What are features and cuts? Traits and cuts of the ancient Slavs. "Characters and cuts"

Slavic Rezes Roda- the oldest predictive system preserved in the Russian North in the Arkhangelsk region. Even in the twentieth century, when Slavic pagan traditions were destroyed first by Christianity, later Soviet power, the northern knowledgeable grandmothers have preserved sets of wooden dies for fortune telling. Today, on the basis of these sets, the system of predictions on the Slavic Rezas of the Rod has been restored and described.

In the Russian North, “Slavic Rezes of Rod” are known as a set of wooden dies with carved signs, used for predictions. For the first time, 40 Slavic Res are described in detail by the Northern Fairy Tale publishing house in the book “What do the Gods Know? "

The history of the book is as follows. Northern Vedara Olga Boyanova learned traditional prediction from her grandmother. A grandmother from an ancient Pinega family knew northern conspiracies, knew how to treat various diseases, and predicted the future with amazing accuracy with the help of Slavic Res Roda. Over time, Olga Boyanova piece by piece collected the information she knew about the Slavic Rezas. The book “What do the Gods Know?” combined the knowledge that was received from the Pinega grandmother and that which was found in ancient tales, northern myths, drawings on household utensils, northern embroidery and house carvings.

A magical legend about the origin of the Slavic Res

Let's also share the northern myth about how the Slavic Rezes of the Rod appeared. They say that one day the Slavic Gods saw that people were defenseless against misfortunes that could befall them in the future. The methods of fortune-telling that existed among people did not provide complete answers to questions; they only made it possible to predict “yes or no,” “whether the year will be fruitful or dry,” “whether the girl will get married this summer.”

Rod, the Creator of the Slavic World, convened other Gods for council. The Magi were also invited to the meeting. Rod painted magical signs on wooden dies, each of which is inextricably linked with one of the Slavic Gods. Each God has his own character, his own lessons. Whose die will be in your hand when you take Reza out of the bag - he answers the question, tells you what to do. Bags with Slavic Rezas were distributed to the magicians so that they could teach people a new way of prediction. This is how the knowledge about the Slavic Rezes of the Family developed in the North.

What do Slavic Rezes look like?

Externally, the Slavic Rezes of Rod are closer to the Scandinavian Runes than to Tarot cards. Signs associated with Slavic Gods, but not bright pictures on the maps. The signs themselves differ from the Scandinavian Runes. Slavic Rezas resemble northern embroidery patterns rather than letters of the alphabet.

IN set for prediction 40 Res. The cuts are divided according to the degree of magical influence. The Creator Gods have the greatest power: Makosh, Svarog, Lada, Veles. They are followed by the Elder Gods of the Slavs. After that come the Lesser Gods and Other Gods, among whom we even meet small Gods, for example,

Alexander Pleshanov


Russian Orthodox Church(ROC) firmly stands on the fact that Christianity in the person of Saints Cyril and Methodius “brought light to pagan dark Rus'...”.

Around 863, the Greek philosopher Constantine (Cyril - Philosopher) and his brother Methodius from Soluni (Thessaloniki), by order of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III, created the primary version of the manual (a set of symbols with the appropriate sound) for translating liturgical books from Greek into the language of the Slavic peoples.

There are Christian sources that directly indicate that writing existed among the Russians much earlier than the introduction of Christianity in Rus'.

In the Panonian edition of “The Life of St. Kirill" (Ya.B. Shnitser, "Illustrated General history letters”, St. Petersburg, edition of A.F. Marx, 1903), it says: “And a Russian charter appeared by God and was given in Korsun to Rusin; The philosopher Konstantin learned from her, from where he composed and wrote books in the Russian voice...” Here it is unequivocally stated that the “Russian diploma” was given by “God”, i.e. has a cosmic origin (via Revelation).

In Korsun (Kherson) Konstantin the Philosopher-Kirill (“Kirill” – “reader of God”) discovers Russian letters. “Here I found a gospel and a psalter written in Russian letters, and I found a man speaking the same language, and I talked with him, and I understood the meaning of this speech, and, comparing it with my language, I distinguished the letters vowels and consonants and, making a prayer God, soon began to read and expound (them), and many were surprised at him, praising God” (“The Lives of Cyril and Methodius”, Moscow, “Book” and Sofia “Science and Art”, 1986, p. 105).

This confirms in writing the presence of Russian writing 150 years before the adoption of baptism by Kievan Rus. In Korsun, Constantine the Philosopher comprehended the meaning of Russian speech, compared Russian letters with Greek (printed) ones and was convinced of their similarity, that is, of their “equal suitability for writing sacred books.” It was not difficult for him to draw such a conclusion, for he knew Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic. Constantine knew the languages ​​in which the holy books of world religions were written - the Septuagint (in Greek), the Vulgate (in Latin).

The Old Testament, compiled (more correctly, an edited version of an ancient source about 500 BC) during the period of the Babylonian captivity of the “children of Israel”, is written in Aramaic script, known as Assyrian or square (Ya.B. Schnitser - source quoted).
The Tablets of the Testament were written - in the letter of Moses, that is, in the ancient Hebrew language (Samaritans?, i.e. ancient Aryan?).

The Russian writings discovered by Constantine, especially the two sacred books in Russian - the Psalter and the Gospel, were available in Rus' long before Constantine received the Russian alphabet through imitation of the phenomenon of “divine revelation”. This historical fact suggests that Russian writing - “features and cuts” in Rus' has existed since ancient times. To raise the “Russian spirit” in Rus' and its revival, the Russian Orthodox Church must also recognize this historical fact.

Facts force us to admit that writing existed among the Slavs in the pre-Christian period. This is evidenced by the decoding of the cosmic origin of “devils and cuts” and the semantic matrix of the Russian language. Christian “enlighteners” of the Church of Paul to this day consider “traits and cuts” to be the primitive writing of “bad things”.

