What is osteopenia of the legs. What is osteopenia of the hip joint. In addition, factors include

Osteopenia – pathological condition, accompanied by a decrease in bone mineral density. As the disease progresses, it leads to osteoporosis. It is difficult to diagnose, since pathological changes in the bones, causing a decrease in the content of calcium and phosphorus in them, cannot be detected using laboratory methods and densitometry.

However, there are factors and diseases that are highly likely to be associated with osteopenia. Doctors recommend prevention of decreased bone density.

Why does the disease occur?

Numerous clinical studies conducted in all countries of the world have not identified a reliable cause of the disease. It is obvious that the pathology is formed as a result of metabolic disorders and increased destruction of the bone structure.

Osteopenia in children appears due to congenital abnormalities of the genetic structure with hereditary predisposition. It appears due to a lack of vitamin D during artificial feeding.

Pathogenetically, at the age of 30, gradual bone destruction is observed. The body uses them as a depot when there is a lack of calcium intake from food. This microelement is necessary for the functioning of muscle tissue and the heart.

The physiological process of bone resorption (destruction) is performed by osteoclasts (destructive cells). Osteoblasts are responsible for osteogenesis. If an imbalance occurs between these cells in favor of osteoclasts, osteopenia and then osteoporosis are observed.

It is obvious that when metabolism changes, the physiological process of osteogenesis (bone tissue formation) can be disrupted.

This is roughly how the mechanism of occurrence of this pathology is explained.

Osteopenia in children (including premature babies) is observed when:

  • inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract with impaired penetration of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 (chronic nonspecific colitis);
  • the use of drugs with resorptive side effects (tetracycline);
  • exposure to ionizing radiation.

Modern doctors have a special attitude towards drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. They destroy teeth and bones. With prolonged and frequent use in children, osteoporosis is observed. This fact has been proven by many clinical studies.

Diagnostic methods

Timely diagnosis allows you to prevent serious complications of the disease. Osteopenia is difficult to detect. There are no methods for determining the mineral composition of bones.

Ultrasound and X-ray densitometry is determined by a decrease in the density of the bone structure in osteoporosis. The essence of the study is to pass rays (ultrasonic or x-ray) through a certain area. Due to reflection and absorption, a decrease in bone density can be detected.

Nevertheless, some private clinics, using modern equipment, can diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. There is a method of dual-energy absorption x-ray. It can be used to determine the loss of bone mineral composition at a rate of about 2% per year.

In public medical institutions, pathology is identified based on clinical symptoms. The first signs of the disease can be detected in patients with the following characteristics:

  1. women over 55 years of age;
  2. aged people;
  3. Caucasian origin;
  4. thinness;
  5. frequent intake of adrenal hormones - glucocorticosteroids;
  6. smoking;
  7. sedentary lifestyle;
  8. lack of vitamin D and calcium;
  9. alcohol abuse.

If you have at least two of the above criteria, you are likely to have osteopenia.

In men, pathology is detected less frequently, since they have more pronounced bone and muscle mass. However, after the onset of menopause, it is disrupted hormonal background, therefore, resorption processes prevail over osteogenesis. For this reason, in old age the disease is detected with equal probability in men and women.

For old people, osteopenia of the spine with damage to the lumbar region is specific. Radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, widespread osteochondrosis and spondylosis are frequent concomitant diseases with osteopenia.

Although systemic bone degeneration is not common in children, it occurs in 5%. The cause of the pathology is hereditary conditions associated with impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

Prevention of the disease consists of following the following recommendations:

  • Replenishment of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D deficiency.
  • Active physical activities.
  • Power control.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

Doctors compensate for calcium deficiency with medications. In addition, regular consumption of milk during minor signs of the disease helps prevent its progression.

Consumption of calcium supplements with food allows you to partially compensate for the deficiency in this microelement, but they high price does not justify the benefit. Crushed eggshells added to food will also be useful.

At the same time, we should not forget about the need to add vitamin D to the diet. It is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so you should be in the sun more often.

Play a significant role in maintaining bone mass physical exercise. Bone tissue grows under the influence of muscle loads. If muscles are actively developing, they pull bones along with them. This is how physiological osteogenesis occurs. Therefore, to build bones, you need to exercise.

Signs of osteopenia are detected in older people when bone density is more than 2 during densitometry. In this case, old people have deformation of the lumbar spine. Its changes can be detected by radiography. In pictures of the lower back, in addition to specific changes in the vertebrae, a decrease in their density will be observed. A qualified radiologist will determine the disease “by eye”.

Criteria for densitometric diagnosis of osteopenia:

  1. if the density indicator is less than 1 – normal;
  2. from 1 to 2.5 – osteopenia;
  3. more than 2.5 – osteoporosis.

