Nutritionist sports nutrition. Course “Sports Dietetics”. Is it so

The Olympics in Rio and the Paralympics recently ended, to which our athletes were not allowed. But any sporting event fuels interest in sports and, as a result, in sports nutrition.

Should you always trust experts?

We bring to your attention the opinion of sports nutrition specialist Pavel Sheremet* and the objections of nutritionists.

To become a good athlete, you must not only have natural physical abilities, but also train a lot and be able to recover. The main criteria for recovery are timely rest and proper nutrition.

Rules for proper nutrition for effective recovery after exercise


  • fruit and vegetable products
  • cereals
  • butter and eggs

You can eat foods from no more than three groups at one time, preferably not mixing. Meat salads, sandwiches with greens and meat, soups are evil. Borscht is universal evil. Borscht products are not digestible. Hence, stomach diseases among Russians and Ukrainians. Soups are an invention of hungry times to feed a large family.

Drinking water only before meals, during meals is dangerous for digestion, and after - no earlier than 40 minutes later.

Objections nutritionist A. Kovalkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences:

Many products are combined with each other, moreover, they help assimilation. For example, carrots are not only possible, but also should be eaten simultaneously with fats, since beta-carotene from carrots is absorbed in the presence of fats. Rice goes well with vegetables, then you will not feel heavy in the stomach. Spray the fish before serving lemon juice, because ascorbic acid Helps absorb iron and phosphorus.

Nutritionist and endocrinologist Natalya Samoilenko from Kyiv about the benefits of borscht:

Properly prepared borscht is a perfectly balanced dish: it contains a large number of animal fats from meat, vegetable fats from roasting, which certainly includes carrots, animal and vegetable proteins, vitamins (which are not destroyed by heat treatment), minerals from all components, complex carbohydrates.

Low-fat broths stimulate digestion, fiber helps better digestion of food and removes toxins from the body, and also helps absorb vitamins and minerals, protein from beans ensures high performance and efficiency of metabolic processes.

Any liquid dish allows you to eat less. It is for this reason that it is better to drink water before meals.

Rule #2: EAT between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and often.

Is it so?

Nutritionist Dominique Loro, France:

listen to your body and eat when you feel hungry. We are unable to control the timing of bowel movements, and the same applies to hunger. Of course, habits are essential here, but there is more psychological harm from uneaten candy at night than physiological harm.

Freedom to eat gives you the freedom to refuse food if the time has come, but you don’t want to eat.

There is a significant objection to eating before 6 p.m.: not all workers can afford it, since they return from work later.

Rule No. 3: REFUSE three poisons: alcohol, sugar, mushrooms

P. Sheremet says that with alcohol everything is absolutely clear, no discussion is even required. Sugar is a white poison, a product of chemical processing. Mushrooms are a completely foreign product that is not absorbed by the body.

Objections from nutritionist A. Kovalkov**:

White wine is recommended for dehydration; red wine contains antioxidants and cleanses the body of “bad” cholesterol. Small doses of wine contribute to the release of endorphins, pleasure hormones. But, of course, everything is good in moderation!

Nutritionists from Poland conducted a study that proved that a person cannot survive without sugar for long; sugar increases blood circulation in the brain, prevents the formation of blood clots, and helps in the functioning of the liver and spleen.

Sugar - natural product Of course, chemical compounds are used to purify it, but this does not make the sugar itself an unnatural product.

But the average person still eats much more sugar than normal.

It is completely unclear whether mushrooms are included in the list of poisons. Maybe they meant poisonous mushrooms?

Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko from Moscow objects and confirms the words of P. Sheremet:

Mushrooms are high in protein, low in calories, and rich in vitamins and minerals. There is 2 times more protein than in eggs. There are many amino acids, phosphorus, and vitamins.

Due to their low calorie content, mushrooms are included in many diets. Beta-glucans found in mushrooms are beneficial for the immune system.

But at the same time, vitamins from mushrooms are poorly absorbed, mushrooms are poorly digested, and accumulate toxins.

If we consider mushrooms as a food product from a nutritional point of view, then there is no particular benefit from them, but there is no harm either.


Food should fit in the palm of your hand. Since this is the approximate size of our stomach. Large quantity food stretches the stomach, compressing neighboring organs; less will lead to weight loss.