By the beginning of the 10th century, humanity already knew ideographic, syllabic and alphabetic writing.

According to the Soviet scientist V. Istrin, ideographic writing could not have appeared among the Slavs, since Slavic languages ​​have many grammatical forms requiring word changes. Syllabic writing was also unsuitable for Slavic languages ​​- they had too many syllables.

Alphabetic writing could be suitable for transmitting Slavic speech. The semantic (semantic) matrix shows that this is an alpha-syllabic letter with test words. From the above it follows that the ancient Slavs used the cosmic Aryan language and alphabet, partially modified according to various reasons(over large territories in different localities, dialects of language and differences in writing among a single people are inevitable). During the course of writing, letter symbols also transform, largely through the process of cursive writing.

A logical question arises: “Isn’t the introduction of writing by Constantine-Cyril among the Slavs a hoax, an ordinary myth?”

“Before, I had no books in Slovenia, but choke and cuts of chetekh and gataakhu, the real trash. Having been baptized, Roman and Greek writings needed [write Slovenian] speech without structure... sent the name of St. Constantine the Philosopher, called Cyril, a wise and true man, and create in his name 30 writings and os, therefore, according to the order of Greek writings, ova according to the Slovenian speech...”

Chernorizets directly states that Cyril created writing for the Slavs “according to the rank (character) of the Greek letter” of 30 letters (in Greek -25) with the addition of 8 letters, taking into account the peculiarities of the Slavic language.

Kirill created a manual for Christian translators on translating “liturgical” books and texts written in Greek for translation into the more complex Slavic language.

From the statement of the monk, it follows that Cyril took the number 30 letters from the Gospels and Psalms he found in the Slavic language existing at that time. This means that the Slavic alphabet of the time of Cyril had 30 letters (probably without the “Ъ”, “И” and “ь” signs, as in Ancient Egypt!).

Kirill also knew about the “Greek” problem of “8” characters that are superfluous for the Greek alphabet. However, the Slavic-Russians could not say anything about this “eight” (the secret of the cosmic algorithm for the angular writing of letters was kept by the Magi).

Konstantin, probably for greater guarantee (“more is better than less,” added 8 more characters to the 30 characters. Consequently, the Cyrillic alphabet of Kirill the Philosopher consisted of 38 letters.

Thanks to the activities of Constantine, the “dogma of trilingualism” - Jewish, Greek and Latin languages, recognized as sacred at the first Ecumenical Councils. Russian alphabet and language Christian church began to be recognized as sacred, however, the phonetic-letter cosmic system was violated

The appearance of the Cyrillic alphabet, which reproduces the Greek statutory (solemn) letter with the addition of voiced symbols characteristic of Slavic speech, is associated by Bulgarian Christians with the activities of the Bulgarian school of scribes (after Cyril and Methodius). In particular, in the life of St. Kliment Ohridski is directly written about his “creation” Slavic writing. After this “creation” by the Bulgarians, the Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet began to have 43 letters.

Kirill and Kliment in total voiced (more correctly, “symbolized”) 10 “zero” transitional hexagonal levels of both triple-A and dichotomous algorithms for the self-structuring of matter and the Universe.
As a result, in Cyrillic, 10 sounds were represented by 20 letters.

The Cyrillic alphabet entirely includes the Greek alphabet, but some purely Greek letters (xi, psi, fita, izhitsa) are placed at the end. Some letters of the Cyrillic alphabet, absent in the Greek alphabet, are superficially similar to some letters of a number of alphabets of that time (Aramaic script, Ethiopic script, Coptic script, Brahmi).

There are 6 (six) letters in the Cyrillic alphabet - A (1), B (2), V (3), G (4), D (5), E (6), as well as I (10), Y (11-herv ), K(12), L(13), M(14), N915), O(16), P(17), R(18), S(19), T(20), U(21), F(22), X(23) are arranged in alphabetical order of the three-A algorithm.

The Greek alphabet was supplemented with 10 letters: U, Shch, C, Ch, Sh, b, Y, Ъ, йЁ(Ё), йЭ(Э), of which the letter Y (between the b and b signs was already superfluous). Subsequently, the letter with the incomprehensible name “herv” (“ery” - Y) in the Cyrillic alphabet remained at the end between “Ъ and b” under No. 29. Consequently, the source of the movement of “Y” in the algorithm from serial number No. 11 to No. 29 is Kirill-Clement. The letter “Y” moved from No. 29 to No. 11, which led to a distortion of the numerological reflection of the semantic matrix. This situation is corrected by decoding the intra-Natural information system.
Thus, unlike the compilers of the Greek alphabet, who removed, as it seemed to them, 8 “0”-zero steps of the algorithm (toroidal intervals-stages-spheres in the structuring of the Universe), reducing the alphabet to 25 letters, Cyril and Clement, on the contrary, did everything The 10 “zero” steps of the three-A-day algorithm for the number of angles (“rez”) in writing with a symbol (the trajectory of the energy pulse in crystals of matter) were assigned letters.

As a result, 10 sounds in the Russian language were represented by two symbols. The Cyrillic alphabet reflected the nature of the southwestern pronunciation of the Slavs - 2 yusa “nasal”, i.e. When pronouncing a vowel sound, air is exhaled through the nose. This pronunciation is also typical for the French and English. The symbols of the two “nasal yus” have been preserved to this day in the Polish Latin alphabet.

The ambiguity of vowels in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet manifested itself later with the beginning of newspaper printing.

Thus, the Cyrillic alphabet, based on the Greek system, began to be introduced into the territory of the Slavs, more correctly “Russians,” from where the Greek alphabet itself originated.

The Russian French (French Russian is not even pronounced) linguist Baudouin de Courtenay (1912) called Russian writing “a dress from someone else’s shoulder.” Such arrogant ignorance is not surprising for a foreigner, if even modern Russian academic linguists think in a similar way. Unfortunately, this was not said at the time of M.V. Lomonosov - he, most likely, would put this Baudouin’s nose in place (in Polish “hangover” - a severe hangover).

Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences inside-Natural information system is considered “pseudoscience”, and the voice of this system (the author of the system is Nature!) was placed on the Internet on the list of “freaks” - “freakmen” - abnormal eccentrics.

The teaching of Jesus Christ was, in essence, Aryan cosmic (received through Revelation). Probably, with the help of Andrew the First-Called, the teachings of Christ were written down in Russian during the life of Jesus at the beginning of the 1st millennium.

Kirill “...I found here a gospel and a psalter written in Russian letters, and I found a man speaking the same language, and I talked with him...”.

Let's summarize.
Kirill-Kliment knew about the three-A-day algorithm of the cosmic language, about the number “43” - the number of steps at which the Russian alphabet of 33 letters ends. They saw “lines and cuts” - symbols of the letters of the Slavic angular script. We put the letter “Ya” in the Cyrillic alphabet under number 34. The number “34” is a symbol of the symmetrical-twenty-digit matrix of the Russian alphabet, i.e. we can talk about Cyril-Clement’s knowledge of the number “33” of the letters of the Russian alphabet.

With all this, Cyril-Clement includes 2 letters of the Greek alphabet (“xi” and “psi”) in design that do not even remotely resemble the angular letter. The letters Z, Y(I), U, four yus, izhitsa - also do not resemble “features and cuts”. Obtaining the alphabet by Kirill through the so-called. For Christians, revelation (a 2-week retreat in a temple and meditation) is simply a performance and an imitation of a conversation with the Cosmos.

It should be added that people who can enter the Information electromagnetic field see a line running “from right to left” as part of dash-angular symbols and there are no “squiggles” in it. The presence of “squiggles” in the letter indicates that Kirill did not see this creeping line.

There is no clear idea of ​​the composition of Cyril’s alphabet of 38 letters, because... the final version of the “Cyrillic alphabet,” according to Kliment Ohridski, was “created” by Bulgarian Christians, and not by Kirill.

Bulgarian Christians still believe that they made happy and brought “light,” according to the monk Khrabra, to the “dark” and “filthy” pagans of Rus', who write in some incomprehensible “traits and cuts.”

Why does a “God-decent” Slavic Christian call the Slavs of Rus' “scum”? There is no information that Kirill called the Slavic people “bastards”.

The recognition of the Russian language as sacred with the help of the Greek Christian philosopher Cyril was the goal of advancing, by order of the Byzantine emperor, the New Testament (in reality, the teachings not of Christ, but of Paul) into the territory inhabited by the Aryan Slavs.

The semantic matrix of the cosmic language reveals the essence of the Unified Law for the social level, i.e. “Moral (Cosmic) Law” of people’s life. The requirements of the Moral Law were also recorded in the Decalogue of the Old Testament, as were the commandments of Noah and Moses, specifically “thou shalt not steal.” The main aspect of the Cosmic Law is the “generosity of the soul,” which, unlike the feeling of “love,” never acquires a selfish character (up to passion and lust).

The doctrine provides for the education and formation of a caste of masters - the global managerial elite.

The purpose of Christ's mission was to block and abolish in the “bud” this Old Testament aggressive usury program. Christ taught: “If you have money, do not lend it at interest,” i.e. at interest. Old Believers in Rus' never engaged in usury, so they were destroyed at the first opportunity.

By the time (863) of Cyril's mission, the teachings of Jesus Christ had been replaced by the church with the teachings of Paul (a former tax collector in Judea) on the principle of “lead and destroy!” First, Christ was crucified. Paul “headed” and destroyed the teaching of Christ (from which the synoptic Gospel of John (probably also partially edited), the Revelation of John and the Epistle of James, the elder brother of the crucified Jesus, remained in the New Testament). In the canon of the New Testament, not a trace remains of Christ’s prohibitions on usury.

The Russian Orthodox Church also does not condemn the current rise of usury in Russia

The meaning of replacing the teachings of Christ with the teachings of Paul is the formation of a caste of slaves. Therefore, “Slav” (“slave” - slave - English - “slave”) for a “devout Christian”, more correctly “Pavlovian”, is just “trash”.
The essence of Paul's teaching is to cultivate a slave consciousness in people and keep the conquered in obedience (physically, psychologically, ideologically, economically, financially, etc.).
The teachings of Paul (under the name of Christ) needed to be promoted to the North. For this purpose, an alphabet was needed to translate church books into a more complex Slavic language.

The promotion of the teachings of Paul, subsequently the basis of “universal human values,” is an ideological aggression that has practically reached the territory of Russia these days in the form of the so-called. “perestroika” with the approval of a usurious system for managing socio-economic processes.

It is known that the replacement in Rus' of the Aryan worldview (religion as a connection with the Cosmos and the egregors - the Hierarchy of the gods) with the teachings of Paul took place by force, with the destruction of those who disagreed. However, the presence of 33 Aryan cosmic letters in the Cyrillic alphabet and the frequency nature of their sounds allowed the Russian-Slavs to maintain contact with the Cosmos. All fundamental discoveries in the field of natural history came from the territory of the “Russian-speaking Empire”.

Peter I had to restore the structure of the Aryan alphabet.

In 1708, the Russian civil font was created. In the production of sketches of letters he took Active participation Peter I himself. In 1710, a sample of a new alphabet font was approved. This was the first reform of Russian graphics. The essence of Peter's reform was to simplify the composition of the Russian alphabet by excluding from it 10 redundant letters, such as “psi”, “xi”, “omega”, “Izhitsa” and others, and to abolish homophonic pairs “izhe - and” (I-I ), “green - earth” (S-Z). During the introduction of the civil font, the letter E (“E” is reverse) became established.