Diet for osteopenic changes in the vertebrae

A diet for illness involves eating fruits, herbs and vegetables. Cow's milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir) are beneficial.

Magnesium helps increase bone density. It is found in beans, vegetables and grains. To prevent rapid thinning of bones, it is recommended to regularly perform gymnastics. Doctors advise running to build bone mass in the lower extremities.

Treatment of the disease with pharmaceutical drugs is carried out only when osteopenia transitions to osteoporosis.

Drug treatment for calcium deficiency in bones

Osteopenia is treated with cheap drugs that can be found in pharmacies.

Here are the most common of them:

  • bisphosphonates;
  • calcitonin;
  • calcitriol;
  • raloxifene;
  • teriparatide.

Bisphosphonates are prescribed to prevent bone resorption. We draw the readers' attention to the fact that these medications do not promote osteogenesis. They only prevent bone destruction.

If a person regularly takes bisphosphonates, osteoclasts cannot perform their function. Therefore, they can only be taken for a short time. According to experimental studies, long-term blocking of bone resorption can lead to cancerous transformations of bone cells. In such a situation, a favorable prognosis for osteopenia is replaced by a threat to the patient’s life.

Calcitonin is a thyroid hormone that regulates calcium metabolism in the body. With its deficiency, resorption predominates over osteogenesis. Calcitonin obtained from sea salmon is used for administration to humans. The structure of this substance is similar to that of humans.

Raloxifene is a drug that activates estrogen. When used, the sensitivity of bones to estrogens (female sex hormones) increases, which increases bone mass.

Calcitriol is a vitamin D preparation. It contains a high concentration of this substance, so it is sold by prescription. When using the medicine, calcium levels should be constantly monitored.

Treatment with teriparatide is prescribed by an endocrinologist. The medicine belongs to the group of anabolic metabolism stimulants. In case of an overdose, a resorptive effect is observed.

Thus, osteopenia is initial stage osteoporosis. If its treatment is started in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable in terms of preventing systemic leaching of calcium ions from the bones.

Osteopenia is changes in the structure of bones that make them more vulnerable to various injuries, in particular to fractures. Most often, the hip joint suffers from this, since it is the pelvic bone that bears strong and regular loads.

In osteopenia, the level of bone mineral density is significantly reduced, which leads to bone fragility and weakening. The body lacks calcium and phosphorus, so bones become more fragile.

Fractures and cracks are a typical consequence of osteopenia. With the disease, the integrity of the femoral neck (the thinnest part), connecting the head and body of the bone, may be compromised. A fracture can occur even due to minor trauma: after stress (for example, after carrying heavy objects), sudden movements, excessive forceful activity.

The disease is not life-threatening, but the period of its development (without symptoms) lasts for several months or even years. In 97% of cases, the patient is unaware of the disease until complications occur. The doctor can confirm the diagnosis only after conducting a special study - densitometry (analysis of bone density using X-rays).

Interesting to know! This disease of the musculoskeletal system most often affects women, and only 25% of the disease affects men.


Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Endocrine system disorders: increased or decreased levels of estrogen/testosterone, thyroid hormones.
  3. Lack of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus in the body.
  4. Toxic effects - chemotherapy, radiation exposure; taking medications.
  5. Low physical activity - lack of sports activities, sedentary work.
  6. Bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking.

The disease can begin to develop in women during menopause. During this period, a number of changes occur in the body, which lead to loss of minerals and increased fragility of bone tissue.

The diagnosis is observed not only in adults, but also in children. This pathology affects more than 50% of premature babies who did not receive enough calcium and phosphorus during intrauterine development.

Also, during pregnancy, a woman's cartilage and joints may become more fragile and brittle due to a lack of calcium. This can cause the development of osteopenia.

The following population categories are at risk:

  • women over 60, men over 70;
  • previously suffered fractures;
  • women with premature menopause;
  • suffering from diabetes.


For a long time, symptoms of the disease do not appear. Even the appearance of a crack (which is the result of a severe weakening of the bone structure) is not accompanied by pain.

Important! Spasms and stiffness in the hip area during movement may be the first signs of pathology.

In some cases, patients complain of a short-term loss of sensitivity of the skin in the hip area, but this may not always be a sign of osteopenia.


In order to detect a violation of bone mineralization (lack of calcium and phosphorus), the following is carried out:

After testing, the results of bone density are compared with normal values. If a strong deviation from the norm is detected, the diagnosis of “osteopenia” is confirmed.

