortal Regiment"
In an endless stream through the squares and streets of cities on Victory Day, soldiers who died during the war march together with living participants in the processions. "Immortal Regiment" consists of photographs of these people. Descendants found a way to once again remember dear relatives and friends, pay tribute to their memory, and bow deeply for their feat.

Holiday Parade. The Victory Parade in Russia is traditionally held on Red Square in Moscow. In addition to Moscow, on May 9 Parades are held in other cities - heroes of the former USSR.

The first Parade in honor of the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War took place on June 24, 1945 on Red Square.

The decision to hold the Victory Parade on Red Square was made by Stalin in mid-May 1945, almost immediately after the defeat of the last group of Nazi troops resisting on May 13th.

June 22, 1945 The newspaper “Pravda” published the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin for No. 370: “In commemoration of the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, I appoint on June 24, 1945 in Moscow on Red Square a parade of troops of the Active Army, the Navy and the Moscow garrison - the Victory Parade. Bring to the Parade: consolidated regiments of the fronts, consolidated regiment of the People's Commissariat of Defense, consolidated regiment of the Navy, military academies, military schools and troops of the Moscow garrison. The Victory Parade will be hosted by my Deputy Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov. Command the Victory Parade to Marshal of the Soviet Union Rokossovsky."

The first Victory Parade was prepared very carefully. According to the recollections of veterans, rehearsals took place for a month and a half. Soldiers and officers, who had been accustomed for four years to crawling on their bellies and moving in short dashes, had to be taught to take a step at a frequency of 120 steps per minute. First, stripes were drawn on the asphalt along the length of the step, and then they even pulled strings that helped set the height of the step. The boots were covered with a special varnish, in which the sky was reflected as if in a mirror, and metal plates were nailed to the soles, which helped to stamp the step. The Parade began at ten o'clock in the morning, almost all this time it was raining, at times turning into downpour, which was recorded by newsreel footage. About forty thousand people took part in the Parade. Zhukov and Rokossovsky rode to Red Square on white and black horses, respectively.

Joseph Vissarionovich himself only watched the Parade from the rostrum of the Lenin Mausoleum. Stalin stood on the platform of the mausoleum on the left, losing the middle to the front-line generals - the winners.

Also present at the podium were Kalinin, Molotov, Budyonny, Voroshilov and other members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Zhukov “received” the Parade from Rokossovsky, rode along with him along the soldiers lined up in ranks and greeted them with three “hurrays”, then climbed to the podium of the Mausoleum and read out a welcoming speech dedicated to the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany. Combined regiments of the fronts: Karelian, Leningrad, 1st Baltic, 3rd, 2nd and 1st Belorussian, 1st, 4th, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian, consolidated regiment solemnly marched across Red Square Navy. As part of the regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front, representatives of the Polish Army marched in a special column. In front of the marching columns of the fronts were the commanders of the fronts and armies with swords drawn. The banners of the formations were carried by Heroes of the Soviet Union and other order bearers. Behind them moved a column of soldiers of a special battalion from among the heroes of the Soviet Union and other soldiers who especially distinguished themselves in battle. They carried banners and standards of defeated Nazi Germany, which they threw at the foot of the Mausoleum and set fire to. Further along Red Square, units of the Moscow garrison passed, then cavalrymen galloped, legendary carts passed, air defense formations, artillery, motorcyclists, light armored vehicles and heavy tanks followed. Airplanes piloted by renowned aces flew through the sky.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Victory Day parades ceased again for some time. They were revived again only in the anniversary 1995 year, when two parades took place in Moscow at once: the first on Red Square and the second on the Poklonnaya Hill memorial complex.

Happy Victory Day, my dears!

On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in Kyrgyzstan, like a bolt from the blue, an agitation campaign against one of its main symbols - the St. George Ribbon - was launched. The real hysteria about this began exactly a month before the national holiday - April 9. On this day, pro-Western opponents of integration openly called on Kyrgyzstanis to abandon the use of the black and orange ribbon, beloved by many. Some high-ranking officials were also surprised by their statements.

“Symbol of neo-imperialism”?

Have the “Colorado” sentiments of adherents of overseas values ​​really reached Kyrgyzstan? This is the first thing that comes to mind after the next statement of the civil movement “Kyrgyzstan against the Customs Union”. It seems that the activists who so vehemently lobby for the interests of the stars and stripes have decided to play on what is most sacred - the inextricable ties and united history of the once huge state. Despite sovereignty, May 9 was and remains one of the main holidays of all states of the former USSR.