One of the letters “iota” was transformed by the Academy of Sciences in 1735 into the letter “Y” (I-short). The sound “Ё” began to be represented by the letter “Ё” (in 1783, it was first proposed by Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, instead of a diphthong, and applied by N.M. Karamzin in 1797). The letter “yat” turned out to be redundant, but according to tradition, it is also long time remained in the Russian alphabet until 1917-1918. A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. played a huge role in bringing the sound of words to the sound of cosmic language. Lermontov.

Spelling reform of 1917-1918. All letters that duplicated each other were excluded: “yat”, “fita”. The letter “Ъ” (er) was retained as a dividing sign, “b” (er) - as a dividing sign and to indicate the softness of the preceding consonant.

The Cyrillic alphabet, as a statutory or semi-statutory font, in which church books are traditionally printed, is contrasted with the civil or Peter the Great font. At the moment, in Russia there are calls from “new Christians” to return to the “traditions of our ancestors,” i.e. to 42-43 letter Cyrillic alphabet.

Conclusion - the compilers of the Cyrillic alphabet, as in the case of Sanskrit, incorrectly interpreted the three-A-d and dichotomous (septenary) algorithms of the cosmic alphabet with the angular writing of the alphabetic symbols of the language - hexagonal toroidal (“0”-zero) steps of the algorithms.

A Orthodox holidays Saints Cyril and Methodius in Rus' are becoming more and more magnificent...


They say that the Rus before Cyril and Methodius did not have a written language.
Indeed, how bad science is in Russia. What stupid bastards.
We won't go far.

Today in Russia, at the whim of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in schools they teach the story that in Rus', they say, there was no writing, but the Greek Cyril came and gave the Slavs letters.

At the same time, a number of sources indicate that the Rus, including those who lived in Kyiv, had swords that could be thrown around themselves.

These are the so-called Suleman swords, which were made from Indian damask steel on the territory of the Indus-Harappan civilization (Sindi was separated from Iran by mountains called Suleman (SULEIMAN), where iron was mined for swords.
Moreover, the Russian language is very close to Sanskrit, i.e. to the same language spoken by the Indo-Harappas.
The territory of Indo-Harappa is called SINDOM. The territory of the Rus who lived in the Kuban is called SINDICA.

The Sindhis had a written language. Since the 3rd century. BC e. In India, two writing systems were used: Brahmi and Kharosthi. The second comes from the Aramaic script and was used in northwestern India until the 3rd century. n. e. and in Central Asia until the 7th century, after which it was supplanted by Brahmi. It was written from right to left.

The exact origin of Brahmi is unknown, it is assumed that it was created on the basis of the consonantal-syllabic system used in Kharosthi (and therefore is partly related to the Aramaic script, especially for the edicts of King Ashoka or similar inscriptions. Connections with the letter on the seals of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. BC from Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, etc., discovered in the Indus Valley, are not yet clear due to the scarcity of artifacts.In northern India, in the city of Heri Gujjar, Haryana state, a copper figurine was found with parallel inscriptions in an earlier hieroglyphic In the Indus (Harappan) script and the later Brahmi syllabary. Supposedly it depicts Varaha, an avatar of Vishnu, in the form of a boar. Above are two inscriptions: in the oldest Brahmi syllabary and in the Indus civilization signs (Harappan signs). On the Brahmi base the inscription reads: “King Ki-Ma-Ji [proper name] Sha-Da-Ya [incarnation of god].” The approximate dating of the find is 2000-1000 BC.

All other Indian scripts are derived from the Brahmi script and are usually written from left to right.

On the territory of the Crimea, in Kerch, in Olbia and in Chersonesos, petroglyphs of the Glagolitic alphabet were found, which in form are close to the SINDI writings.

Rus' was in Kyiv by order of the king of Khazaria (until Rus', led by Svyatoslav, defeated Khazaria.

The question is, how was it possible to keep records, collect arrears and do other work without writing (Khazaria arose in 650, Kyiv was its outpost)? Where is the logic of the scum who imagine themselves to be historians of Russia?

How tired these stupid Russian historians are! When will these scum be pushed out of science?

And here is a sample of a sword used by the Rus of Kyiv long before Vladimir:
http://chelreglib.ru/media/files/news/anosov/Bulat.jpg (or type the link Indian damask Suleman swords).

What are Slavic traits and Rezes? These magical signs have been known since ancient times in the Russian North. Our grandmothers knew how to read features and Rezas, to see in them the answers of the Native Gods to their aspirations. Or you can turn to the Gods for help through Slavic traits and Rezas! We talk about how to do this in the book “The Magic of Slavic Res Rods”. But not all the secrets are in it! Anastasia Slavyana shared her own experience with us. Here are the features she composed, combinations of several Slavic Res to help in business.

You can learn about what Slavic traits and Rezes are from our book “The Magic of Slavic Rezes Rod”

Slavyana is a tarot reader, runologist, astrologer, specialist in esoteric psychology, author and presenter of integral women's trainings (psychology, energy, dance therapy). Practices Reiki healing and Slavic healing “Ladki Zhivy”. I studied qigong and Taoist practices for about 10 years, then switched to my native, but related methodology - Slavic Zdrava. Currently he studies and teaches Slavic practices, and the “Reza Roda” deck is one of his favorites in his work. He says this about himself: “Meeting with Reza is one of the most important meetings in my life. I am happy that their wisdom is with us again, and that I can be involved in the transfer greatest knowledge magic and sorcery!

Important rules for use
Magic of Slavic Rez Rod

In what cases can Rez Magic be used?
In situations where something goes wrong, with great difficulty for a person. But there is certain rules:

1) First, we need to ask Reza questions: “What is the reason for my situation (here you need to give your situation a name)? What lesson should/should I learn from it?” Three Res for each question are more than enough. Sometimes a person has deviated from the path of the Rule, or simply chosen not his path, not his goal (in fact, something else is needed, often more “good”!). Native Gods, through obstacles and difficulties, gently push a person to the realization: “You are wrong! Rise above the vanity! It is important to ask yourself a question: “Is this my goal? What will fulfilling my wish give me? Will I be happy?.