Research results

Worth knowing! Sometimes a laboratory test for alkaline phosphatase (an enzyme in the blood) is needed. If the indicators are increased, this indicates the development of pathological processes, which will subsequently lead to a gradual thinning of the bone tissue.


Treatment consists of several stages:

  1. Review of diet. The body needs a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D.
  2. Drug therapy. It includes taking medications that increase bone mass (a complex of minerals and vitamins).


The drugs presented in the table are often used to combat osteopenia.


Effective exercises will help relieve pain and restore mobility. It is recommended to perform them during a period when severe pain and spasms have subsided.

A set of therapeutic exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, begin to pull your knees towards your stomach. Having reached the maximum point, clasp them with your hands and hold for 10 seconds. Straighten your legs. Repeat the exercise 8 times.
  2. Lying on your back, imagine as if you were riding a bicycle: for 2 minutes, imitate active movements of your legs.
  3. Lie on your side and use your free hand to maintain your balance. Perform upper leg raises (holding it suspended for 7 seconds) 10 times. Repeat the same thing, turning over to the other side.

Folk recipes

You can add folk remedies to the complex of medications and exercise therapy.

  1. A decoction of parsley and dill. Strengthens bones, improves the condition of blood vessels. Preparation: mix 150 grams of herbs, pour boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Take 100 ml three times a day. To obtain a lasting effect, you need to drink the decoction for 6-8 months.
  2. Place 200 grams of nut membranes in a glass container, pour 100 ml of vodka. Let it brew for 21 days. The resulting tincture is effective for rubbing and compresses. Apply gauze soaked in the infusion to the joints for 2 hours. The product can be used to prevent the development of the disease.
  3. You can take nut tincture orally: 1 teaspoon per day, half an hour before meals. Helps strengthen the structure of bones and blood vessels, improves immunity, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • regular densitometry (2 times a year) for people at risk;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;

    Important! Avoid heavy exercise, physical activity should be in moderation.

  • add foods containing calcium and phosphorus to your diet: fish, seafood, bran, cheese and dairy products, eggs, nuts, poultry, dried fruits;
  • take sunbathing, walk more fresh air;
  • give up bad habits.

In order to understand the essence of the diseases osteopenia and osteoporosis, as well as the difference between them, it is necessary to consider the processes occurring in the bone mass.

The main one is the mechanism of bone remodeling, which continues continuously throughout a person’s life. During the normal course of the process, the creation of new and destruction of obsolete tissue cells is balanced and regulated. The renewal lasts from one hundred to two hundred days and is started by the body every 3 years. With age or unfavorable factors, this delicate balance is disrupted and rheumatological diseases begin.

Osteopenia– a condition in which bone mineral density decreases compared to the norm for a person of the same age, which leads to a weakening of the skeleton, increasing the risk of fractures.

Osteopenic syndrome (ICD 10 code M89.9) does not pose a threat to life, but is insidious due to its quiet asymptomatic course, which does not manifest itself clinically until complications arise: even some fractures occur in hidden form, there is no swelling and pain, mobility is maintained. Often the patient is completely unaware of the injury and does not see a doctor.

Let's figure out the difference between osteoporosis and osteopenia. Unlike osteoporosis, the mechanical strength of bones and the ability to withstand physiological loads during osteopenia are preserved; a decrease in strength indicators occurs without loss of bone mass itself.

With the development of osteoporosis, there is a risk of fracture at the slightest impact, and there is also a loss of bone tissue with a disruption in the process of its regeneration.

Medicine considers osteopenia and osteoporosis as related diseases, but with varying degrees of severity: with osteopenia, density indicators decrease, but do not yet approach the critical values ​​characteristic of osteoporosis. Osteopenia is described as a background pathology, and osteoporosis is classified as a full-fledged severe disease.

Reasons for the development of osteopenia

Osteopenia is a transitional condition skeletal system, between healthy and osteoporotic, the factors causing the diseases are similar and are based on a decrease in bone mineralization:

  • initially low level of bone tissue mineralization, calcium and phosphorus are taken into account primarily;
  • age and gender - women, due to physiology, fall into the risk group much earlier than men, after 50 years;
  • height more than 175 cm for women, 183 cm for men;
  • underweight;
  • frequent pregnancies and long periods of lactation;
  • hormonal imbalances of various ethnogenesis, from the level of thyroid hormones to diabetes;
  • prolonged stay on artificial nutrition, for example, during organ transplantation;
  • lack of minerals and vitamin D;
  • pathologies of blood vessels and blood circulation, connective tissues;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • gastrointestinal diseases in which the metabolism and absorption of nutrients is impaired;
  • genetics;
  • physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • infectious and rheumatic pathologies, arthritis;
  • taking certain medications: corticosteroid hormones, anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives;
  • oncological diseases and methods of their treatment - radiation and chemotherapy provoke osteopenia hip joint, lumbar spine;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.