As the main argument, activists put forward the opinion that “this ribbon cannot be used in our country for the reason that, established in tsarist times as a reward for merit in the aggressive wars of the Russian Empire, it is a symbol of imperial superpower and colonialism.” “First revived during the Second World War by the White Guard General A. Vlasov, whose “Russian Liberation Army” fought on the side of the Third Reich, this tape is also a symbol of collaboration with Nazism. Revived a second time by Kremlin “political strategists” in the post-Soviet years, the St. George ribbon marked the expansionist aspirations of Putin’s Russia and its encouragement of separatism in neighboring sovereign states. Today, supporters of Russian neo-imperialism and followers of fascism adorn themselves with these ribbons. Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have already abandoned them, considering them incompatible with the concepts of “sovereignty” and “national security”. Today, Russian officials declare their readiness to use nuclear weapons in achieving imperial goals (where and when were such statements made? - FROM.), and civilized countries, one after another, refuse to participate in military celebrations on Red Square. Refusal of the St. George ribbons today is a sign of decency, recognition of international law and a tribute to all those who died during the Second World War, say jingoistic patriots. “If the state so wants to use the symbols of that victory, then let them come up with new ones.”

Activists of the movement also stated that they are ready to go to all regions of the country completely free of charge, on a volunteer basis, and distribute new ribbons in red and yellow colors there.

For taste and color, they say, there is no comrade. But I cannot help but make a remark about the ignorance of the jingoists. Let it be known to them that Vlasov used the white-blue-red flag of the Russian Republic from the time of the Provisional Government, and the St. George ribbon began to decorate the block of the Order of Glory established in the USSR in 1943 and on May 9, 1945 the medal “For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War” war of 1941-1945." It is precisely because of this that it has now gained such popularity as a symbol of Victory. Thus, she has nothing to do with the despicable collaborator and accomplice of Hitler’s Nazis, Vlasov.

A possible replacement of the symbol of the Great Victory - the St. George ribbon will be disrespectful to the generation that survived the war, says Anna Kutanova, chairman of the Society of Leningrad Siege Survivors in Kyrgyzstan

“Whoever wants it, let him carry it”

The scandal, which caused a huge resonance in society, was provoked by none other than the country's authorities. Enposhniks only added fuel to the fire. A few days ago it became known that there would be no black and orange St. George ribbons at the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Bishkek. The leadership of Kyrgyzstan decided this year to replace it with a red and yellow ribbon, symbolizing the country’s flag.

“The St. George ribbon is Russian, but our country should have its own,” they commented on the strange initiative in General Staff The Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic, while the department refused to name whose order it was. “We were told that the mayor’s office is proposing to do the same.” A little later, the press secretary of the General Staff, Azamat Duishenbekov, clarified that there is such an initiative, but the issue has not yet been fully resolved. “Everything will be decided closer to the parade date. There will be a St. George ribbon... But it will be different in color. The ribbons are made by the government. We do not deal with these issues,” he replied.

In the Cabinet of Ministers (perhaps due to the uproar. - FROM.) also tried to disown this issue. Vice Prime Minister for the Security Bloc Abdyrakhman Mamataliev noted that there is no official decision on changing the color or abandoning the St. George ribbon. “The metropolitan municipality proposed changing the colors. The mayor's office decided to celebrate this holiday in a different way. I think there is no politics here; we can celebrate it with a St. George’s ribbon. At the moment there is no government decision on this issue. To celebrate Victory Day, an organizing committee was created, which is headed by the Prime Minister, I am his deputy,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

But the Speaker of Parliament Asylbek Jeenbekov did not hide his attitude towards this idea. “Nobody forbids carrying the St. George ribbon. Whoever wants, let him carry it,” he said in response to deputy from the Ar-Namys faction Eristina Kochkarova, who spoke out against the initiative of the Bishkek mayor’s office to introduce a new symbol of Victory.

“On the eve of the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, different interpretations and attempts to reshape history. We had one victory, one country, one people. They are still the same for everyone,” the people’s choice tried to convey to her colleagues and the entire metropolitan municipality. “A rash proposal at City Hall could put our country in a bad light.”

“I personally prefer the red ribbon. This is the color of our country's flag. If the mayor’s office proposed to decorate everything in the colors of our national flag and yellow tunduk, what’s wrong with that? This is our Victory, we can celebrate it the way we want,” retorted the speaker (chairman of parliament. - Ed.).

Instead of an afterword

Traditionally, at the beginning of May, the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign takes place in all corners of the republic: car enthusiasts decorate their cars with black and gold ribbons, young people tie them on backpacks and bags, and older people wear them as brooches on their chests. Will we really have to celebrate the anniversary of the Victory this year without the main attribute of May 9? What then? Perhaps we will be completely prohibited from honoring on this day the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads? What about memory? After all, a people who has forgotten their history has no future.


Photo - http://ru.sputnik.kg/opinion/20150408/1015019192.html

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