2) If everything is done correctly, and the situation does not move forward, then we ask Reza another question: “Can I use Rez Magic as co-creation with the Gods?”. Three cuts, look at the answer. Usually the answer is not interpreted as "Not really", and taking into account advice and tips from the Gods, whose Res came to your question. In this way we check our desire for “environmental friendliness”.

3) If the answer is yes, then you can use a script (drawing three or five Res) to help solve the problem. Having chosen the one you need, we take out another Reza: “What will be the result?”. This is necessary to ensure that the script is selected correctly.

And, finally, the most important thing... Rez Magic is still, first of all, a declaration of one’s intention and energy “doping” from the Gods. No script will do the job for a person. It is important to create your part of the work and take responsibility for it. That's why “Trust in the Gods, but don’t make a mistake yourself!”.

Slavic Traits and Res: a script for the successful sale of real estate and a car

Do you want to sell your property or car at a profit? Such traits and Slavic Rezes will help.

Veles - Yarilo - Perun.

Veles helps to conclude a deal that is beneficial to both parties, to come to an unexpected solution that will suit both parties. Reza Veles also contributes to profits so that the sale takes place on favorable terms. Yarilo helps make a house, apartment, retail space or car attractive to the buyer, helping to ensure that your ad stands out among many others. Perun leads to victory, and, like a fast and impetuous God, speeds up the sales process.

How to apply?

Apply oil to the door leading into the room or to the hood of the car. We make sure to specify the result we want.

Slavic Traits and Res: protecting business from competitors

A little background: one of my friends could not get his business going. They worked in a large shopping center, where their competitors also worked in the same room. The product sold poorly, although there were many calls from customers - but all in vain. Buyers really liked their product, it was really worthy, but something stopped it at the last moment and sales fell through. And competitors constantly came to “visit”, either to look or to chat... In the situation at Reza, it turned out that there was an influence from the other side, from the man, which interfered with making a profit. As a result of cleaning the premises and using the script, sales began, the competitor first stopped coming to them, then he could not sit quietly at his workplace, and a little later he completely ran away to another place!

Veles - Perun - Chur.

Veles opens the way to profit, helps to negotiate, Perun removes obstacles on the way, defeating third-party evil, Chur gives protection.

The script itself was specified as follows: “My business is protected from the evil eye and the influence of others. My beautiful product is loved by customers and sells well! All obstacles are removed!”

We apply Rez signs above the entrance or you can choose some place inside the room itself. The signs themselves may be small in size and invisible to prying eyes. Font size doesn't matter. You can draw with a felt-tip pen or any oil if you want to make the script invisible to others.

Slavic Traits and Rezes: script for public speaking

For public speaking: report to superiors, defense of thesis, presentation at a conference, etc.

Background. A young woman named Anna had the following system introduced at work: that quarterly reports for management would now be protected almost as graduate work, before management and other departments. Our heroine’s report was all right, but in a large work team there is always the possibility of intrigue, envy, and simply a bad mood from the boss.

The request sounded something like this: easily and quickly tell about the results of your work, without unnecessary questions, nagging and “demonstration performances” of enemies.

Result: first the event was postponed for a day, and then... Anna submitted her report in seven (!) minutes without a single question, having also received an apology from her boss that they required some kind of reporting from her at all! For comparison: the previous person was meticulously questioned for 45 minutes. Anna's own comment: “This is some kind of miracle!”.

Veles - Yarilo - Lel and Polel.

The best negotiator is, of course, Veles. He finds non-standard solutions that suit everyone and helps to come to an agreement with superiors. Even if you have questions, Veles will help you answer them correctly. Yarilo makes a person very attractive and charming. Is it possible to find fault with such a sunny person? And Lel and Polel enhance the effect by creating an ideal business reputation: “This man is irreplaceable for us!”

Rez signs are applied before going to bed with any oil on left hand either the leg or the solar plexus with a mandatory stipulation of the result.

Where can I find other Slavic traits and Rezas?

The Slavic traits and Rezas given here are only a small part of our experience. More of Anastasia Slavyana’s work can be found in our other articles.


The fact that the Slavs had their own written language long before the arrival of Christianity in Rus' is an indisputable fact. The proto-language was one, and there were many ways to write it. This article discusses the “features” and “cuts” that are still used to this day in folk embroidery patterns, economic and household activities.

The oldest mention of the presence of writing among the Slavic peoples is considered to be “The Legend of Writings” by Monk Khrabra, a Bulgarian monk who lived at the turn of the 9th - 10th centuries. He wrote: “Before, the Slavs did not have books, but with features and cuts they read and gataahu trash that exists.” This is translated into modern Russian in different ways, each researcher offers his own vision of the issue.


Nowadays, the use of traits is known mainly in the context of fortune telling: for example, fortune telling with traits on the ground was inherent in the traditions of all peoples at a certain stage of development. We are certainly interested in Slavic culture.

It can be reliably stated that the Slavs were familiar with this method of fortune telling. It was known in Rus' under the name "Rafli". This is indicated by:

  • Rafli's book was first mentioned in two important historical sources of the mid-16th century. - in “Stoglava” and “Domostroy”. In the decrees of the Stoglavy Council, this book heads the list of forbidden books: “...who knows and adheres to evil heresies: rafli, six-winged, raven-grass, astronomies, zodei, almanac, astrologers, Aristotle, Aristotle’s gates and other heretical compositions of wisdom.”
  • illustration from the Radziwill Chronicle, dating back to approximately 1182, dedicated to the capture of Torzhok. In its lower right corner there is a geomantic table (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Image from the Radziwill Chronicle.