Types of osteopenia

The pathological process is divided:

  1. By localization:
    • – the entire skeleton is involved in the pathological process;
    • local - occurring in specific parts of the bone or bone tissue.
  2. By stage of development:
DegreeBone mineral density deficiency, %Peculiarities
Initial11-17 there are no clinical manifestations, the patient does not suspect the presence of the disease; With timely therapy, it is possible to quickly get rid of the disease by adjusting nutrition, lifestyle, and taking mineral and vitamin complexes
Expressed18-25 fatigue, discomfort and pain, convulsive syndrome of the limbs; lifestyle adjustments are no longer enough, medications are included
Sharply expressed> 26 bones become very fragile, frequent “causeless” injuries are observed, sometimes concomitant diseases and chronic processes occur; in the absence or insufficiency of treatment, the pathology develops into full-fledged osteoporosis of the initial stage


The symptoms of osteopenic syndrome are “silent” and rarely appear in the initial stages.

Even fractures are often unexpressed, although microtraumas in osteopenia of the lumbar spine require immediate treatment.

Such a “silent” course of a disease that has already settled in the body leads to the fact that the patient does not seek help until osteopenia turns into or an obvious fracture occurs.

Among the symptoms that can already be noticed are:

  • poor posture, decreased height by up to 4 cm - signs of incipient deformation of the vertebrae, reduction in their height due to compression;
  • , cervical deflection, scoliosis;
  • the appearance of pain when making sharp turns, lifting heavy objects, even with severe coughing or sneezing;
  • the tone of the back muscles increases due to deformation changes in the spine;
  • painful conditions worsen for a period of about 7 days, then turn into aching pain;
  • pale skin is one of the indirect signs indicating a possible lack of vitamin D;

Such symptoms do not always correlate with the development of osteopathic diseases, but should be a reason for diagnosis in order to exclude or confirm the disease.


To determine ongoing osteopenia or its transition to osteoporosis, 2 types of studies are needed: laboratory and instrumental. All these tests are painless and non-invasive.

Let's consider laboratory tests:

  1. Blood test - donate blood for testing in the morning on an empty stomach, the serum is separated in the laboratory and the level of electrolytes, phosphate, calcium, hormones PTH1-84, T4, TSH are determined.
  2. Urinalysis - the material is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, pH values ​​are measured to confirm sufficient acidification, and to assess calcium excretion and measure its level, you will need to collect 2 daily portions of urine. Also, based on the study of urine and blood, the ratio of tubular reabsorption of phosphate and glomerular filtration rate is assessed.
  3. Analysis for oncology - to exclude malignant neoplasms, the consequence of which may be osteopenia, it is necessary to pass a number of tests: ESR, Bence-Jones protein in the urine, serum protein electrophoresis.

Instrumental examinations:

  1. X-ray of the spine - performed in a lateral projection, allows you to see the presence of the disease when bone loss is already 40-50%. Therefore, this method is not suitable for determining osteopenia and the initial stage of osteoporosis.
  2. X-ray of individual bones - sometimes helps to determine the disease by indirect manifestations: changes in the epiphyses in childhood rickets, dumbbell-shaped changes in long bones, resorption of the compact substance of the phalanges.
  3. Bone densitometry is the most modern and sensitive method; the study is carried out using two-photon X-ray absorptiometry devices.

Densitometry allows you to assess not only the presence of a decrease in bone density, but also its quantitative indicators:

  • Z-score – the difference between bone density values: the obtained values ​​and the theoretical norm for the average person of the same age, height and weight;
  • T-score is the difference between the obtained data and the norm for a forty-year-old person.

For assessment, a scale of results is used, where T -1 is a normal indicator, with results from -1 to -2.5, osteopenia is diagnosed, with T more than -2.5 and the presence of non-traumatic fractures, the patient is diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Densitometry is performed on an outpatient basis, the procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. Bone tissue is scanned in areas where fractures occur more often than others: hip, spine, wrist, ankle.

Preparation for the study:

  • tell us if you are pregnant;
  • Discuss in advance with your doctor what medications you are already using; some medications will need to be stopped for some time before densitometry;
  • It is prohibited to take the day before the examination.


The primary task if a patient has osteopenia is to prevent the condition from worsening, eliminate the causes of the disease and gradually return to normal levels.

The tactics of methods and treatment depend on the condition of the bone tissue and the factors causing its weakening.

With a light flow, at the very beginning of osteopenia, no special treatment is required: adjustments are made to habits and lifestyle, adding therapeutic exercises, diets with the introduction of necessary products and the exclusion of harmful ones.