Scientists from the USA have confirmed the effectiveness of the “rule of hand” for determining portions. But still, this is appropriate for the average person, and not for a heavy physical worker or an athlete.

Rule No. 5: EAT without negative emotions

If you are angry or in a bad mood, it is better to refuse food for this period. Negative feelings affect the digestive organs. Fear disrupts metabolism and normal kidney function. Anger has a negative impact on gallbladder and may cause heartburn.

Anton Yasyr, psychologist:

Most psychologists would agree with this statement. Nutritionists may disagree with the statement about the influence of emotions on internal organs person, but will not object to the thesis that one should only eat with positive emotions.

*materials used

** blog by Alexey Kovalkov


Sports nutritionist Wendy Martinson shares her tips on how to eat right to get great results in any sport. Wendy provides nutritional counseling to Olympic athletes and soccer players.

If you have an intense workout, you will use more energy than with light or no exercise. If you don't want to lose fat, you need to increase the amount of food you eat. But make sure you have a balanced diet. Consume foods rich in carbohydrates, such as whole grain pasta, rice, sweet potatoes, cereals and breakfast cereals.

Carbohydrates or proteins?

Carbohydrates are the fuel that energizes your body during workouts. Protein is needed in moderation for muscle growth and recovery, but the bulk of the energy we need during exercise comes from carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for muscles, and the main source of energy for the brain and central nervous system. nervous system. They play a vital role in sports where precision, quick decision-making, agility and coordination are essential.

Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. These stores are quite small in size, so regular consumption of carbohydrates is necessary to constantly replenish them. Low glycogen stores lead to decreased performance and increased risk of injury. Carbohydrate proportions vary depending on the sport, so it is best to seek advice from a qualified professional.

Proper diet

After eating, you should allow one to four hours to pass before starting your workout. Your body needs time to digest. The amount of time directly depends on the amount of food consumed.

The average portion of food takes about two hours to digest; it is recommended to start training no earlier than this time. Food should be high in carbohydrates, low in fat and protein. Eating too much protein or fat slows down the movement of food and makes you feel uncomfortable.

Food and drink also play an important role in effective post-workout recovery. Within 30 minutes after training, you should drink water and eat carbohydrate-rich foods.

Water during training

Dehydration is when the body's water content drops below normal level. It directly affects physical performance. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids before training. Drink throughout the day more water, juice or diluted fruit juice.

During exercise, drink more fluids; the more you sweat, the more fluids you need to drink. The carbohydrates found in sports drinks will help you maintain energy, and the salt will keep your body hydrated.

Different Diets for Different Goals

To lose weight or specifically burn body fat, the amount of energy you consume must be less than the amount of energy you burn. You need a special diet and exercise to make this possible.

There are certain steps you can take to reduce the energy content of your daily diet. Reduce your intake of fat, which is the most concentrated source of energy, and also reduce your alcohol intake. Eat less sugary foods such as candy, chocolate, cakes, cookies and sodas. Eat regularly, but in small portions, foods high in complex carbohydrates foods such as whole grain bread, rice and pasta.

Protein foods, such as chicken, fish, lean red meat, and low-fat dairy products, should be included in the diet in moderation. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. It is also very important to control your portion sizes.

But to build muscle mass, you need to combine strength training with a diet that targets that mass. This energy should come from foods rich in carbohydrates, and you also need a little more protein to build muscle mass. A large amount of protein is not required. It's best to eat small amounts of protein and carbohydrates before and after your workout. Low-fat milkshake great option.

Are supplements needed?

There are many different supplements on the market. Some of these supplements are produced without the necessary clinical studies. Athletes must select supplements carefully. Prohibited substances were found in some of them. First of all, make sure you have a balanced, healthy diet that is appropriate for your sport.

Consult a nutritionist with experience in sports nutrition. Such a specialist will tell you about supplements, and together you can choose the option that suits you.

Vostrikova Maria based on NHS materials

Probably every woman knows what excess weight is and how to fight it. However, the effectiveness of the chosen methods is often quite low. Even if you lose weight, you have to pay a fairly high price for it. These include digestive problems, fatigue and malaise, and in the most severe cases, even hormonal imbalance. As a result, as soon as you stop adhering to the chosen system, the kilograms come back, and even more so. That is why we decided to discuss the advice of a nutritionist today. Where to begin proper weight loss How to develop a rational nutrition plan for yourself that will take into account the characteristics of your lifestyle and provide the body with everything it needs - this is the topic of our article today.