The system below is based on the existence of the so-called “Guardians”, which, like raffles, was built on the basis of four components (elements), of which 16 subelements can be distinguished. Each component is considered in interaction with the others. Thus, Fire is divided into Fire of Fire, Water of Fire, Air of Fire and Earth of Fire. Fire Fire is seen as a replacement for the basic element Fire. According to this scheme, the Water of Fire is lava, the Fire of Air is explosive gas, and the Fire of Earth is the hot core of the Earth. More details can be found in the book by G.E. Adamovich.

Based on existing knowledge, it is possible, for example, to “read” some folk patterns that have survived to this day and are still widely used today.

Table 1. Correspondence of the primary elements and guardians

Table 2. Interpretation of patterns based on the “Guardians” system

The proposed pattern features signs formed from the signs of water (▼) and fire (▲), on alternating white (death) and red (life) fields.

Both primary elements are controlled by Belobog, so it can be assumed that this pattern personifies his struggle with Chernobog (alternating death and life), based on the power of water and fire.

In addition, it is possible only for this part of the pattern: the number of cells is seven. Three cells are white (death) and four are red (life). This may mark the victory of life over death.

Pattern No. 2

The proposed pattern features the earth sign (◊) on alternating white (death) and red (life) fields.

The earth, as the primary element, is controlled by Chernobog, so it can be suggested that this pattern personifies his struggle with Belobog (alternating death and life), based on the power of the earth.

In addition, it is possible only for this part of the pattern: the number of cells is nine. Four cells are white (death) and five are red (life). This may mark the victory of life over death.

Pattern No. 3

In the proposed pattern, on a red field there is an earth sign (◊) with a dot in the middle (a sign of seed, fertilization). Its meaning is fertilization.

On a white background there is a complex sign consisting of an earth sign (◊) with a dot in the middle (here the dot is apparently a wind sign (X), a water sign (▼), a fire sign (▲).

Its meaning is to protect the fertilization that has occurred from harmful effects using the power of the four elements.

In addition, it is possible only for this fragment of the pattern: the number of cells is seven. Three cells are white (death) and four are red (life). This may mark the victory of life over death.

Pattern No. 4

The proposed pattern features an earth sign (◊) on a red field with a cross (an ancestral sign obtained by crossing two wind signs) in the center.

Its meaning is the blessed land of the ancestors. Earth and Wind, as the primary elements, are controlled by Chernobog, so it can be suggested that this part of the pattern is a request to the ancestors to obtain a good harvest.

On a white background: a similar pattern, but the meaning may be different, namely, a request to Belobog for protection from harmful effects on crops.

In addition, it is possible only for this fragment of the pattern: the number of cells is five. Two cells are white (death) and three are red (life). This may mark the victory of life over death.

It should be noted that the above symbols of the primary elements are used to make protective body belts (Fig. 2) even today. (See for more details).

Figure 2. Protective body belt.


“In the region of the Redarii there is a certain city called Ridegost, triangular and having three gates... In the city there is nothing except a sanctuary skillfully built of wood, the base of which is the horns of various animals. On the outside, as can be seen, its walls are decorated with elaborately carved images of various gods and goddesses. Inside there are hand-made idols, each with a carved name, dressed in helmets and armor, which gives them a terrible look"- Dietmar of Merseburg (late 9th - early 11th centuries) wrote in his Chronicles, describing the West Slavic fortress-temple of Retra (Radigosch, Radogost, Radegast) on the island of Rügen.

Although Lately the use of the concept of “cuts” began to be increasingly replaced with the Scandinavian word “runes”, but it seems that Thietmar of Merseburg could not help but know “runes”.

Perhaps a more ancient source indicating the use of res, but already during international relations- would be the treaty concluded between Russia and Byzantium by Prince Oleg in 911, which according to international laws, it was concluded “for two haratii”, i.e. on two languages. Consequently, one copy of the treaty must have been written in Slavic - and possibly in rez. Unfortunately, it has not survived.

Also the presence of “res” among the Slavs confirmed monuments of material culture (material sources). Among the finds of archaeologists various items everyday life - handicrafts, pots, copper brooches, lead seals, etc., on which signs consisting of long and short lines were applied.

Curious icons in which writing can be seen were discovered both on the lands of Russia and in the countries of Eastern Europe. The first of these “inscriptions,” consisting of 14 characters, was found in 1897 near Ryazan. Later, in the 20th century, similar finds were discovered in Belarus, Bulgaria, Poland, and Crimea. A total of 75 different signs were found, but they could not be read. Most of the signs dated back to the 3rd - 4th centuries.

The use of cuts finds direct evidence when examining the signs painted on the battle banners of the armored boyars of the Polotsk district.

Table 3. Signs on the battle banners of the armored boyars of the Polotsk district.

As a kind of confirmation that the “res” system was not forgotten even at the beginning of the 20th century, we can cite tables of signs (Fig. 3) located in the collection of the local history museum of the city of Ruza, in the west of the Moscow region, compiled in 1920 -1923 Russian local historian - agronomist P.M. Smirnov. According to the museum, this work was awarded a first-degree diploma at the Supreme Economic Council in 1923.

These signs, as a rule, were used during land surveying - they were cut out on the turf. In addition, sometimes, work equipment was marked with these signs, and they were used as lots in resolving controversial issues.

Figure 3. Board with tables of boundary marks used by peasants in the vicinity of the city of Ruza in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century. Photo by A.Yu. Pochernikova.

Thus, it can be reliably stated that the Slavs had ancient writing, “traits” and “rezas,” which are still used to this day in folk embroidery patterns, economic and everyday activities. Their iconic meaning can be considered using the “guardian system” proposed by the researcher.

Adamovich Gennady Eduardovich, Ph.D. MAIT employee. Minsk. Republic of Belarus.


1. Adamovich G.E. Wedding ball of belts. - Minsk, 2014. - 172 p.

2. Pochernikov A.Yu. Zalessk Runes. Secret signs Moscow region. Access mode: http://zalesje.net/news/zalesskie_runy_tajnye_znaki_podmoskovja/201 3-11-26-43

3. Anatol TSITOЎ // “Spadchyna”, No. 3. 1995. - P. 18-26.

4. Domostroy according to the Konship list and the like. - M., 1908. P. 22.

5. Domostroy according to the list of the Society of Russian History and Antiquities. - M., 1882. - P. 22.

6. “The Tale of the Writings” by Monk Khrabr // Education and Orthodoxy. "Moscow", No. 9, 1990.