It is possible to include vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as control over the condition of the patient’s bone tissue.

If the patient applied at later stages or if simple adjustments did not bring results, then the patient’s condition is assessed again; based on the test results, the doctor can add drug therapy: specialized calcium supplements, hormonal drugs, bisphosphonates.

The inclusion of physiotherapeutic procedures is also indicated - phonophoresis, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy. The main thing in this course of the disease is to prevent the transition of osteopenia to osteoporosis.

More serious medications are not prescribed for this condition, as they have side effects and without direct need, doctors try to do without them.

IMPORTANT! Contraindicated for osteopenia manual therapy, massage is allowed no earlier than six months from the start of medication treatment and must take place in a therapeutic form.

Nutrition adjustments

Correction of eating habits, transition to balanced diet– an important step towards recovery from osteopenia. It is necessary to monitor whether enough is being supplied essential minerals? It has been clinically proven that useful material from food are absorbed by the body better and more fully than from vitamin-mineral complexes.

Therefore, a person with osteopenia needs to pay attention to their diet and follow the recommendations. The ratio of the number of BZHU is adjusted in proportions 1/1.2/4, respectively, and foods rich in microelements important for osteopenia:

  • calcium – necessary for the construction of the skeletal system, the absorption of protein and phosphorus;
  • potassium – has a good effect on the muscle corset;
  • phosphorus – participates in the process of osteogenesis, the state of hormonal levels;
  • Iodine is needed by the thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolism.

Recommended Products: seafood, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, dairy products, legumes, lean meat, plant products, herbs, cereals, nuts, dried fruits.

ADVICE. The undeservedly forgotten root vegetable turnip is a carrier of a huge amount of useful minerals: copper, manganese, iron, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur.

Turnips are also rich in vitamin K, which helps calcium stay in the body and produce proteins for bone tissue.

Pay attention to turnips when planning your diet:

  • include more plant products into the diet;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • reduce the amount of animal fats;
  • herbal teas and decoctions will be beneficial for the body (before using any decoctions, talk to your doctor);
  • exclude products with industrial preservatives in their composition, they interfere with the absorption of minerals, promote calcium loss, and disrupt metabolism;
  • exclude alcoholic drinks, strong teas, coffee;
  • exclude sweets and sugary carbonated drinks, especially those containing phosphoric acid.

Drug treatment

When introducing drugs into the treatment process, the main emphasis is on eliminating the cause of the disease and preventing transition to a more severe stage.

The most common drugs:

  • – prevent bone destruction; when taken, osteoclasts cannot do their job of destroying cells, so they can only be taken in courses and for a short time;
  • calcitonin is a thyroid hormone that regulates calcium metabolism;
  • calcitriol – contains vitamin D in high concentration, used for constant monitoring of Ca levels;
  • raloxifene – activates estrogen hormones and the sensitivity of bone tissue to them;
  • teriparatide is a stimulator of anabolic metabolism, a synthetic form of the hormone, prescribed by an endocrinologist;
  • calcium preparations – calcium carbonate, calcium gluconate, calcemin, etc.


Exercises have a beneficial effect on normalizing blood circulation and nutrition, reducing congestion.

The complex is selected by the doctor individually, but in any case, jumping, heavy lifting, sudden movements, as well as bending forward and rotational types of movements should be excluded.

Exercise therapy should be carried out without pain, the duration of the session is 30 minutes, 3 times a week.

Let's look at examples of exercises:

  • The Wall Arch trains the entire body. You need to stand facing the wall, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart, as you exhale, alternately stretch your arms forward, touching the wall, as you exhale, return to the starting position, perform 5 approaches.
  • Upper back. In a sitting position, move your arms bent at the elbows back as far as possible, hold in this position for 5 seconds, perform 10 approaches.
  • Lower back and stomach. Lying on the floor, bend your legs, straining your abdominal muscles, turn your pelvis so that your lumbar region touches the floor, do not strain your leg muscles, you need to hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position, perform 10 approaches.

Lifestyle with osteopenia

If you have this diagnosis, you must follow the following rules: healthy image life:

  • proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits;
  • regular exercise therapy, active lifestyle;
  • scheduled examinations and tests;
  • eliminating unnecessary physical activity and movements.

Some everyday tips:

  • When cleaning, use objects with long handles to minimize bending;
  • do not carry a pot of water from the sink; it is better to fill it with water and place it on the stove;
  • put on your shoes without bending over, sit on a chair, use a shoehorn with a long handle;
  • if you lift an object, it is better to bend your knees than bend over;
  • do not turn your spine when lifting objects;
  • Carry shopping and groceries in two bags, this will evenly distribute the load.