Two whales, or the key to a slim figure

We probably won't open big secret, if we say that the basis of a slim figure is proper nutrition and exercise. If you develop a system for yourself that you stick to constantly, then you will forever forget about being overweight. We can justify our obesity year after year by the lack of time and money to visit the gym, but this will be of little use. In fact, you can effectively part with life-spoiling obesity at home; you just need to study the advice of a nutritionist. Where to start losing weight properly, let's figure it out together.

Let's start with planning

Indeed, without a clear algorithm of action, it is very difficult to go the whole way without turning off and achieve the desired result. First of all, honestly answer yourself the question of how many kilograms and centimeters from your waist you want to get rid of. This will be the starting point from which the algorithm of actions will be built. Moreover, this way you can plan approximately how much time it will take to achieve the result.

We must not forget about intermediate results, since these numbers will help maintain motivation to achieve success. And already at this stage you really need the advice of a nutritionist. Where to start First of all, by replacing carbohydrates and high-calorie foods in your diet on vegetables and fruits, healthy sources of protein and fiber. Emphasize to yourself that what is needed is a smooth replacement, accustoming the body to a new diet, and not a sudden hunger strike, which in itself is a great stress for the body. Gradually, you will come to the point that you will completely remove flour, fried, sweet and spicy foods from your diet. Believe me, your life will not get worse from this.

Proper nutrition: what it should be

It is with this information that the consultation of a person who suffers from excess weight who needs advice from a nutritionist. Where to start with proper weight loss? From a schedule and Sharply restricting calorie intake causes the body to slow down its metabolism or begin to destroy muscle mass in order to extract the necessary proteins. All this has an extremely negative impact on your well-being. Therefore, doctors, in particular Ksenia Selezneva (nutritionist), recommend drawing up a meal plan in which the entire daily diet will be divided into 4-5 servings. Between them, you can drink water, but do not have a snack, so that the food can be completely digested and absorbed.

Carbohydrates are your enemy

This statement is not entirely correct; in fact, the body really needs them - they are a source of energy. But while you are losing weight, especially if you are overweight, you should avoid sources. All foods with a high glycemic index (this only includes buns and cookies, beer and dates, potatoes, donuts, rice and millet porridge) will have to be excluded from the diet , since consuming them leads to rapid weight gain.Only when you get your figure in order, can you occasionally eat foods from this list.This includes all fast food, breaded chicken, and sweets.

Sports - yes, pills - no!

This opinion is shared by all professional doctors, for example, Ksenia Selezneva, famous in Moscow. A nutritionist knows firsthand about the effectiveness of various weight loss products. In most cases, these are just dummies that do not give results, but at the same time they are quite expensive. Even if the drug suppresses appetite and stimulates weight loss, you will not be able to take it regularly. This means that immediately after the course the weight will begin to increase and return to its previous levels. And all because the problem was not solved, you did not change anything in your power system.

The only drug that can give positive dynamics is Xenical. The drug blocks the absorption of approximately 30% of fats coming from food. However, the downside is that with an abundance of fatty foods in your diet, you will become acquainted with side effects, namely uncontrolled waste of feces. This is very disciplined, and as a result, a person begins to control his diet, and during the diet he loses the habit of eating harmful products. Many nutritionists in Moscow recommend taking this drug at the initial stage to ease and speed up

Exercise stress

Of course, without physical activity you will not be able to acquire beautiful figure. However, don't despair; you don't have to spend all day in the gym. To improve metabolism, even lungs are enough physical exercise. By doing morning exercises every day and a set of light exercises before dinner, you won’t even notice how much slimmer you will become. Walking is the best way to lose weight. It won't take much effort from you, just walk back from work. This way you will warm up after a hard day and put your thoughts in order, as well as create a stable base for weight loss.

Let's be patient

The best nutritionists never tire of repeating that losing weight should not be rapid. The faster you lose weight, the faster you will gain it back. The result of debugging your nutrition system, balancing your calorie intake and expenditure, will be a slow decrease in fat reserves. Even if you are overweight, this figure should not exceed 0.5 kg per week. The closer you are to your ideal size, the slower your weight loss will be.