7. Stoglav: Royal questions and conciliar answers about the many different church chips. - M., 1890. - S. 181, 182, 188, 189.

8. Turilov A.A., Chernetsov A.V. Rafli's Forsaken Book. Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature. - L.: Nauka, 1985. - 266 p. Fifth - 261 p.

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For a long time in historical science the prevailing opinion was that the history of Slavic writing begins in the second half of the 9th century, with the creation Slavic alphabet Byzantine scientist Constantine (in monasticism Cyril). Together with Christianity, this letter spread throughout the Slavic lands.

But gradually, bit by bit, documents accumulated indicating that writing among the ancient Slavs arose much earlier than the adoption of Christianity.
We know that any science is based on sources and facts. Let's try to talk about the oldest Slavic letter with their help. Let's turn to written sources.

The oldest message about the presence of writing among the Slavs is considered to be “The Legend of Writing” by Monk Khrabra, a Bulgarian monk who lived at the turn of the 9th - 10th centuries. He wrote: “Before, the Slavs did not have books, but with features and cuts they read and gataahu trash that exists.” . In modern Russian it sounds like this: “When the Slavs were pagans, they did not have their own books, so they counted and told fortunes with the help of devils and cuts.”. There are reports from Arabic authors about Slavic mysterious writings. The 10th century travelers and scholars Ibn Fadlan, El Masudi and Ibn al-Nadim reported that The Russians had a writing system that was different from the Latin alphabet that it consisted of 21 or 22 letters and even gave examples of such writing.
The first Russian source about the Slavs is The Tale of Bygone Years. From it we know that the Slavs, long before the adoption of Christianity, had military and trade relations with the powerful Byzantine Empire. Russian princes made campaigns against Byzantium and then concluded treaties with it. According to international laws, agreements were concluded “for two haratii”, i.e. on two languages. Consequently, one copy of the agreement had to be written in Slavic. The most famous to historians was the treaty concluded between Russia and Byzantium by Prince Oleg in 911.

According to the agreement, Russian merchants had the right to live for a month in Constantinople at the expense of the Byzantines, but were obliged to walk around the city without weapons. At the same time, merchants had to carry written documents with them and warn the Byzantine emperor about their arrival in advance. The same agreement states that the ancient friendship between Byzantium and Russia “many times” was confirmed “not only in word, but also in writing,” i.e. earlier written agreements.
And in the Life (biography) of the creator of the Slavic alphabet, Cyril, one can find a mention of the existence of Slavic letters. During Cyril's stay in Chersonesos, he discovered “Gospel and Psalter written in Russian characters.”

The existence of pre-Christian writing among the Slavs was confirmed by monuments of material culture(material sources), however, for a long time I couldn't see them. But archaeologists have found various household items - handicrafts, pots, copper brooches, lead seals, etc., on which signs consisting of long and short lines were applied.

Curious icons, in which elements of writing can be seen, were discovered both in Russia and in the countries of Eastern Europe. The first of these “inscriptions,” consisting of 14 characters, was found in 1897 near Ryazan. Later, in the twentieth century, similar finds were discovered in Belarus, Bulgaria, Poland, and Crimea. A total of 75 different symbols were found, but they could not be read. Most of the signs dated back to the 3rd - 4th centuries. All of them have a rather complex geometric pattern, a symbolic ornament: rectangular frames, squares, crosses, wavy lines.

Much material for deciphering the signs was provided by finds in Volyn and near Kyiv. These are monuments of the so-called “Chernyakhov culture”. According to scientists, ancient Slavic calendars were depicted on vases and jugs.

Let's take a closer look at the drawing. We see many squares, wavy lines, dashes, crosses, and triangles. But this is not just an ornament with which the jug is decorated. Scientists managed to decipher this complex pattern. Comparing various signs, scientists came to the conclusion that this is an agricultural calendar. The top row of drawings represents pagan holidays. The tree sign is a holiday in honor of Yaril, the thunder sign is in honor of Perun, etc. The same type of squares in the bottom row are the days separating one holiday from another. And the middle row between them is the designation of the seasons. For example, spikelets, sickles and sheaves are the time of ripening and harvesting, i.e. July and August, in vertical wavy lines - rainy time, i.e. autumn. All signs are made mainly with long (strokes) and short (cuts) lines . This gave reason to assume that these signs are writing, one of the varieties of the ancient Slavic “traits and cuts”. Thus, the “lines and cuts” that the “Chernorizets” Khrabr writes about are most likely primitive symbolic signs in the form of dashes and notches, which served among the ancient Slavs as counting, family and personal signs, signs of ownership, calendar signs, signs for fortune telling, etc.

All this proves that in pagan times the Slavs had writing. (Its conventional name is “features and cuts”). Later, as they converted to Christianity before creating their own alphabet, the Slavs began to use the letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets to convey the sounds of their language. Not far from Smolensk, archaeologists found shards in one of the burial mounds. They were folded, glued and received an amphora. An inscription was found on one side of it that was readable. Eight letter signs made up the word “peas”, i.e. mustard.

Today it is very difficult to classify this letter. But perhaps historians are still waiting for finds and discoveries that will help reveal the secret of ancient Slavic writing.

The most fascinating task of cultural historians is deciphering ancient inscriptions, which sometimes reveal the history of entire peoples and states. But writing in the literal sense of the word, as we know, was preceded by a long period of pictorial writing, which expressed the thoughts of ancient people in certain symbols. There are even more mysteries in this area; There are some peculiarities in the very deciphering of mysterious writings, where it is not necessary to know the language of those people, but it is enough to unravel the meaning of symbolic signs. Much of this primitive writing became part of the folk ornament, and the meaning of the signs has long been forgotten: a wavy line meant water, a wave; circle - sun; oblique cross - fire, bonfire; schematic drawings of plants - earth, fertility, life, etc. Now we only admire the combination of various figures, and our distant ancestors “read” them as magic spells.