Complications and prognosis

The main complication of osteopenia is all kinds of fractures, and also in the absence or inappropriate treatment – ​​transition to osteoporosis.

Medicine considers a hip fracture to be the most dangerous complication. leads to disability in half of the cases, treatment requires surgery and subsequent long rehabilitation.

Osteopenia of the lumbar spine is dangerous due to vertebral fractures even with minor exposure.

Complications also include emerging accompanying neurological diseases and chronic processes, metabolic disorders - all this negatively affects the human condition.

Treatment prognosis is generally favorable, especially until osteoporosis has set in in its final stages, since osteopenia responds well to treatment: sometimes it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle and diet, in other cases, start taking medications.


Awareness about a disease such as osteopenia is a sign to be examined in a timely manner, begin preventive measures, and take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Remember that the disease is asymptomatic and is dangerous for the development of osteoporosis over time. Consult your doctor for examinations to determine the presence or absence of the disease.

Human bones provide support for the entire body. Like other organs, bones are susceptible various diseases. One of the pathologies characteristic of middle-aged and elderly people is osteopenia. The essence of the disorders lies in premature aging of bone tissue.

Characteristics of the pathology

What is osteopenia of bones? It is a pathology of bone tissue, which is characterized by a decrease in its density and volume. This happens due to the leaching of mineral salts. The disease is most often observed in women over 50 years of age, but the pathology also occurs in young people and even in newborns.

The loss of mineral salts leads to a decrease in the thickness of the cortical layer of bones. As a result, the bone becomes very fragile and loses its elasticity. This greatly increases the risk of fractures.

A similar development mechanism exists in diseases such as osteoporosis. However, osteopenia and osteoporosis are different diseases. There are a number of differences between them:

  • Osteoporosis is a natural age-related change in bone tissue, while osteopenia is premature aging;
  • With osteopenia, the degree of decrease in bone density is lower than with osteoporosis;
  • Osteopenia can affect all bones of the skeleton, as well as limited areas.

There are several types of osteopenia:

  • Generalized or diffuse affects all bones at the same time;
  • Local - only one area is affected (usually osteopenia of the hip joint develops);
  • Congenital is diagnosed in a child immediately after birth;
  • The acquired one develops throughout life.

For osteopenia, the ICD 10 code is M81.


The reasons for the development of pathology in humans are:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Reduced intake of minerals and vitamin D into the body, which facilitates their absorption;
  • Long-term treatment with hormonal drugs, chemotherapy;
  • Frequent pregnancies and childbirths;
  • Bad habits, physical inactivity.

Osteopenia in children is much less common. The main reason for its development is deep prematurity. The maximum intake of calcium and phosphorus into the fetus’s body is observed in the third trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the final formation of bones occurs. If a baby is born before this time, he or she develops osteopenia of prematurity.

Acquired osteopenia in a child can develop due to insufficient intake of vitamin D3 from food. This is mainly observed with artificial feeding.

On a note!

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to a decrease in the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins.

How it manifests itself

Disease for a long time is asymptomatic. Pathology is recognized when fractures associated with low bone density occur. Such fractures are called pathological, since they occur with the slightest impact on the bone, which would not cause any disturbances in a healthy person.

In 80% of cases, osteopenia is manifested by femoral neck fractures and compression fractures of the lumbar vertebrae.

A characteristic sign of osteopenia is a high frequency of fractures - up to 5-6 times a year. And bone damage heals very slowly. In most cases, bone injuries are represented by cracks and compression (depressed) fractures. Compression fractures of the vertebrae are characterized by a long absence of any symptoms. Only after some time do back pain appear, which is often considered neurological.

Osteopenia of the left femoral neck leads to fractures, which are most dangerous in older people. Frequent complications of such fractures are deep vein or pulmonary artery thrombosis. Even without the development of complications, older people after injury to the femoral neck often remain disabled, unable to move independently.

There are indirect signs of a person developing the disease. Calcium, phosphorus, and protein are found not only in bone tissue, but also in hair and nails. If a person has problems with hair or increased brittleness of nails, they should be examined to detect osteopenia.

The following may also indicate problems with bone tissue:

  • Periodic pain in the limbs, lower back;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Shuffling gait.

As osteopenia develops, changes in posture are observed. Unnoticed vertebral fractures lead to a decrease in human height.


To make a diagnosis of osteopenia, a special study is required. Conventional x-rays of bones are not able to detect the disease. An X-ray can detect only local osteopenia - in areas of large bone joints. In this case, the image reveals clearing of the bone tissue.