The most common mistakes

Nutritionists never tire of repeating the same postulates, but the number of people willing to step on the usual rake is not decreasing. Therefore, we will once again bring together all the advice from nutritionists for losing weight. So, the first mistake of all those who lose weight is food restriction. Portions and diet composition are reduced. As a result, this leads to the fact that a person is constantly hungry, the body is stressed, and only food is on the mind. Doctors advise you to forget about express diets, you need to change your eating habits, change your lifestyle.

The second myth is that you should not eat after 6 pm. In principle, this is true, but only for those who go to bed at 22:00. If you are a night owl and go to bed long after midnight, then the break in food will be very long, and therefore there is a high chance of eating something harmful. Any professional nutritionist will confirm that eating at night is harmful, but if you arrive home from work late, it is recommended to make dinner as light as possible. Replace meat with fish, eliminate porridge.

Pasta, bread and potatoes are considered to be the worst enemies of the figure. However, doing without these products sometimes seems difficult. This is far from the biggest evil. If you eat fast food and sausage, add mayonnaise, then it doesn’t matter at all whether you eat pasta. Nutritionists say that it is not at all necessary to give up these foods. Just reschedule their appointment for the first half of the day.

The biggest blow for those losing weight is giving up sweets. In fact, such a drastic measure is not needed. Even on a diet, in the first half of the day you can allow yourself a spoonful of honey or 20 g of marmalade (chocolate). The most important thing is to enjoy the taste, savor it long and thoroughly.

And most importantly, any advice on diet should only be given by a professional doctor. If this system nutrition helped your friend or neighbor, it is not a fact that it will help you. If you want to change your lifestyle and become slim once and for all, then do not experiment on yourself. It is much better to go to a specialist once. He will take into account your individual characteristics and develop a system that is optimal for you.

You need to chew your food very thoroughly. Count to 30 every time you put it in your mouth. small piece food. If you are going to a banquet, eat two soft-boiled eggs. You will notice that it is much easier for you to stay within the boundaries of what is permitted. If you can’t refuse desserts, switch to cottage cheese with berries and grated fruit.

Practice fasting days: vegetable and curd, be sure to eat fresh vegetables every day. If you can't resist cheese, sausage and bread, cut them into transparent slices. It is very useful to have a rice day once a week. It binds liquid and contains a lot of potassium. This allows you to cleanse the body well.

Take only the smallest plates for yourself. Be sure to drink water, at least one and a half liters a day. As a reward for endurance, you can allow yourself a little sweets every day (a couple of dates, a candy). Treat yourself to a fish day once a week. If you feel hungry, then dried fruits will help you. Keep dried apples or prunes on hand. Before eating, you can eat a large apple; it calms your nerves and fills your stomach. Eat more often, but little by little, optimally 5 times a day. And skip the salt.

The most famous metropolitan doctors

Choosing a real professional is not so easy. Today everyone is just crazy about healthy way life and a slim body, which means that the demand for doctors in this area is growing day by day. Accordingly, a large number of incompetent specialists appear who are ready to openly fool people and extract money. So be sure to make inquiries before asking for help. Let's see which nutritionists in Moscow are worthy of your trust.

This is a nutritionist and sports doctor, medical psychologist. She uses neuro-linguistic programming with great success. The cost of consultation is 5200 rubles.

Anatoly Volkov is no less famous. This doctor takes a close look at your blood tests as well as your current diet. A nutritionist identifies foods to which the blood gives an increased reaction, much like allergens. After that, he makes a red list of foods, that is, those that cannot be consumed for 3-4 months. A green list is then developed. For example, in the morning you eat fruits and cereals, in the afternoon - cottage cheese, eggs, nuts and fish, and in the evening - baked meat. A consultation including tests will cost approximately 15,000 rubles.

Popular weight loss clinics

In Moscow, this is the “Weight Loss Clinic” on Varshavskoe Highway. Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov receives treatment here. He pursues the goal of normalizing metabolism using traditional, nutritional methods. Strongly does not recommend taking various supplements for weight loss. The consultation will cost 5,000 rubles.

Consultation with a nutritionist is also possible at the Center aesthetic medicine. Margarita Koroleva, famous in the capital, works here. She recommends drinking plenty of water and not eating too much at night. In addition, she recommends not replacing the joys of life with food. A visit to the center turns into a real holiday, with amazing chocolate wraps and fantastic “caskets” with dietary salads and carrot-nut cutlets, which are prepared in one of the restaurants.