In one ancient manuscript there is a mention that before the advent of “real” writing in the 9th century, the Slavs “counted and told fortunes with lines and cuts, being in paganism.” “Cuts” are obviously counting notches on tag sticks that survived in an illiterate Russian village until the 19th century. “Traits” for fortune telling are symbolic drawings with the help of which one could tell fortunes about the harvest and fate.

Several years ago, an expedition led by the famous Leningrad archaeologist M.A. Tikhanova conducted excavations in Volyn. Not far from the village of Lepesovki, the remains of an ancient sanctuary, the so-called Chernyakhov culture (II-IV centuries), were found. The altar of the sanctuary was made of large clay bowls. And along the rim of one of them there was a pattern: twelve rectangular frames, in which some drawings were enclosed, made a complete circle.

M.A. Tikhanova kindly provided me with her findings for publication, and I attempted to decipher these signs. The key to deciphering was the number 12. The most important pagan fortune-telling was carried out under New Year, when they conjured fate for all twelve months of the coming year. The New Year's festivities feature twelve sheaves, water from twelve wells, twelve elders leading the festivities...

I suggested that the twelve rectangles on the rim of the bowl are a symbol of the twelve months of the year. But this hypothesis could begin to live only if it were possible to identify the drawings in these rectangles with certain months.

Crosses were carved into three rectangles. Historians have long called such crosses pagan. But didn’t the location of these crosses correspond to three pagan holidays, which were associated with the phases of the sun and were celebrated in January, March, June?.. Based on the order in which the rectangles with crosses were located, it could be concluded that the rectangles marked in this way corresponded exactly these months.

Another rectangle depicted an agricultural tool - a rala, and another - ears of corn. Let us remember that plowing in Ukraine usually begins in April, and the ears ripen in August. The drawings were arranged in exactly this sequence, with a gap between them that exactly corresponded to the number of months separating April from August.

Now it was possible to defend the assumption that the Lepesov bowls from the sanctuary were ancient calendar with a symbolic image of the twelve months, probably intended for New Year's fortune-telling during the winter solstice.

What attracted attention was the fact that June, in which the pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala was celebrated, was marked on the “calendar” from Lepesovka not with one pagan cross, but with two.

Following the Lepesov bowl, I began deciphering the complex system of signs on the famous clay jug found near Kyiv in the village of Romashki. This find was made back in 1899 in a layer of the 4th century. A medium-sized ceramic jug, most likely intended for storing water, instead of the usual ornament was decorated with two rows of some kind of icons - squares, crosses, wavy lines... Some of them resembled the image of sickles, ears of corn... For what purpose were they applied to the jug, in what was their meaning?

On the “Romashkinsky” jug, among other drawings, a young tree, two crosses and a circle with six radii, the so-called “thunder sign” were depicted.

All these and other symbols were included in the top row of the mysterious ornament. Below it, clearly connected with the top one, was another row - a row consisting of ninety-six squares and wavy lines, arranged in a very intricate order.

What was the meaning of the sequence of signs in the bottom row?

I assumed that the squares represent days. It was best to take the “thunder sign” as the basis of reference, probably symbolizing the holiday of thunder and thunderstorms - the chronicles brought to us its exact date, July 20 (Hereinafter, the dates are given in accordance with the modern calendar. - Ed.). But how can such an assumption be verified? The date of another ancient Russian holiday is also known from the chronicles - the day of Ivan Kupala. It is 27 days away from the Thunder Festival. In the top row of the jug this June holiday is indicated by two crosses. And well, the number of squares in the bottom row “between” them is exactly... twenty-seven. Is this just a coincidence?

There is also other evidence. It is known that the holiday of Ivan Kupala, marked on the jug with two crosses, was preceded by the so-called “Russian week”, consisting of six days. But close to the day of Kupala on the calendar in the bottom row there is a “garland” of squares that stands out from the usual row, there are exactly six of them. And finally, the last thing in the chain of evidence. One of the squares stands directly under an icon resembling a tree, presumably a symbol of the Yarila holiday. The only chronicle evidence of the date of this holiday, often questioned by historians, names the day as June 4. And if you do the math, the square under the tree is exactly where it was on June 4th...

So, the “Romashkin jug” has a very accurate calendar. There could no longer be any doubt about this. A calendar starting, as it was easy to calculate, on May 2 and ending on August 7.

It occurred to me to compare the currently known growing seasons for the ripening of spring wheat and barley in Ukraine with the “agrotechnical calendar” of the jug. Around May 2, the first shoots appear. On May 20-30, the wheat comes into the tube - during this period the plants need a lot of moisture. And on the calendar from the village of Romashki, right above the squares denoting exactly these days, in the top row of drawings there were distinct wavy lines. Lines clearly symbolizing rain...

June 11-20 - heading. And during this period, plants need rain. And again the same wavy lines are located above the squares of these days. July 4-6 - milky ripeness of grain. Again wavy lines at the top. Finally, the day is July 20, the holiday of the sky god. After this holiday, the wavy lines on the calendar move from the top row to the bottom. Farmers no longer need rain - and the calendar symbolizes the “bringing down” of all heavenly waters underground on the eve of the harvest.

The four periods of rain on the “Romashkino” jug almost exactly correspond to those four optimal periods when spring grains really needed rain.

In pagan prayers for rain, water played a big role: prayers were held near rivers, at “holy” lakes, at springs, and streams. A jug with a magical calendar made the water poured into it “holy,” and this water was sprinkled on the fields to “cause” rain, just as Christian priests had recently done during prayers for rain.

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