The main method for diagnosing diffuse osteopenia is densitometry. This method allows you to assess the level of bone mineral density. Large bones, such as femurs and vertebrae, are most suitable for research.

Laboratory diagnostics can reveal a decrease in the level of minerals in the blood, increased activity of alkaline phosphatase, and a decrease in parathyroid hormones.

Treatment methods

Treatment of osteopenia is based on integrated approach, based on the mechanism of disease development. A person is prescribed a diet that ensures sufficient intake of calcium and phosphorus into the body. Drug therapy is carried out. Supportive treatment methods include the use of folk remedies a, therapeutic exercises.

A person is advised to avoid traumatic situations and reduce the amount of physical activity. At the same time, an active lifestyle is shown - walks in the fresh air, water aerobics. It is necessary to give up bad habits.


Nutrition for osteopenia is aimed at ensuring sufficient intake of the following substances into the body:

  • Calcium and phosphorus are the main microelements that form bone tissue;
  • Protein;
  • Vitamins – D3, B, C, PP.

On a note!

In 30% of cases, proper nutrition can cure osteopenia without the use of drugs.

The diet should consist of the following products:

  • Dairy and fermented milk products - milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetables and fruits, preferably raw;
  • Meat and fish;
  • Nuts;
  • Legumes, cereals.

You should avoid alcohol, strong tea and coffee, canned foods, and carbonated drinks.


Before prescribing drug therapy, a person should be examined by other specialists to identify endocrine pathologies. If one is detected, it is necessary to correct it with medication.

The main medications used to treat osteopenia are:

  • Calcium preparations – Calcemin, Calcid, Calcitriol;
  • Bisphosphonates - alendronic, zoledronic acids;
  • Raloxifene.

Calcemin and Calcid are sources of natural calcium. For osteopenia, they are prescribed for long-term use– at least three months. More effective drug is Calcitriol - it contains calcium and vitamin D3, which increases the absorption of the mineral.

Bisphosphonates are drugs that inhibit the activity of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone tissue). They are prescribed for a short course.

The drug Raloxifene is an estrogenic agent that suppresses the process of bone tissue destruction. It also reduces calcium loss.

Treatment of osteopenia with drugs is long-term, the minimum course is 6 months.

Folk remedies

The use of folk remedies is only an additional method of treating osteopenia, since no such remedy can replace medicinal product. How to treat osteopenia using traditional medicine recipes:

  • Dream-grass, woodruff, Chernobyl grass. Herbs are taken in a ratio of 1:1:2 and poured with boiling water. Leave for an hour, then take a quarter glass before meals. Duration of treatment – ​​up to 3 months;
  • Jarutka, dandelion root, St. John's wort. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a liter of boiling water. Drink the entire amount throughout the day. Duration of treatment – ​​at least a month;
  • Knotweed, geranium, horsetail. Pour a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of plants and drink half a glass after meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.

There are many more folk recipes treatment of osteopenia in women and men. They can only be used in consultation with your doctor.

Exercise therapy

Physiotherapy helps reduce the severity of the manifestations of the disease, helps strengthen bone tissue. The following methods are used:

  • Water aerobics;
  • Swimming;
  • Dancing;
  • Yoga.

Injury-prone sports should be avoided. Exercises are performed smoothly, without sudden movements.

It is doubly beneficial to do gymnastics outdoors in sunny days. Ultraviolet light promotes the production of vitamin D in the body.

Prognosis and prevention

The main method of preventing osteopenia is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It implies sufficient physical activity, giving up bad habits, and adhering to the principles healthy eating. Regular medical examinations will allow you to detect pathology in a timely manner. Annual ultrasound densitometry is recommended for people over 50 years of age, as well as women over 40 years of age if they have had early menopause. Regardless of age, diagnosis is carried out for people with frequent, long-healing fractures.

The prognosis for osteopenia is favorable in most cases. On early stages the disease is easily curable. If osteopenia has already developed, the therapy will slow down its progression.

Osteopenia is a precursor to osteoporosis. This is a serious disease of bone tissue, leading to frequent and long-healing fractures. The peculiarity of the pathology is that it long time doesn't show up at all. For diagnosis, the method of ultrasonic densitometry is used. Treatment is carried out conservatively.

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “osteopenia of the hip joint, symptoms and treatment.”

Osteoporosis of the hip joint is a disease that occurs as a result of metabolic disorders in the body, which leads to the destruction of bone tissue. Localization of the disease occurs in places subject to heavy loads. It is because of constant mobility that the hip joint is most often subject to injury and destruction.

Osteoporosis is a consequence and cause of skeletal injuries; the difficulty of treatment usually lies in extensive bone damage. In addition to the hip joint, the disease affects nearby bones, cartilage, ribs and spine.