Target: professional retraining of persons with secondary and higher medical, higher physical education education, with acquisition of a new profession.
Category of listeners: This course can be attended by citizens who have completed secondary or higher medical education, as well as higher physical education.

Duration of training: 900 hours (12 months).

Training mode: according to the calendar plan

Form of study: correspondence, distance learning

The first sheet of the educational program. Syllabus . Completely with educational program You can review it during the interview or send it to interested parties by email. These programs are not made publicly available due to the possibility of plagiarism.

The word "fitness" is translated from in English as "good physical fitness", which is usually achieved through proper nutrition and special physical activity. So, Sports Dietetics, or as it is popularly said abroad, Sports Dietetics is a science that studies how food products, diet and diet affect sports performance and the creation of good physical shape.
Specialists from research institutes of fitness and sports nutrition have found that a properly formulated diet (specially selected fitness diet) helps to maximize physical (sports) performance.
Combining exercise with healthy balanced diet improves the health and well-being of our sedentary population: helps reduce obesity, the risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, osteoporosis, and may have a positive effect on mental (brain) performance.
Deep and modern knowledge in the field of fitness and sports nutrition ensures a normal balance between physical activity and diet for people of different levels of physical fitness in fitness and sports.

What does a sports nutritionist do?

Using his accumulated knowledge, he helps athletes (teams), fitness enthusiasts and physical culture improve performance and performance while promoting healthy lifestyles and wellness.

If we take two equally capable, equally well trained, equally well coached athletes, we will see that proper nutrition and its regimen can play a decisive role in achieving victory or loss in competitions. Properly formulated nutrition does not compensate for the athlete's lack of abilities or missed training, but it can optimize physical (sports) performance.

Professional athletes cannot realize their full potential if they violate a diet and diet that is not balanced with all the necessary requirements. nutrients in quantitative and qualitative terms.

A sports nutritionist who knows his job and knows how to create a “working” diet should be an indispensable part of a sports team or fitness club. It is precisely this kind of specialist that is needed to establish the optimal strategy in the field of food and drink regime, corresponding to the personal regime of life, training and competitions.

In addition to achieving athletic goals and fitness, a sports nutritionist can help optimize (or restore) general state health and immunity, energy charge, mental concentration, body growth, body composition, body restoration.

A specialist can advise personally or through lectures (seminars) on the following issues:

Nutritional status assessment

Adequacy diet on carbohydrates, fats, proteins, microelements (calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin C and others), antioxidant status;

Pre- and post-training nutrition regimens (habits);

Choosing the timing of carbohydrate and protein intake in relation to the training process;

Control of dietary diversity;

Nutritional characteristics of people with diseases such as diabetes, anemia, food allergies and food functional disorders.

Body weight correction

Determination of adipose tissue;

Psychology of nutrition and eating habits;

Planning a diet that suits training programs for weight correction;

Dietary supplements, special sports nutrition products.

Menu planning

Dish recipes

Regime of meals and food intake.

Nutrition in preparation for competitions

Preparatory diet (carbohydrate loading and hydration);

One-day and multi-day competitions;

Meals on the road, during flights, during long trips to competitions (international, non-resident).

Drinking regime

Daily intake and norms of fluid intake depending on various circumstances and physiological parameters;

Hydration regimes during training;

Types of fluids and the effect of their consumption on hydration status (water, sports drinks, coffee, energy drinks, juices, milk).


BMI (height and weight);

ITB (waist-hip index);

Percentage of adipose tissue (measurement of skin fold thickness, bioimpedance measurement);

Measuring waist and abdomen.

other services

Introduction of a power supply system;

Restorative nutrition strategy;

Correct selection of products and team support during relocations and flights;

Diet Research;

Hydration status testing;

Selection of food products when purchasing;

Cooking methods;

Demonstration training exercises.

Only joint efforts in proper nutrition and exercise will help you achieve your goal as much as possible. The loss of any link in this chain leads to a pointless waste of time, effort and, most importantly, to the loss of hope for success.