Against the background of osteoporosis, the femoral neck is subject to resolution, violations of which immobilize a person and, without treatment, lead to death.

Reasons for appearance

Osteoporosis of the hip joint, like osteoporosis of other bones, is a common phenomenon and occurs for a number of reasons. Wear and tear of bone tissue and, as a result, osteoporosis, causes a number of disorders:

  • Hormonal disorders, decreased estrogen production during menopause in women;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Lack of substances and vitamins due to poor nutrition;
  • Bad habits – alcohol addiction and smoking;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Taking medications;
  • Long-term use of immunosuppressants;
  • Age-related changes;
  • Removal of female organs reproductive system and taking artificial hormones.

Symptoms and signs

The main signs of osteoporosis are considered to be pain and discomfort in the affected area.

The pain occurs gradually and intensifies after physical activity. Afterwards, the pain does not go away for a long period, even at rest. Gradually, muscle tissue atrophy occurs and eventually physical activity is decreasing every day.

On the affected side, there is shortening of the joint and deformation, which is expressed by lameness.

As the disease progresses, it disrupts the functioning of other body systems; first of all, forced inaction suppresses mood and nervous disorders appear. Feelings of depression, weakness and general malaise accompany the development of osteoporosis.

One type of disease that primarily affects older people is diffuse osteoporosis. It is distinguished from other species by damage not only to one joint, but to all parts of the human skeleton.

At the beginning of its development, this form does not manifest itself in any way, no pain is observed. Bone tissue loses its density, only regular fractures and increased bone fragility are signs of diffuse osteoporosis.

Degrees of osteoporosis of the hip joint

There are three degrees of development of the disease based on the nature and severity of the course.

1st degree

This is the initial stage of osteoporosis, which is characterized by the appearance of a slight narrowing of the joint lumen. Like the first osteophytes, fissures can be found on x-ray.

Symptoms include the appearance of pain when physical activity, which passes at rest.

This stage, without complications and deep damage to the joint, responds well to treatment.

2nd degree

Progresses with severe pain that does not go away, the joint begins to lose mobility. The inflammatory process in the soft tissues and swelling does not allow flexion and extension of the joint.

The pain periodically changes location and most often radiates to the groin area and lower extremities. Sometimes the sensations are associated with spinal disease and confused with osteochondrosis.

Another characteristic sign of the second degree of osteoporosis is the appearance of creaking and crunching when moving, which is accompanied by painful shooting pains.

The affected limb is shortened due to dystrophic changes in the pelvic muscles.

The disease can be diagnosed using x-rays. The pictures already clearly show the growth of calcium deposits and the beginning of deformation of the head of the femoral joint. The gap in the joint increases three times, and the head rises.

3rd degree

The advanced stage of osteoporosis leads to complete occlusion of the joint.

The muscles surrounding the hip joint are atrophied, and the soft tissues are partially affected by necrosis. The pain intensifies and does not go away around the clock.

The pelvic bones are deformed, and the tilt towards the lesion is increased, which is already noticeable to the naked eye.

On an x-ray, the joint space is either not visible at all, or a slight shadow is visible. The entire cavity is filled with osteophytes.

The femoral neck is thickened and its edges are indistinguishable.

At this stage of the disease, conservative methods are practically powerless. The only way to restore mobility to your legs is through surgery and complex therapy.

Methods and methods for treating osteoporosis in the hip joint

The main direction of treatment for osteoporosis is to inhibit the process of joint destruction, replenish the lack of calcium and other microelements important for bone growth, as well as activate the processes of natural bone regeneration.

There are many treatment methods; at different stages they are combined and the optimal regimen is selected for the individual case.

The main areas include:

  • Drug treatment;
  • Physiotherapy, massage;
  • Plasmolifting;
  • Gymnastics and therapeutic exercises using various methods;
  • Alternative therapy;
  • Surgical intervention.

The treatment regimen directly depends on the severity of the disease.

At the first stage when the structure of the joint is not yet disturbed and only the first signs of deformation appear, which triggers inflammation and swelling, it is enough to complete the course drug treatment and, if necessary, rehabilitation therapy through gymnastics and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Inflammatory process and pain blocked with steroids. These can be intramuscular injections, tablets and suppositories for topical use. If the skin is not damaged, ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect are used. In case of exacerbation, antibacterial therapy is used. To prevent thrombosis in immobilized limbs, blood thinning drugs are used.

Muscle tone in osteoporosis is due to compensation due to the unstable condition of the joint. This leads to problems with blood flow in the damaged area. Antispasmodic drugs like No-shpa and Drotaverine can prevent this. Drugs to reduce permeability can help blood circulation.

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