Additional professional education

Olympiysky Prospekt, 29, building 2, Mytishchi, 141006, Russia

Course “Sports Dietetics” – a system for preparing a diet for physical activity on body weight correction to solve problems in proper nutrition programs. The main field of health science.


  1. Weight gain
  2. Maintaining body weight
  3. Weight loss


  • reduction of fat mass
  • increase in muscle mass
  • faster recovery
  • increase in strength indicators
  • reduced fatigue
  • increase in speed qualities

The course in dietetics includes the direction of nutrition, which is a system of preparing a diet for the purpose of improving the health of the body.

The consultant nutritionist course provides 3 various shapes training for everyone who wants to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. Upon completion, graduation documents are awarded - Certificate and Certificate for Nutritionist.

Dietetics training prices

Graduation documents

Accelerated learning

  1. More detailed information about the course for a dietitian (nutritionist) can be found by leaving a request:
  • visit our website –
  1. Filing an application:
  • indicate the necessary data (full name; phone number; email address; desired program - Sports Dietetics; wishes - Full-time training)
  1. Consists of one personal lesson:
  • day and time are discussed individually
  1. Payment:
  • prepayment of three thousand (3000) rubles 1-2 days before the start of the lesson
  • the remaining payment is due during class
  1. Course topics:
  • Body types

– Concept (what is body type)
– Meaning (why body type should be determined)
– Classification (what are the body types)
– Differences (what signs relate to body types)
– Definition 1 (anthropometric measurements)
– Definition 2 (calculation of body parameters)

  • Meal calculation form

– Designation of human anthropological data
– Calculation of basal metabolic rate
– Calculation of total metabolism
– Calorie calculation
- Calculation energy value nutrients by body type
– Calculation of the energy value of nutrients for an unspecified body type

  • Principles, advantages and disadvantages of a healthy nutrition program

– Concept (what is a nutrition program)
– Meaning (what is it for)
– Classification (what are they)
– Comparison ( comparative analysis)
– Organization (how to organize)
– Compilation (how to compose)
– Application

  1. There is no final test at the end of the course

Full-time training in Moscow

  1. You can find out the schedule of the nearest group by leaving a request:
  • in the “Programs” tab, open the “Sports Dietetics” section
  1. Filing an application:
  • indicate the necessary data (full name; phone number; email address; desired program - Dietetics; wishes - Full-time study)
  1. Classes are held on weekends from 9:00 to 12:00
  2. If a student misses a lesson, you can come with another group to the missed lesson.
  3. Payment:
  • total cost thirteen thousand (13,000) rubles
  • prepayment three thousand (3000) rubles 1-2 days before the start
  • the remaining payment is due at the first lesson
  • an agreement and a receipt for payment are issued
  1. The course consists of 3 personal lessons:
  • 1st – basics (theory) – 4 academic hours
  • 2nd – calculations (practice) – 4 academic hours
  • 3rd – application (theory) – 4 academic hours
  1. Structure of educational material:
  • 2 theoretical lessons
  • 1 practical
  • 30 core learning topics
  • 20 additional training topics
  • 1 selective topic
  • additional material
  • final test
  1. Upon completion, you will be awarded a Certificate and Dietitian Certificate.
  2. The graduation documents indicate 24 academic hours
  3. The form of study is not reflected in graduation documents

Distance learning

  1. Full information for clients can be found by leaving a request:
  • go to the school website –
  • in the “Programs” tab, open the “Sports Dietetics” section
  1. Filing an application:
  • indicate the necessary data (full name; phone number; email address; desired program - Dietetics; wishes - Distance learning)
  1. The training period begins on the day of payment, after funds are received into the school account
  2. Payment:
  • cost nine thousand (9000) rubles
  • contribution 100%
  1. After payment:
  • The teacher sends educational material for preparation to your email address
  • preparation time from 1 to 4 weeks
  1. Composition of educational material:
  • hosted on Yandex disk
  • distributed in numbered folders
  • consists of formats (docx, pdf, djvu, jpeg)
  1. Structure of educational material:
  • list of main topics for lectures
  • main lectures
  • list of additional topics for lectures
  • additional lectures
  • educational methodological literature
  • list of additional recommended readings
  • calculations of calorie content and nutritional supplements
  • food calorie table
  • maintaining a product table daily norm calories
  1. Upon completion of preparation, you should inform the teacher that you are ready to take the final test for nutritionist trainers.
  2. The teacher will send the final test to your email address:
  • completion time from 1 to 3 days
  1. Upon completion of the final test, the answers should be sent to the teacher by email, in the format (question number - letter of the answer)
  2. The teacher will notify you by email about the completed course.
  3. The certificate and certificate are sent by registered mail within 2 business days to the mailing address you specified.
  4. The graduation documents indicate 24 academic hours
  5. The form of study is not reflected in graduation documents

Main topics of full-time and distance learning

  1. Definition of the concept of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Anatomy of the digestive system.
  3. The main functions of the digestive system.
  4. Features and types of proteins of various origins.
  5. Foods rich in complete proteins.
  6. Principles, advantages and disadvantages of a protein diet.
  7. Metabolism and types of fats.
  8. The most important fatty acids.
  9. The role of essential fatty acids.
  10. Types and functions of carbohydrates.
  11. Glycemic index.
  12. Carbohydrate addiction.
  13. The concept of calorie content of food.
  14. Basic and general metabolism.
  15. Energy value of products.
  16. Daily energy expenditure of the body.
  17. Features of proper nutrition depending on body types. 1 hour
  18. Obesity as a chronic disease and social phenomenon.
  19. Principles and approaches to treating obesity.
  20. Mandatory measures to prevent obesity.
  21. The relationship between nutrition and hormonal levels.
  22. Hormones responsible for the synthesis of fats in the human body.
  23. The role of vitamins.
  24. Food sources of vitamins.
  25. Macro- and microelements.
  26. Types and properties of amino acids.
  27. Principles rational nutrition athletes.
  28. Drawing up programs.
  29. Rules for keeping a food diary.
  30. Classification of sports nutrition.

Additional topics for full-time and distance learning as a nutritionist

  1. Food pyramid and diet.
  2. Research methods used by nutritionists.
  3. Body mass index.
  4. Metabolic stages.
  5. Digestive diseases and diet therapy.
  6. Biologically active and nutritional supplements.
  7. Analysis of the Wellness structure as a new direction in the fitness industry. Wellness principles.
  8. Calliperometry and bioimpedance analysis of body composition.
  9. Micronutrients. Minerals. The role of minerals in the body. Sources of minerals in foods.
  10. Water is the basis of life for the body. Regulation of water-salt metabolism.
  11. Study of the Detox system.
  12. Dehydration and athletic performance. Rehydration.
  13. Vegetarianism. Veganism. Separate meals.
  14. Application of Ayurveda techniques.
  15. Glycogen exchange. Biosynthesis of glucose. Blood sugar hormones.
  16. Diets and their features.
  17. Provisions of the theory of rational balanced nutrition.
  18. Concepts and terms of nutritionology.
  19. Hypothetical man of the future and his nutrition.
  20. Nutrition in bodybuilding and fitness.


Questions and answers

What kind of training is provided in the course – Sports Dietetics?


  1. Accelerated - carried out.
  2. In-person – carried out.
  3. Remote – carried out.

What the cost of studying?


  1. Accelerated training – 13,000 rubles.
  2. Full-time – 13,000 rubles.
  3. Remote – 9,000 rubles.

What is the difference between face-to-face and face-to-face training material? distance course for nutritionists?


  1. In-person there is a practical lesson in which the teacher and students go through step-by-step the form of nutrition calculations, which includes a step-by-step determination of body type, daily calorie content and BZHU, formulas and calculations for gaining, maintaining and losing body weight.
  2. In a distance learning course, the practical lesson is theoretical and is included in the rest of the course topics.

What graduation documents are issued upon completion of nutritionist courses?
Certificate and certificate of completion of courses.

What qualification is awarded at the end of the course?
Sports nutritionist and coach who is a consultant on sports nutrition in sports.

In what organizations and areas can a specialist use the issued certificate in Sports Dietetics when applying for a job?


  1. A fitness center.
  2. Sports club (trainer).
  3. Beauty saloon.
  4. Personal consultant.

Is it possible to take a course for a dietician (nutritionist) without experience in sports and without special education?

Yes, it's possible. Dietetics training is universal and suitable for:

  1. For newbies.
  2. To improve the skills of professionals.
  3. For people with education in medical and sports fields.
  4. For people with other education (non-medical).
  5. For people who have no education.

Work without medical education is possible.


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